Chapter 19 The Rise of the City The Administration Building of the Columbia Exposition 1893


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Chapter 19 The Rise of the City The Administration Building of the Columbia Exposition 1893

Omnibus main form of city mass transit until 1852

Horsecar 1852 to 1890• The

Omnibus was replaced by the Horse car which was faster because the horses pulled the car along train tracks

Trolley car 1890s through 1950

• The Trolley car required no horse because of the electric lines that were over head.

Frank Sprague Trolley car Inventor

William Jenny’s Ten Story building in Chicago 1885

• What was needed before this feat could be accomplished?

Partial List of what inventions were needed before sky scrapers could be built.

• Plate Glass windows uniformly built with a strength that could endure High Windows and moving towers.

• Steel Girders that gave strength to the structure.• Elevators… because who wants to run up and down a ten

story building?

Dumbbell Tenements

Anthony Comstock and the Comstock Laws

• Outlawed Birth control including Abortion which had been legal under common law.

• When Andrew Carnegie was offered $480 Million for His Steel Company. He Took the Money and Retired, but did not believe he should pass all of his wealth to the family. Instead he donated much of his fortune to buying Organs for Churches, and In 1881 he promised to build a library for any city willing to stock it, (Including a library in San Bernardino, and one in Riverside both have been demolished before 1965.)

Margaret Sanger founder Planned Parenthood

• A nurse who had witnessed the death of many desperate young women Who bled to death because of going to back woods abortions, or women living in poverty with a dozen kids living in poverty.

George Washington


• Honest Corruption was what G.W. Plunkett called what he did. As the Tammany Hall Ward Boss, he had a regular system.. He didn’t need kickbacks, he did favors for businesses and they did favors for him…. And he enhanced his income with insider information… and he courted immigrants from all nationalities… Helping Immigrants get jobs in return for election support. When a family is displaced because of a fire Plunkitt would find them a place to stay and food to eat, and a job… it was humanitarian but it was good politics too.

Tim Sullivan

• Big Tim Sullivan was another Tammany Ward Boss… from the Bowery. If an Ordinary city Dweller needed a favor from a city authority, the would turn to an Alderman or a Ward boss , such as Tim Sullivan or George Washington Plunkitt.

Political Machines could be counted on for rewarding party loyalty with jobs or favors , mediating conflicting city interests, and act as a clearinghouse for city business deals.

The newly rich vie to insert themselves into “Society. Ward McAllister Creates the

Country’s Social register… a list of the richest members of

society with instructions on how to

behave rich with class.

Gibson Girls

These advertisement girls personified the middle class “new woman”… spirited , athletic and Chastely sexual.


Dwight Moody & Billy Sunday• Evangelic• Religious preachers• Sunday was a Chicago Sox

Outfielder• Brought a strong example of

communal social uplift with

Optimistic sermons.

Vaudeville• Family variety acts on

stage 1900 to 1950

Silent flicks

• Early “movies” were photo cards in sequence in a machine you cranked. Then came movie theatres costing a nickel

Baseball the all American sport unifies people of cities.

Joseph Pulitzer publisher of the New York World and developer of Yellow Journalism

Pulitzer , a German immigrant started out as the Publisher of a St. Louis Newspaper. The inventor of Yellow Journalism, He took his idea of marketing a Newspaper, to New York, “The New York World” where a one time admirer of Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst Started a Newspaper Fashioned after Pulitzer, and the two set off a circulation war.

William Randolph Hearst and the New York Journal 1895

The “City Beautiful “Movement• Frederick Law Olmstead, a garden architect brought

about a movement to beautify Cities with natural beauty blended into the City. He Is Perhaps Most Famous for his Design of New York’s Central Park, but he is also famous for designing the gardens of the Columbian Exposition of 1893, in Chicago.

The Old City of Berlin and the New City of Chicago

• By 1900 Chicago and Berlin had equal populations.• Berlin was Germany’s city of political, intellectual and material life

was concentrated. Where as Chicago which had been a Muddy frontier outpost 70 years before, was a center for business, without the grandeur and pretensions of Berlin.

• Literature at this time followed the “Genteel tradition of writing idealistic and uplifting stories” as William Dean Howells wrote, but later on , he and Stephan Crane, and Henry Blake Fuller would break with this tradition and write realistic works that captured the harsh realities of life, such as Crane’s book “Maggie: Girl of the Streets” which described destruction of a girl living in the slums.

Chapter 19 the end
