CEO Activities Report June 2017 - Shire of Moyne · 2017-06-23 · CEO Activities Report – June...


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CEO Activities Report – June 2017 Edition For Public Distribution

Published – 5 June 2017


Activities Report

June 2017 For Public Distribution

CEO Activities Report – June 2017 Edition For Public Distribution

Published – 5 June 2017

CEO Activities Report – June 2017 Edition For Public Distribution

Published – 5 June 2017



Early Years ........................................................................................................... 1

Aged Care ............................................................................................................ 1

Social Media ......................................................................................................... 2

Moyne Shire Academic Support Scholarships ..................................................... 2


Corporate Business & Tourism ............................................................................ 3

Economic Development ....................................................................................... 6

Strategic Planning ................................................................................................ 7

Energy and Major Projects ................................................................................... 9

Building, Health and Regulatory Services .......................................................... 32

Environmental Management .............................................................................. 38

Resource Recovery and Waste Management .................................................... 39


Small Towns Community Planning ..................................................................... 41

Recreation .......................................................................................................... 46

Rural Access ...................................................................................................... 47

Arts ..................................................................................................................... 47

Youth .................................................................................................................. 48

Roads & Streets ................................................................................................. 50

Contracts & Contract Work ................................................................................. 50

Other Works/Issues ............................................................................................ 51


Words of Appreciation ........................................................................................ 52

CEO Activities Report – June 2017 Edition For Public Distribution

Published – 5 June 2017

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Early Years

Kindergarten Enrolments Enrolments are now open for children wishing to attend 3 year old and 4 year old kindergarten programs in 2018. The online application process was very successful last year and will continue to be offered this year. Macarthur kindergarten currently has six children attending a 3 year old program so it’s hopeful a funded 4 year old program will be offered in 2018 after a year in recess. Early Years Professional Development On Friday 26 May, eight kindergarten teachers from Moyne Shire Council attended the ‘Together We Grow – the child in focus” conference held at Caulfield Racecourse. The conference was presented by the Early Learning Association of Australia in partnership with the Department of Education and Training. As a commitment to ensuring quality professional development is available to educators working in rural areas, the Department of Education and Training fully funded accommodation costs for all Moyne Shire participants.

Aged Care

HACC Statistics for April 2017

Service Apr 16 Apr 17 FYTD 15/16

FYTD 16/17

HACC Only FYTD 16/17

Full Cost Only FYTD 16/17

Funded Hours FYTD 16/17

Home care hours 1,029 764 11,035 9,591 6,833 2,759 6,788

Personal care hours 472 441 5,332 4,821 2,147 2,674 3,121

Respite hours 266 167 2,963 2,270 1,130 1,141 1,516

Home maintenance hours

149 175 1,671 1,730 1,512 218 2,025

Kilometres travelled 9,917 7,753 112,070 100,495 92,934 7,562 0

Travel time in hours 31 8 206 125 0 0 0

Meals delivered 733 549 8,643 6,326 4,857 1,469 6,670

CEO Activities Report – June 2017 Edition For Public Distribution

Published – 5 June 2017

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Social Media

Social media report - Summary to 26 May 2017

Twitter Facebook

Tweet Impressions

Followers People reached

Likes Follows

4,500 834 8,310 306 314

Moyne Shire Academic Support Scholarships

The Moyne Shire Academic Support Scholarship selection panel have met to deliberate and determine the recipients of the 2017 scholarships. The applications received were of a very high standard.

The recipients of the $10,000 Moyne Shire Academic Support Scholarship fund are:

Amy Surkitt of Naringal East – Bachelor of Biomedicine, University of Melbourne

Kieren McDowell of Allansford – Pharmaceutical Science Advanced, Monash University.

Congratulations to the recipients of these scholarships.

We encourage students undertaking tertiary study in 2018 to apply for these scholarships next year. Advertising will commence early January 2018.

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Corporate Business & Tourism

Caravan Parks With the summer season peak over, our caravan parks are currently undertaking a reconciliation of performance of a strong peak visitor season. With a reduction in current park attendances, we are taking the opportunity to deliver a range of minor capital improvements before the depths of winter commence. This includes a tree pruning program, lighting upgrades, signage improvements and internal road upgrades. Port of Port Fairy Following positive engagement with Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, work is advancing on a new business plan for the Port, and a new formal management agreement for the next 5 years, in addition to business cases being prepared for the capital replacement of the Port’s dredge and for future remedial works to the Ports training walls.

A funding application to Maritime Museums of Australia Project Support Scheme was submitted to undertake upgrades to the Port’s ‘rocket shed’. The application was centred on works to support rising damp in the shed, which contains historical material related to the historic lifeboat.

Following appointment by Council of its next committees of council, work is being undertaken in planning the induction of the incoming Port Board, which will include ability to understand scope of responsibilities and to build upon the next Business Plan for the Port.

A reminder that updates on the Wharf Development construction program and associated announcements of key milestones of the project will be published on: Festivals and Events Applications are open for the next round of the Festivals and Events funding program are open. Following local advertising for applications, applicant ‘drop in’ support sessions have commenced to support groups plan and manage events and make application for funds. Sessions are being held from Port Fairy and Mortlake with offers for officers to travel to other areas of the municipality, by appointment, to ensure strong support and engagement of applicant’s access to support. Applications close Monday 12 June 2017. The local events program for June features on the following dates: 3 Small Halls Tour St. Brigid’s Hall, Crossley 9 - 12 Mortlake Art Show 9 Port Fairy Theatre Group Short Play Festival 10 Women in Song (2.30 pm Reardon Theatre) 10 Port Fairy Theatre Group Short Play Festival 11 Twilight Market, Port Fairy Consolidated School (4.00 – 7.30 pm) 11 Port Fairy Theatre Group Short Play Festival 11 Movie: Beauty and the Beast, Port Fairy Consolidated School Fundraising Event 18 Friends of Pallisters Reserve Open Day.

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Corporate Business & Tourism

Tourism Development The Port Fairy Tourism Inc. May social networking breakfast was a great success. Participants gained an update on initiatives of the Destination Port Fairy Leadership Group, advancements and opportunities to get involved in the Warrnambool China Bureau, launch of operator training programs, promotion of a new local operator Facebook page ( and operator presentations from the Farmers Wife Café and Nature’s Way Eco Sanctuary. Visitor Services April 2017 experienced a significant increase in overall enquiries at the Port Fairy and Region Visitor Information Centre. Walk in’s and e-enquiries were all up on the previous financial year:

Enquiry Area April 2016 April 2017 Variance

Walk in 7,232 9,547 + 2,315

Phone 662 564 - 98

Email 560 634 + 74

Total 8,454 10,745 + 2,291

Total financial year to date enquiries (data current to end of April) show a marked increase in walk in and e-mail enquiries:

Enquiry Area YTD 2015/16 YTD 2016/17 Variance

Walk in 71,565 77,273 + 5,708

Phone 5,506 4,279 - 1,227

Email 6,982 8,545 + 1,563

Total 84,053 90,097 + 6,044










july augt sept oct nov dec jan feb mar apr may june

Walk In Enquiries

2015/16 2016/17

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Corporate Business & Tourism

Visitor Services On 19 May at the quarterly meeting of the Visitor Information Centre (VIC) Volunteer Team, and on the back of National Volunteer Week, a well-deserved recognition of volunteers who have provided 5, 10 and 15 years of service was provided and three new volunteers were introduced.

