Chapter 21 Blood Vessels and Circulation


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Chapter 21 Blood Vessels and Circulation

1) The muscular layer in the wall of a blood vessel is the tunica

A) intima. B) externa.

C) media.

D) interna.

E) adventitia.

2) Compared to arteries, veins

A) are rounder in a sectional cut. B) have more smooth muscle in their tunica media.

C) have a pleated endothelium.

D) have thinner walls. E) hold their shape better when cut.

3) Capillaries that have a complete lining are called

A) continuous capillaries. B) fenestrated capillaries.

C) sinusoidal capillaries.

D) sinusoids. E) vasa vasorum.

4) The smallest arterial branches are called the A) muscular arteries.

B) arterioles.

C) capillaries.

D) venules. E) veins.

5) The layer between the tunica media and the tunica externa in a large artery is the A) tunica intima.

B) external elastic membrane.

C) tunica media.

D) internal elastic membrane. E) tunica externa.

6) Which of the following layers of a vessel contains collagen fibers with scattered bands of elastic fibers? A) tunica intima

B) external elastic membrane

C) tunica media D) internal elastic membrane

E) tunica externa

7) After blood leaves the capillaries, it enters the A) arteries.

B) arterioles.

C) capillaries. D) venules.

E) veins.

8) Which layer of a blood vessel contains concentric sheets of smooth muscle tissue?

A) tunica intima

B) external elastic membrane

C) tunica media D) internal elastic membrane

E) tunica externa


9) The large vessels that return blood to the heart are called A) arteries.

B) arterioles.

C) capillaries. D) venules.

E) veins.

10) In arteries, the thick layer of elastic fibers associated with the tunica intima is called the A) tunica intima.

B) external elastic membrane.

C) tunica media. D) internal elastic membrane.

E) tunica externa.

11) Which of the following is the innermost layer of a blood vessel?

A) tunica intima

B) external elastic membrane

C) tunica media D) internal elastic membrane

E) tunica externa

12) Venoconstriction ________ the amount of blood within the venous system, which ________ the volume in the

arterial and capillary systems.

A) doubles; decreases B) reduces; increases

C) decreases; doubles

D) increases; reduces

E) reduces; reduces

13) Venous valves are responsible for

A) preventing anterograde flow. B) channeling blood away from the heart.

C) channeling blood toward the heart.

D) preventing blood from re-entering a ventricle.

E) regulating blood pressure in veins.

14) Venae cavae are the largest of what type of vessel?

A) artery B) arteriole

C) capillary

D) venule E) vein

15) Which of the following vessels changes diameter most readily to local conditions or SNS stimulation?

A) elastic arteries B) arterioles

C) fenestrated capillaries

D) venules E) veins

16) Of the following, which is an elastic artery? A) the subclavian

B) the external carotid

C) the brachial

D) the femoral E) the ulnar


17) You would expect to find fenestrated capillaries in A) skeletal muscles.

B) cardiac muscle.

C) the pituitary gland. D) bone.

E) skin.

18) A sample of tissue displays many large flattened spaces lined by fenestrated endothelium. Blood moves slowly through these spaces. This tissue sample most likely came from the

A) heart.

B) lungs. C) liver.

D) kidneys.

E) skin.

19) These vessels may be continuous or fenestrated.

A) arteries

B) arterioles C) capillaries

D) venules

E) veins

20) What structure do RBCs move through single-file?

A) artery B) arteriole

C) capillary

D) venule

E) vein

21) Capillaries with a perforated lining are called

A) perforated capillaries. B) discontinuous capillaries.

C) fenestrated capillaries.

D) sinuses.

E) vasa vasorum.

22) Exchange between a blood vessel and the cells that surround it can occur only in

A) arteries. B) arterioles.

C) veins.

D) venules. E) capillaries.

23) Which kind of vessel is also called a resistance vessel?

A) artery B) arteriole

C) capillary

D) venule E) vein

24) Blood flow through a capillary is controlled by the A) vasa vasorum.

B) plexus.

C) precapillary sphincter.

D) thoroughfare channel. E) venule.


25) The common iliac artery is an example of which type of artery? A) arteriolar

B) elastic

C) connective D) muscular

E) vascular

26) Venoconstriction reduces the diameter of which vessel? A) artery

B) arteriole

C) capillary D) venule

E) vein

27) The brachial and femoral arteries are examples of which type of artery?

A) arteriolar

B) elastic

C) connective D) muscular

E) vascular

28) What vessels contain elastic fibers in the walls that are stretched during systole?

A) arteries

B) arterioles C) capillaries

D) venules

E) veins

29) Which of the following is most likely to result from an aneurysm in a brain artery?

A) hypotension

B) quadriplegia C) stroke

D) myocardial infarction

E) pulmonary embolism

30) Complications related to arteriosclerosis account for roughly ________ percent of deaths in the United States.

A) 30

B) 60 C) 20

D) 50

E) 25

31) Arteriosclerosis can lead to all of the following except

A) hypertension.

B) stroke. C) coronary artery disease.

D) myocardial infarction.

E) diabetes.

32) Which of the following are the smallest venous vessels?

A) large veins B) venules

C) medium veins

D) arteriovenules

E) venous valves


33) Blood moves forward through veins because of all of the following except

A) the pressure in the veins is lower than in the arteries.

