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Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Trigésimo Primera Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

October 31st, 2021

All Saints Day and All Souls Day

Días de Todos los Santos y Todos los Fieles Difuntos

November 1st and November 2nd

Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.

Alégrense y llénense de gozo, porque su recompensa será grande en el cielo.

2/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time October 31st, 2021Deut 6:2-6 Heb 7:23-28 Mark 12:28b-34

(Continued on page 3) (Continúa en la página 3)

From the Desk of the PastorDear Parishioners,

So, how challenging for you are those three one-sentence questions the Archdiocese has asked of us in preparation for the Synod in 2023?

You might have no idea what I am talking about if you missed the Flocknote that we sent to all registered parishioners on October 20th. If you missed it and it is not in your spam or junk folder, have no fear. We have a link to this request for input from the Archdiocese on page 5 in this bulletin. We also hope you will contact us, of course, if you are not receiving our regular emails from the parish. It is our way of keeping in touch and keeping you up to date about your parish commu-nity.

-ing asked only for one-sentence answers about how parishes, the Archdiocese and the universal Church can each do a better job of listening?

Yet, I bet for some of us we have no clue how to respond. That may have led some to dismiss the questions. It may have led others to put them aside in the hopes for some future inspiration. The latter, of course, can be a bit dangerous because we may forget all about them.

I do want to encourage you, however, to participate as best you can.

my family and friends listen better? -

end, the Shema Yisraelour Gospel reading from Mark in which Jesus quotes this pas-sage, might also help inspire you and provide direction.

The hope is that the Archdiocese will collect 1000’s of re-sponses by November 15th. Then, on November 27th Cardi-nal O’Malley will offer an opening Mass for the Archdiocesan Synod, just as Pope Francis did on October 10th.

In January 2022, parishes will be invited to hold focus groups about how we can do a better job of listening, of hearing one another better. There will also be 5 Regional Meetings in which there will be an opportunity to share with other parishes in our region.

From all this data the Archdiocese, will submit a 10-page re-port to the Vatican that is to become part of the Synod’s global conversation in 2023.

Spearheading this process for the Archdiocese will be Bish-op Bob Reed and Fr. Paul Soper.

Candidly admitting on a Zoom meeting of priests about this process, Fr. Soper said that cynicism about all this is under-

matter? In the United States alone there will be close to 200 of these reports and approximately 2,900 sent from all around the world.

Fr. Soper gave us much hope for this process, however, by

Estimados Feligreses:

preguntas de una sola oración que la Arquidiócesis nos ha hecho en preparación para el Sínodo en 2023?

Es posible que no tengan idea de lo que estoy hablando, si se perdió el mensaje por Flocknote que le enviamos a todos los feligreses registrados el pasado 20 de octubre. Si se lo perd-ieron y no está en su carpeta de spam o de basura, no tengan miedo. Tenemos un enlace a esta solicitud de aportes de la Arquidiócesis en la página 5 de este boletín. También espe-ramos que se comuniquen con nosotros, por supuesto, si no reciben nuestros correos electrónicos regulares de la parroquia. Es nuestra manera de mantenernos en contacto y mantenerlos al día sobre su comunidad parroquial.

Volviendo a las preguntas. Parecen al principio simples. Se nos pide solo respuestas de una oración sobre cómo las parro-

quias, la Arquidiócesis y la Iglesia universal pueden hacer un mejor trabajo de escucha.

Sin embargo, apuesto que, para algunos de nosotros, no tenemos ni idea de cómo responder. ¿Puede eso haber llevado a al-

-do a otros a dejarlas de lado con la esperanza de tener alguna inspiración futura? Esto último, por supuesto, puede ser un poco peligroso porque podemos olvidarnos de ellas.

Sin embargo, quiero animarlos a participar lo mejor que puedan.

Tal vez pregúntese primero, ¿cómo puedo escuchar mejor? ¿Cómo pueden mi familia y mis amigos escuchar mejor?

Shemá Israel -onomio, y de nuestra lectura del Evangelio de Marcos en la que Jesús cita este pasaje, también podrían ayudarlos a inspirarse y proporcionarles dirección.

