CITY OF ZEELAND Notice of Zeeland City Council Electronic ... … · 6/7/2020  · CITY OF ZEELAND...


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CITY OF ZEELAND Notice of Zeeland City Council Electronic (Virtual)Meetings

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the City Council of the City of Zeeland whose chambers are in the

Zeeland City Hall at 21 South Elm Street, Zeeland, Michigan, and whose telephone number is 772-6400 will hold electronic/virtual meetings on:

Monday, July 6, 2020 at 6:00 P.M.

for a Work/Study Session and on Monday, July 6, 2020

at 7:00 P.M. for a City Council Meeting

Some members of the City Council will be meeting at the Zeeland City Hall, 21 South Elm Street, Zeeland, Michigan during such meeting times while other City Council Members may be participating electronically in the said meetings. Members of the public will only be permitted to attend the meetings electronically.


If you want to electronically attend either of the above meetings, if you want to ask questions or if you wish to provide input to the Zeeland City Council, you should call:

telephone number: 1-408-418-9388

access code: 129 584 3425

Input will be accepted during the public comment section of the said meetings. Your phone should be muted except for during the public comment portion of a meeting when you desire to provide input. Members of the public are not required to register or otherwise provide information to attend.

If possible, please email your comments or questions to the City of Zeeland by sending an email to: prior to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, July 6, 2020. Copies of the meetings’ agenda and the City Council Packet will be available via a link on the front page of the city’s website at:

REASON FOR ELECTRONIC MEETING It is necessary to hold an electronic meeting because of the presence of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) which is a respiratory disease and pursuant to Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s Executive Order, No. 2020-110 which provides restrictions on indoor gatherings. These electronic meetings are being held in accordance with Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s Executive Order 2020-129 which provides temporary authorization of remote participation in public meetings.


Persons with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in the meeting should contact the Zeeland City Clerk at (616) 772-6400 or should email the City Clerk at:

Dated: July 1, 2020 Pamela Holmes (electronic signature)

Pamela Holmes, City Clerk

21 South Elm Street • Zeeland, Michigan 49464 • (616) 772-6400 • FAX (616) 772-5352



TO: Mayor Klynstra and City Councilmembers FROM: Tim Klunder, City Manager SUBJECT: City Manager’s Report DATE: July 1, 2020 CC: July 6th Council Agenda

Lakeshore Advantage Appreciation – The group at Lakeshore Advantage sent a sincere note of appreciation for the generous decision by City Council to double this year’s contribution to their ongoing efforts to assist businesses through these Covid19 times. City staff would also like to express our appreciation to City Council for your leadership in ensuring Lakeshore Advantage has the resources to assist us in our economic development efforts. Howard Miller Library Phase 3 Re-Opening Information – The library staff plans to move to Phase 3 of the Howard Miller Library/Community Center re-opening plan on July 13. Attached is an information graphic that notes reopening of the building to the public with limited capacity under Phase 3. Of course, as we have now learned with the coronavirus pandemic, this continues to be a fluid situation so we will let you know if there are any changes to this plan. Updated Mitigation Measures – Attached are the most current City of Zeeland Mitigation Measures for the Covid19 Pandemic. Generally speaking, the primary update is the extension of our ability to hold electronic meetings through the end of July as permitted by Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order 2020-129. Unfortunately, in spite of our great desire to open the splash pad, especially in light of the “heat wave” we are experiencing, we are not comfortable opening the splash pad that is (1) in a fenced-in area and (2) our ability to limit the facility to no more than 100 people. As we continue to assess the opening of the splash pad, our desire is for Ottawa County to move into Phase 5 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan which will allow gatherings of up 250 people outdoors. We are also continuing our dialogue with the Ottawa County Health Department on what mitigation measures they suggest for the splash pad.



July 4th Observed – City buildings will be closed on Friday, July 3rd in observance of the 4th of July holiday. I hope you have a safe and fun extended 4th of July weekend. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the material contained in the City Council packet, or any other city related matter, please do not hesitate to call me.

Timothy R. Klunder, City Manager

21 South Elm Street • Zeeland, Michigan 49464 • (616) 772-6400 • FAX (616) 772-5352


City of Zeeland COVID-19 Mitigation Measures (updated 7/1/2020)

Information around COVID-19 is rapidly changing on a daily basis. Out of caution, not panic, the City of Zeeland feels it is appropriate to implement recommended mitigation efforts. City Administration is working closely with other local agencies on appropriate mitigation efforts and following the guidance of the Ottawa County Health Department, Ottawa County Emergency Management Office, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. To that end, Governor Whitmer has issued several Executive Orders to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 that can be found here,9753,7-406-98178_98455-521682--,00.html. In conjunction with Governor Whitmer’s Executive Orders, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services continues to offer guidance on community mitigation strategies – find here as does the Ottawa County Health Department – please refer to the following link. Specific guidance for City Operations.

1. Cancel/postpone all city sponsored public gathering events of more than 100 people (i.e., downtown, parks, city facilities) or as further modified by subsequent executive orders from Governor Whitmer.

2. Splash Pad to remain closed. Re-opening decisions will consider such factors as Ottawa County moves to Stage 5 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan (allow groups of up to 250 people to gather outdoors), the City determines that it can effectively implement reduced group sizes, and the City is able to meet other safe re-opening recommendations in consultation with groups such as the Ottawa County Health Department.

3. City Departments will implement their department specific COVID19 response plans to ensure the continued delivery of essential city services including the support of work from home if feasible.

4. Adhere to the City’s Pandemic Illness Response Plan which serves as the City’s Covid19 Preparedness and Response Plan (attached).

5. Prohibit travel to workshops/conferences/trainings unless approved by city manager/BPW General Manager (or their designee).

6. Through June 31, 2020, as determined appropriate by the Zeeland City Council and/or other public governing bodies serving the city, conduct meetings electronically via phone or online


H:\Tim Klunder\Pandemic Illness Response Plan\COVID19 Response\COVID19 Mitigation Measures UPDATED (7.1.20).docx

in compliance with Executive Order 2020-129, or any subsequently issued Executive Order by the Governor that enables a local government to do so.

Timothy R. Klunder, City Manager


21 South Elm Street • Zeeland, Michigan 49464 • (616) 772-0872 • (616) 772-0880


DATE: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 TO: Tim Klunder, City Manager FROM: Tim Maday, Community Development Director RE: Master Plan Update – Final approval of updated plan Background: In 2017 the Planning Commission, with the assistance of City Planning Consultant Paul LeBlanc of the PLB Planning Group, began its five-year review and update of the City’s Master Plan. This review originally focused on three primary areas: updating the demographic section of the plan following the release of updated census information, a review of the Goals, Policies and Actions section of the Plan to ensure that the goals are still relevant, and worthy of pursuing, and that the actions and policies listed in the Plan to support them are still appropriate, and a review of the Master Plan Future Land Use Map. During this process the update was expanded to include a review and update of the City’s 2009 Downtown Vision Plan. While this update was primarily undertaken by a Vision Plan Update Committee and was facilitated by Greg Holcombe of Urban Innovations, as a sub-area plan that the Master Plan adopts by reference, it was determined that it would be appropriate to follow the Master Plan update process with this plan. Finally, in late 2019 and early 2020 the Goals, Policies and Actions section of the plan was again updated to include actions and policies that should be taken to fully implement the Downtown Vision Plan – 2018 update. The policy and action statements added to the plan in this regard were not new concepts, but were an articulation of the priorities and strategies that have been in use to grow downtown in a way that is consistent with the Downtown Vision Plan and the City’s overall vision for downtown. At their meeting on February 17, 2020 City Council authorized the distribution of the plan for the required 42-day public comment period, which ended in May. On June 4th the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive comments regarding the draft updated plan, ultimately approved the Plan, and recommended adoption of the document by City Council. The Planning Commission resolution recommending Council approval of the Plan, the draft June 4th Planning Commission meeting minutes, and a copy of the draft updated Plan titled “City of Zeeland Master Plan Revisited – 2020” are enclosed with this memo. The enclosed resolution – Approving revisions and amendments to the City Master Plan – 2011 - will come before Council on July 6th, and if adopted would be the final action in the Master Plan update process. Staff will be present at the July 6th City Council meeting to review this information, and answer any questions Councilmembers may have regarding the resolution, the updated Plan or the review and update process. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution approving the revisions and amendments to the 2011 Master Plan titled “City of Zeeland Master Plan Revisited – 2020”. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have regarding this memo, the enclosures or anything related to the review and update of the 2011 Master Plan. ________________________________________________

Timothy Maday. Community Development Director

Resolution - Master Plan Amendment - 2011 -Chairman Elhart opened the public hearing at 7:10PM. LeBlanc introduced the proposed amendment to the Master Plan which includes updates to demographic information, the Future Land Use map, the goals and objectives, and by reference, the updated Downtown Vision Plan. He explained that the draft amendment had been distributed as required to adjacent communities, utilities, and state, county and local agencies for review. He stated that comments have been received from the Macatawa Area Coordinating Council (MACC) and Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT). Leblanc noted that MACC suggested additions to areas that the Master Plan language already addresses. LeBlanc suggested waiting to consider MACC and MDOT comments until the next Master Plan revision, but proposed adding MDOT’s suggestion about a possible feasibility study for a pedestrian tunnel or overpass crossing of BL I-196 to action statement number 4. LeBlanc also suggested updating the title of the plan amendment to “City of Zeeland Master Plan Revisited – 2020”. Mr. Elhart asked if any members of the public would like to make a comment regarding the Master Plan Amendment or resolution for Planning Commission approval of the Master Plan Amendment. There were no public comments. -7:19PM moved by Klompmaker to close the public hearing. Supported by Barense. All voted aye. Motion 2020.18 Moved by Klompmaker to approve the resolution to recommend adoption of the draft 2011 Master Plan Update “City of Zeeland Master Plan Revisited – 2018” with updated title to the current year and the addition of language regarding a potential feasibility study for a pedestrian crossing of BL I-196 to action statement number 4, and forward the Plan to the City Council.

