Chapter 3 – Ancient Egypt Chronology of Egyptian Kings Egypt.pdf · Tutankhamon New Kingdom, c....


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Principal Gods of Ancient EgyptAmon / Amun / Amon-RaMaat BesHapy MutAnubis OsirisAten PtahHathor Ra (Re)Horus SethIsis SekhmetSerapis

Chapter 3 – Ancient Egypt

pharaohpapyruscartouchehieroglyphcartonnagemastabacapstonesarcophagusEgyptian canon of proportionhypostylepylonobeliskspyramidionclerestoryfresco amuletscarabwedjat eye (Eye of Horus)djed pillarBook of the Dead

Chronology of Egyptian Kings

Predynastic period 5450-3100 BCEarly Dynastic period 3100-2649 BCOld Kingdom 2649-2150 BCFirst Intermediate period 2143-1991 BCMiddle Kingdom 1991-1700 BCSecond Intermediate period 1640-1550 BCNew Kingdom 1550-1070 BC

(incl. Amarna period 1349-1336 BC)Third Intermediate period 1070-660 BCLate Dynastic period 688-343 BC

Persian Kings 343-323 BCPtolemaic period 323-31 BC

Macedonian kings

Amenirdas I, the Divine Consort, Egyptian, Kushite (Nubian)

Third Intermediate Period, 25th Dynasty, 700 B.C.E.

black granite, Height: 25 1/4 in


Palette of Narmer, from Hierakonopolis, Upper Egypt side

Early Dynastic, c. 3100 BCE


Palette of Narmer, from Hierakonopolis, Lower Egypt side

Early Dynastic, c. 3100 BCE


Rosetta Stone

196 BCE



Canopic jars of Neshkons

after c. 1300 BCE

Vignette from Paynedjem’sBook of the Dead from Thebes

Twenty-first Dynasty

Third Intermediate Period, c. 990-969 BCE

Step pyramid, funerary complex of King Zoser, Saqqara, Egypt

Old Kingdom, c. 2630-2611 BCE



Great Pyramids at Giza, Egypt

c. 2551-2472 BCE



Colossal Statue of Khafre, known as the Great Sphinx, Giza

Old Kingdom, c. 2520-2494 BCE


Seated statue of Khafre, from Giza,

Old Kingdom, c. 2520-2494 BCE

Menkaure and Queen Khamerernebty, from Giza

Old Kingdom, c. 2490-2472 BCE


Prince Rahotep and his wife Nofret

Old Kingdom, c. 2551-2528 BCE

Seated scribe, from Saqqara

Old Kingdom, c. 2552-2528


Lady Senuwy

Twelfth Dynasty, Middle Kingdom, c. 1971-1926 BCE

Black granite


Sesostris I, from Lisht

Twelfth Dynasty, Middle Kingdom, c. 1971

Painted wood and stucco

Sesostris III

Middle Kingdom, c. 1878-1841


Painted coffin of Djehuty-nekht, from Bersheh

Twelfth Dynasty, c. 1971-1926



Model of hypostyle hall, temple of Amon-Ra, Karnak, Egypt

New Kingdom, 1294-1213 BCE


Plan of the temple of Amon-Mut-Khonsu, Luxor, Egypt

Begun c. 1390

Diagram of Pylon Facade

Court and pylon of Ramses II, 1279-1213 BCE

And colonnade and court of Amenhotep III, 1390-1352 BCE

Temple of Amon-Mut-Khonsu, Nineteenth Dynasty


Funerary temple of Queen Hatshepsut, Deir el-Bahri, Egypt

Eighteenth Dynasty

Sandstone and rock

Statue of Hatshepsut as pharaoh

Eighteenth Dynasty, c. 1473-1458 BCE



Nebamun hunting birds, from the tomb of Nebamun, Thebes

New Kingdom, c. 1390-1352 BCE

Painting on gypsum plaster

Opening of the mouth ceremony, from the Book of Dead of Hunefer

New Kingdom, Nineteenth Century, c. 1295-1186 BCE

Pigment on papyrus

Akhenaten, from Karnak, Egypt

Amarna Period, 1353-1350 BCE



Bust of Nefertiti

Amarna Period, c. 1349-1336 BCE


Akhenaten and Nefertiti and their children

Amarna Period, 1349-1336 BCE

Limestone relief

Howard Carter examining the tomb of Tutankhamon


Mask of Tutankhamon

New Kingdom, c. 1327 BCE

Gold inlaid with enamel and semiprecious stones

Canopic coffinette of Tutankhamon

New Kingdom, c. 1327 BCE

Gold inlaid with enamel and semiprecious stones


King and Queen of Punt, from Hatshepsut’s funerary temple,

Deir el-Bahri

c. 1473-1458

Painted relief

Presentation of Nubian tribute to Tutankhamon (restored), tomb chapel of Huy, Thebes

Eighteenth Dynasty, c. 1336-1327 BCE

Wall painting

Temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel, Nubia

c. 1279-1213 BCE


Tomb of Amanishakheto, Meroë, Nubia

Late 1st century BCE

“Shield ring” with rams head of Amon before a chapel, Meroë, Nubia

c. 200 BCE

Gold, glass paste, and carneol


Weighing of the Heart Ceremony

Mummy case of Nebnetcheru

Dynasty 21 or 22

Cartonnage over wood with painted decoration

Canopic jars


Ushabti / Shabti / Shwabti

Amulets: scarabs, djed pillar, and wedjet (eye of Horus)

Amenirdas I, the Divine Consort, Egyptian, Kushite (Nubian)

Third Intermediate Period, 25th Dynasty, 700 B.C.E.

black granite, Height: 25 1/4 in