La esperanza es que la Arquidiócesis recopile 1000 respues-tas para el 15 de noviembre. Luego, el 27 de noviembre, el cardenal O'Malley ofrecerá una misa de apertura para el Síno-do Arquidiocesano, tal como lo hizo el Papa Francisco el 10 de octubre.

En enero de 2022, se invitará a las parroquias a celebrar gru-pos focales sobre cómo podemos hacer un mejor trabajo de escucha, de escucharnos mejor unos a otros. También habrá 5 Encuentros Regionales en los que habrá oportunidad de com-partir con otras parroquias de nuestra región.

A partir de todos estos datos, la Arquidiócesis presentará un informe de 10 páginas al Vaticano que formará parte de la conversación global del Sínodo en 2023.

Encabezando este proceso por la Arquidiócesis, estarán el Obispo Bob Reed y el P. Paul Soper.

Admitiendo con franqueza en una reunión de sacerdotes por Zoom sobre este proceso, el P. Soper dijo que el cinismo sobre


3/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Join fellow parishioners in the Lannon Chapel and Friary Roomfor coffee, cider, and Halloween treats

to learn about volunteer opportunities with each of our Parish Commissions and organizations at St. Ignatius!

All are welcome!

pointing out that our goal, besides some possible global com-munication, is to help our own synodal process and way of proceeding on the archdiocesan and parish level.

It is in that spirit that I invite you to send to the Pastoral Council your response to the question of how our parish can do a better job of listening [pastoralcouncil@bc.edupromise to listen!

Please take a moment then today or sometime this week to help make this process at St. Ignatius and in our Archdiocese a success.

With open ears,Fr. Joe

tados Unidos habrá cerca de 200 de estos informes y habrá también aproximadamente 2.900 enviados de todo el mundo.

El P. Soper nos dio mucha esperanza para este proceso; sin embargo, al señalar que nuestro objetivo, además de algu-na posible comunicación global, es ayudar a nuestro propio proceso sinodal y forma de proceder a nivel arquidiocesano y parroquial.

Es con ese espíritu que los invito a enviar al Consejo Pastoral su respuesta a la pregunta de cómo nuestra parroquia puede hacer un mejor trabajo de escucha [¡Prometemos escuchar!

Por favor, tómense un momento hoy, o en algún momento de esta semana, para ayudar a que este proceso en San Ignacio y en nuestra Arquidiócesis sea un éxito.

Con los oídos abiertos:P. Joe

5:30 p.m. Daily Mass

Beginning Wednesday,

November 3rd, Mass from

Monday to Friday will be in

the Lannon Chapel.

4/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Faith Formation


October 31st

Faith Formation classes will be meet from 10:30-11:00 a.m.

Please enjoy the More than Mass celebration!

It is not too late to sign up for classes!

Gracias a todas nuestras familias quienes se han registrado para

la Formación en la Fe! ¡Registración todavía está abierta!


Are you Called to Be a Catechist?

We are in need of more catechists for our 3rd, 4th, 5th, and middle school

classes for our Faith Formation program on Sundays from

10-11am! You have the opportunity to shape the curriculum you're using

and put what you're learning in your classes into practice!

Classes are already in progress and we'd love to bring you on board!

Want to know more? Visit our website: or contact

Andrea Miller, Director of Faith Formation, at

Beginning Sunday

November 7th

the back section of the Church

on the Commonwealth Avenue

side will remain socially

distanced. The Boston College

side will have all pews open.

There will be a Memorial Mass for

Jim Halpin at St. Ignatius Church this

Sunday, 31 October 2021 at 2:30 PM.

Jim is a former member of the New

England Province of the Society of

Jesus. For many years Jim taught in

the Business School at Boston College

and was a former Minister in the

Boston College Jesuit Community.

5/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Synod on Synodality Survey/

Encuesta para el Sínodo sobre la Sinodalidad

How can our Parish, Archdiocese, and Universal Church do a better job of listening?

¿Cómo pueden nuestra parroquia, arquidiócesis yLa Iglesia Universal escucha mejor?

The Archdiocese of Boston needs your help to begin the process! Please

take a few minutes to complete a simple survey to make your voice heard.

¡La Arquidiócesis de Boston necesita su ayuda para comenzar el proceso!

Tómese unos minutos para completar una sencilla encuesta para que su

voz se escuche.

Click HERE to read & respond to the survey by

Monday, November 15th.

