Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


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  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    Volume XIX Numbers 2 & 3


    Ho llin be rg er M em oria l, p ag e 4; In dia na S ta te C la ss C hamp io ns hip s, p ag e 9; M ay C irc le C ity T orna do , pa ge 1 6;H ow ard C oun ty O pen , page 21 ; A pril C irc le C ity T orn ad o, p ag e 22 ; M arch C irc le C ity T orna do , p ag e 2 4;M id we st C he ss C en te r T eam C ha lle ng e, p ag e 27; T ou rn am en t A nn ou nc em en ts , b ack c ov er.

    Photo: Editor1 st A nn ua l H ollin be rg er M em oria l In vita tio na l C he ss C ha mp io nsh ip 1214 May 2006 held a t the B arba ra S . W y nne T enn isC en ter. C lockw ise from fron t right G M A lexande r G old in , N M Jam es M ills, N M C raig S tau ffe r, FM Jim D ean, 1M Jan van deM orte l, N M J oh n C ole, 1 M Gio rg i M arg ve la sh vili, 1 M Ca lv in B loc ke r (stan din g b ac k rig ht), S te ve C ate s, a nd M att F outs.D rew H ollin be rg er (stan din g b ac k le ft) o rg anize d an d d ire cte d th e C losed E ven t bro ad ca st live on the In tern et v ia IC C.

  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in Indiana1~1==========IS=C=A==B=o=ar=d=o=f=D=ir=e=ct=o=~========~11~11============C=H=E=s=s=i=n=ln=d=ia=n=a==========~PRESIDENT: Gary Fox Ph. (574) 722-4965ISCA P.O.Box 114 Logansport IN 46947E-mail: president@indianachess.orgVICE-PRESIDENT: Terry Perkins4161 S. 400 E. Cutler, IN 46902E-mail: vicepresident@indianachess.orgSECRETARY: Ben Dillon Ph. (574) 289- TREK615 W. Angela Blvd., South Bend IN 46617E-mail:'IREASURER: Tom Byers Ph. (574) 722-1137ISCA P.O.Box 114, Logansport, IN 46947E-mail: treasurer@indianachess.orgEDITOR: Bob Banta Ph. (317) 849-97284730 Wyandotte Trail, Indianapolis, IN 46250E-mail: editor@indianachess.orgIllSTORIAN: Roger BlaineP.O. Box 353, Osceola IN 46561E-mail: historian@indianachess.orgMEMBERSillP DIRECTOR: Sean Hollick, Ph. (317) 679-3514ISCA P.O.Box 891, Indianapolis, IN 46206E-mail: membership@indianachess.orgWEB DIRECTOR: Sean Hollick, Ph. (317) 679-3514ISCA P.O.Box 891, Indianapolis, IN 46206E-mail:webmaster@indianachess.orgDIRECTOR-AT -LARGE: Drew Hollinberger Ph.(317) 841-38858350 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46250E-mail: drew@indianachess.orgDIRECTOR-AT-LARGE: Steven J. Steppe Ph. (812) 299-511153 E. Antler Dr., Terre Haute, IN 47802E-mail:

    I I President's Advisory CabinetChiefTD Advisor / Clearing House - Roger BlaineE-mail: td@indianachess.orgGames Administrator - John W. ColeE-mail: games@indianachess.orgStudent Advisor - Kris topher WilliamsE-mail: student@indianachess.orgMembership Administrator - Adam HeeterE-mail: membership@indianachess.orgMaster Advisor - Jim DeanE-mail:master@indianachess.orgPrison Visits Coordinator - Bill ParrishE-mail:

    I I ISCA Membership Annual DuesRegularFamily Plan (Whole)Fami ly Plan (Children Only)Junior (UI8; incl. Jr. Tour)Add'l Family MemberAfflliateScholastic Affiliate

    $15.00$22.00$17.00$10.00Y z dues$25.00$15.00

    I I Patron MembershipsGold: $100.00 Silver: $50.00 Bronze: $25.00PATRON MEMBERS:Gold: No Current Gold Members as of 01 Aug 2006Silver: Roger Blaine, Mike Gant Ken HamiltonBronze: Nate Criss, Gary Fox, Gordon Simons, Jolrn WortingerJune / Septem ber 2006

    I I

    I I

    I I

    Editor: Bob BantaContributors: Gary Fox, Mike Herron, Lester VanMeterPhotographs: Bob Banta, Sean HollickPrinter/Publisher: Bill Corbin -UN Communications, Inc.

    I I State ChampionsIndiana State Champion: Emory A. Tate, Jr.State Reserve Co-Champions: Daniel G. Ryker and Josh A. SmithChallenge Champion: Dennis MonokroussosMasters/Generations: Masters, John W. Cole. Seniors: Cliff Aker,Roger Blaine, Sr. Reserve: Randall Derby. Amateur:Nate Criss.Amateur Reserve: Eric Miller , Bob Jones. Junior: Daniel FeltisClass Champions: Masters/Expert: Jolrn W. Cole, James StephenCates, A - Alexei Gorbounov, B - Craig Hines, C - David B. FreyD- Thomas E. Byers, Randall DerbyBeginners' Class Champions: E - Jonathon Harrison,F - Brandon Van Note, G - Christopher Patterson, H - Nick Wilkey,I-Hillary Williams &Alex Catron, Unrated - Michael PhillipsState Team Champions: "QxNd4#" (consisting of: Jolrn W. Cole,Jason R. Doss, James Stephen Cates and David B. Frey)State Quick Chess Champion: Jim MillsState Blitz Champion: Jolrn W. ColeState Junior Blitz Champion: Jimmy Hildebrand

    I I Indiana State Chess Hall of FameIndiana State Titles Service to Chess inChess Champions Won IndianaJohn Van Benton* 3 Glen DonleyDonald O. Brooks 7 Robert J. FischerEdward Vano 7 Robert J. RiceDennis V. Gogel 6 Roger E. BlaineLester L.VanMeter 5JimH. Dean 4Emory A. Tate, Jr. 4 * (3 titles in a row from

    1944 to 1946)

    CHESS in Indiana Advertisement Rates and TLAsTLA publ icat ions for the CHESS in INDIANA magazine are available to current aff il iatesa t no charge wi th advert isements a t a discounted ra te . Any other adver ti sement or TLAsubmissions are subject t o a fee. Current ISCA members in good standing receive adiscount t o advertisement s and TLAs. Unsol icited TLA's can be placed by ISCA as aserv ice to i ts members. Placement , word ing and leng th of such announcements are at thed iscre tion of the Edi tor . O ther than Sta te Championships , ISCA does not endor se anytournament adver ti sed here or on i ts Websi te , and is no t respons ib le for the way suchtournaments are operated:Item Non- ISCA ISCA Additionalmembers Members Affiliates InformationTLAs $10 $5 Free 5 lines or less,$1 for eachadditional lineAdvertise $1 per 50% off 75% off y. , Y,or full-ments word, $15 Non- Non- pages areminimum member member subject tocharoe rate rate neqotiation


  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in IndianaEditor's CommentsFirst off , let me personally apologize to all ISCA members for missingthe June edition of our magazine. A combination of factors includingfamily, professional, and an unexpected rescheduling of a severalweeks long project in Italy this summer contributed to my missing theJune edition deadline. I have tried to make amends for the missed Juneissue by making this issue a "June I September" issue with more gamesthan is customary in a single issue.

    President's Message01 2006

    Sign up now for the 65th AnnualIndiana State Chess Championshipis in full swing. Now is the time toget your hotel room for theupcoming battle of Indiana minds.The State Championship is aMUST SEE EVENT not to bemissed.Located on the eastside ofIndianapolis, the Marriott Hotelwil l be a grand locat ion for theIndiana Chess Player's premiereevent of the year. Mark yourcalendars for the last weekend ofSeptember and make plans

    accordingly. Check the ad in the back for details.We have had some major changes to the ISCA Board of Directors overthe past few months. Regrettably, Dave Frey, for personal reasons,resigned the ISCA Web Director position. Sean Hollick has kindlyagreed to perform the Web Director duties on an interim basis. AdamHeeter wil l be assisting with the membership duties now that Sean iswearing two hats (Membership Director and Interim Web Director).Dave Frey, a very talented Webmaster, will be missed. Over the lastfew years, Dave had served periodically as the ISCAWeb Directorgoing back to when the posi tion was first created.ISCA will be searching for a new Web Director at the upcoming ISCAAnnual Membership meeting's election of officers to be held onSunday, October 11 between the 4thand 5throunds of the StateChampionship.Sean Holl ick has indicated he wil l help whoever is interested inrunning the ISCA website by handing over the control of the site toanother qualified person. Ifyou are interested in being the next ISCAWeb Director, please contact me or any of the other ISCA Directorsand let us know you are interested.Due to the current timing of when this issue goes to press, the ISCAFiscal Year financial statement will be mailed separately this year andthen included in the next magazine.All ISCA members want well-funded ISCA-sponsored chesstournaments that are held at att ract ive locations and with this goal inmind, ISCA has applied and has received a Charity Gaming Permitfrom the Indiana Gaming Commission as a 501c7 organization. ThisPermit allows ISCA to conduct Charity Poker Tournaments and holdCharity Raffles to raise money for upcoming State Championshipevents. We will see if Hoosier chess players know when to hold-emand when to fold-em.Just as a reminder, please renew your ISCA membership before itexpires; you gain admission to ISCA tournaments and continue toreceive this publication with its tournament results, game scores, andtournament announcements.I want to thank Bob Banta, our Editor, for making the magazine apossibil ity to the ISCA membership. He puts a lot of t ime and effortinto producing our magazine. Please remember to turn in your scoresheets for possible inclusion in our magazine. The more score sheetsturned in, the more games our Editor has to choose from to bepublished in our magazine.

    Gary Fox, [SeA

    J un e / S ep te m be r 2 006

    Chess-wise in Indiana, the last few months have been interesting. ISCABoard member, Drew Holl inberger organized and sponsored amemorial invitational tournament that included a Grandmaster,several regional International Masters, and several of Indiana's topmasters and experts.The Hollinberger Memorial Invitational saw FM Aviv Friedman, coachof the USJunior National Team, providing simultaneous gameanalysis during the tournament. This tournament was broadcast liveon the Internet via the ICC web site. Many of the games from thistournament are featured in this issue of the magazine.TD Sean Hollick ran the Indiana State Class Championships back onthe third of June. There were 82players spread out over several classescompeting to be champion of their class.The ISCA Board recently held a meeting and one of the items coveredwas this year's nominations to the Indiana Chess Hall ofFame.Roger Blaine, our ISCA Historian, has nominated two very worthycandidates, namely: John Campbell and Tom Harris.John T. Campbell (1916-1981) was Indiana's most active chessorganizer from 1965until his untimely death due to a motorcycleaccident in 1981. A Ball State University Professor, Campbell promotedchess among students and the public at large. For many years, John randozens of tournaments in Muncie; he also served as ISCA President fora period of time. Due to his untimely passing, a motion to waive theusual 25-year requirement for service to chess will be offered at thisyear's ISCA Annual Membership meeting.Thomas J . Harris (1938-2004)promoted chess in Indiana for 25 yearsspanning 1979to 2004. Harris sponsored Indiana StateChampionships, tri-state championships, and USCF Region VChampionships. Tom served as an ISCA Officer (Historian, Secretary,and Vice President) and was a team member of the "Nxd-l" State TeamChampions. Tom, at his peak, was a rated Expert ; he was widelyadmired in Indiana for his chess generosity, service and kindness.

    Bob Banta,

    ContentsWho's Who in ISCA 2President's Message 3Editor's Comments 3Hollinberger Invitational Memorial 4Indiana State Class Championships 9Herron Wins May Circle City Tornado 16Banta and Bousum Tie for First in Howard County Open 21Nugent and Smith Take April Circle City Tornado 22Herron Takes March Circle City Tornado 24Midwest Chess Center Team Challenge 27Tournament Announcements 32

  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in Indiana1M Blocker and 1M van de M orte l W in the

    Ho llin be rg er Memo ria l In vita tio na lIM Calvin Blocker and 1MJan van de Mortel each scored 3.5 outof 5 to win in the First Annual Hollinberger MemorialInvitational Chess Championship. The memorial tournament wasconducted at the Barbara S. Wynne Tennis Center on the campusof North Central High School in Indianapolis from May 12 toMay 14,2006 in honor of Drew Hollinberger's mother whorecently passed away.In addition to the 1MBlocker and 1Mvan de Mortel, GMAlexander Goldin, 1MGiorgi Margvelashvili, FM Jim Dean, NMCraig Stauffer, NM Jim Mills, NM John Cole, Steve Cates, andMatt Fouts participated in the event.

    Hollinberger Memorial Participants, Barbara Wynne, TD Hollick (left),and Tournament Organizer DrewHollinberger (center) Photo:Ed.The tournament was broadcast l ive over the Internet via theInternet Chess Club (ICC) website. FM Aviv Friedman, coach ofthe US Junior National Team, provided commentary and analysisthroughout the tournament.