The meeting was also an opportunity to update the team on the outcome of a recent volunteer survey process as we strive to improve the visitor experience at the VIC, but also the enjoyment of being a part of the volunteer program. Results of the survey will assist officers in improving the program and ensuring future quality volunteer recruitment and retention practises are implemented.

The survey validated what a wonderfully engaged and committed community Port Fairy maintains, with 90% of surveyed participants engaged in from two to five other volunteer roles in addition to their commitment to volunteering at the VIC.

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Economic Development

Western Victoria Livestock Exchange – Mortlake Construction update as at 30 May:

Local Mortlake earthmoving company Earth and Water Technologies has commenced the bulk excavation work at the site and this is progressing well. This stage of the work will continue for the next 6 weeks (to around mid-July, weather permitting).

Temporary construction site huts have been installed.

The perimeter fence has been completed on the southern and western sides of the site.

Construction of the permanent buildings should commence in early July.

The proponent advised that they are confident the project will be completed in time for the January 2018 weaner sales, and they are working closely with 12 committed stock agents to develop marketing and identify startup operational requirements.

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Strategic Planning

Cudgee Structure Plan Work is continuing to prepare the (draft) Background / Issues and Opportunities Report as part of Stage 3 of the project. Council is awaiting outcomes from its funding application through the Natural Disaster Resilience Grants Scheme (NDRGS) to undertake a Cudgee Flood Study. A decision is expected by late-June 2017. Port Fairy Car Parking Strategy The Port Fairy Car Parking Strategy – Final Report is on public exhibition until 14 June 2017. Submissions are being received for the Strategy, whilst drop-in sessions for comments and feedback have occurred in conjunction with the Port Fairy Coastal and Structure Planning Project. A final version of the Strategy will be prepared once the pubic exhibition process has concluded. Amendment C44 – Rural Housing and Settlement Strategy / Land Capability and Biodiversity Study Work is continuing by the appointed planning consultants who are preparing the final planning scheme amendment documents and planning maps, prior to seeking Ministerial Authorisation and exhibiting the amendment. Amendment C63 – 6 Bank Street, Port Fairy – Former Preschool and Maternal and Child Health Centre Amendment C63 is currently on public exhibition for one month until 5 July 2017. Affected landowners and residents, have been provided notice by post and have the opportunity to lodge a submission. Information regarding the Amendment is available on the ‘Public Notices’ page of Council’s website and at the Port Fairy offices. It is anticipated that the outcomes of the exhibition process and the next steps to finalising the Amendment will be presented to Council at its August meeting.

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Strategic Planning

Port Fairy Coastal and Structure Planning Project The Port Fairy Coastal and Structure Planning Project (PFCSPP) is currently on exhibition. The first all day drop-in session, including three presentations, was held on Thursday 25 May with an attendance of approximately of 25 people. To date, five submissions have been received. We hope that more people will attend the next consultation day on Wednesday 31 May at the Port Fairy Community Services Centre and ask you to encourage community members to attend and provide feedback by Friday 9 June 2017.

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Energy and Major Projects

Section A – Wind Energy Facilities

A1 Operational

Project Macarthur Wind Farm

Project Status Operational

Responsible Authority Council

Size and Location Between Macarthur and Hawkesdale, on both sides of the Macarthur-Hawkesdale Road. Off-site substation located adjacent to Tarrone North Road

Turbines – 140

Megawatts - 420

Owners Malakoff Corporation Berhad and Morrison and Co

Operator AGL

CEC Status The next CEC meeting is proposed for early June.

CEC Representatives John Bragg, Merilyn Cook and Simon Cozens

Councillor Members Mayor, Cr Ryan, Cr Lockett


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Energy and Major Projects

Section A – Wind Energy Facilities

A1 Operational

Project Morton’s Lane Wind Farm

Project Status Operational

Responsible Authority Moyne Shire Council and Southern Grampians Shire Council

Size and Location Morton’s Lane, between Penshurst and Chatsworth Turbines – 13

Megawatts – 19.5

Proponent CGN Energy

Comments No updates provided at this stage.

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Energy and Major Projects

Section A – Wind Energy Facilities – amendment applications to Minister for Planning

A2 Wind Farms: Stage 1 completed

Wind Farm Projects

– stage 1 completed

Completion date in Permit

CEC Status Mayor, Cr Ryan, Cr Wolfe

Ryan Corner Wind Farm


Hawkesdale Wind Farm

(both Union Fenosa Wind Australia - UFWA)

Completion date in Permits: 29 August 2019

These amendment applications primarily relate to:

Increase in maximum blade tip height from 126M to 180M.

Remove restriction on the maximum tower height.

Remove restriction of the blade length and replace with a restriction on the lowest swept height of 40m above ground level for the 180m turbines and 30m for the 160m high turbines.

Reduction in turbine numbers at the Hawkesdale site from 31 to 26, and at the Ryan Corner site from 68 to 56.

Micro-siting of selected turbines.

The Minister for Planning is the responsible authority for assessing and deciding upon these amendment applications.

Statutory notice of both amendment applications commenced in late-May 2017 and will occur until 30 June 2017. During this period, submissions may be received by the Minister for both amendment applications.

Notice will include letters to all owner / occupiers within 2km of each site, newspaper ads in local papers and display of signs on-site and at local businesses.

Copies of the application documents can be found at: or at the Moyne Shire Council Offices.

Council will also undertake its own consultation process in accordance with its Major Projects Policy, used to inform any submission made to the Minister.

A CEC meeting is being scheduled for June 2017.

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Energy and Major Projects

Section A – Wind Energy Facilities – amendment applications to Minister for Planning

A2 Wind Farms: Stage 1 completed

Wind Farm Projects

– stage 1 completed

Completion date in Permit

CEC Status Mayor, Cr Parker, Cr Smith (next meeting date to be advised)

Mortlake South Wind Farm


Completion date in Permit: October 2020

On 23 April 2017 the Minister for Planning approved an amendment to the planning permit for Mortlake South Wind Farm. The Minister also released the Panel Report for the amendment application, which provides a detailed planning assessment for the proposal. The approved amendment provides for the following key changes:

Reduction in the number of permitted wind turbines from 51 to 42.

Change in the overall maximum height of the wind turbines from 141m to 186m.

Change in the maximum tower height from 100m to 120m.

Increase in the maximum blade length to 73m.

Reduction on the lowest blade swept point to 18m above ground level.

Update permit conditions to require compliance with NZS 6808:2010.

Change the requirements for aviation obstacle lighting.

Allow for native vegetation removal.

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Energy and Major Projects

Section A – Wind Energy Facilities – amendment applications to Minister for Planning

A2 Wind Farms: Stage 1 completed

Wind Farm Projects

– stage 1 completed

Completion date in Permit

CEC Status Mayor, Cr Ryan, Cr Smith

Woolsthorpe Wind Farm

(Wind Farm Developments)

Completion date in Permit: 12 March 2018

On 26 May 2017 Council was informed by DELWP that the Minister for Planning has approved an amended planning permit for the Woolsthorpe Wind Farm. A copy of the Panel Report which provides an assessment of the amendment proposal will be made available for public review on the DELWP website. The amended permit results in the following specific changes:

An increase in turbine height

An increase in tower height to

An increase in blade length to

Provision of a new site access entrance from the Woolsthorpe-Heywood Road.