Haga clic AQUÍ para leer y responder la encuesta

antes del lunes 15 de noviembre.

Venezuelan theologian Rafael Luciani of

Boston College says the Synod on Syndodality

"expresses a new 'ecclesial culture.'"

Visit to read more about his take on how

the 2023 Synod is a turning point for the Church

6/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

All Souls Service of Remembrance - Bilingual

Tuesday, November 2nd

7:00 p.m. (Upper Church and Livestream)

We come together in person or virtually to remember in prayer,

scripture, and music our deceased loved ones.

Please bring a photo to carry in the Procession of Remembrance

OR email a photo and name if you are participating virtually.

Send the photo and name to by Saturday, October 30th at 5:00 p.m.

Día de los Fieles Difuntos - Liturgia del Recuerdo

Martes, 2 de Noviembre

7:00 p.m. (en la Iglesia de Arriba y Transmitido en Vivo)

Nos reuniremos en persona ó virtualmente para recordar

en oración, música y Sagrada Escritura a nuestros fieles difuntos.

Por favor, traigan una foto para llevarla en la Procesión del Recuerdo

O envíe un email con la foto y el nombre del difunto.

La dirección para el email es y debe recibirse a más tardar el Sábado, Octubre 30 a las 5:00 p.m.

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCEIn anticipation of the month of November when

we remember our deceased relatives and friends,

we invite you to include the names of those you

especially want to pray for this year in our Book of

Remembrance. It will be located on a stand in front of the ambo

(lecture next to the Mary Altar) beginning this weekend.

You may also email the parish office to have names added:


(The Day of the Dead – All Souls Day)

El “Día de los Muertos” is celebrated in Mexi-

co and in some Central American countries on

November 1st and 2nd. This celebration hon-

ors deceased friends and family members. No-

vember 1st is dedicated to “all saints” (and the

holy innocents) and it is believed that on this day

children’s souls return to this world. November

2nd honors the souls of “all the faithful departed.” El “Día de los Muertos” results from the

synchretism of indigenous (pre-hispanic) and European (Spanish) cultures.

People believe that the souls of their beloved dead return from where they are to visit them and,

in their honor, people prepare altars and offerings for their dead to enjoy and be happy to see

they are remembered by the living.

The altars are prepared with colored cut-out paper, candles, “pan de muerto” (bread of the

dead), flowers, photos, water and some of the favorite objects of the deceased. The skulls that

are placed on the altar are meant as a reminder that during our life on earth it is important to

learn to live fully aware of death.

In contrast to other cultures, remembering the dead is not a source of fear and sadness, but of

celebration. It is an occasion for the family to gather to remember loved ones who have died

and share experiences and lessons learned from them. During these days, hot chocolate is

drunk and the traditional “pan de muerto” is eaten. Poems are also written, and little skulls are

made with sugar, chocolate, amaranth, chile, etc.

The Mexican does not fear death, instead, lives with it and celebrates it for death is the begin-

ning of a new life.

These days are for the family to pray at home and to go to church. Many people also go to the

cemetery to clean tombs or other places where the remains of their dead lie.

At times of loss or mourning, this is a very healthy celebration that allows for a tribute to the

dead that is rich in meaning and full of symbolism and, at the same time, a source of support

and consolation to those still alive.

Translation of Notes prepared by Paulina Canales Bustamante

Picture from 2019

7/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time


El “Día de los Muertos” se celebra en México y en

algunos países de Centroamérica los días prim-

ero y segundo de noviembre. Esta celebración

es un homenaje a familiares y amigos que han

partido de este mundo. El primero de noviem-

bre es dedicado, a “todos los santos” (y/o san-

tos inocentes) que es el día en el que se cree que

regresan las almas de los niños. El segundo de

noviembre, es la celebración de todo los fieles difuntos. El “Día de los Muertos” es el resultado

del sincretismo de las culturas indígenas (prehispánicas) y europea (catolicismo).

Las personas creen que las almas de los seres queridos regresan del sitio en el que habitan para

visitarlos, entonces las personas vivas les preparan altares y ofrendas a sus muertos para que

ellos disfruten y se alegren al ver que son recordados por las personas.

