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Chitosan, Limbah Kulit Udang untuk Diabetes dan Hipertensi

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Kamis, 10 Januari 2008 | 23:13 WIB

Jangan sia-siakan limbah kulit udang dan kepiting. Ekstrak zat kerak yang lebih populer dengan nama chitosan ini mampu mengatasi tekanan darah tinggi, diabetes, hati, kanker, dan gangguan organ tubuh. Terakhir chitosan diyakini bisa sebagai bahan pengawet makanan, seperti formalin.

Sri Haryati (65) sudah lama mengalami gangguan tekanan darah tinggi. Seperti dituturkan ibu rumah tangga yang tinggal di bilangan Blok A, Jakarta Selatan ini, setahun lalu, tekanan darahnya sampai di atas 200 mmHg, paling rendah 140.

Oleh dokter yang memeriksanya, Sri dianjurkan mengonsumsi obat antihipertensi. Selain itu, ia diharuskan banyak istirahat dan dilarang mengemudikan mobil.

Bosan minum obat kimia, pengobatan alternatif menjadi pilihan Sri. Untunglah dia bertemu Sinse Harry, akupunturis dan herbalis yang berpraktik di bilangan Pluit, Jakarta Utara.

Sri dianjurkan mengonsumsi ekstrak zat kerak udang atau kepiting, yang biasa disebut chitosan. Sebulan kemudian, tekanan darahnya turun menjadi 120/90 mmHg. Kini, ia mengaku tekanan darahnya stabil di angka 120/80.

Pengalaman lain, Karyati (34) sempat mempunyai berat badan hingga 70 kg dengan tinggi badan 157 cm. Kondisi tersebut membuat karyawati perusahaan telekomunikasi ini kurang percaya diri. Beberapa terapi dilakoni, yakni ikut klub senam kebugaran dan minum teh pelangsing.

Berat badannya memang turun menjadi 60 kg, tetapi kepalanya jadi sering pusing dan keseimbangannya terganggu. “Kalau sedang berjalan, badan terasa melayang. Begitu juga bila mau berdiri selepas duduk,” tuturnya.

Atas anjuran Dr. Setiawan, Ph.D, dokter sekaligus herbalis, Karyati mengonsumsi kapsul chitosan. Setelah dua bulan, berat badannya turun menjadi 50 kg. Lainnya, Hendra Mustofa (28) menderita sakit maag sejak duduk di bangku SMA.

Ketika kuliah, ia sering tak sadarkan diri karena derita maag yang tak tertahankan. Beberapa pengobatan telah dilakoni, sayangnya belum ada yang membuahkan hasil.

Atas saran kerabatnya, ia mengonsumsi ramuan chitosan. Hasilnya, ia tak lagi mengalami sakit maag. Bahkan, ia sudah berani mengasup makanan pedas, meski cuma sesekali.

Kulit KerasChitosan pertama kali ditemukan oleh ilmuwan Perancis, Ojier, pada tahun 1823. Ojier meneliti chitosan hasil ekstrak kerak binatang berkulit keras, seperti udang, kepiting, dan serangga.

Dijelaskan DR. Ir. Linawati Hardjito, Ketua Departemen Teknologi Hasil Perikanan (THP) Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Institut Pertanian Bogor, chitosan merupakan produk turunan dari polymer chitin, yakni produk limbah dari pengolahan industri perikanan, khususnya udang dan rajungan. Limbah kepala udang mencapai 35-50 persen dari total berat udang.

Proses pembuatan chitosan, menurut Dr. Setiawan, pertama-tama kulit udang atau kepiting dicuci dengan larutan alkali encer untuk menghilangkan protein (deproteinisasi). Selanjutnya bahan dicuci dengan larutan asam hidroklorik encer untuk menghilangkan kerak kapur (demineralisasi). Proses deproteinisasi dan demineralisasi usai, yang tersisa adalah zat kerak (crust).

“Dalam zat kerak terdapat unsur butylosar yang bermanfaat bagi tubuh manusia. Zat kerak tak larut dalam asam maupun basa, dan sulit diserap oleh tubuh manusia,” ungkapnya.

Untuk mendapatkan unsur butylosar secara utuh, dokter yang berpraktik di daerah Pluit, Jakarta Utara ini menguraikan prosesnya. Pertama kali, zat kerak dimasukkan ke dalam larutan alkali pekat. Selanjutnya, dipanaskan dalam suhu 80-120 derajat Celsius untuk melepaskan asetil.

Butylosar yang telah didapatkan itu hanya larut dalam asam encer dan cairan tubuh manusia. Dengan demikian, butylosar dapat diserap oleh tubuh.

Kerak yang telah dilepaskan asetilnya merupakan zat murni, tinggi sifat basanya, serta mengandung banyak molekul glukosa. Zat itu merupakan satu-satunya selulosa yang dapat dimakan.

