Canadian Rail no010 1950 - Exporail Rail_no010_1950.pdfwill mark the 25th anni versary of the...


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JtT~Y-AUGU~T , 19~Q.~


The last rema ining Birney Sa f e t y Car i n operating condition in Canada, Montreal Tramways NO G 200 , will be us ed i n an Association sponsored excursion on Saturday, August 5tho Please note that this is Saturday comingo The t r ip has been p l ann ed to cover the whole Frontenac #95 route upon which the MoToCo plans to place trolley coaches within the next few weekso The date of the tr i p is the last day of rail service on the northern half of the route o Car is scheduled to leave the Hochelaga carhouse , at st o Cathe rine and Harbour Streets, at 2g00 PoM o Daylight Saving Timeo An interesting itinerary is being plannedo Fare~ $1000 if r ece ived on or before Friday, August 4th o Anyone appearing without prior reservation a t the carhouse on Saturday , will be charged $1 050 0 Send your dollar, along with. your name, to either of the under -noted members of the Trip Commit t ee:

A0 Clegg, OoSoA o Lavallee , 3 McDona l d Aveo, 6959 De l 'Epee Avenue, Ville St oLaurent, Que o Mont r ea l 15, Que 0


The Canadian Pacific Railway has, to the present time, taken delivery of six itA" and uB fI unit diesel-elec tric lo comotive sets from the Montreal Locomotive Workso The uA It units are numbers 4008 to 4013 inclusive , and the "BIt units bear the numbers 4404 to 4409 Lnc.Lus Lve , After a few t rial trips out of Montreal, the locomotives are being for­warded to northern Ontario for regular use on the CoPoRo 's Schreiber Division o

On Monday , July 3rd, the CoP oRo's new St o Luc freight yard was put into opera tion oThis is the first compl e t e electrically equipped and signalled hump yard in Canadao All operations from the former Outremont Yard have been removed to Sto Luc, and while the Hochelaga shop was to have been t r ans f er r ed as well, ' this has not as yet taken placeo

An addition to the CoPoRo ' s list of business cars has been made with the acquisition of the business car "Hamilton" of the Toronto, Hamil ton and Buffalo Railwayo The car is to be renamed "Kl ngamer-e" 0


The Canadian National Railways ' three new electric locomotives, built by the General Electri c Company , were placed in service on suburban trains through the Mount Royal Tunne l on July 28th, 1950 0 Numbered 200 to 202, class Z-5-a , they are 42' 10" long and weigh eighty~seven tonso The col our s cheme is black, with gold numerals o The CoN oRo insignia a ppears on the sides of t he cab, ~hich i s located in the centre o The pantagraphs are painted red o The y carry builder 's serial Nos o 30357 t o 303590

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~T~X-AUGUST, 19£~~


The last remaining Birney Safety Car i n operating condition in Canada$ Montreal Tramways No. 200, will be used in an Association sponsored excursion on Saturday, August 5tho Please note that this is Saturday comingo The trip has been planned to cover the whole Frontenac #95 route upon which the M.ToG. plans to place trolley coaches within the next few weekso The date of the trip is the last day of rail service on the northern half of the routeo Car is scheduled to leave the Hochelaga carhouse, at st. Catherine and Harbour Streets, at 2g00 PoM. Daylight Saving Time. An interesting itinerary is being planned. Fare~ $1.00 if received on or before Friday, August 4th. Anyone appearing without prior reservation at the carhouse on Saturday, will be charged $10500 Send your dollar, along with. your name, to either of the under-noted members of the Trip Committee:

A 0 Clegg, 3 McDonald Aveo, Ville St.Laurent, Que .

O.SoA. Lavallee, 6959 De l'Epee Avenue, Montreal 15, Que.


The Canadian Pacific Railway has, to the present time, taken delivery of six ttAlt and nB tt unit diesel-electric locomotive sets from the Montreal Locomotive Works. The itA It units are numbers 4008 to 4013 inclusive, and the nB tt units bear the numbers 4404 to 4409 inclusive. After a few trial trips out of Montreal, the locomotives are being for­warded to northern Ontario for regular use on the CoPoRo's Schreiber Division.

On Monday, July 3rd, the C.PoR.'s new Sto Luc freight yard was put into operation. This is the first complete electrically equipped and signalled hump yard in Canadao All operations from the former Outremont Yard have been removed to Sto Luc, and while the Hochelaga shop was to have been transferred as well; this has not as yet taken placeo

An addition to the CoPoRo's list of business cars has been made with the acquisition of the business car "Hamilton" of the Toronto, Hamil ton and Buffalo Railwayo The car is to be renamed ttKingsmere tt



The Canadian National Railways I three new electric locomotives, built by the General Electric Company, were placed in service on suburban trains through the Mount Royal Tunnel on July 28th, 1950. Numbered 200 to 202, class Z-5-a, they are 42' 10" long and weigh eighty-seven tons o The colour scheme is black, with gold numerals. The CoNoR. insignia appears on the sides of the cab, ~hich is located in the centreo The pantagraphs are painted redo They carry builder~s serial Nos. 30357 to 30359.