Los altares se preparan con papel picado de colores, velas, “pan de muerto,” flores, fotos, agua

y algunos objetos favoritos de los difuntos. Las calaveras que se ponen en el altar son para re-

cordar que durante nuestra vida es importante aprender a convivir con la muerte.

A diferencia de otras culturas, recordar a los muertos no es motivo de tristeza o miedo, sino de

celebración. Es un pretexto para reunirse en familia, recordar a los seres queridos que murieron

y compartir experiencias y aprendizajes de ellos. En estos días se bebe un poco de chocolate

caliente mientras se come el tradicional “pan de muerto.” También durante esta celebración, se

hacen poemas y calaveras de azúcar, chocolate, amaranto, chile, etc.

El mexicano no le teme a la muerte, convive con ella y la celebra porque es el inicio de una nue-

va vida.

Estos días son para orar en familia y asistir a la iglesia. Muchas personas también van a limpiar

las tumbas o lugares en los que se encuentran los restos de sus difuntos.

En procesos de pérdida o duelo, resulta ser muy favorable esta celebración, ya que es un hom-

enaje lleno de significados y símbolos que representan a los que murieron pero acompaña y

consuela a los que siguen vivos.

Notas por Paulina Canales Bustamante

Imagen de 2019

8/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Spiritual Life

The Ignatian Way/El Camino Ignaciano

June 16 – 28, 2022


In this Ignatian Year, celebrating 500 years since the conversion of St. Ignatius, join

this walking camino that follows the pilgrim route made by Ignatius of Loyola from

his home in Spain’s Basque country to Montserrat and Manresa (near Barcelona).

There are a few spots still available.

If you would like further information contact: Katherine Maher


(Photo credit: Enrique Aguilar)

9/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Green Team

Boston Catholic Climate Movement Prayer Service

Thursday, November 4th

7:30 - 8:00 p.m. via ZoomAs world leaders meet in Glasgow at the U.N. Climate Conference, add your prayers to

the millions of people of faith praying for a commitment to climate goals that benefit all,

including those most vulnerable to extreme weather.


Outreach Ministries

HIGH SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS: Newton at Home (an organization with

the mission of assisting older adults

remain safely and independently in their

homes) has the need for High School

volunteers to assist our members on trash

collection days with conveying trash

containers to curbside pickup. Please

contact Newton at Home at 617-795-2560

for more information regarding

this volunteer service.


The Centre Street Food Pantry, the New-

ton Food Pantry, and the Brookline Food

Pantry are welcoming

volunteers at this time.

See the websites for specific information:

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY in last weekend’s Diaper Bag Drive for Pregnancy Help.

Some of the supplies that were generously donated.

COMING: CHRISTMAS GIFT DRIVE 2021!This year we’ll use a “hybrid” model: some gifts will be listed on Sign-Up Genius

(like last year), while others will be listed on ornaments on the Gift Drive trees

which will be in the Gathering Space in the Upper Church. It all begins on

Sunday, November 21st (no 4PM Mass that weekend).

10/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Racial Justice Subcommittee Recommendation

Wrestling With Whiteness

Tuesdays, October 26th - November 23rd

4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Pacific Time

Jesuits West Collaborative Organizing for Racial Equity (CORE)

This training program is designed for folks interested in understanding whiteness.

Together, we will create a shared understanding of race, reflect on how it lives in us and

shapes our lives, and utilize the gifts of Ignatian spirituality to prayerfully consider how

we free ourselves to think and act outside of the dictates of white dominant culture.

For more information and to register, visit:

11/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Here All Along, Here to Stay:

LGBTQ Catholics in the United States”

This exhibit is now featured in four

libraries at Boston College. Visit in

person at the STM Theology &

Ministry Library, O'Neill Library, the

Social Work Library, and the

Educational Resources Center.

Or, you can view the exhibit online:

Many BC staff, students, faculty, and Michael Sennett from our Parish Staff

are responsible for bringing this project to life!

Thanks to all who contributed!

12/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

"Flannery O'Connor: The Making of an American Master"

BC Boisi Center

Thursday, November 4th

5:00 - 7:30 p.m.

BC Devlin Hall 101

This event will include a screening of Flannery, about one of America's most

iconic Catholic writers, followed by a discussion with the film's producer,

Mark Bosco, S.J., and one of the most respected scholars of O'Connor's

work, Angela O'Donnell of Fordham University's Curran Center for

American Catholic Studies.

