CALIPSO Client Video Tutorials Project Plan · 3 | P a g e Goal Breakdown Schedule Goal: The main...


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CALIPSO Client Video Tutorials

Project Plan

LIS4910_IT_Project Sum12_J. Marks Shannon B Caldwell

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Project Charter

This project charter is for the authorization by the Florida State University for the

creation of a series of video tutorials for CALIPSO, a web-based software system that helps

track education hours and work hours for students and supervisors. The video tutorials will

assist supervisors and students in learning how to use the software, which will then allow the

FSU Speech and Hearing Clinic to be more efficient and effective in its treatment of patients. If

approved, a team of three students who intern at FSU’s School of Communication Science and

Disorders will carry out the completion of this project.

For this project, we will be creating two different sets of videos; one set will be for

supervisors and the other set for students. Each set will consist of 14 videos, for a total of 28

videos. All 28 videos will need to be completed by the end of the summer semester, August 10,

2012. The developer of CALIPSO, Laurel Hays, has personally requested that our team produce

these videos for her software.

In order to generate the highest quality of videos, we will be using Camtasia Studio 7, a

screen recording and video editing software. One of our interns will record his voice using

Camtasia, and the other two will work simultaneously to edit each video and produce each set

as a single video file with a table of contents. For this project, neither time nor knowledge will

be a limitation for our team. The resources available and skill set of the team will allow the

project to be successfully completed in a timely manner. Once the tutorials have been

recorded, edited, and stored for students’ access, our team’s portion will have been completed.

There will not be support available for questions that might arise, however, the clinic’s

supervisors will be directed to Laurel Hays, CALIPSO Client developer, for technical support and

training/software questions.

A project plan will be developed and submitted to the University for Approval.

Commencement of project activities will begin upon approval of the project plan by the Dean of

the CCI. Included in this project plan will be a goal breakdown schedule, scope of work, work

breakdown structure, project schedule, project budget, risk management plan, communication

plan, and a hand-off plan.

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Goal Breakdown Schedule

Goal: The main goal of the function is to create an easy-to-learn video tutorial of CALIPSO that will teach

students, professors, and supervisors how to utilize it.

Requirements: Requirements for this project includes a licensed copy of Camtasia Studio 7, computers,

and access to CALIPSO.

1 Initiation

1.1 Hold initial meeting one week prior to beginning of work

1.2 Purchase Camtasia Studio 7 video editing software

2 Planning

2.1 Meet weekly for progress report, updates

2.1.1 Provide weekly minutes to team

2.1.2 Discuss new business and new issues

2.2 Meet weekly with Supervisor on progress

2.3 Run test video to sharpen techniques

2.4 Decide on a suitable room for recording

3 Execution

3.1 Meetings will be held every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 AM to 1:00


3.1.1 Work to be done in conference room 312

3.1.2 Complete Supervisor Set of Tutorial Videos

3.1.3 Complete Student Set of Tutorial Videos

3.1.4 Review all Tutorials before submitting

Project Specifications

Project Title: CALIPSO Tutorial videos

Project Start Date:

June 4th, 2012

Project Completion Date

31 July 2012

Days Until Completion:


Cost: $300

Budget: $300

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3.1.5 Submit Final Project Report to HIPAA Security officer and Clinic Director

4 Controls

4.1 Set guidelines for recordings to ensure continuity

4.1.1 Use same background theme song for all videos

4.1.2 Use same highlights, zooms, and arrows for all videos

5 Close out

5.1 Review final deliverables as a team

5.2 Produce Handoff Plan

5.3 Send finished product to HIPAA Security officer for review

5.4 Produce final report

5.5 Copy final report and completed project to Clinic Director and IT Director / HIPAA

Security Officer

Scope of Work


It is our mission to put together a tutorial training package for the clinicians and

students of the FSU Speech and Hearing Clinic and its timekeeping and training software,

CALIPSO Client. We will do that with thorough planning, execution and review of our work with

the HIPAA security officer and IT director, Thomas Turner III. Everything will need to go as

planned for the project to be completed by the end of the summer semester. Contingencies will

be in place for any hang ups in order to facilitate a smooth transition to the next group of HIT

interns at the clinic.