Introduction of a secondary consent mechanism.

Updated conditions requiring the wind farm to comply with the current noise standard – NZS 6808:2010.

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Energy and Major Projects

Section A – Wind Energy Facilities

A2 Wind Farms: Stage 1 completed

Project Salt Creek Wind Farm

Project Status Stage 1 completed – planning permit amended February 2016.

Responsible Authority Council

Must be completed by: 15 September 2019

Approximate size / location

West side of the Hexham-Woorndoo Road, approximately 3km south of Woorndoo

Turbines - Up to 15

Proponent Tilt Renewables

Construction Contractor Zenviron (Vestas wind turbines)

Comments Tilt Renewables are actively progressing with their planning and development phase of the project in moving towards construction of the Salt Creek Wind Farm, and in doing so have submitted a comprehensive package of updated management plans for Council’s review and assessment, prior to final endorsement. The updated management plans include:

Traffic Management Plan (Conditions 4-6)

Environmental Management Plan (Condition 7), including: Construction and Works Site Management Plan Sediment and Erosion Management Plan Hydrocarbon and Hazardous Substances Management Plan Geological and Geomorphological Management Plan Pest Animal Management Plan Pest Plant Management Plan Native Vegetation Management Plan.

Landscape Management Plan (Conditions 10-11)

Noise and General Complaints Plan (Conditions 16 & 29)

Blasting Management Plan (Condition 17)

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Television Reception Assessment (Condition 20)

Wildfire Management Plan (Condition 23)

Shadow Flicker Assessment (Condition 28)

Bat and Avifauna Management Plan (Condition 33).

Council has received specialised comments from DELWP (Environment) on the relevant environmental management plans, including the BAM Plan, which will be used in reviewing the submitted plans. Review comments will be provided by Council to Tilt in early-June 2017 for further consideration.

Once any comments have been provided, Tilt will update the relevant management plans and re-submit these to Council for endorsement.

Specific discussion has occurred between Council and Tilt regarding the required upgrade of the Hexham-Woorndoo Road and the timing of these works. Council’s requirements will be included within any updated Traffic Management Plan submitted for the project.

Tilt have informed Council that they wish to start their pre-construction stage of the wind farm by July / August 2017, highlighting their clear intent to obtain final development and management plan sign-off from Council.

Council also resolved at its May 207 Ordinary Council Meeting to establish a CEC for this project, with community positions being advertised in June 2017.

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Energy and Major Projects

Section A – Wind Energy Facilities

A3 Applications submitted to Minister for Planning

Project Dundonnell Wind Farm proposal

Project Status Planning permits being prepared by the Minister for Planning

Responsible Authority Minister for Planning

Approximate size / location

Approximately 12 km east of Woorndoo, 22 km north east of Mortlake (up to 40 square km). Proposed connection to the 500kv electricity grid adjacent to the Mortlake Power Station site

Turbines – Up to 96

Proponent Tilt Renewables

Construction Contractor N/A

CEC Status At is May 2017 Ordinary Meeting, Council resolved to appoint four (4) community nominees to the position of CEC members for the Dundonnell Wind Farm project. Both successful and unsuccessful nominees will be notified of Council’s decision.

Comments No project updates provided at this stage.

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Energy and Major Projects

Section A – Wind Energy Facilities

A4 Planning Process Commenced

Project Penshurst Wind Farm Proposal

Project Status EES being prepared.

Responsible Authority Minister for Planning

Approximate size / location

Penshurst / Minhamite districts Turbines - Up to 200

Proponent RES Australia P / L

Construction Contractor N/A

CEC Status Next meeting to be advised

CEC Representatives Ken Johnston, Ken Rees (Moyne), Keith Staff, Catherine Loria (Southern Grampians)

Councillor CEC Members

Mayor, Cr Ryan


An extension of time application from the proponent (RES Australia) is undergoing final assessment for the for the period allowed for the anemometer (MET Mast) to operate for wind data collection.

Within the extension of time request, the proponent has informed Council that it is reviewing the Penshurst Wind Farm project to ascertain whether it remains viable and to determine what form the future development may take. The review process is expected to last approximately 8 to 12 months.

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Energy and Major Projects

Section A – Wind Energy Facilities

A4 Planning Process Commenced

Project Willatook Wind Farm Proposal

Project Status No permit application received

Responsible Authority Minister for Planning

Approximate size / location

Willatook and Tarrone districts. Fronting Woolsthorpe – Heywood Road Turbines – Approximately 86

Proponent Wind Prospect WA P/L

Construction Contractor


CEC Status Next meeting date to be advised.

CEC Representatives Ken Johnston, Graeme Keane

Councillor CEC Members

Mayor, Cr Ryan, Cr Wolfe

Comments No updates provided at this stage.

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Energy and Major Projects

Section A – Wind Energy Facilities

A4 Planning Process Commenced

Project Mt Fyans Wind Farm Proposal

Project Status Pre-permit application stage

Responsible Authority Minister for Planning

Approximate size / location

North of Mortlake Turbines – Approximately 80

Proponent Hydro Tasmania (Woolnorth Wind Farm Holding Pty Ltd)

Construction Contractor



The proponent (Woolnorth Wind Farm Holding Pty Ltd) undertook its own public consultation process with the Mortlake community and local landholders in April / May 2017. Feedback received from the proponent is that the two (2) community drop-in days in Mortlake were will attended, with a good mix of local residents and community members.

Further information on the proposed wind farm can be found at:

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Energy and Major Projects

Section B – Other Energy Projects

Project Halladale, Black Watch and Speculant Gas Project

Project Status Operational

Responsible Authority Council

Location Baileys Road (south), Nirranda (Pipeline extends from the site to the Otway Gas Plant)

Proponent Origin Energy

Construction Contractors

McKinnon’s Civil and Construction (local road maintenance)

CEC Status The final CEC meeting was held on 23 February 2017.

CEC Representatives Shirley Duffield, Marcia Carter, Lance Blake

Councillor Members Mayor, Cr Parker, Cr Wolfe


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Energy and Major Projects

Section B – Other Energy Projects

Project CO2CRC Otway Project

Project Status Operating carbon sequestration research project

Responsible Authority N/A

Approximate size / location

Brumby’s Lane, Nirranda

Proponent Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies

Comments Stage 3 of the project is now underway.

Drilling of the CRC-3 well is completed and the company has commenced some pressure testing that involves pumping water into the Paaratte Formation at CRC-3 at 2 different intervals. This will be monitored at CRC-2 to determine if there is connectivity between the two different areas of formation.

CO2CRC also continue to liaise with Council regarding future stages of the project and their requirement to obtain planning approval from Council. A meeting between the Council officers and the project representatives is likely to occur in mid-June 2017.

Project Tarrone Gas-Fired Power Station

Project Status Yet to commence development

Responsible Authority N/A

Approximate size / location

Tarrone North Road, Tarrone

Proponent AGL

Comments No updates provided at this stage.

