characterization of flip chip bump failure modes using high


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Janet E. Semmens and Lawrence W. KesslerSONOSCAN, INC.

530 East Green StreetBensenville, IL 60106 U.S.A.

Tel: 630 766-7088 Fax: 630 766-4603E-mail:


Flip chip technology is being used increasingly as amethod of interconnecting a die to a substrate. Thereare reliability concerns associated with the techniquesuch as pre-existing voids in the solder joints or non-wet of the solder to the bond pads. Defects in theinterconnections can also occur during use of thedevice or during life simulation tests such as thermalcycling. For reliability determination anondestructive method is needed to examine thesolder joints in the “as assembled” units as well as inthe “post stress” condition.Acoustic micro imaginghas been used as a nondestructive method to evaluateflip chip attach with promising results. Acousticmicroscopes utilize high frequency ultrasound toexamine the internal features in materials andcomponents. The instrument used in this study was aC-SAM (C-Mode Scanning Acoustic Microscope)operating in the reflection mode at frequencies of 100to 180 MHz. A previous paper presented analysesdone on flip chip test samples These samplescontained known induced defects at the chip/bumpand bump/substrate interfaces. Using these samplesthe optimum techniques for inspection of the flip chipattach were developed. This information was used asbaseline for the work presented in this paper.

This presentation describes the analyses on a set ofsamples which showed failures after thermal cycling.The failures according to destructive physical analysiswere thought to be cracks in the solder joints.However, a one to one correlation could not be seenbetween acoustic data and initial destructive physicalanalysis. With further investigation unexpectedlaminar cracks were discovered under the bond padand in the surrounding glassivation layers on the

silicon die. These were difficult to see in the crosssections unless specifically looked for by referring tothe acoustic analysis.

The data presented in this paper shows the acousticimages of flip chip samples before and after thermalcycling and describe the acoustic signatures of thedefect types along with the supporting correlativeanalysis.


There are two types of acoustic microscopes whichare used to study and evaluate microelectronicpackages in general. The Scanning Laser AcousticMicroscope (SLAM) and the C-Mode ScanningAcoustic Microscope (C-SAM). Both instrumentsutilize high frequency ultrasound to nondestructivelydetect internal discontinuities in materials andcomponents.

For the analysis of flip chip devices the C-SAM isspecifically used. The C-SAM operates in the pulse-echo mode, typically over a range from 5 to 180 MHz,to produce images of samples at specific depthlevels (Figure 1). With C-SAM a focused ultrasonictransducer alternately sends pulses into and receivespulses from reflected signal and discontinuitieswithin the sample. Since the echoes are separated intime based on the depths of the reflecting features inthe sample, an electronic gate is used to select aspecific depth or interface to view. A very high speedmechanical scanner is used to index the transduceracross the sample and produce images in tens ofseconds.

Figure 1 - C-SAM (C-Mode Scanning Acoustic Microscope)

For flip chip analyses the system is used at highfrequencies ranging from 100 MHz to 180 MHz inorder to provide higher resolution of the bumpsthemselves. Both spatial (x, y) and axial (zdimension) resolution is an important considerationin evaluation of flip chip devices.


Flip chips are mounted circuitry side down (flipped)directly to the substrate connection sites by means ofsolder bumps (in most cases), or gold bumps. Thedevices are typically underfilled with an epoxyencapsulant to seal the device and add mechanicalstrength. A badly bonded bump or voids in the solderbumps can lead to faulty operation of the device.

Voids in the underfill material can also causeproblems. Flip chips are typically evaluated using thereflection mode technique due to the fact that thedevices are mounted in many cases to multilayersubstrates or composite boards. These types ofsubstrates prohibit access to the bond interfaces of theinterconnects in the through transmission mode. Thereflection mode allows for single sided access throughthe back of the silicon die. The small size of thebonds necessitates evaluation at frequencies of 100 to180 MHz. Scans are generally done at the chip/bumpinterface to show defects at this level, and, at thebump substrate level to detect defects occurringwithin the volume of the solder bump. Figures 2 and3 show examples of C-SAM 180 MHz images of flipchip samples.

Figure 2 - 180 MHz C-SAM image of flip chip bond Small voids at the interface appear as whitefeatures. Bonded bumps appear dark. A void (white area) is also present in the epoxy underfill.