B) pumping by the smooth muscle in the wall of the vein.

C) the respiratory pump. D) valves in the veins preventing the backward flow of blood.

E) muscular compression.

34) Which part of the vascular system functions as a blood reservoir and contains over 60% of the body's blood? A) pulmonary arteries

B) capillaries

C) systemic arterioles D) veins

E) arteries

35) What is the correct order for the sequence of blood vessels that blood would travel in the systemic circuit,

starting at the aorta?

1. venules

2. arterioles 3. capillaries

4. elastic arteries

5. medium veins 6. large veins

7. muscular arteries

A) 6, 5, 1, 3, 2, 7, 4 B) 4, 7, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6

C) 7, 4, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6

D) 5, 6, 1, 3, 2, 7, 4

E) 2, 7, 6, 3, 1, 5, 6

36) The main control of peripheral resistance occurs in the

A) arterioles. B) venules.

C) veins.

D) arteries.

E) capillaries.

37) Multiple arteries joined in order to serve a single capillary network are called

A) convergents. B) arteriole beds.

C) portals.

D) connexons. E) collaterals.

38) The direct interconnection of two arteries is called an arterial

A) collateral. B) anastomosis.

C) unification.

D) merger. E) portal.

39) A(n) ________ is a direct connection between an arteriole and a venule. A) arteriovenule joint

B) collateralization

C) arteriovenous anastomosis

D) arteriovenule junction E) arch


40) The ________ are small blood vessels that nourish tissue components in the wall of large arteries and veins. A) tunica capillaria

B) perfusion capillaries

C) vasa vasorum D) vascular capillaries

E) cortical vessels

41) The increase in effective blood volume that results from venoconstriction is the A) venous reserve.

B) capacitance of veins.

C) vessel mobilization. D) venous return.

E) vessel residual.

42) In the condition known as ________, the wall of an artery becomes thicker and stiffer.

A) arthritis

B) arteriosclerosis

C) stenosis D) atherosclerosis

E) multiple sclerosis

43) The condition known as ________ is characterized by the formation of fatty plaques within the wall of arteries.

A) arthritis

B) arteriosclerosis C) stenosis

D) atherosclerosis

E) multiple sclerosis

44) Points where a muscular artery can be compressed against a bone to control severe bleeding are called

A) decompression points.

B) palpation points. C) diastolic points.

D) regulation points.

E) pressure points.

45) A(n) ________ is a bulge, or weakened wall, of an artery.

A) aneurysm

B) stroke C) vascular edema

D) arteriosclerosis

E) atherosclerosis

46) ________ form elaborate capillary networks within tissues that allow for very slow blood flow.

A) Varicosities

B) Sinusoids C) Foramina

D) Portal systems

E) Perfusion centers

47) After the precapillary sphincter, blood enters a(n)

A) venule. B) anastomosis.

C) vein.

D) arteriole.

E) thoroughfare channel.


48) The tunica intima consists of A) stratified squamous epithelium.

B) simple squamous epithelium and loose connective tissue.

C) smooth muscle and loose connective tissue. D) simple squamous epithelium and smooth muscle.

E) loose connective tissue.

49) What are the layers of blood vessels from outside to inside? A) tunica intima; tunica externa; tunica media

B) tunica intima; tunica media; tunica externa

C) tunica media; tunica externa; tunica interna D) tunica externa; tunica interna; tunica media

E) tunica externa; tunica media; tunica interna

50) What is the difference between elastic arteries and muscular arteries?

A) Elastic arteries have more smooth muscle than muscular arteries.

B) Muscular arteries have larger lumens than elastic arteries.

C) Elastic arteries have elastic fibers throughout the tunica media whereas muscular arteries have few elastic fibers in the tunica media.

D) Elastic arteries are closest to the arterioles and muscular arteries are farther away.

E) Elastic arteries have a larger tunica intima and tunica media compared to muscular arteries.

51) Monocytes filled with lipid that attach to the endothelial lining in atherosclerosis are termed

A) lipoproteins. B) foam cells.

C) Kuppfer cells.

D) fibrocytes.

E) adipocytes.

52) Cardiovascular diseases typically affect

A) young children. B) young women.

C) old men.

D) old men and old women.

E) young men.

53) What is the primary reason cardiovascular disease affects older women and not younger women?

A) Older women are less likely to smoke. B) Older women are less likely to see a doctor.

C) Older women lack estrogen.

D) Older women are more likely to have osteoporosis. E) Older women lack growth hormone.

54) A genetic condition that leads to the inability to absorb and recycle cholesterol in the liver is

A) focal calcification. B) familial hypercholesterolemia.

C) atherosclerosis.

D) arteriosclerosis. E) coronary artery disease.

55) Which of the following is not a commonly palpated arterial pressure point? A) axillary

B) radial

C) brachial

D) femoral E) popliteal


56) Which vessel has only the tunica intima layer? A) artery

B) vein

C) arteriole D) venule

E) capillary

57) In the bone marrow, new blood cells must enter the circulation through A) arterioles.

B) continuous capillaries.

C) fenestrated capillaries. D) sinusoidal capillaries.

E) venules.

