Chapter 5.3. Explain how a dispute over tea led to tensions between colonist and Britain. Describe...


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Chapter 5.3

Explain how a dispute over tea led to tensions between colonist and Britain.

Describe how Parliament struck back at Boston.

Identify the reasons fighting broke out at Lexington and Concord.

British East India Company brought tea from southern Asia to Colonies, sold it to tea merchants to make profit.

Colonist refuse to buy tea. East India Company losing money, Tea

Act passed to bypass tea merchants. Tea would be cheaper because of no merchant profit, tax would help EIC.

Angered colonists against tax, merchants and even tea drinkers.

Tea Drinkers started to drink coffee.

Drank Liberty Tea made from Raspberry Leaves.

Sons of Liberty refused to allow British East India Company from unloading cargo of tea at ports.

November 1773, Sons of Liberty and Sam Adams, sent a message demanding ships leave Boston.

Royal Governor rejected offer

A group disguised as Native Americans board ship and dump tea in Boston harbor.

Punish Massachusetts by issuing the Intolerable Acts.

Intolerable Acts: Shut down Boston Harbor Forbade town meetings, only 1

per year Custom officers/officer could be

tried in Canada or Britain Quartering Act: Live in Boston


Set up government in Canada Extended border freedom to

French Catholics Extended into Ohio and

Missouri Rivers boundaries Angered colonists who

claimed these lands

12 colony delegates meet Georgia did not send Back Massachusetts struggle Boycott all goods and stop

exports to Britain until Intolerable Acts repealed

Creation of a militia authorized

Minutemen = volunteers who trained to respond in a minutes notice

Thomas Gage, British Commander ordered a surprise march to Concord to capture powder and arms

Colonist were alarmed by Paul Revere “midnight rider

At Lexington, 70 militia met the Redcoats.

Eight colonist were killed. British pushed on

Concord, found no arms. Met by 300 militia, British

retreat, losing 70 killed from sharpshooters.

No peaceful solution…meaning war!