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Si x self=pr ope l 1ed coaches and t welve t r a i l er s wer e or der ed by CoN oR 0 during the month of .July f'r-om t h e Canad i an Car and Foundr y Company at Montrea l o These units are to be 70 fee t in length , of all-st ee l con­s t r-uc t Lon , and will be oper ated as six t r-a Ln a of 'thr ee cars ea ch on the e Le c t r-Lca L'ly -s op er-a t ed r uns t o s t 0 Eus t a che , Car tierville and Mon t r ea l Nord 0

Motor uni t s wi ll have a. mo t orman's cab and wil l s ea t 8f3 peopl e , while the trailers will a ccormnodate 84 pas s engers and wi l l include a t o i l e t , washroom and water cooler o

Montr ea l Tramways Company duplex cars 25 00 and 25 0 1 have r ecently been ov er-hauLed , repa:l nted and transfer red to Ho cne Laga carbarn for use on t he Sto Catherine Stree t routes o It is expec t ed that they will be opera t ed more in t ensively than f or mer l yo

On Stillda y , July 16th , the t res t le of the Cen tra l Vermont Railway a cross Mississquoi Bay between East Al burgh and Swanton s Vermont, was partially destr oye d by fireo The destructi on of t his br i dge has ne c ­essitated s pec ia l arrangements by the Rai l wa y to r eroute t rains via the former main l ine t hrough s to Armand» Que 0 crossing t he Ri ch elieu River a t s to John 's o Weight restrict ions on t he SL .fohn' s bridge require the use of CoNoRo K= 3 cl ass 4=6=2 t yp e engines on pas senger t r a i n s g with CNR N c l a s s and CoVoRo 4 5 0 ser i e s 2-8=0 engi nes on f r e ight t ra i ns o Thes e engines are doubleheadedj) s epara t ed by two cars on passenger trains!j and t hr ee ca r s on fr eight tralnso

Montreal Tramwa ys Company tr ack changes a t Snowdon June t i on , whi ch have been under wa y since May ha ve no w been completed , elimina t ing one of the worst traf fic bot t l enecks in Montreal o

The pr oposed plan of the Canadian Pa c i f i c Electr ic Lines, to abandon passenger ser vi ce on t he Gr and River Railway and t h e Lake Erie and Northern Railway a s r epor t ed in our March bullet i n !j was not approved by the Board of Transpor t Corrnnissionerso Contrary to reports in other publications s elec t ric cars sti l l pr ovi de regular pa s s en ger servi ce between Pres ton and Kitchener» Hes pa l er and Port Dovero

It is under s tood that t he Shawinigan Fal l s Ter mina l Railway will be taken over as a jo int operat ion by the Canad i an Pacif ic Railway and the Canadian National Rai l ways on September I st o I t i s ex pected that the present electri c lo comotives wi l l be replaced by diesel-electric locomo tives as a result of t h i s move» in s pite of the abtmdance of e l ectri c power at Shawinigan Fal ls (Story of t h i s l i ne i s i nc luded with t h i s i s s ue of theo

bulletin) 0


Plans are ten tat i ve ly b eing made to hold an ex cur sion on Sunday, October Ls t , 1950 , from Mo n t r-e a L t o Huber-deau , using on e of t he Ca nad i an National Railways I diesel- electr i c un :t t car s 0 Th i s t rip will commemora te the i n t r odu c t i on of diese l - electri c power t o the Rai l roads of Amer ica and will mark the 25th ann i versary of t he re cord-breaki ng t r i p of C.N oR. #15820 from Montreal to Van couver' in 6"'1 hours iJ in 19250 The September bulletin will give fina l d eta i l s r egarding t h i s pr opos ed eve n t o

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Six self- propelled coaches and t welve t rail ers were ordered by CoN oR 0 during the month of .Ju l y from the Canadian Car and Foundry Company a t Montrealo These un:Lts are to be 70 fee t :in length, of all=8 t eel con­struction.5' and wi ll be operated as six tr'a ins of three cars each on the electrical1y=operated runs to s t o Eustache ~ Cart ierville and Montreal Nord. Motor units will have a mo torman's cab and wi l l sea t 8B people , while the trailer s will accommodate 84: passengers and will inc lude a tO ilet" washroom and water cooler o

Montreal Tramways Company duplex cars 2500 and 2501 have recently been overhauled,9 repa:1.nted and transferred to Ho chel~ga carbarn for use on the St " Catherin e Street routes " It is expected that they will be operated more intensively tha n formerly.

