Chapter 1.5


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As you can see, there are some new houses near the trailer. These are starter homes and might be future homes for some of the Trail spares.

Parker and Judy are having a date again.Parker is going to age up and I want him in good mood because I'm not yet ready to let him die.

I still love them together.

Leonardo was rewarded with §100 for having good grades.

School is no fun at all.The girl passing by isn't getting the best impressions.

Parker ages to elder. His clothes seem to be from a seasonal sale after Halloween.

That looks much, much better.

Ronnie also ages up. I think all the kids are so cute.Now Britney is the last child needing much attention.

The teens are able to take care of themselves, more or less.

Parker is digging for treasures again.Every bone he finds goes to the dogs.

Aaaaaaaaand... he is cleaning the trailer.

Bus call ;)

Leonardo skips school today.

He makes up for it with taking care of Britney.

The dogs are starting to annoy me...

New bills.Bills they cannot pay.

Judy is a great mom.

Ronnie always finds something to do.

Aaaaaaaaaw... Billy Joe helped Britney with her birthday.Her personality is 2/8/6/6/3, just like Parker's.

Nobody would ever guess his two neat points.

Still adorable ;)

Parker is afraid of becoming a father again. I can totally understand him.

Best friends :)

That's almost normal here -.-

Leonardo is going to school today.

Parker is searching for things they can sell in the yard sale.

I want to fill this area until summer.

Another stray passes by.

I really, really hate this.

Dog food is expensive!

Another dream date to sell the roses and keep them happy.

They never hat woohoo in the car before.

The teens keep bringing friends along, but I forgot the blonde girl's name.

Even though it's spring, their pond is still frozen.

Bevin and Isis became senior dogs.

They asked a random townie to clean up the trailer again.

Uncontrollable Billy Joe is uncontrollable ;)

Dancing in the kitchen.

Parker spends a lot of time with his kids recently.

Leonardo and Billy Joe became best friends.

The grades anren't as good as they were before.

They need help with their homework, as you can see.

I just can't stop taking photos of my founding couple.

Isn't Parker great?

They found another treasure chest. Now they just need to sell it.

The pond is not frozen anymore.

Britney finally aged up.She is not as cute as her siblings, but I still like her.I forgot to write down her personality.

They keep having dream dates :)

Judy felt she was getting old.She had the biological drive to do something... create new plantsim life.

Meet Leaf.

Everybody is crazy about Leaf.They keep carrying him around- and out of the sun -.- I'd love to biuld a fence around him, but I cannot afford it.

Judy does some autonomous star gazing.

The bills are deep red!

Luckily, they keep having dream dates and finally are able to pay their bills.

Leaf gets too much attention...

I love their autonomous interactions, usually I controll almost every move my sims do.

Last day of spring and time for my heir poll.

That's it for Generation 1.

The heir poll will be seperatly.I hope you'll vote well :)

Voting is possible on my LJ whith a comment, on boolprop and on a German Simforum.
