Can You Start It? U NIT 8 Zhang Fei wa Listen and match. Warming up...



Listen and match. Warming up 鼠标点击图片进入,单击空白处继续鼠标点击图片进入,单击空白处继续 remote control computer fax machine microphone photocopier printer

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Can You Start It?UNIT 8

Zhang Fei wa

Listen and match.

Warming up


remote control


fax machine





n. 麦克风

Warming up

remote control


Warming up


n. 电脑

Warming up


n. 打印机

Warming up


n. 复印机

Warming up

fax machine


Warming up

1. Do you know how to use these devices and machines?

Warming up

2. Have you ever used them?

3. Do you know any other devices and machines?

Answer the questions.

Key Sentences

1. I don’t know how to

start the machine.

2. Look at the board.

3. I’ll have a try.

4. Is it out of order?

Warming up


stand formeans


board n. 仪表盘stop v.  停止

stand for  表示,代表     mean v.  意思是backward adv.  向后

forward have a try


forward adv .向前have a try   试一试

break v.  弄坏

Read the words and expressions and listen to the dialogue.

Lucy: Hi, I’m Lucy.

Calvin: Hi, I’m Calvin.

Lucy: I’m new here. I don’t know how to start the machine.

Calvin: Don’t worry. I’ll show you. Look at the board.

Lucy: OK, I can read “start / stop” on it. But what does B / F stand of ?

Calvin: B means backward, F means forward.

Lucy: I see. I’ll have a try.

Calvin: Be careful! Oh no. You broke it.

Warming upRead the words and expressions and listen to the dialogue.

1. Does Lucy know how to use the machine?

No, she doesn’t.

2. Does Calvin know how to use the machine?

Yes, he does.

3. What does Lucy want to do after Calvin shows her how to use the machine?

She wants to have a try.

Listen again and answer the questions.

Warming up

Read the text with these questions in mind.

1. What did Mr. Brown show Tony on his first day at work?

Reading and Writing

2. What happened while Tony was using the machine?

My First Day at Work I’ve got a new job in a factory and started working yesterday. Everyone was very kind and friendly. Mr. Brown showed me how to start and stop the machine. The buttons on the machine had different colours, and the different letters on them showed different functions. But as it was my first day at work, I was very excited by everything I saw, so I didn’t pay enough attention to Mr. Brown’s words. Because of my carelessness, I made a mistake. I pressed the wrong button and the machine broke down. Luckily, my fellow workers helped me fix the machine and it started working again. I feel so sorry for my mistake. I will take more care at work in the future.

Reading and Writing

Decide true ( T ) or false ( F ).

1. Tony is a new worker in the factory.

2. Tony doesn’t know how to use the machine.

3. Mr. Brown didn’t teach Tony how to use the machine.

[ ]







4. The machine broke down and the workers helped fix it.

[ ]T

5. Tony doesn’t want to use the machine in the future.

[ ]F

Reading and Writing

Fill in the blanks according to the text.

1. I’ve got a new _______________ in a factory and began

working yesterday.

2. The _______________ on the machine have different colours.

3. Because of my carelessness, I _______________ the wrong

button and the machine broke down.

4. With the fellow workers’ help, the machine ______________

working again.

5. I feel so sorry for my _______________.






Reading and Writing

Ben: Hi, Tony. You look unhappy. What’s wrong?

Tony: 1)________________________________

Ben: What happened?

Tony: 2)________________________________ The machine broke down.

Ben: Didn’t Mr. Brown tell you what to do?

Tony: Yes, he did. But 3)________________________________

Ben: Did the workers help you fix it?

Tony: Yes, they did. But 4)________________________________ Ben: Don’t worry. We all do it sometimes but be careful next time!

Put the following sentences into the correct places.

I didn’t pay enough attention.

I still feel so sorry for my mistake.

I pressed the wrong button.

I made a mistake today.

I pressed the wrong button. I didn’t pay enough attention.I still feel so sorry for my mistake. I made a mistake today.

Reading and Writing

showed him how to start and stop the machine

was excited and didn’t pay attention

pressed the wrong button

broke down

helped fix the machine

started working again

Pair work.

Language Tips:

Reading and Writing


I did some shopping this morning .

I got a new job in a factory last week .

We saw a film yesterday .



She didn’t make mistakes in the exam.

I did not press the wrong button.

Did the machine break down?

Did he show you around the city?

一般过去时的否定形式是在动词前加 did ,然后再加 not ,可以写成 did not 或 didn’t ,动词则保持原形。一般疑问句要在句子前面加 Did ,动词保持原形。


Look at the board.

Don’t worry.

Pass me the book, please.

当你想请求或命令对方做某事时,可以使用祈使句结构。因为是直接对对方说,一般不用主语,直接用动词。如我们说 Sit down, please. 而不应说 You sit down,please.

1. I _______________ (meet) Mr. White in the street last Sunday.

2. We _______________ (not have) English class yesterday.

3. _________ he ___________ (press) the wrong button on his

first day at work?

4. He _______________ (order) salad and beef at the restaurant

last night.

5. He _______________ (not remove) the paper from the

printer yesterday.

Language in UseFill in the blanks with the proper form of the words in the brackets.


did not/didn’t have

Did press


did not/didn’t remove

Complete the sentences with come , give , pass , press , start and stop.

1. Hi, Lisa. ___________ on in, please.

2. Ken, ___________ me the remote control, please.

3. My machine is out of order. ___________ me a hand, please.

4. ___________ the machine when you are ready to work.

5. ___________ the UP button if you want to move it upward.

6. ___________ the machine when something is wrong.







Language in Use

move it backward move it fast forward play the DVD

start the DVD stop the DVD

start the DVD

play the DVD

move it fast forward

move it backward

stop the DVD

1. Press the ON button to

2. Press the button to

3. Press the button to

4. Press the button to

5. Press the OFF button to

Skill PracticeFill in the blanks with the expressions in the box.

Skill PracticeComplete the dialogue with the expressions in the box.

have a try broken Something must be wrong What’s wrong

Steve: 1) ________________ with your bike, Ken?

Ken: I don’t know. I just can’t unlock it.

Steve: 2) _____________________________ with the lock, I think.

Ken: But the lock is a new one. How could it be 3) ______________

so soon?

Steve: Maybe just because of the rain. Wait. I’ll go and get some oil.

( Ten minutes later.)

Steve: Here you are. Put several drops of oil into the lock. Now,

4) ______________.

Ken: Ah, good! It works. Thank you, Steve.

Steve: You’re welcome.

What’s wrong

Something must be wrong


have a try