Supported by: Barense

Ayes: Barense, Blanton, Cooper, Elhart, Kass, Klompmaker, Klunder, Klynstra and vanEyk Nays: None Absent: None Motion Passes.




City of Zeeland MASTER PLAN REVISITED - 2020


Adopted _, 2020

Kevin Klynstra, MayorSally Gruppen, Mayor pro tem

Jim Broersma Glenn Kass Phung Lam

Rick Van Dorp Mary Beth Timmer


Bill Elhart, Chair

Dan Klompmaker, Vice Chair

Kevin Klynstra, Mayor

Tim Klunder, City Manager

Doug Barense

Robert Blanton

Amanda Cooper

Glenn Kass

Jeremy Vaneyk

CITY STAFF Tim Klunder, City Manager

Kevin Plockmeyer, Finance Director Tim Maday, Zoning Administrator

Amy Levesque, Administrative Assistant

Abby DeRoo, City Marketing


With Assistance From


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Zeeland Today Population and Social Characteristics ........ 7

Housing ...................................................... 9

Other Characteristics ............................... 10

Chapter 3 The Future Goals, Policies and Actions....................... 12

Land Use ................................................... 13

Commercial and Industrial ..................... 106

Housing and Neighborhoods ................... 18

Public Facilities and Sustainability ........... 20

Transportation ......................................... 22

Chapter 4 Action Implementation Matrix ............................ 27


Chapter 1


n 2011, the City of Zeeland adopted its current Master Plan. The Plan set out an ambitious vision to ensure the continued

desirability and sustainability of the community. Extensive public engagement efforts provided a range of thoughts and opinions regarding the community’s direction. And detailed analysis offered insights into the City’s strengths and emerging challenges. Since the Plan’s adoption, the City has not remained static. Much has been accomplished and some things have changed. As a result, the Master Plan has been periodically revisited to ensure its continued relevance as a guide to the future and new elements, including site-specific plans, have been appended to the original document. While much of the material in the 2011 Plan continues to provide the needed guidance, some of the data upon which decisions were made requires a fresh look. Demographic characteristics – population change, age, income, housing – in the current Plan were largely taken from the 2000 Census because more recent Census data had not yet been published at the time the Plan was prepared. Updated information (2010 and 2015) is now available and allows an analysis of trends and a perspective relative to comparable communities. The goals set forth in the current Plan are also in need of a second look. Some have been achieved; progress has been made toward others; and a few are no longer relevant due to changes that have occurred in the

community in the intervening years. Consequently, the City Planning Commission has reviewed its 2011 Master Plan and, as needed, refreshed it to ensure its continued relevance to the community. This supplement to the 2011 Plan provides two important additions – updated demographic analysis and updated goals. This information is not intended to replace the 2011 Plan, but to keep the Plan current and useful.



Chapter 2


Population and Social

Characteristics hile the City’s Master Plan was prepared in 2011, data from the 2010 US Census had not yet been

published. Therefore, information regarding population, housing, employment, and other demographic characteristics relevant to understanding the social composition of the community was primarily taken from data that was already more than 10 years old when the Plan was adopted. Despite its age, the data did provide a benchmark to gauge conditions in the City and, perhaps more importantly, offered a comparative perspective of where Zeeland stood in relation to other comparable jurisdictions.

A similar situation exists with this update. Demographic data from the 2010 Census, though more recent, is still not current. However, again, it allows a comparison with information from the prior Plan and aids in identifying trends. In addition, some 2015 estimates are available and have been used to supplement the data. Overall, the data show that Zeeland has remained stable and compares favorably in most respects with similar communities. Changes that have occurred are generally consistent with area and national trends. The community remains healthy and is in the heart of a region that continues to experience significant growth. Population Like most small cities, Zeeland has not grown, though, unlike many cities, its population has remained relatively stable. Some slight

Community 1990 2000 2010

# # % # %

City of Zeeland 5,417 5,805 7.2 5,504 -5.2

City of Grand Haven 11,951 11,168 -6.8 10,412 -6.8

City of Holland 30,745 35,048 14.0 33,051 -5.7

City of Hudsonville 6,170 7,160 16.0 7,116 -.6

Holland Chtr. Township 17,523 28,911 65.0 35,636 23.3

Zeeland Chtr. Township 4,472 7,613 70.2 9,971 31.0

Ottawa County 187,768 238,314 26.9 263,801 10.7

Michigan 9,295,297 9,938,444 6.9 9,883,640 -.6

Zeeland and Adj. Twps 27,412 42,329 54.4 51,111 20.7














< 5 5 TO 9

10 TO 14

15 TO 19

20 TO 24

25 TO 29

30 TO 34

35 TO 39

40 TO 44

45 TO 49

50 TO 54

55 TO 59

60 TO 64

65 TO 69

70 TO 74

75 TO 79

80 TO 84

85 TO 89

90 +

Population by Age 2000 - 2010

2000 2010

population decline was experienced since 2000. However, growth in the immediate area surrounding the City was double that of Ottawa County. It is important to note, too, that the decade between 2000 and 2010 witnessed the great recession. This anomaly likely skewed the data to some extent. This is evident when considering the reduction in the rate of growth in the county and adjoining communities. Even though growth rates were substantial, they were less than half the rate during the prior decade. Population estimates prepared by the US Census Bureau for 2015 suggest that the City’s population was 5,610, still below its high in 2000, but moving upward again. Age Consistent with national trends, the city’s population continues to age. An increase in median age can be expected in most communities due to the obvious aging of the residents, reduction in birth rates, and longer life spans. However, Zeeland’s median age ranks second highest among the comparison communities; only Grand Haven’s is higher. This has been the case for the last three decades.

While there was a significant spike in the median age between 1990 and 2000, the change in 2010 was minimal and much less than most of the comparison communities (only 1.4 years since 2000).

In 2000, those aged 50-64 comprised just over 10% of the city’s population, while in 2010 that same group made up nearly 15 % (14.9), accounting for the most significant shift in age distribution. As the 50 to 64 cohort increased, the retirement age population (65 to 84) actually declined from 18.3 % of the population to 15.3 %. School-age population also declined since 2000, along with a corresponding drop in the age group (30 to 49) that contributes those children.

Community 1990 2000 2010

City of Zeeland 32.7 37.4 38.8

City of Grand Haven 36.3 40.0 42.9

City of Holland 29.1 29.2 31.7

City of Hudsonville 30.6 32.3 33.5

Holland Chtr. Twp 29.4 29.3 32.0

Zeeland Chtr. Twp 28.5 30.7 33.8

Ottawa County 30.3 32.3 34.5

Michigan 32.6 35.5 38.9


Household Size Zeeland’s household size (2.37 persons) is among the lowest among the comparison jurisdictions (second only to Grand Haven, 2.15). Family size in the city (3.04 persons) is comparable to the State (3.05), but lower than most other comparison jurisdictions, except Grand Haven (2.82). Both average household and family size continued to decline from prior Census figures. Household size has gone from 2.65 in 1990 to 2.45 in 2000 to 2.37 in 2010, while family size has shrunk from 3.17 to 3.13 to 3.04 in those same periods. This reflects national trends. But as noted, the figures remain lower than most comparison communities as a result of the City’s aging population.

Housing Occupancy and Value - 2010 Zeeland’s median housing value increased by $19,100 (16.3 %) from $116,900 in 2000, compared with a 7.6 percent increase for homes in Zeeland Township. However, while median housing value is comparable to other cities, it is well below that of the county and Zeeland Township and monthly rent is the lowest of all comparison communities. More than one-quarter of the housing units in Zeeland are rentals, considerably higher than the overall ratio in Ottawa County. Vacancy rates are comparable to those of comparison communities (for which statistics are available). Rental vacancies are lower than the county level but the vacancy rate for owned dwellings is twice that of the county.

In 2010, approximately 6 % of the city’s total housing stock was vacant, a rate lower than Grand Haven, Ottawa County and the State of Michigan and only slightly higher than the City of Holland. The ratio of rental to owner occupancy shifted between 2000 and 2010 from 23% rental/77% owner-occupied to about 27% rental/73% owner. Zeeland’s ratio is consistent with Grand Haven and Michigan. Zeeland Township has the lowest proportion of rental units (5.1%) of any of the comparison jurisdictions.

