Church of St. Mary Holy Name Church 1108 S. Carroll Street


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Holy Name Church Church of St. Mary 1108 S. Carroll Street 1030 Blaine Street, PO Box 37 Rock Rapids, IA 51246 Larchwood, IA 51241 Parish Office: 712-472-3248 Parish Office: 712-477-2273

Parish Hall: 712-472-3248 Parish Hall: 712-477-2403

Monday Tuesday

Weds Thursday

Friday Saturday


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SM 8:00 am SM 5:30 pm HN 7:30 am SM 8:00 am HN 7:30 am SM 5:00 pm HN 8:30 am SM 10:30 am

+Fran Honrath (Fr. Jim) +Bob Bruggeman +Fr. Robert Brown +Paul Reinke +Norma Herbert +Lori Gulk Cluster +Cade Stensland

This Week’s Mass Schedule

2nd COLLECTION for ST. CATHERINE, HAITI this week-end at both parishes. St. Mary parishioners, please use the monthly envelope in your boxed set. Holy Name parishion-ers, envelopes are available for pick up in the main entry if you wish to put your name and/or envelope number on it.

HN MEN will be serving breakfast today after 8:30 Mass. Group 3, Mike Carr & Gary Kurth, Chairmen. KC FUNDRAISER: A waffle breakfast will be served by the Knights of Columbus next Sunday, Jan. 28th after 8:30 Mass at Holy Name to give parishioners the opportunity to support the PID (Persons with Intellectual Disabilities) program. 90% of the funds raised go to Village Northwest in Sheldon and Hope Haven in Rock Valley. COLD & FLU SEASON: Please use your own discretion about communion from the cup, and perhaps more important-ly, the Sign of Peace. In this season of contagion, others would understand if your gesture was a nod of the head and a verbal "Peace be with you" rather than shaking hands. 2018 OFFERTORY ENVELOPES: Please check to make sure the envelope number printed on the name label is the same as the number on the envelopes in the box. WE NEED TO INCREASE our “pool” of Eucharistic Ministers (EMHC) at St. Mary and are seeking parishioners over the age of 18 who would be willing to assume this role. So far, we only have 2 volunteers! If you attend Mass regularly, especially if you aren’t involved in another ministry (lector, usher, choir) and are age 18+ why not consider helping ad-minister the sacrament of communion to your fellow parish-ioners? Contact the parish office for more information or if you want to become a Eucharistic Minister.

Eucharistic Adoration at St. Mary, Larchwood Every Tuesday 8:30 am to 8:30 pm in the Adoration Chapel

St. Mary Funeral Schedule: St. Clare Circle Please contact Jennifer Roemen (477-2107) or

Shawna Warner (477-2018) if you are able to donate food.

2018 Altar Society Schedule & Circle Assignment

handouts are available in the main entry for all women of St. Mary’s parish to pick up. The schedule is also available on the Cluster website. Near the top of the Home page, click on the

“More” link, then the “Women’s Organizations” link. Please pay your $10 dues to your circle chair before Feb. 16th.

NEW STAFF: We are very pleased to announce that Jessica David (a parishioner at St. Mary) will begin her duties as Ad-ministrative Assistant for both parishes on January 29. Jackie will be working with her through the end of February to help ease the transition and provide training. Welcome Jess! BRIAR CLIFF Special Collection Next Weekend

When you donate to Briar Cliff, you are providing an opportuni-ty for students who in turn impact others with their Catholic Franciscan education and values of service to others, respect for the earth, creating a caring community, and promoting peace. Envelopes are included in your boxed sets.

Pastor: Rev. Francis Makwinja Office & Rectory: 712-477-2273 fax: 712-477-2162 Cell: 712-320-0723 Email:

Deacon: Jeff Gallagher 712-477-2405

Admin. Assistant: Jackie McCarty

Parish Email:

Parish Website:

Holy Name Office hours: Mon. & Wednesday 8am-3:30pm St. Mary Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday 8am-3:30pm

Bookkeeper & SM DRE: Deb Blauwet cell: 712-470-0453 Office hours: Wednesday mornings

SM Co-DRE: Kristie Steen 712-477-2080 605-731-9052

HN DRE & Youth Minister/SM DRE (3 yr-6th gr)/St. Mary Hospi-tality Coordinator: Ashley Blauwet 712-420-1649 Office Hours: 7:45am-10:45am M-F at Holy Name Office; available by phone or email until 6pm on weeknights.

Holy Name Co-DRE: Rochelle Herbert 515-341-2351

Holy Name Hospitality Coordinator: Vacant. Contact the parish office to start a prayer chain.

FORMED Website info: parish code: FGXKFY

Newcomers: Member registration forms are available in the main entrance to church, on the website, or by contacting the parish office via phone or email.

Baptism: Contact the pastor to schedule.

Marriage Prep: Contact the pastor at least 9 months prior to the date of marriage.

