Christ the King Vigil




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  • 1When the people are gathered, the priest together with the other ministers, enter the sanctuary. The assemblysings an appropriate hymn while the priest exposes the Blessed Sacrament then incenses it.

    SONG: Isang Pagkain, Isang Katawan, Isang Bayan(Lucio San Pedro)

    Koro:Iisang Panginoon, iisang katawan,Isang bayan, isang lahing sa Yoy nagpupugay. (Uulitin)

    1. Katulad ng mga butil na tinitipon,Upang maging tinapay na nagbibigay-buhay.Kami naway matipon din at maging bayan Mong giliw. (koro)

    2. Katulad din ng mga ubas na piniga at naging alak:Sino mang uminom nito: May buhay na walang hanggan.Kami naway maging sangkap sa pagbuo nitong bayang liyag. (koro)


    Blessed be God the Father almighty,creator of heaven and earth,who, in his plan of salvation,to fulfil the promise made of old,chose Mary to be the Mother of his Son, the incarnate Word.


    Blessed be God forever.


    Blessed be Jesus Christ,the begotten Son of the Father,he whom the whole world cannot containenclosed himself as a child within the womb of Mary.


    Blessed be God forever.

  • 2Presider:

    Blessed be the Holy Spirit,the Lord and Giver of life,who enriched Mary with abundant giftsand opened her heart to receive the saving Word.


    Blessed be God forever.


    My dear brothers & sisters,Christ, our King and Lord gathered us today.He reigns in the hearts of those who accept and believe in Him.Let us then turn to Him to learn how to build the Kingdom of God.

    Let us pray to Him that He may bring to fulfilmentthe Kingdom of God He established among us.Let us offer ourselves to him that the will of the Fathermay be done here on earth as it is in heaven.

    With the whole church let us honour Him, who is our king,and He who reigns in the hearts of the humble,the poor, the faithful and in those who have nothing but the Lord.

    (Some moments of silent reflection, then everybody stand for the hymn)

  • 3SONG: Magpuri sa Panginoon (Hontiveros)

    Koro:Magpuri kayo sa Panginoong Diyos, lahat ng sangtinakpan.Magsiawit kayo at Syay ipagdangal magpakailanman.

    1. Magpuri kayo, mga anghel ng Diyos, sa Panginoong Maykapal.Magpuri kayo, mga langit, sa Diyos na sa nyo lumikha. (koro)

    2. Magpuri kayo sa Panginoon, buwan at araw at bituin.Umawit sa kanyang karangalan, ulan at hamog at hangin. (koro)

    3. Tanang mga tao sa buong mundo, banal at mabababang puso,Purihin ninyo ang Panginoon, sa sala tayoy hinago. (koro)

    (All kneel.)


    O Divine Jesus, we firmly believe in your presence here.In the Eucharist you made yourself the medicine of immortality.You gave us the taste for a full life that will help us journey on,as trusting and joyful pilgrims on this earth,our eyes fixed on the goal of life without end.


    Lord, increase our faith.


    In the Word of God constantly proclaimed, in the bread and winethat have become your Body and Blood,it is precisely you, our Risen Lord,who open our minds and hearts,and make us recognize you at the breaking of the bread.


    Lord, increase our faith.

  • 4Presider:

    As we participate in the breaking of the bread,as we contemplate your divine presence,and relive the sacrifice of the cross,we experience your infinite loveand feel called to spread your lightamong the men and women of our time.


    Lord, increase our faith.


    O Lord Jesus Christ, present in the Eucharist,light and life of the new millennium,our human heart, burdened with sin, often bewildered,weary and tried by suffering of all kinds, has need of light.


    Lord, increase our faith.


    In the difficult quest for peace that seems so remote,overwhelmed and humiliated by violence, terrorism and war,beset by calamities, natural and man-made, we need light.


    Lord, increase our faith.


    In this journey of life, Divine Companion,expert in our ways and readers of our hearts,do not leave us prisoners to the evening shadows.Sustain us in our weariness, forgive us our sins,and direct our steps on the path of goodness.


    Lord, increase our faith.

  • 5READINGJames 2:14-24

    A Reading from the Letter of St. James

    What good is faith, my brothers if someone says he has faith butdoes not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sisterhas nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you saysto them, Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well, but do not givethem the necessities of the body, what good is it? So also faith ofitself, if it does not have works, is dead.

