Chinese Animal Predictions for 2015. Year of the Yin Wood ... · 2015 Chinese Animal Predictions...


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Chinese Animal Predictions for 2015. Year of the Yin Wood

Goat/Sheep (Yi Wei)

© Written by Daniel Hanna 2015

“We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give.”

Are you really prepared for 2015?

I am sure that there will be many Snakes that will be glad to see the back of 2014 and they should be glad to hear that 2015 is a lot more promising although I know for a

fact that so many Snakes have enjoyed a successful 2014 and benefited from the 2014 annual and monthly advice we gave and also using our annual cures kits and the

Master Cure along with the fine tuning of our powerful Feng Shui Software to get as good a result as possible. As we come into the year of the Horse, we will need some

special cures and enhancers in 2015 to make the most of the year.

Chinese astrology and western astrology are two very different things. Chinese astrology is used to inform people of what they could place and how they can make certain changes to their lifestyle and also how to apply cures and enhancers to avoid any problems that could potentially arise in their life; Chinese astrology is also about having the information in advance so that you can avoid any of the problems that are predicted as prevention is normally the best cure. The information on this site for 2015 will help you to be prepared and make informed decisions throughout the year ahead for certain aspects that may affect your well-being and endeavours. It is important that you know when and how to avoid bad influences during 2015.

If you follow the advice for your Chinese Animal and approach the year ahead with a positive attitude, you will be able to avoid a lot of problems that could be coming your way in 2015. You can also avoid a lot of problems by reading our 2015 Flying Star (Xuan Kong) and For example: if you are a Ox and read on our synopsis for the year or somewhere else that the year ahead is going to be challenging for you, you can avoid many problems by thinking positive and researching your Flying Star chart and looking for the source of the problem in your home.

Being able to avoid negative Flying Stars can help you modify your years luck in a good way. There will be many websites and other practitioners that will predict all sorts of problems and calamities for a certain animal in any year. What you need to bear in mind is that even though there may be problems arising, there is usually always a solution to a problem which we have written in to each synopsis for 2015 for you. Please take this with a pinch of salt and enjoy a great 2015.

You should start to prepare and place your annual cures and enhancers as soon as possible as it really Is crucial to get this right although please do not place your Cures for 2015 before the 4th February 2015. This will set the foundations for a trouble free year; make sure that you check back at the beginning of every month on here for our monthly updates to be even more prepared for the year ahead. You could even use our professional Flying Star Feng Shui Software or 2015 Tong Shu Almanac Software which will give you total control on an annual and monthly basis. This year we have combined the software with our annual cures kit to give you even better value and savings.

Those born in the year of the Ox may be affected by the conflicting influences of the year of the Yin Wood Goat Yi Wei. In saying this, we hope that those born in the year of the Ox are aware of potential difficulties they may encounter during the year and take extra care in whatever they do without taking undue risks. The degree of influence varies from one person to another. One of the major considerations is the heavenly stem of the year in which one was born, more on this later.

To find your animal sign, open the link above and locate your date of birth. If you are unsure of your Chinese Animal maybe consider using our Feng Shui software that calculates it automatically along with personal Gua, flying stars, annual, fixed and monthly and so much more.

Some examples:

Born 3rd February 1958 = Rooster Born 5th February 1958 = Dog Born 3rd February 1987 = Tiger Born 5th February 1987 = Rabbit

2015 is the 4713th year of the Chinese calendar.

In China, the solar calendar of the Yi Wei (Yin Wood Goat/Sheep) year starts on 4th February 2015 at 07:20 China time. In the UK, the new solar year starts on 3rd February 2015 at 23:20. In Washington USA it will start 3rd February 2015 at 18:20 and if you live in Barcelona you would place your cures at 00:20. Every year we put together a page on Chinese New Year world times 2015 that will help you confirm the times and dates for the Chinese New Year’s Solar and lunar. This is not the Chinese New Year 2015 you would celebrate; please check this website for further details.

“The true measure of a person is how they treat someone who can do

them absolutely no good.”

2015 Chinese Animal Predictions for the Rat

2015 will see the year of the Goat/Sheep starting on the 19th February and if the relevant Cures and Enhancers are in place for 2015 as of the 4th February, you should see your luck turn around very soon for the better. The year of the Goat/Sheep is looking to be a greatly improved year for the Rat which I’m sure will be music to the Rats ears. The year of the Goat could hold boundless opportunities in the Rats life so please be sure to read below on how the year of the Goat will affect your life.

The best way for the Rat to approach the year of the Goat is to adopt a positive outlook on 2015 and make peace with your past; This is obviously a lot easier said than done although if you harbour every negative memory, you will limit the ability to create new positive ones, so remember your past but do not let it dictate your future. The year of the Goat holds a lot of new opportunities and experiences for the Rat and by allowing yourself to make peace with anything bad that happened last year or any point of your past for that matter, you are allowing yourself the chance to do great things and really go far in 2015. For every problem, there is always a solution; solve your problems early in the year and do not let them trouble you in the year of the Goat.

Where the Rats career is concerned, they will be glad to hear that a lot of good things are predicted this year in the workplace and whether the Rat stays in their current workplace or begins a new chapter of their life in new employment, they will be able to impress others and really build on their strengths to help promotion and advances in their career. If you are looking to advance in your career this year, take what opportunities you get, no matter how small as you should soon notice that a small extra role that you have been entrusted with can help to climb to the next level on the career ladder.

Rats looking for new career opportunities in 2015 can benefit from the help that the year of the Goat offers and their desire to succeed in life could soon help you gain new employment and help you gain a good relationship with your employer very fast. If you spend the year taking pride in your work and doing the best that you can do, you could see the hard work paying off towards the closing months of the Goat year.

If your position at work involves using your skills creatively, like an artist or architect for example, this can be a very rewarding year for you. Try to make yourself noticed in your workplace and offer new ideas when possible as the Goat year will help you to develop yourself. This is a fantastic year for the Rat to develop new skills both at work and also at home; the Rat can really tackle new challenges, activities and tasks head on this year and get some very rewarding results from doing so.

Please do not feel that I am only referring to people in high paying jobs, it does not matter if you are making multi million pound deals on a daily basis or working in a grocery store, everything I write refers to the Rat as a person; I have people write in that have climbed their way up from working a few hours a week, to becoming manager of their work place in a matter of a few years. Whatever position you are in, your workplace would struggle without you and remember that when you climb the career ladder and meet the person that has filled your previous position.

Finances are looking good for the Rat during the year of the Goat and some Rats may find new ways to add extra income in to their home by utilising their skill set to make money in their spare time. Although the Rat will see extra money coming in to their home in 2015, they will need to keep watch over their finances throughout the year of the Goat as they could see money going out quickly in particular months. Be sure to follow the monthly Almanac for big purchases and investments. The Rat will still be able to enjoy their money throughout the year and can benefit from using the money on experiences.

Earlier on, I was talking about how the Rat could have struggled with relationships with other during 2014 and I am sure there will be a great deal of Rats out there that will be glad to know that their relationship with others shall go a lot better this year. The year of the Goat is a great time to really connect with others and both offer and ask for advice and help throughout the year as this will really help to strengthen relationships. If there is someone in your life that you have lost contact with recently, it could really help to make contact with them and try to resolve and issues.

The Rats home life is looking very good this year and they will have a lot of opportunities to spend time with their family this year and enjoy a lot of special moments with them. Day to day life is looking very good for the Rat this year and there will be little problems in the house but the Rat should be able to resolve these quickly.

At a personal level, the Rat should keep close watch on their welfare this year as there is risk of neglecting health and diet due to other commitments. Please be sure to keep active with exercise and maybe even combine this with other aspects of your life like football with your children or bike rides with friends and loved ones.

The Rats love life is looking to be one of the best aspects of the Rats life during the year of the Goat and they should dedicate some time this year to strengthen existing relationship and for the single Rat, develop new ones. Some part of the Rats new love will be down to fate although the Rat can do a lot to attract a new partner by remaining active at a social level and spend time in different places.

Overall, this is looking to be a fantastic year for the Rat and one where they can build fantastic relationships with others at all levels and really enjoy special moments. Have a fantastic year of the Goat.

As a Rat you are in affinity with the Ox. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of an Ox with you at all times throughout the year in 2014.

Your lucky sectors: (astrological zone) is the North (352.5º - 7.5º) of the home or office. For full details on 2015 flying star analysis follow this link.

If you are relocating your desk this year to face one of your favourable personal directions, please be aware of the directions and locations of the annual afflictions. If you are unsure of your Gua and best directions follow this link or maybe consider

using our Feng Shui software that calculates Gua, Chinese animal including element, flying stars, annual, fixed and monthly and so much more.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To enhance wealth, luck, business and career for the Rat in 2015:

The most influential and imperative cure and enhancer in 2015 is called a Ba Gua Fu Pai Master cure and can only to be used in a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep years, the last time this powerful cure would have been used was in 1955 which was also a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep year. This cure is much needed to enhance and protect wealth in 2015 especially for the males of a home or business.

This authentic traditional Feng Shui cure and enhancer is only known to a few specialist Feng Shui Masters and in the old days and even now in southeast Asia you would need to employ a highly skilled Feng Shui Master (normally costing tens of thousands of pounds) to call at your home or business and the Master would spend hours carving the secret inscriptions onto an earth plate made from the finest slate or marble (earth material only), which would then be placed in the north of your home or business and then setting the three special quartz crystals and two i-ching coins. This would normally cost tens of thousands of pounds and obviously only available to the very rich which is still the case even today in many parts of the world and the reason why we create these powerful cures is so all can afford them at a fraction of the cost. We have been criticised by many Feng Shui Masters over the years as some feel the general public should not have these specialist cures and enhancers.

Each of the rare and valuable semi-precious quartz crystals work in synergy with the inherent element of the Luo Shu Gua Trigrams giving total protection for wealth, health & peace of mind and releasing the #8 star from the inherent powerful energies of the #1 Kan star in the north in 2015 to permeate the whole building.

This is one of the most powerful and commanding cure and enhancer for wealth, health, relationships and protection and because this cure is very important for wealth in 2015 we included it standard in all our 2015 cures and enhancers kit. If you follow this link you will find full details 2015 flying star analysis follow this link.

To enhance romance for the Rat in 2015:

Romance can be enhanced in the northwest and north of your home, click here for further details. Whilst this #4 star is very auspicious, without cures this #4 star can bring both wanted and unwanted romantic opportunities to the household if the

cures are not put in place. This is caused by the #4 falling in the chien northwest palace in 2015 and needs a very special Talisman to counterbalance the elements of wood meeting metal which is a destructive cyle. To enhance romance and career in 2015 place this Ba Ying Fu Pai Wish & romance enhancer in the northwest of your home or business, you should also introduce some water colours like shades of blue, black, grey and you can introduce these colours with a doormat, rug, cushion cover, sofa throw, curtains or similar, it really is very easy to do.

Make sure you follow the 2015 Flying Star (Xuan Kong) recommendations. If your office or bedroom is located in one of the directions mentioned, please be aware that in the months of March, June and December 2015 you should make sure you at least place a set of six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon for these months especially if you are not in good health or very stressed and especially for the eldest male of a home or business.

This is just a small part of what you can do to ensure 2015 will be a good year and to further enhance 2015 check out the monthly almanac, flying stars and animal predictions as it not only recommends good and bad days to carry out certain tasks, it will also advise if it is good for your animal sign.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our 2015 advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To disperse the negative effects in 2015, you should hang a set of six Chinese coins tied with red ribbon and a salt water cure in the west and southeast of your home or office this year to control the #5 and #2 stars. For full details on 2015 flying star analysis follow this link. This is very important in 2015 especially if you have a main door, bedroom, office, lounge or other important room in the southeast, west, and south.

West (232.5 - 307.5) is the location and direction of the Three Killings

When at work, you may sit facing the west direction only if this is one of your personal good directions, if not, do not sit with your back to the west in 2015 or you may find unscrupulous people working against you or you may encounter undue gossip and back stabbing during the year. A very powerful enhancer and little known talisman is placing a sheng chi cure with a Sheng chi enhanced crystal, the whole cure then needs to have a thought form charm placed inside and positively empowered with sheng chi energy (this is already applied to the one’s that we sell). I really do love this cure especially as it is a traditional and little known enhancer to only a few Feng Shui masters.

Southwest is where Tai Sui (Grand Duke of Jupiter) resides in 2015

Resides between 202.5º - 217.5º degrees southwest in 2015.

Like the Three Killings, Tai Sui does not like to be disturbed either. The effects of Tai Sui can be good or bad depending on the annual flying stars that coincide with its location.

The traditional Chinese method to appease Tai Sui is to place a Pi Yao or dragon headed tortoise in the northeast sector of the home or office facing the 15º southwest radius where Tai Sui sits. This is so important this year.

