Caleb Ministries' Vision and Purpose Document



This document gives a more detailed overview of what Caleb Ministries is about and what it offers to Christian churches and leaders.

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Caleb Ministries Vision&PurPose

WelcomeWe are honoured that you have decided to take the time to read this document and trust that you will be inspired by the vision that God has given us for Caleb Ministries.

the vision was first conceived in 1998. We both felt the concern of God’s heart that throughout the UK and further a-field, tens of thousands of Christians of long standing have little working knowledge of, or ability to function in their ministry identity. Further, thousands of potential or existing leaders abound - often with an unrecognised, undeveloped and unreleased calling upon their lives. Many of these people have a sense of their calling and some have opportunity to express it in part. However, all have in common the feeling that they have more within them than they are currently functioning in and all desire to come into a greater freedom than they have experienced to date.

We have become keenly aware of this need within the body of Christ after devoting over 25 years of ministry as pastors and missionaries, equipping leaders and becoming involved in church planting. However, since 2005 we have been focusing upon developing Caleb Ministries to the point where it is now capable of bringing healing, mentoring and training to all leaders, as well as helping ordinary folk find and express their ministry identity.

With an emphasis upon relationship-centred training, Caleb Ministries has become a non-denominational ministry with a Kingdom heart that works with local churches and ministries. as members of the evangelical alliance we fully endorse its statement of faith.

Where we are up to and where we are going?

Caleb 14:24 was launched over 3 years ago with monthly leadership development days. We feel that we are now approaching God’s time to move into phase two of the vision. this will involve the acquisition of a large, rural premises that can accommodate more people - a Kingdom life centre. Once this is up and running, we will be in a much better position to offer longer, more indepth, residential courses in south Wales and provide a much needed spiritual centre for all churches and ministries to enjoy and receive from.

the ultimate fulfilment of the vision will be to develop this facility into a holistic centre, where many expressions of Kingdom life can take place. as well as primarily training leaders, it will employ local Christians, train and empower Christian business people, facilitate excellence in Christian art, craft and music and promote healthy living and abundant life in all areas. We also foresee it being a therapeutic place where people and leaders can come and be healed, restored and made whole.

as you read through the pages of this document, if you feel that you would like to receive more information about us and what we offer, or support us with prayer or financial assistance, or explore the possibility of networking with us for the extension of His Kingdom, please contact us as detailed on the back page. alternatively, check out our website:

Introductory Welcome from Rev. Martin & Sue Allen(Founding Directors of Caleb Ministries)

visionVision Statement


Vision Statement

Ministry Objectives

Core Values

Ministry Overview


Global Prayer Support

Board of Trustees

Council of Reference


to develop a holistic Kingdom life Centre in Wales that is infused with a prophetic and apostolic spirit. From this heart, invite, heal, train, equip, empower and release potential or existing

leaders into active, fruitful service for the glory of God.

VisiOn eXPanDeD

Develop a holistic Kingdom life Centre in south Wales that reflects Christ’s permeating •presence – His love, life and excellence in all aspects of wholesome human endeavour.

build a Holy spirit empowered and empowering team, functioning within the context of •relational Christian community, with an outreach heart for the local area.

into this ‘heart’, receive, shape, equip and empower potential or existing leaders from all •sectors of the Church.

Upon completion of the course and in consultation with their leaders, recommend them •for service that dove-tails with their call.

remain committed to each trained and released leader so that they eventually fulfil their •ministry call and thereby reach their full potential.

through relational bridge-building endeavours, develop a network of churches and •ministries with whom we can become a mutual blessing.

become a ministry that humbly serves and/or consults with any church or ministries in the •

love of Jesus, in whatever way both parties feel is appropriate.











2 | Caleb: Creating Anointed Leaders to Empower the Body

Ministry Profile

With over 25 years of senior leadership and church planting experience as members of the leadership team in two of the UK’s largest churches, Martin and sue have ministered directly into the Church both nationally and internationally. Up until early 2005, Martin was the british Director of the Joshua Foundation – a leadership missions training facility in tanzania, east africa where sue also worked as a teacher trainer. they lived and worked there as missionaries for three years before returning to the UK to begin developing the Caleb 14:24 vision.