All team members will be responsible for the successful completion of the project, but

we will all play different roles. Bo will be the voice of the videos; his job will be to record each

video, capturing each step through Camtasia’s screen recorder feature. OJ and Catherine will be

in charge of editing each video and adding in certain features like cursor effects, background

music, zooms, etc. Catherine will be in charge of putting each set of 14 videos into one video

file, and then converting it to mp4 format.

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Our team, consisting of Catherine Zappia, Orlando “OJ” Lorie, and Shannon B Caldwell

will meet to work on the project each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 AM to 1:00

PM for a total of 30-36 man hours per week, excluding holidays. We have mapped out a

timeline (detailed below) that will allow us to complete the project in that time frame.


Since all of the participants are unpaid interns, the only cost associated with the project

will be the cost of the Camtasia Studio 7 Software. This will be purchased by the clinic at a cost

of $300.00.


All Interns shows up on time, ready to work

Meet deadlines set forth in project schedule

The software works as expected


Timeline must be strictly adhered to; no leeway

Weather will not be a factor


CALIPSO tutorial training videos for clinicians and supervisors

CALIPSO tutorial training videos for students

Final Report for Thomas Turner

Project Schedule

Task / Milestone Duration Start End Participants

1 Preliminary Brainstorming Meeting & Install Camtasia Software

1 day 6/4/12 6/4/12 HIT Intern Team

2 Review CALIPSO Software 2 days 6/4/12 6/6/12 HIT Intern Team

3 Record Supervisor Videos 1-14 7 days 6/11/12 6/25/12 HIT Intern Team

4 Review and Finalize all Supervisor Videos 2 days 6/27/12 6/29/12 HIT Intern Team

5 Record Student Videos 1-14 7 days 7/2/12 7/16/12 HIT Intern Team

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6 Review and Finalize all Student Videos 2 days 7/18/12 7/20/12 HIT Intern Team

7 Review Final Product for Submission 3 days 7/23/12 7/27/12 HIT Intern Team

8 Present and turn in finalized videos 1 day 7/30/12 7/30/12 HIT Intern Team

10 Project Complete 1 day 7/30/12 7/30/12 HIT Intern Team

The preceding work schedule is based on 30-36 man-hours per week, each Monday,

Wednesday, and Friday, excluding holidays for a total of 13 weeks of work. Each team member

will arrive at 9:00 AM and work until 1:00 PM (or when the day’s objective has been met.)

Project Budget

FSU School of Communication Science and Disorders will provide the $300 necessary to

purchase Camtasia Studio 7, the software that we will be using to create the video tutorials.

Aside from the purchase of the software, there will be no other costs for this project.

Item Price

Camtasia Studio 7 Software $300.00

Total $300.00

Risk Management Plan

Event Impact Probability Mitigation Plan

Illness / Injury Delay of schedule 15 % Eat right, get rest, stay healthy

HIPAA Violation (On part of an Individual Member)

Removal from Team/ Legal Ramifications for said member

5% Work a few extra hours to continue videos on schedule

Expiration of Software licenses

Complete Interruption of work

25 % Get permission to extend subscription

Natural Disaster (Floods, earthquakes, tornados, electrical storms, and other such natural disasters)

Indeterminate postponement of project

Unknown Back-up site to be assigned / Handoff plan to be retooled.

Human Error (Events that are either

Loss of data or work 40 % Frequent saving of work and redundant storage of video

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enabled by or caused by human beings, such as unintentional acts, loss of work


Technical (Hardware or Software Failure)

Delay of Schedule 10 % Adjust on the fly / Get up and running ASAP / Online support from (Camtasia)

Communication Plan


The following document provides a summary of the communication plan for the

CALIPSO training videos project. It includes a list of the main audiences for this project, the

sponsor for the project, the goals for each of those audiences, the method(s) used to reach of

the audiences and the timing of the communications.



The sponsor for the project is Thomas Turner III, IT Director / HIPAA Security Officer at

FSU’s Speech and Hearing Clinic.


