Christian Living Grade 8


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  • 8/18/2019 Christian Living Grade 8






    The power that Jesus gave to the apostles were handed down to the Pope and Bishop

    of today. This is called apostolic succession.


    The Pope is the representative of Peper, while the Bishops are the successors of the other 

    apostles. This task of hierarchy of the Church is called ministry of service.  Jesus founded the Church to continue His saving mission here on earth.

      He personally chose Peter as the first stone to be laid down in His Church.

      We who profess the same faith in Jesus are the lving stones, and like Peter, have our share in that

    responsibility to buil the Church.


    - one of co-founders of the Missionary Sisters Servansts of the Holy Spirit congregation.

    - felt sent to bear the light, warmth, and security of God’s love to the abandoned children of China. 

    - this divine mandate reached her through the magazines of the Holy Childhood Association, known as the

    Pontifical Missionary Society or Children’s Mission Work. 

    - she wanted to recu the abandoned children in China from death and give them true life.- went to Steyl to meet St. Arnol Janssen and hoped he would give her information about where there might be

    a possibility of serving in the foreign missions.

    - at the age of 18-20 years old, she was already afraid that she might be tool old to be sent to China.

    - her vocation was nurtured by the Spirit that animated the Children’s Missionary Society. 


      Jesus commissioned His apostles to the task of evangelization.

      They are to share th Good News - all the truths about Jesus and that forever, He remains.

      Today, as members of the Church we share in the mission of Christ as priest, prophet, and king, and we

    call this work an apostolate. 


    Like the apostles, we, too, are commissioned by Jesus to the task of evangelization by exercising

    well our priestly, prophetic, and kingly function.


    We exercise our priesthood by the reception of the Sacraments, prayer, and thanksgiving and our own

    witnessing of holy life.


    As sharers in the prophetic mission of Christ, we must adhere to the Word of the Living God. We must

    apply it in our lives, and moves us to share it with others through our genuine act of love.


    - is one of the relifious priests who responded to the task of proclaiming the Good News of salvation.

    - born on April 17, 1502 in Spain; belonged to a welathy family; youngest among the six siblings.

    - studied law at the University of Paris; earned excellent grades, even in sports like track and field.

    - one day, he met Ignatius Loyola whol is older and much more serious in living a good Christian life.- he was influenced by Ignatius Loyola to change his ways.

    - joined Ignatius Loyola and other men in founding a new religious order called Society of Jesus on

    on April 15, 1534.

    - he began visiting prisons, caring for the sick, and teaching catechism as a missionry to India.

    - he wanted to go to China but did not materialize.

    - He died of December 3, 1580 at age of 46

    - had baptized 50,000 Catholic Christians during his 11 years as missionary.

    - he was proclaimed as saint and Patron of the Missionary Work

    - his feast day is December 3.


      The early discples of Jesus were witnesses of the Trinitarian relationship.

      In their livin out of the Trinitarian relationship they formed a perfect communal life.

      The early disciples exemplified their being a community of peopl worshipping God together;

    they are models of uniqueness; witnessed true discipleship in their perfect communion with the Triune


  • 8/18/2019 Christian Living Grade 8



      The early disciples of Crist were the early witnesses of the Trinitarian relationship as seen in their:

    1. Prayer

    2. Breaking of the bread

    3. Commitment to the mission


    As disciples today, we can help our community mirror the communal life lived by the early disciples


    1. Strengthening our basis ecclesial communities not only in school but also in our respective communities.2. Nourishing and sustaining ourselves with the Word of God by reading the Bible/Scripture.

    3. Deepening our felloship with one another in our community by sharing and praying together during prayer ,

    Bible study, etc.

    4. Participating in parish youth programs such as Pastoral Council for Youth (PCY), Kids/Youth for Christ (K/YFC),

    Pastoral Commission on Servie (PCS), lectors, commentators, choe, alta servers, etc.

    5. Involving in the outreach programs of the school and the community which serve as our means of helping

    those who are in need - victims of calamities, abandoned children in orphanages, street childre, etc.

    6. Repsonding to the call of caring for Mother Earth by supposrting the clean and green program, zero wast

    program, anti-littering program, resuse and recycle program, etc.

    7. Volunteering to help in the community development programs such as advocacies for Christian education,

    health, women’s rights, and many others. 



    PENTECOST is the third major Jewish feast that celebrated initially the harvesting of the grain and later

    the giving of the law to Moses on Mout Sinai.


    Pentecost marks the birth of the Church. With the sending of the Holy Spirit, the Catholic Church was

    born and continue to bring the mission of Christ into completion. 

      In Christian perspective, Pentecost the the feast celebrated fifty days after Easter and ten days after

    the Feast of the Ascension

      This was when Jesus fulfilled his promis to the disciples.

      The Holy Spirit’s empowerment to the Apostles made them courageous messengers and witnesses of

    the Good News of salvation.


    The disciples baptized, forgive sins, restored lif of God in people and shared the saving lov of God to all.

      The Holy Spirit, the breath of the mutual love of the Father and the Son gave birth to the Apostolic

    Church on Pentecost.

    SEVEN GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT which help us to live our friendshop with God.:

    1. Wisdom - to direct our thoughts, words, and actions to follow Christ and His teachings.

    2. Understanding - to englighten our minds to comprehend the mysteries of salvation with faith and love.

    3. Counsel - to guide us to live according to the will of the Father at all times.

    4. Fortitude - to give us the strength to face the challenges of our day-to-day life.

    5. Knowledge - to teach us God’s ways so that we may walk in His truth and love. 

    6. Piety - tomove our hearts to pryaer and true love of God and neighbour.

    7. Fear of the Lord - to make our hearts docile to the promptings and inspirations of the Holy Spirit.


      Aside from Peter, Paul is considered an outstanding figure in the early Church.

      Changed his name fromSaul when he began his missionary work among the Gentiles.

      was a Pharisee and a persecutor of Christians but encountered Christ on the road to Damascus which

    resulted to his conversion to Christianity.


    called the Apostle of the Gentiles 


    It was in Antioch, where the followere of Christ were converted to Christianity.



    co - foundress and first Superior General of the congregation of the Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit.


    born in 1861


    played very important roled to the third and last congregation founded by St. Arnol Janssen, the

    Contemplative of the Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration.

      guided the congregation for 38 years.

      her motto was “All the God wills”.