Ordained as a Pentecostal minister in 2001 but with relational links across the denominational spectrum, Martin’s passion is to see leaders everywhere mentored, equipped and released into all that God has for them, so that the Kingdom of God is extended and expanded throughout the world. sue has a strong compassionate heart that exudes the healing love of Jesus to all she meets. she has a strong motivation to care for and minister prophetically into the lives of leaders and their wives. they have three adult children – rachel, Hannah and stephen and one grandchild, ben.

Martin & Sue’s

Objectives1. Possessing a ‘Different spirit’: numbers 14:24 records that Caleb was a man of a different spirit. so, in line with his qualities, we value:1. Courage to see with the eyes of our spirits, beyond the immediate, to what is possible with God.2. Faith working through a passionate love for God and His people, so that perceived ‘giants become grass-hoppers’ and perceived ‘grass-hoppers become God’s giants’!3. the cultivation of deep, meaningful heart relationships as a vehicle for radical discipleship and the coaching of our souls.

2. Servant-heartedness towards the Body: 1. by cultivating our hearts so that we desire and become servants of the body, facilitating pastors and leaders to bring healing, equipping, empowering and releasing to every member of the body of Christ.2. Pro-actively honouring and respecting all pastors, leaders, churches and ministries, irrespective of style or tradition who are endeavouring to seek first His Kingdom.

3. Christ-centred Brotherhood:We desire to create and radiate a warm brotherly heart in our interactions with leaders and people everywhere:1. by ensuring that this brotherhood heart pervades everything we are and do.2. by ever desiring to love at God’s intended level so that an atmosphere of openness, heart sharing and accountability is created naturally, thus promoting and modelling the spirit of oneness and agape love in all our relationships.3. by creating physical environments that are therapeutic and conducive to the cultivation of this heart - initially in our home and at other venues, but ultimately in our Kingdom life Centre, which will be the fulfilment of our dream.

4. Facilitating Leadership Identity, Christian Character and Ministry Competence: by pro-actively facilitating potential and existing leaders in discovering their unique spirit-filled personality identity, spiritual gifts and prophetic foundation and to empower them to be who God has created them to be by:1. Providing a wide range of prophetic teaching and mentoring sessions that reach and challenge the heart, imparting truth revelations that bring freedom, knowledge, confidence, and the faith to go and do.2. Helping to equip those ‘5-fold’ ministers of ephesians 4:11, called to equip the saints.3. reproducing ourselves by training and mentoring those who are called and anointed, to become capable of taking the Caleb heart and its courses to other churches and ministries.

5. Balanced Holy Spirit Encounters:Pursuing healing, deliverance and spiritual freedom by facilitating intimate encounters with the Father heart of God, thereby witnessing the reproduction of spiritual sons and daughters, achieved by:1. Helping leaders to become aware of their ability to hear from God.2. Helping to build confidence and faith so that they step out and engage in prophetic activity according to the spiritual gifts they possess, and to minister to one another using these gifts.

6. Holistic Kingdom Prosperity and Abundant Life Living:by helping one another become prosperous in soul so that the whole of life prospers (3 John 2). this involves all aspects of our lives and includes:1. Our mind, will and emotions2. the health of our minds and bodies.3. Our finances, businesses and employment.4. Our marriages and families.5. Our recreation .6. Our responsibility and love for the natural creation.7. Our care for the community in which we live.8. Our witness to the freedom of Christ in the world.

7. Apostolic Mission that Equips, Releases, Sends and Reaches out to the Harvest:to promote apostolic mission by helping to fast-track trained and freed leaders into fruitful ministry within their church and wider community, or where not possible, through a network of other ministries and churches with Kingdom, apostolic hearts.