    1MGiorgi Margvelashvili Photo:ecce1M Blocker (2443) - 1M Margvelashvili (2546)

    1st Hollinberger Memorial 14May 2006Queen's Gambit Declined; Exchange Variation [D36]

    June / Septem ber 2006

    l.d4 Nf6 2.e4 e6 3.Nf3 dS 4.Ne3 Be7 S.cxdS exdS 6.Bg5 0-07.e3 Nbd7 8.Bd3 Re8 9.Qc2 NfS 10.0-0 e6 I1.Rabl as 12.a3g6 13.b4 axb4 14.axb4 Ne6 IS.Bh4 Ng716.bS BfS 17.bxc6bxc6 18.NeS Re8 19.Rb7 Bxd3 20.Qxd3 Rc7 21.Rxc7 Qxc722.Rc1 Qb7 23.Qbl Qa6 24.Qal Qxal 2S.Rxal Ng4 26.Nxg4Bxh4 27.Ra7 NfS 28.g3 Be7 29.NeS e5 30.NxdS Diagram

    ... cxd4 31.e4 d3 Diagram

    32.Nxd3 Rd8 33.Ne5 KfS 34.Nd7+ Kg7 3S.exf5 Ra8 1-0

    1M Jan van de Mortel Photo:Editor1M Jan van de Mortel (2435) - FM J. Dean (2225)

    1st Hollinberger Memorial 13 May 2006English Opening by transposition [All]

    1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 Bg4 3.Bg2 Nd7 4.0-0 e6 5.d3 e5 6.e4 Ngf6 7.exd5 exd58.Qa4 Bd6 9.Bg5 0-0 10.Ne3 Be6 1l.Nb5 Bb8 12.Rfel a6 13.Ne3 h614.Bxf6 Nxf6 15.d4 e4 16.Ne5 b5 17.Qdl Qb6 18.e3 Bd6 19.a4 Rae820.Bfl b4 21.a5 Qb8 22.Ne2 Bxe5 23.dxe5 Ng4 24.Nf4 Nxe5 Diagram


  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in Indiana

    25.Bxa6 Rxc1 26.Rxc1 QdS 27.Be2 Qxa5 2S.Qd4 Nd7 29.Rc6 Nf630.Nxe6 fxe6 31.Rxe6 Diagram '

    b3 32.Kg2 Qe1 33.Qd1 Qb4 34.Rc6 ReS 35.Rc3 RbS 36.Qd2 Kh737.Bd1 Qa4 3S.Rc7 RdS 39.Qc3 d4 Diagram

    40.exd4 Nd5 41.Qc4 Qa1 42.Qc1 Qxc1 43.Rxc1 Nb6 44.Bxb3 Rxd445.Be6 Kg6 46.Rc6 Na4 47.b3 Nb2 4S.Bg4+ Kf7 49.Bh5+ Ke7 50.Rc2Nd3 51.Kf1 Rb4 52.Rc3 Kf6 53.Be2 Ne5 54.Ke1 g6 55.Kd2 Kf5 56.h3h5 57.Kc2 RbS 5S.f4 exf3 59.Bxf3 RdS 60.b4 h4 61.gxh4 Rd4 62.Rb3Rxh4 63.Be2 Nc6 64.Bg4+ Ke5 65.Kc3 RhS 66.Rb1 RdS 67.b5 Nd46S.b6 Diagram

    Black forfeits on time 1-0June / S eptem ber 2006

    Drew Hollinberger (left) and GM Alex Goldin (right) Photo: ecceGM Alex Goldin (2626) - NM John Cole (2346)

    1st Hollinberger Memorial 13May 2006King's Indian [E64]

    l.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 c5 4.d5 d6 5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Bg2 0-0 7.Nf3 Na6S.O-ONc7 9.a4 RbS 10.h3 a611.a5 b5 12.axb6 Rxb6 13.Ra3 e6 14.e4exd5 15.exd5 Bd716.b3 QcS 17.Kh2 Ng4+ 1S.hxg4 Bxc3 19.95 Bf520.Nh4 Bg7 21.Bd2 Bd7 22.Ba5 Rb7 23.Qd2 QbS 24.f4 NeS 25.Qc2f6 26.Bd2 fxg5 27.fxg5 Rxfl 2S.Bxfl Be5 29.Nf3 BhS 30.Bc3 Bxc331.Qxc3 Ng7 32.Nd2 Bf5 33.Rxa6 QdS 34.Qe3 Rf7 35.Bg2 Re736.RaS Diagram

    Rxe3 37.RxdS+ Kf7 3S.Rxd6 Re2 39.Nf3 Bg4 40.Kg1 Nf541.Rf6+Diagram

    1-0Don't Forget!

    65th Annual Indiana State Chess Championship.Sept. 30-0ct. 1.A Heritage Event!


  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in Indiana

    l\TM Cole (left) and Matt Fouts (right) Photo: ecce1M Margvelashvili (2546) - NM John Cole (2346)

    lSIHollinberger Memorial 13 May 2006Sicilian [B20]

    l.e4 eS 2.b3 Ne6 3.Bb2 eS 4.Be4 d6 S.Ne3 Be6 6.d3 Nf6 7.Nge2 Be7S.O-O dS 9.exdS NxdS 10.NxdS BxdS 11.f4 Bf612.BbS exf4 13.Bxf6Qxf6 14.Nxf4 0-0 lS.e4 Be616.Bxe6 bxe6 17.Kh1 RadS IS.Qf3 Rd419.Rael BeS 20.Qe3 Qd6 21.h3 BfS 22.Rf3 h6 23.Qe7 RdS 24.Qxd6RSxd6 2S.Ne2 Diagram

    1-01M Margvelashvili (2546) - GM Goldin (2626)

    1st Hollinberger Memorial 14 May 2006English Opening [A11]

    1.Nf3 dS 2.e4 e6 3.g3 dxe4 4.Bg2 Nf6 5.0-0 bS 6.b3 exb37.Qxb3 e6 8.NeS Bb7 9.Bb2 Be710.d4 0-0 11.Nd2 Nfd712.Ne4 as 13.Rael a4 14.Qe3 Na6 lS.Nd3 a3 16.Bal Qe7 17.f4Nf6 18.NeeS NxeS 19.NxeS NdS 20.Qb3 BxeS 21.dxeS fS 22.e4fxe4 23.Bxe4 Ra4 24.Qd3 Nf6 2S.Bg2 Qf7 26.Rfel NdS 27.ReSBe8 28.RgS Nf6 29.Bxe6 Re4 30.Rfl Qe7 31.BxbS RxeS32.BeS Qb6 33.Bd4 QxbS 34.QxbS RxbS 3S.RxbS Ba6 36.RaSBxfl 37.Kxfl Rd8 38.Ra4 Kf7 39.Ke2 Kg6 40.Kd3 KfS41.Rxa3 NdS 42.Rb3 gS 43.fxgS Ra8 44.a3 Ra4 4S.Bb2 eS46.RbS Ke6 47.ReS e4+ 48.Ke2 Kd6 49.Re8 Ra7 SO.Rd8+ KeSS1.BeS Ke6 S2.Rd6+ KeS S3.Rh6 Kb5 S4.Rh4 Rxa3 SS.Rxe4Ra2+ S6.Kf3 Rxh2 S7.Rh4 Rxh4 S8.gxh4 Ke6 S9.Ke4 Ne760.Bf6 Kd6 61.Bxe7+ Kxe7 62.KfS Kf7 63.hS h6 64.g6+ Kg76S.Ke6 Kg8 66.Kf6 Kf8%-%

    Don't Forget!Indiana State Blitz Championship

    Sept. 29.June / September 2006 6

    GMAlex Goldin (left) and NM Craig Stauffer (right) Photo: eccGM Goldin (2626) - NM Craig Stauffer (2209)1st Hollinberger Memorial 12 May 2006

    Blumenfeld Gambit [ElO]l.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.e4 eS 4.dS bS S.BgS QaS+ 6.Qd2 Qxd2+ 7.Nbxdbxe4 S.Bxf6 gxf6 9.e4 RgS 10.g3 Na6 1l.Bxe4 RbS 12.b3 Nb4 13.0-0Ne214.Rac1 Na3 IS.Bd3 d616.Ne4 Nxe4 17.Bxe4 Bh61S.Redl Ke19.Nh4 RdS 20.f4 as 21.Rd3 Bd7 22.Ng2 eS 23.fxeS fxeS 24.Rdf3 R2S.Nh4 f6 26.Kg2 BgS 27.NfS+ BxfS 2S.RxfS Be3 29.a4 Rf7 30.Kf3Bd4 31.Ke2 Rb4 32.Kd2 h6 33.RhS Rh7 34.Rf3 RbS 3S.RhfS Rf736.Be2 RffS 37.Ke2 Rf7 3S.RhS Rh7 39.Bfl RgS 40.RhfS Rf7 41.RhRh7 42.RhfS Rf7 43.Ba6 RgS 44.Kd3 Rf8 4S.Ke2 Bgl 46.Kf1 RxfS47.RxfS Be3 4S.Ke2 Bel 49.Rf1 Bb2 SO.Kd2 RgS S1.Be2 Bd4 S2.g4RbS S3.Rf3 Kf7 S4.h4 Ke7 SS.Ke2 RgS S6.RfS %-%

    1M Calvin Blocker Photo: ecce1M Blocker (2443) - 1M van de Mortel (2435)

    1st Hollinberger Memorial 14 May 2006Kings Indian [E62]

    l.d4 Nf6 2.e4 g6 3.Nf3 Bg7 4.g3 0-0 S.Bg2 d6 6.Ne3 e6 7.0-0 QaSS.e4 eS 9.dS exdS10.exdS bS 1l.Nd2 b4 12.Na4 Ba6 13.Re1 Nbd714.b3 RfeS IS.a3 RabS 16.Bfl Bxfll7.Nxfl NeS IS.NxeS QxeS19.axb4 Qd4 20.Qxd4 exd4 21.Bf4 Rxb4 22.Reel RdS 23.Nd2 NhS24.Kg2 Nxf4+ 2S.gxf4 Rb7 26.Ra4 h6 27.Kf3 fS 2S.Rae4 fxe4+29.Kxe4 Re7+ 30.Kf3 Rdd7 31.ReS+ Kh7 32.R1e6 Rf7 33.Ke4Rde7+ 34.Kd3 Rxf4 3S.R6e7 Ref7 36.Rxf7 Rxf7 37.Ne4 BeS 3S.RdSRb7 39.Nxd6 Rxb3+ 40.Ke4 Bxd6 41.Rd7+ KgS 42.Rxd6 Kf743.Kxd4 Rf3 44.h4 hS 4S.Ra6 Rxf2 46.KeS Re2+ 47.Kf4 Rf2+ 4S.KeRe2+ 49.Kf4 Rf2+ SO.KeS Re2+ %-%

  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in Indiana1M Blocker (2443) - GM Goldin (2626)

    1st Hollinberger Memorial 13 May 2006Queen's Gambit Declined: Ragozin Defense [D38]

    .Bxe4 17.Nxb4 Qb6 18.e3 dS 19.Nd3 Nd7 20.NdeS NxeS 21.NxeS f322.Qg3 Ba3 Diagram ... Bf6 36.Rxd7 Be6 37.Bd4 DiagramJune / Sep tem ber 2006 7

    l.d4 Nf6 2.e4 e6 3.Nf3 dS 4.Ne3 Bb4 S.exdS exdS 6.BgS h6 7.Bh4 gS8.Bg3 Ne4 9.Nd2 Nxc3 10.bxe3 Bxe3 1l.Re1 Bb2 12.Bxe7 Qe713.Bd6 Qe6 14.Rb1 Qxd61S.Rxb2 Ne616.e3 KfS 17.Bd3 Nb4 1S.NflQb6 19.Ke2 Qd6 20.h4 Rg8 21.hxgS RxgS 22.g3 Bd7 23.f3 a6 24.Kf2Nxd3+ 2S.Qxd3 Kg7 26.g4 BbS 27.Qd1 Re8 28.Ng3 Qa3 29.Qb3Y : z - Y 2

    NM Jim Mills (left) NM Craig Stauffer (right) Photo: ecceNM Craig Stauffer (2209) - NM Jim Mills (2200)

    1st Hollinberger Memorial 14May 2006Dutch Defense [ASO]

    1.Nf3 fS 2.d4 Nf6 3.h3 d6 4.Ne3 e6 S.BgS Ne4 6.Qd3 NxgS 7.NxgS eS8.Nf3 e4 9.Qe3 Be7 10.Nd2 0-0 1l.f4 exf3 12.Nxf3 f4 Diagram

    13.Qf2 BfS 14.0-0-0 bS lS.e4 b4 16.NdS Diagram

    23.bxa3 Qb1+ 24.Kd2 Qe2+ 2S.Ke3 Qxd126.gxf3 Qe1+ 27.Kf2 Rab28.Rg1 g6 29.Kg2 Rb2+ Diagram

    30.Kh1 RbI 31.Qg2 Rf6 32.fxe4 Rxfl33.Rxfl Qxf1+ 34.Qxfl Rxfl+3S.Kg2 ReI 36.Nxe6 dxe4 37.Ne7+ Kf7 38.NdS Ke6 39.Nf4+ KfS40.Ne2 Ra1 41.Kf2 hS 42.Ng3+ Kf4 43.Ne2+ KgS 44.Ng3 h44S.Nxe4+ KfS 46.Nd2 Rxa2 47.Ke2 gS 48.dS KeS 49.Kd3 KxdSSO.Ne4 Rg2 S1.e4+ KeS S2.Ke3 g4 S3.hxg4 Rxg4 S4.Nd2 Rg3+SS.Nf3+ Kd6 S6.Kf4 Ke6 S7.Nxh4 Rxa3 0-1

    NM Jim Mills (2200) - 1M Margvelashvili (2546)1st Hollinberger Memorial 12 May 2006Sicilian Defense; Kan Variation by transposition [B41]

    l.e4 Nf6 2.Ne3 eS 3.Nf3 e6 4.d4 exd4 S.Nxd4 a6 6.e4 d6 7.Be2 Be78.0-00-0 9.Kh1 Qe7 10.Be3 b6 1l.f4 Bb7 12.Bf3 Nbd7 13.Re1 Rae814.Qe2 Rfe8 lS.b3 h6 16.Rfe1 Qb8 17.fS BfS 18.fxe6 fxe6 19.Bg4Nxg4 20.Qxg4 NeS 21.Qe2 Ba8 22.Rf1 Re7 23.Rf2 Qe8 24.Refl bS, 2S.QhS Ree7 26.eS dxeS 27.QxeS exd4 28.Bxd4 Qe7 29.Qxe7 Rxe730.BeS Rd7 31.Re2 Re8 32.h3 ReS 33.Ref2 Be7 34.NdS BxdS 3S.Rf7Diagram