Reconciliation: half hour before weekend Masses

Adult Inquiry into Catholic Membership: RCIA program from September to Easter. Contact pastor for more info.

January 21, 2018 ~ Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Knights of the Month: Jim Vander Woude, Terry Tausz, and Brandon Pourier for organizing and conducting the Free Throw Contest at Central Lyon.

Family of the Month: family of Cade Stensland

WOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE for other adults in your community? If you are 55 or better, the Senior Companion Program would love to help you get started! Sen-ior Companion volunteers work with adults one-on-one to help them maintain their independence in their own homes through visiting and assistance. Be that friend and companion to someone who can use your support to improve their quality of life. Volunteer benefits are available. For more information about being a volunteer or receiving Senior Companion ser-vices contact the nearest Senior Companion office at 712-476-2628 or 712-224-2610. WOMEN OF THE CLUSTER are invited to take part in a Women’s Faith Enrichment group once a month on Saturday mornings at St. Mary in Larchwood. The next gathering will be February 3 at 9:00 a.m. and will last 1 to 1 1/2 hrs. For more info contact Louise Dubbelde at 477-2984.

MY SPIRITUAL JOURNEY is the title of this month’s FREE resource from Dynamic Catholic. Many consider Matthew Kelly to be one of the most inspiring voices of our time. His personal story offers inspiration and encouragement that will help you take the next step in your spiritual journey. Pick up this FREE CD in the main entry today! ARE YOU INTERESTED IN HELPING OTHERS IN

NEED? Habitat for Humanity of Sioux Falls may have just the opportunity for you! They have a Faith Build starting in Febru-ary sponsored by Thrivent Financial & their requirement is that the home is built by volunteers from the Christian communi-ty. This is a new home build for a family of 6. The home will be built INSIDE the Habitat Annex February – March. Building work takes place Tuesday – Saturday each week. Morning volunteer shifts run 8:30-11:30 am & afternoon volunteer shifts run 12-4 pm. If you are interested in signing up to volunteer. Go to: HOSPITALITY COORDINATORS NEEDED at St. Mary & Holy Name. As coordinator, you will keep and update a list of volunteers and contact them when you hear of someone in need of help. Individuals served may need meals, extra pray- ers, assistance with yard or housework, and/or a card to lift their spirits, to name a few. You also will be in charge of wel- coming new members to the parish during a mass and organ- izing an event for parishioners to meet the new members. If you’re interested or have questions, contact Ashley Blauwet (712-420-1649

IF YOU ARE A HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR and considering attending Briar Cliff University in the fall of 2018, be sure to check into the Bishop’s Scholarship! Learn more and apply online at or The dead-line for applications is February 9, 2018.

BECOME A TOTUS TUUS TEACHER! The diocese is starting the search for Totus Tuus teachers now! Graduating High School Seniors and young adults are welcome to ap-ply! Applications are available at The deadline to apply is February 10th. To find out more contact Kara Bentz at the diocese (712)233-7516 or

WOMEN AGE 18-35 are invited to a day of Mass, prayer, talks and conversation about discerning a vocation to Reli-gious life. The Religious Sisters of Mercy (Alma, MI) and the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing (Norfolk, NE) look forward to spending the day with you! Saturday, January 27th, 2018 from 9 am—3:30 pm at St. Lawrence Church, 1607 N. West St., Carroll, IA 51401 RSVP to or (402) 750-7909

HOLY NAME VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: The Holy Name & St. Mary Youth Groups will be having their NET Retreat at Holy Name on Thursday, Feb. 8 from 6-10 PM. We are in need of Holy Name parishioners to host our team members on Thurs- day, Feb. 8, as well as feed their team members breakfast on Friday, Feb. 9th. If possible, we would like to put the 4 men in pairs of 2 or all 4 together; there are 6 women, so we’d like them in pairs of 2 or 3. Allergies to be aware of: one of the men has an allergy to all nuts. One woman has an allergy to tomatoes/tomato sauce and another has an allergy to dogs & cats. Please contact Ashley Blauwet (712-420-1649/ if you are able to host. Thank you for your hospitality to these young people while they teach our young people more about their Catholic faith!

HOLY NAME FFF Core Group Meeting Tuesday, Jan. 23

adoration begins at 7 and the meeting begins at 7:15 pm in the parish hall.


ITEMS for Mary’s Choice in observance of Right to Life Month Items needed most are: Blankets & Bedding Larger Size Diapers Formula (any kind) Pajamas (newborn thru toddler) Full size baby lotion, shampoo, body wash Baby wipes - regular size container (not jumbo) Gently used clothing, shoes, coats, caps, mittens Please place your donated baby items in the crib in the main entry before the end of the month. All the donated items will be given to Mary’s Choice in Sioux City. Mary’s Choice sup-ports families with young children through direct help with clothes and baby supplies as well as referrals to local charities and social service programs. Volunteers provide compassion, support and accurate information about pregnancy, parenting, adoption, and abortion.