Communicating with Thomas will be essential for the duration of this project. Any

problems that arise during the project will be communicated with Thomas, and any questions

or concerns we may have with the project will be directed toward Thomas.


The best way to contact Thomas is via email or text. He is very rarely unresponsive to

those methods and usually answers in a timely manner. Other methods of contacting him

include going to his office or simply calling him. He is always available for contact from 8am –

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5pm, Monday-Friday. However, he does try to make himself available on weekends and after

hours on workdays.

Project Team:

The team for this project is made up of three members: Catherine Zappia, Orlando “OJ”

Lorie, and Shannon B Caldwell.


Communication between team members will also be essential for the success of this

project. Each member plays a unique role in the project, and we therefore need to

communicate with each other every time we work on it. We will be working together on the

project three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and communication will need to take

place during these times. Communication with each other will also need to take place on off

days, but rarely so.


Each team member will be available for direct, face-to-face communication during every

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The days that we are not working together (Tuesday,

Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday) each team member will be available for communication via

phone, text, or email.


Below is a diagram of how communication will work during this project. As you can see,

the three of us will be constant, direct communication with each other. Also, if need be,

Thomas will be available for communication. The chief mode of communication will be text,

followed by email, and face to face meeting 3 days per week. The occasional phone call might

prove useful as well.

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Thomas Turner III

Catherine Zappia

OJ Lorie

Shannon Caldwell

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Work Breakdown Structure / GANTT

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Handoff Plan

Executive Summary

This project has been fully completed. The details of tasks completed are as follows: A

copy of the final report has been produced for the project sponsor, Thomas Turner, and copied

to all stakeholders, project team members, and end users. All videos have been completed and

organized into a hierarchical video file folder which is located on the Clinic’s file server and can

be accessed by students and supervisors via Microsoft Remote Desktop with his/her user ID and

password. For any related future project(s,) links for how to use the Camtasia Studio 7 software

have been provided within this document as well as instructions for how to access the videos

themselves which have been uploaded to the clinic’s file server, accessible through Remote

Desktop. The video project files have also been uploaded to this server in a format that can be

easily modified using Camtasia should the need to upgrade any of the videos be desired as later

versions of Camtasia role out. Each project team member fully met his/her obligations for the

project and is recognized for his/her contributions to the success of the effort.

The progression of the project went largely as planned with little to no obstacles to

completion. The project team was small consisting of merely 3 individuals and the feedback

from the project sponsor and stakeholders was very positive. It is the opinion of the project

team members that all went well and little could have been done differently to improve on the

finished deliverables short of better software, which seemed unnecessary with the nature of

the types of videos produced being purely for educational use. At this time the project timeline

has reached its end, all deliverables have been submitted, and all project documents have been


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Goals & Assessments

Goal Assessment

Secure Funding for Video Editing Software 100 % Complete

Install Camtasia and Produce Test Tutorial 100 % Complete

Successfully Produce 28 Training Tutorials 100 % Complete

Reach all Milestones and Deadlines 100 % Complete

Produce Final Report 100 % Complete

Load deliverables onto Secure Server 100 % Complete

Distribute Documentation; Final Report to Stakeholders,

Sponsor, Project Team Members

100 % Complete

Pointers to Locations

Final Report: Calipso Tutorial Project Plan

Deliverables: Calipso Tutorial Video Samples

Camtasia Tutorials: Camtasia 7 Tips

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Customer Acceptance/Project Completion Form

Date: 3 August 2012

Project Name: Calipso Client Tutorial Training Videos______

Project Manager: Catherine Zappia, Shannon Caldwell, OJ Lorie

I, the undersigned, acknowledge and accept delivery of the work completed for this project on behalf of our organization. My signature attests to my agreement that this project has been completed. No further work should be done on this project.

Name Title Signature Date

Thomas Turner III HIPAA Security Officer Thomas Turner 3 August 2012

1. Was this project completed to your satisfaction? Yes No

2. Please provide the main reasons for your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with this project.

Videos were completed fully and were of high quality

3. Please provide suggestions on how our organization could improve its project delivery capability in the future.

None at this time.

Thank you for your input.