  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in Indiana

    ... Re2 3S.Rd6 Bxe4 39.Bf2 Rxa2 40.Rxe6 BdS 41.ReS+ Kh7 42.Re3 gxf6 3S.Rxf6 Qg4 36.Qb3+ NdS 37.Bf4 Qe2 0-1Rb2 43.Rd3 Bxb3 44.Bd4 Bxd4 4S.Rxd4 as 46.RfS Be4 47.Rxe4 bxe44S.RxaS e3 49.ReS e2 SO.Kh2 Kg6 S1.Kg3 Kf6 S2.Kf3 Ke6 S3.Ke3Kd6 S4.ReS KdS SS.Kd3 elN+ S6.Rxel Rxg2 S7.Rhl Rg3+ S8.Ke2Ke4 S9.Kf2 Kf4 60.h4 hS 61.Ral Kg4 62.Rhl Rf3+ 63.Kg2 Rf464.Kgl Kg3 Diagram


    NM Jim Mills (2200) - 1M Calvin Blocker (2443)I st Hollinberger Memoriall3 May 2006

    English Opening [AIO]l.e4 e6 2.Ne3 fS 3.g3 Nf6 4.Bg2 Bb4 S.Nf3 0-0 6.0-0 Qe7 7.a3 Bxe38.bxe3 d6 9.Rbl eS 10.d3 Ne6 H.Nel h6 12.Nc2 Kh7 13.f4 dS 14.Ne3Rd81S.exdS exdS16.e4 dxe417.Nxe4 Be618.NeS NxeS19.fxeS NdS20.Qe2 Rae8 21.Khl b6 22.Bd2 Qd7 23.Rf2 Ne7 24.Be3 Kg8 2S.Rbfle4 26.d4 NdS 27.Bd2 e3 Diagram

    28.Bel Ne7 29.e3 bS 30.Bh3 as 31.e4 fxe4 32.Bxe6+ Qxe6 33.Be3 b434.Rf6 Diagram

    June / Septem ber 2006

    Steve Cates Photo: ecce

    Steve Cates (2108) - 1M Jan van de Mortel (2435I st Hollinberger Memoriall2 May 2006

    Scandinavian Defense [BOI]1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Nf6 3.d4 Bg4 4.Bb5+ Nbd7 5.Be2 Bxe2 6.QxeNxd5 7.c4 N5f6 S.Nf3 g6 9.Nc3 Bg7 10.Bg5 0-0 11.0-0 ReS12.Rfel c5 13.d5 Qa5 14.a3 e6 15.d6 a6 16.Radl h6 17.Bxf6Bxf6 IS.Ne4 Bg7 19.Qc2 RedS 20.Re3 Qb6 21.b4 cxb422.axb4 Qxb4 23.Rbl Qa5 24.Rxb7 Nc5 25.Rc7 Nxe4 26.QxeRxd6 27.QxaS+ BfS Diagram

    2S.g3 Qxc7 29.Ne5 a5 30.Kg2 Rd8 31.Qe4 Bg7 32.Nd3 Bd433.Rf3 a4 34.Nb4 Bg7 35.Na2 Kh7 36.Qc2 Qb7 37.c5 Rc83S.Qxa4 Rxc5 39.Qb3 Rb5 40.Qd3 Rb141.Nc3 Rb3 42.Qe4Qc8 43.Ndl f5 44.Qa4 RbI 45.Rd3 Qb7+ 46.Kgl Ral 47.Qc4e5 4S.RdS h5 49.QgS+ Diagram


  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in Indiana

    ... Kh6 50.Qd5 Qxd5 51.Rxd5h4 52.Kg2 Kg5 53.Ne3 Ra254.gxh4+ Kxh4 55.Rd7 BfS 56.Nxf5+ Diagram

    ... gxf5 57.Rf7 Bc5 5S.RxfS Kg4 59.Rf7 Kg5 60.Kgl Kg661.Rf3 e4 62.Rc3 Bxf2+ 63.Kfl Kf5 64.Rb3 Kf4 65.RbS Bc566.RhS Ke3 67.RdS 0-1The Hollinberger Memorial provided tournamentspectators with live game analysis from FM AvivFriedman. The live games were displayed on a large screeninside the Barbara S. Wynne Tennis Center. The gameswere simultaneously broadcast on the ICC's web site.

    FMAviv Friedman (right front)June / S ep tem be r 2006

    Photo: Editor

    FM Aviv Friedman Photo: Editor

    In dia na S ta te C la ss C h am p io ns hip sThe Indiana State Class Championships were held at the CircleCity Chess Club (CCCC) in Indianapolis on 03 June 2006. Over 80players competed in the class competitions. Crosstables from theState Class Championships are available via the CCCC web siteat:

    Class Winner(s)Masters/

    Experts (M/X)FM Jim Dean andGarrett Smith

    A Jeff Melton, Walt Thompson andBernard Parham IIB Josh Smith

    C Mathew LeachSam Ludlow andDan Medrena

    Dand Under

    FMDean (left), TD Hollick (center), Garrett Smith (right) Photo: ecce9

  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in Indiana

    17.Ne3 QfS1S.Qe4 Qxe419.Nxe4 Rh6 20.Rd3 Nd7 21.Radl 0-0-022.b4 Nb6 23.RxdS+ BxdS 24.Rel Be7 2S.bS exbS 26.exbS RhS27.Bd4 RdS 28.BeS BxeS 29.RxeS Rd1+ 30.Kh2 g4 31.hxg4 hxg4Photo: ecce 32.Nd6+ Kd7 33.Nxf7 Rd2 34.Kg3 Rxa2 3S.Nh6 RaS 36.Nxg4 a637.Nf6+ KeS 3S.NeS NdS 39.Nf6 RxbS 40.Re6 Rb6 41.ReS RbS

    spectators at the Class Championships watched the top players'games via usage of chess boards with integrated software andelectronics that enabled the games to be displayed while inprogress.

    State Class Championship Games Displayed LiveFM Jim Dean (2222) - Dennis Geisleman (2054)

    Indiana State Class Championships 03 Jun 2006Queen Pawn Opening [D02]

    l.d4 Ne6 2.Nf3 dS 3.g3 Bg4 4.Bg2 e6 S.O-O rs 6.e4 Nf6 7.NeS Be7S.Nc3 0-0 9.Nxg4 fxg4 10.exdS exdS I1.BgS Qd6 12.e3 RaeS 13.Bxf6Bxf614.BxdS+ Diagram

    ... KhS1S.Qxg4 NaSI6.Bg2 Qb4 17.NdS Qxb2 IS.Nxe7 Re719.Ne6RfeS 20.Nf4 Rf8 21.QhS Diagram

    1-0June / Septem ber 2006

    Ben Inskeep (2033) - Jeff Melton (1984)Indiana State Class Championships 03 Jun 2006

    Alekhine's Defense [BOS]l.e4 Nf6 2.eS NdS 3.d4 d6 4.Nf3 Bg4 S.Be2 e6 6.0-0 Be7 7.h3 Bxf3S.Bxf3 Ne6 9.e4 Nb6 10.Bxe6+ bxe6 1l.Qg4 g6 12.b3 us 13.Qe2 dxeS14.dxeS Qd4 IS.Bb2 Qf4 16.Rdl gS Diagram


    Y z - Y z

    D. Geisleman (2054) - Jason Fried (1902)Indiana State Class Championships 03 Jun 2006Dutch Defense [A80]

    l.d4 r s 2.Ne3 g6 3.e4 d6 4.Nf3 Bg7 S.exfS BxfS 6.Be4 e6 7.0-0 Nf6S.dS eS 9.dxe6 dS 10.Bb3 Bg4 I1.Rel Na6 12.h3 BhS 13.BgS Bxf314.Qxf3 Qe7 IS.BxdS 0-0 16.Bb3 h6 17.Bxf6 Rxf6 IS.Qe3 NeS19.Re2 RdS 20.Ne4 Nxe4 21.Qxe4 RfS 22.e3 as 23.Rael Rd6 24.g4RgS 2S.f4 ReS 26.Qxg6 Kh8 27.Be2 BfS 2S.fS Qh4 29.Kg2 Rd2 30.f6Rxe2 31.Qxe2 Bd6 32.Qd3 RdS 33.Qf3 hS 34.e7 hxg4 3S.eSQ+ 1-0


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    CHESS in Indiana

    ... fxe6 27.Qxe8+ Qxe8 28.Nxe8 Be7 29.Na7 Kf7 30.Nb5 Bb6 31.Be3Ra8 32.a3 Rb8 33.Nd6+ Ke7 34.Ne4 Ba7 35.b4 exb4 36.Bxa7 Re837.Nd6 Re6 38.axb4 e5 39.b5 Re2 40.b6 Kf6 41.Rb1 Kg5 42.b7 h543.b8Q h4 44.Be3+ Kg6 45.Qe8+ Kh7 46.Qh5+ Kg8 47.Rb8+ 1-0

    Rev. Mike Gant (a former IN State High School Champion) Photo: eccePaul Cooper (1846) - Rev. Mike Gant (1964)

    Indiana State Class Championships 03 Jun 2006Closed Sicilian [B25]

    l.e4 e5 2.Ne3 Ne6 3.g3 g6 4.Bg2 Bg7 5.d3 Nf6 6.f4 d6 7.h3 e5 8.Be3Nh5 9.Nge2 exf4 10.gxf4 Nd4 1l.Bf2 Nxe2 12.Nxe2 Bxb2 Diagram

    Rev. Mike Gant (1964) - Andrew Pheasant (1824)Indiana State Class Championships 03 Jun 2006

    Queen's Gambit [D06]l.d4 d5 2.e3 Bf5 3.e4 e6 4.Qb3 b6 5.Ne3 Nf6 6.Nf3 e5 7.exd5 exd58.Bb5+ Ke7 Diagram

    9.dxe5 bxe5 10.0-0 Be6 1l.Qa3 Qe7 12.Bd2 a6 13.Rae1 Nbd714.Bxd7 Nxd715.e4 dxe416.Nxe4 Ke817.Rfe1 h618.Qa4 Qb619.Ne3 Re8 20.Ne5 Qb7 21.Nxd7 Qxd7 22.Qxa6 Bd6 23.Red1 Ke724.Nd5+ KfS 25.Nb6 Diagram

    13.0-0 Bg714.e3 0-0 15.d4 Qe716.Qd3 Rb817.a4 Bd718.a5 Be619.d5 Bd7 20.Rael Qd8 21.Ral Re8 22.Ra2 b5 23.axb6 Qxb6 24.Ra6Bb5Diagram

    .. Qe6 26.Rxe6 Diagram25.Rxb6 Bxd3 26.Rxb8 Rxb8 27.Re1 Bxe2 28.Rxe2 Nxf4 29.Ra2Bxe3 30.Rxa7 Rb1+ 31.Kh2 Rb2 32.Kg3 Nxg2 Diagram

    June / S eptem ber 2006 11

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    . . . . . . .~~~~~ ~~~------------------CHESS in Indiana

    Jeff Melton (1984) - Anastasios Lyrintz (1733)Indiana State Class Championships 03 Jun 2006

    French Defense [C16]l.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.Ne3 Bb4 4.eS Qd7 S.Nf3 b6 6.Bd3 Ba6 7.Bxa6 Nxa6 ... Bxe4 27.bxe4 Ne3 28.Be6+ Kh8 29.Rxe3 Diagram8.Qd3 Nb8 9.0-0 Bxe3 10.Qxe3 Ne7 1l.Nh4 Ng6 12.Qg3 Nxh413.Qxh4 Ne6 14.e3 Ne7 lS.BgS h6 16.Bxe7 Qxe7 17.Qg4 0-0-018.Rae1 Kb8 19.e4 g6 20.Re3 dxe4 21.Rxe4 RdS 22.Rfe1 Rhd8 23.h3Qd7 24.Rxe7 Diagram

    33.Kf3 Ne1+ 34.Bxe1 Bxe1 3S.eS dxeS '36.d6 Rd2 37.d7 Kg7 38.Ke4Bg3 39.Re7 Bf4 40.h4 e4 41.Rxe4 Rxd7 42.hS fS+ 43.Kf3 Rd3+44.Ke2 e4 4S.Ra4 Rd2+ 46.Kn Bg3 47.Ra7+ Kh6 48.hxg6 hxg649.Re7 f4 SO.Rxe4 f3 0-1

    Indiana StateClass Championships were well attended Photo: Editor

    Anastasios Lyrintz (1733) - John Roush (1916)Indiana State Class Championships 03 Jun 2006French Defense; Advanced Variation by transposition [C02 ]

    l.d4 e6 2.e4 cS 3.e3 dS 4.eS Ne6 S.Nf3 Nge7 6.a3 as 7.Bd3 e4 8.Be2Ng6 9.0-0 Be710.Rel 0-0 1l.Nbd2 bS12.Nfl Bd713.Bd2 b414.axb4 axb4 lS.b3 Rxal16.Qxal exb3 17.Bxb3 bxc3 18.Bxe3 Qb619.Rb1 Rb8 20.Be2 Qe7 21.Rxb8+ Qxb8 22.Qb1 Qxb1 23.Bxb1 Nf424.Bb2 Ne2+ 2S.Khl f6 26.Ng3 Nxg3+ 27.hxg3 fxeS 28.NxeS NxeS29.dxeS BeS 30.Kg1 BbS 31.Bc1 Be2 32.Be3 d4 33.Bd2 d3 34.Ba2Kf7 3S.Be4 Bd4 36.Be3 BxeS 37.f4 Bd6 38.Kf2 g6 39.Bd4 Ba3 40.Ke3Be1+ 41.Ke4 nn 42.Bxd3 Bxg2+ 43.KeS Bd2 44.Be4 Bh3 4S.Bf2Be3+ 46.Ke4 Bg4 47.Ke3 hS 48.Be2 BfS 49.Bd3 Kf6 SO.BxfS KxfSS1.Kf3 gS S2.fxgS KxgS S3.Be3+ KfS S4.Bf2 eS SS.Be3 Bd4 S6.Bd2e4+ S7.Kg2 Kg4 S8.Bel e3 Y Z - Y Z

    June / Septem ber 2006

    ... Qxe7 2S.Rxe7 Kxe7 26.Qf4 R8d7 27.Qxh6 Rxd4 28.g4 Rd2 29.QRxb2?? 30.Qe1+ Diagram

