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Name: NO:Chemical injection

12.1:List chemical in use in your area and explain their hazards

1- sodium Hypochlorite :Not flammable , Skin itching ,eyes itching2- Poly electrolyte : Not flammable , Skin itching ,eyes itching3- Corrosion inhibitor : Flammable ,Eyes Harmful4- Scale inhibitor :Eyes and Skin itching5- Biocide A :Toxic :Skin itching6- Biocide B : Toxic :Skin itching7- Oxygen Scavenger :Sore throat , Skin itching8- Demulsifir :Flammable , Eyes Harmful , Skin itching9- TEG : Toxic , Flammable ,Eyes harmful , Skin Itching

12.2 : Make a table and describe where they used and why ? Sodium Hypoclorite

Poly Electrolyte Corrosion Inhibitor

Scale Inhibitor Biocide A

At the inlet of water tank to kill bacteria

Before filters to collect particles for smoothening filtration

Before filters & well heads to prevent corrosion

At the inlet of stripping tower to prevent scale

Injected into surge vessel to kill aerobic bacteria

Biocide B Oxygen Scavenger

Demulsifir TEG

Injected into surge vessel to kill Non- aerobic bacteria

After stripping tower to remove un dissolved Oxygen

In inlet manifold headers and DH header for separation of water

Used to dehydrate wet gas

12.3 : Calculate the chemical injection rate . How do you convert L/D to PPM and PPM to L/d ?

LPD={Production (bbl) x PPM x 159}/10^6 GPD = {production (bbl) xPPM x42 }/10^6 PPM = {L/D x 10^6 } / {production (bbl) x 159}

12.4: Adjust the chemical injection rate _ is it necessary to have this checked everyday ?

Close chemical tank’s discharge valve Check the rate of sight glass per minute Multiply the number by 60 then 24 and divide the result to 1000 The result is the chemical injection per day It is necessary to be checked daily because of any change in the rate could cause an upset in the process

12.5 : Describe the correct protective clothing to wear when handling chemicals

-Plastic gloves -Rubber Boats -goggles/Face shield -Face mask -Rubber apron

12.6: What is the purpose of routine checks on chemical injection system and what are you looking for?

To ensure that the chemical injection is going on with the specified rate- Check the level in the tank- Check the shower and eye wash station are available - Check the pump is pumping - Check for any leak- Adjust the rate

12.7 : Receive and unload chemical deliveries taking all the necessary precautions

1- check the chemical name2- Check the MESC number of the chemical3- Check for any leaking or damaged drums4- Do not store the drums on each other 5- Do not mix different types of chemicals6- Check the manifest how many drums is received

12.8 : Identify the chemical injection points in the various location of the fields

Demulsifir : (HP,IP,TEST) headers , DH header , SDH/SRT headerScale inhibitor : Oxygen Stripping tower , main water injection headerCorrosion inhibitor : Disposal water tanks , wet gas header, some wellheads flow linesOxygen scavenger : Stripping tower outletPoly Electrolyte :dilution water filters inletSodium Hypochlorite : Inlet of water tankGlycol : gas plantBiocide : water storage vessel

12.9 : Describe the effect of over and under dosage

Over dosage :1- Gives reverse effect2- Wasting for moneyUnder dosage :Will not give the expected result

12.10 : What dose SHOC/M.S.D.S stand for and where you can you find it and how does it help you ?

SHOC is an abbreviation for Safe Handling Of Chemical M.S.D.S is an abbreviation for Material Safety Data Sheet

It found posted near every chemical injection station , it gives vital information about the injected chemicalHazards, Symptoms , Prevention , fire fighting , First aid , Spillage

12.11: List the kind of problems you may face in your plant if the chemical injection fails , and you do not notice it for a long period

if the Demulsifir injection fails then a bad separation in all separators and trains will start causing a lot of problems like emulsion If the corrosion inhibitor fails for a long period then corrosion in piping can take place resulting a pin holes In the pipes
