Ch 9 sec 2


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Troubles for the Growing Nation

• Jefferson ran again with George Clinton as running mate

• The French and British were at war and planned to destroy each other’s economy

• United States was caught in the middle• The US traded with both countries

Orders of Council

• Issued by the British• Made it illegal for countries to trade with

France unless inspected by British first

Berlin and Milan Decrees

• Issued by the French• Blockaded the British ports and any ships

trading with Britain could be seized• Eventually, France lifted the Decree

Chesapeake Affair

• British were still practicing impressment• The Chesapeake was ordered by a British ship

to halt and the US ship refused• The Leopard (British ship) fired at her• Three died and 18 wounded

• US wanted war, but Jefferson had another plan

• Asked for the Embargo Act of 1807– Stop all exports from the US– Forbade American ships from importing goods

from Europe– Hurt Americans more than the Europeans

• Jefferson passed the Non-Intercourse Act– Allowed foreign trade with nations except France

and Britain

James Madison

• Jefferson refused to run a third time• Madison became president in 1808

James Madison

Problems with the Indians

• Tecumseh organized the Indians into a confederation

• His brother, the Prophet, helped Tecumseh and they established Prophetstown


Tenskwatawa (The Prophet)

• General William Henry Harrison marched on Prophetstown and burned it

William Henry Harrison