Chapter 3



Chapter 3. “Europeans Reach the Americas”. Section 1: Europeans Look Overseas During the __________________, many Europeans thought of the world as a disk floating on a great ocean and made up of three continents: ____________, Asia and Africa. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 3

“Europeans Reach the Americas”

Section 1: Europeans Look Overseas• During the __________________, many Europeans

thought of the world as a disk floating on a great ocean and made up of three continents: ____________, Asia and Africa.

• The main concern of most Europeans was ____ _______.

“A Changing World”• ______________ and the lure of new products

brought major changes in the way Europeans lived.• During this time, ______________, a system of

rule by lords who owe loyalty to a king, rule Europe.• Most of European life revolved around the ___, a

lord’s holding that included his castle, peasants’ huts and surrounding villages or fields. Most people on the manor were ______, peasants bound to the land for life.

• Under feudalism, there were few ___________ and ____________; the manor produced everything the people needed.

• At this time, Christians in Europe belonged to the ___________________, which had great

influence. Eventually, __________________ led Europeans to look beyond their manors.

• Christians at this time referred to the Middle East as the __________________ because Jesus had lived and died there. The region was also sacred to ____________ because their prophet, _____________, also lived in the Holy Land. From about 1100 to 1300, the Catholic Church fought a series of holy wars, called ___________, to gain control of the Holy Land from Turkish Muslims.

• The Crusaders ______ gain the Holy Land, but

they did have lasting effects: 1) For the 1st time, large #s of Europeans traveled beyond their ________ and experienced different foods, fabrics, spices, etc. 2) __________ merchants began a lively trade with Arab merchants. 3) Arabs taught Italian sailors how to use new instruments such as the __________________ and the ____________, which made it possible for sailors to measure the positions of stars and figure out __________ at sea. These instruments made sailing less _____________.

• Increased trade and travel brought about the _________________, a time of rebirth.

• One invention that helped spread the spirit of the Renaissance was the _______________, invented by Johannes Gutenberg. Before his invention, ________ wrote books by hand, so only a few copies were available. With this invention, large numbers of books could be printed at a low cost. As more books became available, more people __________________.

“Voyages of Columbus”• With the finances of ________, Italian explorer

Christopher Columbus set sail. He was searching for a westward route to the ________.

Section 3: “The First English Colonies”

• In 1585, with Queen Elizabeth I’s permission, _____________________ set sail for North America.

• The expedition landed on _______________, modern-day North Carolina. Within a year, colonists were running short of food and quarreling with __________________. They returned home.

• Raleigh asked ______________ to return to Roanoke. To help restart, Raleigh sent of number of ________.

• When supplies ran low, White returned to England, leaving behind __________________.

• It was 3 years before he could return because England was at war with ___________. When he returned, he found the settlement deserted and the word “______________” carved on a tree. The fate of the colonists remains a __________.

“Settlement at Jamestown”• The Virginia Company of London received a

___________ to start a colony N. of Roanoke. The land was called _______________. The charter guaranteed English colonies the same rights as _______________.


• The colonists named their outpost _________. It was located on a __________, which was unhealthy because of dirty water and _______, a disease spread by ___________.

• Governing also proved difficult because a council of 13 men was chosen to rule and they did not plan for ______________________. By the summer of 1608, the colony was near failure.

“Captain Smith Takes Charge”• Smith realized that the colonists were so busy

looking for _________ that they didn’t ______ ________.


• He visited nearby ____________________ to trade for food. The most powerful chief in the area, __________________, sold corn to the English, and Smith set up stern rules: they must _________ if they wanted to _________.

• In 1609, Smith injured his leg and had to return to England. The colony ___________.

• The economy improved when the colonists began to grow _______________ after 1612.

“The First Africans”• In 1619, the ___________ began selling ________

to the British.

• By 1644, 300 ____________ lived in Virginia. Some were __________ and some were ____. For a time, ____________ who came to Virginia owned property, testified in court and voted.

“Important Beginnings”• In 1619, Virginia set up a _____________ gov’t.

Male settlers were allowed to elect ________, or representatives. They met in an assembly called the _____________________. Together with the ______________ they created laws.

• England’s representative assembly was called ______________________.

• By the 1600, Parliament was divided into the ________________ made up of noblemen, and the ____________________, made up of elected officials. The ruler must consult _____________ on money matters and should also _______________________.

• At first, free Virginians had more rights than citizens who lived in England. They did not have to ______________ to vote. Free ______ lost the right to vote and _____________ were denied this right.

“Pilgrims Seek Religious Freedom”

• In 1620, the ____________ sailed for America. Unlike the Virginians or the Spanish, they sought _____________________. In England, they belonged to a religious group known as ________________.

• In Sept. 1620, 100+ men, women and children set sail for America and landed on __________, Massachusetts in November.

• Because their charter was for Virginia, not Massachusetts, they needed to set up new rules. The pilgrims drew up the __________________________. The 41 men who signed it agreed to consult each other about laws and promised to work together to help the colony succeed.

• They named the colony ________________. Most had no time to build proper shelters and nearly ____ died of disease or starvation.

“Help from Native Americans”• The Wampanoag Indians helped the Pilgrims.

________________ gave them seeds and showed them how to plant them. In the fall the Pilgrims had a harvest where they _________ ____________ for their food. They celebrated the day each fall. Today we call it _________ ________________.
