Case Virchows


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  • 7/27/2019 Case Virchows


    BAB I


    I. identity

    Name: Mrs. S

    Age: 27 years

    Gender: Female

    Occupation: Housewife

    Address: Bukung

    II. Anamnesis (Alloanamnesis)

    Main complaints: a lump in the neck

    Additional complaints: fever

    History Disease Now:

    Patient was taken to hospital Arjawinangung with a complaint of a lump in the

    neck since 1 month ago. The patient also had a fever since 5 days ago. Initially

    a small lump gradually enlarged.

    Past history of disease:

    The patient had never had a disease like this before. patient also denies having

    diabetes mellitus and hypertension.

    Family history of disease:

    Patients admitted in my family no one has ever had the same disease.

    III. physical examination

    Generalist Status

    General Condition: Moderate Pain

    Awareness: compost mentis

    Vital Signs: BP: 120/80 mmHg

    N: 92 x / min

    S: 37.8 C

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    R: 24 x / min

    Head: Normocephal

    Eyes: Conjunctiva anemis - / -

    Sclera jaundice - / -

    Pupillary reflex - / -

    Neck: The thyroid was not palpable enlarged

    KGB: palpable enlarged


    I cast: iktus cordis is not visible

    P: iktus cordis palpable on ICS V line midclavikula

    P: cardiac borders easily assessed

    A: BJ regular I-II, murmurs (-), gallop (-)

    Pulmo I: symmetrical piston movement in a static state and dynamic

    P: vocal fremitus at the right and left hemithorax

    P: resonant to both lung field

    A: Vesicular, rhonki - / -, wheezing - / -

    Abdomen I: convex, symmetric, surgical wound (+)

    A: Bowel (+) normal

    P: Timpani whole abdominal field

    P: soft, tenderness (+), liver palpable 8 cm,

    Left Right Superior Extremity: edema (-), warm akral

    Right inferior Left: edema (-), warm akral

    Localist status:

    Lump left neck measuring 5 cm, rubbery, mobile.

    Examination Support



    WBC 8.5 10^3/ 4.0-12.0

    LYM 2.8 10^3/ 1.0-5.0

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    MON 1.5 H 10^3/ 0.1-1.0

    GRANUL 4.0 10^3/ 2.0-8.0

    LYM % 36,8 % 25.0-50.0

    MON% 17,0 H % 2.0-10.0

    GRANUL% 46.2 L % 50.0-80.0

    RBC 4.58 10^6/ 4.0-6.20

    HGB 12.5 g/dl 11.0-17.0

    HCT 39.5 % 35.0-55.0

    MCV 86.2 80.0-100.0

    MCH 27.3 Pg 26.0-34.0

    MCHC 31.6 g/dl 31.0-35.0

    RDW 12.6 % 10.0-16.0

    PLT 290 10^3/ 150.0-400.0

    MPV 8.7 7.0-11.0

    PCT 0.252 % 0.200-0.50

    POW 14.1 % 10.0-18.0

    KGDS : 78 mg/dL


    Hematologi (darah


    Waktu perdarahan 2 1-3 menit

    Waktu pembekuan 4 2-6 menit

    IV. differential diagnosis

    1. Hodgin's Lymphoma

    2. Virchow's nodule

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    V. working diagnosis

    Virchow's nodule

    VI. management


    RL infusion of 20 drops per minute

    Cefotaxime 2x1 amp

    Ketorolac 2x1 amp

    debridement therapy: Wound toilet

    VII. prognosis

    Ad Vitam: ad bonam

    Ad Functionam: ad bonam

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    BAB II


    Nodule was Virchow's lymph node contained in the left supraclavicular fossa (the

    area located above the left clavicula).If found an enlarged nodule with hard

    consistency (Troiser's sign) is indicating the presence of a malignancy in the

    abdominal area, especially gastric cancer, which metastasize to limfogen.


    Nodules Virchow's immortalized his name is Rudolf Virchow as the founder, a

    German pathologist, who first described the relationship with the enlargement of the

    gland malignancy in the stomach in 1848. Expert pathological France, Charles Emile

    Troiser, in 1889 suggested that the malignancy in the abdominal area can also

    metastasize to lymph.