Core ValuesCore Values

4 | Caleb: Creating Anointed Leaders to Empower the Body

to serve the wider Church by offering specialist ministry training and equipping for all, •so that each church’s need is met to bring spirit and soul healing, freedom and specific training to its people.

to reproduce ourselves and our ministry in others by training and developing key leaders •with the required calling and anointing,so that they imbibe the Caleb heart and become capable of delivering Caleb courses to churches and ministries anywhere.

to obtain and provide facilities of excellence that will support the above objectives and •which will become the home of Caleb Ministries. to ensure that these facilities become a kingdom life retreat and sending centre that is infused with an apostolic and prophetic spirit, pulsating with the love and life of Jesus.

to network with like minded Christian churches and ministries across the world with a view •to serving them either by: receiving their people for training Or sending to them those of our healed, identified and trained leaders who feel a call to go.

to become a ‘Kingdom home’ and a base for all leaders to come and network, relax and •become re-energised.

to develop a supportive prayer network•

Ministry Objectives

OverviewHow Caleb Ministries helps Churches and Ministries

the ministry of Caleb currently serves the Church in eleVen specific ways:

1. ‘Caleb Complete Leadership Development’ Course:leaders or potential leaders from all churches we are in contact with are invited to enrol for a two year leadership equipping course that takes place one saturday every month at our home. (Full details of each module can be found at

2. ‘Caleb Select’ Course:We offer a tailor made, specific leadership development course for any church or ministry. in this way, senior pastors, leaders or elders can select from the leadership or ministry topics listed in every one of our courses, those issues that they feel are most appropriate for their people and leaders. We then go to the venue of their choice on dates most convenient for them and their leaders and deliver the ministry or leadership topics they have selected. this can comprise of a one-off session to several or all of the sessions and topics on offer.

3. Caleb Cell Leaders’ Course:this course is aimed at existing or aspiring small group ‘cell’ leaders and comprises of 6 sessions, each containing two 30 min teaching slots and two 25 min interactive sessions. it examines a brief theology of cells before presenting a unique model of the ideal vision and content of a small group. the ‘thrills and spills’ practicalities of running a small group are then explored in some depth. this course has developed out of our own personal pastoring experience when we first became involved in church planting. We have delivered it in both the UK and africa. every time, the feedback has been very positive.

4. Caleb Freedom Course:this is a short course that either takes place on saturdays or week day evenings. Comprising of a 40 minute teaching slot followed by an interactive time of around 40 minutes, five sessions are required to complete the course. this can be done on two saturday sessions or spread over 5 weeks. they are designed to help all members of the congregation to become set free from issues on the inside that give rise to persistent problems on the outside. the course aims to help Christians who cannot seem to escape their negative mindset and world view that frequently ensnares them and adversely affects their relationships. the course deals with these issues by examining the cause of underlying strongholds, defensive reactions and lie-based thinking. One to one power encounter ministry always follows the teaching and significant positive changes have been experienced by many.

5. Caleb School of the Prophetic:this 4 session course focuses upon and celebrates the profound fact of scripture - that ‘… we can all prophesy’ (1 Corinthians 14:31) and thereby bring significant blessing and encouragement into the lives of the people we interact with. such topics as, ‘awakening the people of God to fulfil their call to be a multi-functional body’; ‘a biblical perspective regarding the ministry of prophecy’; ‘How to hear from God’; ‘How does God speak to us?’; ‘What constitutes a prophetic people?; How to effectively minister prophetically to people’; ‘Dangers to avoid’ etc are covered. there are plenty of opportunities to interact with one another, ask questions and explore our prophetic ability in a hands-on, relaxed, practical way.

6. Caleb School of Divine Healing:this 4 session course delves deeply into the whole issue of divine healing and explores what the bible teaches. it attempts to answer such delicate questions as: ‘Does God heal today?’; ‘is healing in the atonement?’; Why do some people – even really good, Christian people not get healed?’; ’should all Christians pray for the sick? if so, how do we go about it?’; ‘What constitutes a balanced, biblical view of healing?’ the course tackles these issues in a sensitive, respectful, yet real way. Delegates are encouraged to ask questions, challenge anything and discover how to practically, skilfully and successfully carry out what the bible teaches about divine healing.

