Chapter 29- Endocrine Function


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1. The nurse is caring for a patient diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. When assessing this patient what symptom would the nurse expect in a patient with hypothyroidism?

A) BradycardiaB) Bulging eyesC) PalpitationsD) Flushed skin

2. A patient with a diagnosis of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) is being cared for on a medical unit, and the nurse is writing an individualized care plan. The priority nursing diagnosis for a patient with this condition is what?

A) Deficient fluid volumeB) Excessive fluid volumeC) HypothermiaD) Hyperthermia

3. The nurse is assessing a patient diagnosed with Graves' disease. What physical characteristics of Graves' would the nurse expect to find?

A) Hair lossB) Moon faceC) Bulging eyesD) Fatigue

4. The health care provider has ordered a fluid deprivation test on a patient. What is this patient most likely being tested for?

A) Hashimoto's thyroiditisB) Diabetes insipidus (DI)C) Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH)D) Hyperparathyroidism

5. A patient with pheochromocytoma has been admitted for an adrenalectomy tomorrow. The patient is to start IV medication this evening to prevent adrenal insufficiency. What medication is the patient most likely to require?

A) AntibioticsB) AntihypertensivesC) Parenteral nutritionD) Corticosteroids

6. A patient who has had a total parathyroidectomy has returned to the unit from PACU. The nurse caring for the patient knows to assess for what complication following this surgery?

A) Muscle twitchingB) HypercalcemiaC) HemorrhagePage 1

D) Fatigue

7. The nursing educator is teaching a group of new graduates about Addison's disease. What symptom would the educator identify as being characteristic of Addison's disease?

A) Truncal obesityB) HypertensionC) Muscle weaknessD) �Moon� face

8. The nurse is teaching a patient about nutrition and knows that the body needs specific nutrients in order to function normally. What element is essential to thyroid function?

A) PotassiumB) SeleniumC) IodineD) Chlorine

9. A nurse caring for a patient with diabetes insipidus is reviewing the patient's laboratory results. What is an expected urinalysis finding?

A) Glucose in the urineB) Albumin in the urineC) Urine specific gravity of 1.001 to 1.005D) Leukocytes in the urine

10. The nurse is developing a care plan for a patient with hypersecretion of the adrenal cortex (Cushing's syndrome). What nursing diagnosis would have the highest priority in this care plan?

A) Risk for injury related to weaknessB) Disturbed body image related to changes in physical appearanceC) Risk for loneliness related to disturbed body imageD) Fatigue related to sleep disturbances

11. A nurse is aware of the vital role that hormones and the negative feedback mechanism play in the maintenance of homeostasis. Which of the following statements best describes the negative feedback mechanism that controls insulin secretion?

A) Insulin is synthesized and released in an inversely proportionate quantity to glucagon.

B) Serum levels of insulin are constantly secreted unless such secretion is actively inhibited.

C) High concentrations of insulin in the blood inhibit further insulin secretion.D) Serum levels of insulin are maintained at the lowest possible level.

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12. A patient's thyroid gland has secreted T3 and T4 into the bloodstream. This occurs in response to the stimulation of a hormone originating in the:

A) Anterior pituitary glandB) Adrenal cortexC) Parathyroid glandD) Pancreas

13. Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, ADH) has just been released into an individual's circulation. Which of the following changes in homeostasis most likely prompted the individual's posterior pituitary gland to release this hormone?

A) Psychological or physiological stressB) Increased blood osmolalityC) Increased oxygen demandD) Increased sodium intake

14. An adult patient is experiencing a temporary decrease in serum levels of T3 and T4. What physiological response is this state likely to result in?

A) Increased release of TSHB) Increased resorption of T3 and T4 in the renal tubulesC) Release of sequestered T3 and T4 by the spleenD) Compensatory release of T5 by the parathyroid

15. A hospital patient's most recent blood work reveals a Ca2+ level of 14.2 mg/dL (normal 8.5 to 10.5 mg/dL) and a phosphorus level of 1.4 mg/dL (normal 3.0 to 4.5 mg/dL). What hormone has the potential to cause this alteration in the patient's electrolyte levels?