    C. Anatomy and histology

    Lymph nodes are round-shaped organ with a small size as an immune system are

    widely distributed throughout the body and linked by lymphatic vessels. Lymph node

    cells stored on B lymphocytes, T, and other immune cells. Lymph-node serves as a

    filter. These nodes also have clinical significance, can become inflamed or enlarged in

    various conditions (from infection to malignancy). Based on clinical signs, can be

    determined the degree of malignancy can be determined so that the therapeutic action

    and disease prognosis.

    Lymph node is surrounded by a fibrous capsule and in the lymph node the fibrous

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    capsule extends to form trabeculae.Substance of the lymph nodes are divided into

    outer cortex and inner medulla is surrounded by a constituent except the hilum area,

    where the medulla associated with the surface.

    Thin reticular fibers, elastin and reticular fibers form a strong fabric known as

    interlacing reticular in the node, with in which there are white blood cells, particularly

    lymphocytes, in the form of solid follicles in the cortex. Elsewhere there are

    sometimes only white blood cells only. Not only strengthen the fabric of the reticular

    structure but also provides a surface for adhesion of dendritic cells, macrophages and

    lymphocytes.Interwoven enables the exchange of material transported through the

    blood-venule endothelial venules and provide growth factors and regulators are

    required for the activation and maturation of immune cells. The amount and

    composition of the follicles and change in particular when dealing with the antigen

    and form a germinal center.

    Lymph sinus is a channel with a crease in it there is lymph node by the endothelial

    cells with fibroblast reticular cells and allows the lymphatic flow, embut through

    it. Subcapsular sinus sinuses are located inside the capsule and endoteliumnya

    continues into afferent lymphatic vessels.This sinus is also continuing with similar

    sinuses flanking the trabeculae to the cortex in it (cortical sinuses). Cortical sinuses

    flanking the trabeculae drain into the sinuses of the medulla, where the flow of

    lymphatic flow to efferent lymphatic vessels.

    Multiple afferent lymphatic vessels branched and extends inside the capsule bring

    lymph to the lymph nodes. Lymph node subcapsular sinus is entered. The innermost

    layer of the afferent lymphatic vessels continued to frown cells of lymphatic

    sinuses. Lymph is slowly filtered through the substance of the lymph nodes and

    eventually reach the medulla. On his way to see the sap beninng lymphocytes and

    their activation may be initiated as part of the adaptive immune response. Concave

    side of the lymph node is called the hilum. Efferent hilum by binding tightly

    interwoven reticulum and carry lymph out of the lymph nodes.

    CortexIn the cortex, the subcapsular sinus flows into trabecular sinuses and lymph

    flow to the sinuses of the medulla.The outer cortex is composed mainly by B cells

    arranged as follicles, which can form the germinal centers as against the antigen, the

    deeper cortex mainly consist of T cells This zone is known as subcortical zone where

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    T cells primarily interact with dendritic cells and in which the reticular densely


    MedullaThere are two structures in the medulla name:o Corda medulla is corda and

    lymphatic tissues including plasma cells, macrophages and B cellso medulla sinuses

    (or sinusoids) are vessel space that separates the medulla corda. Lymph flow to the

    medulla of the sinus cortical sinus and into the efferent lymphatic vessels. Sinus

    medulla contains histiiosit (Immobile macrophages) and reticular cells.

    Lymphatic flowLymph flow to the lymph nodes via afferent lymphatic vessels and

    lymph flow into the space under the capsule called the subcapsular sinus.Subcapsular

    sinus flow into trabecular sinuses and finally into a sinus medulla.Sinus cavity was

    crossed pseudopoda macrophages, which contribute to memperangkap foreign

    particles and the filter lymphatic. Sinuses of the medulla met in spleen and left hilum

    and lymph nodes through efferent lymphatic vessels and then flow into the subclavian

    vein, postkapiler venules, cross the wall through the process of diapedesis. B cells

    migrate to the nodular cortex and medulla. T cells migrate into the inner cortex


    When lymphocytes recognize the antigen, B cells are activated and migrate togerminal centers. When the antibody produced by plasma cells are formed, they

    migrate to the spinal cord.Stimulation of lymphocytes by antigen migration process is

    accelerated by 10 times faster than normal, resulting in a characteristic swelling of the

    lymph nodes. Spleen and tonsils adal lymphoid organ that has the same function as

    lymph nodes, spleen of blood through the filter more than through the lymph nodes.