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Energy and Major Projects

Section B – Other Energy Projects

Energy Project Wave Energy Converter (Port Fairy)

Project Status Installed and operational

Responsible Authority Council. (Planning Permit PL12/101 – Removal of native vegetation for the construction of a minor utility installation)

Approximate size / location

Off the coast from 2891 Princes Highway, Port Fairy

Proponent Biopower Systems Pty Ltd

Comments No updates provided at this stage.

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Statutory Planning

Planning Reports Circulated for ‘Call-In’

Upcoming Call-In Reports A number of applications are likely to be presented for Call-In over the next month being:

Ref No. Property Address Description

PL16/204 2 Albert Street Port Fairy (Port Fairy Consolidated School)

Use and development of temporary accommodation (tent accommodation during the folk festival). Two objections have been received.

PL16/296 28 Old Peterborough Road Peterborough

Buildings and works for the construction of a dwelling. One objection has been received.

PL17/026 8 Earle Street Port Fairy

Buildings and works for the construction of alterations and additions to the dwelling. Two objections have been received.

PL17/027 37A Philip Street Port Fairy

Buildings and works for the construction of a dwelling. One objection has been received.

PL17/060 McSweens Road Rosebrook

Use and development of a dwelling. Six objections have been received.

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Statutory Planning

VCAT Applications

PL15/099 - 330 Officers Lane, Koroit An applicant appeal against Council’s Notice of Refusal for the development of Use and Development of land for a Motor Racing Track (Drag racing facility) approximately 3 km north of Koroit. Council is awaiting the VCAT decision. PL16/066 - 1126 Tower Hill Road, Koroit An appeal has been lodged on 14 April 2017 against Council’s Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit for Buildings and Works to construct a Telecommunications facility. The hearing is listed for 16 October 2017. PL16/185 - Lot 1 PS 615830D Dyson Road, Panmure An Appeal has been lodged by an Objector against Council’s Notice of Decision to grant a permit for use a dwelling. The hearing is listed 23 August 2017. PL16/286 - 39 Phillip Street, Port Fairy An Appeal has been lodged by an Objector against Council’s Notice of Decision to grant a permit for buildings and works for the construction of a dwelling. The hearing is listed for 5 October 2017.

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Statutory Planning

Major Applications

Application has been submitted for the following: PL16/163 – Buildings and works of the redevelopment of the existing supermarket, 140 Commercial Road, Koroit A Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit has been issued. PL17/008 – Telecommunications facility, 39 Greenhills Lane, Winslow Telstra is proposing to build a 60m high antenna in Winslow. The application is currently on public notification. PL17/029 - Telecommunications facility, Princes Highway, Tyrendarra East Optus is proposing to build a 50m high antenna in Tyrendarra East. The application is currently under assessment. PL17/036 – Development of shops and accommodation and reduction in car parking requirements, 84 Sackville Street, Port Fairy The application seeks to develop an accommodation premises with associated shops. Officers have met with the applicant to discuss the additional information required and provide advice on the proposal. The application is currently awaiting submission of further information. PL17/043 – Use and development of land for extractive industry (Limestone Quarry), 3335 Princes Highway, Port Fairy The application is a new application, as a previous planning permit has expired. The application is currently on public notification. PL17/052 – Use and development of an emergency services facility (Ambulance Station) and demolition of existing buildings, 101 Regent Street, Port Fairy No objections have been received to date. The application is currently under assessment.

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Statutory Planning

Section 173 Agreements for Planning Permits

Date S173 Received

Final / draft

Application No.

Property Address

Description Description of 173 agreement (Preamble and references to payment of costs omitted)

Date Permit issued

Date S173 signed and sealed

Signed agreements sent to Solicitor waiting dealing no. 15/05/17

Final PL15/236 8990 Princes Highway Panmure

Section 173 Agreement

2) Before the plan of subdivision is certified under the Subdivision Act 1988, the owner must enter into an agreement with the responsible authority under Section 173 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and make application to the Registrar of Titles to have the agreement registered on the title to the land under Section 181 of the Act which provides that: a) The land may not be further

subdivided so as to increase the number of lots.

b) The owner acknowledges and accepts the possibility of nuisance from adjoining agricultural operations including animal husbandry, spray drift, agricultural machinery use, pumps, trucks and associated hours of operation.

c) Except with the consent of the responsible authority no dwelling shall be located outside the buildings envelope shown on the endorsed plan.

d) Except with the written consent of the responsible authority no effluent treatment disposal area shall be


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located outside the effluent disposal envelope shown hatched on the endorsed plan.

The owner must pay the reasonable costs for the preparation, execution and registration of the Section 173 Agreement.

Signed agreement’s sent to Solicitor waiting dealing no. 16/05/17

Final PL16/277 442 Blackwood Road, Port Fairy

S173 Agreement

1) Before the plan of subdivision is certified under the Subdivision Act 1988, the owner must enter into an agreement with the responsible authority under Section 173 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and make application to the Registrar of Titles to have the agreement registered on the title to the land under Section 181 of the Act which provides that: a) Any new dwelling(s) shall be placed

on flood free land outside of the 1% AEP flood extent.

b) Any fencing within the 1% AEP extent shall be of an open style compliant with Glenelg Hopkins CMA guidelines for fencing in flood-prone areas.

The owner must pay the reasonable costs for the preparation, execution and registration of the Section 173 Agreement.


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Statutory Planning

Planning Permits – April 2017 The following is a summary listing of the Planning Permits issued during April 2017:

This table shows applications by land use definition to show trends as to what types of applications are being lodged and issued.


Development No of Applications Received Permits Issued from


Feb 2017

Mar 2017

Apr 2017

Fiscal Year

2016 / 2017

Feb 2017

Mar 2017

Apr 2017

Fiscal Year

2016 / 2017

Residential Dwellings

4 3 4 60 8 7 1 58

Additions to existing dwellings

5 4 3 49 3 6 3 54

Dual Occupancy / Unit Development

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3

Outbuildings 4 4 2 27 2 4 4 33

Commercial / Retail

0 5 1 29 5 3 2 29

Industrial 0 2 1 12 0 1 1 11

Public Utilities 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 3

Subdivisions 0 4 6 25 0 1 0 21

Agricultural 0 1 0 7 1 2 0 8

Miscellaneous 0 0 3 12 0 0 1 15

TOTAL 13 23 20 223 21 24 12 235

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Statutory Planning

Planning Permits – April 2017













. A




s R




Planning Applications Received
















. P


its I




Planning Permits Issued




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Statutory Planning

Planning Permits – April 2017

Percentage of Application Finalised within the Statutory timeframe

Month/Year New

Applications received

Applications Completed

% Decision within Statutory


May-16 29 25 81%

Jun-16 41 21 85%

Jul-16 22 25 77%

Aug-16 26 25 74%

Sep-16 31 32 75%

Oct-16 33 34 83%

Nov-16 32 21 68%

Dec-16 23 31 63%

Jan-17 20 20 68%

Feb-17 12 22 61%

Mar-17 23 25 76%

Apr-17 20 13 86%











. P


its I




Planning Permits Issued (Cumulative)




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Statutory Planning

Planning Permits – April 2017








































New Applications received

Applications Completed

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Building, Health and Regulatory Services


Permits – March 2017 The following summary listing of the building permits issued by Council’s Building Surveyor and by Private Building Surveyors during March 2017, together with the comparative table of building activities for financial years 2014-2015 – 2016-2017, are provided for additional information.