    ... Kb7 31.Qxb2 (score sheet illegible) White wins after a few moremoves. 1-0

    Anastasios Lyrintz (1733) - Steve Caputi (1744)Indiana State Class Championships 03 Jun 2006

    d4, d5 Unusual Lines [DOO]l.d4 dS 2.e3 BfS 3.Bd3 Bg6 4.Nf3 Nd7 S.O-Oe6 6.b3 Ngf6 7.Bb2 B8.NeS NxeS 9.dxeS Nd7 10.Nd2 eS 11.e4 0-0 12.f4 fS 13.exdS exdS14.Qf3 Nb6 lS.Radl Qe8 16.Qh3 d4 17.Ne4 NdS 18.a4 a6 19.aS Q20.Qf3 Rad8 21.Rde1 Rfe8 22.g4 RfS 23.gS Qe7 24.h4 Be8 2S.Qh3BbS 26.BxfS Diagram


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    CHESS in Indiana----- ---- Ben Inskeep (2033) - Doug '"IoddEl8-S7)

    Indiana State Class Championships 03 Jun 2006Closed Ruy Lopez [C90]

    ... dxe3 30.Bc3 Qc6 31.Bd5 Rxd5 32.cxd5 Qxd5 33.Qxe3 c4 34.Bd4Qxa5 35.f5 Qd5 36.f6 Diagram

    ..Bb4 37.e6 gxf6 38.gxf6?? Diagram

    ..Rg8+ 39.Qg5 Rxg5+ 40.hxg5 Qxd4+ 41.Kh2 Qe5+ 42.Rf4 0-1

    Ben Inskeep (left) battles with Doug Todd (right) Photo: ecceJun e / S ep tem be r 2006

    l.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Rel b5 7.Bb3 d68.a4 b4 9.a5 0-0 10.c3 Rb8 1l.h3 Bd7 12.d4 Rb5 13.cxb4 exd414.Nxd4 Rxb4 15.Nxc6 Bxc616.Bd5 Nxd5 17.exd5 Bb718.Nc3 Bf619.Ra4 Bxc3 20.bxc3 Rxa4 21.Qxa4 Bxd5 Diagram

    22.Qd4 Qa8 23.Re3 c5 24.Qg4 Be6 25.Qg5 f6 26.Qh5 Bf7 27.Qg4Qc8 28.Qh4 Qf5 29.Rg3 Re8 30.Be3 Rb8 31.Rf3 Qe5 32.Bf4 Qe1+33.Kh2 Bd5 34.Re3 Qf1 35.f3 Rb2 36.Qg4 h5?? Diagram

    37.Qc8+ Kh7 38.Qf5+ g6 39.Re7+ Kg8 40.Qc8# Diagram

    1-0Don't Forget!

    65th Annual Indiana State Chess Championship.Sept. 30-0ct. 1.A Heritage Event!


  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in IndianaDoug Todd (1857) - John Roush (1916)Indiana State Class Championships 03 Jun 2006

    Queen's Fianchetto Defense [BOO]1.e4 b6 2.d4 e6 3.Nf3 Bb7 4.Bd3 dS S.eS cS 6.c3 g6 7.BgS Be7 S.B

    __ l'I~~7_9.Na~!l()1_O.Re1 Nbe6 11.0-0 0-0 12.Qd2 Kg713.Bbl e414.Nc2 bSlS.Ne3 hS16.Nh4 fS 17.exf6+ Rxf61S-.f4NfS 19.Nf3 Q20.NgS Qd6 21.Rcel RafS 22.g4 Diagram

    Dennis Geisleman (1 ) rumbles with Drew Hollinberger (r) Photo: ecce

    D. Geisleman (2054) - Drew Hollinberger (1916)Indiana State Class Championships 03 Jun 2006

    Queen's Indian [El7]1.d4 Nf6 2.e4 e6 3.g3 dS 4.Bg2 b6 S.Nf3 Bb7 6.0-0 Be7 7.exdS BxdSS.Nc3 Bb7 9.Qc2 eS 10.Rdl QeS 1l.e4 cxd4 12.Nxd4 Nc6 13.NdbS 0-o 14.Nd6 Bxd6 IS.Rxd6 RdS 16.Rxd8+ QxdS 17.BgS Nd4 IS.Qd2 h619.Be3 Nc6 20.Qe2 Qe7 21.Rdl Rd8 22.h3 Rxd1+ 23.Qxdl QdS24.QxdS+ NxdS 25.f3 Nd7 26.Kf2 NeS 27.Bfl Bc6 2S.NbS a6 29.Nc7bS 30.Nxa6 Nc4 31.b3 Nxe3 32.Kxe3 Nb7 33.Kd4 Kf8 34.Nc5 e5+Diagram

    35.KxeS NxcS 36.Kd6 Bxe4 37.fxe4 Nxe4+ 3S.Ke6 Diagram


    Don't Forget!65th Annual Indiana State Chess Championship.

    Sept. 30-0ct. 1.A Heritage Event!June / S eptem ber 20 06

    ... Nxe3 23.Qxe3 BeS 24.gxh5 Rxf4 2S.Rxf4 Qxf4 26.Qxf4 Rxf427.Nxe6+ Diagram

    ... Bxe6 2S.Rxe6 Rf6 29.h6+ Kf7 30.h7 Rxe6 31.hSQ Diagram

    ... Re1+ 32.Kg2 Rxbl 33.Qh7+ Kf6 34.Qh4+ Kf7 3S.Qf2+ Ke836.Kh3 a5 37.a3 b4 3S.axb4 axb4 39.cxb4 Nxb4 40.Qf6 Rxb241.Qxg6+ Kd7 42.Qf5+ Ke6 43.Qe6+ KbS 44.Qd7+ KaS 4S.Kg3Rb3+ 46.Kg4 e3 47.Qe7+ KbS 4S.QcS+ Ka4 49.Qa7+ KbS SO.Qc5Ka4 S1.h4 Ka3 S2.hS e2 S3.h6 RbI S4.h7 Diagram


  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in IndianaFrank Owens (1491) - Mathew Leach (1590)

    Indiana State Class Championships 03 Jun 2006Scotch Game [C45]

    l.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Ne6 3.d4 exd4 4.Nxd4 Qf6 5.Be3 Be5 6.e3 as 7.Be4 Nh6S.O-ONe5 9.Be2 Qh4 10.h3 Qxe4 1l.Bxh6 gxh6 12.Nd2 Qg6 13.Re1d614.Kh2 Be615.f4 RgS16.g4 Bxd417.exd4 Ne61S.f5 Bxf519.Bd3+ Diagram

    Rg1+ 55.Kf5 Ra1 56.Kg6 Ka2 57.Qe3 Rg1+ 5S.Kf5 RfI+ 59.Kg6Rg1 + Diagram

    Doug Todd (1857) - Andrew Pheasant (1824)Indiana State Class Championships 03 Jun 2006

    Ruy Lopez; Bird's Defense [C6l]l.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Ne6 3.Bb5 Nd4 4.Nxd4 exd4 5.0-0 Qh4 6.d3 Be5 7.f4Ne7 S.Nd2 as 9.Nf3 Qh5 10.a4 0-0 1l.b3 d5 12.exd5 Nxd5 13.Be4Bg414.Bxd5 Qxd515.h3 Bd716.Ne5 Ra617.Bb2 Rh61S.Qf3 Be619.Nxe6 Qxe6 20.Rae1 b6 21.Re4 Re6 22.Rfe1 rueS 23.Rxe6 Rxe624.Qxe6 Rxe6 25.ReS+ BfS 26.Ba3 Diagram

    ..KdS 20.Bxf5 Qg5 21.Nf3 Qf4+ 22.Kg2 Qxf5 Diagram

    23.Qe2 h5 24.g5 h6 25.Qe4 Qxe4 26.Rxe4 hxg5 27.Kh2 Kd7 2S.Rae1g4 29.hxg4 hxg4 30.Nh4 Nb4 31.a3 g3+ 32.Kg2 Nd3 33.R1e2 RaeS34.Kf3 Rxe4 35.Kxe4 Nf2+ 36.Kf3 Nh3 37.Ng2 Ng1+ Diagram

    0 - 1

    ... ReS 27.Bxe5 bxe5 2S.f5 f6 29.ReS g6 30.fxg6 hxg6 31.Kf2 Kf732.Rxe7+Keo 33.XU-g5-:J4:g4 Be13S:Ke4 Kd6 36.Ra7 BdS 37.Ra~-------Ke7 3S.Kd5 Kb7 39.Re6 Ke7 40.Kxe5 Kd7 41.Rd6+ Ke7 42.RxdSKxdS 43.Kxd4 Kd7 44.e4 Ke6 45.Ke4 Kd6 46.d4 1-0

    June / S eptem ber 20 06

    Don't Forget!65th Annual Indiana State Chess Championship.

    Sept. 30-0ct. 1.A Heritage Event!15

  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in IndianaHerron Goes "3 for 3" andWins May Circle City TornadoMike Herron is on a roll. He has played in 3 CircleCityTornado's this year and he has won all 3.

    Cliff Aker (left) takes on Mike Herron (right) in the last round Photo: Ed

    Cliff Aker (1706) - Mike Herron (2094)May Circle City Tornado 06 May 2006Queen's Gambit Declined [D66]

    [Mike Herron]My opponent had upset two "A"players and was 3-0 inthe tournament going into this last-round game. SteveCates and Garrett Smith had drawn in round 3, so if Iwinthis game Iwin the event by myself.1.d4 Nf6 2.e4 e6 3.Ne3 as 4.BgS Be7 S.e3 0-0 6.Nf3 e6 7.Rel Nbd78.Bd3 dxe4 9.Bxe4 bS 10.Bd3 a6 11.0-0 Bb7 12.Bbl e s 13.dxeS NxeS14.Qxd8 It's understandable to want to take the queens off against ahigher-rated opponent, but an al ternative for him is 14.Bxf6 gxf6 (If14 Bxf6 15.Nxb5 wins a pawn) 15.Qc2 f5 when my kingside is loose.14 Rfxd8 IS.Nd4 Rae8 16.Rfdl b4 17.Nee2 RdS 18.Bh4 Red8Threatening 19...e5 19.Be2 Re8 20.Nf4 Rd7 21.Nb3 Rxd1+ 22.Rxdl?Diagram

    Finally a bobble that gives me a chance to start putting him underpressure. Better is 22.Bxdl when 22. ..Na4 can be answered by23.Rxc8+ Bxc8 24.Nd3 with equality. 22..Na4! Attacking the c2 bishopand b2 pawn simultaneously. 23.Rd2 An alternative is something wildlike 23.Bxf6 Bxf6 24.Rd7 Rxc2 25.Rxb7 g6, but his way isn 't terrible.23. ..Nxb2 24.Bxh7+ Kxh7 2S.Rxb2 Material is stil l equal, but I haveJune / S eptem ber 200 6

    the two bishops and a two to one pawn majority on the queenside.2S...aS 26.Ne2 Not 26.Nxa5? Rcl + 26...Ba6 27.Nbel?! Diagram

    Again not 27.Nxa5? Bxe2 28.Rxe2 Rcl+ 27 ...Rd8! Now my rookpenetrates to dl 28.f3 Rd1+ 29.Kf2 Ne4+! Diagram

    A good tactic that cripples his kings ide pawn majority and gives me twlong-range bishops vs. his two knights. 30.fxe4 Bxh4+ 31.g3 Bf6 Thetwo bishops and the queenside pawn majority make any defenseimpossible. 32.Re2 a4 33.Nf4 Be3 34.Nee2 Rd2 3S.Rxd2 Bxd2 36.NgMost stubborn would be 36.Nd4 (36 . .. e5 doesn't win a piece because o37.Nf3), but I stil l win after 36. ..Bc4 37.Nf3 Bc3 38.Ne2 Bb2 36. ..b3The pawn can't be stopped. 0-1

    Bob Banta (1866) - Mike Herron (2094)May Circle City Tornado 06 May 2006

    Queen's Gambit Declined [D37][Mike Herron]

    1.e4 e6 2.Ne3 dS 3.d4 Nf6 4.Nf3 Be7 S.Bf4 e6 6.e3 0-0 7.Bd3 dxe48.Bxe4 Nbd7 9.0-0 bS 10.Bd3 a6 1l.h3 Bb712.Rel eS 13.Rel e4Diagram


  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in Ind ianaNot sure what theory thinks about this. My idea is to try to eventuallyexploit my queenside pawn majority. 14.Bbl Qb6 IS.NeS Rfd8 16.f3NxeS 17.BxeS Nd718.Qe2 g6 19.Bf4 Bd6 20.Bxd6 Qxd6 21.Ne4 Qe7Diagram

    This seems fairly equal. 22.Qfl Rae8 23.Qg3 eS! Diagram

    This moves wins the game. White will eventually be forced into losingthe d-pawn. 24.h4 Bxe4? This looks like an obvious recapture, but it 'snot so good because of my reply. Keeping things balanced is 25.fxe42S.Bxe4 Nf6! A very nice idea 26.Bbl On 26.dxe5 Nxe4 27.fxe4 or26.Qxe5 Qxe5 27.dxe5 Nxe4 28.fxe4 he is saddled with tripled e-pawns.Iwould win two of them within a few moves and be a pawn up for theending. 26.. .. exd4 27.exd4 Qd-6!Diagram

    The point. There is no way for him to save the d-pawn. 28.Qxd6 Rxd629.Redl Red8 30.Be4 Rxd4 31.Rxd4 Rxd4 32.Bb7 Rd6 33.Re2 KfS34.Kfl Nd7 The start of a knight tour that wins another pawn. 3S.g4?Diagram

    Ju ne / S ep tem be r 2006 17

    Withdrawing the bishop to e4 would keep him down just a pawn withsome drawing chances. 3S. ... NeS 36.Ba8 Nd3+ 37.Kg3 Nel 38.Rh2Nxa2 Now it should be a clear win. 39.hS Nb4 40.hxg6 hxg6 41.Be4Kg7?! More to the point is 41...Ke7 with an active king. 42.gS as43.Re2 Nd3 44.Rd2 KfS 4S.b3 exb3! Diagram