RSVP required:

Imagination in Conversation

An Immersion in Ignatian Imaginative Prayer

Led by JoAnn M. Lopez, MDiv.

Jesuit Connections

Monday, November 8th

8:00-9:00 p.m. - Virtual

Whether imaginative prayer is familiar or new to you, join us in engaging with the scriptures

and Ignatian contemplation. This event is free and open to all young adults (20's and 30's.)


A New Moment for Religious Education:

The New Directory for Catechesis

BC School of Theology and Ministry

Friday, November 12th | 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Free Virtual Event

Join us for a morning of dialogue and reflection about how the new

Directory for Catechesis (2020) inspires renewed commitments to

religious education and evangelization in a changing world. This

conversation is grounded in the recently published book, Together Along the Way:

Conversations Inspired by the Directory for Catechesis, edited by BC professors

Hosffman Ospino and Theresa O’Keefe (Chair of our Parish Pastoral Council).

Webinar presenters include: Thomas Groome, professor of theology and religious education,

Theresa A. O’Keefe, professor of the practice, religious education, Hosffman Ospino,

associate professor of Hispanic ministry and religious education, Jane E. Regan,

associate professor (emerita) in religious education.


13/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

13th Annual Archdiocesan

Social Justice Convocation

Saturday, November 13th

Virtual Gathering

10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Help build a more just, equitable and compassionate future – starting NOW!

“Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future,” is this year's theme and the title of the book

written by Pope Francis and Dr. Austen Ivereigh, who is the keynote speaker.

Also featured is MC Sullivan, the Chief Healthcare Ethicist of the Archdiocese of Boston.

Mass will be celebrated by Cardinal Seán O’Malley (Homilist) with Rev. Phong Q. Pham,

Pastor of Blessed Andrew Phú Yên, as concelebrant


Remembering the Past, Facing the Present, Hoping for the Future

Panel Discussion Celebrating Cardinal Joseph Bernardin

Catholic Theological Union

Sunday, November 14th | 2 pm

In-Person (Chicago) and Virtually

Commemorate the 25th anniversary of Cardinal Joseph Bernardin’s passage to eternity

with a panel discussion exploring our hopes for a better future in the light of

Cardinal Bernardin’s legacy.

For more information or to register:

14/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time


A Journey into the Heart of Ignatius Loyola

The 500-Year Anniversary Ignatian Pilgrimage

JUNE 26th - JULY 2nd, 2022

Designed by Fr. Thomas A. Kane, CSP, Paulist Pilgrimages

Fr. Julio Giulietti, S.J., Spiritual Director.

This pilgrimage celebrates Ignatius, inviting pilgrims to engage

fully in the Spiritual Exercises and deepen their relationship with Christ. Ignatian sites

are the main focus, including prayerful visits to the Churches of Ignatius in Rome, a

journey to La Storta, a public audience with Pope Francis (if and when available), and

an optional tour of the Vatican Museum. There will be daily talks on the dynamics of the

Spiritual Exercises and Jesuit history in the very places where Ignatius walked,

lived, and directed the early Society of Jesus.

For more information or to register:

15/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Newton Country Day School

Open House

Sunday, November 7th

1-3:30 p.m

Newton Country Day, a Sacred Heart

school for girls in Grades 5-12, will hold its

annual Open House for prospective

families on. For more information

and to register, please go to

Saint Columbkille Partnership School

Open House


November 6th & January 22nd

9:30 AM

Please register at:

Boston College High School

Open House

Sunday, November 7th

10:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m. Middle School

2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. High School

Be Bold! Visit us to learn more about our

world-class, independent Jesuit, Catholic

preparatory school for young men. We offer

students dynamic, urban learning

experiences, unique to Boston, and

unparalleled opportunities to explore the

world through a vast network of

international destinations and schools.

Go to or reach out to

Fr. Nolan, SJ, directly regarding enrollment


Cathedral High School

Open House

Grades 7-12

Tuesday, November 16th

4:00-7:30 p.m

Tour our campus and meet our staff! This

event is for community members, potential

new families, alum and donors.