Figure 3 - Compares the acoustic image of the chip to bump level (left) to the bump tosubstrate level (right) in a flip chip sample. At the chip to bump interface bonded bumpsappear dark in the acoustic image. At the bump/substrate level the bump should appear brightif there are no defects present in the image to obstruct the ultrasound from this level. Anydefect at a previous level will block the ultrasound from this level causing the bump site toappear darker like the areas indicated by the arrows.


The devices used in this study demonstrated electricalfailures after thermal cycling. The samples wereexamined with microfocus x-ray. Voids detected inthe solder joints after thermal cycling were alsopresent prior to cycling. Subsequent destructivephysical analysis using standard optical microscopyrevealed the presence of cracks in the solder jointswhich were thought to be the primary failure mode(Figure 4).

Up to this point acoustic micro imaging had not beenemployed. Now, flip chip samples which had beenthermally cycled were submitted for acoustic analysisto determine if a non destructive method could befound to locate defects in the solder joints particularlythe expected cracks in the solder joints. At first atechnique was employed to look through the solderjoints to the substrate level (Figure 5). In this wayany defect within the volume of the solder jointwould cause a shadow in the image rendering itdetectable. (similar to Figure 3). In the initialacoustic data set a large number of solder bond sitesappeared to contain defects.

Figure 4 - The above diagram shows the general construction o f the device and theexpected failure mode, cracks in the solder bumps.

Figure 5 - Acoustic image of the bump to substrate level. At this level defects in the solderbumps above the interface cause dark shadows in the image of the bond site. The brightappearance of several bumps indicates they are the only defect free bumps.

The samples were then subjected to destructivephysical analysis and conventional optical microscopyfor correlative analysis. At this time the defects wereassumed to be cracks and voids in the solder based onprevious samples which had not undergone acousticanalysis. Initially the acoustic data did not show goodcorrelation with the DPA results. Bumps which werecracked as seen in the DPA showed defectsacoustically. However, many of the solder bumpsindicated to be defective acoustically did not appearto have cracks in the solder joints. Figure 6 displaysthe optical micrographs for several example bumpswhich are indicated on the acoustic micrographshown in Figure 5.

Additional samples of the same type were evaluatedacoustically. Samples which had been thermallycycled showed many defects acoustically so a furthereffort was made to determine where the defects werelocated.

An initial hint of the problem came from theobservation that some of the bond sites appearedlarger than others and somewhat irregular in shape(Figure 7). This did not correlate with any part of the

construction process. In reality, the “chip/bumpinterface” consists of several very thin layers -silicon, glassivation, bond pad, polyimide and solderbump. Shadows or destructive interference of thesignal caused by a defect in the surface layers on thesilicon could cause the bonded and defective bondsites to appear similar in the acoustic image. By usinga microslicing acoustic imaging technique thecomplex interface could be inspected more closely. Inthe region closest to the silicon, just prior to thebump, the scans now exhibited strong signalreflections in some of the bond sites characteristic ofthe presence of disbonds. Some features wereobserved which appeared larger than the size of thesolder joint. The position of the echo signalssuggested that defects were present in the layerspreceding the bond pad to bump level. It was alsolikely that the cracks were very thin. Acousticmicroscopy is capable of detecting laminar flawsbelow 0.1 micron in the depth dimension. This couldaccount for the flaws being missed during the initialcorrelative studies. Figure 8 displays an acousticimage of a thermally cycled sample containing thewhite, irregular defects.




Figure 6 - Optical micrographs of several bumps pointed out in the acoustic micrograph are shownhere. Bump V appears bright in the acoustic image indicating no defects above the interface andthe optical micrograph also shows no defects within the solder ball. Bump S, however, appearsdefective acoustically but also shows no defects within the solder ball in the optical micrograph.C and D also appear defective in the acoustic image but do not show voids or cracks in the solderbumps. A and B appear defective according to the acoustic image and display cracks and voids inthe solder bumps.




Figure 7 - Acoustic image of chip/bumpinterface using conventional imaging method.The bond sites show low reflection levels whichwould typically indicate bonding at the interface.However, some of the sites appear larger thanthe nominal size of the bonds and irregular inshape.

Figure 8 - Acoustic image of chip/bond pad level usinglevel specific imaging technique. Now variations in thesignal intensity are apparent from one bond site to another.The strong signal reflections characteristic of voids anddelaminations are shown in white. The white bumps alsoare the ones which display the larger, irregular shapes.Dark spots indicate the bonded pads at this level. Severalof the sites are indicated by the arrows for reference in thecorresponding DPA images.