Sui Po is located in the Northeast in 2015 (The year breaker)

Sui Po year breaker occupies the division directly opposite Tai Sui Grand Duke, which for 2015 is northeast. You should treat this area the same as the other annual afflictions with no ground-breaking work, renovations or any noisy activities. If disturbed this area can and normally will cause immediate health problems especially for the elderly, so please be very careful. Traditionally to appease Sui Po in a Goat year you need to display a sheng chi cure, we have included one in our 2015 cures kit. If you have to carry out work or emergency repairs in the north place a six hollow metal rod wind chime between the buildings and where the work is being carried out and ideally you should contact a professional Feng Shui Practitioner to select an auspicious date to start the work or consult our Tong Shu date selection software.

2015 Chinese Animal Predictions for the Ox

With the year of the Yin Wood Goat starting on the 19th February 2015, the Ox should prepare early by cleaning their home thoroughly and taking part in all of the other preparations that are associated with Chinese New Year and also by placing the relevant Annual Cures and Enhancers for 2015 as this will be a mixed for the Ox. The year of the Goat welcomes a time of change and during these years; change comes about quickly which the Ox may not be happy about as they tend to enjoy a slightly slower pace although they can benefit from 2015 as there will be important changes and enjoyable moments to share this year.

The Oxen’s career prospects are looking to be a very demanding time during 2015 as there will be a lot of change taking place throughout the year and for Oxen who are well established in a company, they may become frustrated with changes that are happening around them although if they are able to embrace change and adapt quickly in order to stay ahead, they can make progress through the year. The best way to do well during the year of the Goat is to embrace change and do what is asked in the workplace in or you could fall behind.

For Oxen looking to change career or looking for work in general, they may find that the year of the Goat could hinder the Oxen’s efforts. The Ox may find that new openings are somewhat limited this year and the Ox may find it hard to secure a new job but the Ox could secure a good job by looking in to a new area that they have not

yet considered. If the Ox stays determined and acts fast on job opportunities, they could do well to get a new job this year.

The Ox will need to be careful with their finances this year as there Is a risk of overspending and also money going out fast. When dealing with big purchases, please be sure to always seek help from a professional and take a look at the monthly Tong Shu Almanac to better your chances of succeeding in purchases in the year of the Goat. Overall, the year of the Goat is probably not the best time to go out and buy a Ferrari, maybe stick to a nice Fiat instead.

Home life is looking very good for the Ox in 2015 and they will find that they have a lot to do around the home with DIY, hobbies and family life throughout the year. The idea of DIY may sound daunting to some Oxen although you should try to tackle it head on as the Ox is a resourceful and practical person by nature and will often have brilliant and creative ideas on ways to improve their home. Family life will be very good for the Ox this year as they will be able to offer help and advice to those that are close to them and really earn respect and kindness of others in the home.

The Oxen’s social life can be rewarding this year as they will have a list of hobbies and skills that they enjoy doing regularly which helps bring an extended social element to their life. The Ox will receive a lot of help and support from their friends throughout the year and they should give thanks for the help they receive during the year of the Goat as their problems could be solved through the help of a friend. Surround yourself by friends and loved ones throughout the year as the Ox has a slight risk of feeling lonely during 2015.

The Ox will need to pay attention to their health and lifestyle during the year and take plenty of time out for exercise, especially those who have let their health and diet slip during 2014 due to other commitments. The Ox can achieve a lot this year and they should take time out to reflect on their accomplishments and enjoy them throughout the year so that they stay grateful for what they have achieved.

Romance is looking average for the Ox in the year of the Goat and some Oxen may find that it takes time to achieve new relationship steps during the year. Single Oxen can do well to attract a new partner this year but will need to understand that this may take some time and the relationship may move slow but if the attraction is strong, pursue what you are after and this year could turn out rewarding for both single and attached Oxen.

Overall, the year of the Goat will be a mixed year for the Goat with both highs and lows although please do not think that the bad will outweigh the good as even the worst situations can be turned in to the best ones. The Ox should embrace change this year and learn to adapt early in the year to make the most out of 2015. Have a fantastic year of the Goat.

As an Ox you are in affinity with the Rat. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Rat with you at all times throughout the year.

Your lucky sectors: (astrological zone) is the Northeast (22.5º - 37.5º) of the home or office. For full details on 2015 flying star analysis follow this link.

If you are relocating your desk this year to face one of your favourable personal directions, please be aware of the directions and locations of the annual afflictions. If you are unsure of your Gua and best directions follow this link or maybe consider using our Feng Shui software that calculates Gua, Chinese animal including element, flying stars, annual, fixed and monthly and so much more.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To enhance wealth, luck, business and career for the Ox in 2015:

The most influential and imperative cure and enhancer in 2015 is called a Ba Gua Fu Pai Master cure and can only to be used in a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep years, the last time this powerful cure would have been used was in 1955 which was also a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep year. This cure is much needed to enhance and protect wealth in 2015 especially for the males of a home or business.

This authentic traditional Feng Shui cure and enhancer is only known to a few specialist Feng Shui Masters and in the old days and even now in southeast Asia you would need to employ a highly skilled Feng Shui Master (normally costing tens of thousands of pounds) to call at your home or business and the Master would spend hours carving the secret inscriptions onto an earth plate made from the finest slate or marble (earth material only), which would then be placed in the north of your home or business and then setting the three special quartz crystals and two i-ching coins. This would normally cost tens of thousands of pounds and obviously only available to the very rich which is still the case even today in many parts of the world and the reason why we create these powerful cures is so all can afford them at a fraction of the cost. We have been criticised by many Feng Shui Masters over the years as some feel the general public should not have these specialist cures and enhancers.

Each of the rare and valuable semi-precious quartz crystals work in synergy with the inherent element of the Luo Shu Gua Trigrams giving total protection for wealth, health & peace of mind and releasing the #8 star from the inherent powerful energies of the #1 Kan star in the north in 2015 to permeate the whole building.

This is one of the most powerful and commanding cure and enhancer for wealth, health, relationships and protection and because this cure is very important for wealth in 2015 we included it standard in all our 2015 cures and enhancers kit. If you follow this link you will find full details 2015 flying star analysis follow this link.

To enhance romance for the Ox in 2015:

Romance can be enhanced in the northwest and north of your home, click here for further details. Whilst this #4 star is very auspicious, without cures this #4 star can bring both wanted and unwanted romantic opportunities to the household if the cures are not put in place. This is caused by the #4 falling in the chien northwest palace in 2015 and needs a very special Talisman to counterbalance the elements of wood meeting metal which is a destructive cyle. To enhance romance and career in 2015 place this Ba Ying Fu Pai Wish & romance enhancer in the northwest of your home or business, you should also introduce some water colours like shades of blue, black, grey and you can introduce these colours with a doormat, rug, cushion cover, sofa throw, curtains or similar, it really is very easy to do.

Make sure you follow the 2015 Flying Star (Xuan Kong) recommendations. If your office or bedroom is located in one of the directions mentioned, please be aware that in the months of March, June and December 2015 you should make sure you at least place a set of six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon for these months especially if you are not in good health or very stressed and especially for the eldest male of a home or business.

This is just a small part of what you can do to ensure 2015 will be a good year and to further enhance 2015 check out the monthly almanac, flying stars and animal predictions as it not only recommends good and bad days to carry out certain tasks, it will also advise if it is good for your animal sign.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our 2015 advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To disperse the negative effects in 2015, you should hang a set of six Chinese coins tied with red ribbon and a salt water cure in the west and southeast of your home or office this year to control the #5 and #2 stars. For full details on 2015 flying star analysis follow this link. This is very important in 2015 especially if you have a main door, bedroom, office, lounge or other important room in the southeast, west, and south.

West (232.5 - 307.5) is the location and direction of the Three Killings

When at work, you may sit facing the west direction only if this is one of your personal good directions, if not, do not sit with your back to the west in 2015 or you may find unscrupulous people working against you or you may encounter undue gossip and back stabbing during the year. A very powerful enhancer and little known talisman is placing a sheng chi cure with a Sheng chi enhanced crystal, the whole cure then needs to have a thought form charm placed inside and positively empowered with sheng chi energy (this is already applied to the one’s that we sell). I

really do love this cure especially as it is a traditional and little known enhancer to only a few Feng Shui masters.

Southwest is where Tai Sui (Grand Duke of Jupiter) resides in 2015

Resides between 202.5º - 217.5º degrees southwest in 2015.

Like the Three Killings, Tai Sui does not like to be disturbed either. The effects of Tai Sui can be good or bad depending on the annual flying stars that coincide with its location.

The traditional Chinese method to appease Tai Sui is to place a Pi Yao or dragon headed tortoise in the northeast sector of the home or office facing the 15º southwest radius where Tai Sui sits. This is so important this year.

Sui Po is located in the Northeast in 2015 (The year breaker)

Sui Po year breaker occupies the division directly opposite Tai Sui Grand Duke, which for 2015 is northeast. You should treat this area the same as the other annual afflictions with no ground-breaking work, renovations or any noisy activities. If disturbed this area can and normally will cause immediate health problems especially for the elderly, so please be very careful. Traditionally to appease Sui Po in a Goat year you need to display a sheng chi cure, we have included one in our 2015 cures kit. If you have to carry out work or emergency repairs in the north place a six hollow metal rod wind chime between the buildings and where the work is being carried out and ideally you should contact a professional Feng Shui Practitioner to select an auspicious date to start the work or consult our Tong Shu date selection software.

2015 Chinese Animal Predictions for the Tiger

The year of the Goat/Sheep begins on the 19th of February and the Tiger will begin the year to a very good start with a huge amount of ideas and prospects for the year ahead and overall, the year will go well for the Tiger although the year of the Goat can be inconsistent and the Tiger may soon find that some of the hopes and plans they had for 2015 might take a lot more to achieve that they had hoped.

The Tiger takes great satisfaction in planning and this year, the Tiger will be able glad to hear that they will be able to put their plans in to actual in the workplace, The changes that are accustomed to Goat years will take place early in the year which can help the Tiger to offer solutions to any problems that may occur from new practises in the workplace which could help the Tiger to build on their career. The Tiger can sometimes lose interest in new ventures shortly after they start and they will need to remain determined and focused if they wish to do well in the year of the Goat. Focus on one thing at a time and work hard to achieve your goals.

Tigers will need to be mindful of upsetting or annoying colleagues during the year of the Goat and remember to communicate with them regularly throughout the year as there is risk of the Tiger trying to take on too much on their own and tiring themselves out and also being resented by their workmates. Tigers looking to change jobs and those looking for work, the year of the Goat can hold a lot of opportunities for the Tiger and they should be able to secure a new job by using their skills to their advantage. The Tiger could benefit from learning to take on a new role and follow up for job interviews as soon as they can.

The year of the Goat brings great opportunities to travel for the Tiger and they will soon find that their year is becoming very busy and if the Tiger is not careful, they will soon find that they are tiring themselves out due to such a busy schedule in their life. Tigers will need to manage their time carefully if they want to do their best during the year of the Horse.

Finances will require care during 2015 as the Tiger will want to spend their hard earned money and what they enjoy. Please try to avoid making too many spur of the moment purchases during the year and instead, save for events later in the year. Please check your security system at home and work regularly throughout the year and update any locks, alarms and any other security systems that you have in place as there is a risk of theft during the year.

The Tigers home life will be extremely busy during the year of the Goat and Tigers will need to arrange time for spending it with their loved ones or there could soon be a lack of communication between family members which could lead to arguments and upset. With the Tigers keen attitude to take on new plans, they may find themselves starting many new projects in their home in the year of the Goat and they could make some amazing improvements but please remember to take on one project at a time or you could soon end up with half painted bedrooms and half-finished decking.

The year of the Goat is looking very good for the Tigers social life and they can enjoy many great events with friends and family and they will be able to make new friends with ease throughout the year. Changes that have been brought from the year of the Goat will bring a lot of new situations in to the Tigers life and they will be able to meet new people due to this. The Tiger will need to remain aware of their friends feeling throughout 2015 as there is risk of causing upset and getting in to disagreements if the Tiger does not learn to show compassion to their friends and loved ones.

Romance is looking good for the Tiger this year and they will be able to enjoy some great moments, including travel if they are in a relationship. Remember to spend quality time with your loved one this year and show your appreciation for your partner throughout 2015 and always talk about your problems or you could easily find yourself in disagreements. Tigers looking for love will be glad to hear that the year of the Goat is one of the best years for them to find their future partner so stay dedicated in finding love this year.

Overall, this is looking to be a good year for the Tiger and one where they can achieve a lot if they remember to stick to one project at a time. There will be complications throughout the year but do not let them break your spirit. Enjoy a fantastic year of the Goat.

You are in affinity with the Pig/Boar. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Pig.

Your lucky sector: (astrological zone) is the Northeast (52.5º – 67.5º) of the home or office. For full details on 2015 flying star analysis follow this link.

If you are relocating your desk this year to face one of your favourable personal directions, please be aware of the directions and locations of the annual afflictions. If you are unsure of your Gua and best directions follow this link or maybe consider using our Feng Shui software that calculates Gua, Chinese animal including element, flying stars, annual, fixed and monthly and so much more.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To enhance wealth, luck, business and career for the Tiger in 2015:

The most influential and imperative cure and enhancer in 2015 is called a Ba Gua Fu Pai Master cure and can only to be used in a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep years, the last time this powerful cure would have been used was in 1955 which was also a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep year. This cure is much needed to enhance and protect wealth in 2015 especially for the males of a home or business.