    On the routine 45. ..Ke7 46.bxc4 bxc4 white still has some hopes for adraw. 46.Bxd31f 46.Rxd3, then 46...Rxd3 47.Bxd3 a4 48.Bxb5 a349.Bc4 a2 queens. a4 47.Kfl a3 48.Ke3 a2 On 49.Ral, 49. ..b2 queens. 0-1

    Nate Criss Photo: ecce

  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in IndianaMike Herron (2094) - Nate Criss (1885)

    May Circle City Tornado 06 May 2006Colle [A48]

    [Mike Herron]This is Nate's only loss in a 3-1 tournament, whichincluded an impressive last-round upset of Garrett Smith.1.d4 Nf62.Nf3 g6 3.Bg5 I've been playing some e-pawn recently, butNate is too booked-up for me to wing it against him. Bg7 4.Nbd2 d6S.c3 Nc6 6.e3 0-0 7.Be2 eS 8.dxeS dxeS 9.e4 Qe7 10.Qc2 Be611.0-0Rad8 12.Nc4 Bxc4 13.Bxc4 QcS 14.Qe2 as?! This is directed againstmy b4 push to evict his queen. However he has already exchanged hiswhite-squared bishop, and as weakens. a lot of queenside white squares.15.h3 h6 16.Be3 Qe7 17.Qc2 NhS? Missing my reply. Diagram

    18.BdS! A nice idea. This move, combined with Qa4, practically forcesthe win of a pawn. Rd7 Possibly he could maintain material equalitywith 18...Qf6, but even then his queenside pawns would be split and mypieces would be very active. 19.Bxc6 bxc6 20.Qa4 Qe6 21.QxaS So I'mup a pawn. But it's amazing how good players always create dangerouscounter-chances and prevent the guy with the material edge from easilyconverting it into a win. gS 22.Qa6 fS 23.exfS RxfS 24.Nh2 Nf42S.Rad1 Rd6? Diagram

    Ouch. This is a pretty bad mistake. I remember thinking that since he'sattacking it would be good to exchange a pair of rooks and that my a-pawn should win whether his c-pawns are straightened out or not. Butthis is lazy. With 28.Ral I'm doing well with the passed a-pawn, butafter the exchange, he has a central pawn roller with his formerly weakdoubled c-pawn roaring down the d-file as a potential passed pawn.26.a4 Qd7 27.Qc4+ Kh8 28.Rxd6 cxd6 29.Ra1 dS 30.Qfl e431.Bxf4Otherwise his knight lands on d3. gxf4 32.aS BeS?! Diagram

    June / S eptem ber 200 6

    I think he has some play for his pawn at this point. I like 32 ... d4,although Nate's suggestion of 33.a6 Qa7 34.Qc4(!) might keep metop. Restricting my knight with 32.. .hS also looks possible. 33.Ng4!Now he must lose his h6 pawn or lose a valuable tempo with 33 ...B34.Qdl, either of which look good for me. Bb8 34.Nxh6 Rg5 3S.NBa7 36.Qe2 e3 37.fxe3 fxe3 38.b4 Preventing his cS and d4 whichwould create two connected passed pawns. Qd6 39.Rfl Bb8? Diag

    A dangerous idea, intending 40 .. .Rxg4 and 41...Qh2++, but. . . 40.QxI can just take, giving my king an escape square. Itwould have beenmuch trickier for him to make a waiting move on move 39 and hopeI might play 40.KhI to get out ofthe sightline of the a7 bishop, THEplay 40. ..Bb8 when Rxg4 would threaten mate on the move and myQxe3 would no longer save me. Rxg4 Desperation. 41.hxg4 Qh2+42.Kf2 Bf4 Or 42 . ..Qh4+ 43.g3 Qh2+ 44.Kel Bxg3+ 45.Kdl whenchecks ru n out and my queen and rook will mate. 43.Qh3+ If 43. ..Q44.gxh3 Bd2 4S.a6 Bxc3 I can win with 46.Rbl (not 46.a7? Bd4+)my extra material or with 46.Ke3 Bxb4 47.Kd4 BaS 48.KcS Bd2 49queening the a-pawn. 1-0

    John Roush Photo: ecce18

  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in IndianaSteve Cates (2102) - John Roush (1932)

    May Circle City Tornado 06 May 2006Pirc Defense [B07]

    l.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Ne3 g6 4.Be4 Bg7 S.Qe2 0-0 6.eS dxeS 7.dxeS Ng4S.e6 NeS 9.exf7+ KhS 10.Bb3 Nbe6 11.Be3 Nd4 12.Bxd4 Qxd413.Rd1 Qb4 14.a3 Qg4 lS.Qxg4 Bxg4 16.f3 BeS 17.Nge2 e6 lS.0-0Nxf7 19.Bxf7 Rxf7 20.RdS+ Rf8 21.Rfd1 BfS 22.RxaS RxaS 23.g4Bxe2 24.Rd7 b6 2S.Rxe7 eS 26.Kf2 Bf6 27.Rd7 bS 2S.Rd2 Ba429.Ne4 Bh4+ 30.Kg2 Bel 31.RdS e4 32.Kfl Bh4 33.N2e3 Rf8 34.Ke2Be2 3S.RxbS Bd3+ 36.Ke3 BdS 37.NdS a6 3S.Rb7 h6 39.Nf4 Bxe440.Kxe4 ReS+ 41.KdS gS 42.Ne6 Bf6 43.Rb6 e3 44.bxc3 Bxe34S.Rxa6 Be146.Ne7 Re3 47.Re6 Rd3+ 4S.Ke4 Rxa3 49.KfS Rxf3+SO.Kg6 Rf8 S1.Rxe11-0

    Nate Criss (1885) - Garrett Smith (2048)May Circle City Tornado 06 May 2006

    King's Indian Defense [E61]l.Nf3 Nf6 2.e4 g6 3.Ne3 Bg7 4.d4 d6 S.BgS 0-0 6.e3 e6 7.Qe2 Bg4S.Be2 QaS 9.Bxf6 Bxf610.h3 Bxf3 11.Bxf3 Nd7 12.0-0 RaeS 13.Rab1bS 14.b4 Qa6 lS.a4 bxe4 16.bS exbS 17.axbS Qb6 lS.Be6 QdS19.Qa4 NbS 20.Bf3 Re7 21.NdS Rd7 22.b6 a6 Diagram

    23.Rfe1 e6 24.Nxf6+ Qxf6 25.Be6 Nxe6 26.Qxe6 RfdS 27.Rxe4 Qf52S.Rb2 Qd3 29.Qa4 Qd1+ 30.Kh2 a5 31.b7 RbS 32.Qe2 Diagram

    Kg7 33.ReS Qa1 34.RxfS RxfS 35.bSQ Rxb8 36.Rxb8 1-0Mike Herron (2094) - Frank Owens (1488)

    May Circle City Tornado 06 May 2006Closed Sicilian [B2S]

    [Mike Herron]l.e4 eS 2.Ne3 Ne6 3.g3 g6 4.Bg2 Bg7 S.d3 d6 6.Nge2 Bg4 7.h3 Bd78.Be3 a6 9.Qd2 Nf6 10.0-0 0-0 11.f4 QeS 12.Kh2 bS 13.g4 Rb8 14.fSJune / Sep tem ber 2006 19

    Ne515.Ndl b416.Nf2 Be617.Ng3 Bb51S.Bh6 as 19.Bxg7 Kxg720.g5 Nfd7 21.Qf4 e4 22.d4 Ne6 23.e3 e5 24.Qh4 This sac is based onvery casual and very faulty analysis. 24. ..exd4 2S.Qh6+ Kh8 At thispoint I intended 26.f6 Rg8 27.Rf4(!?!?), ready to meet 27. ..Qf8 with thspectacular queen sac 28.Qxh7+ Kxh7 29.Rh4+ with mate next . Sadly,now noticed that I have a knight on 2 , and since rooks can't sproutwings and sail over knights my whole attacking line is a fantasy. I wasnot pleased. 26.Ng4 Rg8 27.fxg6 Rxg6 28.Qh5 Nee5 29.Nxe5 NxeS30.exd4 If my lower-rated opponent now cooperates and withdraws hisknight, I can take on f7 with a great position, but... 30 ... e3!He wasn't supposed to see this. Now I'm in trouble. The problem is that3l.dxe5 Bxfl 32.Rxfl cxb2 33.Rxf7 Rg7 leaves him with a passed b-pawn on the 7th rank that is a killer. 31.Rf2 exb2 32.Rxb2 Qe3!33.Rab1 Nd3?! Just 33 ...Qxd4leaves him up a pawn, although I mightstill have a swindling chance or two. 34.Ne2 Qe7?! A possibility is34 . ..Qxb2 with two rooks for a queen. 35.Rd2 Qe7 36.h4 ReS 37.Qf3Ne1?? Drops a piece. Something like 37...h6 38.Rxd3 Bxd3 39.Qxd3hxg5 would keep him in the game. 3S.Rxe1 f6 39.Nf4 Rg7 40.NdS Qf741.Qxf6 Qh5 42.Qf4 Rf7 43.Nf6 Qg6 44.hS Qg7 45.Nxe8 1-0

    Garrett Smith (2048) - Eshak Yousett (1672)May Circle City Tornado 06 May 2006

    Caro-Kann: Panov-Botvinnik Attack [B14]l.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.exdS exdS 4.e4 Nf6 S.Nc3 e6 6.Nf3 Bb4 7.exdS exd5S.Bd3 Ne6 9.0-0 0-0 10.Bg5 Be7 1l.h3 Re8 12.Re1 a6 13.a3 h614.Bh4 bS lS.Rc1 Bb7 16.Bxf6 gxf6 Diagram

    17.Nh4 Be8 18.Qh5 f5 19.Nxf5 Bxf5 20.Qxf5 Bf6 21.RxeS+ Qxe822.Qxf6 QfS 23.Qxe6 ReS 24.Qxd5 b4 25.Qf5 1-0 Diagram

    Don't Forget!Indiana State Junior Blitz Championship

    Sept. 29.

  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in IndianaCliff Aker (1706) - John Roush (1932)

    May Circle City Tornado 06 May 2006Old Indian Defense [A53]

    1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 d6 3.Nc3 Bf5 4.Nf3 h6 5.Bf4 g5 6.Be3 Bg7 7.g3 Nbd7S.Bg2 0-0 9.Qd2 Ne4 10.Nxe4 Bxe4 11.0-0 Bxf3 12.Bxf3 c613.h4 f614.h5 e5 15.g4 Qe7 16.Qc2 RaeS 17.Rael e4 1S.Bg2 f5 19.9xf5 Rxf520.Bh3 Rf7 21.d5 Be5 22.Be6 Diagram

    ... Nf6 23.f4 gxf4 24.Bxf4 cxd5 25.cxd5 Nxh5 26.Qxe4 Qxe6 Diagram

    27.dxe6 Rg7+ 2S.Kh2 Nf6 29.Qa4 Rxe6 30.Qc4 d5 31.QcS+ ReS32.Qf5 Ng4+ 33.Kh1 Bxf4 34.Qxd5+ KhS 35.Rxf4 Re5 36.Rf8+ Kh737.Qd3+ 1-0

    Doug Todd Photo: ecce

    June / S eptem ber 2006

    Doug Todd (1878) - Cliff Aker (1706)May Circle City Tornado 06 May 2006

    Danish Gambit [C21]l.e4 eS 2.d4 exd4 3.Be4 d6 4.e3 Be6 S.Bxe6 fxe6 6.Qb3 QeS7.exd4 Be7 S.Nf3 Nf6 9.NgS dS 10.eS Ne4 1l.Nxe4 dxe412.Ne3 0-0 13.0-0 Ne6 14.Be3 b6 lS.Nxe4 Nb4 16.Rae1 Qd17.Re4 NdS Diagram

    lS.Rfel RaeS 19.a3 Rf7 20.Qd3 h6 21.Bd2 RefS 22.Qg3 Kh23.h4 BdS 24.hS Nf4 2S.Qg4 KhS 26.g3 NdS 27.Qg6 Ne72S.Qg4 NfS 29.Be3 Nxe3 30.fxe3 RfS 31.Re6 Qf7 32.Qh3RxhS Diagram

    33.Qg2 RfS 34.g4 Rf3 3S.R6e3 Qg6 36.Nf6 Diagram

    ... R3xf6 37.exf6 gxf6 3S.Re6 QgS 39.Rxe6 RgS 40.Qe4 r s41.QeS+ Kh7 42.Ree6 Qxg4+ 43.Kf2 Bh4+ Diagram


  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in Indiana

    44.Qg3 Bxg3+ 0-1

    Garrett Smith (2048) - Steve Cates (2102)May Circle City Tornado 06 May 2006

    Evan's Gambit [C51]l.e4 eS 2.Be4 Ne6 3.Nf3 BeS 4.b4 Bxb4 S.e3 Be7 6.d4 d6 7.Qb3 NaS8.Bxf7+ KfS Diagram

    9.Qa4 Kxf7 10.QxaS b6 1l.QdS+ Be6 12.Qe6 Bf6 13.dxeS Ne714.Qa4 dxeS 15.0-0 Qd7 16.Ng5+ BxgS 17.Qxd7 Bxd7 18.BxgS h619.Be3 Be6 20.Nd2 Rhd8 21.f4 Rd3 22.Ne4 Rxe3 23.NxeS+ Kg824.Bd4 Re2 2S.Rae1 Bxe4 26.Rxe2 Bxe2 27.Rc1 Rd8 28.Rxe2 Rxd429.Rxe7 NdS 30.Rxa7 Diagram

    Don't Forget!Indiana State Blitz Championship

    Sept. 29.

    June / S eptem ber 20 06

    Ban ta and Bousum T ie fo r F irs t inH ow ard Coun ty O penJosh Bousum and Bob Banta tied for first with 3.5/0.5 in theHoward County Open held in Kokomo on 15 April 2006.Thirty-six players participated in the tournament.