DEVELOPMENT No. Value $ Value %

Residential New 11 $ 4,997,699 64%

Residential Additions 5 $ 569,950 7%

Commercial/Industrial 9 $ 1,247,620 16%

Outbuildings 11 $ 372,349 5%

Demolitions 1 $ 4,000 0.1%

Miscellaneous 1 $ 592,606 7.5%

Private Building Surveyor 37 $ 7,764,224 99.7%

Council Issued Permits 1 $ 20,000 0.3%

TOTAL 38 $ 7,784,224

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Building, Health and Regulatory Services


Permits – March 2017 The following is graphical representation of accumulated monthly total building development costs from 2014-2015 – 2016-2017:








e o

f W




Building Approval Statistics2014-2015 - 2016-2017












e o

f W




Building Development Cumulative Value of Works 2014-2015 - 2016-2017




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Published – 5 June 2017

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Building, Health and Regulatory Services


Septic Permits to Install / Alter Issue The following Septic Permits have been issued to either Install or Alter a Septic during the months of January - April 2017:

2015 2016 2017

January 10 3 4

February 4 4 8

March 4 3 10

April 14 11 3

May 11 6

June 7 6

July 14 8

August 6 4

September 9 1

October 6 9

November 13 7

December 6 6

Total 104 68 25

Certificates of Registration The following Certificates of Registration (i.e. Food, Prescribed Accommodation and Health Premises) have been issued during the months of January - April 2017:

2015 2016 2017

January 64 28 22

February 21 18 14

March 6 4 26

April 1 3 7

May 4 1

June 5 1

July 3 1

August 1 3

September 1 3

October 24 25

November 58 63

December 115 96

Total 303 246 69

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Building, Health and Regulatory Services

Regulatory Services

Local Laws Registrations for domestic animals continue to be received. During the month of June Local Laws officers will commence calling owners of domestic animals who have failed to re-new their pet registration to remind them of responsible pet ownership. Local Laws are continuing to patrol all townships for roaming dogs to reduce the risk of potential dog attacks and to educate dog owners on responsible pet ownership. Of the 23 dogs found roaming, 21 of them where returned directly home to their owner. Of the 29 incidents involving stock on roads, 2 horses, 44 cattle and approximately 300 sheep were safely returned to farmer’s properties. Roadside grazing permit re-newels and Street Furniture/ Footpath permits will be mailed out in June and are due for payment by 30 June. Emergency Management The Municipal Emergency Response Officer (MERO) is involved in the joint Warrnambool and Moyne Emergency Management planning committee and subcommittees for; exercise/training, risk, recovery, fire and flood. The exercise subcommittee is developing emergency exercises including a Pandemic exercise to be held on Monday 24 July, and an extensive emergency exercise to be held at the Warrnambool Airport in September/October. There have been no significant emergencies in Moyne Shire in the past month. The Victorian State Government has announced a reform into fire services in Victoria and propose to separate volunteer fire fighters under the banner of CFA and paid fire fighters from MFB and CFA to form the new agency of Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV). This may result in future changes to the emergency management and fire committees that Council participate in. More information in regards to the reform can be found at:

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Building, Health and Regulatory Services

Regulatory Services

General / Domestic Animal Statistics 2015/2016 2016/2017

Complaint Mar Apr May Mar Apr May

General Local Law 1 1 0 1 2 2

Litter 7 0 8 1 2 0

Stock 20 25 28 23 20 29

Parking 12 0 0 0 0 1

Dog attack 4 1 0 0 4 1

Roaming / Stray dogs

8 26 20 12 24 23

Wildlife 0 1 0 2 0 0

Nuisance dogs / cats

2 12 8 13 12 9

Vegetation 1 0 0 1 8 2

Fires 0 2 2 0 1 1

Bees / Wasps 0 0 0 0 0 0

RSPCA - Welfare 5 8 7 3 4 3

Camping 1 0 0 0 0 0

Dogs on beaches 0 0 0 2 0 0

Horses on beaches N/A N/A N/A 0 0 0

Other 0 4 13 0 2 3

Total 61 80 86 58 79 74

General / Domestic Animal Complaints, Infringements and Permits

Actions May 2016 May 2017

General Complaints 86 74

After hours Callouts 24 38

Permits Issued 22 0

Notices Issued 0 0

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Building, Health and Regulatory Services

Regulatory Services


2015/2016 2016/2017

Infringement Type Mar Apr May Mar Apr May

Alcohol 2 0 0 0 0 0

Offensive Behaviour 1 0 0 0 0 0

Dogs At Large 0 0 0 0 2 0

Unregistered dogs 0 0 0 0 0 0

Parking 12 2 0 10 0 0

Stock 0 0 0 0 0 0

Nuisance Animals 0 0 0 0 0 0

Being a Nuisance 0 0 0 0 0 0

Fighting/Disorderly Behaviour

2 0 0 0 0 0

Contravening Council Order

0 0 0 0 0 0

Non Serious Injury – Dog Attack

1 0 0 0 1 0

Warnings 11 12 20 10 11 15

Total 29 14 20 20 14 15

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Environmental Management

National Tree Day Council’s Official site for 2017 National Tree Day on Sunday 30 July 2017 is in Kirkstall, 200 metres East of the recreation reserve along the creekline that dissects Atkinson Street. Here 500 endemic trees and shrubs will be installed on the day in an attempt to link previous revegetation works that have occurred up and down stream. The event will be held between 10am-12pm with a free barbecue lunch supplied by members of the Kirkstall Recreation Reserve Committee of Management to all participants. Community members are being notified through various means and will be encouraged to attend. Koroit Basketball Stadium Lighting Upgrade 20 internal 400W high bay light fixtures at the Koroit stadium have been replaced with 150W LED light equivalents. These new fittings will save Council nearly 5 cents per light per operating hour in reduced electricity usage. This equates to a saving of around $31 per fixture each year in operational costs, plus the longevity of the light pads is stated to be much longer than the previous globes meaning there should also be an additional cost reduction in terms of ongoing maintenance. Council Building External Lights Upgrade 19 external 80W Mercury Vapour light fixtures across 10 Council buildings have been replaced with 18W LED light equivalents. These new fixtures will save Council $45 per light per year in reduced electricity usage, plus the longevity of the light pads is stated to be much longer than the previous globes meaning there should be an additional cost reduction in terms of ongoing maintenance. Sites where these fixtures were installed include the Koroit & Macarthur Senior Citizens clubrooms, The Koroit & Macarthur Council depots, Jacaranda House Koroit, Merri Kindergarten Purnim West, Port Fairy Bowls Club clubrooms and Port Fairy Football Club clubrooms. Weed Control Elm suckers were painstakingly removed from the Ellerslie Rest Area via cut & paste method. Boxthorn and Mirror Bush were removed from the river banks at Crothers (Hopkins Falls) Reserve. Boxthorn and re-shooting Willows were removed from Killarney Recreation Reserve. Gorse was removed from High Street Framlingham. Hawthorn and Pine wildings were removed from Bar-U Road Hawkesdale. Kikuyu regrowth at the community revegetation site near the Port Fairy skate park was sprayed. Griffiths Island The third fox shoot of the season was held on 13 May 2017 with no Foxes sighted. A working bee conducted by members of the Friends of Griffiths Island was held on 7 May 2017 with a focus on maintenance of heavily guarded trees and woody weed control. The next working bee is scheduled for 18 June 2017 at 10am to complete further weed work. The new lighthouse brochure has been finalised and will be printed in July 2017.

