Ch. 5 Test Review -


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Ch. 5 Test Review

Colonial Expansion and

Life in the Colonies

Colonial Expansion (Unit 2) Ch. 5

Charles de


He defined the principle of separation of powers, calling

for a system of checks and balances in government

John Locke

Created a doctrine of natural rights which outlined the

fundamental rights all humans should enjoy: life, liberty,

and property. Promoted the idea that government

develops at the consent of the governed and is

designed to protect citizens’ natural rights. It can be

dissolved if the citizens believe that their government

fails to act in their best interests



An enlightenment thinker, Blackstone believed human

laws were like scientific laws. They were creations of

God waiting to be discovered just as Isaac Newton had

discovered the laws of gravity a century before. Also

known as the father of English Common Law.

Biographical Glossary

Magna Carta

English document that granted rights to noblemen and

freemen. Limited the power of the king included the ideas of

due process and the right to a fair and speedy trial. The

English viewed it as a guarantee of law and justice.


Bill of Rights

English Document that guaranteed certain rights to English

citizens and declared that elections for Parliament would

happen frequently. It supported a limited monarchy, a

system of shared power with Parliament and the people.


of 1763

After the French and Indian War, the proclamation, in effect,

closed off the frontier to colonial expansion. The

proclamation excluded the rich Ohio Valley and all territory

from the Ohio to the Mississippi rivers from settlement.

American colonists were very unhappy with its passing and

it was the first step towards the Revolution.

Document Glossary

House of Burgesses 1619 The First Representative Body in the colonies; Virginia

Mayflower Compact 1620 first system of self-government in America.

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 1639 the first constitution in the American colonies; extended voting rights to non-church members and limited the powers of the governor, expanded ideas of representative government

Magna Carta 1215 granted rights to noblemen and freemen. Limited power of the king

English Bill of Rights 1689 supported a limited monarchy, gov’t based of laws made by parliament provided a system of shared power; rights given to ALL Englishmen

Jamestown -1st perm. English settlement

Mayflower Compact – 1st system of self-


New England











Long winters, rocky soil, timber, fishing, shipbuilding, whaling

subsistence farming,

good soil,

warm climate

Hot climate, fertile soil, cash crops, plantation system

Appalachian Mtns

8. The 13 colonies were divided into 3 regions:

New England Colonies

Middle Colonies

Southern Colonies

Use p.117 in your book to

trace an outline of the 13

colonies and label and color

the 3 different regions.

Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

1. Mercantilism is an economic system in which the

mother country controls the trade of its colonies.


Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

9. The involved England and the 13

colonies fighting against France and the Native Americans for

control of the Ohio River Valley. It resulted in increased

taxation and violation of certain rights.

French & Indian War

Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

10. The Treaty of Paris of 1763 ended the

French and Indian War. The debt from the war

led to increased British taxation of the colonies.

Your Coercive

Acts are


‘Ere’s your

tea, MATE!

Poop on

your duty.

Treaty of Paris of 1763

Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

Wanna see me

get tarred &


11. Ben Franklin wrote the Albany Plan of Union – “Join

or Die!” encouraging the colonies to unite against the

French during the French & Indian War.

Albany Plan of Union

Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

12. The Proclamation

of 1763 limited the

colonies from

expanding west of

the Appalachian


Do not go in there! (By

order of the British.)


Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction