Childrens’ Kelvingrove COMMUNITY DIARY...


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Lavender Class have really been enjoying our

book ‘The London Eye Mystery’, which is about

how a brother and sister duo solve the mystery

of the disappearance of their cousin, Salim. This

week, we have been developing our own

theories on what happened to Salim and

following the various lines of enquiry. To help

us in our investigation, we have been trying to

‘get into the minds’ of the characters by writing in role. Our favourite activity was

writing haikus as Salim’s mother, Gloria.

In science, we have been learning about forces. This week we made links with our

history topic ‘crime and punishment’ by exploring what forces were at play when

criminals were stretched on the rack – very gruesome indeed!

Childrens’ Centre News

In our science lessons this week, we have been

researching different scientists and the impact they

have had in their particular field. The children have

thoroughly enjoyed looking into Stephen Hawkins,

Steve Jobs, Mary Leaky and Alexander Fleming and

producing their own presentations. We are looking

forward to having an afternoon where each child can

present and wow us with what they have


We are also in the final stages of preparing for our

SATs (which start next Monday). We've worked really

hard throughout the whole of Year 6 and are ready to

show what we can do. We also can't wait for our end

of SATs Pizza Party next Thursday!

This term, in year 2, we are basing a lot of

our learning around the text ‘The

Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ because our

topic is ‘out to sea’. In design and

technology, we have been evaluating

different lunchbox designs. This week we

have identified the problems Mr Grinling

had with his lunchbox and came up with

our own designs to solve his problems. We

look forward to making them in our next

D&T lesson! Join our Facebook page


Advising Communities have gone into bankruptcy so will no longer be offering any of

their fantastic housing advice at Kelvin Grove Centre

We can only advise anybody with housing/debt issues to contact Citizens Advice or

Shelter. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you. If you have any further

questions please call 020 8613 0172

There will be no TNG sessions 13th May-17th May due to TNG staff inset week. We

currently have an amended timetable to cover this week that you can pick up at any of

the centres

All the usual sessions will be delivered as normal: 7th-10th


All timetables are available at all centres or on our Facebook

page : eliot&kelvin



Newsletter Issue: 132 18/19



I had a meeting with the new parent class representatives last week and hope that as many of you as possible will join the class WhatsApp group so that you can share information from the school and better improve our communications with you.

Please make sure, however, that if you have concerns regarding your child you speak directly with the teacher or a member of the senior leadership team, especially if it is to resolve a situation. This is not the role of parent class representatives.

It is SATs week for year 6 next week. They have worked incredibly hard in the build up and we wish them well.

Year 6 children must arrive at school on time. We will have a special free breakfast club running from Monday to Thursday next week for our year 6 pupils. Even if your son or daughter is unwell, if it is at all possible they should attend school, complete their test then go home afterwards. There is no option for children to complete tests on different days.

The following week some of our year 6 children are off to France for the week. We love to give our children an enriched experience where they can learn together in new and exciting ways. We know that all the children who go will represent the school in the best way possible and have a fun time. Thank you to the staff who give up their time to ensure this trip is a massive success.


What a picture, what a school photograph!

Our school photographer Vancols visited us on Wednesday to take class group photographs. The photos make wonderful souvenirs of your child’s happy memories of school life, as well as fabulous presents for family members.

The mounted or framed photos came in various sizes ranging in price from £7.75 to £12.50. We will be sending out order forms shortly with news of the ordering deadline. You will be able to pay with cash, card or cheque. Please note that you should enclose EXACT CASH ONLY as we are unable to provide change.


May KS2 SATs week


May Blue class to

Horniman Museum


May Year 6 to Wells Park



School journey to Chateau du Molay,



May Rising Stars to

Horniman Museum


May Reception pirate

picnic at Wells Park



Magenta & Orchid closed - polling



May Last day of half



Jun Children return to



Jun Year 6 transition




Jade Class to the Black Cultural




Reception to Year 1 transition meeting



Jul School Journey to Nethercott Farm


Jul Year 6 play 2pm



Year 6 play 6pm (children to arrive

at 5.15pm)



Parents’ open evening 3.30-



Jul Year 6 disco 5pm - 7pm


Jul Year 6 leavers

assembly - a.m.



Last day of term Sch closes 2.30pm


Preparations are underway for the summer fair on Friday 12th July. We are always looking for volunteers to help on the day and/or during the lead up. Let us know if you are free to help in any way. We are looking for bouncy castle operators and face painters; if you know of any please drop us an email. If you would like to run a stall drop us

an email with your ideas and we will get in touch with you. If you think your company can match fund please get in touch, and don’t forget to give your name and address to the office if you are new to the school and can have an estate agent board. Every board earns the school £10 and is zero cost and effort to you.




This week Cobalt class has been learning about the Anglo-Saxon way of

life. We began by exploring the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain,

identifying how over time the Anglo-Saxons took control of most of

Britain. The children enjoyed sorting a range of historical events in to

chronological in order to create a timeline to understand the Anglo-

Saxon invasion in relation to other historical periods in time. We have

found it interesting to learn that we can still see the Anglo-Saxon

influence today with words such as cow, milk, cheese and the name of

places such as Essex, Banbury and Oxford. In art the children have

created fantastic sketches of insects from the work of Levon Biss.

As part of our ‘under the sea’ topic, we have been finding

out about pollution in the ocean. The children have made

some interesting comments about how we can look after

our seas. As part of the project, we have collected all of

the plastic used in our classroom over one week. The

children have used this plastic to make sea animals. Look

at this huge jellyfish!

We have also been reading the book ‘Tiddler’, and thinking

of inventive reasons as to why we were late to school, like

“Sorry I was late to school, I was eaten by a giant octopus!” In maths we have

used Bee-Bots to explore positional language. We then took this learning

outside on a giant obstacle course.

We have been very busy welcoming our new

friends in Scarlet class, who are all settling

in well at nursery. We have been reading

lots of stories by the author Eric Carle, especially

enjoying the stories of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Very Busy

Spider and The Mixed up Chameleon! We have looked at the life cycle of

the butterfly and the beauty of spider webs!

In Amber Class we are learning all about extraordinary

explorers and travel. The children have been learning

how to programme Bee-

Bots. They’ve had lots of

fun using step-by-step

programming to move

their Bee-Bots from one

place to another on their


This half term Jade class have been really enjoying our

topic ‘lights, camera, action’. We have loved writing

our hilarious and magnificent stories related to ‘It was

a Dark and Stormy Night’. We’ve also been doing well

in science learning about the sun’s light beams. Here

are some glasses we made.

By Ossian Tait

In Rising Stars we have started our

new topic in English, based on

Roald Dahl's 'George's Marvellous

Medicine'. So far we have looked in

detail at the wicked character of

Grandma, who is horrid to George

the moment he's left alone with her.

We came up with some truly horrid

adjectives to describe her: mean, ugly, nasty, rude, selfish, grumpy, grizzly...

We also had fun re-enacting the horrible things she says to George: "Fetch

me a cup of tea, now!", "You should eat more cabbage!", "Don't grow up,

grow down instead!" Later in the week we will find out how George plans to

get his own back!