    Distribution Lymph nodes in head and neck:

    cervical lymph node anterior cervical: glands here, either superficial or deep, back in

    the muscle strenocleidomastoideus. They drain the contents into the throat and

    posterior pharynx, tonsils and thyroid gland. Posterior cervical: These glands

    extending to the posterior sternokleidomastoideus but in front of the trapezius, from

    the highest part of the mastoid temporal bone to the clavicle. The gland is enlarged

    when there is infection of the upper airway.

    Tonsil or submandibular: These glands are located below the mandibular angle,along the bottom of the chin. They flow into the tonsils and pharyngeal region,

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    including the basic structure of the mouth and the maxillary anterior and molar 1 and

    2. They also flow to the mandibular teeth except the incisors.

    Retrofaring: limf drainage from mole palate and the third molar.

    Sub-mental: These glands are located just below the chin. They flow into the

    middle incisors, floor of the mouth and base of the tongue.

    supraclavicular lymph nodes: these glands run along the clavicle, where the lateral

    joins the sternum. They flow into the thoracic cavity and abdomen.Virchow's nodule

    in the supraclavicular lymphatic glands are receiving from all over the body

    limfatiknya flow through the ductus thorasikus and is a favorite place for metastatic


    Thoracic lymphatic glands

    Lymphatic glands in the lungs: limf drained from the lung tissue through the lymph

    nodes subsegmental, segmental, lobar and inter lobar lymph nodes leading

    to hillus, which are located around the hilum. The flow of lymphatic flow to the

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    mediastinal lymph nodes. Mediastinal lymph nodes: they consist of a several lymph

    node groups limfatik, especially along the trachea, along the esophagus

    and between the lungs and diaphragm. In the mediastinal lymph node glands from

    lymphatic ducts which drain into the subclavian vein limf the left. Mediastinal lymph

    nodes along the esophagus programs so closely connected in the abdominal lymph

    nodes along the esophagus and stomach. This fact facilitates the spread

    of tumors via the lymphatic pathways in cases of malignancy in the stomach and part

    of the esophagus. Through the mediastinum, the primary lymphatic drainage through

    the abdominal organs through the duct thorasikus, where the main flow of the

    abdomen is limf into the gland.


    Malignancy, malignancy of the internal organs can reach an advanced stage before

    giving symptoms. For example, gastric cancer can be asymptomatic but

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    already metastasize. Point that it can be seen where the tumor is already

    metastatic at the left supraclavicular lymph nodes. Lymphatic nodules

    supraklavkular left is the classic Virchow nodules because nodules are located on the

    left side of the neck where almost allthe body's lymphatic drainage (from

    thorasikus duct) into the left sub clavian vein kesirkulasi through. Metastasis

    thorasikus clog ducts and cause regurgitation into the round nodules to

    nodules Virchow example. Another concept is that one of the nodules

    supraclavicular nodes correspond to the end of the journey along the duct and

    therefore have an enlarged thorasikus.


    Differential diagnosis of nodular enlargement of Virchow was lymphoma,

    malignant intra - abdominal malignancies, breast cancer and infections (the arm).

    Similarly, the enlargement of the lymphatic nodes tend to refer to the right

    supraclavicular thoracic malignanciessuch as lung cancer and esophagealcancers such

    as Hodgkin's lymphoma.


    Obtained when the size of lymph nodes>1 cm then it is said to be abnormal, and a

    biopsy should be performed to determine the type of disorder. Lymph node biopsy

    in two ways: by simply taking a portion ofa lymph node or lifting as well.

    Operation Technics

    Made an incision in the skin below the surface of an enlarged lymph node and

    surrounding tissue is carefully dissected away from the node. Should pay attention

    to the surrounding nerve tissue, especially in the area around the neck. To

    facilitate removal of the node, the association made with yarn that is attached to the

    center of the node, that node can be removed.

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    1. Virchow R. "Zur Diagnose der Krebse in Unterleibe". Med. Reform.

    1848; 45: 248

    2. Troisier CE. "L'adnopathie sus-claviculaire dans les cancers de

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    approach to lymphadenopathy. Semin Oncol 1993; 20; 570-82

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