58) Anti-angiogenic drugs are being used to decrease tumor growth. These drugs work by decreasing

A) cell division.

B) cell communication.

C) new blood vessel formation. D) focal calcification.

E) vascular flow.

59) Distension of the superficial veins caused by weakened valves is termed

A) hemorrhoids.

B) venoconstriction. C) vaso vasorum.

D) varicose veins.

E) venous reserve.

60) Resistance is a force that

A) increases blood flow.

B) decreases blood flow. C) never changes in a blood vessel.

D) acts with pressure to move blood along a vessel.

E) is always higher than blood pressure.

61) Total peripheral resistance is related to all of the following except the

A) length of a blood vessel.

B) osmolarity of interstitial fluids. C) turbulence.

D) blood viscosity.

E) blood vessel diameter.

62) As blood travels from arteries to veins,

A) pressure builds.

B) pressure drops. C) flow becomes turbulent.

D) viscosity increases.

E) diameter of the blood vessels gets progressively smaller.

63) Blood flow to a tissue will increase if the

A) level of oxygen at the tissue increases. B) level of carbon dioxide at the tissue decreases.

C) veins constrict.

D) arterioles dilate.

E) arterioles constrict.


64) Blood pressure is determined by A) measuring the size of the pulse.

B) listening carefully to the pulse.

C) estimating the pressure needed to close off an artery with an external pressure cuff. D) estimating the degree of turbulence in a partly closed vessel.

E) measuring the force of contraction of the left ventricle.

65) In what vessel is blood pressure the highest? A) artery

B) arteriole

C) capillary D) venule

E) vein

66) Blood pressure increases with all of the following except increased

A) cardiac output.

B) peripheral resistance.

C) blood volume. D) parasympathetic innervation.

E) force of cardiac contraction.

67) Which of the following factors will increase the net filtration pressure to move fluid out of capillaries?

A) decreased plasma albumin

B) increased blood hydrostatic pressure C) increased tissue hydrostatic pressure

D) both decreased plasma albumin and increased blood hydrostatic pressure

E) increased plasma albumin and decreased blood hydrostatic pressure

68) The main control of peripheral resistance occurs in the

A) artery.

B) arteriole. C) capillary.

D) venule.

E) vein.

69) The vascular pressure that declines from roughly 35 mm Hg to about 18 mm Hg is the

A) venous pressure.

B) capillary hydrostatic pressure. C) diastolic pressure.

D) peripheral pressure.

E) pulse pressure.

70) Clinically, the term blood pressure usually refers to

A) arteriovenous pressure.

B) capillary hydrostatic pressure. C) arterial pressure.

D) peripheral pressure.

E) pulse pressure.

71) Averaged over a few heartbeats, venous return is ________ cardiac output.

A) much higher than B) somewhat higher than

C) equal to

D) somewhat lower than

E) much lower than


72) Blood pressure is lowest in the A) arteries.

B) arterioles.

C) capillaries. D) venules.

E) veins.

73) If blood pressure doubled, the blood flow through a vessel would be A) doubled.

B) halved.

C) four times greater. D) 1/4 as much.

E) unchanged.

74) In which of the following would the blood flow be highest?

A) a vessel 0.5 cm in diameter and 2 meters long

B) a vessel 1.0 cm in diameter and 10 meters long

C) a vessel 0.5 cm in diameter and 4 meters long D) a vessel 1.0 cm in diameter and 2 meters long

75) Each of the following factors would increase peripheral resistance except

A) increased sympathetic stimulation.

B) elevated levels of epinephrine.

C) vasodilation. D) irregularities in the vessel walls caused by plaques.

E) elevated hematocrit.

76) If a person has a blood pressure of 120/90, his mean arterial pressure would be ________ mm Hg. A) 210

B) 100

C) 93 D) 105

E) 90

77) The difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures is called the ________ pressure. A) critical closing

B) mean arterial

C) pulse D) blood

E) circulatory

78) The blood colloid osmotic pressure mostly depends on the

A) concentration of plasma sodium ions.

B) concentration of plasma glucose.

C) concentration of plasma waste products. D) concentration of plasma proteins.

E) number of red blood cells.

79) Which of the following statements is false concerning the movement of fluid between capillaries and interstitial


A) Blood hydrostatic pressure forces fluid from the capillary to the interstitial space. B) Blood osmotic pressure moves fluid from the interstitial space to the capillary.

C) The osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid is less than the blood osmotic pressure.

D) The hydrostatic pressure of the interstitial fluid is largely unimportant in determining fluid movement.

E) The net filtration pressure is usually zero.


80) Each of the following changes will result in increased blood flow to a tissue except

A) increased hematocrit.

B) increased vessel diameter. C) increased blood pressure.

D) decreased peripheral resistance.

E) relaxation of precapillary sphincters.

81) In comparison to a vessel with a large diameter, a vessel with a small diameter has

A) less resistance to blood flow.

B) the same amount of pressure as resistance. C) a greater resistance to blood flow.

D) a higher blood pressure.

E) a greater blood flow.

82) Which of the following equations shows the correct relation between blood flow (F), pressure (P), and resistance


A) P = (F × R) × 4 B) F = R/P

C) F = P + R

D) F = P - R E) F = P/R

83) As blood circulates from arteries into capillaries, the total cross-sectional area of capillaries A) decreases and causes the blood velocity to decrease.

