


About chickenpox

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Chicken PoxBy: Michelle B. Bernaldez

and Donna Nuez

What isChicken Pox?

Chicken pox is a viralinfection in which aperson develops extremely itchy blisters all over thebody.

What causesChicken Pox?

Chicken Pox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, a member of the herpesvirus family.

Incubation Period

-> 14-16 days (13-17 days in some books)

What are theSymptoms?

A red, itchy rash, initially resembling insect bites, on your face, scalp, chest and back

Small, liquid-filled blisters that break openand crust over


Abdominal pain or loss of appetite

Mild headache

General feeling of unease and discomfort (malaise) or irritability

A dry cough and Headache

The chickenpox rash goesthrough these three


Raised pink or red bumps (papules), which break out in different spots over several days

Fluid-filled blisters (vesicles), forming from the raised bumps over about one day before breaking and leaking

Crusts and scabs, which cover the broken blisters and take several more days to heal

Mode ofTransmission:

By direct contact with the rashes

By droplets dispersed into the air by coughing or sneezing

Risk Factors

Persons of any age who have neither had chickenpox in the past nor been immunized against chickenpox (varicella)

Newborns, especially those born prematurely, under 1 month old, or whose mothers had never contracted chickenpox prior to pregnancy

People with a weakened immune system (chemotherapy, HIV, AIDS, congential or acquired immunodefiencies)

People with cancer

Pregnant women

People who are taking immunosuppressant drugs (eg high-dose steroids)

People who are moderately or severely ill and are not yet fully recovered

People who have certain disorders affecting the blood, bone marrow, or lymphatic system

Susceptible pregnant women


Reye’s Syndrome Myocarditis Pneumonia Transient Arthritis

Lifestyle andhome remedies

Don't scratch

Scratching can cause scarring, slow down the healing process and increase the risk that the sores will become infected. If your child can't seem to stop scratching:

Put gloves on his or her hands, especially at night.

Trim his or her fingernails

Relieve the itch and other symptoms

The chickenpox rash can be very itchy, and broken vesicles sometimes sting. These discomforts, along with fever, headache and fatigue, can make anyone miserable. For relief, try:

A cool bath with added baking soda, uncooked oatmeal or colloidal oatmeal— a finely ground oatmeal that is made for the tub, notthe stove

Calamine lotion dabbed on the spots

A soft, bland diet if chickenpox sores develop in the mouth

Antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl, others ) or hydroxyzine (Atarax, others)for itching. Check with your doctor to make sure your child can safely take antihistamines.

Acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) for a mild fever.


The chickenpox (varicella) vaccine isthe best way to prevent chickenpox.


Impaired Skin Integrity

Risk for infection

Disturbed Body Image

Sleep pattern disturbance

Nursing intervention for Chicken pox Clients

Keep Patient/Clients isolation Room

Keep Room temperature between 68 and 72 degree F to help reduce pruritis.

To Check room temperature every shift and as needed

Assess Skin condition and take neccessry steps

keep skin clean and dry

Assess effectiveness of oral and topical medications

Wash hands with antibacterial soap beforeor after care of the patient

To teach patient cover mouth and nose during coughs or sneezes

Provide tepid sponge bath.

To take precaution before patient touching used Gloves and Mask

Administer oral antipruritic medication as ordered and monitor for adverse reactions and inform Doctor.

Apply Calamin lotion if doctor order