Community Housing Tenure (Units) Vacancy (%) Value ($)

Number Percent Owned Rented Owned Rented

Owner Renter Owner Renter

City of Zeeland 1,643 603 73.2 26.8 4.2 8.8 136,000 631

City of Grand Haven

3,475 1,294 72.9 27.1 5.8 7.2 136,400 638

City of Holland 8,261 4,101 66.8 33.2 3.6 8.4 132,600 667

City of Hudsonville

2,187 412 84.1 15.9 0 0 139,000 781

Holland Chtr Twp

1,512 688 68.7 31.3 0 11.7 136,800 631

Zeeland Chtr Twp

3,003 161 94.9 5.1 0 0 163,300 705

Ottawa Co. 74,718 17,808 80.8 19.2 2.1 10.2 161,200 726

Michigan 2,793,342 1,079,166 72.1 27.9 3.1 9.5 144,200 723



















2000 OR LATER 1990 - 1999 1980 - 1989 1960 - 1979 1940 - 1959 1939 OR EARLIER

Age of Housing Stock

Owner Renter Total

Age of Housing Zeeland’s housing supply, like that of most small cities, is aging. More than one-quarter (25.1%) of all dwellings in the City were built prior to 1940 (77 years ago). Half (51.9%) of all owner-occupied dwellings were built before 1960 (57 years ago). Over one-third (34.7%) of the city’s rental units, but only about one-quarter (25.7%) of the owned units are less than 37 years old. This appears to be the result of a surge in rental units between 1960 and 1979. Just over 3 % of all housing units in the city were built after 2000, though it is likely that the severe recession of the latter part of the last decade significantly impacted residential construction in Zeeland, as it did communities throughout the country. Evidence of this can be seen in 2007 when 13 permits were issued for new homes, while in 2008 and 2009 permits were issued for two and one, respectively. According to building permit records since 2010, 33 new homes were constructed in the City. The highest number occurred in 2016 when 13 permits were issued.

Other Characteristics Education The 2010 Census reports that 86% of those persons 25 years old or older have graduated

from high school, an increase since 2000 (82%). Those with at least a four-year college degree remain about the same as in 2000 (21% vs. 22%). Occupations Work force occupations remained relatively unchanged since 2000. The two dominant occupation categories for persons employed in the city are management/business/science and sales/office, each accounting for 27% of the employed persons, while production/transportation/material moving is a close second at 21%. Some slight shifts

occurred since 2000 with production/transportation/material moving declining from 24%, while the service and construction categories increased slightly from 14 and 7 percent, respectively. Other

• The City’ Hispanic population grew from 5% in 2000 to 6.4% in 2010.

• Commuting time increased since 2000 with 45.7% commuting less than 15 minutes (compared with 52% in 2000) and 18.6% commuting more than 30 minutes (compared with 12 % in 2000).


Chapter 3


he foundation of the City’s Master Plan is its goals and related policies and actions. They set the direction for the plan and provide the metrics to

gauge progress toward implementation. In the 2011 Master Plan, City leaders defined an ambitious strategy for the future of the community. A list of long-term and short-term goals was articulated to address the challenges of a mature community and to retain the exceptional qualities that make Zeeland a unique and desirable place. During the course of reviewing the current Master Plan, the City Planning Commission and Council evaluated the 2011 goals and policies. Their continued relevance, the extent to which progress was being made toward achieving them, and which ones had been achieved were debated. The following pages provide a refinement of those critical statements, not a change in direction. This is an affirmation of community values and priorities and an assessment of progress toward fulfilling the vision of the 2011 Master Plan.



G o al s, P o l i c i e s, a n d Ac t i o n s

Through identifying planning values, obtaining

public input and articulating planning issues,

the goals, policies and actions can be

formulated. These are the foundation of the

future land use plan and provide the basis for

implementation of the plan.

The Planning Commission reviewed the Goals,

Objectives and Policies from 2011 to

determine which had been met, those where

progress has been made, and those which are

no longer relevant. The Goals, Policies and

Actions in this Plan are based on the relevant

goals from 2011 as well as new ones needed

to meet the challenges facing the city today.

A goal is a general statement of a desired

outcome. To be effective, a goal must be

realistic and achievable. The goals take the

issues identified by the public and focus them

into specific outcomes, enabling us to paint a

picture of the future as the residents of

Zeeland would like to see it.

A policy narrows the focus of the goal

and provides a “jumping-off” point for

determining implementation actions.

Each goal is narrowed by one or more


An action is even more specific and leads

to the outcomes proposed by the goals.

They are the starting point for

implementation and provide a basis for

the recommendations of the Future Land

Use Plan.



Level Goal Policy Action


Goal 1

To preserve the character and uniqueness of the community, the City should encourage future land uses to be compatible with one another through ongoing review and modification of the Master Plan and zoning map.

1A Eliminate land use conflicts over time through zoning land to be consistent with the Future Land Use Map.

1. Regularly identify and investigate land use conflicts and develop appropriate mitigation measures.

1B Provide for consistent review and update of the Master Plan when conditions dictate.

1. Hold an annual meeting in accordance with the Planning Act. Consider any land use issues or changes that may affect the Master Plan.

2. Thoroughly review the Master Plan every five years, as required by the Planning Act, and revise the Master Plan as necessary.

Goal 2 Provide for sufficient amounts of residential, commercial, industrial, institutional and public land uses.

2A Place a priority on preserving the integrity of Zeeland's neighborhoods.

1. Identify and monitor land use in neighborhoods where there are potential threats to the preservation of housing.

2. Develop and use criteria to determine where preservation is needed, and where removal of housing may be beneficial

3. Consider zoning and policy tools, such as historic preservation and form-based codes, to protect


Level Goal Policy Action

significant historic and cultural sites and neighborhoods.

2B Recognizing the need to protect single family neighborhoods from conversion of larger single-family homes to multiple family structures, the City should make zoning decisions consistent with the R-1 zone district requirements.

1. Rezoning evaluations in residential neighborhoods should carefully consider the potential effects of higher densities, or more intensive use of properties within the neighborhood.

2C Identify properties where new development or redevelopment is appropriate.

1. Evaluate existing vacant lands and determine if current zoning is appropriate, given needs for particular types of land uses in the community.

Goal 3 Make land uses safer and more visibly attractive to both passers-by and to neighboring properties.

3A Continually evaluate existing and proposed ordinances and policies to preserve and enhance the physical attractiveness and environmental uniqueness of Zeeland.

1. Continue to develop and nurture relationships with community, church, and social groups who have an interest in the future and beautification of the city.

2. Through an ongoing enforcement program, use the existing structures code to preserve Zeeland's uniqueness.

3. Establish a program of infrastructure maintenance and improvement to upgrade the quality of neighborhoods, and commercial and industrial areas.

Goal 4 Encourage future development to occur in accordance with the Master Plan.


Level Goal Policy Action

4A Promote orderly development of Zeeland's neighborhoods through the encouragement of adjacent compatible land uses.

1. Restrict the development of incompatible land uses through the implementation of zoning and other city ordinances.

2. Continue to cooperate with Zeeland and Holland Townships by obtaining their comments regarding zoning changes in areas of the City that abut the Townships.

3. Where necessary, provide buffer areas as transitions between incompatible land uses.

Goal 1


Goal 2


1. Focus the commercial areas on State Street on the 

Washington, Main and Business Loop I‐196 nodes. Do not 

permit further encroachment into adjacent residential areas, 

except as designated on the Future Land Use map.

2. Promote highway oriented commercial, office and light 

industrial uses in the commercial corridor on the south side of 

Business Loop I‐196.

3. Maintain governmental services (City Hall, Library, 

Community Center) in the downtown area.

5. Review the zoning boundaries within the downtown to 

ensure conformance with the recommendations of this Master 

Plan and the Vision Plan.

Preserve Downtown’s preeminence as Zeeland’s major commercial centerIn the commercial areas outside of downtown, promote businesses and services that meet the needs of the general 

and motoring public that do not directly compete with businesses traditionally concentrated in downtown.

2. Create incentives to promote redevelopment of blighted, 

underutilized, and marginal properties.

3. Refine the Alcohol Overlay District regulations to focus on 

businesses that most directly contribute to the vitality of a 

walkable downtown and contribute to customer interaction 

among other downtown businesses.

4. Establish special use criteria for the decisions related to 

businesses selling alcohol.


Reinforce Zeeland’s Downtown Business District as a Walkable Community Gathering PlaceBy reference, the Vision Summary of the Downtown Vision Plan is a part of this Master Plan. The Community 

Context, Planning Framework and Vision Plan Summary are the Master Plan policies for development of Downtown 


1. Adopt zoning regulations to support downtown 

redevelopment, a complementary mix of uses, residential 

development, and gateway enhancement.

Goal 3


Goal 4


Goal 5



Rezone appropriate sites for mixed use or multiple family 

development, based upon suitability of the site, current and 

anticipated zoning patterns adjacent to the site, adjacent land 

uses and site potentials.

Recognizing the historical contribution of older industries to the evolution of Zeeland and their present economic 

potentials, encourage the adaptive reuse of obsolete industries, rather than demolition and new construction.

Encourage zoning provisions applicable to older buildings that 

may be used to enhance the economic feasibility of an adaptive 

reuse project.

Recognizing the continued demand for housing in the Zeeland area, encourage residential adaptive reuse in 

recognized older industrial areas.

2. Through amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, aggressively 

use nonconforming use provisions when industrial uses are not 

consistent with the zoning map.

3. Consider rezoning industrial areas outside of the Industrial 

Park to accommodate other land uses, in order to encourage 

infill of vacant sites in the Industrial Park with appropriate 

manufacturing businesses.

Encourage older industrial buildings outside of the Industrial Park that are not suited for long‐term industrial usage to be 

adaptively reused.

Provide for continued industrial growth in the City, using appropriate local tools and mechanisms.Encourage new industrial development only in areas where there will be minimal negative impact on other land 


1. Restrict construction of facilities of new industry to the 

industrial districts.

Promote development of low‐intensity businesses on vacant properties within the City.Locate appropriate properties where new non‐residential development is appropriate.

