Causes of Civil War Review Sheet. 1. Abraham Lincoln 2. Stephen Douglas 3. John Brown 4.Henry Clay...


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Causes of Civil War Review Sheet

• 1. Abraham Lincoln

• 2. Stephen Douglas

• 3. John Brown

• 4. Henry Clay

• 5. Harriet B. Stowe

• 6. Jefferson Davis

• 7. Dred Scott

• 8. John Breckinridge

1. won the Election of 1860; opposed slavery.

2. was called, “The Little Giant”, was elected Senator from Illinois.

3. led a raid on an arsenal at Harper’s Ferry.

4. proposed the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850.

5. wrote the anti-slavery novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

6. was elected president of the Confederate States of America.

7. tried to sue for his freedom because he once lived in a free territory.

8. ran for President in 1860 as a Democrat from the South.

Causes of the Civil War Review Terms

• 1. arsenal

• 2. popular sovereignty

• 3. fugitive

• 4. Confederate States of America

• 5. Free Soil Party

• 6. Republican Party

• 1. a storage place for weapons.

• 2. Letting the people who live in a territory decide laws (such as slavery) for the area.

• 3. A person running from the law or slavery.

• 4. The name of the southern states who seceded.

• 5. A political party that wanted to forbid slavery in all newly acquired territories.

• 6. Political party that wanted to limited the growth of slavery.

Causes of the Civil War Review Acts

1. Missouri Compromise

2. Fugitive Slave Act

3. Compromise of 1850

4. Kansas-Nebraska Act

5. Dred Scott Decision

6. Wilmot Proviso

• Missouri was added as a slave state; Maine as a free state.

• Law that required citizens to help return run-away slaves

• California was added as a free state; popular sovereignty decided slavery in the Western Territories.

• Divided Kansas and Nebraska into two territories; popular sovereignty would decide slavery.

• Supreme Court said that slaves were property and Congress could not limit slavery in any new territory.

• Law that outlawed slavery in the Western Territories.

1. Why did California's’ request to become a state cause arguments

between the North and South?• California wanted to enter as a free state and

that would upset the balance between slave and free states- giving free states more power.

2. Why was Uncle Tom’s Cabin an important book?

• The book convinced many Northerners that slavery was wrong and needed to be abolished.

3. How did Northerners react to the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

• They were angry at letting popular sovereignty decide slavery in the territories because both were above the Missouri Compromise line and should be free.

4. What were “Border Ruffians”?

• Missouri residents who moved into Kansas to vote in the popular sovereignty election FOR slavery. They brought weapons and threatened people to vote for slavery.

5. What happened to Charles Sumner in the Senate?

• He was beaten with a cane by South Carolina representative Preston Brooks because Sumner criticized Southern slave owners.

6. What did the Dred Scott decision say about slavery in the western

territories?• The court said that

slaves were property and Congress could not limit slavery in any territory.

7. Why did John Brown lead a raid on an arsenal at Harper’s Ferry?

• To get guns to give to slaves so they could revolt against their owners.

8. What did the South do when Lincoln won the Election of 1860?

• Southern states, beginning with South Carolina seceded, or withdrew from the union.

9. Which was the first state to secede?

• South Carolina

10. Where was the first battle of the Civil War?

• Fort Sumter
