Chiropractors Weekly-English 403



This is a little magazine devoted to chiropractic and the biology and computer science behind it.

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Science is beautiful when it

makes simple explanations of

phenomena or connections be-

tween different observations.

Examples include the double

helix in biology and the funda-

mental equations of physics“

- Stephen Hawking

What is Biology?

Biology is the science of life. Biologists study the structure, func-

tion, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of living organisms.

There are generally considered to be at least nine ‘’umbrella” fields

of biology, each of which consist of multiple subfields. All the

branches of biology can be unified within a framework of five basic

understandings about living things. Studying the details of these five

ideas provides the endless fascination of biological research. In this

magazine we are going to focus on Chiropractic studies and the sci-

ence, biology related to it.

The biology and computer science of Chiropractic medicine.

Computer Science

Computer science is the scientific and practical approach

to computation and its applications. It is the systematic study of

the structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodi-

cal procedures that underlie the acquisition, representation, pro-

cessing, storage, communication of, and access to information,

whether such information is encoded as bits in a computer

memory or transcribed in genes and protein structures in a biolog-

ical cell. An alternate, more succinct definition of computer sci-

ence is the study of automating algorithmic processes that scale.

A computer scientist specializes in the theory of computation and

the design of computational systems.

Daniel David Palmer

Daniel David Palmer was the founder of chiropractic. Palmer

was raised in the southern Ontario area, where he received his

education. Around 1880 he moved to the United States and

took up magnetic healing. It was in Davenport, Iowa where he

met Harvey Lillard, his first patient. In 1897 he opened

the Palmer School of Chiropractic in Davenport and started

teaching his techniques. Lawsuits followed, and after brief in-

carceration, Palmer sold the school to his son, B. J. Palmer. B.

J. greatly expanded the school and the general knowledge of

chiropractic. Palmer moved west, opening several new schools

Dr. Josh Binstock

Dr. Josh Binstock is an Olympic volleyball

player. He is also a licensed chiropractor. He

works at the Total Health and Wellness center.

Binstock got his education in the Canadian

Memorial Chiropractic College. Although the

chiropractic work keeps him busy, he still prac-

tices volleyball in full throttle.

History of chiropractic

The history of chiropractic began in 1895 when Daniel Da-vid Palmer of Iowa performed the first chiropractic adjust-ment on a patient and his name was Harvey Lillard, Harvey Lillard was almost deaf. After Palmer’s adjustment Harvey Lillard started to hear better. This led to Palmer opening a school of chiropractic two years later. The word chiroprac-tic really means “done by hand”. Palmer left his school to his son because of lawsuits that hammered the school. Af-ter that, Palmer went around the United States introducing chiropractic to the public. He opened several schools around the country. In present times, chiropractic has pro-gressed into a genuine medicine field.

Bartlett Joshua Palmer

Bartlett was also known as B.J. Palmer in the

chiropractic industry. B.J. was born in What

Cheer, Iowa. His father is known as the father of

chiropractic. B.J. took over his father´s business

The chiropractors that effected histo-

The chiropractors of today

Interesting subject words

1. Musculoskeletal system

2. Spine

3. Spinal Subluxation

4. X-Ray

5. Electronic therapy

6. X-ray

7. Natural therapy

The effect of a

misaligned spine

Having a misaligned

spine can negatively

affect your daily life in a

number of ways. It can

not only cause pain in

the back and neck, but

can also cause pain in

the rest of the body

because of the

pressure that the

misaligned vertebrae

place on nerves in the

spinal column.

For example, many

people suffer from sci-

atica due to a

misaligned vertebral

disc putting pressure

on the spinal nerve

roots. It is a condition

in which pain can be

felt shooting down the

leg as far as the foot.

Normal spine alignment

How does he fix it?

A chiropractor can perform a spinal adjustment to restore proper alignment and

range of movement, relieving pain. You should never try to fix the problem on your

own. Home spinal adjustments are very dangerous and can have a negative affect.

Spinal Subluxation

Spinal subluxations are very common. They occur when one or more of your 24

bony vertebrae are pulled out of alignment with one another. This can happen for a

variety of reasons. Among the most frequent contributors to spinal misalignment are

an injury, a sudden jar, fall or trauma, bad posture, stress, inactivity, obesity, repeti-

tive motions and lifting

something improperly.

What happens? °

When your spine becomes

misaligned, your range of

motion can become more

restricted, with or without

accompanying pain. Alt-

hough spinal misalignments

can happen quickly, they can also occur over time due to weak postural muscles.

This is often the case with those who sit at a desk for hours each day.

How does a chiropractor diagnose a misaligned spine?

A chiropractor can diagnose if your pain is due to your spine being misaligned. He may use a

variety of different diagnostic techniques to determine if your spine is out of alignment. Most

chiropractors can easily spot a subluxation, as body posture reflects any misalignment. For ex-

ample, when lying down, one leg will appear shorter than the other. When standing up, the body

may lean to one side, or the head may tilt to the left or right. Also, one shoulder or hip may ap-

pear higher than the other, and the distribution of body weight may favor one foot or the other.

Fun facts / Did you


1. May Help Torture


Torture and trauma are

real horrors that can

cause survivors to experi-

ence pain,depression,

PTSD, and other horrible,

long-term problems.

2.The Amish Like Chiro-

practic Too

The Amish may reject

many of the modern

“conveniences” many of

us enjoy, but there is no

denying that they have

somewhat of a reputation

for embracing a robust,

natural approach to main-

taining good health

3..One of the Most Suc-

cessful Chiropractors

Ever was Blind

Vision impairment does

not make a person inca-

pable, and a fantastic

example of that was Dr.

Charles Robinson John-

son. In 1918, when he

was 39, Dr. Johnson

graduated from the Palm-

er School of Chiropractic

and became the first blind

chiropractor, and one of

Computer Science and Chiropractic.

When it comes to the field of Chiropractic's it’s a old profession

witch has grown and is now world wide. In the age of technology

computers are getting so advance that we practically use them for

every thing for example, there are computers in cars, most media is

on computer these days and medical science has gotten to a grate

point through computer science. There are not many computer

related tools used in Chiropractic but there tough few that are used

like X-ray machines are used to examine the body and bones to

help the chiropractor/ doctor cause chi-

ropractors are not the only ones who

use it but none the less help the chiro-

practor to find what is wrong with the

patient. Here is some information about

the discovery of X-ray. It was a German

physicist Wilhelm Röntgen that is usu-

ally credited as the discoverer of X-rays

in 1895, because he was the first to

systematically study them, though he is

not the first to have observed their ef-

fects. He is also the one who gave them the name "X-rays".


When it comes to Chiropractic there are many fields to choose

from. For example you can open your own clinic, work at a health

care, work for a sports team, be an assistant (very exiting) an so

much more.

What you can do with a chiropractic degree

Become a solo practitioner

Work as a chiropractic group practitioner



Fitness facility chiropractor

Sports team chiropractor

Hospital staff

Multi-specialty group