    Indeed someone might say, You have faith and I have works. Dem-onstrate your faith to me without works, and I will demonstrate myfaith to you from my works. You believe that God is one. You dowell. Even the demons believe that and tremble. Do you want proof,you ignoramus, that faith without works is useless? Was not Abrahamour father justified by works when he offered his son Isaac uponthe altar? You see that faith was active along with his works, andfaith was completed by the works. Thus the scripture was fulfilledthat says, Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him asrighteous, and he was called the friend of God. See how a per-son is justified by works and not by faith alone.

    The Word of the Lord.


    Thanks be to God.

    (Some moments of silent reflection.)


    We contemplate the face of Jesus Christin the Eucharist


    Lord Jesus you have made yourself visible.You established your dwelling place among us (Jn 1:14).While the disciples were able to behold the face of the Fatherin your human appearances, they became witnesses to your manysigns and wonders (Jn 20:30-31).They contemplated your suffering face exposed on the cross,a mystery of Gods love for us.


    We want to see your face, Lord,bread of eternal life, pledge of our resurrection.


    They contemplated your face, O Risen One,who restored to them the peace and the joy they had lost.


    We want to see your face, O Lord,bread of eternal life, pledge of our resurrection.


    Today amidst the noise and confusion,as we contemplate the Eucharistic mystery,we also experience what the apostles have experienced.In Eucharist, we daily encounter you, true God and true man.Here your passion and death is realized.We encounter you, O Risen Lord.


    Blessed are you, God of all creation,for through your goodness bread and winehave become your Body and Blood ... Blessed are you, God forever.

  • 7Presider:

    We believe you are human yet divine,commonplace yet awesome, ordinary yet irreplaceable,a concrete individual who gives bodyto the most unfathomable mystery.


    How sweet is your memory, O Jesus.You are the source of our hearts true joy.


    Through the seasons of the year, in the seasons of our lives,we journey through the cycle of gains and losses,joys and sorrows, life and death, union and separation.While the journey can be challenging even exhilarating,it can also be lonely and tiring.


    To whom shall we go, Lord,you have the words of eternal life.

    (Some moments of silent reflection)

    (All Stand)

  • 8GOSPELMt. 17:14-21


    The Lord be with you.


    And also be with you.


    A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew.


    Glory to you. O Lord.

    When they came to the crowd a man approached, knelt down beforehim, and said, Lord have pity on my son, for he is a lunatic andsuffers severely; often he falls into fire, and often into water. Ibrought him to your disciples, but they could not cure him. Jesussaid in reply, O faithless and perverse generation, how long will Ibe in you? How long will I endure you? Bring him here to me.Jesus rebuked him and the demon came out of him, and from thathour the boy was cured. Then the disciples approached Jesus inprivate and said, Why could we not drive it out? he said to them,Because of your little faith. Amen, I say to you, if you have faith thesize of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Move fromhere to there, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.

    The Gospel of the Lord.


    Praise to your Lord Jesus Christ.

    (Some moments of silent reflection while the congregation is seated.)

  • 9SONG: Tinapay ng Buhay

    Koro 1:Ikaw Hesus ang tinapay ng buhay, binasbasan, hinatit inialay.Buhay na ganap ang sa amiy kaloob,At pagsasalong walang hanggan.

    1. Basbasan ang buhay naming handog, naway matulad sa pag-aalay Mo.Buhay na laan nang lubos, sa mundong sa pag-ibig ay kapos. (KOR01)

    2. Marapatin sa kapwa maging tinapay, kagalakan sa nalulumbay,Katarungan sa naaapi, at kanlungan ng bayan Mong sawi.

    Koro 2:Ikaw Hesus ang tinapay ng buhay, binasbasan, hinatit inialay.Buhay na ganap ang sa amiy kaloob.At pagsasalong walang hanggan.At pagsasalong walang hanggan.

  • 10


    The shadows are darkening.I feel deep loneliness and emptiness.I experience excruciating pain - physical, mental and emotional.


    I need to see you, Lord.I need to feel you and touch you.Show me the light amidst the darkness.You are my light and my salvation.


    The shadows are lengthening.We have become indifferent to the truth.There is loss of moral awareness,and worse; we have lost the sense of God.