This authentic traditional Feng Shui cure and enhancer is only known to a few specialist Feng Shui Masters and in the old days and even now in southeast Asia you would need to employ a highly skilled Feng Shui Master (normally costing tens of thousands of pounds) to call at your home or business and the Master would spend hours carving the secret inscriptions onto an earth plate made from the finest slate or marble (earth material only), which would then be placed in the north of your home or business and then setting the three special quartz crystals and two i-ching coins. This would normally cost tens of thousands of pounds and obviously only available to the very rich which is still the case even today in many parts of the world and the reason why we create these powerful cures is so all can afford them at a fraction of the cost. We have been criticised by many Feng Shui Masters over the years as some feel the general public should not have these specialist cures and enhancers.

Each of the rare and valuable semi-precious quartz crystals work in synergy with the inherent element of the Luo Shu Gua Trigrams giving total protection for wealth,

health & peace of mind and releasing the #8 star from the inherent powerful energies of the #1 Kan star in the north in 2015 to permeate the whole building.

This is one of the most powerful and commanding cure and enhancer for wealth, health, relationships and protection and because this cure is very important for wealth in 2015 we included it standard in all our 2015 cures and enhancers kit. If you follow this link you will find full details 2015 flying star analysis follow this link.

To enhance romance for the Tiger in 2015:

Romance can be enhanced in the northwest and north of your home, click here for further details. Whilst this #4 star is very auspicious, without cures this #4 star can bring both wanted and unwanted romantic opportunities to the household if the cures are not put in place. This is caused by the #4 falling in the chien northwest palace in 2015 and needs a very special Talisman to counterbalance the elements of wood meeting metal which is a destructive cyle. To enhance romance and career in 2015 place this Ba Ying Fu Pai Wish & romance enhancer in the northwest of your home or business, you should also introduce some water colours like shades of blue, black, grey and you can introduce these colours with a doormat, rug, cushion cover, sofa throw, curtains or similar, it really is very easy to do.

Make sure you follow the 2015 Flying Star (Xuan Kong) recommendations. If your office or bedroom is located in one of the directions mentioned, please be aware that in the months of March, June and December 2015 you should make sure you at least place a set of six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon for these months especially if you are not in good health or very stressed and especially for the eldest male of a home or business.

This is just a small part of what you can do to ensure 2015 will be a good year and to further enhance 2015 check out the monthly almanac, flying stars and animal predictions as it not only recommends good and bad days to carry out certain tasks, it will also advise if it is good for your animal sign.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our 2015 advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To disperse the negative effects in 2015, you should hang a set of six Chinese coins tied with red ribbon and a salt water cure in the west and southeast of your home or office this year to control the #5 and #2 stars. For full details on 2015 flying star analysis follow this link. This is very important in 2015 especially if you have a main door, bedroom, office, lounge or other important room in the southeast, west, and south.

West (232.5 - 307.5) is the location and direction of the Three Killings

When at work, you may sit facing the west direction only if this is one of your personal good directions, if not, do not sit with your back to the west in 2015 or you may find unscrupulous people working against you or you may encounter undue gossip and back stabbing during the year. A very powerful enhancer and little known talisman is placing a sheng chi cure with a Sheng chi enhanced crystal, the whole cure then needs to have a thought form charm placed inside and positively empowered with sheng chi energy (this is already applied to the one’s that we sell). I really do love this cure especially as it is a traditional and little known enhancer to only a few Feng Shui masters.

Southwest is where Tai Sui (Grand Duke of Jupiter) resides in 2015

Resides between 202.5º - 217.5º degrees southwest in 2015.

Like the Three Killings, Tai Sui does not like to be disturbed either. The effects of Tai Sui can be good or bad depending on the annual flying stars that coincide with its location.

The traditional Chinese method to appease Tai Sui is to place a Pi Yao or dragon headed tortoise in the northeast sector of the home or office facing the 15º southwest radius where Tai Sui sits. This is so important this year.

Sui Po is located in the Northeast in 2015 (The year breaker)

Sui Po year breaker occupies the division directly opposite Tai Sui Grand Duke, which for 2015 is northeast. You should treat this area the same as the other annual afflictions with no ground-breaking work, renovations or any noisy activities. If disturbed this area can and normally will cause immediate health problems especially for the elderly, so please be very careful. Traditionally to appease Sui Po in a Goat year you need to display a sheng chi cure, we have included one in our 2015 cures kit. If you have to carry out work or emergency repairs in the north place a six hollow metal rod wind chime between the buildings and where the work is being carried out and ideally you should contact a professional Feng Shui Practitioner to select an auspicious date to start the work or consult our Tong Shu date selection software.

2015 Chinese Animal Predictions for the Rabbit

The year of the Goat begins on 19th February 2015 and I am sure that all Rabbits will be glad to hear that the year of the Goat is looking a lot more encouraging for them with many aspects of their life looking favourable.

The Rabbits career are particularly looking good this year and their skills and resourcefulness should help them prove themselves a lot throughout the year to their peers and hopefully gain recognition in their workplace. There will be a lot of Rabbits

who have recently changed roles in their company and they could be given the chance to shine and really prove their value in the company by being given an important task during the year of the Goat; this is worth dedicating some time on if they are given an opportunity as this will help pay off in other aspects such as their finances which I will discuss shortly.

Rabbits looking for work can see a lot of developments this year and they would be wise to seek advice from anyone who can be of help to them; this could be from a friend or former colleague that knows more about the role of company. If the Rabbit is quick to apply and shows a lot of initiative, they could soon find that they are in a very good position and are soon climbing the ladder of success.

With a lot of progress taking place in the year of the Goat, the Rabbit should soon notice a rise in finances which will be welcomed in although the Rabbit will have to remain careful with how they spend their money throughout the year. It is best to carefully consider major purchases in 2015 and consult the Tong Shu Almanac software or book as this will give you the best dates to make big investments and purchases.

The Rabbits social life is looking promising and their personal interests will bring a lot of joy to them during the year of the Goat and they will have a lot of opportunities to pursue their hobbies and take on a lot of tasks at home which the Rabbit will find satisfying. The Rabbits social life is particularly good this year and they will have the chance to make some new friends with their busy social calendar during the year. Old friends of the Rabbit will provide a lot of support and joy in 2015 and there will be chances to strengthen existing relationships and also mend broken relationships; forgiving and forgetting is a good approach to take this year. With the closing months of 2014 being so stressful, the Rabbit may start the year of the Goat with a low expectation of the year although joining in the activities around them will soon lift their spirits and help them to discover the opportunities around them and it will also help with the other aspects of their life.

Romance is looking very good for the Rabbit in 2015 and they should be able to find new love in the year of the Goat easily if they are active in activities and social gatherings. This is very much a year of love for the Rabbit and those in an existing relationship can really strengthen their relationship with their loved one.

Home life will be very rewarding for the Rabbit this year and they will be keen to make a lot of improvements in their home and also enjoy some quality time with their family which will bring a lot of happiness in to the Rabbits life throughout the year. The Rabbits home life will be busy during the year but also very satisfying and they would benefit from a trip somewhere with the family.

Overall, this is looking to be a fantastic year for the Rabbit and also one where they can achieve a huge amount and also enjoy a fantastic year with friends and loved ones. The Rabbit will need to check over paperwork and fine print in order to avoid mistakes but this is looking to be a great year. Have a fantastic year of the Goat.

You are in affinity with the Dog. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Dog.

Your lucky sector: (astrological zone) is the East (82.5º – 97.5º) of the home or office. For more information on the Flying Stars click here.

If you are relocating your desk this year to face one of your favourable personal directions, please be aware of the directions and locations of the annual afflictions. If you are unsure of your Gua and best directions follow this link or maybe consider using our Feng Shui software that calculates Gua, Chinese animal including element, flying stars, annual, fixed and monthly and so much more.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To enhance wealth, luck, business and career for the Rabbit in 2015:

The most influential and imperative cure and enhancer in 2015 is called a Ba Gua Fu Pai Master cure and can only to be used in a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep years, the last time this powerful cure would have been used was in 1955 which was also a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep year. This cure is much needed to enhance and protect wealth in 2015 especially for the males of a home or business.

This authentic traditional Feng Shui cure and enhancer is only known to a few specialist Feng Shui Masters and in the old days and even now in southeast Asia you would need to employ a highly skilled Feng Shui Master (normally costing tens of thousands of pounds) to call at your home or business and the Master would spend hours carving the secret inscriptions onto an earth plate made from the finest slate or marble (earth material only), which would then be placed in the north of your home or business and then setting the three special quartz crystals and two i-ching coins. This would normally cost tens of thousands of pounds and obviously only available to the very rich which is still the case even today in many parts of the world and the reason why we create these powerful cures is so all can afford them at a fraction of the cost. We have been criticised by many Feng Shui Masters over the years as some feel the general public should not have these specialist cures and enhancers.

Each of the rare and valuable semi-precious quartz crystals work in synergy with the inherent element of the Luo Shu Gua Trigrams giving total protection for wealth, health & peace of mind and releasing the #8 star from the inherent powerful energies of the #1 Kan star in the north in 2015 to permeate the whole building.

This is one of the most powerful and commanding cure and enhancer for wealth, health, relationships and protection and because this cure is very important for wealth in 2015 we included it standard in all our 2015 cures and enhancers kit.

If you follow this link you will find full details 2015 flying star analysis follow this link.

To enhance romance for the Rabbit in 2015:

Romance can be enhanced in the northwest and north of your home, click here for further details. Whilst this #4 star is very auspicious, without cures this #4 star can bring both wanted and unwanted romantic opportunities to the household if the cures are not put in place. This is caused by the #4 falling in the chien northwest palace in 2015 and needs a very special Talisman to counterbalance the elements of wood meeting metal which is a destructive cyle. To enhance romance and career in 2015 place this Ba Ying Fu Pai Wish & romance enhancer in the northwest of your home or business, you should also introduce some water colours like shades of blue, black, grey and you can introduce these colours with a doormat, rug, cushion cover, sofa throw, curtains or similar, it really is very easy to do.

Make sure you follow the 2015 Flying Star (Xuan Kong) recommendations. If your office or bedroom is located in one of the directions mentioned, please be aware that in the months of March, June and December 2015 you should make sure you at least place a set of six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon for these months especially if you are not in good health or very stressed and especially for the eldest male of a home or business.

This is just a small part of what you can do to ensure 2015 will be a good year and to further enhance 2015 check out the monthly almanac, flying stars and animal predictions as it not only recommends good and bad days to carry out certain tasks, it will also advise if it is good for your animal sign.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our 2015 advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To disperse the negative effects in 2015, you should hang a set of six Chinese coins tied with red ribbon and a salt water cure in the west and southeast of your home or office this year to control the #5 and #2 stars. For full details on 2015 flying star analysis follow this link. This is very important in 2015 especially if you have a main door, bedroom, office, lounge or other important room in the southeast, west, and south.

West (232.5 - 307.5) is the location and direction of the Three Killings

When at work, you may sit facing the west direction only if this is one of your personal good directions, if not, do not sit with your back to the west in 2015 or you may find unscrupulous people working against you or you may encounter undue gossip and back stabbing during the year. A very powerful enhancer and little known

talisman is placing a sheng chi cure with a Sheng chi enhanced crystal, the whole cure then needs to have a thought form charm placed inside and positively empowered with sheng chi energy (this is already applied to the one’s that we sell). I really do love this cure especially as it is a traditional and little known enhancer to only a few Feng Shui masters.

Southwest is where Tai Sui (Grand Duke of Jupiter) resides in 2015

Resides between 202.5º - 217.5º degrees southwest in 2015.

Like the Three Killings, Tai Sui does not like to be disturbed either. The effects of Tai Sui can be good or bad depending on the annual flying stars that coincide with its location.

The traditional Chinese method to appease Tai Sui is to place a Pi Yao or dragon headed tortoise in the northeast sector of the home or office facing the 15º southwest radius where Tai Sui sits. This is so important this year.

Sui Po is located in the Northeast in 2015 (The year breaker)

Sui Po year breaker occupies the division directly opposite Tai Sui Grand Duke, which for 2015 is northeast. You should treat this area the same as the other annual afflictions with no ground-breaking work, renovations or any noisy activities. If disturbed this area can and normally will cause immediate health problems especially for the elderly, so please be very careful. Traditionally to appease Sui Po in a Goat year you need to display a sheng chi cure, we have included one in our 2015 cures kit. If you have to carry out work or emergency repairs in the north place a six hollow metal rod wind chime between the buildings and where the work is being carried out and ideally you should contact a professional Feng Shui Practitioner to select an auspicious date to start the work or consult our Tong Shu date selection software.