On Sunda y» J"uly 16th~ the tres t Ie of the Central Vermont Railway a cross Mi ssissquo1 Bay between East Alburgh and Swanton!} Vermont!; was partially destroyed by fir e . The destru ction of t h is bridge has nec ­es sitated special arrangement s by the Railway to reroute trains via the former main l ine through sto Armand,9 Que 0 crossing the Richelieu River a t s t o John ' s o Weight restrict i ons on the sto john's bridge require the use of CoN.Ro K=3 class 4=6=2 type engines on passenger tra ins, with CNR N c lass and CoVoRo 450 series 2-8-0 engines on freight trains . These engines are doubleheadedjJ separated by two cars on passenger trains!j and three cars on fr eight tralnso

Montreal Tramways Company tr a ck changes at Snowdon Junction, whi ch have been under way since May have now been completed j eliminating one of the worst traffic bottl enecks in Montrealo

The proposed plan of the Canadian Pa c ific Electric Lines, to abandon passenger servi ce on t h e Grand River Railway and t he Lake Erie and Northern Railway as reported in our March bullet in, was not approved by the Board of Transport Corrnnissionerso Con trary to reports in other publications » electric cars still provide regular passenger service between Pres t on and Kitchener» Hespeler and Port Dover o

It is understood that the Shawinigan Fal l s Terminal Railway will be taken over as a jo int operation by the Canadi an Pacific Railway and the Canadian National Ra ilways on Sept ember Isto It is expected that the present electri c locomotives will be repl aced by diesel=electric locomo ti ves as a result of t his move.!> in spite of the abundance of el ectric power at Shawinigan Fal ls o (Story of t his l ine is inc l uded with t his issue of the bulletin) 0


Plans are ten tatively being made to hold an excursion on Sunday , October Is tjJ 1950, from Montr'sal to Huberdeau, using one of the Canadian National Railways' diesel-electric unit carso This trip will commemorate the i ntroduction of diesel-electric power t o the Railroads of America and will mark the 25th anniversary of the re cord-breaking trip of C.N.R. #15820 from Montreal to Van couvel' in 67 hours 9 in 19250 The September bulletin will give fina l deta ils r egard i ng this proposed event .



By Orner So A. Lavalee

The Shawi ni gan Fa l l s Terminal Railway was organ ized in 189 9 , and s t ar t ed oper-a t i on a in 1901 f r om Aldred Junct ion on t he Great Norther n Ra i l way (Canada) t o t he presen t Ci ty of Shawinlgan Palls, a distance of 4i mi leso The l i ne was cons t ructed t o bring machinery t o t he power plants then being con s t r ucted o

Since t ha t t ime » the S oFoToR. has expanded into a terminal railway s erving both rai lway systems and a l l i ndustrie s in Shawinigan Fa lls o In 1930, the Canadi an National Rai lwa ys , successors of the Great Northern Railway and the Canadian Northern Qu ebec Rai l way , reloc a t ed t he i r line in the vicinity of t he St o Maurice River bringing t he Montr eal= Garneau line t h r ough the City of Shawini gan Fal l s itselfo The line to Aldred Juncti on was abandoned and disman t l ed , excep t f or the lower portion which i s pres ently used as a sidingo

The S oFoToRo serves a total of 21 mi le s of e lectrified trackage, dis tribut ed as fol lows g

Shawini ga n Falls Terminal Railway 0 • 0 0 0 2 miles0 • • • •

Canadian Nat i onal Ra i l ways 0 0 0 •• 0 0 .•• 0 0 o. si miles 0Ca nad i an Pac if ic Rai lway 0 0 . . 0 • • • 0 0 • 0 0 5~· miles

Pri va t e industrial s i d ings 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 miles0

From 1901 to 1912 , the r ailway was operated on a voltage of 500 volts DC , bu t i n 1912 i t was r aised to 6600 volts, AC, s ingle-phaseo To t he great relief of employees, it was l owered in 1917 t o the present 600 volts, d i r ec t cu r r ent o


10 Mont r ea l Stree t Railway 1901 Ope r a t ed f r om 1 901 to 1 908 0 Sold in 1912 to a company i n s t o Oat har-Lne s , Onto Eventually went to Ni a gar a , st. Ca tharine s & Tor on t o Rai l wa y , l a ter to t h e Cor nwa l l (Ont o' Street Rai lwa y a s N0 070 Now (1 950' Cour t a l ds (Canada) Limi ted No . 7 0 Equipped with Montreal t r ucks. Used trol ley when i n use on SoFoT oRo, 500 volts. DCo

2 0 General Ele c t r i c 1908 Bui lt to operate on t h re e vo l tages , mentioned aboveo Steeple cab o 50 t ons weight o Four 100=hopo mo tors o Used trolleys t o 1911 , t h en pant agraphs . I n us e 19500

30 Montreal Locomot i ve Works 1916 2=4=2T t ype s team l ocomo t i ve. Sold 1919 to F oW o Smith, Longue Pointe , a con tractor.

