Chapter 11 North and South Take Different Paths. Warm up (Briefly answer all 3 questions…we will...


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Chapter 11

North and South Take Different Paths

Warm up(Briefly answer all 3 questions…we will discuss as a class.)

Questions:1. Before stores and factories, how did people

get materials that they needed?

2. What daily household items would be the most difficult to make/build?

3. How have factories made life easier?

Answer:1. Before stores and factories, how did people get materials that they needed? A: hand made, traded with neighbors

2. What daily household items would be the most difficult to make/build?A: clothes, furniture, dishes

3. How have factories made life easier?

A: They mass produce items, cheaper, faster

The Industrial Revolution

Section 1

What was the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution was a time when new inventions and new lifestyles ruled. These new inventions made factories much more important. Machines took the place of hand tools. Along with the new inventions came the increased desire for city life and factory jobs. Production and transportation became faster and easier too!

During the Industrial Revolution, people moved from working in homes and farms to working in mills and earning wages.This was brought on by new ways of working as well as new ways of producing goods.

The Industrial Revolution began in New England


New Hampshire


Rhode Island


Why New England?

• The poor soil

• The many rivers and streams

• Geographical location (coal and iron)

• Sea ports

• Money

In Great Britain, they developed…

• Spinning jenny and the water frame spun thread

• Power loom wove the thread into cloth

Saves time and money!


The Spinning Jenny

Powered Loom

Steam Power• Factories had to be built

near a water source to operate, but during the dry season the machines didn’t have power.

• To solve this problem a steam engine was designed to allow factories to be built anywhere. Sir Richard Arkwright

Francis Cabot Lowell

• A wealthy man, who went to Great Britain brought factory systems to the United States

• A factory system = bringing manufacturing steps together in one place to increase efficiency. They used mass production & interchangeable parts to increase production.

• 80% of the workers in Lowell’s mills were young unmarried women between the ages of 15-30

• Conditions were poor:• Low wage• Long hours• Monotonous work

• Created interchangeable parts while trying to meet a manufacturing deadline.

• Interchangeable parts were uniform parts made in large quantities that could replace any other identical pieces

• Leads to mass production and reduction in cost.

Children In Factories

• Prior to the Ind. Rev. kids worked on family farms.

• Once factories were created, children worked many hours in the factories.

• Kids as young as 7 worked in unsafe conditions and had no chance to go to school.

Factory Conditions

• Factory conditions were horrible.

• No fresh air• Dangerous

machines• On the job injuries

didn’t get compensated

Warm up:

Question:Why were the Lowell

Mills important to the American economy?


• Lowell Mills created a factory system. A factory system brought manufacturing steps together in one place to increase efficiency. They used mass production & interchangeable parts to increase production.

Mill Times Movie

Warm up:

How did the creation of mills change small towns in New England?


Small towns started to grow around the mills.Citizens started to find jobs in the mills.

Section 2

The North Transformed

• Huge population growth in the cities (urbanization)•People moved to the cities to get jobs in factories• Lead to problems like: - Overcrowding - Disease - Pollution - Risk of fire - Lack of clean drinking water

City life was dirty and overcrowdedWhat do you think the ditch in the center of the photo was used for?


• North: relied on industry and technology• South: slavery and cotton was their



• North: – Many new inventions allowed the North to produce things

efficiently• South: – Agriculture was profitable• Industry was of little use• There was only a small market for manufactured goods• “We want no manufactures; we desire no trading, no

mechanical or manufacturing classes. As long as we have our rice, our sugar, our tobacco and our cotton, we can command wealth to purchase all we want.”


• North: – Printing press invented• mass production of newspapers

– The telegraph was invented (by: Samuel F.B. Morse)• Ran along railroads• Allowed quick communication

• South:– due to the limited amount of railways• Less telegraph lines and worse communication than the



• New water transportation– Steamboat (by: Robert Fulton)– Clipper ships

• New land transportation– Railroads (Baltimore & Ohio R.R.)– North: all railroads interconnected– South: short, only connected small towns

A New Wave of ImmigrantsWho came and why?• The Great Hunger in Ireland

(Over 1 million came to the U.S.)• German Revolutionaries (After failed

revolutions many came to the U.S.)

Nativists• Mostly American-born Protestants• They feared foreigners…especially Irish,

Roman-Catholics• The Know-Nothing political party rose in

NYC, policies against foreigners

African Americans in the North

• African Americans– Faced discrimination in

all areas of life• Low wages• No suffrage (right to vote)• No free public schools• Not allowed to work in

factories or in skilled trades• Segregated schools, public

facilities, and churches

CensusYear # Slaves # Free


% freeblacks

Total USpopulation

% blackof total

1790 697,681 59,527 757,208 7.9% 3,929,214 19%

1800 893,602 108,435 1,002,037 10.8% 5,308,483 19%

1810 1,191,362 186,446 1,377,808 13.5% 7,239,881 19%

1820 1,538,022 233,634 1,771,656 13.2% 9,638,453 18%

1830 2,009,043 319,599 2,328,642 13.7% 12,860,702 18%

1840 2,487,355 386,293 2,873,648 13.4% 17,063,353 17%

1850 3,204,313 434,495 3,638,808 11.9% 23,191,876 16%

1860 3,953,760 488,070 4,441,830 11.0% 31,443,321 14%

1870 0 4,880,009 4,880,009 100% 38,558,371 13%


Distribution of slaves

Warm up:

Question: What was difficult about living in the city in the 1800’s? Name 3 things.


Problems for people living in the cities: - Overcrowding - Disease - Pollution - Risk of fire - Lack of clean drinking water

Section 3

The Plantation South

As the North became more urban and industrialized the South remained rural…

1. Textile boom…created a huge demand for cotton2. Invention of the cotton gin…produced more cotton

• Plenty of fertile land

• Slaves • Cotton Gin

• High demand for products (North)

In the United States…

In the United States…

• Mechanical flour mill Only needed two people to run it.