2015 Chinese Animal Predictions for the Dragon

With the year of the Goat starting on 19th February, the Dragon could soon find that 2015 is turning out to be an inconsistent time for them with a lot of change happening throughout the year. The year of the Goat will have its benefits to the Dragon and an overall balance of life will be good in 2015 although the year of the Goat should be seen as a year for the Dragon to approach with some caution.

As far as the Dragons career is concerned during 2015, the year of the Yin Wood Goat, this can be a rewarding year for those who are looking to work on their current position and give 100% in to their work. This new dedication to their role in their workplace can bring brilliant results in to the Dragons life. The Dragon can benefit during the year by taking on some training and extra assignments in order to gain recognition in their workplace. Dragons looking to change roles in their work place could find that their efforts are hindered by the year of the Goat.

Dragons seeking employment or looking to change career paths may also find that 2015 could be a challenging year and finding employment or a new career could become quite a daunting experience although the Dragon is a very headstrong person and their determination could help them to secure a good position in a good company if they are driven to do well.

The year of the Goat/Sheep can be a fantastic year for the Dragon to pursue their interests and hobbies and the best way to get the most of this is to focus on their existing hobbies and interests and make the most of them and then progress through the year to new hobbies. The Dragon can do well this year from learning new skills and taking on new challenges. The year of the Goat can help the Dragon achieve great personal gains this year be it their fitness, a hobby or personal development.

Travel is very well favoured for the Dragon in 2015 and a vacation or two during the year could really benefit the Dragon and give them such much needed time to themselves or with loved ones. The Dragon does not have to travel thousands of miles to enjoy the benefits that travelling has to offer in 2015; a simple trip for the weekend can still bring great enjoyment and relaxation to the Dragon during the year of the Goat.

The Dragon can look forward to a very enjoyable social life with a great deal going on throughout the year and this will bring a lot of joy and memorable moments in to the Dragons life in 2015. The Dragon will find it very easy to make new friends in the year of the Goat and will enjoy a strong bond with existing friends. Single Dragons can look forward to a promising year with the chance of meeting a good partner with the potential of a strong bond forming. For attached Dragons, this year will be very satisfying with little problems.

Family life for the Dragon will be rewarding and the Dragon will enjoy the support that they receive in their home as Goat years favour joint efforts so if the Dragon is able to work alongside their family on projects.

The year of the Goat will be a busy time for the Dragon and resources may become limited at time which also includes finances with the Dragon potentially planning a trip or two and also a busy social life, this could be a costly year for the Dragon and some planning and discipline will be needed. Please be sure to check over credit card statements and hunt around for better deals when making big purchases. Without a certain level of discipline in the Dragons spending, they could end up losing money in 2015 so please be careful with this matter.

Overall, the year of the Goat is looking to be a good year for the Dragon although some discipline will be needed throughout the year as the Dragon likes to take a lot on at the same time. Have a fantastic year of the Goat.

You are in affinity with the Rooster. For enhancement keep a key chain pendant of a Rooster on you.

Your lucky sector: (astrological zone) is the Southeast (112.5º – 127.5º) of the home or office. Although the southeast is your astrological zone. For full information on the 2015 Flying Stars click here.

If you are relocating your desk this year to face one of your favourable personal directions, please be aware of the directions and locations of the annual afflictions. If you are unsure of your Gua and best directions follow this link or maybe consider using our Feng Shui software that calculates Gua, Chinese animal including element, flying stars, annual, fixed and monthly and so much more.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To enhance wealth, luck, business and career for the Dragon in 2015:

The most influential and imperative cure and enhancer in 2015 is called a Ba Gua Fu Pai Master cure and can only to be used in a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep years, the last time this powerful cure would have been used was in 1955 which was also a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep year. This cure is much needed to enhance and protect wealth in 2015 especially for the males of a home or business.

This authentic traditional Feng Shui cure and enhancer is only known to a few specialist Feng Shui Masters and in the old days and even now in southeast Asia you would need to employ a highly skilled Feng Shui Master (normally costing tens of thousands of pounds) to call at your home or business and the Master would spend hours carving the secret inscriptions onto an earth plate made from the finest slate or marble (earth material only), which would then be placed in the north of your home or business and then setting the three special quartz crystals and two i-ching coins. This would normally cost tens of thousands of pounds and obviously only available to the very rich which is still the case even today in many parts of the world and the reason why we create these powerful cures is so all can afford them at a fraction of the cost. We have been criticised by many Feng Shui Masters over the years as some feel the general public should not have these specialist cures and enhancers.

Each of the rare and valuable semi-precious quartz crystals work in synergy with the inherent element of the Luo Shu Gua Trigrams giving total protection for wealth, health & peace of mind and releasing the #8 star from the inherent powerful energies of the #1 Kan star in the north in 2015 to permeate the whole building.

This is one of the most powerful and commanding cure and enhancer for wealth, health, relationships and protection and because this cure is very important for wealth in 2015 we included it standard in all our 2015 cures and enhancers kit. If you follow this link you will find full details 2015 flying star analysis follow this link.

To enhance romance for the Dragon in 2015:

Romance can be enhanced in the northwest and north of your home, click here for further details. Whilst this #4 star is very auspicious, without cures this #4 star can bring both wanted and unwanted romantic opportunities to the household if the cures are not put in place. This is caused by the #4 falling in the chien northwest palace in 2015 and needs a very special Talisman to counterbalance the elements of wood meeting metal which is a destructive cyle. To enhance romance and career in 2015 place this Ba Ying Fu Pai Wish & romance enhancer in the northwest of your home or business, you should also introduce some water colours like shades of blue, black, grey and you can introduce these colours with a doormat, rug, cushion cover, sofa throw, curtains or similar, it really is very easy to do.

Make sure you follow the 2015 Flying Star (Xuan Kong) recommendations. If your office or bedroom is located in one of the directions mentioned, please be aware that in the months of March, June and December 2015 you should make sure you at least place a set of six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon for these months especially if you are not in good health or very stressed and especially for the eldest male of a home or business.

This is just a small part of what you can do to ensure 2015 will be a good year and to further enhance 2015 check out the monthly almanac, flying stars and animal predictions as it not only recommends good and bad days to carry out certain tasks, it will also advise if it is good for your animal sign.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our 2015 advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To disperse the negative effects in 2015, you should hang a set of six Chinese coins tied with red ribbon and a salt water cure in the west and southeast of your home or office this year to control the #5 and #2 stars. For full details on 2015 flying star analysis follow this link. This is very important in 2015 especially if you have a main door, bedroom, office, lounge or other important room in the southeast, west, and south.

West (232.5 - 307.5) is the location and direction of the Three Killings

When at work, you may sit facing the west direction only if this is one of your personal good directions, if not, do not sit with your back to the west in 2015 or you may find unscrupulous people working against you or you may encounter undue gossip and back stabbing during the year. A very powerful enhancer and little known talisman is placing a sheng chi cure with a Sheng chi enhanced crystal, the whole cure then needs to have a thought form charm placed inside and positively empowered with sheng chi energy (this is already applied to the one’s that we sell). I

really do love this cure especially as it is a traditional and little known enhancer to only a few Feng Shui masters.

Southwest is where Tai Sui (Grand Duke of Jupiter) resides in 2015

Resides between 202.5º - 217.5º degrees southwest in 2015.

Like the Three Killings, Tai Sui does not like to be disturbed either. The effects of Tai Sui can be good or bad depending on the annual flying stars that coincide with its location.

The traditional Chinese method to appease Tai Sui is to place a Pi Yao or dragon headed tortoise in the northeast sector of the home or office facing the 15º southwest radius where Tai Sui sits. This is so important this year.

Sui Po is located in the Northeast in 2015 (The year breaker)

Sui Po year breaker occupies the division directly opposite Tai Sui Grand Duke, which for 2015 is northeast. You should treat this area the same as the other annual afflictions with no ground-breaking work, renovations or any noisy activities. If disturbed this area can and normally will cause immediate health problems especially for the elderly, so please be very careful. Traditionally to appease Sui Po in a Goat year you need to display a sheng chi cure, we have included one in our 2015 cures kit. If you have to carry out work or emergency repairs in the north place a six hollow metal rod wind chime between the buildings and where the work is being carried out and ideally you should contact a professional Feng Shui Practitioner to select an auspicious date to start the work or consult our Tong Shu date selection software.

2015 Chinese Animal Predictions for the Snake

With the challenges from the year of the Horse out of the way, the Snake can begin the year of the Goat with high hopes knowing that 2015 will be a beneficial year for them. The year of the Goat enjoys resourcefulness and the Snakes vast skillset and knowledge will serve them well throughout the year.

In the workplace, the Snake will be keen to make the most of any opportunities given to them during the year and there will be many times where the Snake will be able to prove their skills and talents which can help them to further their position in their career. The Snake may find that there will be a few setbacks during the year although with a sense of determination, the Snake can come out of this and really strengthen their skills.

Snakes looking to change career and those looking for work in general should find that the year of the Goat brings a lot of opportunities for the Snake and they could soon find themselves securing a position in a good company. Older Snakes looking for similar positions that they are experienced in could find that their reputation can

help them find employment quickly although there could be problems if you have 30 Snakes all going for the same job. If the Snake remains vigilant in looking for new positions opening up, they can do very well in the year of the Goat.

Finances are looking promising for the snake this year and if the Snake is able to manage their money well, they could enjoy making some big purchases this year and go ahead with ideas and plans that they want to take part in their personal life and also their home. Investing money or putting money in to a savings account would benefit the Snake this year although they will need to seek professional advice on high value investments during the year.

One area of the Snakes life that will require some care this year is their mental and physical health; the Snake will need to keep an active lifestyle and try to keep a healthy diet as much as possible although I would be lying if I said that I will be avoiding all fast food this year, I will be trying to keep junk food to a minimum though. Joining in group sports could help the Snakes social life reach new levels so try to get involved in a local sport team or gym if possible.

The snake can sometimes be very selective when choosing new friends although they would benefit from getting involved in social events and being more open with people as they could make some lifelong friends during the year of the Goat; this also applies to relationships of the heart as new romance is predicted for unattached Snakes. If new love begins to blossom this year, be sure to let it grow naturally and do not try to rush or force as this could have an adverse effect.

The Snakes home life and they can enjoy a lot of moments with their loved ones and family throughout the year. The Snake may find that plans can change quickly in 2015 and would benefit from working around them rather than worrying too much about it. The Snake can achieve a lot around their home this year if they remain open to changes.

Overall, this is looking to be a very good year for the Snake and one where they can make particular headway in their career which will, in result, bring new finances in to their life. Have a fantastic year of the Goat.

You are in affinity with the Monkey. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Monkey.

Your lucky sector: (astrological zone) is the Southeast (142.5º – 157.5º) of the home or office. For full details on the 2015 Flying Stars click here.

If you are relocating your desk this year to face one of your favourable personal directions, please be aware of the directions and locations of the annual afflictions. If you are unsure of your Gua and best directions follow this link or maybe consider using our Feng Shui software that calculates Gua, Chinese animal including element, flying stars, annual, fixed and monthly and so much more.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To enhance wealth, luck, business and career for the Snake in 2015:

The most influential and imperative cure and enhancer in 2015 is called a Ba Gua Fu Pai Master cure and can only to be used in a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep years, the last time this powerful cure would have been used was in 1955 which was also a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep year. This cure is much needed to enhance and protect wealth in 2015 especially for the males of a home or business.

This authentic traditional Feng Shui cure and enhancer is only known to a few specialist Feng Shui Masters and in the old days and even now in southeast Asia you would need to employ a highly skilled Feng Shui Master (normally costing tens of thousands of pounds) to call at your home or business and the Master would spend hours carving the secret inscriptions onto an earth plate made from the finest slate or marble (earth material only), which would then be placed in the north of your home or business and then setting the three special quartz crystals and two i-ching coins. This would normally cost tens of thousands of pounds and obviously only available to the very rich which is still the case even today in many parts of the world and the reason why we create these powerful cures is so all can afford them at a fraction of the cost. We have been criticised by many Feng Shui Masters over the years as some feel the general public should not have these specialist cures and enhancers.

Each of the rare and valuable semi-precious quartz crystals work in synergy with the inherent element of the Luo Shu Gua Trigrams giving total protection for wealth, health & peace of mind and releasing the #8 star from the inherent powerful energies of the #1 Kan star in the north in 2015 to permeate the whole building.

This is one of the most powerful and commanding cure and enhancer for wealth, health, relationships and protection and because this cure is very important for wealth in 2015 we included it standard in all our 2015 cures and enhancers kit. If you follow this link you will find full details 2015 flying star analysis follow this link.

To enhance romance for the Snake in 2015:

Romance can be enhanced in the northwest and north of your home, click here for further details. Whilst this #4 star is very auspicious, without cures this #4 star can bring both wanted and unwanted romantic opportunities to the household if the cures are not put in place. This is caused by the #4 falling in the chien northwest palace in 2015 and needs a very special Talisman to counterbalance the elements of wood meeting metal which is a destructive cyle. To enhance romance and career in 2015 place this Ba Ying Fu Pai Wish & romance enhancer in the northwest of your

home or business, you should also introduce some water colours like shades of blue, black, grey and you can introduce these colours with a doormat, rug, cushion cover, sofa throw, curtains or similar, it really is very easy to do.