Ministry Overview

“God is spirit and those who worship Him should worship Him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24

7. Caleb School of Worship:this 4 session course is designed to help people explore the heart of true worship. We examine what the bible teaches about worship and take an in depth look at what constitutes a ’lifestyle of worship’, before focusing upon the many creative and diverse ways in which we can give God the glory due to Him. the course ends with two practical workshop style sessions. the first provides an opportunity to express such creativity in worship and the final one is designed to help develop the leadership skills of those who have a heart to lead the people of God in a time of corporate worship. everyone with a heart for worship and especially those who have a calling to lead worship services, will get a lot out of this course that will benefit them greatly.

8. Caleb Marriage and Family Life Course:During this 6 session course we explore in a mainly interactive style, many areas that deeply affect the way we conduct our marriages and family life. such areas include: Protecting personal boundaries; the sexual needs of both partners; How to romance one another and put the spark back into your marriage; Guarding your heart and your marriage from attack; How to peacefully manage finances; the division of labour in the home; How to fill up each other’s love tank; Discovering your partner’s and child’s unique identity, giving them room to develop it and honouring them for it; How to ensure you are bringing up your child in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6); How to maintain a balance between giving your children plenty of love and enough discipline etc. this is a life changing course which has helped many couples in quite profound ways. it will enhance and improve all marriages and families.

9. Caleb Consultancies:there are many churches, ministries and Christian charities scattered throughout the UK comprising of lovely Christians with wonderful hearts and enormous latent potential. However, because of a lack of leadership identification, training and equipping, many of them struggle along, barely managing to survive. Caleb Consultancies was designed to work with such churches and ministries, as well as the pastors and leaders who may serve them, on a longer term basis. Following consultation meetings to ascertain the areas of their church/ministry’s life that need improving, a programme of development is then mutually decided upon and activated.

10. Caleb Road shows:realising that many pastors and leaders have little time to network with other leaders in their locality, Caleb has developed a way of bridging this gap by organising monthly breakfast seminars for busy leaders in a variety of locations in the UK. they are designed purely and only to build relational bridges of Kingdom unity in order to celebrate our oneness in Christ, explore how we can best help one another advance His Kingdom in the spheres of influence that we all represent, receive relevant input and extend our Kingdom networks.

11. Caleb Community Outreach Course:this 4 session course begins by first placing the subject matter firmly on a biblical basis, making a clear stand that we are not promoting a ‘social gospel’, but the Gospel of the Kingdom and the heart of God as outlined in isaiah 58. We then explore why the Church in general has often progressively failed to radically influence its surrounding community - who sadly so often view it as irrelevant. in contrast, we reveal God’s heart for people and community before dissecting the reasons why selected churches that we have been working with are beginning to be successful at helping to transform their communities. the course ends by giving some down-to-earth tools that help a church’s leadership get to grips with and lead the church to interact with their communities.

6 | Caleb: Creating Anointed Leaders to Empower the Body

Projected Expenditure Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Capital outlay to purchase the Kingdom Life Centre £500,000 - £750,000 £0 £0

Cost of refurbishing the Kingdom Life Centre £6,000 (for 4 months) £20,000 £20,000

Mortgage costs (unless gifted) £10,000 £30,000 £30,000 Furnishings £30,000 £3,000 £3,000

Running costs (power; rates; telephone etc) £2,400 (for 4 months) £7,500 £8,000 Salaries for Executive staff £8,000 (1 for 4 months) £25,000 (1) £50,000 (2)

Salaries for Management/Secretarial Staff £5,000 (1 for 4 months) £15,000 (1) £15,000 (1) Salaries for Maintenance staff £5,000 (1 for 4 months) £15,000 (1) £15,000 (1)

Salary for caterer £5,000 (1 for 4 months) £15,000 (1) £15,000 (1)