B) is the same as the total cross-sectional area of arteries and blood velocity is equal between arteries and capillaries.

C) increases and causes the blood velocity to decrease.

D) increases and causes the blood velocity to increase. E) decreases and causes the blood velocity to increase.

84) Which of the following is normally the greatest source acting against blood flow? A) vascular resistance

B) venous pressure

C) viscosity of blood

D) vessel length E) turbulence

85) The force that moves fluid out of capillaries is ________ pressure whereas the opposing force that moves fluid into capillaries is ________ pressure.

A) systolic; diastolic

B) hydrostatic; colloid osmotic C) blood; interstitial

D) colloid osmotic; hydrostatic

E) plasma; extracellular

86) Some of the fluid that is forced out of capillaries is returned to the blood by the

A) muscular arteries. D) venules

B) liver. E) lymphatic system C) hepatic portal vein.

87) Blood colloid osmotic pressure is produced by A) large non-diffusible proteins in the blood plasma.

B) a greater salt concentration in blood cells.

C) the force of blood pushing against the vessel wall.

D) osmosis of water. E) hypertonic solutions separated by a cell membrane.


88) Blood colloid osmotic pressure (BCOP) decreases in starving children because A) starvation increases blood pressure which, in turn, decreases BCOP.

B) starvation increases the permeability of capillaries causing a decrease in BCOP.

C) starvation prevents the liver from producing enough protein to maintain BCOP. D) malnourished children do not exercise, which results in a decrease in BCOP.

E) This statement is false; BCOP actually increases in starving children.

89) Calculate the net filtration pressure (NFP) with a blood hydrostatic pressure of 40 mm Hg and a blood colloid osmotic pressure of 25 mm Hg. Then determine if filtration or reabsorption occurs.

NFP = ________ and results in a fluid ________.

A) 15 mm Hg; filtration

B) 65 mm Hg; reabsorption C) 65 mm Hg; filtration

D) 15 mm Hg; reabsorption

E) -15 mm Hg; filtration

90) Which of the following opposes the flow of blood back to the heart?

A) vascular resistance

B) peripheral veins have valves to prevent backflow of blood C) muscular pumps squeeze veins and move blood toward the heart

D) blood pressure

E) blood pressure gradient from arteries to veins

91) As blood travels from arteries to veins,

A) viscosity of blood changes.

B) pressure increases. C) diameter of the blood vessels gets progressively smaller.

D) pressure decreases.

E) flow becomes turbulent.

92) Edema may occur when

A) the plasma concentration of protein is reduced.

B) capillary hydrostatic pressure is elevated. C) capillary endothelium permeability goes up.

D) the plasma concentration of protein is reduced and capillary endothelium permeability goes up.

E) the plasma concentration of protein is reduced, capillary hydrostatic pressure is elevated, and the capillary endothelium permeability goes up.

93) The resistance to blood flow of the entire cardiovascular system is known as A) severe combined constriction.

B) vasomotion.

C) vasoconstriction.

D) total peripheral resistance. E) systemic resistance.

94) Systemic arterial pressure in an adult at the entrance to the aorta averages A) 18 mmHg.

B) 35 mmHg.

C) 80 mmHg. D) 120 mmHg.

E) 93 mmHg.


95) You can expect children to have lower blood pressures than adults on average because

A) they have fewer blood vessels.

B) their hearts beat less forcefully. C) their capillaries are leakier.

D) their blood is less viscous.

E) their blood vessel length is less.

96) Total peripheral resistance is affected primarily by

A) blood vessel diameter.

B) blood vessel length. C) blood viscosity.

D) venous pressure.

E) turbulence.

97) All of the following conditions change peripheral resistance by affecting blood viscosity except

A) sickle-cell anemia.

B) increase in erythropoietin. C) polycythemia.

D) atherosclerosis.

E) pernicious anemia.

98) Cross-sectional area is highest in

A) arteries. B) arterioles.

C) capillaries.

D) venules.

E) veins.

99) Which of the following is true of arteries compared to other vessels?

A) Blood pressure and velocity are lowest. B) Blood pressure and velocity are highest.

C) Blood pressure and cross-sectional area are lowest.

D) Blood pressure and cross-sectional area are highest.

E) Velocity and cross-sectional area are highest.

100) Which of the following is true of capillaries compared to other vessels?

A) Blood pressure and velocity are highest. B) Blood pressure and cross-sectional area are lowest.

C) Cross-sectional area is highest and velocity is lowest.

D) Cross-sectional area is lowest and velocity is highest. E) Blood pressure is highest and velocity is lowest.

101) A temporary loss of consciousness due to a decrease in blood flow to the brain is termed

A) stroke. B) coronary ischemia.

C) cerebral hypoxia.

D) fainting. E) cerebral hypotension.

102) During hemorrhaging, the drop in capillary hydrostatic pressure will ________ NFP, thus ________ reabsorption.

A) increase; reducing

B) increase; increasing

C) decrease; reducing D) decrease; increasing

E) stabilize; reducing


103) Each of the following will lead to a decrease in blood pressure except

A) release of renin.

B) decrease in blood volume. C) decreased peripheral resistance.