Ditambahkan DR. Linawati, zat ini mempunyai muatan positif yang kuat, dan dapat mengikat muatan negatif dari senyawa lain. Selain itu, zat ini mudah mengalami degradasi secara biologis dan tidak beracun.

Pengganti FormalinLebih lanjut, Dr. Setiawan menguraikan khasiat butylosar, yakni meningkatkan fungsi pembunuh sel kanker. Dalam sebuah riset antitumor, katanya, butylosar mempunyai daya penekan terhadap penyebaran sel tumor sekaligus merangsang kemampuan kekebalan tubuh serta mendorong tumbuhnya sel T limpa dari pankreas.

“Bahaya kanker terletak pada kemungkinan peralihannya. Kemampuan zat butylosar dalam menekan sifat peralihan sudah diakui oleh ilmuwan biologi di berbagai negara melalui cara yang berbeda-beda. Selain itu, dalam pemakaiannya terhadap pasien memperlihatkan keberhasilan yang cukup tinggi,” kata Dr. Setiawan.

Butylosar mempunyai kemampuan menempel pada molekul sel di permukaan bagian dalam pembuluh darah. Kondisi ini mencegah sel tumor menempel pada sel permukaan pembuluh darah, artinya mencegah perembesan jaringan kanker ke daerah sekitar.

Butylosar dapat juga mengurangi penyerapan tubuh terhadap ion-ion klor. Zat ini meningkatkan fungsi pembesaran pembuluh darah, yang pada gilirannya menurunkan tekanan darah.

Sejak tahun 2004, menurut DR. Linawati, Departemen THP telah melakukan uji aplikasi zat kerak pada beberapa produk ikan asin,

seperti jambal roti, teri, dan cumi. Dalam berbagai konsentrasi, chitosan dilarutkan dalam asam asetat, kemudian ikan asin yang akan diawetkan dicelupkan beberapa saat dan ditiriskan.

Hasilnya, pada konsentrasi 1,5 persen saja penggunaan chitosan dapat menyamai pemakaian formalin yang merupakan bahan berbahaya. Indikasinya, lalat yang hinggap lebih sedikit, penampakannya lebih baik daripada ikan asin kontrol (tanpa formalin dan chitosan) maupun ikan asin dengan formalin.

Pemakaian chitosan sebagai bahan pengawet juga tidak menimbulkan perubahan warna dan aroma. Setengah berpromosi, DR. Linawati membandingkan segi ekonomis penggunaan chitosan dibanding formalin. Untuk 100 kg ikan asin diperlukan satu liter chitosan seharga Rp 12.000, sedangkan formalin Rp 16.000.

Dr. Setiawan menambahkan, untuk pengobatan, dosis yang dianjurkan 2 x 2 kapsul per hari diminum dengan air hangat. Bila diminum bersama produk lain, beri jarak waktu 1 jam karena sifatnya yang mengikat. Ia mengingatkan, chitosan tidak dianjurkan dikonsumsi oleh anak-anak -



Master Theses from JBPTITBPP / 2007-12-05 07:59:58Oleh : Widya Febrina (NIM : 205 06 050), S2 - BiologyDibuat : 2007-00-00, dengan 7 file

Keyword : Chitosan; phosphorylated chitosan membranes; fuel cell.Subjek : ChemistryKepala Subjek : Mathematics and Natural Sciences


Dalam sel bahan bakar, material membran penukar proton (PEM) berfungsi sebagai pemisah gas gas pereaksi dan sebagai elektrolit penghasil energi secara elektrokimia, serta sebagai fasilitator transpor selektif proton dari anoda ke katoda. Membran penukar proton yang sering dipergunakan adalah Nafion yang memiliki hampir semua