Make sure you follow the 2015 Flying Star (Xuan Kong) recommendations. If your office or bedroom is located in one of the directions mentioned, please be aware that in the months of March, June and December 2015 you should make sure you at least place a set of six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon for these months especially if you are not in good health or very stressed and especially for the eldest male of a home or business.

This is just a small part of what you can do to ensure 2015 will be a good year and to further enhance 2015 check out the monthly almanac, flying stars and animal predictions as it not only recommends good and bad days to carry out certain tasks, it will also advise if it is good for your animal sign.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our 2015 advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To disperse the negative effects in 2015, you should hang a set of six Chinese coins tied with red ribbon and a salt water cure in the west and southeast of your home or office this year to control the #5 and #2 stars. For full details on 2015 flying star analysis follow this link. This is very important in 2015 especially if you have a main door, bedroom, office, lounge or other important room in the southeast, west, and south.

West (232.5 - 307.5) is the location and direction of the Three Killings

When at work, you may sit facing the west direction only if this is one of your personal good directions, if not, do not sit with your back to the west in 2015 or you may find unscrupulous people working against you or you may encounter undue gossip and back stabbing during the year. A very powerful enhancer and little known talisman is placing a sheng chi cure with a Sheng chi enhanced crystal, the whole cure then needs to have a thought form charm placed inside and positively empowered with sheng chi energy (this is already applied to the one’s that we sell). I really do love this cure especially as it is a traditional and little known enhancer to only a few Feng Shui masters.

Southwest is where Tai Sui (Grand Duke of Jupiter) resides in 2015

Resides between 202.5º - 217.5º degrees southwest in 2015.

Like the Three Killings, Tai Sui does not like to be disturbed either. The effects of Tai Sui can be good or bad depending on the annual flying stars that coincide with its location.

The traditional Chinese method to appease Tai Sui is to place a Pi Yao or dragon headed tortoise in the northeast sector of the home or office facing the 15º southwest radius where Tai Sui sits. This is so important this year.

Sui Po is located in the Northeast in 2015 (The year breaker)

Sui Po year breaker occupies the division directly opposite Tai Sui Grand Duke, which for 2015 is northeast. You should treat this area the same as the other annual afflictions with no ground-breaking work, renovations or any noisy activities. If disturbed this area can and normally will cause immediate health problems especially for the elderly, so please be very careful. Traditionally to appease Sui Po in a Goat year you need to display a sheng chi cure, we have included one in our 2015 cures kit. If you have to carry out work or emergency repairs in the north place a six hollow metal rod wind chime between the buildings and where the work is being carried out and ideally you should contact a professional Feng Shui Practitioner to select an auspicious date to start the work or consult our Tong Shu date selection software.

2015 Chinese Animal Predictions for the Horse

The year of the Goat should be a beneficial one for the Horse and they can accomplish a lot throughout the year; they should find that they are able to focus on the tasks at hand and really do well at the tasks they give 100% to. The Horse would benefit from making a list of what they want to achieve and participate in during the year of the Goat and try to focus on one or two projects at a time. This really is a year of progress for the Horse and if they put their mind to it, they can achieve a great deal.

Work life will be very good for the Horse this year, they may find that certain skills that they hold have been previously unrecognised by their peers and in 2015, they should be given the chance to showcase these and advance in the current role to be given a lot more responsibility in the company. Career should be seen as an investment in time this year as the year of the Goat can help the Horse set some very promising foundations for future success in their career.

Horses looking for employment or those looking for a fresh start in a new career could find that by exploring different options or taking on a new role can lead to good things. The year of the Goat favours progress and this is where the Horse can excel.

Finances can be increased due to advancements in the workplace this year for the Horse although the year of the Goat can be an expensive time for the Horse and they will need to remain disciplined in their spending as there may be a lot of expenses throughout the year including holidays.

If there are any Horses who have been looking to move home lately, the year of the Goat can help make this a successful and easy experience but please check the Tong Shu Almanac software or book to find the best date to do so. As with any house purchase, this could be a long process and would be best to do before the end of the year. If moving home is out of the picture for the Horse, renovations and improvements could excite the Horse this year although this could be an expensive and time consuming project so please be sure to consult family and take their opinions in to consideration before starting anything.

The year of the Goat is looking to be a very busy time for the Horse and they will need to take time out for exercise and healthy eating or they could soon find that they have left no room for exercise and hobbies and living on fast food with a lot of other tasks taking up their free time and maybe even due to a lack of kitchen due to a home move. The Horse should remember to set time aside for what makes them happy.

Socially, this will be a very busy year for the Horse and they may find that a lot of their personal hobbies and interests are adding to their social calendar with new friends being made through joining a gym or a sport team if they make time for fitness. The Horse will spend time with close friends and will take great pleasure from doing this.

Romance is looking very good for the Horse and they may find that their bond with loved ones is a lot stronger this year. The Horse will need to take their partners thoughts in to account in projects or arguments could soon arise. For the unattached, the year of the Goat could hold exciting new romance although try not to rush a new relationship.

Overall this is looking to be a great year for the Horse and one where they can accomplish a great deal in all aspects of their life. The Horse will need to consult others and take time out for regular exercise and try to stick to a good diet to make this a fantastic year. Have a great year of the Goat.

You are in affinity with the Sheep/Goat. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Goat.

Your lucky sector: (astrological zone) is the South (172.5º – 187.5º) of the home or office. For full details on 2015 flying star analysis follow this link.

If you are relocating your desk this year to face one of your favourable personal directions, please be aware of the directions and locations of the annual afflictions. If you are unsure of your Gua and best directions follow this link or maybe consider using our Feng Shui software that calculates Gua, Chinese animal including element, flying stars, annual, fixed and monthly and so much more.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this

with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To enhance wealth, luck, business and career for the Horse in 2015:

The most influential and imperative cure and enhancer in 2015 is called a Ba Gua Fu Pai Master cure and can only to be used in a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep years, the last time this powerful cure would have been used was in 1955 which was also a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep year. This cure is much needed to enhance and protect wealth in 2015 especially for the males of a home or business.

This authentic traditional Feng Shui cure and enhancer is only known to a few specialist Feng Shui Masters and in the old days and even now in southeast Asia you would need to employ a highly skilled Feng Shui Master (normally costing tens of thousands of pounds) to call at your home or business and the Master would spend hours carving the secret inscriptions onto an earth plate made from the finest slate or marble (earth material only), which would then be placed in the north of your home or business and then setting the three special quartz crystals and two i-ching coins. This would normally cost tens of thousands of pounds and obviously only available to the very rich which is still the case even today in many parts of the world and the reason why we create these powerful cures is so all can afford them at a fraction of the cost. We have been criticised by many Feng Shui Masters over the years as some feel the general public should not have these specialist cures and enhancers.

Each of the rare and valuable semi-precious quartz crystals work in synergy with the inherent element of the Luo Shu Gua Trigrams giving total protection for wealth, health & peace of mind and releasing the #8 star from the inherent powerful energies of the #1 Kan star in the north in 2015 to permeate the whole building.

This is one of the most powerful and commanding cure and enhancer for wealth, health, relationships and protection and because this cure is very important for wealth in 2015 we included it standard in all our 2015 cures and enhancers kit. If you follow this link you will find full details 2015 flying star analysis follow this link.

To enhance romance for the Horse in 2015:

Romance can be enhanced in the northwest and north of your home, click here for further details. Whilst this #4 star is very auspicious, without cures this #4 star can bring both wanted and unwanted romantic opportunities to the household if the cures are not put in place. This is caused by the #4 falling in the chien northwest palace in 2015 and needs a very special Talisman to counterbalance the elements of wood meeting metal which is a destructive cyle. To enhance romance and career in 2015 place this Ba Ying Fu Pai Wish & romance enhancer in the northwest of your home or business, you should also introduce some water colours like shades of blue, black, grey and you can introduce these colours with a doormat, rug, cushion cover, sofa throw, curtains or similar, it really is very easy to do.

Make sure you follow the 2015 Flying Star (Xuan Kong) recommendations. If your office or bedroom is located in one of the directions mentioned, please be aware that in the months of March, June and December 2015 you should make sure you at least place a set of six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon for these months especially if you are not in good health or very stressed and especially for the eldest male of a home or business.

This is just a small part of what you can do to ensure 2015 will be a good year and to further enhance 2015 check out the monthly almanac, flying stars and animal predictions as it not only recommends good and bad days to carry out certain tasks, it will also advise if it is good for your animal sign.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our 2015 advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To disperse the negative effects in 2015, you should hang a set of six Chinese coins tied with red ribbon and a salt water cure in the west and southeast of your home or office this year to control the #5 and #2 stars. For full details on 2015 flying star analysis follow this link. This is very important in 2015 especially if you have a main door, bedroom, office, lounge or other important room in the southeast, west, and south.

West (232.5 - 307.5) is the location and direction of the Three Killings

When at work, you may sit facing the west direction only if this is one of your personal good directions, if not, do not sit with your back to the west in 2015 or you may find unscrupulous people working against you or you may encounter undue gossip and back stabbing during the year. A very powerful enhancer and little known talisman is placing a sheng chi cure with a Sheng chi enhanced crystal, the whole cure then needs to have a thought form charm placed inside and positively empowered with sheng chi energy (this is already applied to the one’s that we sell). I really do love this cure especially as it is a traditional and little known enhancer to only a few Feng Shui masters.

Southwest is where Tai Sui (Grand Duke of Jupiter) resides in 2015

Resides between 202.5º - 217.5º degrees southwest in 2015.

Like the Three Killings, Tai Sui does not like to be disturbed either. The effects of Tai Sui can be good or bad depending on the annual flying stars that coincide with its location.

The traditional Chinese method to appease Tai Sui is to place a Pi Yao or dragon headed tortoise in the northeast sector of the home or office facing the 15º southwest radius where Tai Sui sits. This is so important this year.

Sui Po is located in the Northeast in 2015 (The year breaker)

Sui Po year breaker occupies the division directly opposite Tai Sui Grand Duke, which for 2015 is northeast. You should treat this area the same as the other annual afflictions with no ground-breaking work, renovations or any noisy activities. If disturbed this area can and normally will cause immediate health problems especially for the elderly, so please be very careful. Traditionally to appease Sui Po in a Goat year you need to display a sheng chi cure, we have included one in our 2015 cures kit. If you have to carry out work or emergency repairs in the north place a six hollow metal rod wind chime between the buildings and where the work is being carried out and ideally you should contact a professional Feng Shui Practitioner to select an auspicious date to start the work or consult our Tong Shu date selection software.

2015 Chinese Animal Predictions for the Goat/Sheep

The year of the Goat begins on the 19th February 2015 and there will be many Goats that are delighted to be entering their own animal year and they would be right to be excited about the year of the Goat although there will need to be care with certain areas of their life this year. If the Goat takes on too many tasks and plans at the beginning of the year and gets ahead of themselves, they may find that they are soon tiring themselves out and taking on too much so please remember to plan carefully and at a comfortable pace. Certain areas of the Goats life will need to be taken slowly and will require a fair amount of time to see the end result but please read below for a more detailed synopsis on this.

The year of the Goat holds some very encouraging prospects for the Goat and all Goats should enter this year with a positive attitude that 2015 will be a good year for them. A positive mind can help to resolve a lot of problems and bad thoughts before the year has even started and this could help the Goat to set a turning point in their life this year.

The Goat is very good with others and this will help them throughout the year in their work life. There will be some Goats who feel that they have been stuck in the same position in their career for a long time now and the year of the Goat can open up some fantastic opportunities for the Goat which could lead to advancements and recognition in their career this year. The Goats own year will give them a chance to show off their talents and resourcefulness this year and this will help the Goat to be noticed by their peers. Goats who work in a creative position in their work have particularly encouraging opportunities this year.

Any Goats who feel that they are not acknowledged enough in their work place and feel that their time has come to an end in their current employment or any Goats looking for work in general can benefit from the advice of professionals or someone

who works in a similar area that they area they are applying for. This could be a very important year for Goats looking for new employment as they could find something that will lead to long term employment in a good field.

Income is looking good for the Goat this year although this may turn out to be an expensive year for the Goat which will mean that outgoings could be plentiful throughout 2015 so please avoid too many impulse purchases this year. A bit of book keeping will go a very long way this year for the Goat.

The Goats personal life will be very rewarding this year and their hobbies will bring a lot of joy in to their life. Goats with creative hobbies will see their hobbies and talents reaching new levels this year and could even bring a financial gain. The Goat will have a lot of opportunities to share their hobbies with friends and loved ones.

Socially, the year of the Goat will be a very busy one for Goats everywhere and young Goats can really benefit from what 2015 has to offer at a social level. There will be plenty of opportunities to meet new people during 2015 and some of this will be through existing friends so make time for your existing friends as well as new ones this year.