1.  Consider rezoning property near Zeeland Community 

Hospital to allow for offices and other services to support health 

care in the community.



Goal 1

Recognizing that Zeeland’s physical character is largely a result of its existing residential neighborhoods, preserve and improve the existing housing stock and supporting neighborhood facilities.

1A Initiate efforts to improve and protect houses and their properties so that a balance is maintained

against the exposure of non-residential uses.

1. Continue to enforce the Rental Housing Registration and Inspection Program.

2. Enforce local ordinances in respect to potential nuisances, including storage of trailers, parking of vehicles, weeds, etc.

3. Through zoning, discourage conversion of single-family homes into duplexes and multiple dwelling units.

4. Continue to enforce the housing property and maintenance code.

5. Through zoning controls as well as informal discussions, encourage commercial, industrial and public/semi-public uses to buffer off-street parking and vehicular use areas from adjacent residences.

1B Preserve those physical elements that help make Zeeland distinctive and cohesive.

1. Encourage preservation of historic sites and properties including residential and commercial land uses.

1C Provide the public facilities and amenities that will protect and enhance the character of each


1. Target construction of sidewalks, curb and gutter in residential areas to enhance neighborhood character and provide non-motorized transportation.

2. Maintain the tree planting and tree management program.


Goal 2 Strive to supply and encourage an adequate supply and mix of decent, affordable housing.

2A Preserve housing that is still viable, even if it is situated in a sensitive area, such as abutting

industry or busy streets.

1. Work closely with non-residential uses adjacent to housing in order to address problems relating to dust, noise, traffic or other nuisances.

2. Prevent further encroachment of non-commercial land uses on State Street into residential areas

Goal 3 Foster construction of appropriate housing types in and near the Zeeland area. 3A Encourage new housing developments to provide a mix of housing types at varying costs.

1. Require Planned Unit Development review and approval for new residential developments where the number of units exceeds a specified threshold.

2. Encourage "infill" development in vacant lots in existing single family residential neighborhoods by encouraging additional single family homes, along with other compatible uses as special land uses, in appropriate residential zones. All approved uses shall preserve the predominant single family character of the neighborhood.

3. Identify vacant or under-developed areas where rezoning to residential land uses would be appropriate.

3B Encourage housing development in a planned manner in areas adjacent to Zeeland.

1. Make available public utilities to appropriately planned residential developments in adjacent governmental units.

2. Through the Planning Commission, encourage strengthened cooperative planning between Zeeland, Zeeland Township, and Holland Township.



Goal 1 Make available to the public safe and accessible public facilities, buildings, streets and parks. 1A Build public facilities to acceptable standards and maintain these facilities at those levels.

1. Design and build into public works projects, such as roads and infrastructure, adequate capacity to meet current and future needs.

2. Provide necessary maintenance of public facilities through adequate staffing and training of staff, and/or ensuring qualified contractual services.

1B Review annually the needs of the community, identify and budget for these needs in the City of

Zeeland Capital Improvement Plan and execute those improvements identified in the Plan.

1. Regularly assess the needs of the community for public buildings, parks, streets, and utilities, and incorporate the findings into the Capital Improvements Plan, or develop alternative solutions.

2. Budget for the needs identified in the CIP, annually review the items for continuing needs, adequate budget, and implement as scheduled.

Goal 2 Provide for land use policies, programs and regulations that allow for fiscal and environmental sustainability.

2A Allow for government, businesses and homeowners to use energy and resources more sustainably.

1. Adopt zoning provisions that allow for alternative energy systems, such as Wind Energy Conversion systems, solar energy systems, and other renewable sources of energy.

2. Encourage, through zoning and other incentives,

use of Low Impact Design methods that protect groundwater and surface water resources, such as


rain gardens, vegetated swales, and green roof systems.

3. Promote sustainable design and energy efficiency.

Goal 3 Address future expansion issues related to the public and non-residential facilities in the Central/Lawrence /Jefferson area

3A Protect existing neighborhoods while allowing important community facilities to expand in order to meet community needs.



Goal 1 Maximize the safety and efficiency of the existing Zeeland street system for motorists and non-motorists.

1A Increase the capacity of major streets by reducing road edge friction to traffic flow.

1. Where necessary, prohibit parking or standing within public right-of-way. Physically define driveways and consolidate where reasonable.

2. Define pedestrian crosswalks using street

markings, signs, and sidewalks.

1B Maximize the sight distance of motorists.

1. Assure compliance of all traffic signs and street markings with the "Michigan Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices."

2. Eliminate street clutter by removing unnecessary signs, burying utility lines where the opportunity exists, and requiring a reasonable setback for commercial signs.

3. Enforce property front-yard setback requirements.

4. Remove obstructing vegetation.

1C Monitor traffic characteristics and street conditions on a continuing basis.

1. Utilize traffic count information whenever beneficial to making land use issues decisions.

2. Periodically evaluate existing traffic control devices and maintain regularly.

3. Base decision to install new traffic control devices on engineering studies.

Goal 2 Minimize traffic conflicts between the various user types of Zeeland transportation facilities, yet recognize the special transportation needs of each user.

2A Where possible, separate incompatible transportation users.


1. Provide separate transportation facilities for motorized and non-motorized traffic, such as on-street bike lanes, marked pedestrian crosswalks and grade-separated trails, unless traffic-calming devices are used.

2. Encourage separation of industrial trucks and automobiles.

2B Be sensitive to the special transportation needs of the residential, commercial, institutional, and

industrial sectors of the community.

1. Maintain the livability of residential areas by minimizing through-traffic and buffering residences from off-street parking.

2. Recognize those individuals who work and live in the community who have special transportation needs.

3. Provide adequate visitor parking and delivery areas for businesses and institutions.

4. Monitor the speed limits along Main and Washington Avenues to augment the flow of traffic to the downtown commercial area.

Goal 3 Promote non-motorized transportation for Zeeland residents. 3A Ensure the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists.

1. Construct sidewalks on both sides of heavily traveled streets.

2. Physically define pedestrian crossways across major streets, installing crosswalks and traffic control devices where necessary.

3. Work with school officials to direct school children along safe pedestrian routes.

4. Adopt traffic ordinances outlining rules and regulations with respect to on-street bicycle traffic.

3B Improve pedestrian and bicycle access to the attractive "destination points" of the city.


1. Construct sidewalks to connect the existing sidewalk system with identified attraction points.

2. Remove movement barriers by installing ramps, etc. at sidewalk crossings.

3. Provide bicycle racks at parks and within the downtown commercial areas.

4. Connect existing pedestrian trails and sidewalk paths to downtown, schools, parks and other activity areas.

5. Provide improved pedestrian access to Huizenga Park and that portion of Zeeland south of Business Loop I-196.

3C Encourage long-distance bicycling in areas surrounding Zeeland.

1. Participate in cooperative efforts between Zeeland City, Zeeland Township, Holland City, Holland Township, and Ottawa County to construct bike routes from Zeeland to Lake Michigan, other major destinations, and the City of Holland, and to connect to existing trails and non-motorized corridors.

Goal 4 To provide, in an orderly manner, phased improvements to the city street system as community growth occurs.

4A Ensure that future development of transportation facilities is consistent with

Zeeland's Master Plan.

1. Provide for safe, low volume traffic flow through areas zoned for residential development.

2. Maintain traffic patterns that funnel people into, around and through the downtown commercial areas.

3. Improve truck accessibility to the industrial areas in the northeast quadrant of the city.

4. Approve transportation designs that discourage unwarranted strip or sprawl



4B Adopt standards and guidelines to evaluate proposals for additional streets in the city.

1. Install curb and gutter along all streets during the resurfacing of existing streets or the construction of new streets.

2. Require the provision of facilities for pedestrian movement as a requirement for site development

3. Create, maintain and use specifications for review of proposed street configurations in residential subdivisions.

4C Recognize that the appearance of transportation corridors is important to the image of the city.

1. Remove street clutter by burying utility lines and enforcing an ordinance to regulate commercial signs.

2. Maintain and improve city "entranceways" to ensure that residents and visitors have an impression of entering a special place.

3. Continue to improve the aesthetic character of Zeeland's streets through public and private investment in landscaping and creative architecture.


Future Land Use City of Zeeland, Michigan North


Chapter 4


oals and aspirations are essential components of the Master Plan, providing the needed long-range

direction. However, in order to achieve those goals, there must be a plan of action. This chapter enumerates the recommended steps to be taken as the City moves toward its goals. Many of these actions involve policy or regulatory changes. Others require financial investment. Some can happen relatively quickly, while others will take more time. The matrix on the following pages provides a detailed guide, specifying not only the actions to be taken but also identifying the entity that should lead the effort, a suggested time frame, and a relative priority. An explanation of the priority ranking is as follows: Priority 1 projects are those that should

be given immediate and concerted

effort. Any preliminary steps that must

be taken to implement the action (such

as seeking funding, changes in local

ordinances, etc.) should be commenced

immediately. Those Priority 1 projects

that have a longer time horizon should

be revisited on an as- needed basis and

incorporated into other applicable long-

term planning programs, such as a

capital improvements plan. Priority 2 projects either depend upon

commencement or completion of Priority 1

projects or do not have the same immediacy

of Priority 1 projects. Once commenced,

however, these projects should be

considered important and should be pursued

until completion.

Priority 3 projects are those that implement

elements of this plan, but are not urgent

and can be delayed for a longer period of

time. These projects are more susceptible to

budgetary constraints.