karakteristik yang sesuai sebagai membran elektrolit sel bahan bakar. Namun membran ini berharga mahal dan sangat bergantung pada air untuk proses konduksi, serta tidak stabil pada temperatur diatas 100 derajatC. Faktor faktor tersebut kurang mendukung peningkatan kinerja sel bahan bakar. Sebagai elektrolit sel bahan bakar, membran elektrolit diharapkan bersifat stabil dan dapat dipergunakan pada temperatur yang lebih tinggi sehingga arus listrik yang dihasilkan sel bahan bakar juga cukup besar. Kitosan merupakan polimer alamiah yang telah dipelajari secara luas dan cukup menjanjikan sebagai material elektrolit sel bahan bakar. Kitosan merupakan turunan N deasetilasi dari kitin. Kitin adalah polisakarida alamiah yang melimpah dan menjadi material pendukung pada cangkang kepiting, kulit udang, miselia jamur, serangga, dll. Kitosan dapat diperoleh melalui serangkaian proses deproteinasi, demineralisasi, dan deasetilasi kitin menggunakan alkali dan temperatur yang tinggi. Keberadaan gugus hidroksil dan amino pada kerangka kitosan menyebabkan kitosan memiliki hidrofilisitas yang cukup tinggi, yang bermanfaat pada pengoperasian sel bahan bakar. Namun dalam keadaan normalnya, film kitosan hanya memiliki konduktivitas listrik yang rendah. Meskipun struktur monomer kitosan memiliki tiga atom hidrogen, namun atom hidrogen tersebut terikat kuat pada kerangka kitosan dan tidak dapat digerakkan dibawah medan listrik, sehingga film kitosan tidak dapat dijadikan suatu konduktor proton. Akan tetapi, jika kitosan tersebut dilarutkan di dalam asam asetat dan kemudian dicetak sebagai membran (film tipis), maka ion H+ atau H3O+ dan CH3COO- pada sistem film kitosan terasetilasi akan tersebar pada kerangka kitosan. Ion ion ini dapat digerakkan dibawah pengaruh medan listrik. Jika ion H+ atau H3O+ lebih mudah bergerak dibandingkan ion CH3COO-, maka film kitosan akan menjadi suatu konduktor proton. Kitosan dalam media asam juga dapat menjadi polielektrolit melalui protonasi gugus NH2. Oleh karena sifat kristalin kitosan, bagian kristalin pada kitosan akan menghalangi molekul air untuk masuk ke dalam membran kitosan, sehingga menghambat transpor ion hidroksida di dalam membran. Untuk meningkatkan konduktivitas ioniknya, membran kitosan difosforilasi. Fosforilasi membran kitosan dilakukan dengan mereaksikan asam orto fosfat dan urea pada permukaan membran kitosan dalam pelarut N,N dimetilformamid (DMF). Reaksi dilakukan pada beberapa temperatur yakni 60 derajat C, 70 derajatC, 80 oC, dan 90 oC. Pada masing masing temperatur reaksi tersebut juga dilakukan variasi waktu reaksi yaitu 30 menit, 60 menit, 90 menit, dan 120 menit. Membran kitosan terfosforilasi dalam keadaan hidrat dengan kandungan fosfat tertentu menunjukkan konduktivitas ionik yang lebih tinggi sebesar satu orde magnitud bila dibandingkan dengan membran kitosan tanpa modifikasi, yakni dari 2,89 x 10-4 ke 3,23 x 10-3 Peningkatan temperatur dan waktu reaksi fosforilasi mengakibatkan naiknya kandungan fosfat pada membran, akan tetapi nilai derajat penggembungan dan konduktivitas ionik berubah akibat terbentuknya ikatan silang pada membran. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan mekanik dan stabilitas termal membran kitosan terfosforilasi tidak berubah secara signifikan terhadap membran kitosan yang tidak dimodifikasi. Kondisi reaksi fosforilasi yang optimum dicapai pada temperatur reaksi 80 derajatC dengan waktu reaksi selama 30 menit.

Deskripsi Alternatif :


structure and cannot be mobilized under the action of an electric field to give a proton conductor. It has been found, however, that if chitosan is dissolved in acetic acid and the resulting solution is cast into a thin film, then the H+ or H3O+ and CH3COO- ions in the acetylated chitosan film will be dispersed in the immobilized chitosan solvent and these ions can be mobilized under the influence of an electric field. If H+ or H3O+ ions are more mobile than the CH3COO− ions the film becomes a proton conductor. Chitosan in an acidic medium can become a polyelectrolyte through the protonation of the -NH2 groups. Due to the crystalline nature of chitosan, highly crystalline portions in the chitosan membranes obviously render resistance to water uptake and in turn hinder hydroxide ion transport in the membranes. In order to increase the ionic conductivity, the chitosan membranes was phosphorylated. The phosphorylated chitosan membranes were prepared from the reaction of orthophosporic acid

In fuel cell proton exchange membrane (PEM) serves to separate the reactant gases, provides the electrolyte for energy-generating electrochemistry, and facilitates the selective transport of protons from the anode to the cathode. The state of the art proton exchange membrane is a polymer commercially called Nafion which has almost all the necessary properties for a good fuel cell membrane. The most significant drawbacks are the relatively high cost, the dependence on water for conduction, and instability at temperatures above 100 oC. The last mentioned is particularly unfortunate because membranes that allow stable, high performance operation at elevated temperature should lead to substantial improvements in fuel cell performance. As a natural polymer, chitosan is one of the promising membrane materials which has been widely studied. Chitosan is the N deacetylated derivative of chitin, which is a naturally abundant polysaccharide and the supporting material of crabs, shrimp shells, fungal mycelia, insects, etc. Chitosan can be obtained through deproteination, demineralization and deacetylation of chitin by using alkali treatment dan higher temperature. The presence of hydroxyl and amino groups on the backbone of chitosan provide chitosan with a high hydrophilicity, which is known to be quite beneficial for fuel cell operation. However in its actual state, a chitosan film has very low electrical conductivity. Although the structure of a chitosan monomer has three hydrogen atoms, they are strongly bonded to the and urea on the surface of chitosan membranes in N,N dimethylformamide. The reactions were carried out at varied temperatures, namely 60 oC, 70 oC, 80 oC and 90 oC. At each temperature the reaction time was also varied with the variable time were 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes and 120 minutes. Compared to the unmodified chitosan membrane, it was found that hydrated phosphorylated chitosan membranes with an appropriate phosphorus content showed an increase of ionic conductivity of about one order of magnitude, from 2.89 x 10-4 to 3.23 x 10-3 Increasing the temperature and time of phosphorylation reaction resulted in increasing the phosphorus content on membrane, but the swelling index and ionic conductivity were changed pronouncedly because of the cross linked formation. It was also observed that the tensile strength and thermal stability of the phosphorylated chitosan membranes do not change significantly compared with the unmodified chitosan membranes. Optimum phosphorylation condition was obtained at temperature 80 oC for 30 minutes reaction.