D) increased levels of ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide).

E) decreased levels of aldosterone.

104) Each of the following will cause an increase in blood pressure except

A) increased levels of aldosterone.

B) increased levels of angiotensin II. C) increased blood volume.

D) increased levels of ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide).

E) increased levels of ADH (antidiuretic hormone).

105) When a person rises quickly from a sitting position, all of the following reactions will occur except

A) the carotid baroreceptors become less active.

B) venous return is decreased. C) reflex vasoconstriction of peripheral blood vessels occurs.

D) heart rate is reflexively elevated.

E) cardiac output will decrease.

106) Stimulation of the aortic baroreceptors reflexively results in

A) stimulation of the cardioaccelerator center in the brain. B) increased sympathetic stimulation of the heart.

C) increased activity by the parasympathetic nervous system.

D) stimulation of the vasoconstrictive center.

E) increased heart rate.

107) Fear can result in

A) increased stimulation of the cardioinhibitory center by higher brain centers. B) increased stimulation of the cardioacceleratory center by higher brain centers.

C) decreased heart rate.

D) decreased blood pressure.

E) parasympathetic stimulation.

108) Elevated levels of the natriuretic peptide hormones ANP and BNP will produce increased

A) salt and water loss through the kidneys. B) blood volume.

C) sodium ion levels in blood.

D) venous return and preload. E) blood pressure.

109) When carotid and aortic baroreceptors reduce their output,

A) heart rate increases. B) heart rate decreases.

C) stroke volume increases.

D) both heart rate and stroke volume increase. E) the heart rate will decrease to lower blood pressure.

110) Increased levels of carbon dioxide in the blood will result in decreased

A) heart rate.

B) cardiac output.

C) blood flow to the lungs.

D) parasympathetic stimulation of the heart. E) sympathetic stimulation of the heart.


111) Vickie has a tumor that secretes excess amounts of the hormone aldosterone. Because of the elevated level of

hormone, she exhibits

A) decreased blood volume. B) increased blood pressure.

C) increased body stores of sodium ions.

D) polycythemia.

E) both an increase in blood pressure and an increase in stored sodium ions.

112) Which of the following conditions is least likely to lead to renin release?

A) renal artery thrombus B) vasospasm of the renal arteries

C) circulatory shock

D) increased sympathetic activity E) hypertension

113) The regulation of blood flow by local mechanisms within a capillary bed is called

A) autoregulation. B) hormonal regulation.

C) hemoregulation.

D) vasoregulation. E) neuroregulation.

114) Partial constriction due to constant sympathetic stimulation of blood vessels is known as A) vasoconstriction.

B) vasodilation.

C) arteriosclerosis.

D) vasomotor tone. E) aortic reflex.

115) Baroreceptors are located in the A) carotid sinuses.

B) aortic sinuses.

C) right atrial wall.

D) carotid and aortic sinuses. E) carotid and aortic sinuses and the right atrial wall.

116) Which is not an effect of angiotensin II to increase blood pressure? A) increasing production of aldosterone

B) increasing secretion of ADH

C) increasing atrial natriuretic peptide D) increasing thirst

E) vasoconstriction increasing total peripheral resistance

117) Which of the following changes does not occur during exercise compared to rest? A) Cardiac output is higher.

B) Heart blood flow is higher.

C) Skin blood flow is lower. D) Abdominal viscera blood flow is lower.

E) Kidney blood flow is lower.

118) To defend blood volume against dehydration, the body

A) reduces reabsorption of water at the kidneys.

B) experiences an increase of interstitial fluids.

C) experiences a decrease in the blood colloidal osmotic pressure. D) releases antidiuretic hormone (ADH).

E) releases atrial natriuretic peptide.


119) All of the following occur during exercise except

A) vasodilation occurs at the active skeletal muscles.

B) venous return increases. C) both cardiac output and stroke volume increase.

D) tissue perfusion to the digestive system decreases.

E) angiotensin II is released.

120) In response to hemorrhage, there is

A) peripheral vasodilation.

B) increased parasympathetic stimulation of the heart. C) mobilization of the venous reserve.

D) constriction of elastic arteries to maintain blood pressure.

E) increased blood flow to the digestive system.

121) Homeostatic mechanisms in response to blood loss include all of the following except

A) uptake of interstitial fluid due to reduced capillary pressure.

B) inhibition of EPO secretion. C) activation of ADH secretion.

D) activation of aldosterone secretion.

E) increased thirst and water intake.

122) Trained athletes tend to have ________ heart rates and ________ stroke volumes than nonathletes at rest.

A) higher; higher B) lower; lower

C) higher; lower

D) lower; higher

E) similar; higher

123) Which of these is not a short-term response to a decrease in blood pressure?

A) release of EPO B) increase in heart rate

C) increase in heart contractility

D) peripheral vasoconstriction

E) release of epinephrine and norepinephrine

124) Pulmonary arteries carry blood to the

A) right atrium. B) left atrium.

C) lungs.

D) aorta. E) systemic circuit.

125) The pulmonary veins carry ________ blood to the ________.

A) deoxygenated; left atrium B) oxygenated; right lung

C) deoxygenated; superior vena cava

D) deoxygenated; right atrium E) oxygenated; left atrium

126) How many pulmonary veins are there? A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4 E) it varies


127) Branches off the aortic arch include the

A) brachiocephalic trunk.