    Drew Hollinberger (1898) - Bob Banta (1837)Howard County Open 15 Apr 2006Silician Moscow Variation [C51]

    [Bob Banta]l.e4 eS 2.Nf3 d6 3.BbS+ Nd7 4.d4 cxd4 5.Qxd4 a6 6.Bxd7+ Bxd77.Ne3 e6 8.BgS Qe7 9.0-0-0 f6?! Diagram

    10.Bh4 0-0-0 1l.Na4 Kb8 12.Nb6 Be8 13.eS?! Diagram

    ... Be7! 14.exf6 gxf61S.NgS??! I remember thinking "Say what?"Diagram

    fxgS e5 is stronger. 16.Qxh8 Bg6 Diagram21

  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in IndianaJohn Roush (1933) - Steve Duffy (1632)

    Howard County Open 15 Apr 2006Kings Indian Defense [E70]

    I went back and forth over the merits of 16 .... Bg6 versus 16 .... Bf6.Turns out that Bf6 was stronger move. Bg6 threatens immediate mate atc2, but Bf6 forces l7.Qxg8 followed by 17 ... Bg6 and 18. Qxd8+ Bxd8and mate is still looming at c2 while white's knight and bishop aresimultaneously hanging. 17.Qe3 Qxe3 IS.bxe3 gxh4 19.Na4 Nf6 20.f3NdS 21.Rhel BgS+ Black's bishops rule the board. Diagram

    22.Kbl Ne3 23.Rxe3 Bxe3 24.Rel Bf4 2S.Rxe6 Ke7 26.Nb2 ReS27.RxeS BxeS 2S.h3 dS 29.Nd3 Bg3 30.Kb2 b6 31.Kb3 as 32.a4 Bf733.Kb2 Kd6 34.Kel BeS 3S.Kd2 Bxa4 0-1

    MichaelSchulte (1742) - Josh Bousum (2000)Howard County Open 15 Apr 2006French: Advanced Variation [C02]

    l.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.eS eS 4.c3 Ne6 S.Be3 Qb6 6.Qd2 e4 7.f4 fS S.Nf3Be7 9.Be2 Nh610.h3 Bd7 1l.Na3 Nf712.Nxe4 dxe4 13.dS BeS14.dxe6 Bxe6 IS.BxeS QxeS 16.Qd4 Qxd4 17.Nxd4 BdS IS.0-0-0 gS19.BhS RdS 20.Rhgl RgS 21.NbS Ke7 22.Bxf7 Kxf7 23.Nd6+ Ke724.g3 hS 2S.a3 a6 26.h4 gxh4 27.gxh4 Rg4 2S.Rxg4 hxg4 29.Kd2 RhS30.Kel Rxh4 31.RxdS g3 32.Rd2 Rh2 33.Nxe4 g2 34.Rxg2 Rxg23S.Nd2 Rf2 36.Ke2 Rxf4 37.Kd3 Kd7 3S.e4 Rh4 39.b3 Rh3+ 40.Ke2Ke6 41.Nf3 KeS 42.Ke3 Rg3 43.Kf2 Rxf3+ 0-1

    John Roush (1933) - A. M. Mortorana (1485)Howard County Open 15 Apr 2006English Opening: Four Knights Variation [A28]

    l.e4 Nf6 2.Nc3 eS 3.Nf3 Ne6 4.e3 Bb4 S.a3 Bxe3 6.dxc3 d6 7.b4 Bg4S.Qe2 0-0 9.Bd3 Ne7 10.NgS Ng6 1l.h3 Bd7 12.h4 NhS 13.g3 fS14.Nxh7 e4 IS.Be2 Nxg3 16.NxfS Nxhl17.Nxg6 Qf6 IS.hS QgS19.Bb2 BeS 20.Nf4 Qh4 21.Bfl BxhS 22.NxhS QxhS 23.Bg2 Kf724.Qe2 RhS 2S.QxhS+ RxhS 26.Kfl gS 27.Kgl Nxf2 2S.Kxf2 e629.Rhl Kg6 30.RxhS KxhS 31.Kg3 Kg6 32.eS dS 33.Bfl Kf7 34.e4Ke6 3S.a4 a6 36.Bd4 1-0June / Septem ber 2006

    l.e4 Nf6 2.Ne3 g6 3.d4 Bg7 4.e4 d6 S.Bd3 0-0 6.Nge2 eS 7.dxeS dxeSS.h3 e6 9.Be3 Qe7 10.Qe2 Be611.g4 Na6 12.a3 NeS 13.BxeS QxeS14.b4 Qe7 IS.Ng3 as 16.Rbl axb4 17.axb4 RfdS IS.0-O Ra3 19.RfdlNxg4 20.hxg4 Bxg4 21.Be2 Rxd1+ 22.Bxdl Bxdl 23.Nxdl QgS24.Rb3 Ral 2S.Rd3 hS 26.Qd2 Qxd2 27.Rxd2 Rc1 2S.RdS+ BfS29.bS Rxe4 30.bxe6 bxe6 31.Ne3 Rd4 32.Rxd4 exd4 33.Ne4 Bb4 34.Kf8 3S.fS h4 36.Nfl gxfS 37.exfS Ke7 3S.NeS eS 39.Ng4 d3 40.Nfe3Kd6 41.Kf2 Bd2 42.Ne4+ 1-0

    Bob Banta (1837) - A. M. Mortorana (1485)Howard County Open 15 Apr 2006

    English Opening [AlS]l.e4 e6 2.Ne3 Nf6 3.e4 Ne6 4.d4 e5 5.d5 Ne7 6.Bg5 Ng6 7.Be2d6 8.Bf3 Be7 9.Nge2 0-0 10.Ng3 h6 1l.Be3 Nh7 12.0-0 Bg513.Qd2 Nh4 14.Be2 f5 15.f4 exf4 16.Bxf4 Bxf4 17.Qxf4 g5IS.Qd2 f4 19.Nhl Bd7 20.Qdl Nf6 21.Nf2 Qe7 22.h3 RaeS23.Qd4 a6 24.Rael Ng6 25.Bdl Ne5 26.Nd3 Qg7 27.Khl Re72S.e5! Nxd3 29.exd6! Nxel 30.dxe7 Qxe7 31.Rxel Qf7 32.e5ReS 33.e6 Qg7 34.Qe5 BeS 35.Bb3 Nd7 36.Qxe7 Kf8 37.e7+1-0

    N u g e n t a n d S m i t h t a k e T o p H o n o r si n A p r i l C i r c le C i lV T o r n a d oGarrett Smith and Mike Nugent tied for first with scores o4-0 to take the April Circle City Tornado.

    Jerry Christner (1697) - Garrett Smith (2051)April Circle City Tornado 01 Apr 2006

    Sicilian Defense [B21]l.e4 eS 2.d4 exd4 3.Qxd4 Ne6 4.Qe3 g6 S.Bd2 Bg7 6.Be3 eS 7.Be4Nge7 S.g4 0-0 9.f3 dS 10.exdS NxdS 1l.BxdS QxdS 12.h3 Nd4 13.NaQeSI4.Ne2 bSlS.b4 QdS16.Bxd4 exd4 17.Qd3 Bb71S.0-0 RfeS19.e4 dxe3 20.QxdS BxdS 21.Nf4 Be6 22.Ne2 Bh6 23.Nd3 Re2 24.Rf2Rxf2 2S.Kxf2 RdS 26.Rdl Bd2 27.NeS BdS 2S.Nb3 Be4 29.h4 ReS30.Ned4 Be3+ 31.Kg3 RdS 32.NxbS Rxdl 33.Nxe3 Bxb3 34.axb3Rd3 3S.Ne4 Rxb3 36.Nf6+ Kg7 37.NdS Bd2 0-1

    Garrett Smith (2051) - Josh Smith (1696)April Circle City Tornado 01 Apr 2006

    Two Knights [C56]l.e4 eS 2.Be4 Nf6 3.d4 Ne6 4.Nf3 exd4 S.O-OBeS 6.eS dS 7.exf6 dxe4S.Re1+ Be6 9.fxg7 RgS 10.NgS Rxg7 1l.Nxe6 fxe6 12.QhS+ Kd713.QxeS QgS 14.g3 eS1S.Na31-O


  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in IndianaMichael Nugent (1883) - Adam Heeter (1605)

    April Circle City Tornado 01 Apr 2006Sicilian Defense [B32]l.e4 eS 2.Nf3 Ne6 3.d4 exd4 4.Nxd4 eS S.NbS d6 6.NIe3 a6 7.Na3 b6S.NdS Nf6 9.BgS Be7 10.Bxf6 Bxf6 ll.e3 0-0 12.Ne2 BgS I3.h4 Bh614.g4 g61S.gS Bg716.Bh3 Bb717.Nee3 h61S.gxh6 Bxh6I9.NfSDiagram

    .. gxfS 20.QhS Bg7 21.Rg1 f6 22.BxfS Rf7 23.Be6 1-0Jim Longuski (1339) - Josh Smith (1696)

    April Circle City Tornado 01 Apr 2006Queen Pawn Opening [DOO]

    l.d4 Nf6 2.BgS dS 3.e3 Ne4 4.Bh4 gS S.f3 Diagram

    ... gxh4 6.fxe4 dxe4 7.Ne3 BfS S.Be4 e6 9.Nge2 Bh6 10.Nf4 Bxf4ll.exf4 RgS 12.Bfl Qd6 13.Ne2 Ne6 14.e3 0-0-0 1S.Qa4 Bg416.e4Qb4+ I7.Qxb4 Nxb4 IS.Kd2 Bxe2 I9.Bxe2 Rxg2 20.Ke3 Rxe221.Kxb4 Rxd4 22.Ke3 Rd3+ 23.Kb4 Rxb2+ 24.KeS b6+ Diagram

    0-1June / S eptem ber 200 6

    Adam Heeter (1605) - Brad LaGue (1792)April Circle City Tornado 01 Apr 2006

    Scandinavian Defense [BO1]1.e4 dS 2.exdS QxdS 3.Ne3 QaS 4.d4 eS S.dS Nf6 6.Be4 Nbd7 7.Nge2Nb6 S.Bb3 BfS 9.0-0 0-0-0 10.Bd2 QeS ll.Be3 Qe7 12.Bxb6 axb6I3.Ng3 Bg6I4.a4 QeSIS.Re1 Bd616.Nge4 Nxe417.Nxe4 Bxe41S.Rxe4 fS 19.Re4 QaS 20.e3 e4 21.Be2 Qa6 22.Rd4 g6 23.aS BeS24.axb6 Qxb6 2S.Rd2 e3 26.Re2 exf2+ 27.Kfl e6 2S.d6 Bxd6 29.Rd2Ke7 30.b4 Bxh2 31.RxdS RxdS 32.Qe2 QbS 33.QxbS exbS 34.Kxf2Rd2+0-1

    Anastasios Lyrintzis (1749) - Chris Li (1533)April Circle City Tornado 01 Apr 2006

    Colle System [D05]l.d4 dS 2.e3 Nf6 3.Bd3 e6 4.Nf3 eS S.b3 Ne6 6.0-0 Bd6 7.Bb2 exd4S.exd4 0-0 9.a3 b6 10.NeS Bb7 ll.Nd2 Nd7 12.f4 f6 I3.QhS fSI4.Nxd7 Qxd7 IS.Rae1 RaeS 16.g3 Qe7 17.Ra1 NbS IS.Rfe1 Nd719.Nf3 Nf6 20.Qh3 Ne4 21.NeS ReS 22.Qg2 Re7 23.Qe2 RfeS 24.e4RdS 2S.Ree1 RdeS 26.b4 BxeS 27.dxeS dxe4 2S.Rxe4 BdS 29.Rxe7Qxe7 30.Re1 Qxe1+ Diagram

    (31.Bxcl Rxcl+, 32.Kg2 Nc3+ and Black snags the queen with a rookup) 0-1

    Eshak Yousak (1646) - Bernard Parham Sr. (2030)April Circle City Tornado 01 Apr 2006

    Ponziani Opening and Scotch Gambit [C44]l.e4 eS 2.Nf3 Ne6 3.e3 Nf6 4.d4 Nxe4 S.dS NbS 6.Qe2 fS 7.NxeS BeSS.Nd3 0-0 9.NxeS NxeS 10.Qe4 ReS+ ll.Be2 d6 12.Be3 b5 Diagram


  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in Indiana-ot 13.QxbS? Ba6 and white loses cast ling privileges and is left

    exposed in the center=Editor) 13.Qf4 Re4 14.Qf3 Ned7 IS.QxfS Nf6I6.QgS Re5I7.Qh4 Qe8IS.0-0 Bb719.Bf3 BxdS 20.BxdS+ NxdS21.Bd4 Re7 22.QgS e6 23.Nd2 Qf7 24.Rfel Nd7 2S.Rxe7 Nxe726.Rel I r s 27.Bxg7 Diagram

    ... Nxg7 2S.Re7 Qf6 29.Qe3 NfS 30.ReS+ Kf7 31.Qf3 RxeS 32.Qxe6ReI + 33.Nfl NeS 34.Qb7+ Kg6 3S.g3 a6 36.Kg2 Re2 37.h4 Ne3+3S.Khl Nxf139.hS+ Kh6 0-1

    M i k e H e r r o n W in sM a r c h C i r c le C i lV T o r n a d oDoug Todd (1880) - Mike Herron (2083)

    March Circle City Tornado 04 Mar 2006Caro-Kann: Advanced Variation [B12]

    [Mike Herron]l.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.eS BfS 4.Ne3 e6 S.Nge2 Knowing Doug's attackingstyle, I was expecting the ultra-sharp S.g4lines. S ...Nd7 6.h3 h6 7.g4Bh7 S.Nf4 Qb6 Things have already started to go wrong for white. He'slost a couple tempos, he has pawn weaknesses on b2, d4, and g4, and it'snot easy to figure out how to develop his pieces. 9.Na4?! QaS+ 10.e3?He just doesn't get any compensat ion for this pawn. 10...bS H.NeSBxeS I2.dxeS Qe7 13.Be3 NxeS 14.a4 bxa4 IS.Rxa4 Nf6 16.Bg2? Thistakes things from bad to worse, dropping major material . I6 ...g5! Iactual ly thought he might resign at this point . He's had a real ly roughstart in this game. The point is that l7.Ne2 is destroyed by 17 ...Nd3+18.Kf1 Nxb2 forking and leaving me up the exchange and two pawnswith a better position. 17.Qd4! Diagram