Copyrights : Copyright (c) 2007 by Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences .Information Dissemination Right @2007

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Properti Nilai PropertiID Publisher JBPTITBPPOrganisasi S2 - BiologyNama Kontak Drs. Mahmudin, SIP.Alamat Jl. Ganesha 10Kota BandungDaerah Jawa BaratNegara IndonesiaTelepon 62-22-2500089Fax 62-22-2500089E-mail Administrator CKO

ChitosanChitosan adalah polisakarida linear dengan komposisi glukosamin. Chitosan banyak digunakan dalam dunia biomedis komersial. Chitosan sebenarnya adalah serat yang didapat dari polisakarida dari kerang, udang, kepiting dan lain-lain. Chitosan mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengikat lipid dan lemak. Yang terpenting, karena chitosan tidak dicerna dalam konsumsinya, maka chitosan ini sendiri tidak mengandung kalori. Ketika diminum, chitosan melekatkan diri pada saluran usus, dan mengikat lemak yang lewat di dalam usus sebelum diserap oleh darah, karena lemak yang diikat tidak memasuki aliran darah, maka lemak tersebut dianggap "tidak bisa dicerna" oleh tubuh, sehingga lemak tersebut akan dibuang melalui saluran pencernaan. Serat dibutuhkan sebagai salah satu zat yang memerankan penting untuk membersihkan saluran pencernaan, khususnya usus. Chitosan adalah serat yang berguna membersihkan usus, menstimulasi proses pencernaan, dan menyehatkan usus serta membantu mengurangi penyerapan lemak.

PenggunaanSuplemen chitosan digunakan untuk mengatur dan menjaga berat badan dengan cara

kerja chitosan menyerap lemak sebanyak 3-6 kali beratnya sendiri sebelum lemak tersebut diserap di dalam tubuh untuk dibuang melalui proses buang air besar. Chitosan murni dalam diet juga dapat membakar 30 kalori dalam sehari. Chitosan juga mempunyai efek merubah atau menghilangkan mineral yang tidak efektif dalam makanan sehingga menjaga tubuh tetap sehat. Dalam dunia biomedis, chitosan digunakan pada pembalut luka untuk pembekuan darah dan mempunyai sifat anti bakteri.

DosisDosis yang disarankan adalah 1000 sampai 1200 mg, dua kali sehari dengan segelas air sebelum dan sesudah makan.

Kontra IndikasiJangan gunakan chitosan dengan produk minyak lainnya seperti ClA atau Omega-3 karena chitosan bersifat menyerap lemak.


Crescentiana Dewi Poeloengasih, Hernawan, and M. Angwar

Generally production of chitosan from crustacean shells consists of 4 steps, i.e. deproteinization, demineralization, decolorization and deacetylation. Simplification of chitosan production by elimination of deproteinization and/or demineralization, or reducing of reaction time would give many advantages, e.g. reduction of processing time and cost production due to reduction of chemical and power usage. The objectives of this research were to prepare chitosan under various processing times and to characterize the obtained chitin and chitosan. Chitin was prepared under various deproteinization times (0, 15, 30 min at 90 ºC using NaOH 2N) and demineralization times (0, 15, 30 min at ambient temperature using HCl 2N). Chitin was then bleached using aceton/etanol (1:1) for an hour. Deacetylation was achieved by treatment of chitin under condition at 120 ºC for 5 hr using NaOH 50 persen. Ash and nitrogen content, and degree of deacetylation of chitosan were evaluated. Demineralization and/or deproteinization times influenced the quality of chitin. Chitin and chitosan prepared without demineralization had white and chalky appearance, whereas the other chitosan were off-white in color. Ash and nitrogen contents of the chitosan products were 0.18 – 32.40 persen and 3.56 – 7.59 persen, respectively. Chitosan prepared under various processing times, except chitosan without demineralization treatment, had degree of deacetylation ≥ 70 persen. Keywords: chitosan, deproteinization, demineralization, deacetylation, processing times

