Channel 4 Factual Insert: Style Guide & Analysis




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Channel 4 Analysis&

Style Guide

The advert contains the Channel 4 font which clearly signifies to the audience that this a factual insert for a programme which will be on Channel 4’s channel’s. Also the font being white stands out against the more darker background which is placed on.

The pun which is used “Iraq: The Bloody Circus” goes well with the main image within the factual insert. Channel 4 are well known for using puns within their work so this clearly shows it is from Channel 4.

The logo of channel 4 is signified by the shape of the logo in a “4” shape.

As there is explosions in the background and war, this will be mainly aimed towards those who are interested within this topic, dominantly males.

Also the colour of the logo stands out and goes well with the colour of one of the clowns hair as this is the first thing you will notice.

We can clearly see that this is a channel 4 programme as the Channel 4 logo is placed in a visible location, we also know this is a Channel 4 programme as at the bottom of the screen there is a link to Channel 4’s website

The text of the factual insert is the normal Channel 4 font, also as the font colour is black, it stands out against the white background.

Also the image catches the audiences attention as it is a child who is being sucked into the ground and is calling for help, yet everyone around her is just walking by and doing nothing, this goes well with the title “Britain’s Forgotten Children” as it suggest she is just forgotten and nobody looks after her.

The target audience for this type of programme would be people who feel that children should be treated better or want to know what happens to children such as those who are put into the care system. It may also be attracted to people who themselves were put into the care system and they can relate to it so it ha s a special interest to them.

As Channel 4 programmes are aimed more at the intellectual audience, there are very few words and makes the audience instantly think about what is the programme is going to be about and entices you to watch it out of curiosity.

The Channel 4 logo signified by being red which makes it stand out more specifically and gets you to instantly look at the logo, as a result you know this is a channel 4 programme.

The text of the factual insert is the normal Channel 4 font, also as the font colour is white it matches with the background also which is lighter colours.

Also as there is no information and title for what the actual programme is about, the maker of the advertisement is making the audience think and challenging them to what it could possibly be about.

The image is very dramatic and catches the audiences attention because of the body language. The image connotes to the audience it will have something to do with guns as one of the people in the image has his fingers in the shape of a gun. The possible target audience for this would be people who are young themselves and are effected by things such as guns and violence.

Analysis of Own factual Insert

When two worlds collide is a pun of multiple things, as this aimed at Channel 4, it is meant to challenge what they think. As a result it could make them think that it means when the two cars collide and come together which is represented within the image I chose, or the two different types of people who are effected by actual Street Racing, the people in society who do not do street racing such as local residents and motorists, and those who actually participate of Street Racing.

My title also suggests that the situation is at breaking point and something will have to be done about it soon, before it gets out of hand.

The colour scheme for my title background and font was taken from the image. I thought that the colours which I used are more effective than the other possible colours. The Channel 4 logo also is similar size to the Channel 4 style guide, it is also the same colour as the background and text of my titles, which again signifies that this is a factual insert for a Channel 4 documentary.

My text also shows what the documentary is about, it also says what time the documentary will be on. It also contains a link to the Channel 4 website which again signifies to the audience that is a documentary made for Channel 4.