B) left subclavian artery. C) left common carotid artery.

D) left subclavian artery and left common carotid artery.

E) brachiocephalic trunk, left subclavian artery, and left common carotid artery.

128) Major branches of the subclavian artery include the ________ artery(ies).

A) radial

B) brachial C) internal thoracic

D) digital

E) phrenic

129) After passing the first rib, the subclavian artery becomes the ________ artery.

A) radial

B) ulnar C) brachial

D) axillary

E) digital

130) After entering the arm, the axillary artery becomes the ________ artery.

A) radial B) ulnar

C) brachial

D) subclavian

E) digital

131) The brachial artery branches to form the radial and ________ arteries.

A) axillary B) digital

C) ulnar

D) subclavian

E) brachiocephalic

132) The two vertebral arteries fuse to form a large artery called the

A) cerebral arterial circle. B) common carotid artery.

C) external carotid artery.

D) internal carotid artery. E) basilar artery.

133) The ________ carries nutrient-rich blood into the liver.

A) hepatic artery B) gastric vein

C) myenteric capillaries

D) hepatic portal vein E) superior mesenteric vein

134) The internal carotids and the basilar artery are interconnected by an anastomosis called the A) common carotid artery.

B) basal ring.

C) cerebral arterial circle.

D) external carotid artery. E) arterial bypass.


135) Near the carotid sinus,

A) the common carotid divides into an internal and an external branch.

B) the internal carotids fuse with the vertebral arteries. C) the external carotid forms the internal carotid.

D) veins and arteries anastomose.

E) the aorta gives rise to the common carotids.

136) The ________ divides the aorta into the thoracic aorta and the abdominal aorta.

A) pericardium

B) mediastinum C) diaphragm

D) peritoneum

E) pleura

137) Branches of the thoracic aorta include all of the following except the ________ arteries.

A) basilar

B) superior phrenic C) esophageal

D) bronchial

E) intercostal

138) Near the level of vertebra L4, the aorta branches to form the ________ arteries.

A) common carotid

B) common iliac

C) femoral D) tibial

E) popliteal

139) The external iliac artery branches to form the ________ arteries.

A) radial and ulnar

B) femoral and popliteal C) femoral and tibial

D) tibial and popliteal

E) femoral and deep femoral

140) At the knee, the femoral artery becomes the ________ artery.

A) iliac

B) deep femoral C) popliteal

D) tibial

E) peroneal

141) Branches of the popliteal artery include the

A) femoral artery.

B) anterior tibial artery. C) iliac artery.

D) dorsalis pedis.

E) plantar arch.

142) The vessel that receives blood from the head, neck, chest, shoulders, and arms is the

A) internal jugular vein.

B) external jugular vein. C) superior vena cava.

D) inferior vena cava.

E) coronary sinus.


143) Veins of the brain empty into

A) coronary sinuses.

B) dural sinuses. C) the cerebral arterial circle.

D) external jugular veins.

E) vertebral veins.

144) The superior sagittal sinus collects blood from the

A) heart.

B) lungs. C) brain.

D) arms.

E) legs.

145) Which of the following is a deep vein of the forearm?

A) azygos

B) hemiazygos C) cephalic

D) radial

E) basilic

146) The radial and ulnar veins fuse to form the ________ vein.

A) azygos B) hemiazygos

C) axillary

D) brachial

E) basilic

147) At the level of the first rib, the axillary vein becomes the ________ vein.

A) cephalic B) azygos

C) subclavian

D) innominate

E) external jugular

148) The vein that is formed from the fusion of the subclavian with the internal and external jugulars is the ________

vein. A) azygos

B) hemiazygos

C) axillary D) iliac

E) brachiocephalic

149) The fusion of the brachiocephalic veins forms the A) inferior vena cava.

B) superior vena cava.

C) innominate vein. D) subclavian vein.

E) azygos vein.

150) Each of the following is a component of the cerebral arterial circle except the ________ artery.

A) anterior communicating

B) anterior cerebral

C) posterior communicating D) posterior cerebral

E) basilar


151) An important artery that supplies blood to the brain is the ________ artery.

A) internal carotid

B) external carotid C) mental

D) azygos

E) maxillary

152) Blood from the brain returns to the heart through the ________ vein.

A) vertebral

B) azygos C) innominate

D) internal jugular

E) external jugular

153) Which of the following contributes to the formation of the popliteal vein?

A) internal iliac

B) small saphenous and great saphenous C) anterior and posterior tibial and fibular

D) peroneal and popliteal

E) great saphenous and posterior tibial

154) Blood from capillaries on the superior surface of the foot drains into a(n)

A) plantar vein. B) dorsal venous arch.

C) small saphenous vein.

D) peroneal vein.

E) iliac vein.

155) Blood from the dorsal venous arch is drained by the ________ vein(s).

A) small saphenous B) great saphenous

C) posterior tibial

D) small saphenous and great saphenous

E) posterior tibial and great saphenous

156) At the knee, the small saphenous, tibial, and fibular veins unite to form the ________ vein.