The Goats love life should turn out to be a very extraordinary year with prospects of love and strong romance throughout the year so be prepared to dedicate some time to your loved one. Single Goats could soon find someone spur of the moment who will soon become important to them. Overall, this is looking to be a fantastic year for the Goats love life.

Home life will be very busy this year and the Goat will receive a lot of love and support from their family in all that they do. There could be a considerable amount of change in the home this year and the Goat will need to try and adjust accordingly. The Goat is by nature, a keen style lover and they will have changes that they want to make in the home throughout the year although these changes will need to be planned carefully and will take time. A holiday can be a very rewarding experience for the Goat this year, especially with family and loved ones.

2015 will be a very busy year for the Goat and one thing that will require care this year is diet so please be sure to get plenty of exercise and stay active in a sport or team; you could even just go for walks with loved ones. Neglecting health this year could lead to minor illness such as colds or bad stomach.

Overall, this is looking to be a very rewarding year for the Goat with love life and home life looking considerably well. Have a fantastic year of the Goat.

You are in affinity with the Horse. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Horse.

Your lucky sector: (astrological zone) is the Southwest (202.5º – 217.5º) of the home or office. For full details on 2015 flying star analysis follow this link.

If you are relocating your desk this year to face one of your favourable personal directions, please be aware of the directions and locations of the annual afflictions. If you are unsure of your Gua and best directions follow this link or maybe consider using our Feng Shui software that calculates Gua, Chinese animal including element, flying stars, annual, fixed and monthly and so much more.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To enhance wealth, luck, business and career for the Goat in 2015:

The most influential and imperative cure and enhancer in 2015 is called a Ba Gua Fu Pai Master cure and can only to be used in a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep years, the last time this powerful cure would have been used was in 1955 which was also a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep year. This cure is much needed to enhance and protect wealth in 2015 especially for the males of a home or business.

This authentic traditional Feng Shui cure and enhancer is only known to a few specialist Feng Shui Masters and in the old days and even now in southeast Asia you would need to employ a highly skilled Feng Shui Master (normally costing tens of thousands of pounds) to call at your home or business and the Master would spend hours carving the secret inscriptions onto an earth plate made from the finest slate or marble (earth material only), which would then be placed in the north of your home or business and then setting the three special quartz crystals and two i-ching coins. This would normally cost tens of thousands of pounds and obviously only available to the very rich which is still the case even today in many parts of the world and the reason why we create these powerful cures is so all can afford them at a fraction of the cost. We have been criticised by many Feng Shui Masters over the years as some feel the general public should not have these specialist cures and enhancers.

Each of the rare and valuable semi-precious quartz crystals work in synergy with the inherent element of the Luo Shu Gua Trigrams giving total protection for wealth, health & peace of mind and releasing the #8 star from the inherent powerful energies of the #1 Kan star in the north in 2015 to permeate the whole building.

This is one of the most powerful and commanding cure and enhancer for wealth, health, relationships and protection and because this cure is very important for wealth in 2015 we included it standard in all our 2015 cures and enhancers kit. If you follow this link you will find full details 2015 flying star analysis follow this link.

To enhance romance for the Goat in 2015:

Romance can be enhanced in the northwest and north of your home, click here for further details. Whilst this #4 star is very auspicious, without cures this #4 star can bring both wanted and unwanted romantic opportunities to the household if the cures are not put in place. This is caused by the #4 falling in the chien northwest palace in 2015 and needs a very special Talisman to counterbalance the elements of wood meeting metal which is a destructive cyle. To enhance romance and career in 2015 place this Ba Ying Fu Pai Wish & romance enhancer in the northwest of your home or business, you should also introduce some water colours like shades of blue, black, grey and you can introduce these colours with a doormat, rug, cushion cover, sofa throw, curtains or similar, it really is very easy to do.

Make sure you follow the 2015 Flying Star (Xuan Kong) recommendations. If your office or bedroom is located in one of the directions mentioned, please be aware that in the months of March, June and December 2015 you should make sure you at least place a set of six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon for these months especially if you are not in good health or very stressed and especially for the eldest male of a home or business.

This is just a small part of what you can do to ensure 2015 will be a good year and to further enhance 2015 check out the monthly almanac, flying stars and animal predictions as it not only recommends good and bad days to carry out certain tasks, it will also advise if it is good for your animal sign.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our 2015 advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To disperse the negative effects in 2015, you should hang a set of six Chinese coins tied with red ribbon and a salt water cure in the west and southeast of your home or office this year to control the #5 and #2 stars. For full details on 2015 flying star analysis follow this link. This is very important in 2015 especially if you have a main door, bedroom, office, lounge or other important room in the southeast, west, and south.

West (232.5 - 307.5) is the location and direction of the Three Killings

When at work, you may sit facing the west direction only if this is one of your personal good directions, if not, do not sit with your back to the west in 2015 or you may find unscrupulous people working against you or you may encounter undue gossip and back stabbing during the year. A very powerful enhancer and little known talisman is placing a sheng chi cure with a Sheng chi enhanced crystal, the whole cure then needs to have a thought form charm placed inside and positively empowered with sheng chi energy (this is already applied to the one’s that we sell). I really do love this cure especially as it is a traditional and little known enhancer to only a few Feng Shui masters.

Southwest is where Tai Sui (Grand Duke of Jupiter) resides in 2015

Resides between 202.5º - 217.5º degrees southwest in 2015.

Like the Three Killings, Tai Sui does not like to be disturbed either. The effects of Tai Sui can be good or bad depending on the annual flying stars that coincide with its location.

The traditional Chinese method to appease Tai Sui is to place a Pi Yao or dragon headed tortoise in the northeast sector of the home or office facing the 15º southwest radius where Tai Sui sits. This is so important this year.

Sui Po is located in the Northeast in 2015 (The year breaker)

Sui Po year breaker occupies the division directly opposite Tai Sui Grand Duke, which for 2015 is northeast. You should treat this area the same as the other annual afflictions with no ground-breaking work, renovations or any noisy activities. If disturbed this area can and normally will cause immediate health problems especially for the elderly, so please be very careful. Traditionally to appease Sui Po in a Goat year you need to display a sheng chi cure, we have included one in our 2015 cures kit. If you have to carry out work or emergency repairs in the north place a six hollow metal rod wind chime between the buildings and where the work is being carried out and ideally you should contact a professional Feng Shui Practitioner to select an auspicious date to start the work or consult our Tong Shu date selection software.

2015 Chinese Animal Predictions for the Monkey

The year of the Goat starts on 19th February 2015 and is looking to be a mixed year for the Monkey. Certain areas of the Monkeys life will be very good where certain areas will require so care and attention so please do read on for more. Luckily, the Monkey is very smart and intuitive and with a bit of care and planning, they should be able to avoid a lot of problems in the year of the Goat and make the best out of a bad situation.

The Monkeys career prospects are looking very good this year and there will be opportunities for the Monkey to showcase their talents during the year of the Goat and gain the respect of their peers through tasks and projects being given to them so do not shy away from extra responsibilities this year. For Monkeys looking for a different position or those looking for work in general, the year of the Goat can bring some fantastic opportunities and by making inquiries and taking on a positive attitude to finding work could bring some great opportunities in to the Monkeys career life this year which could turn out to be long standing and very rewarding.

Finances are going to need quite a lot of care and attention in 2015. Care and strict control will need to be applied to finances this year so please be sure to keep a close eye on spending and avoid any major outgoings without speaking to a professional first and always check the Tong Shu Almanac for the best dates for big purchases.

When signing documents or paperwork, please always remember to read through thoroughly and always read the small print as missing out on fine print may lead to later problems.

Although finances are not looking great for the Monkey in the year of the Goat, travel can be a very rewarding aspect of the Monkeys life and some money should be set aside for this if possible; the Monkey can benefit from researching deals and offers before committing their money to a holiday. A good way to make the most of travel is with friends or loved ones; the journey does not have to be across the world as a trip in the same country can still greatly benefit the Monkey this year.

The Monkeys talents and hobbies can serve them well this year as they can enjoy spending time on what makes them happy which will also provide time out to relax and enjoy time on their own or with others. The year of the Goat favours creativity and by making the most of talents, the Monkey could find a way to use this to bring in extra funding. Another area that will require care in 2015 is health and the Monkey would benefit from dedicating time to keep a relatively healthy diet and get some exercise to stay active; while this may not be the best year for financial investments, the Monkey should invest in their health and wellbeing.

The Monkey will have a busy social calendar throughout the year of the Goat but they will need to be careful to avoid arguments and disagreements this year as a small disagreement could soon turn in to something much bigger; this goes for all aspects of the Monkeys life including work, love life and more. The Monkey will have many good times with friends, family and loved ones throughout the year so it’s not all bad news.

The Monkeys home life should be busy this year and as I said above, they will need to take care not to upset others and try to avoid arguments and disagreements and the best solution is to talk through them so try to take a deep breath in moments of anger and try to resolve problems before they become serious. Travel can be very beneficial for the Monkey this year and especially so with family.

Overall, the year of the Goat will require some care in certain areas of the Monkeys life although there will also be some particularly good parts of the Monkeys life that will counterbalance this. The Monkey should be able to overcome a lot of problems this year although please be careful with finances this year as this will require some care and attention. Have a fantastic year of the Goat.

You are in affinity with the Snake. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Snake.

Your lucky sector: (astrological zone) is the Southwest (232.5º – 247.5º) of the home or office. Please read the 2015 Annual Flying Star Advice for more information.

If you are relocating your desk this year to face one of your favourable personal directions, please be aware of the directions and locations of the annual afflictions. If you are unsure of your Gua and best directions follow this link or maybe consider

using our Feng Shui software that calculates Gua, Chinese animal including element, flying stars, annual, fixed and monthly and so much more.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To enhance wealth, luck, business and career for the Monkey in 2015:

The most influential and imperative cure and enhancer in 2015 is called a Ba Gua Fu Pai Master cure and can only to be used in a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep years, the last time this powerful cure would have been used was in 1955 which was also a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep year. This cure is much needed to enhance and protect wealth in 2015 especially for the males of a home or business.

This authentic traditional Feng Shui cure and enhancer is only known to a few specialist Feng Shui Masters and in the old days and even now in southeast Asia you would need to employ a highly skilled Feng Shui Master (normally costing tens of thousands of pounds) to call at your home or business and the Master would spend hours carving the secret inscriptions onto an earth plate made from the finest slate or marble (earth material only), which would then be placed in the north of your home or business and then setting the three special quartz crystals and two i-ching coins. This would normally cost tens of thousands of pounds and obviously only available to the very rich which is still the case even today in many parts of the world and the reason why we create these powerful cures is so all can afford them at a fraction of the cost. We have been criticised by many Feng Shui Masters over the years as some feel the general public should not have these specialist cures and enhancers.

Each of the rare and valuable semi-precious quartz crystals work in synergy with the inherent element of the Luo Shu Gua Trigrams giving total protection for wealth, health & peace of mind and releasing the #8 star from the inherent powerful energies of the #1 Kan star in the north in 2015 to permeate the whole building.

This is one of the most powerful and commanding cure and enhancer for wealth, health, relationships and protection and because this cure is very important for wealth in 2015 we included it standard in all our 2015 cures and enhancers kit. If you follow this link you will find full details 2015 flying star analysis follow this link.

To enhance romance for the Monkey in 2015:

Romance can be enhanced in the northwest and north of your home, click here for further details. Whilst this #4 star is very auspicious, without cures this #4 star can bring both wanted and unwanted romantic opportunities to the household if the cures are not put in place. This is caused by the #4 falling in the chien northwest

palace in 2015 and needs a very special Talisman to counterbalance the elements of wood meeting metal which is a destructive cyle. To enhance romance and career in 2015 place this Ba Ying Fu Pai Wish & romance enhancer in the northwest of your home or business, you should also introduce some water colours like shades of blue, black, grey and you can introduce these colours with a doormat, rug, cushion cover, sofa throw, curtains or similar, it really is very easy to do.

Make sure you follow the 2015 Flying Star (Xuan Kong) recommendations. If your office or bedroom is located in one of the directions mentioned, please be aware that in the months of March, June and December 2015 you should make sure you at least place a set of six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon for these months especially if you are not in good health or very stressed and especially for the eldest male of a home or business.

This is just a small part of what you can do to ensure 2015 will be a good year and to further enhance 2015 check out the monthly almanac, flying stars and animal predictions as it not only recommends good and bad days to carry out certain tasks, it will also advise if it is good for your animal sign.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our 2015 advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To disperse the negative effects in 2015, you should hang a set of six Chinese coins tied with red ribbon and a salt water cure in the west and southeast of your home or office this year to control the #5 and #2 stars. For full details on 2015 flying star analysis follow this link. This is very important in 2015 especially if you have a main door, bedroom, office, lounge or other important room in the southeast, west, and south.