Some projects within the matrix do not

have a specified timing period because

they are based on less predictable

factors such as land availability, etc. The

timing for these projects is explained

within the matrix. Also, the Downtown

Vision Plan, which is a subarea plan of

this Master Plan, should be consulted

for implementation of the Downtown





- Implementation Matrix


Action Responsibility Timing Priority

1. Review the Zoning Ordinance to identify regulations that may inhibit implementation of this plan and make changes as necessary.

Staff, Planning Commission, City

Council Within 1 year 1

2. Create new zoning provisions to implement this plan, including mixed uses, overlay districts, form-based codes, design requirements and appropriate density maximums.

Staff, Planning Commission, City

Council Within 1 year 1

3. Review and initiate amendments to the Zoning Map to support the future land use recommendations.

Staff, Planning Commission, City


Within 1 year and as

needed 1

4. Fund and convene a study of the West Side Public Facilities area

Staff, Planning Commission,

representatives of West Side

institutions, affected homeowners

Within 2 years 1

5. Evaluate zoning enforcement policies and programs and implement changes to encourage voluntary compliance

Staff, City Council Within 1 year 1

6. Review and revise zoning and subdivision regulations and engineering design specifications to promote sustainable development, including a focus on pedestrian amenities, environmentally sensitive stormwater maintenance, and use of renewable energy resources.

Staff, Planning Commission, City

Council Within 1 year 2

7. Implement design requirements in the zoning ordinance for new development, where appropriate, including traditional downtown and mixed use, commercial and office/employment areas.

Staff, Planning Commission, City

Council 1 year 2



Action Responsibility Timing Priority

8. Review policies and programs for preserving historic areas, including creation of historic districts, form-based codes or other zoning and policy tools.

Staff, Planning Commission, City

Council 1 year 2

9. Review and revise the Master Plan in response to changing needs and priorities.

Staff, Planning Commission, City


Annually and as

needed; every 5

years at minimum


10. Complete a regional pathways plan as part of updating the City Parks and Recreation Plan, and as an update to this Master Plan.

Staff, Cemetery-Parks

Commission, Planning

Commission, City Council,

Macatawa Area Coordinating

Council, West Michigan Regional

Planning Commission

1 – 5 years 2

11. Conduct market and redevelopment studies of the Washington/Centennial, Washington/State and Sligh Building redevelopment sites. Conduct a similar study of the Church/Cherry office site if the land becomes available.

Staff, Planning Commission, City

Council, affected property owners

(including the Zeeland Community

Development Corporation)

Within 3 years and

as land is available 2

12. Monitor land use changes in Zeeland Charter Township near the Zeeland Community Hospital. Review potential uses of vacant lands in the northeast corner of the city and amend this plan and the zoning map as needed.

Staff, Planning Commission, City


Ongoing, as land use

changes occur 2

13. Require residential development resulting in a number of units over a specified threshold (e.g., more than 11 lots, apartment units or site condominium units) to be developed under Planned Unit Development requirements

Staff, Planning Commission, City

Council Within 2 years 2



Action Responsibility Timing Priority

14. Evaluate areas of inconsistent land uses and determine the best long-range use of these areas, consistent with the Future Land Use Map. Where appropriate, rezone accordingly.

Staff, Planning Commission, City

Council Within 2 years 3

15. Encourage, through zoning tools such as Planned Unit Development, construction that meets LEED guidelines. New City facilities should also incorporate LEED principles

Staff, Planning Commission, City

Council Within 3 years 3

16. Implement the policy recommendations of the Downtown Vision Plan, as market realities dictate and as land and/or funding becomes available

Staff, Planning Commission, City

Council, Chamber of Commerce

As outlined in the

Vision Plan

As outlined

in the Vision



Action Responsibility Timing Priority

1. Work with Zeeland Public Schools on possible acquisition and development of the East Athletic Fields and bus facility into a public park

Staff, Cemetery-Parks Commission,

Planning Commission, City Council,

Zeeland Public Schools

Within 3 years 1

2. Acquire additional right-of-way, where necessary, to expand the sidewalk into non-motorized sidepaths on State Street and extend sidepaths on Centennial and Washington into the downtown area.

Staff, Planning Commission, City

Council 1 – 5 years 2

3. Work with the Michigan Department of Transportation and (for 104th Street improvements) Holland Charter Township to provide pedestrian improvements at three Business Loop intersections: 104th Street, 101st Street, and South State Street

Staff, Planning Commission, City

Council, Holland Charter Township

Staff and Township Board, MDOT,

Within 3 years 2



Action Responsibility Timing Priority

4. Consider a feasibility study for a pedestrian bridge or tunnel across or under Business Loop I-196 at South State Street. If found feasible, seek sources of funding

Staff, Planning Commission, City

Council, MDOT Within 5 years 3

5. As market conditions, land availability and budgets allow,implement the redevelopment recommendations of theDowntown Vision Plan

Staff, Planning Commission, City

Council, affected property owners,

Zeeland Community Development


As outlined in the

Vision Plan

As outlined

in the Vision



C o n c lu s i o n

It is important to understand that the

Master Plan is a guide and should be an

integral part of decisions related to zoning,

land development, and capital investment.

However, conditions change; unanticipated

opportunities may arise; and new challenges

may emerge.

The Plan should be kept current. Deviating

from the Plan should not occur without

sound rationale. When such a departure is

warranted, the reasons for that action

should be clearly stated. If the

circumstances are widespread, the Plan

should be amended to reflect the change

and ensure that it remains consistent with

prevailing conditions. Because of the time

and process required for amending the Plan,

such changes should be considered carefully. The Michigan Zoning Enabling Act requires the City’s Zoning Ordinance to be “based on a

plan to promote the public health, safety and

welfare; to encourage the use of lands in

accordance with their character and

adaptability; to limit the improper use of land;

to conserve natural resources and energy; to

meet the needs of the state’s residents for

food, fiber and other natural resources,

places of residence…and other uses of land.”

Since the zoning map is a part of the Zoning

Ordinance, changes to zoning boundaries

should be in conformance with the Master


Adhering to the Plan recommendations and

being proactive in its implementation will

ensure that the goals will be achieved and

Zeeland will continue to be the unique and

highly desirable community in the future as it

is known today.

Zeeland Police Department 29 W Main Ave, Zeeland, MI 49464 (616) 772-9125 Fax (616) 772-0897

Timothy L. Jungel Chief of Police To: City Council Ref: Police Dash/Body Cameras Date: 7/2/2020 The Zeeland Police Department has been evaluating cameras for patrol use. After initial inquiries, two main vendors were selected as possibilities. Axon and Watchguard are national companies with solid reputations. Both provide quality video and a reliable system. Both provide cloud storage options for videos. After thoughtful considerations we are proposing the Watchguard system for use at the Zeeland Police Department.

Some contributing factors include:

-Watchguard dash cameras are a “stand alone” system which does not require integration with the in-car computer system. Axon requires the use of the in-car computers. Central Dispatch owns the in-car computers and the interface presented some issues.

-Watchguard cameras have a “record after the fact” feature which allows the retrieval of videos even if the camera was not activated. The expectation exists that if cameras are being worn, video will be available. There are times when officers are faced with emergency or unexpected situations and may not have time to activate the camera. This ‘record after the fact’ feature can minimize (not completely eliminate) situations where the video of an event is not available.

-Cost. While not completely an Apples-to-Apples comparison, Watchguard is the less expensive option.


Dash and body cameras including a replacement of the cameras: $82,679.00 Yearly maintenance fees: $13,404 Watchguard

Dash and Body Cameras without camera replacement: $59,978.26 Yearly maintenance fees: $7,730.00 The Zeeland Police Department would request authority to proceed with the purchase and implementation of the Watchguard dash and body camera system for use in patrol operations.


Timothy L. Jungel Chief Tim Jungel

4RE/VISTA Price Quote

415 E. Exchange Parkway • Allen, TX • 75002Toll Free (800) 605-6734 • Main (972) 423-9777 • Fax (972) 423-9778

Page 1 of 3

CUSTOMER: Zeeland Police Department ISSUED: 7/2/2020 10:12 AM

EXPIRATION: 9/30/2020 8:00 PM

,29 W. Main Ave,,Zeeland,MI,,49464


ATTENTION: Chief Tim Jungel SALES CONTACT: David Stum

PHONE: 616-772-9125 DIRECT: (469) 640-5201


4RE and VISTA Proposal VISTA HD Cameras and Options

Part Number Detail Qty Direct Discount Total Price

VIS-VTS-DTC-001 VISTA Transfer Station Assy, 8 Cameras, Ethernet, DEV 144, Enhanced ESD Protection 2.00 $1,495.00 $171.00 $2,648.00

4RE In-Car System and OptionsPart Number Detail Qty Direct Discount Total Price

CAM-4RE-PAN-NHD Additional Front Camera, 4RE, HD Panoramic 4.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00

Wireless Video Transfer and Networking Options

Part Number Detail Qty Direct Discount Total Price

WAP-MIK-CON-802 WiFi Access Point, Configured, MikroTik, 802.11n, 5GHz, SXT, AP 1.00 $250.00 $0.00 $250.00

WatchGuard Video Technical ServicesPart Number Detail Qty Direct Discount Total Price

SVC-4RE-ONS-400 4RE System Setup, Configuration, Testing and Training (WG-TS) 1.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $2,500.00


VISTA HD Wi-Fi Integrated Camera/Charging/Transfer Base/802.11n Wireless Kit/4RE, VISTA, Smart PoE Switch 3Year wrnty on ALL in-car components 4RE IUPS battery backup Device License & Shipping Incl.