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Environmental Management

Battery Hill Volunteers from the National Trust Port Fairy Branch have reached the 100 man hours of labour treating Italian Buckthorn regrowth at Battery Hill milestone. Several greenwaste piles created by this and fallen tea tree was burnt in-situ on several days of convenient weather conditions during May 2017. Regeneration of native species at this location continues to impress with the heavily mulched area from 10 months ago starting to noticeably green over. Cannon Shelter at Battery Hill Officers have sought advice with regard to painting the cannon shelter at Battery Hill. Advice from the supplier is that left alone, it will dull within about 12 months. Painting it will likely create maintenance problems as it can peel and vandals scratch the paint work. The galvanising is already showing signs of dulling and is best left alone to allow this naturally occurring process to continue.

Resource Recovery and Waste Management

Council continues to support ‘Cartridges 4 Planet Ark’ program ‘Cartridges 4 Planet Ark’ is a free recycling program aimed at recovering used printer cartridges that the Moyne Shire Council participates in. This month, 7 garbage sized bags full of old printer cartridges was returned to Planet Ark to be recycled. Used printer cartridges are recycled into ‘eWood’, a timber replacement and ‘Toner Pave’, a low-carbon road surface. Waste Education Workshop with Sustainability Victoria Council’s waste department spent two days working with Sustainability Victoria in conjunction with various other Councils from around Victoria on Waste Education issues. As part of the new kerbside collection contract starting 1 July this year, Council is going to increase their education around waste disposal for ratepayers. Initial education will be based around the utilisation of the green lidded organics bin for the disposal of all food waste. Kitchen caddies and biodegradable bin liners will be provided to all residents on the Kerbside Waste Collection Service to assist with food waste disposal.

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Resource Recovery and Waste Management

Service Requests

New Bins Bin Repairs Missed Bins

Average April Average April Average April

6 8 6 6 4 1

Kerbside Collection (tonnes)

Naroghid - Landfill Geelong - Recycling Panmure - Compost

Mar General

Apr General

Mar Recycling

Apr Recycling

Mar Greenwaste

Apr Greenwaste

170.24 154.52 122.46 97.34 121.80 145.70

Waste Facility Monthly Volume Clearance (tonnes)

Mar General

Apr General

Mar Recycling

Apr Recycling

Mar Greenwaste

Apr Greenwaste

Caramut 8.38 * 3.50 1.54 0m3 0m3

Hawkesdale 8.48 * * * 0m3 0m3

Killarney 41.74 42.64 14.67 8.90 216.90m3 238.38m3

Macarthur 6.88 3.44 6.00 2.20 2.75m3 3.25m3

Mortlake 26.10 18.80 3.50 4.00 19.25m3 19.00m3

Peterborough 23.70 12.06 8.34 8.80 11.85m3 8.80m3

Woolsthorpe 5.30 3.88 5.22 6.16

Woorndoo Included in Caramut 2.40 *

Total 120.58 80.82 41.23 31.60 250.75m3 269.43m3

Note: * No skip clearance that month

Killarney Volumes (m3)

Inert Scrap Metal

March April March April

205.44 103.46 43.79 50.59

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Small Towns Community Planning

Background Update on Small Towns Community Planning. Cudgee The May meeting of the Cudgee Progress Association focused on tree planting for the township. It was decided to look at preparing a Cudgee Township Tree Plan to guide tree planting along the main road and other key public areas such as the road reserve area. A community township walk to progress the project is being planned for Sunday 18 June from 11.00 am from the school and to end at the hall with a Community BBQ. The next meeting of the committee will be their Annual General Meeting to be held on Monday 21 August. Garvoc Garvoc District Residents Incorporated held a meeting in May to progress the refurbishment planning for the Garvoc Hall. Indicative refurbishment costs are suggesting the proposals being considered are cost prohibitive. An internal meeting of Council Officers is now exploring a range of alternative possibilities to take back to the community that are realistic in terms of what can be achieved on the Garvoc Hall site, and any others. The next meeting to be advised. Hawkesdale Hawkesdale and District Development Action Committee (HADDAC) continue to meet on a monthly basis and progress a range of township matters. At present these include works at Apex Park, the extension of the streetscape pathway and the refurbishment project at the Hawkesdale Memorial Hall. This project forms part of the next hall cluster project which Council has been invited to apply for through the Regional Development Victoria Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund. The next meeting of HADDAC was held on Wednesday 7 June at the Old Shire Offices at 7.30 pm. Hexham Hexham Community Association has been meeting on a monthly basis to actively progress a range of community projects. Work on the BBQ shelter has commenced and installation of a new water tank, through support from the Community Support Fund is also under way. The committee has also commenced a fund development campaign to raise money towards their community contribution towards refurbishment of the old school as their community meeting space. This is in response to the school being included in the next round of hall cluster projects. The next meeting of the Hexham Residents Association is scheduled for Thursday 22 June at the Old Hexham Primary School commencing at 7.00 pm.

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Small Towns Community Planning

Macarthur Macarthur Advancement Development Association (MADA) continue to progress a range of community projects including the design of the township entrance signage, upgrade of the Recreation Reserve toilets and beautification of the river bank. Their next meeting will be held on Wednesday 14 June at the Senior Citizens Hall commencing at 7.30 pm. Minhamite The triennial recreation reserve meeting was held in late March and a new committee elected, with a focus on tennis club activity. The focus of the community is to refurbish the tennis courts to bring it to the necessary standard required to maintain competition in the area. Work is also progressing on addressing the legal status of the Minhamite hall so it can be sold and the monies used as a community contribution to the projects. Block plans for the Minhamite Recreation Reserve have been drafted and will be further discussed with the community. Mortlake Mortlake Community Development Committee (MCDC) continue to actively input into a range of projects such as the facility improvements to DC Farren Oval and review of the Tea Tree Lake masterplan. The Queen’s Birthday long weekend is again the focus for community activity around the arts, with an art show planned amongst other community activities. The next meeting of MCDC is scheduled to be held on Tuesday 13 June at the Mortlake Golf Course commencing at 7.30 pm. Nullawarre Nullawarre Township Inc. continue to progress township projects. They have received a considerable recent set back through a water leak at the community hall. Repair works have been referred to their insurance company and are in the vicinity of $30,000. The committee are very supportive and appreciative of Councils inclusion of the intersection works in the draft Council budget and will look to support Council in its approaches to VicRoads to have the project funded to include footpath works along the Great Ocean Road. The next meeting of Nullawarre Township Inc. will be held on Monday 26 June at the Nullawarre Hall commencing at 8.00 pm. Panmure Panmure Action Group continue to progress a range of township projects following their successful ANZAC Day event. Their next meeting will be held on Wednesday 7 June at the Panmure Hall commencing at 7.30 pm.

