Cellular Repiration




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Cellular Respiration

By- Justin Ehrenpreis

Respiration is…

Stored energy to a usable form

Respiration involves…

The exchange of gasses between organism and the environment

Cellular respiration…

Enzyme-controlled reaction in which energy in food gets broken down into energy (ATP)

ATP means…


ATP = Adenosine Triphosphate = 3 Phosphates

Water + ATP ADP + P + Energy



Dehydration Synthesis….

Reverse of hydrolysis

Dehydrate means…

Remove water

ADP + P + Energy Water +ADP

What is that equation?

Dehydration Synthesis

2 types of respiration…

Anaerobic and aerobic

Anaerobic respiration…

When organism doesn't use oxygen

Aerobic respiration is…

When an organism uses oxygen (O2) to carry out respiration.

Anaerobic also called…

Fermentation or Glycolysis

Cells lack the enzymes called…

Anaerobic Respiration

The enzymes needed for anaerobic respiration are found

in the?


Glucose broken down in a series of enzyme controlled

reaction into…

Lactic acid or alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Lactic acid is produced in animals that cause…

Muscle fatigue

Lactic acid also produced by…

Some bacteria

And is important in…

Making cheese,


And yogurt.

Alcohol and CO2 are produced by…

Yeast and bacteria and are important for…

Brewing and baking

Anaerobic Respiration produces…


Aerobic Respiration

Oxygen is used during…

Aerobic respiration takes place in the…


Due to the presence of oxygen what chemical is used for


Chemical Energy

This is when glucose is released in a series of enzyme-

controlled reactions?

Krebs cycle

Aerobic Respiration is more efficient b/c…

Of More ATP energy

Oxygen is presented after…

Anaerobic respiration, than aerobic respiration can occur.

Pyretic means?

Intermediate substance produced in alcohol and lactic acids fermentation, before aerobic respiration takes place.

Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration

In chloroplasts In Mitochondria

CO2 + H2O= CHO + O2

O2 + CHO = CO2 + H2O

Basically opposite

Photosynthesis produces…

Sugar and oxygen

Cellular Respiration…

Uses oxygen and sugar to produce Carbon Dioxide and water.

Plants use…