Indo. J. Chem., 2008, 8 (2), 189 - 192 - No. arsip : -08002

Pemanfaatan Kitosan

Dalam industri pangan, kitin dan kitosan bermanfaat sebagai pengawet dan penstabil warna produk. Secara kimia kitin adalah molekul besar (polimer). Senyawa ini tidak dapat disintesis secara kimia dan tersusun leh satuan molekul N-asetil-D-glukosamin. Kalu bagian asetil ini dibuang, maka kita akan memperoleh kitosan. Struktur ini memiliki fungsi yang lebih bervariasi

beberapa contoh aplikasi kitin dan kitosan dalam bidang nutrisi (suplemen dan sumber serat), pangan (nutraceutical, flavor, pembentuk tekstur, emulsifier, penjernih minuman), medis ( mengobati luka, contact lens, membran untuk dialisis darah, antitumor), kesehatan kulit dan rambut (krim pelembab, hair care product), lingkungan dan pertanian (penjernih air, menyimpan benih, fertilizer dan fungisida) lain-lain (proses finishing kertas, menyerap warna pada produk cat dsb).

Karena banyaknya fungsi yang dapat dilakukan maka harga kitin, kitosan dan senyawa yang dibuat dri keduanya misal kitooligosakarida menjadi mahal. harga kitosan saat ini mencapai $ 1000 er ton.

Kitin dapat dibuat dari kulit udang atau kulit kepiting atau bahkan dari kulit insekta. Biasanya kitin pada kulit diikat oleh senyawa lain seperti protein dan mineral. jadi melepaskan kitin dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan asam dan selanjutnya menetralkannya lagi.

Kitosan dibuat dari kitin dengan menggunakan basa dan perlakuan panas, atau dengan memakai enzim yang melepaskan bagian asetil. Kitooligosakarida dapoat diproduksi dari kitin dan kitosan menggunakan enzim kitinase.

Sumber: Maggy Thenawidjaja Suhartono, 2006. Pemanfaatan kitin, kitosan dan kitooligosakarida. Foodreview Indonesia edisi Juli 2006.

Jurnal berkait dengan kitosan:

1. Biological Evaluation of Chitosan Salts Cross-Linked to Genipin as a Cell Scaffold for Disk Tissue Engineering

2. production, properties and some new applications of chitin and its derivates

3. Metode produksi kitosan4. kitosan untuk pisang dan mangga segar


Imagine a dietary substance that could dramatically reduce fat absorption in the body! Imagine a dietary substance that could 'significantly" reduce cholesterol and triglyceride blood plasma levels which are proven to contribute to obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Imagine chitosan; the fiber which has the potential to become the safest and most effective weight loss and health promoting therapy ever discovered! Secretly, many of us have wished for the magic pill that would wash our fat away, even though deep down we knew no such thing could possibly exist. The answer is Chitosan! I think perhaps we were wrong. It does exist. However, it isn't magic. It's simply a different kind of soluble fiber that acts like a powerful magnet for fat and other high calorie fat producing substances in the digestive tract. The answer is Chitosan! The incredible fat fighting effects of chitosan fiber is backed by extensive scientific research. Chitosan is a proven safe and effective way to control the intake of dietary fat and other high calorie substances. The answer is Chitosan! It also offers other health enhancing benefits that could help untold millions of people. Perhaps, you are one of them.

WHY ARE WE FAT?Research shows that over 100 million Americans are overweight and spending an estimated 33 billion dollars annually on diets and diet related products. Yet we remain fat. Why? One reason is that much of the processed food we eat today is sadly lacking in nutritional value because essential nutrients are lost in processing. The average persons diet today consists of many processed foods that are high in fats and sugars and low in fiber and enzymes. The answer is Chitosan! Another reason we are fat is that because of depleted soils, much of our food is already lacking in essential nutrients. Nutrient deficient food rapidly leads to nutritional deficiencies in the body. Empty calories are readily stored as fat which cannot be efficiently burned. Fat is burned only when sufficient energy is produced and energy production requires almost every known nutrient. The answer is Chitosan!

Malnutrition is a major factor leading to obesity and the inability or difficulty in losing weight. For instance, to produce energy we need the B vitamins. Vitamin B6 is essential for the conversion of stored fat and the utilization of protein. If there is a lack of pantothenic acid and protein, fat is burned at a tremendously reduced rate. Amino acids are essential for the proper function of many energy producing systems but cannot be utilized without choline , vitamin B6 and other nutrients. Vitamin E is also necessary for fat utilization and actually doubles our ability to use fat. If we are deficient in choline and inositol, the body cannot produce lecithin which also aids cells to burn fat. These are just a few examples of nutritional deficiencies that cause poor utilization of fat and fat storage. These deficiencies can also in turn prevent the body from producing hormones and enzymes necessary for the utilization and assimilation of nutrients available in other "good for us" foods. The answer is Chitosan!