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Small Towns Community Planning

Peterborough The focus of the committee in 2017 has been bedding down the recently completed Peterborough Arts and Community Centre, with some minor fund development activities happening over the next month to assist with the fit out and operational costs. Planning is also underway for the 2018 Peterborough Seaside Festival, which looks like reverting back to an annual event in early January. The next meeting of the Peterborough Residents Group will take place on Tuesday 27 June at the Peterborough Hall commencing at 7.00 pm. This will be followed by their Annual General Meeting which is currently scheduled for Sunday 16 July at the hall commencing at 10.00 am. Purnim The Purnim Working Group has actively worked with Council to combine a community day to plan out 150th anniversary celebrations with National Reconciliation Week acknowledgement activities. Council received a one off $5,000 grant from the Federal Department of Indigenous Affairs to support this acknowledgment activity. The Purnim Community Day and National Reconciliation Week event was held on Sunday 28 May. The day focused on Purnim's 150th anniversary activities, some community planning and the relationship between the Purnim and Framingham communities over the years. The focus includes working with young people through the Moyne Shire Youth Council and young people from the Framingham Aboriginal Reserve to work with the communities to record and preserve history and having a 150th Purnim township Anniversary event. There was a strong focus on acknowledgement of the 50th anniversary of the 1967 referendum and the 25th anniversary of the Mabo High Court decision. The event was well supported by both communities. Over 100 people participated with one outcome being interest from the broader aboriginal network to constructively engage with Council to revisit the Moyne Shire Reconciliation Policy and its ongoing implementation.

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Small Towns Community Planning

The Purnim working group meet on the first Monday of each month to progress township projects. A meeting was held on Monday 5 June at the hall commencing at 7.30 pm. Woorndoo The public toilet project has now been completed and planning is at a more advanced stage for the netball facility now that funding has been confirmed. The Hall Committee continue to run a number of activities including its 90th Birthday. Planning is underway for Country Music Festival activities to be held in June and October. There is also a Triennial meeting of the former Woorndoo Primary School Committee to be held in September and community representatives are being encouraged to get involved. The next meeting of the Woorndoo Community Working Group, which is now held every third month, will be held on Wednesday 16 August at the Woorndoo Recreation Reserve commencing at 8.00 pm. Wangoom The Triennial Wangoom Hall Committee Meeting was held in May with a new committee elected. Wangoom Hall is part of the current cluster of halls to which funding is being sought from Regional Development Victoria to undertake works to improve access and address occupational health and safety matters.

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Small Towns Community Planning

Summary of known meeting/community activity schedule for June 2017

Date Community Purpose

Monday 5 June

Purnim Purnim Working Group Meeting Purnim Mechanics Hall 7.30 pm

Wednesday 7 June

Hawkesdale Hawkesdale and District Development Action Committee (HADDAC) Hawkesdale CFA Office 7.30 pm

Wednesday 7 June

Panmure Panmure Action Group Panmure Mechanics Hall 7.30 pm

Wednesday 10 June

Macarthur Macarthur Advancement Development Association Senior Citizens Hall 7.30 pm

Tuesday 13 June

Mortlake Mortlake Community Development Committee Mortlake Golf Clubrooms 7.30 pm

Thursday 22 June

Hexham Hexham Community Association Hexham School 7.00 pm

Monday 26 June

Nullawarre Nullawarre Township Inc. Nullawarre Community Hall 8.00 pm

Tuesday 27 June


Peterborough Residents Group (PRG) Peterborough Community Centre 7.00 pm

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Published – 5 June 2017

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2017-2018 Community Assistance Fund A number of applicants have taken the opportunity to discuss their applications with Council officers prior to submitting them. This has resulted in higher quality applications and in some cases applicants deferring their application until they have clearly identified and costed the scope of their project. Applications close on Friday 9 June and will be considered by Council at their July meeting. Section 86 Committee Review Work is continuing with Southcombe Park Committee of Management and the review of their Section 86 Special Committee governance structure. A great deal of work has been put in by the Committee to progress their transition into an Incorporated Association. It is planned to have this matter finalised by the end of July 2017. Victoria Park Master Plan A great deal of work has gone into gathering information for the preparation of this Master Plan. Key Stakeholders have provided great feedback and insight into the current and future needs for Victoria Park. Final draft of the Master Plan will be completed by the end of July 2017. Council Contributions to Recreation Reserves and Hall Committees All contributions to Hall and Recreation Reserve Committees will be finalised by the second week in June. Port Fairy Cricket Club Indoor Cricket Centre Accessible Toilet Work commenced on the Council funded accessible toilet in early May with the contractor expected to be completed in early June; weather permitting.

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Published – 5 June 2017

Page 47


Rural Access

Rural Access recently organised a forum in Warrnambool which was attended by 32 representatives from 14 Men’s Sheds located throughout South West Victoria. Keynote speakers addressed issues relating to men’s health and the role Men’s Sheds can play in addressing these issues. Attendees provided reports on the many positive projects being undertaken by their Sheds. Representatives from the Port Fairy, Macarthur and Crossley Men’s Sheds were amongst those in attendance. Rural Access works with Men’s Sheds to assist them to be accessible and inclusive for all people, including people with a disability. The South Hurricanes (formerly Hampden Hurricanes), a team of footballers with a disability, recently travelled to Horsham for their first match of the season. They recorded a comfortable win against the Wimmera Whippets. A new team logo has been developed to reflect the fact that the team is now part of the South Warrnambool Football Netball Club, and new jumpers are on the way. Four Hurricanes players have been selected to try out for selection in a Vic Country team to compete in the 2017 National Inclusion Carnival to be held on the Gold Coast later this year.


Following several years of fundraising and preparation, the Friends of Griffiths Island have commenced the installation of the Shearwater Sculpture. The project is being overseen and supported by Moyne Shire. The sculpture, by Don and Sherril Stewart is representative of 10 short tailed shearwater birds and will interpret the return of the birds to their nests for visitors throughout the year, thus connecting the significance of the burrows around the island for nesting birds rather than rabbits. The design will be arranged into two groups of birds. The first will be of 5-6 birds on 3m high tapered tubing. The second will be 3 birds mounted on 5m tapered tubing and will be located at the entrance to Griffiths Island on either side of the entrance to the causeway in the car park. Stay tuned to for news and information on coming art events and information for the South West.

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Youth Council The Annual Youth Council Presentation Evening held Tuesday 6 June. Exiting Youth Council members are Kaylee Beard, Rubylee Fuss, Jayde Unwin, Issac Fowler, Sam Williams, Alana Buck and Jackie Cooper. There are eight new Youth Council members for 2017/2018 who were inducted at the Youth Council Presentation Ceremony. Youth Council Planning Day There were varying youth issues and concerns that were raised at our planning day that took place on Saturday 22 April, including the epidemic use of illicit drugs known as Ice and MDMA (commonly known as ecstasy) by young people. Other issues raised were cyber bullying, in particular sexting, bullying in general especially on school buses, sexual assault, alcohol abuse, youth crimes including car surfing, theft and burglary, physical assault, domestic violence and an overwhelming issue of mental illness. Youth Council members are looking at tackling some of these issues in two levels:

using social media campaign through the snapchat filters with positive messages that get sent to all young people across six secondary schools for a period of six months; and

holding two event that will focus on youth and community engagement like a colour run to be held in Port Fairy and Mortlake sometime in December 2017.