4.00 $5,878.37 $371.00 $22,029.48


VISTA HD Wi-Fi Wearable Camera and device license Extended Capacity. Includes: Mounting Hardware Two (2) Year warranty on ALL components. NOTE: Customer may elect to upgrade to V300 at no charge.

6.00 $1,022.68 $48.00 $5,848.08

DV1-BMD-GPS-RFBVISTA HD EXT No Fault Warranty, Years 1-3 Replaces standard warranty and must be purchased up front

10.00 $354.27 $0.00 $3,542.70

DV1-CMD-GPS-RFBWarranty, 4RE, In-Car, $325 for 4th Year (Months 37-48) & $450 for 5th Year (Months 4960)

4.00 $775.00 $0.00 $3,100.00

4RE/VISTA Price Quote

415 E. Exchange Parkway • Allen, TX • 75002Toll Free (800) 605-6734 • Main (972) 423-9777 • Fax (972) 423-9778

Page 2 of 3

Freight Shipping/Handling and Processing Charges 1.00 $40.00 $0.00 $40.00

$39,958.26 Evidence Library 4 Web Software and Licensing

Part Number Detail Qty Direct Discount Total Price

ELC-SAH-UNL-ASD, Software and Hosting, Unlimited Assigned, Annually per device 10.00 $495.00 $0.00 $4,950.00

Server Hardware and SoftwarePart Number Detail Qty Direct Discount Total Price

HDW-UPL-SRV-501 Server, Upload, 1U,, 60 Concurrent Devices, 5 Year Warranty 1.00 $4,500.00 $0.00 $4,500.00

$9,450.00 Evidence Library 4 Web Software and Licensing

Part Number Detail Qty Direct Discount Total Price

ELC-SAH-UNL-SHD, Software and Hosting, Unlimited Shared, Annually per device 4.00 $695.00 $0.00 $2,780.00


4RE and VISTA Proposal Additional Software and Licensing

Part Number Detail Qty Direct Discount Total Price

KEY-WGV-RED-001 Software, REDACTIVE(sm) , Single User License, Rev 3.0 1.00 $4,995.00 $0.00 $4,995.00

WAR-WGR-MNT-3YR REDACTIVE(sm), Software Support & Maintenance, 3-Year Bundle 1.00 $2,795.00 $0.00 $2,795.00

Shipping and HandlingPart Number Detail Qty Direct Discount Total Price

Freight Shipping/Handling and Processing Charges 1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00


Total Estimated Tax, may vary from State to State $0.00

Configuration Discounts $2,914.00

Additional Quote Discount $0.00

Total Amount $59,978.26

NOTE: This is only an estimate for 4RE & VISTA related hardware, software and WG Technical Services. Actual costs related to a turn-key operation requires more detailed discussion and analysis, which will define actual back-office costs and any costs associated with configuration, support and installation. Please contact your sales representative for more details.

4RE/VISTA Price Quote

415 E. Exchange Parkway • Allen, TX • 75002Toll Free (800) 605-6734 • Main (972) 423-9777 • Fax (972) 423-9778

Page 3 of 3

To accept this quotation, sign, date and return with Purchase Order: _______________________________ DATE: _______________


TO: Kevin Klynstra and Zeeland City Council Members CC: Tim Klunder, City Manager FROM: Abby deRoo, City Marketing Director SUBJECT: Match on Main Grant Agreement DATE: June 30, 2020

We continue to receive regular reminders of the delight that the Match on Main grant program has brought to downtown Zeeland; an audible cheer of delight from board members at our last SARB meeting, positive PR from local media sources, and pure joy, gratitude and relief from business owners when they learned they had received the grant. Some were even moved to tears. The impact that this pandemic is having on their businesses is horrifying. I am glad that the City of Zeeland is able to be the conduit to make this grant available. Staff continues to dig for ways that we can assist the downtown district, to slightly off-set the damage that the downturn is causing and to provide uplifting hope that we really will move through this together to HEAL THE ZEEL. Getting these grant dollars into the hands of the business owners is the first step. The Michigan Economic Development Corporation has provided the attached grant agreement between the MEDC and the City of Zeeland as well as a suggested agreement that we can use between the City and the sub-recipients. Recommendation #1: Staff recommends that City Council authorize the signing of the Match on Main Covid-19 Response Program Grant Agreement, subject to final review by the City Attorney. Recommendation #2. Staff recommends that City Council authorize the signing of individual grant agreements between the City of Zeeland and sub-recipients, subject to final drafting by the City Attorney.

Abigail deRoo, City Marketing Director Tim Klunder, City Manager

Execution Copy


CASE - 303325



THIS GRANT AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”), effective as of June 30, 2020 (the “Effective Date”), is between the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (the “MEDC”), whose address is 300 North Washington Square, Lansing, Michigan 48913, and the City of Zeeland, a municipality in the State of Michigan, (the “Grantee”), whose address and principal office is 21 S Elm Street, Zeeland, Michigan 49464. As used in this Agreement, the MEDC and the Grantee are, individually, a “Party” and, collectively, the “Parties”.


A. The MEDC Match on Main Covid-19 Response Program (“MoM Covid-19 Program”) is to provide MEDC funding to certain community development organizations across the State to deliver and administer grants to certain place-based small businesses which have been affected as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.

B. The Grantee submitted an application to the MEDC, dated May 28, 2020, for funds under

the MoM Covid-19 Program for an award to support the Eligible Businesses (“Application”). C. The MEDC agrees to award Grantee a grant in the amount of up to Fifty Thousand

Dollars ($50,000) to be disbursed by Grantee under the terms of this Agreement (the “Grant”).

In consideration of the recitals and promises in this Agreement, the Parties agree:



Section 1.1 Defined Terms. Except as otherwise defined in this Agreement, all capitalized terms in this Agreement shall have the respective meanings set forth on Exhibit A, which contains the defined terms for this Agreement.

Section 1.2 Construction of Certain Terms. Unless the context of this Agreement otherwise requires: (i) words of any gender include each other gender; and (ii) words using the singular or plural number also include the plural or singular number.



Section 2.1 Grant Commitment. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and in reliance upon the representations and covenants of the Grantee set forth in this Agreement, the MEDC agrees to make, and the Grantee agrees to accept, the Grant.

Section 2.2 MEDC Grant Manager. The Grantee must communicate with the MEDC

representative named below, or his or her designee, regarding this Agreement. The Grant Manager may be changed at any time at the discretion of the MEDC, and the MEDC shall give Grantee notice of any change to the designated Grant Manager.

Execution Copy


Suzanne Perreault (“Grant Manager”) Michigan Economic Development Corporation 300 North Washington Square Lansing, Michigan 48913

Section 2.3 Grant Disbursement Request. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including that the absence of a Default or Event of Default, payment of up to the full amount of the Grant shall be made to the Grantee in one disbursement, as soon as institutionally possible for the MEDC, after completion of the following requirements to the satisfaction of the Grant Manager:

(a) Grantee has completed registration to receive payments by EFT at the State Integrated

Governmental Management Applications (SIGMA) Vendor Self Service (VSS) website; and

(b) Grantee has submitted to the Grant Manager a fully completed and signed Grant Disbursement Request and Compliance Certificate, in the form and substance set forth on Exhibit B, no later than July 31, 2020, which shall include the submission of the Local Business Worksheet for each Eligible Business, in the form and substance attached as Exhibit B-1. Section 2.4 Grantee Sub-Grant Duties. In addition to all other obligations under this Agreement, the Grantee agrees to undertake, perform, and complete all the following services:

(a) Grantee shall enter into written grant agreements with each Eligible Business to effectuate redistribution of all Grant funds received by Grantee to each Eligible Business (individually, a “Sub-Grant” and collectively, the “Sub-Grants”) to provide working capital for the Eligible Business’s payroll expenses, rent, mortgage payments, utility expenses, COVID-19 relief or recovery expenses, or other similar expenses that occur in the ordinary course of the Eligible Business (“Eligible Expenses”)

(b) Each Sub-Grant agreement must meet all the following qualifications:

(i) funding to each respective Eligible Business shall be in the applicable

amount listed on Exhibit A for the particular Eligible Business; (ii) be executed with and to the benefit of an Eligible Business; (iii) contain a provision requiring the recipient Eligible Business to cooperate

with the Grantee and provide information necessary for the Grantee to provide the Reporting Spreadsheet to the MEDC as defined and more fully described in Section 2.4(d) and in form and substance attached as Exhibit C (“Reporting Spreadsheet”) and

(iv) contain provisions requiring the Sub-Grant funds to only be used for

Eligible Expenses. (c) Grantee shall administer the Sub-Grants to ensure efficient and responsible distribution of Grant funding to Eligible Businesses and shall endeavor to redistribute the Grant funds as soon as institutionally possible for the Grantee, and in any event, all Grant funds shall be redistributed by the Grantee to each Eligible Business no later than August 31, 2020.

(d) The Grantee shall endeavor to submit to the Grant Manager a completed spreadsheet with a detailed list of each Eligible Business that received a Sub-Grant, and the corresponding amount of each respective Sub-Grant, and all of the other information more fully described on Exhibit C (“Reporting Spreadsheet”) within sixty days (60) of Grantee’s issuance of its last Sub-Grant, and in any

Execution Copy


event, such Reporting Spreadsheet shall be submitted to the Grant Manager no later than December 31, 2020.



