Chapter 7 doc


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  • 7/29/2019 Chapter 7 doc


    Melissa Lucas

    Chapter 7

    August 3, 2008Intelligence

    There as been evidence that has led Howard Gardner to suggest that everyone possesses a

    number of intellectual potentials, or intelligences, each one of which involves asomewhat different set of skills (Gardner, 1993, 2002, as citied in Bernstein &Nash,

    2008). Gardner believes that the intelligences interact, but are able to function

    independently. He has found that some individuals may develop their intelligences more

    than others. The nine intelligences that Gardner proposes are: (linguistic intelligence) isthe ability to learn languages and vocabulary, resulting in good comprehension.

    (logical mathematical intelligence) ability to analyze problems, math operations, detects

    patterns and thinks logically. (musical intelligence) involves skill in the performance

    rhythm and sound identification. (bodily-kinesthetic intelligence) uses the whole body orparts-mental abilities to coordinate movements. (spatial intelligence) understanding the

    relationships between objects, the use of wide space and confined space.(interpersonal intelligence) understanding intentions and motivations of others.

    (intrapersonal intelligence) understanding oneself, ones feelings, fear, and motivations.

    (emotional intelligence) the capacity to perceive, use and understand their emotions.(Meyer, & Solvey, 1997: Solvey & Grewal, 2005, as citied in Bernstein and Nash, 2008)

    (naturalistic intelligence) the ability to see patterns involved in nature

    An example of how I use the linguistic would be when I create spelling and vocabularytests for my sixth and eighth grade students. When creating these tests it actually

    reinforces my vocabulary knowledge. My logical mathematical would have to be whenI re- decorate my house. When re-decorating, it involves measuring carpet and decidingwhere and if certain furniture and objects can be placed. The musical intelligence

    occurs when I go out walking; the music I choose is usually upbeat and has a good pace.

    The bodily-kinesthetic occurs when I help out my husband with his baseball teamsweekly practice and drills. The spatial intelligence is uses once again when I re-

    decorate my bedroom, making sure that everything is not to close together, to ensure the

    ability to move around and excess the windows. I use interpersonal intelligence at work

    daily when interacting with staff and students, it is very important to be able tounderstand the needs of the students and when their at a frustration level.

    I become well aware of my intrapersonal intelligence when my family and I visit an

    amusement park, the sight of a giant roller coaster, remind me that I am well aware of myfear. After having my children I have noticed that my emotions are more visible, with

    my boys I tend to keep them under control. Naturalistic intelligence is found when my

    family goes hiking in New Hampshire. We see many types of birds and wildlife in thetrails and mountains we hike.

    The intelligences that are important to my job and doing something I love would be

    linguistic being able to work with children and assist with skill building is very

  • 7/29/2019 Chapter 7 doc


    rewarding. Also being able to assist my children with homework, projects, and research

    tools is important to my children and me.

    My strengths would have to be interpersonal when working with the public, which Ihave done for many years. It has given me the opportunity to meet and greet people and

    find out what their needs may consist of. In my present job I have to interact with many

    teachers and students to assist with learning difficulties and in some cases behaviorsituations. The broad range of grade levels I work with gives me and a chance to decide

    what level I would feel most comfortable working in. The experience that I have had

    working in the school department has been very positive. I look forward to many moreyears in the field of education.


    Bernstein, D.A. & Nash, P.W. (2008) Essentials of Psychology (4th Edition) Boston, Ma.

    Houghton Mifflin