Cabbage By: Angela Warren. Cabbage History One of the most ancient vegetables Cabbage has been...


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By: Angela Warren

Cabbage History

One of the most ancient vegetables Cabbage has been cultivated for more than

4,000 years and domesticated for over 2,500 years.

Since cabbage grows well in cool climates, yields large harvests, and stores well during winter, it became a major crop in Europe.

History Continued

It was French navigator Jacques Cartier who brought cabbage to the Americas in 1536.

Other related cabbage cousins in the cruciferous family are: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, kohlrabi, and cauliflower.

William Collingwood of England was recognized for growing the largest cabbage which weighed 123 pounds during 1865.

Still History

The botanical name for cabbage is brassica oleracea capitata

The English name cabbage comes from the French caboche, meaning head.

The Celts brought cabbage to Europe from Asia around 600 B.C.

Legends and Myths

Greeks and Romans thought cabbage could cure any illness.

Egyptian pharaohs would eat large amounts of cabbage before a night of drinking, thinking it would allow them to drink more alcohol and not feel the effects.

Captain Cook swore that sauerkraut would save wounded soldiers from gangrene in 1769.

More Legends

Cabbage is said to contain chemicals that can prevent colon and rectal cancer.

Greeks used fresh white cabbage juice to relieve sore and infected eyes.

White cabbage juice dabbed on mouth ulcers will make them heal faster.

People who suffer from gastritis should drink fresh cabbage juice.

Don’t Forget This Legend

That babies came from cabbage patches.

Cabbage Varieties

There are over 400 different varieties of cabbage.

There are round to conical in shape, with flat or curly, tight or loose leaves.

The leaves can be found in green, white, red, purple, and light green.

The most common is the round, light green or white head variety

Red and Purple Cabbage

They take longer to mature They are generally not as tender as the

green and white varieties. The juice of red cabbage can be used as a

pH indicator.

Benefits of Cabbage

Anti-inflammatory vegetable Contains lactic acid that acts to disinfect

colon. Can be used to reduce headache pain. Anti-cancer properties and good for treating

skin conditions Drinking cabbage juice from the stem is a

good remedy for ulcers.

Cabbage Selection

All varieties are available year-round and weigh from 1 to 7 pounds.

Cabbage heads should be large and compact (not fluffy).

Heavy for their size Tender green leaves showing no evidence of

damage or insect nibbles.

Still Selecting….

Check the bottom of the cabbage to be sure the leaves are not beginning to separate from the stem, which is an indication of age.

Fresh cabbage will have a generous amount of outer leaves.

Do not buy precut cabbage, the leaves may have already lost their vitamin C.

Nutrient Label

Good News

Cabbage is very low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol. It’s also a good source of Vitamin A, Thiamin, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin C, Folate, Potassium, and Magnesium.

However, a large portion of the calories in cabbage come from sugars.


Do not wash cabbage until you are ready to use it.

Avoid slicing or shredding in advance, it may cause lose of vitamin C content.

If you must prepare it an hour or more in advance before cooking, place it in a plastic bag, sealed tightly, and refrigerate it.

Cooking Cabbage

Boiling tenderizes the leaves and converts some of their starch into sugars.

This develops a “cabbage aroma”. Cabbage is also consumed as sauerkraut

which is made from fermented cabbage heads.

Lightly cooking cabbage in a pan has a delicate flavor and pleasant aroma.

Cooking Tips

Complimentary herbs and spices for cabbage include celery seed, mustard seed, nutmeg, savory, tarragon, garlic, caraway seed, dill weed, black pepper, and thyme

Good companion vegetables are: potatoes, leeks, onion, and carrots

Also paired well with corned beef and sausage.

Random Thoughts

Many people will not cook cabbage simply because of the odor, which is to many like rotten eggs and ammonia.

Cabbage contains sulfur compounds that actually multiply during the cooking process

Boiled cabbage has a bad reputation because of it’s odor when being cooked and it’s reputation of promoting flatulence.

Baked Cabbage Bundles


1/2 cup walnuts, chopped soy sauce 12 large cabbage leaves boiling water 1 cup onions, chopped 1 teaspoon tasted sesame oil 1 cup cooked brown rice

Cooking Instructions

Directions:Cover walnuts with light coating of soy sauce and roast in oven at 300 degrees F. for about 8 minutes.

Cook cabbage by your preferred method and set aside 12 leaves. Cook onions in sesame oil until golden. Combine rice, onions, and

walnuts in bowl, adding a little soy sauce to increase flavor if desired. Roll this mixture into cabbage leaves and bake at 350 degrees F. for about 12 minutes.

This recipe for Baked Cabbage Bundles serves/makes 8. Recipe URL: ID: 2697


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