The Grantee represents and warrants to the MEDC:

Section 3.1 Organization. The Grantee is a duly organized and has the power and authority to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement.

Section 3.2 Grantee Authority. The execution, delivery and performance by the Grantee of this Agreement has been duly authorized and approved by all necessary and proper action on the part of the Grantee and will not violate any provision of law, or result in the breach, be a default of, or require any further consent under any of the Grantee’s organizational and governing documents; or any agreement or instrument to which the Grantee is a party, or by which the Grantee or its property may be bound or affected. This Agreement is valid, binding, and enforceable in accordance with its terms, except as limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium, reorganization or other laws or principles of equity affecting the enforcement of creditors’ rights generally or by general principles of equity.

Section 3.3 Consent. Except as has been disclosed in writing to the MEDC, no consent or

approval is necessary from any governmental or other entity, except the MEDC, as a condition to the execution and delivery of this Agreement by the Grantee or the performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement.

Section 3.4 Full Disclosure. None of this Agreement, the Application, the Grant

Disbursement Request and Compliance Certificate, or any written statements, the Reporting Spreadsheet or other reports, or any Certificate furnished or to be furnished by the Grantee to the MEDC in connection with the Grant or this Agreement contain, or shall contain, any untrue statement of material fact, or to the best of the Grantee’s knowledge, omit or shall omit any material fact necessary to make the statements true. There are no undisclosed facts, which materially adversely affect or, to the best of the Grantee’s knowledge, are reasonably likely to materially adversely affect the properties, business, or condition (financial or otherwise) of the Grantee or the ability of the Grantee to perform its obligations under this Agreement.

Section 3.5 Compliance with Laws. To its knowledge, the Grantee is not and will not during

the Term be in material violation of any laws, ordinances, regulations, rules, orders, judgments, decrees or other requirements imposed by any governmental authority to which it is subject.

Section 3.8 Conflict of Interest. Except as has been disclosed to the MEDC, Grantee

affirms that neither the Grantee, nor any of its officers, directors, employees, or affiliates have, shall have, or shall acquire any contractual, financial, business or other interest, direct or indirect, that would conflict in any manner with Grantee’s performance of its obligations under this Agreement or otherwise create the appearance of impropriety with respect to this Agreement.

Grantee further affirms that neither Grantee nor any of its officer, directors, employees, or

affiliates have accepted, shall accept, have offered, or shall offer, anything of value to influence the MEDC, its Corporate Board, Executive Committee and their respective directors, participants, officers, agents and employees. Grantee shall not attempt to influence any MEDC employee by the direct or indirect offer of anything of value. Grantee also affirms that neither Grantee, nor its Affiliates or their employees has paid or agreed to pay any person, other than bona fide employees and consultants

Execution Copy


working solely for Grantee or its Affiliate, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or any other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the execution of this Agreement.

In the event of change in either the interests or services under this Agreement, Grantee will

inform the MEDC regarding possible conflicts of interest which may arise because of such change. Grantee agrees that conflicts of interest shall be resolved to the MEDC’s satisfaction or the MEDC may terminate this Agreement. As used in this Paragraph, “conflict of interest” shall include, but not be limited to, conflicts of interest that are defined under the laws of the State of Michigan.

Section 3.9. Eligible Businesses. Grantee affirms that each Eligible Business meets all the

following criteria:

(a) is physically located within the community the Grantee serves;

(b) is located within a traditional downtown or historic neighborhood commercial district, or area planned and zoned for concentrated commercial development;

(c) sell products and/or services face to face;

(d) is operating as a for-profit business;

(e) has 25 or less employees;

(f) is headquartered in the State;

(g) has demonstrated to the Grantee that is has been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak;

(h) has affirmed to the Grantee that it has not received or been approved to receive MSF Small Business Relief Program funding;

(i) has affirmed to the Grantee that it has not received or been approved to receive an MEDC Match on Main grant since May 1, 2018;

(j) is not a franchise business;

(k) is not located in a strip mall;

(l) is not a big-box retail business or otherwise operating as part of a chain of business establishments;

(m) is not a marijuana or marijuana related business. Section 3.10. Other Grantee Covenants. (a) Reporting. In addition to the reporting to the MEDC as described on Exhibit C, and any

other reporting required of the Grantee under any other agreement with the MEDC or the Michigan Strategic Fund, the Grantee shall provide such other reports and information reasonably requested by Grant Manager from time to time.

(b) Indemnification and Insurance. To the extent permitted by law, the Grantee shall

indemnify, defend and hold harmless the MEDC, its Corporate Board, Executive Committee, and their respective directors, participants, officers, agents and employees (“Indemnified Persons”) from any damages that it may sustain by any acts or omissions of Grantee pertaining to this Agreement. The Grantee shall maintain such insurance to protect the Indemnified Persons from claims that might arise

Execution Copy


out of, or as a result of, Grantee's operations, or its acts or omissions arising under this Agreement; however, Grantee’s indemnification obligations under this Agreement shall not be limited to the limits of liability imposed under the Grantee’s insurance policies. The Grantee will provide and maintain its own general liability, property damage and workers’ compensation insurance. This Section shall survive indefinitely.

(c) Access to Records. During the Term, and for seven (7) years thereafter, the Grantee

shall maintain reasonable records arising out of this Agreement and shall allow access to those records by the MEDC, or its authorized representative. This Section shall survive for seven (7) years following the end of the Term.

Section 3.11 Unused Funds. Any Grant funds in the possession or control of the Grantee that are not committed in a fully executed Sub-Grant agreement by the earlier of (i) termination of this Agreement by the MEDC in the Event of Default, or (ii) August 31, 2020, must be then immediately thereafter remitted back to the MEDC. This Section shall survive the end of the Term indefinitely.



The MEDC represents and warrants to the Grantee:

Section 4.1 Organization. The MEDC is a public body corporate and has the power and authority to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement.

Section 4.2 Consent. Except as disclosed in writing to the Grantee, or provided by law, no

consent or approval is necessary from any governmental authority as a condition to the execution and delivery of this Agreement by the MEDC or the performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement.



Section 5.1 Default, Suspension and Termination. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the MEDC’s obligation to disburse any portion of the Grant shall automatically be suspended upon the occurrence of a Default or Event of Default (described below) and this Agreement may be terminated, at the option of the MEDC, upon the occurrence, and during the continuance, of any one or more of the following events or conditions (each an “Event of Default”), unless a written waiver is provided by the MEDC:

(a) any representation made by the Grantee in connection with the Grant or this Agreement

was incorrect at the time that such representation was made in any material respect, including without limitation, any information provided in the Application, a Grant Disbursement Request and Compliance Certificate, a report, or the representations and covenants set forth in Article III;

(b) any material failure by the Grantee to comply with any of the terms, covenants and conditions on its part to be performed under this Agreement, including without limitation, failing to comply with any of the terms, covenants or conditions under Article III, which, if considered curable by the MEDC, is not cured by the Grantee to the satisfaction of the MEDC within the Cure Period;

(c) the Grantee is in default, violation, breach, or non-compliance, of any kind or nature under any agreement or requirement, including submission of reports, with the MEDC, or for any department or agency within the State, federal, local or any governmental agency, including without

Execution Copy


limitation, the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity, or the Michigan Strategic Fund, which, if considered curable by the MEDC, is not cured by the Grantee to the satisfaction of the MEDC within the Cure Period;

(d) or any voluntary bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings are commenced by, or against, the Grantee, with any such proceedings against the Grantee not being set aside within sixty (60) calendar days from the date commenced.

Section 5.2 Repayment. (a) Event of Default. If this Agreement is terminated by the MEDC as a result of any Event

of a Default, the Grantee shall upon written notice by the MEDC, immediately repay to the MEDC the amount of the MEDC Grant then disbursed by the MEDC to the Grantee that Grantee has not yet disbursed to an Eligible Business under this Agreement.

(b) Recovery by the Grantee. In the event the Grantee receives repayment for any reason,

voluntarily or involuntarily, of any portion of any MEDC Grant funds from or on behalf of any Eligible Business, the amount received (not to exceed the amount of the Grant Disbursement paid to Grantee) less reasonable costs of collection, if any, shall be repaid to the MEDC within thirty (30) calendars of receipt by the Grantee.

Section 5.3 Available Remedies. The suspension or termination of payments to the

Grantee, or the termination of this Agreement, are not intended to be the sole and exclusive remedies available to the MEDC, and each remedy shall be cumulative and in addition to every other provision or remedy given herein or now or hereafter existing at law, in equity, by statute or otherwise. The Grantee shall also pay all costs and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses incurred by the MEDC in collecting any sums due the MEDC from the Grantee under this Agreement, in enforcing any of its rights against the Grantee under this Agreement, or in exercising any remedies against the Grantee available to the MEDC.



Section 6.1 Notice. Any notice or other communication under this Agreement shall be in writing and e-mailed, or faxed, or mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid, or sent by express, overnight courier to the respective Party at the address listed at the beginning of this Agreement or such other last known addresses or e-mail accounts, and shall be deemed delivered one business day after the delivery or mailing date.

Section 6.2 Counterparts; Facsimile/.pdf Signatures. This Agreement may be signed in

counterparts and delivered by facsimile or in pdf form or other electronic format, and in any such circumstances, shall be considered one document and an original for all purposes.

