Cell Division Everything you need to know- but were afraid to ask…


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Cell Division

Everything you need to know- but were afraid to ask…

Can asexual reproduction produce a large number of offspring?

Yes, that is why you get sick so fast! Bacteria can reproduce every 30 minutes!

Give me an example of regeneration.

A star fish grows its arm back

A leaf breaks off a plant, someone puts the stem into water and roots eventually grow from the stem (cutting).

What does asexual reproduction in most organisms involve?

Mitosis by one parent!

As compared to the parent cell, after mitosis, the number of chromosomes in a daughter cells is…

The same as the number in the parent cell

Why do most multicellular organisms grow and develop?

Because their cells continue to divide.

What are the steps of the cell cycle?

Interphase, mitosis and cytokinesis

When do cells prepare for cell division?


Name the stages of mitosis?





What happens during prophase?

Chromosomes condense, each of which consists of two identical chromatids held together by a centromere.

What happens during metaphase?

The chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell.

What happens during anaphase?

Chromatids split and the chromosomes are pulled to opposite ends of the cell.

What happens during telophase?

The chromosomes uncondense and new nuclear membranes form.

What are the two parts of a chromosome?

Centromere and chromatids

What are the names of the two scienctists who built a model of DNA in 1953?

Watson and Crick

What does a cell’s genetic material contain?

instructions for growth and function

What is the shape of DNA?

double helix

How is DNA condensed?

It is wrapped around proteins like a spool.

Why is cell division important?

It is essntial for growth, development, and repair.

What makes one organism larger than another?

The larger organism has more cells

What happens during an organism’s development?

Cells become specialized

What is the part of a cell’s life when it is not dividing?


What is the part of a cell cycle when the nucleus divides?


What do you call the division of the parent cell’s cytoplasm?


What structure in a plant cell grows between the two new nuclei after mitosis?

the cell plate

What kind of asexual reproduction do most single-celled organisms use?

binary fission

How do some multi-celled organisms reproduce asexually? (like sponge bob)

by budding

What process do starfish use to replace broken body parts?


How do plants use regeneration?

by growing from cuttings

Is the generation time of bacteria long or short?


What is your favorite class?

It better be science!