Food/domestic bill £5,000 (for 4 months) £15,000 £15,000

Teaching materials; books etc £1,000 £500 £700

Stationary and duplication machines £1,300 £250 £300 Promotional publicity £500 £1,000 £1,000

Travelling Expenses £300 £2,000 £3,000

TOTALS £579,000 - £829,500 £149,250 £176,000

the main financial cost will be to purchase the Caleb Kingdom life Centre as soon as possible. an estimate of the capital required for this, based upon suitable premises already on the current market, is around £500,000-£750,000. all churches and ministries will be able to use the facilities once they are running. However, those churches and ministries which have made donations to finance this project, will be able to use the facilities for their own Christian retreats at reduced cost, subject to agreement.

We have set out below two tables which project possible expenditure and income streams for the next 3 years. as you will see, once the initial outlay has been obtained, running the Caleb Kingdom life Centre will be relatively inexpensive. We therefore invite interested benefactors, churches, ministries, fund managers and Christians everywhere to prayerfully consider financially partnering with us.

Our needsFinance Global Prayer SupportOur goal is to recruit prayer warriors who faithfully pray into this vision and its needs on a once a week basis for a minimum of 10 minutes. to add your name to this list, please e-mail us on and include your name, church affiliation and e-mail address. Please also include the day and time slot that you wish to commit to praying for us. Further, please do not hesitate to notify us of your own prayer needs; we would consider it an honour to pray for you too.

8 | Caleb: Creating Anointed Leaders to Empower the Body

Projected Income Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Course Fees £15,000 £25,000 £40,000 Gifts from Directors £50,000 £50,000 £45,000 General Fund Raising £7,000 £25,000 £25,000 Loans from the bank £250,000 - 500,000 £0 £0

Gifts/Grants from Individuals, Churches & Grant-giving trusts £250,000 £20,000 £26,000

Income from the hire of the centre for outside conferences £0 £10,000 £20,000

Grants from Local Government £7,500 £20,000 £20,000

TOTALS £579,000 - £829,500 £149,250 £176,000

Board of Trusteesrev. Martin & sue allen see their bio on page 2.

rev. Paul Houiellebecqserving as an ordained minister for over 20 years in pioneering churches, in both switzerland and Wales, Paul has led with a Kingdom mindset, prophetic vision and with a deep passion for networking among leaders. He founded the beacon Centre trust in st. Mellons, Cardiff, that built a £1.3M community project to express the heart of God in creative and practical ways. He met Martin 8 years ago, engaged in east african church leaders’ training and they have linked up again over the last 2 years to help support the Caleb vision.

rev. Gary spencerHaving spent 15 years in leadership at one of the largest churches in the UK, Gary’s calling as a ‘leader amongst leaders’ has enabled him to network across the body of Christ, recently working with the Jericho Foundation in birmingham. He carries an insightful and prophetic gift and has blessed Caleb Ministries with such valuable contributions on many occasions. He has been a close friend of both Martin and sue for over 16 years and is a highly esteemed member of the team.

Council of Referencerev Dr Alan stephenson is Founding Director and CeO of the hugely successful leadership training institution, the Joshua Foundation, based in tanzania, east africa. Martin and sue worked alongside alan, while missionaries in tanzania. For further information, please visit:

rob Jones is a full time Church Consultant serving a number of churches across south Wales in an apostolic role. He is a Vice President Member of the national board of Gweini (the Council of the Christian Voluntary sector in Wales) and a member of the national steering Group of Waleswide, a church planting and strengthening network. He graduated london bible College in 1979 with 2 diplomas in theology. rob’s vision is for ‘transformed Communities through transformed Churches’ across the nation of Wales and his input to churches includes helping them to define and develop vision, train and build leadership teams and advise on strategic project planning.

rev. rodney Francis is the Founding Director of an internationally acclaimed equipping ministry based in new Zealand called, the Gospel Faith Messenger and is a published author of many books. rodney has ministered with Martin at the Joshua Foundation in tanzania and has been a valuable Guest speaker at our Caleb Courses. For further information, please visit:

richard Beard is CeO of the Jericho Foundation, a Christian social enterprise which supports those most disadvantaged in our communities to overcome barriers and become fulfilled, skilled and employed. richard lives in Moseley, south birmingham with his wife ali and daughter Polly and attends riverside Church. For further information, please visit:

10 | Caleb: Creating Anointed Leaders to Empower the Body registered charity no.1137692 . evangelical alliance membership number: 182975

“i have known Pastors Martin and sue allen for the past 6 years and it’s been a joy to work with them over that time. they came to tanzania to work as our british Director for 2 years and became involved in the training of leaders and bringing ministry to various churches of all sorts of denominational backgrounds. i know that many leaders and churches have been genuinely helped by their ministry. so i am glad to be able to recommend Caleb Ministries. now operating in the UK, i have taken part in some of their courses. it has been a delight to see the changes in people’s lives who have come along to these sessions. the dedication and commitment of Martin and sue to the on going job that Caleb is performing has been inspiring. they minister right across the body of Christ with the whole intent to see believers established into a great relationship with Jesus so that they can take this passion combined with what they have learned, back into their churches and regions to powerfully affect them. so i commend them and the

work that they are doing and encourage you to get involved with them too.”

rev. Dr. Alan stephenson (Founding Director & CEO of The Joshua Foundation)

“Over the last three or four years I have got to know Martin well. He is a man of impeccable character and the highest integrity. Without fail, Martin’s teaching reveals a burning love of the Scriptures and a level of insight that is always perceptive, challenging and rich with revelation. I would have no hesitation in unequivocally commending Martin and Caleb Ministries

to all and sundry.” Phil Davies LLB (Founding Director and CEO of Sporting Marvels)

“I have known Rev. Martin (and Sue) Allen for several years, visited and stayed with him when he was ministering in Arusha, Tanzania, and have also ministered with him in Pontypridd, South Wales, at his Caleb Ministries Training School. Martin has a heart to see people equipped and released into the service of the Lord. I recommend his ministry to you, and know his heart

is to bless, and be a blessing.”

rev. rodney Francis (Founding Director & CEO of The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry)

“Rev. Martin Allen is an excellent, inspiring and well informed teacher of God’s Word – able to share in a way that can easily be understood, but which contains many practical ideas so that people can “go and do”, rather than merely “hear”. His enthusiasm for, and commitment to Scripture is evident in every area of his life. As a former Pastor of our Church, his work amongst the people was quite brilliant: the people for whom he has cared have been discipled into loving, and very

committed believers.”rev. Dr. niall Cluley (Founding Director of the Renewal Bible School)

“at the beginning of 2007, i asked Martin and sue allen if they would deliver their Caleb Freedom course to every Cell Group in the Gatehouse Church. it took them the whole year to deliver the course and minister into the lives of the people in each of our cell groups and i can unreservedly affirm that it has been a great success. i personally attended their 6 week course and have since that time, received many testimonies from people of all walks of life in our church who have told me how the lord has healed and trans-formed their lives through the unique ministry Caleb Freedom has to offer. i highly commend this course – and Martin and sue, to any pastor or senior leader responsible for perfecting the saints. Caleb Freedom will deliver and significantly help your people.”

rev John Bullock (Senior Pastor, Gatehouse Church)

“Martin’s teaching sessions – short, sharp and very effective are done with love and humility. They have increased our knowledge of Jesus and His work in our community. We were expecting and we have experienced great things through Caleb Ministries. For the fist time, we have all experienced the development of our gifts and we have grown in wisdom and right standing which is turning us into a great power house for Jesus.”

Gary Coleman (Leader of Providence Church)


ContactTelephone01443 403201

Mobile07949 497403

Postal AddressCaleb Ministries33 Cliff StreetMountain AshMid GlamorganSouth WalesCF45 3LE

“the things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also”. 2 tim 2:2

Donationsto make a donation to this ministry, please use the following bank details:

Account Name: Caleb Ministries

Account Number: 3590383

Sort Code: 30 96 72