A) femoral B) popliteal

C) external iliac

D) internal iliac E) inferior vena cava

157) When the popliteal vein reaches the femur, it becomes the ________ vein.

A) femoral B) deep femoral

C) internal iliac

D) external iliac E) lumbar

158) The ________ vein is formed by the fusion of the greater saphenous vein, femoral vein, and deep femoral vein. A) internal iliac

B) external iliac

C) common iliac

D) inferior vena cava E) azygos


159) Which of the following veins empty directly into the inferior vena cava?

A) left gonadal

B) hepatic portal C) azygos

D) left adrenal

E) renal

160) The two common iliac veins form the

A) femoral vein.

B) greater saphenous vein. C) inferior vena cava.

D) hepatic portal vein.

E) innominate vein.

161) The blood vessel that carries blood to the arm and shoulder is the ________ artery.

A) axillary

B) subclavian C) brachial

D) acromial

E) brachiocephalic

162) The blood vessel that supplies blood to the head and neck is the ________ artery.

A) brachiocephalic B) vertebral

C) subclavian

D) common carotid

E) cervical

163) The bronchial arteries branch from the ________ to supply the lung airways.

A) pulmonary arteries B) thoracic aorta

C) pulmonary veins

D) pleural arteries

E) brachiocephalic trunk

164) The blood vessel that supplies blood to the liver, stomach, and spleen is the

A) celiac artery. B) inferior mesenteric vein.

C) hepatic portal vein.

D) gastric vein. E) superior mesenteric artery.

165) The blood vessel that supplies blood to the pancreas, the small intestine, and most of the large intestine is the

A) celiac artery. B) inferior mesenteric vein.

C) hepatic portal vein.

D) gastric vein. E) superior mesenteric artery.

166) The ________ is the kidney's sole blood supply. A) celiac trunk

B) abdominal aorta

C) hepatic artery

D) renal artery E) superior mesenteric artery


167) The blood vessel that branches from the subclavian artery to supply the anterior wall of the chest is the

A) internal thoracic.

B) azygos artery. C) mediastinal artery.

D) thoracic aorta.

E) vertebral artery.

168) The blood vessel that supplies blood to the cerebral arterial circle from the posterior is the ________ artery.

A) basilar

B) middle cerebral C) vertebral

D) internal carotid

E) posterior cerebral

169) The superior phrenic artery supplies blood to the

A) lungs.

B) heart. C) diaphragm.

D) pharynx.

E) pancreas.

170) The ________ artery supplies blood to the face.

A) facial B) vertebral

C) common carotid

D) external carotid

E) internal carotid

171) The lower part of the large intestine including the rectum receives blood from the

A) celiac trunk. B) inferior mesenteric artery.

C) internal iliac artery.

D) abdominal aorta.

E) external iliac artery.

172) Ovaries and testes receive a blood supply from the ________ arteries.

A) gonadal B) reproductive

C) pelvic

D) pubic E) internal iliac

173) The inferior portion of the spinal cord and the abdominal wall receive blood from the

A) vertebral artery. B) abdominal aorta.

C) sacral artery.

D) coccygeal artery. E) lumbar artery.

174) The larger of the two branches of the common iliac artery is the ________ artery. A) superficial iliac

B) deep iliac

C) external iliac

D) internal iliac E) femoral


175) The branch of the common iliac artery that enters the pelvic cavity is the ________ artery. A) superficial iliac

B) deep iliac

C) external iliac D) internal iliac

E) femoral

176) The vessels that receive blood from the ovaries or testes are the A) gonadal veins.

B) reproductive veins.

C) inferior vena cavae. D) pelvic veins.

E) pubic veins.

Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21-7

177) Blood is drained from the liver by the

A) inferior vena cava. B) celiac trunk.

C) hepatic vein.

D) hepatic portal vein. E) both the hepatic vein and the hepatic portal vein.

178) The ________ receives blood from the diaphragm. A) pleural vein

B) phrenic vein

C) inferior vena cava

D) celiac trunk E) inferior mesenteric vein

179) Blood returns from the gallbladder by way of the ________ vein. A) hepatic

B) hepatic portal

C) biliary

D) cystic E) azygos

180) Arteries that supply the plantar portion of the foot branch from the posterior ________ artery. A) popliteal

B) femoral

C) calcaneal D) tibial

E) dorsalis pedis

181) The vein in the arm commonly sampled for blood by venipuncture is the ________ vein. A) cephalic

B) basilic

C) brachial D) median cubital

E) ulnar

182) The ________ vein ascends along the ulnar side of the forearm.

A) cephalic

B) basilic

C) brachial D) median cubital

E) ulnar


183) The ________ vein ascends along the radial side of the forearm.

A) cephalic

B) basilic C) brachial

D) median cubital

E) ulnar

184) Blood from the medial border of the stomach is drained by the

A) celiac trunk.

B) gastric vein. C) superior mesenteric vein.

D) inferior mesenteric vein.

E) inferior vena cava.

185) Blood is drained from the lower portion of the large intestine by the

A) celiac trunk.

B) gastric vein. C) superior mesenteric vein.

D) inferior mesenteric vein.

E) inferior vena cava.

186) Veins from the spleen, pancreas, and lateral border of the stomach unite to form the

A) celiac trunk. B) hepatic portal vein.