(one to empty the bag of wheat and one to roll away the barrels of flour)

• Cotton Gin a simple machine that quickly removed the cotton seed from the fiber.

• Now 1 = 50!

Cheaper to clean makes it possible to make money off of it!!!

The Cotton Gin

Farms vs. PlantationsFarms (50-200 acres)– Tenant farmers• Rented land to farm

– Owned by Yeomen (men who did not own slaves)• Largest group of white

men in the south

Plantations (1,000 acres)– Domestic slaves– Field workers– Plantation owners• Goal: to earn profit

– Plantation wives• Supervised buildings and

kept records

Cotton picking in Mississippi

Slavery developed in the South because of the need for cheap labor.

European slave traders in Africa did not seize land from natives and colonize the coast, as they

did in their New World settlements. Instead, they

established special relationships with local chieftains, who allowed

them to maintain trading forts along the coast. Local Africans,

rather than the Europeans themselves, acquired and

supplied slaves to the white traders.

The Life of a SlaveThe Life of a Slave

African tribes would win wars and sell the captives of the losing tribe into slavery. The first slaves were brought to America in 1619 and typically they had a master for seven years before they were free. However, farmers soon needed slaves for

large plantations so they started to buy them for life.

The Life of a Slave

Slaves were crowded on to ships and brought over to America on Triangle Trade routes.

SLAVERYFamilyFamilies were often

separated by sales.

WorkSlaves worked from sun

up to sun down.– Kids: carried water and

easy chores– Elders: cared for young

and did light chores– Everyone else: fields

-1 out of 4 families in the South owned 1 out of 4 families in the South owned slavesslaves- 1 out of 7 families owned 10 or more1 out of 7 families owned 10 or more

Living Conditions

HOMES for slaves were called slave cabins -Mud floors-About 12 to a room -Very dirty

Life as a Slave

MARRIAGE:“until death or distance

do you part”

Slave Auction: slaves were bought and sold

CULTURE: large families, clothing,

songs, dance

Life as a Slave

PROTESTING: Worked slowly, faked illness, burned buildings, broke tools, made animals lame, escaped (ALL resulted in punishment )

• Free African Americans- they faced many problems and were denied basic rights.

• Slave Codes- laws that controlled every aspect of an enslaved person’s life.

• Resistance to slavery- Nat Turner led a revolt in 1831. About 60 whites were killed in the revolt.

Additional African American Issues

Warm up:

Question: Who invented the cotton gin and what did it do?


Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1793. The cotton gin’s crank turned a cylinder that drew cotton fibers, but not cotton seeds, through small slots.

Section 4

The Challenges of Growth

Moving West• Daniel Boone and a group of

30 men cleared the Wilderness Road. It allowed people to cross the Appalachian Mts. and travel westward.

• From 1792-1819 8 states joined the Union:– Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio,

Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama

Roads and Turnpikes (toll roads)

• Farmers and merchants needed a faster way to move their goods to market.

• Private companies started to build toll roads. ($)• Corduroy roads were also built in marshy areas.

(Logs laid side by side)• The National Road (1st federally funded) road began

in 1811 in Maryland and stretched to Illinois by 1850. Travel from East to West became easier.

Canals• This was the fastest and cheapest way to

transport goods.• Major rivers ran N S, the goal was to build

the canals from E W to connect waterways• N.Y. Gov. Clinton decided that a canal should be

built to connect the Hudson River to Lake Erie. (Locks were necessary)

• Canals spurred Midwest business and they were built everywhere.

The Extension of Slavery• Slave and Free States-In

1819 there were 11 free states and 11 slaves states BUT Missouri had been trying to become a state since 1817.

• Question-How should Missouri be admitted; slave or free state? The North and South fought over the issue! (Balance of the Senate)

The Missouri Compromise• Henry Clay proposed a solution to the problem.• Adopt Maine as a free state, adopt Missouri as a

slave state and use the southern border of Missouri as a dividing line. N=free and S=slave for states added from the rest of the Louisiana Territory.

• Slave owners could also capture run away slaves in free territory.

• BUT…should Congress have the power to make decisions about slavery?

The Missouri Compromise

Warm Up:Question: What was one mode of

transportation for a pioneer family heading west? Explain a positive and

negative for your mode of transportation.

Illinois Central Railroad


1. Positives- accessible, most people had them2. Negatives- broke easily, hard to go over the mountains

Steamboats-1. Positives-improved the transport of goods and passengers along major

rivers, shipping goods became cheaper and faster, contributed to the growth of river cities

2. Negative-didn’t have enough power to withstand the strong currents and shifting winds found in large rivers

Rail Roads/Trains-1. Positive- fast, fairly cheap2. Negative- didn’t go everywhere

Warm Up:Question:Why was the Missouri Compromise important?


• It temporarily settled the debate over slavery in the U.S.

• Details of the Compromise:– Adopt Maine as a free state, adopt Missouri as a slave

state and use the southern border of Missouri as a dividing line. N=free and S=slave for states added from the rest of the Louisiana Territory.

– Slave owners could also capture run away slaves in free territory.

Warm up:Question: Why did

the North and the South take different paths?

Tip: Look at your worksheet from yesterday to help you answer this question. Great Olympian Cotton Mill

in Georgia


As business grew, the North focused on industrialized products and jobs that could be done all year round. (Lowell Mills, interchangeable parts)

As cash crops flourished the South began to spend more efforts on the crops that would make them money, often over the crops that provided food. (cotton, tobacco)

Test DayPlease put projects on your desk and be ready to turn them in. Make sure your name is on your project.