16/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Visit our website

The New Synod on Synodality Page

New Photos

Lay Reflections for the Season of Creation

A Statement From Cardinal O'Malley

Parish Annual Report

Video of our Spanish Community's Picnic

Audacious Ignatius Stop Motion Video

Updated Pastoral Council Page

Updated Ignatian Year Page

Join thousands of pilgrims from around the world to Journey with Ignatius. Read from

Ignatius’ own writings, insights from selected Jesuit sources, and hand-picked resources on

Ignatian spirituality–all while joining a

community of prayer.

Download free app now!


17/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Please pray for: Saturday, October 30th4 p.m. - Maria, Mai, and Phero Ba Nguyen,

Sunday, October 31st

10:30 a.m. - Jeff Sullivan

5:30 p.m. - Tony Vorias

Monday, November 1st - LANNON CHAPEL5:30 p.m. - Peter Mazza

Tuesday, November 2nd - LANNON CHAPEL5:30 p.m. - Eileen Webber

Wednesday, November 3rd - LANNON CHAPEL

Thursday, November 4th - LANNON CHAPEL5:30 p.m. - John Kaneb

Friday, November 5th5:30 p.m. - NO MASS

Saturday, November 6th

Sunday, November 7th9 a.m. (Family Mass) - Joseph Gillis10:30 a.m. - Ann Lanzillotta12:30 p.m. (Spanish) - Gerald Foley

Stay Connected!Follow us on social media for Parish updates,

Jesuit news, and Ignatian Spirituality.




Men’s Spiritual GrowthZoom Meetings

1st & 3rd Wednesday of the Month7:00 p.m.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 3rd at 7 p.m.

Contact Mark Neylon for

Mass and Confession Notice

3:00 p.m. Confessions and 4:00 p.m. Saturday Vigil Masses

will be cancelled: Saturday, November 20thSaturday, November 27th

Theater Workshops

The Cambridge Matignon School

Grades 6-12

Open House Thursday, November 4th

Or visit

Building toward

robust learning programs to be offered in the

2022-23 academic year, Matignon has

partnered with American Repertory Theater at

Harvard University to offer a series of Theater

Workshops this fall.

18/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

19/31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saint Ignatius of Loyola Church28 Commonwealth AvenueChestnut Hill, MA 02467

Phone: 617-552-6100 Fax: 617-552-6101 Email: Web:

PARISH OFFICE HOURSMonday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Closed 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

The Parish StaffRev. Joseph Costantino, S.J., Pastor 617-552-6100 617-552-6115617-552-6100617-552-6100

Karen O’Reilly, Finance Manager 617-552-6117

Michael Sennett, /Media Specialist 617-552-6108

Allyn McCourt,

Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life &

Maureen Saldarini, Funeral Coordinator 617-552-6100Parish Pastoral Council

The Celebration of the Eucharist


Registration forms are available on our website:

of your status as a parishioner for godparent or sponsor letters, or permission for marriage, baptism, or

CAP Team (Child Abuse Prevention) Ensures the protection of all, providing training, consultation, and support.

Trudy Good trudygood@goodhavens.orgAnnarose Jowenson jowenson@bc.eduKathy Maher katherine.maher@bc.eduAndrea Miller

Other SacramentsReconciliation—Saturdays at 3-3:45 p.m. in the Upper Church or by appointment.Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

BaptismFirst Eucharist—Preparation begins in grade 1 and incudes classes, retreats, and home instruction. Children receive

Matrimony—Parishioners, BC Grads and non-parishioners are welcome to be married at St. Ignatius.

Anointing of the Sick

4:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. Family Mass; 10:30 a.m.(In Person & Livestream); 12:30 p.m. - Español (In Person & Lives-tream); 5:30 p.m.

5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday




For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Chestnut Hill, MA 4672

“Jesus Wept.” John 11:35

St. Mary’s Cemetery | 1 Wellesley Avenue,Needham, MA 02494


For information, call the cemetery staff at Mary Immaculate of Lourdes Church at 781-235-1841.

St Mary’s Cemetery in Needham, founded in the 1870’s, is the parish cemetery of Mary Immaculate of Lourdes. Th e Cemetery is a reverent resting place for those awaiting reunion with the Risen Lord. Th e decisionto pre-plan and purchase interment rights is a responsible and thoughtful gesture, sparing loved ones the stress of making diffi cult decisions during a time of grief and loss.





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