    Forgive us our pride, O God.Forgive us our indifference and our weaknesses.O Lord, let the light of your countenance shine upon usand we shall be saved.


    The shadows are broadening. Families are breaking up.We lead meaningless existence. Our values have become distorted.


    Lord, it is dark.We seem to have lost our way.Send forth your light and your fidelity,they shall lead us on. (Ps 43:3)

  • 11


    The shadows are threatening.We have lost the capacity to love to the end.Our families are suffering from the effects of infidelityto the marriage vows.We have lost respect for human life.Abortion has become rampant and an ordinary occurrence.


    Have mercy on us, Lord.O God, in your goodness,in the greatness of your compassion, wipe out our offenses.Allow us to walk in your light, O Lord.


    The shadows are foreboding.There is corruption at every level of government.Drugs and illicit trades are rampant and go unabated.There is unbridled greed for power and wealth.


    Lord, free us from our sins,and make us whole.Let us not be discouraged by our weaknesses.Let the light of your glory shine upon us.


    The shadows are frightening.Crying out to heaven are the acts of violence, spreading terrorism.There are signs of serious crimescaused by the loss of the sense of God.Even nature and our environment have become so cruel,harsh and ferocious to us.

  • 12


    Lord, take away the darkness caused by our sins.Let your light break through the shadows of our failings.Let your light guide us towards the light of life.


    As LIGHT, he is stronger than any darkness:The light shines in the darknessand the darkness has not overcome it. (Jn 1:5)

    As LIFE, while ordinary bread and wineare the means necessary for our physical life,the Eucharistic bread is the nourishment for the lifewe received at baptism. It is the life that goes ondeveloping to its fullness because through the Eucharistwe grow into the likeness of Jesus. All the gifts of the Spirit arenourished, they lead us to salvation, thus realizing the purpose forwhich the Eucharist was instituted. A life of grace has no limit.The Saviour has already come and his presencein the Eucharist recalls the salvation he won for us.


    In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, theearth was a formless wasteland,and darkness covered the abyss.Then God said, Let there be light,and there was light. (Gn 1: 1-3 )


    Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God,you are great indeed. You are clothed with majesty and glory,robed in light, as with a cloak. (Ps 104: 1-2)

  • 13


    O God, you are the fullness of light.Christ is the revelation or that fullness, and is revealed to us.As children of light we are called to give the world meaning,so that the rays of light are clearly evident.


    I am the light of the world.No follower of mine shall ever walk in darkness;no, he shall possess the light of life. (Jn 8: 12)


    As a people we seek the truth, we do not want to live in lies.Our youth are the sentinel of the morning.The Eucharist will always be for themthe sun illuminating and warming their lives.In Eucharist they encounter him who is life.In Eucharistic Communion,we see not just a person who is seeking God,but God who is seeking and waiting for us.


    One thing I ask of the Lord, this I seek:to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,that I may gaze on the loveliness of the Lordand contemplate his temple. (Ps 27:4)


    In the Eucharist, O lord, you remind us to respect;protect, love and serve every human life.The Eucharist, Bread of eternal life,leads us to proclaim that human life sacred to you,from conception unto its natural term of death.

  • 14


    You will show me the path to life, fullness of joy in your presence,the delights at your right hand forever. (Ps 6: 16)


    We are stewards of all Gods creation.We have received it as a gift,and have the responsibility of protecting it,caring for it and nurturing it .


    Father, all things are of your making.All times and all seasons obey your laws.You chose to create us in yourown imagesetting us over the whole world in all its wonder.You made us the-steward of creationto praise you day by day for the marvels of your wisdom and power.

    (Some moments of silent reflection after which the congregation will sing.)

    SONG: Panginoon, AkingTanglaw

    1. Panginoon, aking Tanglaw, tanging Ikaw ang Kaligtasan.Sa panganib, ingatan ako, ang lingkod Mong nananalig sayo.

    KORO:Ang tawag koy Yong pakinggan, lingapin Mo at kahabagan.

    2. Anyaya Moy lumapit sa Yo. Hwag rnagkubli, hwag Kang magtago,Sa bawat sulak ng mundo, ang lingkod Moy hahanap sa Yo. (KORO)

    3. Panginoon, aking Tanglaw, tanging Ikaw ang Kaligtasan.Sa masama, ilayo Mo ako, ang sugo Mong umiibig sa Yo.

  • 15



    On the table of the meals of our lives we tell our stories,we share our dreams, and we proclaim our lives and our times.


