Chp 1.1 Pgs 1 24



The Dakota County Technical College\'s (DCTC)course in Innovations in Marketing includes an excellent hands-on book called "The Bootstrapper\'s Guide to the Mobile Web" as its textbook. This ppts is the first lecture I give in the course. See for courses in Social Media, offered online or in the clasroom!

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Innovations in MarketingChapter 1.1 pg 1-24

Bootstrapper’s Guide to the Mobile WebAuthor Deltina Hay

Chapter 1-Mobile Websites

•How People Use the Mobile Web▫1. Don’t surf the mobile web per say▫2. Know what they want and act on it▫3. Want location, news, social media and

products▫4. Recommend, buy, and follow more than

desktop users

Chapter 1-Mobile Websites

•Why You Need a Mobile Web▫1. Websites to load fast and be free of

Flash▫2. Mobile websites need to adhere to

industry standards▫3. If a site is not compliant, will not be

listed in directories▫4. If your site is hard to navigate on mobile

devices, folks will move on.

Chapter 1-Mobile Websites

•Mobile Browsers Have Different Behavior Than Desktop Browsers▫No Flash▫No Rendered Video▫Image Galleries

▫Adhere to mobile standards of W3C mobile web initiative and you will avoid these issues

Chapter 1-Mobile Websites

•Planning Your Mobile Website▫Define business objectives▫Make a list of the must-have features for

your site▫Plan for user expectations

Why are they coming to your site? What are they seeking? What type of actions are they likely to take?

Chapter 1-Mobile Websites

•User Expectations▫Browsers on mobile devices typically take

action on their purpose ▫Spend most of the time seeking contact

and local info, visiting social media site, researching retail products and downloading music and video

Chapter 1-Mobile Websites

•Business Objectives ▫Ask Yourself

What are your immediate goals for your mobile website?

What are your resources? (money and personnel)

Are there any other factors that may restrict how you develop your mobile site?

Chapter 1-Mobile Websites

• Features to Consider for Inclusion in Mobile Website▫ Click to Call Buttons – for mobile device▫ Social Media Buttons▫ Share Badges for other to email a friend▫ Google Maps – interactive map with directions to your

location▫ Forms to allow action on your site▫ SMS (text messaging on mobile device preferred)▫ Event Calendar▫ Location Check-In▫ Multimedia – don’t use a lot for mobile devices▫ News/blogs▫ E-commerce – make it mobile-friendly▫ Industry Specific Features

Chapter 1-Mobile Websites

•Mobile Website Best Practices▫Make the mobile website load fast – no

Flash and few images▫Design simply – Avoid scrolling, Avoid

horizontal menus and Avoid clutter▫Prioritize content, be concise, and make it

easy for users to take action▫Take advantage of mobile features, and

check your site for errors.▫Think Tap-able not Click-able (design for

touch screen not mouse)

Chapter 1-Mobile Websites

•Formatting Content: Be Concise▫Make headers prominent and concise▫Text should be readable at arm’s length

and broken up with “read more” links▫Shorten excerpts for blog posts and new

items with links to full story▫Avoid placing too many links within the

body of text

Chapter 1-Mobile Websites

•Overall Site Design: Simple Usability▫Design for small screen is challenging. Try

to: Not Clutter your site with paid ads Use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets-defines

HOW HTML elements are to be displayed.) Use plenty of white space on your site. Use

lighter colors Place a search box prominently on your

mobile site. Avoid placing images, audio, or video across

site Single columns are best

Chapter 1-Mobile Websites

•Think About▫Page Size – Page load time Should be Less

than 4 seconds▫Images that are necessary

.jpg or .gif Reduced size and resolution of images Use image crunching services like

Crunch4Free Optimum page is around 20 KB Offer alternate text for images for mobile


Chapter 1-Mobile Websites

•URL: Dotmobi vs. Sub-domains▫It is recommended that you purchase a

dotmobi or .mobi extension so your mobile site is “”

▫Or you could pace your mobile site in a directory on your main website and assign it a name like

Chapter 1-Mobile Websites

•Redirecting Visitors to Your Mobile Site: Let them Choose▫It is best to allow browsers to choose

which version (full web or mobile site) they wish to view on mobile device

▫Place links at the bottom of your website that directs visitors to use standard or mobile versions of the site

Chapter 1-Mobile Websites

•Testing Your Mobile Site: W3C It▫Test your mobile site on W3C

mobileOKChecker Checks for site errors Checks load times Checks image sizes Etc.