A) CalcitoninB) Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)C) Thyroid hormoneD) Parathyroid hormone

16. A patient who is currently in the hospital recovering from orthopedic surgery has always considered herself to be a �borderline diabetic� who prides herself on maintaining acceptable blood glucose levels through diet and lifestyle modifications. Consequently, she is surprised that her primary care provider has ordered a sliding scale of insulin while she is in the hospital. Why might this patient require insulin at this particular time?

A) Fluid and electrolyte changes surrounding surgery may increase her blood sugar levels.

B) Immobility may cause decreased thyroid hormone levels, decreased metabolic

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demand, and consequent increased blood sugar.C) The stress of hospitalization and surgery may cause increased release of

glucocorticoids.D) The action of anesthetic may temporarily blunt the normal release of endogenous

insulin by the patient's pancreas.

17. A nurse who oversees the care that is provided in a long-term care facility is aware that there are numerous age-related changes to every body system. Which of the following phenomena may be a result of age-related changes to the endocrine system?

A) Decreased auditory and visual acuityB) Increased response time to stimuliC) Intolerance to coldD) Decreased oil production by sebaceous glands

18. In response to a patient's elevated blood glucose level, the nurse has administered a dose of insulin as ordered. The nurse understands that insulin results in a lowered level of blood glucose by:

A) Breaking the molecular bonds in glucose moleculesB) Stimulating thyroid hormone release and increasing metabolic needsC) Inhibiting the action of glucagonD) Facilitating glucose transport into body cells

19. An adult patient has admitted to his primary care provider that he has been experiencing an unprecedented loss of libido in recent months. This complaint should prompt the clinician to assess the patient for dysfunction of what endocrine gland?

A) Pituitary glandB) Thyroid glandC) Parathyroid glandD) Endocrine pancreas

20. A 60-year-old woman has just been diagnosed with hypothyroidism after a diagnostic workup. What sign or symptom most likely motivated the woman to originally seek care?

A) Lethargy and apathyB) Abnormal hair growth and excessive perspirationC) Flushed skin and pruritusD) Aggression and increased appetite

21. While reading a medical patient's admission documentation, the nurse notes that the patient has a history of parathyroid dysfunction. Accordingly, the nurse should pay particular attention to this patient's:

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A) Blood pressureB) Calcium levelsC) Potassium levelsD) Cognition

22. Which of the following statements by patients should prompt the nurse to assess for potential failure of the adrenal cortex?

A) �I'm always exhausted these days, and I never really feel like eating.�B) �Lately, I find that I'm more irritable and impatient than normal.�C) �The last little while I get numbness and tingling in my lips and fingers a lot.�D) �My thirst is almost insatiable these days, and my mouth always feels dry.�

23. Urinalysis has been ordered as part of a patient's diagnostic workup, and the nurse has obtained and submitted a sample. Assessment of this patient's urine osmolality may be undertaken to diagnose dysfunction of the patient's:

A) Thyroid glandB) Adrenal cortexC) Adrenal medullaD) Posterior pituitary

24. The nurse is assisting with the preparation of a patient who will undergo a radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) test. The nurse should understand that this patient is being assessed for dysfunction of the:

A) Thyroid glandB) Adrenal cortexC) Adrenal medullaD) Anterior pituitary

25. A 59-year-old patient is being assessed for hypoparathyroidism. The nurse should anticipate that this patient is likely to require what diagnostic test?

A) CT of the abdomenB) Bone density testingC) Cardiac stress testingD) 24-hour urine

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Answer Key

1. A2. B3. C4. B5. D6. A7. C8. C9. C

10. A11. C12. A13. B14. A15. D16. C17. C18. D19. A20. A21. B22. A23. D24. A25. B

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