    As we celebrate the mystery of Christs love,let us acknowledge our failures,and ask the Lord for pardon and strength.


    Together we eat, and together we celebrateour happiness, successes, joys, and our health.


    Lord God, heavenly king, almighty God and Father,we worship you. We give you thanks, we praise you for your glory.


    We drink from each others cup of pain,we touch each others sorrow,we dry each others tears and we heal each other brokenness.We mourn our losses.

    (Some moments of silent reflection)


    May all of us who sharein the Body and Blood of Christ be brought togetherin unity by the Holy Spirit.

  • 16


    We draw strength from each other.We declare our thanksgiving.We build up our fellowship,and we become community.


    Lord Jesus, we ask you to receive usand be pleased with the sacrifice we offer you,with humble and contrite hearts.


    Together as a community,we enter into each others lives,and on the altar of life we become bread taken,blessed, broken, and given.


    We come to you, Father, with praise and thanksgiving,through Jesus Christ, your Son.Through him we ask you to accept and blessthese gifts we offer you in sacrifice


    For on the night he was betrayed, while they were at supperhe took bread, said the blessing, broke the bread,and gave it to his disciples saying, take this all of you and eat it,this is my Body which will be given up for you.

    All:Sing if possible

    Christ has died.Christ is risen.Christ will come again.

  • 17


    In the same way, he took the cup filled with wine,he gave you thanks and praise,gave the cup to his disciples and said,Take this all of you and drink from it:this is the cup of my Blood,the Blood of the new and everlasting covenant.It will be shed for you and for all,so that sins may be forgiven.

    All:(Sing this if possible.)

    Dying, he destroyed our death;rising, he restored our life.Lord Jesus, come in glory.

    (All Kneel)

  • 18


    Heavenly Father, Pour forth your Holy Spirit to inspire us with thesewords from Holy Scripture. Stir in our souls the desire to renew ourfaith and deepen our relationship with your Son, our Lord JesusChrist so that we might truly believe in and live the Good News.Open our hearts to hear the Gospel and grant us the confidence toproclaim the Good News to others.

    Pour out your Spirit, so that we might be strengthened to go forthand witness to the Gospel in our everyday lives through our wordsand actions. In moments of hesitation, remind us: If not us, thenwho will proclaim the Gospel?

    If not now, then when will the Gospel be proclaimed? If not thetruth of the Gospel, then what shall we proclaim?

    God, our Father, we pray that through the Holy Spirit we might hearthe call of the New Evangelization to deepen our faith, grow inconfidence to proclaim the Gospel and boldly witness to the savinggrace of your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you, inthe unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.



  • 19


    Let us raise our voiceto proclaim our faith Christ the Lord for us has died.Dying, He destroyed our deathRising, He restored our life,O Lord Jesus, we awaitYour last return in glory.When we eat the breadAnd we drink the cup in the Blessed EucharistWe meet you, our Risen Savior,Giving life to us anew Through lifes journey, be with usTo strengthen us forever. Amen.


    Body of Christ conceived of the Blessed Virgin Mary:


    To you be praise and glory forerver.

    Body of Christ, sacrificed on the cross:


    To you be praise and glory forerver.

    Body of Christ, risen from the tomb:


    To you be praise and glory forerver.

  • 20

    Body of Christ, price of our ransom:


    To you be praise and glory forerver.

    Body of Christ, the seal of new alliance:


    To you be praise and glory forerver.

    Body of Christ, drink of eternal life:


    To you be praise and glory forerver.

    Heart of Christ, peirced through with the lance:


    To you be praise and glory forerver.

    Heart of Christ, rich in mercy:


    To you be praise and glory forerver.

    Heart of Christ, source of love:


    To you be praise and glory forerver.

    Living bread come down from heaven:


    To you be praise and glory forerver.

    Living word of the Father:


    Give us your salvation.

  • 21

    Giver of the Holy Spirit:


    Give us your salvation.

    Bridegroom of the Holy Church:


    Give us your salvation.

    Redeemer of the world:


    Give us your salvation.

    Friend of the young and the poor:


    Give us your salvation.

    When you come on the last day:


    Give us your salvation.

    Text modified from:Eucharist Light in our Darkness.Published by the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, Philippines, 2005
