Charlie The Cavalier Media Kit



media kit for Charlie The Cavalier

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Charlie The Cavalier

Media Kit

Charlie The Cavalier and his Friends, Family, and Home

About Lisa About Lisa About Lisa About Lisa

Hi there! I'm Lisa. I live with my wonderful husband, our beautiful

new baby girl, and our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie in

Lock Haven, PA. I am now a stay at home Mom but in the past I

was an instructional designer, multimedia technician, and a

software trainer. I love using this skills on this blog. I am currently

working on my doctorate in Educational Leadership with an

emphasis in Educational Technology at the University of Phoenix.

About Charlie The CavalierAbout Charlie The CavalierAbout Charlie The CavalierAbout Charlie The Cavalier

I started this blog after I was given a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in 2008 that we

named Charlie as a present from my husband after loving the breed for years. I always

dreamed of owning a cavalier. I then created this blog. I have blogged about many

different things in my life including getting married, buying a house, going on vacation,

staying organized, and now the amazing process of having a baby. My goal is to help

others with the things that I have done in my life. In September 2012 the blog received

98.000 page views.

The The The The StatsStatsStatsStats

Page Views All Time: 440,000

Unique Visitors September 2012: 38,000

(Statistics from Google Statistics)


Largest Counties: United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom

Mobile: 38%

Target Target Target Target AudienceAudienceAudienceAudience

• Pregnant Woman

• Woman with Children

• Cavalier Owners

• Dogs Owners


• Pinterest 727

• RSS Feed 114

• Facebook 103

• Members 71

(Information as of October 2012)

Opportunity for Advertising Opportunity for Advertising Opportunity for Advertising Opportunity for Advertising

I will only promote products I would use in my own life. If you are interested in

advertising on Charlie The Cavalier, I will first need to sample your product to

honestly promote your product or service.

Current Rates: $75/month

125x250 sidebar sponsor button

Giveaway Post: $150

Minimum value for a giveaway is $50

Creative Ways To Work Together

I am open to other forms of advertising. Just ask and hopefully we can work


Book Reviews

I am willing to trade honest reviews on books on

Charlie The Cavalier and his Friends, FaCharlie The Cavalier and his Friends, FaCharlie The Cavalier and his Friends, FaCharlie The Cavalier and his Friends, Family, and Homemily, and Homemily, and Homemily, and Home

Email Lisa @

copyright 2012