Another device of the same type which had not beenthermally cycled was also evaluated acousticallyusing the same technique. The defects were notpresent in this sample at this time. The bond sitesappeared uniform. This sample was subsequentlythermally cycled and evaluated again acousticallyafter cycling.

Now the device showed similar defects. Figure 9compares acoustic images of the same device beforeand after cycling. Clearly the thermal cycling wasinducing defects, and the types of defects beinginduced by the testing were not just the cracks withinthe solder balls.

Before Thermal Stress After Thermal Stress




Figure 9 - Acoustic images of the same device before and after thermal stress. The bond sitesappear as dark circles, uniform in size before stress. After stress most of the bond sites nowappear bright white and some are considerably larger in size and irregularly shaped.

For the purposes of correlative analysis one of thethermally cycled parts was evaluated using microfocus x-ray (Figure 10). The x-ray results did notdetect any cracks or delaminations but did show voidsin some of the solder bumps. The voids could also be

detected in the acoustic images of the device prior tothermal cycling. (Figure 11). After thermal stress thedefects induced by the cycling obscured this levelfrom ultrasonic inspection.

Figure 10 - X-ray image of solder bumps. Two of thebumps appear brighter indicating the presence ofvoids. These two bumps correspond with the bumpsshown in the acoustic image.

Figure 11 - Acoustic image of a row of solder bumps.Two of the bumps appear brighter in the centerindicating the presence of voids in the solder bumps.

The part was then cross sectioned and this timeScanning Electron Microscopy was used to examinethe section. The SEM evaluation did reveal thedefects which caused the anomalies seen in theacoustic images. The defects were thin laminar cracksunder the bond pads on the chip (Figure 12). In somecases the cracks extended out beyond the bumplocation under the glassivation layers. This is whysome of the defects appeared larger than the expectedsize of the bond pads. A good correlation was nowseen between

acoustic data and DPA results. In retrospect, theoriginal cross sectioning had produced over roundingof the sample in the areas of interest and opticalmicroscopy did not provide high enough resolution toimage the thin cracks at the interfaces, but the opticalmicroscopy did show bumps with large internalcracks upon which the attention was focused. This iswhy the other defects were not detected in the DPAinitially and why the results of the DPA and acousticanalysis did not appear to show correlation at first.

Figure 12 - SEM micrographs of DPA cross sections of several bumps shown in Figure 8. Site Land V appeared dark in the acoustic image indicating bond at this level. The DPA section showsno defects in the bond of the bond pad to the silicon or glassivation layers. Sites S, W and Xdisplay a laminar crack under the bond pad. The cracks extend under the surrounding glassivationlayers. These bumps appeared bright indicating defects in the acoustic image.

Figure 13 - Diagram of device showing level of the defects detected in the acoustic images.


Proper investigation of bumps in flip chip devicesrequires the proper acoustic micro imaging techniqueto reveal subtle flaws. The DPA techniques employedmust also be suitable to reveal the same type of defectwhen attempting correlative analysis.

Thin laminar cracks were detected using AMI at thesilicon/bond pad level. These defects were notdetected by any other nondestructive imaging methodand were not easily detected in the DPA except by theSEM when knowing what locations to examine. Thedefects prevented acoustic access to any other levelsin the solder once the defects were encountered. Thiswould prevent detection of the solder cracks;however, the cracks under the bond pads are clearlydetrimental to the operation of the device.


The authors would like to thank Bruce Smith andDavid Drake of Northrop Grumman for theirvaluable assistance in providing the x-ray, DPA andSEM analyses.


1. L.W. Kessler, “Acoustic Microscopy” inMetals Handbook, Ninth Edition, Vol. 17 -Nondestructive Evaluation and Quality Control -ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1989, pp.465-482.

2. J.E. Semmens, S.R. Martell, L.W. Kessler,“Evaluation of Interconnects Using Acoustic

Microscopy for Failure Analysis and Process ControlApplications”, 4th International Conference &Exhibition on Multichip Modules, April 19-21, 1995,Denver, CO, pp. 279-285.

3. J.E. Semmens, S.R. Martell, L.W. Kessler,“Analysis of BGA and Other Area Array PackagesUsing Acoustic Micro Imaging”, Proc. of First PanPacific Microelectronics Symposium, February 6-8,1996, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 285-290.

4. O. Diaz d’Leon, J. Bartlett, R. Chowdry,“Flip Chip and BGA Failure Analysis ThroughAcoustic Microscopy”, The 22nd InternationalSymposium for Testing and Failure Analysis,November 18-22, 1996, Los Angeles, CA