It is interesting to note that fat intake is not related to the use of body fat for energy production. It is very rare for the body to burn ingested fat for energy. When the body produces energy it first uses carbohydrates, then protein and then fat. The only fats the body uses, not burns, are essential fatty acids which are unsaturated. They cannot be made by the body and must be supplied through the diet. These essential fats are very important because they are used to help produce hormones and enzymes and act as cofactors to other nutrients. Additionally, they help to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart attacks and are essential for the normal development and function of the brain. Natural forms of the essential fatty acids are found in many vegetables, flax seed oil, salmon oil, cod liver oil and fish. The answer is Chitosan!

Saturated fats usually come from animal and dairy sources such as cheese, milk, meat, butter and eggs. The body does not use saturated fats in any way except to store them. They clog up our arteries, lead to untold health disorders, and when we look in the mirror we see them on our hips, thighs, stomach and under our chins etc. If it is necessary to burn fat for energy reduction it is much easier for the body to use the unsaturated essential fatty acids. There is an old saying about fat, "If it's past the lips it's on the hips." Fortunately, we now have Chitosan fiber to fight fat which makes that saying no longer true. The answer is Chitosan!


I am certain that you already know that scientific evidence shows that fat is the macro-nutrient associated with obesity. However, did you know that excess dietary fat is also associated with gallbladder disease, high blood pressure, stroke, coronary artery disease, heart disease, joint inflammation such as arthritis and gout, kidney disease, liver disorders, diabetes, respiratory problems, malnutrition, complications of pregnancy, psychological problems, and various forms of cancer such as breast, endometrial, colon, rectal, prostate, ovarian and cervical cancer. Additionally, virtually all health studies agree that excess fat can significanlly shorten your life span. Too much dietary fat

consumption means that millions of people acquire diseases or disorders that could be easily prevented and die before their time. The answer is Chitosan!

If you are not over weight that does not necessarily mean your cholesterol and triglyceride blood levels are normal. I have a friend that has dangerously high blood pressure, her cholesterol and triglyceride levels are also very high and yet she is willow thin. She can eat whatever she wants with out gaining an ounce, and whatever she wants is usually high fat, soul satisfying food. She is headed for disaster and yet unwilling to change her dietary habits. Irregardless of how fat or thin you are, if you consume too much fat, you are at risk for developing the diseases or disorders mentioned above. The answer is Chitosan!


A poorly functioning and toxic colon can be related to many degenerative diseases including cancer and obesity. Colon/rectal cancer is the number one cancer for men and women in the U.S. More Americans are hospitalized due to diseases of the digestive system and colon than for any other disorder. In fact, we spend over 50 billion dollars a year in hospitals for surgical procedures and other treatments. Most of these problems could have been easily prevented by reducing dietary fat and including an adequate intake of dietary fiber. The answer is Chitosan!

The Merck Manual, which is the medical industry's standard text for the diagnosis and treatment of disease, reveals that Diverticulosis of the colon has increased dramatically over the last 50 years. In fact, it states that in 1950 only 1O% of the population had this disorder, in 1987 it had risen to 50% and the 1994 edition stated that by old age every person would have many diverticula. Diverticula are herniated pouch like sacs that form at weak points in the walls of the colon and are caused by sluggish or constipated bowels. There are no symptoms. However, these pockets can fill up with many pounds of old fecal matter which is very toxic. (10 to 20 pounds is not at all unusual.) Poisons from his toxic waste can be reabsorbed into the blood stream, and is thought to be by many as the underlying cause of sickness and disease. By the way, diverticula can be prevented by consuming an adequate intake of dietary fiber. The answer is Chitosan!


Fiber is a carbohydrate food component which contains no calories, has no nutritional value, provides us with no energy and is indigestible. Yet, it is an essential dietary factor for maintaining health. Fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and psyllium seed husks. It is not found in meat or dairy products. Basically, the value of fiber is in what it does in our bodies. A major benefit is that it binds to bile acids and carries the bile along with excess fats out of the body. Fiber also helps you to feel full and eat less. It acts as a bulking agent and speeds the transit time of the food we eat which prevents indigested food and metabolic waste from creating toxic by products. The answer is Chitosan!

NOTE: 'Transit Time' is normally 12-18 hours! You can check this quite easily by swallowing about 2 tablespoons of 'Whole' kernels of sweet corn and note how long it takes to pass through your body!

Fiber helps lower cholesterol, reduces the risk of heart disease, lowers blood pressure, improves blood sugar, and promotes the growth of friendly intestinal flora. It also promotes bowel regularity, helps elimination, aids digestion and helps to keep the bowel clean.

NOTE: A simple fiber test is to check if your 'Stools' float or sink! If they sink, then it generally indicates the lack of sufficient fiber! Not only is chitosan a super fat fighting fiber, it additionally provides all of the above benefits.