4 0 Albany Sou thern Ra i lway 1906 Box cab , acquired from Albany Southern Ryo in 19180 Equipped with aTaunton" t r ucks . four 100=hp o motors, 600 v. DCo Thi s en gine was built f rom s par e parts . In us e 19500

50 Na t i on a l St ee l Car 1918 Steeple cab. 600 V o DCo For merly Ontario Hydro =El ectri c Power Commissi on NO oE-190 Acqu i r ed in March 1924, sold in July 1924 to Montmorency Di v a of the Queb ec Ry o Ligh t & Power, becoming their No o 33 0



By Orne r S. A. Lavalee

The Shawin igan Falls Ter minal Railway was organized in 1899, and s tar ted opera t ions in 1901 f r om Aldred Junct ion on the Great Northern Rai l way (Canada) t o t he pres en t Ci t y of Shawinigan Palls j a distance of 4! miles. The line wa s construct ed to bring machinery to the power plants then being cons t ruc t ed.

Since that t ime 9 the SoFoToR. has expanded into a terminal railway serving both r a i l way sys tems and all industries in Shawinigan Falls o In 1930 9 the Canadian National Railways, successors of the Great Northern Railway and the Canadian Northern Quebec RailwaYj relocat ed their line in the vicinity of the Sto Mauric e River bringing the Montreal=Garneau line through the City of Shawinigan Falls itself. The line to Aldred Junction was abandoned and dismantled» excep t f or the lower portion which is presently used as a sidingo

The S.FoT.R. serves a total of 21 miles of electrified trackage, distributed as fo1 l ows g

Shawinigan Falls Terminal Railway • • • . 0 • • • • 0

Canadian National Railways • • • .• • • • Canadian Pacific Rai l way • • . . . • . • 0 • • • • •

Private industrial sidings • • • . • • • • 0 0 0 • 0

2 miles 8! miles 5~· miles 5 miles

From 1901 to 1912, the r ailway was operated on a voltage of 500 volts DC » but in 1912 it was raised to 6600 volts, AC, single-phaseo To t he great relief of employees.\> it was l owered in 1917 to the present 600 volts, d irect current .


I. Montreal Street Railway 1901 Operated from 1901 to 1908. Sold in 1912 t o a company ln st. Ca tha:r'ines 9 Ont. Eventually went to Niagara , st. Catharines & Toronto RailwaY9 later t o the Cornwa l l (Ont.) Street Railway as No.7. Now (1950) Courtalds (Canada) Li mited No.7. Equ ipped with Montrea l trucks. Used tro lley when in use on S. F oT.R., 500 volts» DC.

2 . General Electr i c 1908 Bui l t to operate on t hree voltages, mentioned above. Steepl e cab . 50 t ons weight. Four 100=hopo motorso Used t rolleys to 1911~ then pant agraphso I n use 19500

3. Montreal Lo comotive Works 1916 2-4- 2T t ype steam locomotive. Sold 1919 to FoW. Smith~ Longue Pointe$ a contractor.

40 Albany Sout hern Railway 1906 Box cab~ acquired from Albany Southern Ry. in 1918. Equipped with ItTaunton" trucks,? four 100=hpo motors" 600 v. DC. This engine was built from spare parts . In use 1950.

5. Na t ional St ee l Car 1918 Steeple cab, 600 v. DC. Formerly Ontario Hydro~Electri c Power Commission NO.E-19. Acquired in March 1924 " sold in July 1924 to Montmorency Div. of the Quebec Ryo Light & Power» becoming their No o 33 .

' >.­,


60 Nationa+ Steel Car 1918 Same as No.5. Formerly OoHoEoPoCo E-20. Both ' engines purchased through Hydro Salvage Syndicate. Four lOO-hopo motors. In use 19500

7. General Electric (10040) June 19260 Steeple-cab. 50-tons. Inside frame trucks . Four 100-hopo motors. 600 v O DC. Formerly Delaware Lackawanna & We s t e r n No. 4001, used at Kingsland, New Jersey o In use 1950 0



6 0 Nationat Steel Car 1918 Same as NO o5o Formerly OoHoEoPoCo E-20. Both ' engines purchased through Hydro Salvage Syndicate. Four 100-hopo motorso In use 19500

7. General Electric (10040) June 19260 Steeple-cabo 50-tons 0 Inside frame trucks. Four 100-hopo motors. 600 VO DC. Formerly Delaware Lackawanna & Western No o 4001, used at Kingsland, New Jerseyo In use 1950 0