West (232.5 - 307.5) is the location and direction of the Three Killings

When at work, you may sit facing the west direction only if this is one of your personal good directions, if not, do not sit with your back to the west in 2015 or you may find unscrupulous people working against you or you may encounter undue gossip and back stabbing during the year. A very powerful enhancer and little known talisman is placing a sheng chi cure with a Sheng chi enhanced crystal, the whole cure then needs to have a thought form charm placed inside and positively empowered with sheng chi energy (this is already applied to the one’s that we sell). I really do love this cure especially as it is a traditional and little known enhancer to only a few Feng Shui masters.

Southwest is where Tai Sui (Grand Duke of Jupiter) resides in 2015

Resides between 202.5º - 217.5º degrees southwest in 2015.

Like the Three Killings, Tai Sui does not like to be disturbed either. The effects of Tai Sui can be good or bad depending on the annual flying stars that coincide with its location.

The traditional Chinese method to appease Tai Sui is to place a Pi Yao or dragon headed tortoise in the northeast sector of the home or office facing the 15º southwest radius where Tai Sui sits. This is so important this year.

Sui Po is located in the Northeast in 2015 (The year breaker)

Sui Po year breaker occupies the division directly opposite Tai Sui Grand Duke, which for 2015 is northeast. You should treat this area the same as the other annual afflictions with no ground-breaking work, renovations or any noisy activities. If disturbed this area can and normally will cause immediate health problems especially for the elderly, so please be very careful. Traditionally to appease Sui Po in a Goat year you need to display a sheng chi cure, we have included one in our 2015 cures kit. If you have to carry out work or emergency repairs in the north place a six hollow metal rod wind chime between the buildings and where the work is being carried out and ideally you should contact a professional Feng Shui Practitioner to select an auspicious date to start the work or consult our Tong Shu date selection software.

2015 Chinese Animal Predictions for the Rooster

The year of the Goat starts on 19th February 2015 and is looking to be a productive year for the Rooster with a lot set to take place throughout the year. In order for the Rooster to make the most out of what the year has to offer, they would be wise to prioritise their tasks and projects and not take on too much at one time but focus on one or two things and complete those before starting another; by doing so, the Rooster should be able to enjoy a better year with a better balanced lifestyle.

There will be many Roosters who have experienced change in their workplace during 2014 and they would be wise to welcome change as this can open up a host of new opportunities for them. Small things can lead to big changes for the Rooster this year in their career and just by talking things over with colleagues and peers, they can gain a lot of recognition and find their voice being heard in the workplace this year. The Roosters career is looking to go very well this year.

The majority of Roosters will enjoy the progress that they are making in their career this year and will be more than happy to stay in their current employment although for those who feel that it is time for a change or are unhappy in the company and the year of the Goat will open up some very promising opportunities for the Rooster to find new and replacement employment. One way that the Rooster can really benefit from finding new employment is by considering different lines of work and also by making enquiries early.

The Roosters finances are going to require a bit of control and discipline this year as the year of the Goat is looking to be very busy. By putting money aside earlier in the

year, the Rooster will be able to do a lot of what they wish to do although please be sure to always read contracts and small print and also seek professional advice on big purchases.

The Roosters personal life is also looking very promising during the year of the Goat and one area where they can get a lot of satisfaction is by taking time out to themselves to unwind and relax as this will give the Rooster the rest and relaxation that they need in this busy year. The Rooster can enjoy a lot of activities and hobbies this year whether this is done by spending time with friends or just alone, can bring a lot of joy to the Rooster. A holiday can really benefit the Rooster this year and provide some relaxation that will be much needed at some point this year.

Social aspects of the Roosters life are looking very promising this year and there will be plenty of opportunities for the Rooster to extend their friend circle and meet new people throughout the year of the Goat. The Rooster should find that their natural charm can help them meet new people and form some good relationships.

Single Roosters have some really great and encouraging opportunities for the Rooster to find new love and this is especially the case for those who have recently felt heartbreak; keep your head up and you should find new love. Relationships are looking very good for the Rooster this year and the year of the Goat will bring some fantastic memories and events to share with the Roosters loved one this year.

Home life is looking very good for the Rooster in 2015 although the Rooster will need to show some flexibility when plans do not go the way they had hoped. The Rooster will provide a lot of support and opinions in the home during the year of the Goat and will be of much help around the home and in their families life. Home improvements should be considered this year if the Rooster has previously been putting it off but please evaluate the pros and cons and also the costs and always seek the advice of a professional.

Overall, this is looking to be a fantastic year for the Rooster with a lot going their way. Have a great year of the Goat.

You are in affinity with the Dragon. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Dragon.

Your lucky sector: (astrological zone) is the west (262.5º – 277.5º) of the home or office. Please be sure to read the 2015 Annual Flying Star Advice to make the most out of this area this year.

If you are relocating your desk this year to face one of your favourable personal directions, please be aware of the directions and locations of the annual afflictions. If you are unsure of your Gua and best directions follow this link or maybe consider using our Feng Shui software that calculates Gua, Chinese animal including element, flying stars, annual, fixed and monthly and so much more.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To enhance wealth, luck, business and career for the Rooster in 2015:

The most influential and imperative cure and enhancer in 2015 is called a Ba Gua Fu Pai Master cure and can only to be used in a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep years, the last time this powerful cure would have been used was in 1955 which was also a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep year. This cure is much needed to enhance and protect wealth in 2015 especially for the males of a home or business.

This authentic traditional Feng Shui cure and enhancer is only known to a few specialist Feng Shui Masters and in the old days and even now in southeast Asia you would need to employ a highly skilled Feng Shui Master (normally costing tens of thousands of pounds) to call at your home or business and the Master would spend hours carving the secret inscriptions onto an earth plate made from the finest slate or marble (earth material only), which would then be placed in the north of your home or business and then setting the three special quartz crystals and two i-ching coins. This would normally cost tens of thousands of pounds and obviously only available to the very rich which is still the case even today in many parts of the world and the reason why we create these powerful cures is so all can afford them at a fraction of the cost. We have been criticised by many Feng Shui Masters over the years as some feel the general public should not have these specialist cures and enhancers.

Each of the rare and valuable semi-precious quartz crystals work in synergy with the inherent element of the Luo Shu Gua Trigrams giving total protection for wealth, health & peace of mind and releasing the #8 star from the inherent powerful energies of the #1 Kan star in the north in 2015 to permeate the whole building.

This is one of the most powerful and commanding cure and enhancer for wealth, health, relationships and protection and because this cure is very important for wealth in 2015 we included it standard in all our 2015 cures and enhancers kit. If you follow this link you will find full details 2015 flying star analysis follow this link.

To enhance romance for the Rooster in 2015:

Romance can be enhanced in the northwest and north of your home, click here for further details. Whilst this #4 star is very auspicious, without cures this #4 star can bring both wanted and unwanted romantic opportunities to the household if the cures are not put in place. This is caused by the #4 falling in the chien northwest palace in 2015 and needs a very special Talisman to counterbalance the elements of wood meeting metal which is a destructive cyle. To enhance romance and career in 2015 place this Ba Ying Fu Pai Wish & romance enhancer in the northwest of your

home or business, you should also introduce some water colours like shades of blue, black, grey and you can introduce these colours with a doormat, rug, cushion cover, sofa throw, curtains or similar, it really is very easy to do.

Make sure you follow the 2015 Flying Star (Xuan Kong) recommendations. If your office or bedroom is located in one of the directions mentioned, please be aware that in the months of March, June and December 2015 you should make sure you at least place a set of six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon for these months especially if you are not in good health or very stressed and especially for the eldest male of a home or business.

This is just a small part of what you can do to ensure 2015 will be a good year and to further enhance 2015 check out the monthly almanac, flying stars and animal predictions as it not only recommends good and bad days to carry out certain tasks, it will also advise if it is good for your animal sign.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our 2015 advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To disperse the negative effects in 2015, you should hang a set of six Chinese coins tied with red ribbon and a salt water cure in the west and southeast of your home or office this year to control the #5 and #2 stars. For full details on 2015 flying star analysis follow this link. This is very important in 2015 especially if you have a main door, bedroom, office, lounge or other important room in the southeast, west, and south.

West (232.5 - 307.5) is the location and direction of the Three Killings

When at work, you may sit facing the west direction only if this is one of your personal good directions, if not, do not sit with your back to the west in 2015 or you may find unscrupulous people working against you or you may encounter undue gossip and back stabbing during the year. A very powerful enhancer and little known talisman is placing a sheng chi cure with a Sheng chi enhanced crystal, the whole cure then needs to have a thought form charm placed inside and positively empowered with sheng chi energy (this is already applied to the one’s that we sell). I really do love this cure especially as it is a traditional and little known enhancer to only a few Feng Shui masters.

Southwest is where Tai Sui (Grand Duke of Jupiter) resides in 2015

Resides between 202.5º - 217.5º degrees southwest in 2015.

Like the Three Killings, Tai Sui does not like to be disturbed either. The effects of Tai Sui can be good or bad depending on the annual flying stars that coincide with its location.

The traditional Chinese method to appease Tai Sui is to place a Pi Yao or dragon headed tortoise in the northeast sector of the home or office facing the 15º southwest radius where Tai Sui sits. This is so important this year.

Sui Po is located in the Northeast in 2015 (The year breaker)

Sui Po year breaker occupies the division directly opposite Tai Sui Grand Duke, which for 2015 is northeast. You should treat this area the same as the other annual afflictions with no ground-breaking work, renovations or any noisy activities. If disturbed this area can and normally will cause immediate health problems especially for the elderly, so please be very careful. Traditionally to appease Sui Po in a Goat year you need to display a sheng chi cure, we have included one in our 2015 cures kit. If you have to carry out work or emergency repairs in the north place a six hollow metal rod wind chime between the buildings and where the work is being carried out and ideally you should contact a professional Feng Shui Practitioner to select an auspicious date to start the work or consult our Tong Shu date selection software.

2015 Chinese Animal Predictions for the Dog

The year of the Goat begins on 19th February 2015 and will be a year of mixed luck for the Dog although by knowing the problems beforehand, the Dog will be able to do a lot to avoid or resolve any problems coming their way in the year of the Goat. The Goat year could bring a lot of change in to the Dogs life in 2015 which could displease the Dog although they will be able to use certain changes to their advantage. Certain aspects of the Dogs life could be very tiring this year but certain parts of the Dogs life can be very good also. One of the Dogs main objectives this year should be to show flexibility when things do not go their way as this will help them out a great deal.

The Dogs work life could be affected by change during the year of the Goat and the Dog may not be so welcoming of new ideas or practises at work as they tend to favour tradition; by taking the time to learn new practises and embrace the changes they find at their work place, the Dog can use this to their advantage and get on board early on which could lead to the Dog advancing in their career. Dogs who are looking to change career or those looking for work in general could find that the year of the Goat will bring some challenges although by pursuing different career paths and positions, the Dog could find themselves in a good position in a successful company during the year of the Goat.

Progress that the Dog makes during the year at work could lead to extra income being brought in to their home which will help them out a lot throughout the year although the year of the Goat is looking to be an expensive year for the Dog and one where discipline will be required. There will be a lot that the Dog wishes to accomplish during the year of the Goat and to do so, the Dog will need to watch their

spending and look out for a better price when possible and always seek professional advice when they are unsure on anything.

The Dogs home life is looking to be very busy this year with a lot to do around the house which can bring a lot of joy to the Dog as a lot of what they do will go to plan if all of the household are on board with plans and ideas going on. The year of the Goat should bring the Dogs family closer together this year if they all join in with what is going on around the home. There may be some Dogs celebrating a big event this year such as an anniversary or family member’s birthday and this will bring a lot of joy to the Dog.

Socially, the Dog may find that it will take some time for new friendships to properly form although the year of the Goat will bring a lot of new people in to the Dogs life this year and a lot of new friendships can be formed, especially if the Dog opens up to them early on. Friends that the Dog makes during the year of the Goat could become very close over the next few years.

The Dogs love life is looking very good this year, especially those who are in a new relationship as they should find that the relationship can quickly form in to something more special over the year of the Goat. For the unattached Dog and especially those who have recently suffered heartbreak should find new love this year. Romance is looking very good for the Dog in the year of the Goat.

The Dog can get a lot of satisfaction from personal hobbies and tasks during the year of the Goat and can find that by taking part in creative hobbies this year can help the Dog to unwind and relax. The Dog should try to find time throughout the year for personal relaxation and “me-time”.

Overall, this is looking to be a mixed year for the Goat although there will be a lot of chances for the Dog to benefit from 2015. Have a fantastic year of the Goat.

You are in affinity with the Rabbit. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Rabbit.

Your lucky sector: (astrological zone) is the Northwest (292.5º – 307.5º) of the home or office. You can read about the northwest in the the 2015 Flying Star Analysis by clicking this link.

If you are relocating your desk this year to face one of your favourable personal directions, please be aware of the directions and locations of the annual afflictions. If you are unsure of your Gua and best directions follow this link or maybe consider using our Feng Shui software that calculates Gua, Chinese animal including element, flying stars, annual, fixed and monthly and so much more.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this

with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To enhance wealth, luck, business and career for the Dog in 2015:

The most influential and imperative cure and enhancer in 2015 is called a Ba Gua Fu Pai Master cure and can only to be used in a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep years, the last time this powerful cure would have been used was in 1955 which was also a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep year. This cure is much needed to enhance and protect wealth in 2015 especially for the males of a home or business.