Chitosan (pronounced kite-o-san) is a aminopolysaccharide, derived from "chitin". Chitin is found in plankton and the exoskeletons (shells) of crustaceans such as shrimp, lobster or crab. Researchers have been doing clinical studies on chitosan as a natural weight loss agent and as a fiber for adding bulk to the digestive system and for colon cleansing for about 17 years. It has also been used for 30 years by water purification plants as a process for detoxifying water. Chitosan is generally spread over the surface of water to absorb oil, grease, and other toxic substances. Chitosan soaks up these hazards and is then easily removed. It is also used for coagulation of activated sludge in food and beverage processing plants such as breweries and vegetable canneries. This semi-solid vegetable material is a major disposal problem. However, it does have nutritive value, and scientists are looking at the utilization of dried sludge as a protein supplement in animal feeds. Chitosan not only effectively neutralizes fats; it also acts as a sponge for other elements as well.

As a weight loss product chitosan can produce dramatic results as one clinical study in Helsinki Norway proved. The participants in the study lost an average of 8 % body fat in a four week period. This was an average of over 15 pounds per person! Researchers reported that the participants "informed us that this chitosan was the best and most hygienic way to take a weight reducing substance." The absence of side effects was also touted by the researchers and they were surprised at the blood pressure lowering effects of chitosan. We appear to be a society obsessed with dieting and yet few of us are successful in attaining permanent weight loss. The facts are that 68% of all Americans are overweight and 33% over the age of 20 are obese, and these figures are climbing daily. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, even a small amount of extra body weight increases our risk of disease and may affect longevity. The National Institute of Health states that, "Obesity is the leading cause of heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, and even cancer."

Chitosan offers everyone the potential of achieving permanent weight loss and other wonderful health benefits. If you have tried and failed like millions of others before you,

take heart. Although chitosan is not a magic pill, it could be viewed as a miracle worker. For the best long term results it is recommended chitosan be taken in combination with a balanced low fat diet, other nutritional supplements, moderate exercise, and plenty of water. If you are occasionally tempted by that hot fudge sundae or juicy cheeseburger, remember to take your chitosan prior to being tempted. I have been told that chitosan is also safe for children and people who are slender but have high cholesterol levels.


Chitosan has a powerful natural magnetic attraction for lipids, fats, and bile in the digestive tract and actually binds with them preventing them from being absorbed into the blood stream. Chitin is a structurally similar to cellulose which is a plant fiber except in chitosan, acetylamino groups are in place of hydroxy groups in its molecular composition. Chitosan is derived from Chitin by removing and refining the acetyls through a process called deacetylation. (de-a-sit-a-lation) Removing acetyl groups results in an unstable aminopolysaccharide (chitosan) molecule with a strong positive (pH) polarity. Chitosan's positive polarity attracts negatively charged molecules, and ionically bonds them to the chitosan. (similarly as a magnet attracts steel) The answer is Chitosan!

Within the digestive system the chitosan dissolves and forms a positively charged gel. Negatively charged molecules of fats, lipids, and bile attach strongly to the chitosan sites where the acetyl groups were removed. This electrolytic bonding causes large polymer compounds to be formed that cannot be broken down by the digestive process. The chitosan then acts as a coagulating agent for other activated solids, bulk wastes and Fibers, trapping them in the polymer. These solids can contain high calorie molecules such as complex sugar chains and high caloric carbohydrate micelles. These are substances that often get converted into fat which is stored in the body. As the chitosan polymer grows, it becomes too large to be absorbed through the lining of the digestive tract. Eventually the polymer is excreted as waste from the digestive system, carrying away the attached fat and other potential fat producing substances. The answer is Chitosan!

Bile acids are neutralized by the chitosan polymer. Bile Acids are released as fats, lipids and other high calorie fibers enter into the lower intestinal tract. The bile breaks up these high calorie substances into smaller digestible sizes called micelles. These micelles are then digested and absorbed by enzymatic activity. Note that as in the case of unsaturated fatty micelles, they are not burned for energy but stored as fat. Chitosan prevents the absorption of these fat producing micelles. Excessive bile acids are believed to contribute to colon and prostate cancer; so their elemination may be another positive feature of chitosan. The answer is Chitosan!

Chitosan is also called lipophilic, meaning that it is chemically attracted to or loves fat. Generally fibers are hydrophilic, which means they repel fat and attract water. Chitosan actually captures and inactivates lipids, fats, and cholesterol by preventing absorption and subsequent storage. Laboratory research shows that chitosan can bind significantly higher

amounts of fats than other fibers can entrap. In fact, 23 different fiber substances were used in one study and it was found that chitosan worked 55% better than any other fiber in entrapping and eliminating fat in the gastro-intestinal tract. It is easy to verify how well chitosan works in eliminating fats by noticing the fat content in the stool.

Kitosan dari Limbah Invertebrata Laut Sebagai Bahan Pengawet Alami Pada Pengolahan Ikan Asin

Mencari solusi lain untuk formulasi pengawetan yang jauh lebih aman dengan menggunakan sisa dari produk yang menjadi limbah dan diolah dengan tepat guna, membuat inovasi ini sangat menjanjikan.