    But now Doug starts playing great chess, generating terrif ic chancesdespite being down a full piece. 17 ... gxf4 lS.Bxf4 Nfd7 19.0-0! f620.Rel Bg6 21.Bg3! The threat of22.f4 is strong. there are pins on thediagonal and on the e-file. 21. ..NfS?? DiagramJune / S eptem ber 2006 24

    NfS is a horrific error that completely blows the game, luckily for mdidn't see 22.RxeS(!) regains his piece with an awesome posi tion(22.RxeS! fxeS, 23.BxeS snags the rook as the queen is forced to fleedidn't like this at all, but I couldn't come up with anything else. I wanto play 2l...Kf7, but 22.f4 Nd3 23.Re3 would menace 24.fS and24.Rxd3 winning material . 22.f4?? Ned7 23.Re3 Be4! Diagram

    I was really feeling the heat by this point. The advantage of being uplot of material in a defense though, is that you can toss some of it bacstrategic points to rel ieve some pressure, which is what I'm doing her24.Bxe4 dxe4 2S.Rxe4 Kf7 26.Qe4 Kg7 27.Kf2 RbS 2S.b4 RdS29.Qa2 RaS 30.gS hxgS Doug felt that 30 ... fS is good instead. I confthat I was quite frustrated by not being able to get my pieces out of eothers' way, and I thought that after 30 . .. fS he could keep me bottledfor awhile longer. So I decided to drop a second pawn in order to forcsome simplificat ion and free my pieces. 31.fxgS eS 32.gxf6+ Nxf633.RxeS Qf7! This is my idea. now some pieces come off and my focan breath the sweet air of freedom again! 34.Qe2 Ne4+ Seems bettethan trying to take the rook because he gets the exchange back with tbishop check. 3S.Kg2 Nxg3 36.Qg4+ Ng6 37.Qxg3 RhfS 3S.Ral Ra39.RxeS RxeS 40.Rf1 Re2+ We both were under S minutes left now,with me up a couple minutes. 41.Kgl Qe7 42.Rf3 To avoidsimplification. 42...Kh6 43.Kfl Re2 44.Re3 Qf7+ 4S.KgI ReI +46.Kg2? Diagram

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    CHESS in IndianaOf course 46.Rel keeps the game going, but I should win eventuallywith the extra piece. He was down under 30 seconds here with no timedelay and didn't have time to think. 46. ..Qfl + 47.Kh2 Rc2+ Missing47. ..Qhl++, but my move gets the job done too. 0--1

    Mike Herron (2083) - Bob Banta (1842)March Circle City Tornado 04 Mar 2006Closed Sicilian [B26]

    [Bob Banta and Mike Herron]l.e4 cS 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.g3 g6 4.Bg2 Bg7 S.d3 d6 6.Nge2 Bd7 7.Be3 Nf6S.h3 QcS! Diagram

    (MH) The beginning of my problems. This is a great move order thatprevents me from castling kingside by attacking the h3 pawn. I don'twant to go queenside either because he's all set up for a queensideattack. 9.f4 RbS 10.Qd2 bS 1l.g4?! (MH) I initially rejected this asleaving me too overextended and loose, but then couldn't find anyalternative and played it anyway. Maybe the glacially slow II.Kf212.KgI 13.Kh2 followed by activating the hl rook is playable, but Ididn't like handing him 3 tempos. 1l ...b4 12.Nd1 hS 13.gS Nh7 14.h4Bg4 lS.c3 NfS 16.d4 Bxe2 17.Kxe2 Qa6+ 18.Kf2 bxc3 19.bxc3 cxd420.cxd4 eS! Diagram

    (MH) Bob is playing with a lot of energy, trying to rip open the center toget at my exposed king. 21.fxeS dxeS 22.dS Nd4 23.Nc3 Nd7 24.Rab10-0 2S.Bfl QaS 26.NbS Diagram

    June / S eptem ber 2006

    (MH) I felt that I had been pretty badly outplayed to this point, and thisfelt to me like a desperate move, although it seems to hold on.26..Qxd2+ (BB) Qc8 is better. Black has no reason to exchangeQueens. Keeping material on the board keeps the pressure on theexposed white king. (MH) There's nothing wrong with this, but analternative is to keep the queens on, open the f-file, and try to takeadvantage of my exposed king. 27.Bxd2 a6? 2S.Nc3 Rxb1 29.Nxb1NcS 30.Nc3 RbS 31.Bc1 Diagram

    (MH) I'm playing my usual dogged defense, but black certainly looksbetter here with his active knights and rook. This is the mysteriousportion of the game because without any obvious errors he goes frombetter to losing in 6 or 7 moves now. 31...fS?! 32.exfS NxfS (BB) gxf5better. 33.Ba3 e4 34.BxcS Bxc3 3S.Be2! Rb2 (MH) This looks reallygood. He threatens 36.. .Rxe2+ 37.Kxe2 Ng3+, threatens the a-pawn, anhis knight can take the h-pawn if my rook moves. However maybe it'stoo aggressive. 36.Rd1! Diagram

    (MH) Suddenly I seem to have good chances. He can't take the bishopnow, he can't put a piece on d4, and while he can capture on h4 and a2,my passed d-pawn has emerged as a serious threat. 36. ..Rxa2 (BB) Be5,followed by Bg3 is mandatory to stop the passed pawn from marchingdown field. (MH) Probably he should just retreat the rook instead.37.d6 BaS 3S.d7 BdS 39.Rb1 Rd2 Diagram


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    CHESS in Indiana

    (MH) I thought I was winning after 36...Rxa2, but actually Fritz saysthat 39...Rd2 is the losing move since 39...Kf7 40.Rb8 e3+ apparentlyworks for Bob in all lines 40.Rb8! Rxd7 41.Bb6! Nxh4 42.Rxd8+Rxd8 43.Bxd8 Nf5 44.Bxa6 h4 (BB) Time scramble from here. Whitewon. (MH) Iwent under 5 minutes left here, but my bishops are able toround up his pawns. 1-0

    Mike Herron (2083) - Brad LaGue (1770)March Circle City Tornado 04 Mar 2006Dutch Defense [A80]

    [Mike Herron]l.d4 f5 2.Nf3 d6 3.e3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Nbd7 5.e3 g6 6.Nbd2 Bg7 7.Qb3Trying to annoy him a bit by not letting him castle immediately, 7 ... a58.a4 Nb6 9.Be2 e6 10.0-0 0-0 1l.Qe2 Bd7 12.b3 Qe8 13.Bxf6 Bxf614.e4 e5 15.dxe5 dxe5 16.Rfe1?! Diagram

    Iprobably shouldn't allow f4. His kingside pawn-storm attack is veryeasy to play. 16... f4 17.Ne4 Nxe4 18.Bxe4+ Kh8 19.Rad1 Be6 20.Bxe6Qxe6 21.e4 g5 22.Rd5 g4 23.Nd2 e6 24.Rd3 Rad8 25.Nfl Rxd326.Qxd3 Rd8 27.Qe3 b6 28.Re2! Getting ready to contest the d-file.He's been better for 10 or 15 moves now, but not quite winning. 28..Be729.Rd2 Rd6 30.Rxd6 Bxd6 I think taking with the queen maintains anedge for him. 31.Qd3 Qe7?! Ifhe goes 31 ...Bc5, I would have to takethe draw with 32.Qd8+ Kg7 33.Qg5+ Kf7 34.Qh5+ etc because hisbishop would otherwise be so much better than my knight. 32.h3! h533.hxg4 hxg4 34.Nh2! Diagram

    June / Septem ber 2006

    I really like this maneuver. Iaw this after a long ponder over how toactivate the flknight. Itactually wins a clear pawn, although the gamstill appears to be a draw. 34 ...Qe6 35.Nxg4! Kg7 36.Nh2 Be5 37.Nf3Qd6 38.Qxd6 Bxd6 39.g3 Kf6 40.gxf4 exf4 41.Kf1 Ke6 42.Ke2 Be543.Ng5+ Ke5 44.f3 Kf6 45.Nh3 Ke5 46.Kd3 Bb4?? Diagram

    Hard to explain this move. On 46. ..Be3 it's an immediate draw becausemy knight can't get out of its box, e.g. 47.Ng5+ Kf6 48.Nh7+ Kg749.Ng5 Kf6 etc. Ican only assume that he feels like the ending is a dedraw and any move works. 47.Nf2 Be5 48.Ng4+ Ke6 49.e5 Kf5 50.e6Diagram

    Probably what he missed. Now he's in trouble. 50 . ..Kxe6?! Worth a tryis 50 ...BfS, which forces me to make a creative knight maneuver to tryto win. 51.Ke4 Bd6 52.Nf2 Kf6 53.Nh3! He may have missed this too53 ...Ke7 54.Nxf4 Kd7 55.Nd3 Ke7 56.f4 Kb7? Imight have a technicwin even ifhe keeps his king in front of the pawn, but clearing out witthe king like this certainly makes it easier for me. 57.Kf5 Ka6 58.Ke6Ba3 59.f5 b5 60.e5 bxa4 61.bxa4 Bb4 62.f6 Be3 63.Ne5 Bd4 64.Kd61-0


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    CHESS in IndianaAdam Heeter (1537) - Mike Herron (2083)

    March Circle City Tornado 04 Mar 2006Caro-Kann [BIO]l.e4 e6 2.d3 dS 3.Nd2 e6 4.Ngf3 Nd7 S.g3 Bd6 6.Bg2 Ngf6 7.0-0 Qe78.Re1 0-0 9.e4 b6 10.Qe2 dxe4 1l.dxe4 e5 12.Nh4 g6 13.Ndf3 Rd814.h3 NeS 15.Nh2 Ne6 16.N4f3 Bb7 17.BgS NxgS 18.NxgS h6 19.Ngf3Qe7 20.Nh4 Be8 21.Qe3 Kg7 22.Kh1 Be6 23.b3 Rd7 24.f4 exf42S.gxf4 NhS 26.f5 Qxh4 27.Qe3+ Kh7 28.fxe6 Ng3+ 0-1

    2006 MCC Team Challenge at the Royal Oak Country Club Photo: Ed

    2006 M idw es t C hess C en te r (M CC )T eam C h alle ng eb y F M L ester V anM eterThemost recent MCCTeamChallenge took place on June 6 at theRoyal Oak Country Club. Each year Ron West hosts this teamevent in conjunction with a visit to Indianapolis by HungarianGM EmilAnka. GMAnka holds down board one for the hostteam.The Midwest Chess Center is always a secondary host andsupplies all of the organization and equipment for the matches.The format is a quadrangular round robin with teams comprisingsix players.One reason for having sixman teams is that when we only havethree teams (as happened this time) we can split the players into 4four man teams to maintain the format and give us theopportunity to have pretty even match ups on the top boards.The four teams for this year were the Royal Oak Country Club,the Midwest Chess Center, Team ISCA,and the CircleCity ChessClub.Round One started out with a bang when the host Royal Oak CCdefeated the Midwest Chess Center 3-1.Team ISCA and theCircle City CC had a hard fought 2-2 draw. Here is an interestinggame from that match.June / S eptem ber 20 06

    Garrett Smith (2048) - FM Jim Dean (2228)2006 MCC Team Challenge 04 Jun 2006Caro-Kann: Panov-Botvinnik Attack [BI4]

    [FM Lester VanMeter]l.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.exdS exd5 4.e4 Nf6 S.Nc3 g6 6.Qb3 Bg7 7.cxdS 0-08.Be2 Na6 9.Bf3 Qb6 Diagram

    10.Qd1 Rd8 1l.Nge2 Nb4 12.d6 Diagram

    This is always the right way to give back the pawn. 12...Rxd6 13.Bf4Rd8 14.Na4 This move order takes away the option ofQb5 played inthe note. White does not have any advantage. 14...QaS 15.0-0 NbdS16.BeS Bg417.Nec3 Bxf3 18.Qxf3 Nxc3 19.Nxc3 NdS 20.Bxg7 Kxg721.Rfe1 e6 Diagram

    22.Re5 The game is sti ll even, although the simplification has improvedblack's chances. 22...Qb4 23.NxdS RxdS 24.RxdS Qxb2! The correctzwischenzug, and now black is a bit better. 25.Re1-/+ [25.Rdl =/+]2S...exdS 26.QxdS Rc8? Diagram


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    CHESS in Indiana

    [26...Re8! is the correct path. White's pieces are a bit awkwardly placed.27.Kfl Rxel+ 28.Kxel] 27.g3 Rc12S.Qe5+ KgS 29.Rxc1 Qxc1+30.Kg2 Qa3 31.d5 Qxa2 32.d6 Qa4 33.Qe7 Diagram

    With queen endings it is not always the material, but the support of apassed pawn. Thus white has a very dangerous one at d6. Black canneutral ize this with correct play. 33.Qc6+ 34.Kh3 Qd5?? Diagram

    A decisive error. The technique of pinning is key, and the correct idea is[34 . ..Qc5 now in order to advance the pawn white must give check, andthis helps black two ways: [I] it gets the king off the 8th; and [2] it putswhite's queen in a less favorable posit ion to help against perpetual checkpossibilities. 35.Qe8+ (35.g4 h5; 35j3 Kg7) 35.. .Kg7 36.d7 Qh5+37.Kg2 Qd5+ 38.f3 Qd2+] 35.d7 Qf5+ 36.Kg2 Qd5+ 37.f3 Qd2+3S.Kh3 Qh6+ 39.Qh4 1-0

    Don't Forget!Indiana State Blitz ChampionshipSept. 29.