C) splenic vein.

D) gastric vein.

E) superior mesenteric vein.

187) The ________ collects blood from the entire small intestine and two-thirds of the large intestine.

A) celiac trunk B) hepatic portal vein

C) splenic vein

D) gastric vein

E) superior mesenteric vein

188) Which of the following arteries is not a trunk?

A) brachiocephalic B) carotid

C) celiac

D) pulmonary E) thyrocervical

189) The left and right coronary arteries originate at the

A) aortic arch. B) carotid sinus.

C) brachiocephalic trunk.

D) aortic sinus. E) aortic valve.

190) The brachiocephalic trunk delivers blood to A) the left arm.

B) the right arm.

C) the left arm and neck.

D) the right arm and neck. E) the right arm, head and neck.


191) The blood vessel that supplies blood to the muscles and other tissues of the neck, shoulder, and upper back is the

A) brachiocephalic trunk.

B) common carotid artery. C) jugular vein.

D) thyrocervical trunk.

E) axillary artery.

192) The fingers are supplied with blood by the ________ arteries.

A) deep palmar

B) digital C) superficial palmar

D) plantar

E) dorsalis pedis

193) An important pulse point in the neck on the lateral sides of the trachea is the

A) internal carotid artery.

B) external carotid artery. C) common carotid artery.

D) internal jugular vein.

E) external jugular vein.

194) Which blood vessel enters the brain through the carotid canal?

A) internal carotid artery B) external carotid artery

C) common carotid artery

D) internal jugular vein

E) carotid sinus

195) The internal carotid artery branches into the

A) ophthalmic artery and anterior cerebral artery. B) ophthalmic artery and middle cerebral artery.

C) ophthalmic artery, anterior cerebral and middle cerebral arteries.

D) ophthalmic artery, anterior cerebral, middle cerebral, and posterior cerebral arteries.

E) ophthalmic artery and basilar artery.

196) Which artery is not part of the cerebral arterial circle?

A) anterior communicating artery B) anterior cerebral artery

C) posterior communicating artery

D) posterior cerebral artery E) middle cerebral artery

197) The most common site of a stroke is the

A) anterior communicating artery. B) anterior cerebral artery.

C) posterior communicating artery.

D) posterior cerebral artery. E) middle cerebral artery.

198) Which of the these blood vessels is not a visceral branch of the thoracic aorta? A) intercostal arteries

B) pericardial arteries

C) bronchial arteries

D) esophageal arteries E) mediastinal arteries


199) The azygos vein is the major branch of the

A) axillary vein.

B) superior vena cava. C) inferior vena cava.

D) common iliac vein.

E) jugular vein.

200) The gluteal, internal pudendal, obturator, and lateral sacral veins fuse to form the

A) femoral circumflex vein.

B) deep femoral vein. C) internal iliac vein.

D) external iliac vein.

E) common iliac vein.

201) The largest branches of the inferior vena cava are the

A) lumbar veins.

B) gonadal veins. C) hepatic veins.

D) renal veins.

E) adrenal veins.

202) The median cubital vein is located at the

A) anterior surface of the elbow. B) posterior surface of the elbow.

C) anterior surface of the knee.

D) posterior surface of the knee.

E) posterior surface of the scapula.

Figure 21-1 Arteries

Use Figure 21-1 to answer the following questions:


203) Identify the artery labeled "16." A) axillary

B) inferior mesenteric

C) celiac D) superior mesenteric

E) splenic

204) Identify the artery labeled "10." A) brachiocephalic trunk

B) common carotid

C) subclavian D) brachial

E) axillary

205) Identify the artery labeled "1."

A) axillary

B) brachiocephalic trunk

C) common carotid D) ascending aorta

E) brachial

206) Identify the arteries labeled "9."

A) axillary

B) brachiocephalic C) common carotid

D) aorta

E) brachial

207) Identify the artery labeled "6."

A) common iliac

B) internal iliac C) external iliac

D) abdominal aorta

E) femoral


Figure 21-2 Veins

Use Figure 21-2 to answer the following questions:

208) Identify the vein labeled "9."

A) axillary B) brachial

C) cephalic

D) basilic E) median cubital

209) Identify the vein labeled "12."

A) cephalic D) basilic B) median cubital E) brachial

C) radial

210) Identify the vein labeled "10."

A) inferior vena cava

B) superior vena cava

C) aorta D) pulmonary

E) thoracic

211) Identify the vein labeled "8."

A) superior vena cava D) external jugular

B) brachiocephalic E) subclavian C) axillary


212) Identify the vein labeled "6."

A) inferior vena cava

B) common iliac C) internal iliac

D) external iliac

E) femoral

213) The developing fetus receives nutrient rich blood through the

A) umbilical artery.

B) placental artery. C) gonadal artery.

D) umbilical vein.

E) placental vein.

214) Which of the following is not a cardiovascular modification present during fetal development?

A) ductus arteriosus

B) ductus venosus C) foramen ovale

D) ligamentum arteriosum

E) incomplete interatrial and interventricular septa

215) Elderly individuals are more prone than younger individuals to have all of the following, except

A) hypertension. B) venous thrombosis.

C) increased elasticity of vessel walls.

D) varicose veins.

E) arteriosclerosis.