This authentic traditional Feng Shui cure and enhancer is only known to a few specialist Feng Shui Masters and in the old days and even now in southeast Asia you would need to employ a highly skilled Feng Shui Master (normally costing tens of thousands of pounds) to call at your home or business and the Master would spend hours carving the secret inscriptions onto an earth plate made from the finest slate or marble (earth material only), which would then be placed in the north of your home or business and then setting the three special quartz crystals and two i-ching coins. This would normally cost tens of thousands of pounds and obviously only available to the very rich which is still the case even today in many parts of the world and the reason why we create these powerful cures is so all can afford them at a fraction of the cost. We have been criticised by many Feng Shui Masters over the years as some feel the general public should not have these specialist cures and enhancers.

Each of the rare and valuable semi-precious quartz crystals work in synergy with the inherent element of the Luo Shu Gua Trigrams giving total protection for wealth, health & peace of mind and releasing the #8 star from the inherent powerful energies of the #1 Kan star in the north in 2015 to permeate the whole building.

This is one of the most powerful and commanding cure and enhancer for wealth, health, relationships and protection and because this cure is very important for wealth in 2015 we included it standard in all our 2015 cures and enhancers kit. If you follow this link you will find full details 2015 flying star analysis follow this link.

To enhance romance for the Dog in 2015:

Romance can be enhanced in the northwest and north of your home, click here for further details. Whilst this #4 star is very auspicious, without cures this #4 star can bring both wanted and unwanted romantic opportunities to the household if the cures are not put in place. This is caused by the #4 falling in the chien northwest palace in 2015 and needs a very special Talisman to counterbalance the elements of wood meeting metal which is a destructive cyle. To enhance romance and career in 2015 place this Ba Ying Fu Pai Wish & romance enhancer in the northwest of your home or business, you should also introduce some water colours like shades of blue, black, grey and you can introduce these colours with a doormat, rug, cushion cover, sofa throw, curtains or similar, it really is very easy to do.

Make sure you follow the 2015 Flying Star (Xuan Kong) recommendations. If your office or bedroom is located in one of the directions mentioned, please be aware that in the months of March, June and December 2015 you should make sure you at least place a set of six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon for these months especially if you are not in good health or very stressed and especially for the eldest male of a home or business.

This is just a small part of what you can do to ensure 2015 will be a good year and to further enhance 2015 check out the monthly almanac, flying stars and animal predictions as it not only recommends good and bad days to carry out certain tasks, it will also advise if it is good for your animal sign.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our 2015 advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To disperse the negative effects in 2015, you should hang a set of six Chinese coins tied with red ribbon and a salt water cure in the west and southeast of your home or office this year to control the #5 and #2 stars. For full details on 2015 flying star analysis follow this link. This is very important in 2015 especially if you have a main door, bedroom, office, lounge or other important room in the southeast, west, and south.

West (232.5 - 307.5) is the location and direction of the Three Killings

When at work, you may sit facing the west direction only if this is one of your personal good directions, if not, do not sit with your back to the west in 2015 or you may find unscrupulous people working against you or you may encounter undue gossip and back stabbing during the year. A very powerful enhancer and little known talisman is placing a sheng chi cure with a Sheng chi enhanced crystal, the whole cure then needs to have a thought form charm placed inside and positively empowered with sheng chi energy (this is already applied to the one’s that we sell). I really do love this cure especially as it is a traditional and little known enhancer to only a few Feng Shui masters.

Southwest is where Tai Sui (Grand Duke of Jupiter) resides in 2015

Resides between 202.5º - 217.5º degrees southwest in 2015.

Like the Three Killings, Tai Sui does not like to be disturbed either. The effects of Tai Sui can be good or bad depending on the annual flying stars that coincide with its location.

The traditional Chinese method to appease Tai Sui is to place a Pi Yao or dragon headed tortoise in the northeast sector of the home or office facing the 15º southwest radius where Tai Sui sits. This is so important this year.

Sui Po is located in the Northeast in 2015 (The year breaker)

Sui Po year breaker occupies the division directly opposite Tai Sui Grand Duke, which for 2015 is northeast. You should treat this area the same as the other annual afflictions with no ground-breaking work, renovations or any noisy activities. If disturbed this area can and normally will cause immediate health problems especially for the elderly, so please be very careful. Traditionally to appease Sui Po in a Goat year you need to display a sheng chi cure, we have included one in our 2015 cures kit. If you have to carry out work or emergency repairs in the north place a six hollow metal rod wind chime between the buildings and where the work is being carried out and ideally you should contact a professional Feng Shui Practitioner to select an auspicious date to start the work or consult our Tong Shu date selection software.

2015 Chinese Animal Predictions for the Pig

The year of the Goat begins on 19th February 2015 and is looking to be a pleasurable one for the Pig where they can achieve a lot throughout the year. The Goats personal life is looking particularly special.

The pigs work life should see them climbing the career ladder to success this year if they are motivated to do well. The climb may seem slow at times but persistence and hard work will be a big contributor to this during the year. The Pig may find that there are certain things taking place this year that are out of their control and the best solution is to try and embrace this at an early start. The Pig can greatly benefit from taking part in training programmes or taking on new projects this year as it can really help to prove their worth in the company and also provide a chance to meet new people in their workplace and do some networking with others.

If the Pig is successful in climbing the career ladder this year, they could see a rise in income which may tempt them to make some big purchases to celebrate although I recommend that they apply a bit of control and try to resist too many impulse buys this year as they may find that they are left short due to this.

The Pigs home life will be very busy throughout the year as they will want to make some improvements on the home and also take time out to join in with all the activities and celebrations taking place throughout the year with their family. There could be some special moments for the Pig to share with family this year and they will get great satisfaction from this. This is very much a time of progress and joy for the Pigs home life during the year of the Goat with bonds being strengthened the more the Pig takes part in home life.

Socially, the year of the Goat will see the Pig in constant demand and there will be many occasions for the Pig to be the talk of the table as others should be drawn to their charm and fun-loving nature at social gatherings throughout the year.

Single Pigs should have a lot of romantic opportunities to look forward to in 2015 with new love forming in to something stronger quickly during the year of the Goat. This year could see marriage or big commitments taking place for the Pig this year so if this has been on their mind for a while, now may be the time to commit to eternal love.

Overall, this is looking to a significant year for the Pig and one where they could make some life changing decisions in their life and set some milestones throughout the year. The Pig should see this year as a time of self-development and self-gain. Have a fantastic year of the Goat.

You are in affinity with the Tiger. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Tiger.

Your lucky sector: (astrological zone) is the Northwest (322.5º – 337.5º) of the home or office. You can read about the northwest in the the 2015 Flying Star Analysis by clicking this link.

If you are relocating your desk this year to face one of your favourable personal directions, please be aware of the directions and locations of the annual afflictions. If you are unsure of your Gua and best directions follow this link or maybe consider using our Feng Shui software that calculates Gua, Chinese animal including element, flying stars, annual, fixed and monthly and so much more.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To enhance wealth, luck, business and career for the Pig in 2015:

The most influential and imperative cure and enhancer in 2015 is called a Ba Gua Fu Pai Master cure and can only to be used in a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep years, the last time this powerful cure would have been used was in 1955 which was also a Yin Wood Goat/Sheep year. This cure is much needed to enhance and protect wealth in 2015 especially for the males of a home or business.

This authentic traditional Feng Shui cure and enhancer is only known to a few specialist Feng Shui Masters and in the old days and even now in southeast Asia you would need to employ a highly skilled Feng Shui Master (normally costing tens of thousands of pounds) to call at your home or business and the Master would spend hours carving the secret inscriptions onto an earth plate made from the finest slate or

marble (earth material only), which would then be placed in the north of your home or business and then setting the three special quartz crystals and two i-ching coins. This would normally cost tens of thousands of pounds and obviously only available to the very rich which is still the case even today in many parts of the world and the reason why we create these powerful cures is so all can afford them at a fraction of the cost. We have been criticised by many Feng Shui Masters over the years as some feel the general public should not have these specialist cures and enhancers.

Each of the rare and valuable semi-precious quartz crystals work in synergy with the inherent element of the Luo Shu Gua Trigrams giving total protection for wealth, health & peace of mind and releasing the #8 star from the inherent powerful energies of the #1 Kan star in the north in 2015 to permeate the whole building.

This is one of the most powerful and commanding cure and enhancer for wealth, health, relationships and protection and because this cure is very important for wealth in 2015 we included it standard in all our 2015 cures and enhancers kit. If you follow this link you will find full details 2015 flying star analysis follow this link.

To enhance romance for the Pig in 2015:

Romance can be enhanced in the northwest and north of your home, click here for further details. Whilst this #4 star is very auspicious, without cures this #4 star can bring both wanted and unwanted romantic opportunities to the household if the cures are not put in place. This is caused by the #4 falling in the chien northwest palace in 2015 and needs a very special Talisman to counterbalance the elements of wood meeting metal which is a destructive cyle. To enhance romance and career in 2015 place this Ba Ying Fu Pai Wish & romance enhancer in the northwest of your home or business, you should also introduce some water colours like shades of blue, black, grey and you can introduce these colours with a doormat, rug, cushion cover, sofa throw, curtains or similar, it really is very easy to do.

Make sure you follow the 2015 Flying Star (Xuan Kong) recommendations. If your office or bedroom is located in one of the directions mentioned, please be aware that in the months of March, June and December 2015 you should make sure you at least place a set of six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon for these months especially if you are not in good health or very stressed and especially for the eldest male of a home or business.

This is just a small part of what you can do to ensure 2015 will be a good year and to further enhance 2015 check out the monthly almanac, flying stars and animal predictions as it not only recommends good and bad days to carry out certain tasks, it will also advise if it is good for your animal sign.

If you would like to be informed in advance of the monthly, annual and fixed flying stars for the rest of your life giving you the ultimate control of your home or business, you should consider our 2015 advanced Feng Shui software; it is used by thousands of Feng Shui Masters, Practitioners and students throughout the world. Combining

this with our new incredible and extremely powerful Tong Shu Almanac date selection software this will make 2015 a better year indeed.

To disperse the negative effects in 2015, you should hang a set of six Chinese coins tied with red ribbon and a salt water cure in the west and southeast of your home or office this year to control the #5 and #2 stars. For full details on 2015 flying star analysis follow this link. This is very important in 2015 especially if you have a main door, bedroom, office, lounge or other important room in the southeast, west, and south.

West (232.5 - 307.5) is the location and direction of the Three Killings

When at work, you may sit facing the west direction only if this is one of your personal good directions, if not, do not sit with your back to the west in 2015 or you may find unscrupulous people working against you or you may encounter undue gossip and back stabbing during the year. A very powerful enhancer and little known talisman is placing a sheng chi cure with a Sheng chi enhanced crystal, the whole cure then needs to have a thought form charm placed inside and positively empowered with sheng chi energy (this is already applied to the one’s that we sell). I really do love this cure especially as it is a traditional and little known enhancer to only a few Feng Shui masters.

Southwest is where Tai Sui (Grand Duke of Jupiter) resides in 2015

Resides between 202.5º - 217.5º degrees southwest in 2015.

Like the Three Killings, Tai Sui does not like to be disturbed either. The effects of Tai Sui can be good or bad depending on the annual flying stars that coincide with its location.

The traditional Chinese method to appease Tai Sui is to place a Pi Yao or dragon headed tortoise in the northeast sector of the home or office facing the 15º southwest radius where Tai Sui sits. This is so important this year.

Sui Po is located in the Northeast in 2015 (The year breaker)

Sui Po year breaker occupies the division directly opposite Tai Sui Grand Duke, which for 2015 is northeast. You should treat this area the same as the other annual afflictions with no ground-breaking work, renovations or any noisy activities. If disturbed this area can and normally will cause immediate health problems especially for the elderly, so please be very careful. Traditionally to appease Sui Po in a Goat year you need to display a sheng chi cure, we have included one in our 2015 cures kit. If you have to carry out work or emergency repairs in the north place a six hollow metal rod wind chime between the buildings and where the work is being carried out and ideally you should contact a professional Feng Shui Practitioner to select an auspicious date to start the work or consult our Tong Shu date selection software.

Visit the pages below for further details on 2015 Chinese New Year etc.

Chinese New Year 2015 ** Checklist for Chinese New Year 2015 ** How to make your own Ang Pow **Chinese Talismans for 2015 ** Chinese animal

predictions for 2015 ** Flying star Xuan Kong 2015 ** Avoid the fury of the Grand Duke, three killing 2015 ** Chinese New Year world time

converter 2015 ** 2015 Cures and enhancers kits ** How to take a compass reading ** How to determine your facing direction ** Feng Shui

software ** Feng Shui resource ** 2015 Tong Shu Almanac Software ** Feng Shui Blog ** Chinese culture **

Are you really prepared for 2015?

© Michael Hanna - Feng Shui Store 2015

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