Congratulations and Best Wishes to: Tom Herbert and Linda Honrath

who were united in the Sacrament of Marriage at Holy Name on Saturday,

January 13, 2018. May God bless them with many years

of happiness together!

HN DRE & Youth Minister/ SM DRE (3 yr-6th gr.): Ashley Blauwet 712-420-1649 HN Co-DRE: Rochelle Herbert 515-341-2351 SM DRE grades 7-12 & Youth Grp: Deb Blauwet 712-470-0453 SM Co-DRE: Kristie Steen 712-477-2080 605-731-9052 SM Asst. FFF Coordinator: Sarah Mullinix 605-212-4350

Holy Name Family Faith & Religious Ed Information: Tues., Jan. 23: FFF Core Group- 7 PM Adoration/7:15 PM Meeting Wed., Jan. 24: CCD 7-12th Grades- Meet in the Church for announcements 1st - 6:45 PM Wed., Jan. 31: FFF/8th Grade CCD

Supper- TBD Adult Ed. Speaker- Fr. Francis Topic: Prayer

St. Mary Family Faith & Religious Ed Information: Next FFF: Feb. 7th

Supper: Nacho Bar (Please RSVP via or using the link in our Facebook Group or your weekly newsletter.

Adult Ed. Speaker: Fr. Francis Topic: Prayer

Holy Name E.P.I.C. Youth Group (7-12th) Information: Great Bear Tubing- This Sunday (1/21) – leave HN at 12:30 PM (please be on time). Cost: $10/student. Please eat lunch be-

forehand; bring money for snacks if you’d like while we’re there; please pick up your students at HN at 6:00 pm Gospel for All Ages: Venture (Grades 4–6) Life Question: What is the first story you remember hearing about Jesus? Gospel Question: In what ways can you help Jesus gather people into God’s family?

Good News (Grades 2–3) Life Question: Who do you know that follows Jesus? Gospel Question: Why do you want to follow Jesus?

Promise (Grades K–1) Life Question: What are all the things and people you hear when you listen? Gospel Question: What do you hear Jesus say in the Gospel?

Seeds (Preschool) Life Question: Who do you know that follows Jesus? Gospel Question: Will you follow Jesus? In Church: Follow the priest when he processes out of church at the end of Mass. Picture yourself following Jesus. Question of the Week: What would you have to leave behind to follow Jesus? Family Prayer: Lord, help us to follow you because you know what will make us truly happy.

A BIG THANK YOU to parishioners for the wonderful donations at St. Mary to Mary’s Choice. There were many box-es of beautiful outfits, toys, supplies, and $51 delivered to Sioux City by Bob & Barb Sehr. Many little babies will be warm and beautiful with all these special donations. Again, thank you for your generosity. It’s a great way to start a New Year!

Thank You!

About Today’s Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 Jesus calls Andrew, Simon (Peter), James, and John to leave their jobs as shermen and to follow him. When God calls, we must be ready to drop everything and follow.

Jesus Gathers Followers: Jesus calls Andrew, Simon (Peter), James, and John to leave their jobs as shermen and to follow him. When God calls, we must be ready to drop everything and follow.

Life Question: Who are your role models as Christians?

Gospel Question: What attracts you about following Jesus? What have you learned through persisting in a call? Where are you in your journey as a disciple of Jesus?


Last weekend’s Stewardship

Adult $1315 Loose $45 Youth $25 Good Samaritan $102 Building Fund $25

ST. MARY Last weekend’s Stewardship

Adult $3272 Youth $33.09 Loose $101 Building Fund $1 Good Samaritan $31 Haiti $355 2017 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS have been emailed to parishioners. If we do not have your email address, you may pick up your statement in the main entrance at your home parish. Please contact Jackie in the parish office if you find any errors, have questions, or did not receive

a statement.

Our Special Intention Prayer List

St. Mary: Ron Blauwet Cade Stensland Family

Alex Turgeon Ed Oliver Family Lily Tracy Declan Sanchez Jim Grotjohn Special Intention Gary Schacht Andy Block Jerry Viereck Matt Schreurs Karen Brewer Jean Heidbrink Mackenzie Daale Helen Rokusek Jackie Snyder Steve Harding Jim Johanning Donnie Horn Mickey Anderson family

Holy Name:

Dave Hill Family Helen Roemen Cathy Tobin Wingler Carla Montag Melissa Moser Haley Vogel Mackenzie Daale Ken & Arlys Nagel Dominic Calvetti & family

Cade Stensland Family


Sign up to have automatic contributions to the parish deducted from your bank account. You can make a contribution to the church on the 10

th or 20

th of each month to the General

Fund, Building Fund, Good Samaritan Fund, or Haiti. (Other special collection contribu-tions will still need to be made with your en-velopes.) There are authorization forms in the main entrance for you to fill out front & back and then give to the office. Contact Deb Blauwet at 712-470-0453 if you have ques-tions. - the Catholic Faith, On Demand

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