Carpet Cleaning Equipment FAQs



Only the right carpet cleaning equipment will get the job done fast and right to a consistent standard, every time. Knowing the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions can ensure that the right carpet cleaning machines can be had. Read on to learn what these are.

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Carpet Cleaning Equipment FAQs As you’ve probably realised by now, carpet cleaning equipment comes in many different types with each one having its own set of features and functions. The process of choosing the right machine can be made simpler with the right knowledge. The following is a list of the most frequently asked questions along with their answers to offer some clarity: Question: What are the different types of carpet cleaning machines? Answer: Perhaps the most commonly used type is truck mount carpet cleaning equipment. Designed for frequent use and handling heavy-duty tasks, truck mounts are ideal for cleaning large industrial and commercial areas and for use by cleaning professionals looking for a machine with power, versatility and durability. Portable carpet cleaners are easy to transport and clean harder-to-reach areas while carpet extractors give the deepest clean and are designed to clean and dry carpet at the same time. Another type is encapsulation carpet cleaners, which are a low flow model that uses powerful agitation but at the same time significantly less moisture, to leave carpets almost completely dry after cleaning. Question: Other than carpet, what other surface types can carpet cleaning equipment be used to clean? Answer: Truck mount systems and portable machines clean carpet as well as hard surfaces such as tile and grout while carpet extractors can be used on upholstery. Question: Which carpet cleaners are most effective? Answer: The answer to this question will really depend on what your requirements are. Each individual will have their own cleaning needs, so the carpet cleaner that has features and qualities that will best meet those needs will prove most effective. If you’re looking to clean large industrial and commercial spaces such as factories and warehouses then truck mount systems would be ideal. For medium sized areas that receive heavy foot traffic such as long hallways in office buildings, then opt for a carpet extractor or encapsulation carpet cleaner. Portable carpet cleaners on the other hand, are best suited for spot cleaning or cleaning smaller areas such as a small office or classroom.

Question: What features are needed in a carpet cleaning machine? Answer: Durability is key. You want a machine that has a strong and robust construction for a long working life and the carpet cleaner you choose should be easy to operate and powerful. Consult a reputable supplier to determine if there are any additional accessories and attachments that you may need. Choosing the right carpet cleaning equipment can only be done with the right knowledge. Now that you know the different types, cleaning capabilities and features of carpet cleaning machines, an informed purchasing decision can be made. With the right equipment, your floors and surfaces can be made a lot cleaner. About Steamaster Steamaster is a company that specializes in manufacturing and supplying industrial-grade cleaning equipment. For over 50 years, Steamaster has been helping businesses to select the right carpet cleaning equipment and can help you too. For specialist buying advice head to