Pemakaian Formalin sebagai pengawet bahan pangan telah menjadi kontroversi serius, karena formalin bukan pengawet untuk makanan, dan selain itu, bisa beresiko serius pada kesehatan jika pemakaiannya dilakukan secara sembrono. Kitosan menawarkan substitusi alami yang aman, karena dibuat dari limbah pengolahan makanan, yaitu limbah invertebrata laut, seperti udang atau kepiting.

Limbah invertebrata laut ini diproses menjadi Kitosan melalui tahapan proses demineralisasi, deproteinasi, serta deasetilasi, pada limbah yang telah dikeringkan dan dihaluskan. Larutan Kitosan ini telah diaplikasikan secara memuaskan pada pengolahan ikan asin. Kitosan bisa juga digunakan sebagai pelapis bahan makanan dengan melarutkan kitosan bubuk dengan asam cuka dan air.

A natural preservative formula using byproducts from sea invertebrae creatures such as shrimps, can be a substitute for formalin that has been used commonly in the dried salt fish industry.

It is safe to be consumed and can also be used to coat other perishable food products. The production process is based on Protan Lab. standard and for best preservation results is achieved by using 1.5% chitosan solution.



Bersifat alami Dapat menggantikan formalin sehingga kualitas ikan asin lebih aman dan sehat Sebagai pengawet, mempertahankan mutu dan kualitas produk makanan Tahan lama pangan/127-awet-karena-formalin-no-way-pakai-kitosan.html

Kitosan adalah biopolymer alami dan dapat dirombah secara biologis. Kitosan dan turunannya dapat digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan dalam bidang medis, pangan ataupun lingkungan.

Kitosan secara komersial dihasilkan dari udang dan kepiting dengan melakukan deasetilasi kitin menggunakan alkali kuat pada suhu tinggi dalam waktu lama. Penggunaan limba udang dan kepiting ini disatu sisi memeberi keuntungan karena dapat mengurangi limbah perikanan. Namun disis lain produksi kitosan menjadi sangat tergantung dari keberadaan industry udang dan kepiting. Oleh sebab itu perlu dipikirkan untuk produksi kitosan secara langsung. Salad satu cara adalah produksi kitosan secara fermentasi menggunakan jamur. Dinding sel dan septa dari Ascomycetes, Zygomycetes, Basidiomycetes dan Deuteromycetes terutama mengandung kitin. Mikroorganisme dapat ditumbuhkan dengan cepat pada nutrisi sederhana dan kitosan dinding sel mudah dipanen.

Jamur yang dapat digunakan untuk produksi kitosan adalah Aspergillus niger, Rhizopus oryzae, Lenthinus edodes, Pleurotus sajo-caju,Absidia dan Mucor sedang khamir yang dpat dipakai adalah Zygomyces rouxii, dan Candida albicans. Hasil paling baik diperoleh dari Rhizopus. Anda tertarik mengembangkannya?

PENGARUH SUHU PADA PEMBUATAN KITOSAN SECARA KIMIAWI Bambang Srijanto dan Imam Paryanto Pusat Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi Farmasi dan Medika-BPPT Gd BPPT II Lt 15 Jl. MH Thamrin No 8 Jakarta Telp (021)3169533 ; fax (021) 3169505; email :

AbstrakKitin merupakan polisakarida terbesar kedua setelah selulosa dan mempunyai rumus kimia poli(2-asetamida-2-dioksi-β-D-Glukosa) dengan ikatan β-glikosidik (1,4) yang menghubungkan antar unit ulangnya. Kitin tidak mudah larut dalam air, sehingga penggunaannya terbatas. Namun dengan modifikasi struktur kimiawinya maka akan diperoleh senyawa turunan kitin yang mempunyai sifat kimia yang lebih baik. Salah satu

turuan kitin adalah kitosan, suatu senyawa yang mempunyai rumus kimia poli(2-amino-2-dioksi-β-D-Glukosa) dan dapat dihasilkan dengan proses hidrolisis kitin menggunakan basa kuat. Proses produksi kitin dan kitosan dapat dilakukan secara kimiawi ataupun enzimatis. Proses produksi secara kimiawi relatif lebih cepat dalam proses produksinya. Tulisan ini mengkaji proses produksi kitosan secara kimia dengan variabel suhu 1000 C, 1300 C dan 1400 C, pengadukan pada 50 rpm, dan waktu reaksi selama 4 jam. Penentuan terhadap derajat deasetilasi produk kitin dan kitosan digunakan metode base line dengan bantuan alat spektrofotometer IR menunjukkan bahwa faktor suhu sangat berpengaruh terhadap derajat deasetilasi produk yang diperoleh dengan derajat deasetilasi produk kitosan berturut-turut 74,29 %, 82,66 % dan 83,25 %. Kata kunci : kitosan, pengaruh suhu, derajat deasetilasi.