    June / S ep tem be r 2006 28

    Royal Oak Country Club Owner, Ron West Photo: EdRon West - Bob Banta

    2006 MCC Team Challenge 04 Jun 2006Sicilian Defense: Moscow Variation [B51]

    1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+ Nd7 4.c3 a6 5.Ba4 b5 6.Bc2 c4 7.d4 cxd3S.Bxd3 Bb7 9.0-0 g6 10.Be3 Bg7 1l.Bd4 Ngf6 12.Nbd2 0-0 13.Qe2e514.Be3 d5 Diagram

    15.Bg5 Qc716.h3 RfeS 17.Rac1 Nc5 lS.Bxf6 Bxf6 19.Bc2 RadS20.Nh2 Bg7 21.f3 Ne6 22.Ng4 d4 23.Bb1 h5 24.Nf2 Nf4 25.Qe1 Qb26.Kh2 Ne6 27.Nb3 a5 2S.cxd4 a4 29.Qa5 Qd6 30.Nc5? Diagram

    . .. e xd4+ 31.Kh1 Nxc5 32.Qxb5 Ba6 33.Qb4 Bxfl34.Rxfl Nxe435.Qxa4 Ng3+ 0-1

  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    CHESS in IndianaIn Round Two the Royal Oak CC again won 3-1, this timeTeam ISCA was victimized. The Midwest Chess Centerwas buoyed by the appearance of Jay Carr and MCCbounced back against the Circle City CC with a 3%-%win.GM Anka was very excited by his win this round, calling ithis best game from 2006.

    Garrett Smith ( 1 ) GMAnka (r) 2006MCC TeamChallenge Photo:Editor

    GM Emil Anka (2520) - Garrett Smith (2048)2006MCC TeamChallenge 04 Jun 2006Sicilian Pelikan and Sveshnikov Variation [B33]l.e4 cS 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 S.Nc3 eS 6.NdbS d6 7.BgS a68.Na3 bS 9.NdS Be710.Bxf6 Bxf6 l1.c3 0-0 12.Nc2 BgS 13.a4 bxa414.Rxa4 aSlS.Bc4 Rb816.Ra2 g617.0-0 Kh818.Qe2 fS19.b4 axb420.Ncxb4 Nxb4 21.cxb4 Bb7 22.Rbl fxe4 23.g3 BxdS 24.BxdS e32S.fxe3 Qb6 26.Rb3 Rfc8 27.h4 Bh6 28.Kh2 QbS 29.QxbS RxbS30.Ra8 Rxa8 31.Bxa8 BfS 32.Bc6 Rb8 33.b5 Be7 34.b6 Bd8 3S.b7Kg7 36.Bd5 Bc7 37.Rc3 Bb6 38.Rc8 Ba7 39.e4 h5 40.Kg2 Kf6 41.Kf3Ke7 42.Ke2 Kd743.Kd3 Rxc8 44.Be6+ Diagram

    1-0Jerry Bratcher - Bob BantaMCC TeamChallenge 04 Jun 2006Benko / Volga Gambit [AS8]

    l.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.c4 cS 4.dS b5 S.cxbS a6 6.bxa6 Bxa6 7.Nc3 d68.g3 Bg7 9.Bg2 0-0 10.0-0 Nbd711.Rel Qc712.e4 Rtb8 13.Qc2 c414.h3 NcSlS.Bfl Nfd7 16.Rbl Ra7 17.Nd2 NeS 18.Bg2 Ned319.Rdl?? DiagramJune / S eptem ber 200 6

    ...Rab7?? ( ... Nh4 wins the queen and the game immediately) 20.NflNxcl 21.Rdxcl Nd3 22.Rdl Rxb2 Diagram

    23.Rxb2 Rxb2 24.Qa4 Qc8 2S.Qa3 QcS 26.Qxc5 NxcS 27.Nbl Rxa228.Nfd2 c3 29.Nxc3 Bxc3 30.Nfl Bxfl 31.Kxfl Ral 32.Rxal Bxal33.Ke2 Bd4 34.f3 Kg7 3S.Bfl Kf6 36.Bg2 gS 37.f4 h6 38.Bf3 e639.fxg5+ hxgS 40.h4 gxh4 41.gxh4 KeS 42.dxe6 fxe6 43.hS Nxe444.h6 Kf4 4S.BhS?? Ng3+ 0-1

    GMAnka (1)FMVanMeter (r) 2006MCC Team Challenge Photo:Editor

    FM Jim Dean (2228) - GM Emil Anka (2520)2006MCC TeamChallenge 04 Jun 2006SchmidBenoni [A43][FM Lester VanMeter]

    l.d4 e6 2.c4 cS 3.dS exdS 4.cxdS d6 S.Nc3 g6 6.Nf3 Bg7 7.g3 Nf68.Bg2 0-09.0-0 Re8 10.Bf4 Na6 1l.Nd2 NhS 12.Be3 Nc713.a4 b614.Nc4 Ba6 IS.Qb3 Qd716.Na3 fS 17.NcbS Kh8 18.Bf3 Nf6 19.Bf4Ne4 20.Nxc7 Qxc7 21.NbS Qd7 22.Radl gS Diagram


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    CHESS in Indiana

    23.Bxe4 Rxe4 24.Bxg5 Rb4 25.Qf3 Bxb'5 26.axb5 Rxb2 27.e4 fxe42S.Qxe4 ReS 29.Qh4 Rb4 30.Qh5 Qxb5 31.Qf7 Rf8 32.Qe7 Rg433.Be3 Rg6 34.Qxa7 Qb3 35.Qb7 Be5 36.Rbl Qd3 37.Qxb6 Qxd53S.Qb7 Qxb7 39.Rxb7 e4 40.f4 Bg7 41.Re7 Re6 42.Bf2 e3 43.RelReeS 44.Kg2 d5 45.Rdl ReS 46.RxeS RxcS 47.Rxd5 e2 4S.Be3 Bb249.Rb5 c1Q 50.Bxel Bxel 51.h4 Diagram

    51. .Re7 52.Rg5 Bb2 53.h5 Bf6 54.Rf5 Kg7 55.g4 Re3 56.g5 Be757.Rd5 Kf7 5S.Rf5+ Kg7 59.Rd5 Re7 60.Kf3 Kf8 61.Kg4 Bb462.Rf5+ KgS 63.Rb5 BfS 64.RbS Kf7 65.g6+ hxg6 66.hxg6+ Kg767.Rb6 Be7 6S.Ra6 Rd7 69.f5 Rdl 70.Kf4 Bd6+ 71.Ke4 Kf6 72.Ra7Be7 73.Ra6+ Kg7 74.Ra7 Re1+ 75.Kd5 Kf6 76.Ra6+ Kxf5 77.g7 Rgl7S.Ra2 Rxg7 79.Rf2+ Kg6 SO.Ke6 Bg5 Sl.Rg2 Re7+ S2.Kd5 ReIS3.Rg4 Kf5 S4.Rd4 Bf4 S5.Rd3 Re5+ S6.Kc6 Ke4 S7.Rd7 Re6+SS.Kc5 Be3+ S9.Kb4 Re6 90.Re7+ Kd3 91.Rd7+ Bd4 92.RdS Rb6+93.Ka5 RbI 94.Rd7 Rb2 95.RdS Ke4 96.ReS+ Be5 97.Ka6 Kd59S.RdS+ Ke6 99.RcS+ Kd6 100.RhS Kd7101.Rh7+? Diagram

    [I01.Ka5! Bd6 I02.Ka4 Ke6 I03.Re8+ Be7 I04.Rh8=] 101...Ke6-+102.Rh6+ Bd6 103.Ka5 [I03.Rh5 Rb8 I04.Rh7 (J04.Ka7 Rg8 I05.Rh6RgI-+) I04 ...Bf8! I05.Rf7 Be5 I06.Rf6+ Bd6 I07.Rf7 Rb6+! I08.Ka5(I08.Ka7 RbI I09.Ka8 ReI !-+ (I09 ...RhI JlO.Rh71 ReII-+)I08 ...Rb3-+] 103..Ra2# 0-1 DiagramJune / Septem ber 2006

    Bob Banta - Adam HeeterMCC Team Challenge 04 Jun 2006

    Symmetrical English [A36]l.e4 e5 2.Ne3 Ne6 3.g3 Nf6 4.Bg2 d6 5.e3 e5 6.d3 Be7 7.Nge2 0-0S.O-OBg4 9.h3 Bh5 10.g4 Nxg4?! Diagram

    1l.hxg4 Bxg4 12.f3 Be613.Bd2 h5 14.f4 Bg4 15.Bf3 Qd7 16.Ng3 B17.Rel Bh41S.Kh2 exf4 19.exf4 Nd4 20.Bxh5 g6 21.Bf3 Kg7 22.NeNxf3+ 23.Qxf3 Bg4 Diagram

    24.Be3+ f6 25.Qg2 RhS 26.Kgl RafS 27.Nf2 Rh7 2S.Nxg4 Qxg429.Re7+ KgS 30.Rxh7 Kxh7 31.Ne2 Qd7 32.Rf1 RgS 33.Rf3 g5 34.Qe7 35.Kf1 ReS 36.Rh3 RgS 37.Qe4 Qf7 3S.Re3 Rg7 39.Qe6 Qc740.Bxf6 Rf7 41.Bxg5 1-0

    2006 M CC Team C ha llenge F in a l S tand ingsM idwest Chess Cen ter 8%Royal O ak Country C lub 8C irc le C ity C hess C lub 4%Team lSCA 3


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    CHESS in Indiana65th Annual2006 Indiana State Chess Championship

    Advance Entry Form

    Nam e: USCF ID#:Address:City : St: Zip:E -M a il a dd re ss:Sec tion: USCF & IS CA M embe rshi12s R eg uired

    (lSCA dues $15, $10 ifunder age 18) USCF : $ISCA: $

    ( ) Champ ionsh ip -- $67( ) R e se rv e -- $57( ) B eginners C lass -- $10( ) B litz -- $20( ) Junior B litz -- $5

    T ota l am o unt: $

    M ake checks out to the ISCA (Ind iana S tate Chess A ssociation)

    T otal am ount paid: $ Cash or Check# Entered By:

    -=U-=Sc. . . : : :C:. .=F'--O=-.=T-=B:____:R=at=in=g=:E=x.a::. .p.:. . . . ;:D=..=at=e-=--:onfirm rating and uscf expo D ate.P hotocopy th is form , com plete the form , and bring th e form to the C ha mp ionsh ip , R ese rve , B eg in ners, B litz , or Jun ior B litz .June / S eptem ber 20 06 31

  • 8/2/2019 Chess in Indiana Vol XIX Nos. 2 and 3 Jun_Sep 2006


    Indiana State Chess AssociationP.O. Box 114,Logansport, IN 46947

    TOURNAMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS!September Circle City Tornado!Event Date: Saturday, 02 Sep 20062 Sections: Open 555 G/60, U1200 555 G/45. Glendale Mal l (Entrance #2), 6101 N Keystone, Indianapol is, IN. EF: Open $20 Adv, $25 at Site,U1200 $10 Adv/ $15 at site, Adv by 8/29. Both: Reg 8:00 to 8:30am, Rd1: 9am. Open Prizes: $350 b/26, $100-50, Class A, B, C, D &Under $50/each.U1200: Trophies 1st -2nd, U1000, U800. UNR eligible for top prizes only. Ent: Circle City Chess Club, PO Box 281, Noblesville, IN 46061.Email:, Info: 317-679-3514.

    IIndiana State Blitz Championship (QC)IEvent Date: Friday, 29 Sep 2006RR, SD/5. Indianapolis Marriot t East, 7202 East 21st Street. Indianapolis. HR: $109. 800-288-9290. Res. by 8/30. $$300 b/36. EF: $20 if rec'd by 9/26,$25 at site, Reg: 6-7pm, 1st round begins at 7:30pm. Consolation after preliminaries. ISCA Memb. Req'd, OSA. Ent : ISCA, P.O. Box 114, Logansport, IN46947. 574-722-4965,

    !Indiana State Junior Blitz Championship (QC)IEvent Date: Friday, 29 Sep 2006RR, SD/5. Indianapolis Marriott East, 7202 East 21st St reet. Indianapolis. HR: $109. 800-288-9290. Res. by 8/30. (Students 18 & Under):EF: $5 i f rec'd by 9/20, $10 at si te, Medals 1st-2nd-3rd, U1800, U1600, U1400, U1200, U1000. Option to play in consolat ion. 1st round begins at7:30pm. ISCA Memb. Req'd, OSA. Ent: ISCA, P.O. Box 114, Logansport, IN 46947.574-722-4965,

    Indiana State Beginners Class ChampionshipsEvent Date: Saturday, 30 Sep 20064SS, SD/30. Indianapolis Marriott East, 7202 East 21st Street. Indianapolis . Class E: (1199-1000) Awards for 1st-2nd-3rd. Class F: (999-800)Awards for 1st-2nd-3rd. Class G: (799-600) Awards for 1st-2nd-3rd. Class H: (599-400) Awards for 1st-2nd-3rd. Class I & J: (399-1)Awards for 1st-2nd- 3rd. Class Unrated: (Unr.) Awards for 1st-2nd-3rd. EF: $10 if rec'd by 9/26, $15 si te. Reg: 11-12:30am, Rds: 1-2-3-4. ISCA Memb.Req'd: Adult $15, U18 $10, OSA. Ent: ISCA' P.O. Box 114, Logansport , IN 46947. 574-722- 4965,,

    165thAnnual Indiana State Chess Championship (GPP: 30, A Heritage Event!)IEvent Date: Saturday, 30 Sep & Sunday, 01 Oct 20065SS, 40/105, SD/45. Indianapolis Marriott East, 7202 East 21st Street. Indianapolis. HR: $109. Phone: 800-288-9290.Res. by 8/30.$$4000 b/150. Championship: EF: $67 if rec'd by 9/26, $79 at site $$2355, Top 2 Prizes Gtd: $650-350,U2300 $310, U2200 $305-100, U2000 $300-100, Upset $40, Bonus State Champion Award $200.Reserve U1800: EF: $57 if rec'd by 9/26, $69 at site. $$1645: $350-250-225, Class C $215-100-80,Class D &Under $205-100-80, Upset $40. Reg: 8-9:30am, Rds: Sat. 10-3-8, Sun. 10- 3:30. ISCA Memb. Req'd:Adult $15, U18 $10, OSA. Ent: ISCA, P.O. Box 114, Logansport , IN 46947. 574-722-4965,