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Youth Forums A series of Youth Forums will take place in the coming months following the Youth Council planning day. They are to be held at the following locations: Hawkesdale, Mortlake and Warrnambool. Further consultation will also take place in various sporting clubs in our area as well as consultation in all of our primary schools to ensure that we covered all young people aged 12 -24yrs of age. These processes are part of the review of the existing Youth Strategy and outcomes from these consultations will be the basis for future directions of our youth service provision. Mortlake Our PlaYce Youth Group Work has commenced at the Mortlake Skatepark to deliver Stage 1 of the project. Mortlake youth are working closely with the Mortlake Community Development Committee (MCDC) on this project. Our Community, Our Voice Program (Change It Up! Initiative) Involved Year 8 students from Hawkesdale and Hand On students from Mortlake College. Training was held on Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 June at the Mortlake College BER facility. The training theme was– How can we make a difference to our community? Expected outcomes are community projects in both the Hawkesdale and Mortlake areas that enhances the relationship of young people to their community. FReeZA Push Start Battle of the Bands to be held Friday 4 August 2017 in Port Fairy. Reach Foundation Workshops Monday 5 June 2017 Involving all Year 8 students from Hawkesdale and Mortlake focusing on relationship and respect. Youth Council workshop which will be held on the same day will focus on effective leadership. Youth Activities / Dates Youth Council Monthly Meeting Monday 5 June 2017 4.30 pm - 6.30 pm Archie Graham Centre, Timor Street, Warrnambool

Youth Council Presentation Evening Tuesday 6 June 2017 5.00 pm – 7.30 pm Port Fairy Community Service Centre

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Roads & Streets

Road rehabilitation/stabilisation The rehabilitation season is coming to an end with the works on Mount Road Mortlake and Porter Street, Woolsthorpe now complete. Works are nearing completion on Mill Street, Koroit.

Under the Black Spot funding program, works are also basically completed on Skenes Road which included the widening of the sweeping bend and a turning lane into the golf course. Works are also complete at the intersection of James Street and Cox Street and nearing completion at the intersection of Campbell Street.

We have also commenced work at the intersection of Ibbs Lane and Caramut Road. This is a project that Council has negotiated with VicRoads and it is great to finally see this intersection which was in such poor condition being rehabilitated.

Works on the Grassmere Hexham Road have also commenced on site and will continue until the end of the year. Bridge program Bridge rehabilitation of Ellerslie-Sisters Road bridge is currently under construction with completion expected during June.

Sheehans Road bridge works have commenced with expected completion late June/early July. Footpath program Construction of the new concrete path on Powling Street, Port Fairy, west side between Avery Street and Ocean Drive, works are nearing completion. Road Maintenance Maintenance works are now being undertaken, which include, but are not limited to potholing, grading, slashing and spraying.

Contracts & Contract Work

Contracts/quotations awarded under delegation WQ697 Supply of sand for dust suppression

WQ698 Supply and delivery of guideposts WQ699 Concrete works Sheehans bridge WQ702 East beach toilet roof cladding renewal WQ703 Approach bridge railing Ellerslie bridge Contracts/quotations currently under evaluation MS809 Construction of Mortlake recreation reserve multi-purpose facility MS833 Waste collection services – Moyne Shire caravan parks MS835 Mortlake pool refurbishment – Stage 2 WQ700 Supply and delivery of a ride on mower WQ701 Supply and delivery of a medium rigid truck Contracts currently out to tender/quotation or soon to be advertised MS834 Lease of the waterfront building, Port Fairy

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Other Works/Issues

Timber Harvests Smyth Plantation (Riordans Road, Orford): Australian Bluegum Plantations have advised that they will commence harvest operations from Smyth Plantation from 29 May 2017. ABP have undertaken some road maintenance in the lead up to harvest operations. The timber will be headed for Myamyn. Leura Plantation (St Helens Road, St Helens): Australian Bluegum Plantations are continuing harvest activities from this plantation. Timber is being directed south to the Princes Highway via a route comprising St Helens Road, Fingerboard Road and Youls Road. Stamina Plantation (Dairy Lane, Garvoc): Australian Bluegum Plantations are continuing harvest activity at this small plantation. Timber is being directed back to the Princes Highway utilising Dairy Lane, Terang-Framlingham Road and Occupation Lane. Mellington Central (Mt Misery Road, Bessiebelle): Midway Limited harvesting works are ongoing. Council has undertaken road maintenance at Midways expense. Port Fairy Waterfront Building redevelopment

Prefabricated floor system is in place and floor slab completed.

Steel fabrication and timber truss fabrication is well underway.

Wall framing and service rough in being completed. Wangoom Recreation Reserve Access Upgrade Project out to tender closing early May. Mortlake Multi-Purpose Recreation Building Tenders for construction closed 23 February and have been evaluated. A re-scoping of the project will be sent to selected tenderers for amendment of tenders. Sale of Land Mortlake Industrial Estate Following a resolution by Council a Notice of Intention to sell the two remaining Council owned lots will be advertised for public submissions in accordance with the Local Government Act. Sale of Land Yambuk Following a resolution by Council a Notice of Intention to sell the maternal child health building will be advertised for public submissions in accordance with the Local Government Act.

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Published – 5 June 2017

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Words of Appreciation

Email from Lisette Mill, Secretary, Panmure Action Group Inc to David Madden, CEO – 15 May 2017 Dear David

We are working through a list of thanks for council officers who assisted with making Anzac Day in Panmure the great success it was. These have been sent to the people concerned directly. But in addition to this we would like to ask whether the following staff could be noticed from within council for their services to the community of Panmure this year, not just for Anzac Day.

They are: Craig Midgley, Geraldine Edar, Rob Stewart-Murray, Emma Moloney, Tracey Ripper, Stan Smith and Steve who organised the marquee and the crew who put it up ahead of Anzac day.

Happy to discuss further if you need any details of their star efforts.

Lisette Note from Lyn Eales, YUMCHA Brophy Family and Youth Services to Moyne Shire Staff - 19 May 2017 To Moyne Staff

Thank you for your amazing support and recognition during IDAHOBIT day 2017.

(International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia)

We thank you for the donation of $109 raised from your morning tea. Email from Andrea Greene to Jon Goodall, Risk Coordinator – 29 May 2017 Thanks so much for your help this morning in Koroit?!!!

Hi Jon

I just wanted to write to Thank you so much for helping me out this morning when my tyre blew in Koroit. As you promised the boys at The depot were very capable & sent me on my way with my spare tyre fitted within around 10 mins!!.. Saving me from arriving late to teach at Macarthur.

Rob Richardson (Mechanic from Koroit Depot) did most of the work & I tried to give him some cash, but he said he wasn't allowed to take it. I managed to give him some fantail lollies in a bag (which as a Casual Relief Teacher, I had on hand ready to "bribe" the kids at school). However, I really want to send them a slab of coke or something to say Thanks properly. Do you have any other ideas they would appreciate? If so, Please let us know.

Anyway, Thanks again for going out of your way to help. This made my day & reminded me why I love the country?!!


CEO Activities Report – June 2017 Edition For Public Distribution

Published – 5 June 2017