Section 6.3 Severability. All clauses of this Agreement are distinct and severable and, if

any clause shall be deemed illegal, void or unenforceable, it shall not affect the validity, legality or enforceability of any other clause or provision of this Agreement. To the extent possible, the illegal, void or unenforceable provision shall be revised to the extent required to render the Agreement enforceable and valid, and to the fullest extent possible, the rights and responsibilities of the Parties shall be interpreted and enforced to preserve the Agreement and the intent of the Parties. Provided, if application of this section should materially and adversely alter or affect a Party’s rights or obligations under this Agreement, the Parties agree to negotiate in good faith to develop a structure that is as nearly

Execution Copy


the same structure as the original Agreement (as may be amended from time to time) without regard to such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability.

Section 6.4 Captions. The captions or headings in Agreement are for convenience only and

in no way define, limit or describe the scope or intent of any provisions or sections of this Agreement. Section 6.5 Governing Law. This Agreement is a contract made under the laws of the State,

and for all purposes shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State. Section 6.6 Relationship between Parties. The Grantee and its officers, agents and

employees shall not describe or represent themselves as agents of the State, the MEDC, the MSF, or any individual person, firm or entity for any purpose.

Section 6.7 Successors and Assigns. The MEDC may at any time assign its rights in this

Agreement. The Grantee may not assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the MEDC. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

Section 6.8 Waiver. A failure or delay in exercising any right under this Agreement will not

be presumed to operate as a waiver unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, and a single or partial exercise of any right will not be presumed to preclude any subsequent or further exercise of that right or the exercise of any other right.

Section 6.9 Termination of Agreement. Except as to this Article VI and the Exhibit A

definitions, which shall survive indefinitely, and except as to other terms and conditions which shall survive as provided in this Agreement, this Agreement shall terminate at the end of the Term. Provided however, any claims for repayment hereunder which arise out event that occurred during the Term, shall be brought within three (3) years after the end of the Term, and all available remedies thereon shall survive until all amounts due the MEDC are paid in full. Provided further, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary, in the event that the State Legislature or the State government fails to provide or terminates the funding necessary for the MEDC to fund the MEDC Grant, the MEDC may terminate this Agreement by providing notice to the Grantee not less than thirty (30) calendar days before the date of cancellation provided, however, that in the event the action of the State Legislature or State government results in an immediate absence or termination of funding, this Agreement may be terminated effective immediately upon delivery of written notice to the Grantee. In the event of termination of funding, the MEDC has no further obligation to make any Grant Disbursement to Grantee for any reason beyond the date of termination of this Agreement.

Section 6.10 Amendment. This Agreement may not be modified or amended except

pursuant to a written instrument signed by the Grantee and the MEDC. Section 6.11 Publicity. At the request and expense of the MEDC the Grantee will cooperate

with the MEDC, and request that each Eligible Business also cooperate, to promote the MEDC through one or more of the placement of a sign, plaque, media coverage or other public presentation at the Eligible Business location, or other locations, acceptable to the Parties.

Section 6.12 Site Visit. At the request and expense of the MEDC, the Grantee will cooperate

with the MEDC, and request that each Eligible Business also cooperate, to permit the Grant Manager or such other MEDC representative to visit the Eligible Business location and/or view the results of the Eligible Expenses.

(signature page follows)

Execution Copy


The Parties have executed this Agreement effective on the Effective Date. CITY OF ZEELAND ____________________________ Kevin Plockmeyer Assistant City Manager, Finance Director MICHIGAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ___________________________ Christin Armstrong Secretary

Execution Copy

Exhibit A, page 1 of 2



(a) “Agreement” has the meaning set forth in the preamble, including the Exhibits to this Agreement.

(b) “Application” has the meaning set forth in Recital B.

(c) “Cure Period” means within thirty (30) calendar days after written notice by the MEDC, or within such longer period as determined in writing and at the sole discretion of the MEDC.

(d) “Certificate” has the meaning set forth on Exhibit B.

(e) “Default” means an event which, with the giving of notice or passage of time or both, would constitute an Event of Default.

(e) “Effective Date” has the meaning set forth in the preamble.

(f) “Eligible Business” means each of the following businesses:

Name of the business Physical address of the business Amount of Sub-Grant funding to the business

1 Annie Lane Bridal 152 E. Main, Zeeland, MI 49464 $4,100

2 Out of the Box 114 E. Main, Zeeland, MI 49464 $6,600

3 Petcuts Grooming 52 E. Main, Ste 3, Zeeland, MI 49464


4 The Salon Co. 119 E. Main, Zeeland, MI 49464 $6,600

5 Drip 150 E. Main, Zeeland, MI 49464 $4,100

6 The Porch 137 E. Main, Zeeland, MI 49464 $6,600

7 Zeeland Dry Cleaners 118 E. Washington, Zeeland, MI 49464


8 La Crème 111 E. Main, Zeeland, MI 49464 $6,600

9 Mom and Baby Again 121 E. Main, Zeeland, MI 49464 $4,100

DeVries Photography 52 E. Main, Zeeland, MI 49464 $4,600

(g) “Eligible Expenses” has the meaning set forth in Section 2.4(a).

(h) “Event of Default” means any one or more of those events described in Section 5.1.

(i) “Exhibit” means each of the documents or instruments attached to this Agreement.

Execution Copy

Exhibit A, page 2 of 2

(j) “Grant” has the meaning set forth in Recital C.

(k) “Grant Disbursement Request and Compliance Certificate” means the written request from the Grantee, in the form and substance as set forth on Exhibit B hereto.

(l) “Grantee” has the meaning set forth in the preamble.

(m) “Grant Manager” has the meaning set forth in Section 2.2.

(n) “Indemnified Persons” has the meaning set forth in Section 3.10(b).

(o) “Local Business Worksheet” means the worksheet to be submitted by the Grantee for each Eligible Business, in the form and substance as set forth on Exhibit B-1 hereto and as more particularly described in Section 2.3(b), at the time of Grantee’s submission of the Grant Disbursement and Compliance Certificate.

(p) “MEDC” has the meaning set forth in the preamble.

(q) “MoM COVID-19 Program” has the meaning set forth in Recital A.

(r) “MSF” means the Michigan Strategic Fund, a public body corporate and politic within the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity of the State.

(s) “Party” or “Parties” has the meaning set forth in the preamble.

(t) “Reporting Spreadsheet” has the meaning set forth in Section 2.4(d).

(u) “State” means the State of Michigan.

(v) “Sub-Grant(s)” has the meaning set forth in Section 2.4(a). (w) “Term of the Grant” or “Term” means from the Effective Date and, unless earlier

terminated as provided by this Agreement, through January 31, 2021.

Execution Copy

Exhibit B, page 1 of 1



This Grant Disbursement Request and Compliance Certificate (“Certificate”) is being delivered pursuant the Match on Main COVID-19 Relief Program Grant Agreement dated as of June 30, 2020, (the “Agreement”) by and between the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (the “MEDC”), and the City of Zeeland, (the “Grantee”), CASE-303325. Capitalized terms in this Certificate not otherwise defined in this Certificate shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement. The undersigned, in the name and on behalf of the Grantee (and not in an individual capacity), hereby certifies, represents and warrants that as of the date of signing this Certificate:

1) The Grantee affirms that it has the ability to issue Grant funds to each Eligible Business, consistent with the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

2) The Grantee has completed registration to receive payments by EFT at the State Integrated Governmental Management Applications (SIGMA) Vendor Self Service (VSS) website.

3) The Grantee has complied, and is in compliance, with all terms and conditions of the Agreement, and no Default or Event of Default exists.

4) Attached is the fully completed Local Business Worksheet for each Eligible Business.

5) Grantee hereby requests disbursement of the Grant funds in the amount of $50,000.

The undersigned has the authority to sign this Certificate on behalf of the Grantee as of ________________ (Date). CITY OF ZEELAND ____________________________ Kevin Plockmeyer Assistant City Manager, Finance Director

Exhibit B-1, page 1 of 3



Match on Main – COVID-19 Response Program Local Business Worksheet

INSERT Name of Municipality/DDA/Main Street Organization Here

Local Business Worksheet Point of Contact

First and Last Name: Email: Cell Number: Office Number: Best way to contact you: ☐ Email ☐ Cell Phone ☐ Office Phone Business Role: ☐ Owner ☐ Employee ☐ Other: Please

describe your role

Business Information

Business Name: Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: Business Type: ☐ Retail ☐ Restaurant ☐ Service ☐ Other

Is your business a for-profit entity? ☐ Yes ☐ No Is your business headquartered in Michigan? ☐ Yes ☐ No Does your business have 25 or less employees? ☐ Yes ☐ No How many jobs are going to be retained by your businesses (full and part time)?

Business Location

Is your business a brick-and-mortar storefront with face to face operations located within your community’s INSERT NAME OF LOCAL DISTRICT HERE?

Local District Map: INSERT Link to local district map to help your businesses determine if they are located within your district

☐Yes ☐No

Low to Moderate Income

Why are we asking? Through the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)’s Match on Main-COVID-19 Response Program, preference will be given to applications that include businesses with owners who financially qualify as low-to-moderate income based on federally supplied data. If a business owner does not qualify as low-to-moderate income, applicants may still include the business in their application. The low-to-moderate income qualification is only a preference of the program. A business owner failing to meet the low-to-moderate income threshold for their County does not disqualify the business from inclusion in the application. INSERT LOW TO MODERATE COUNTY DATA APPLICABLE FOR YOUR COUNTY HERE

☐ As a business owner, I qualify as low-to-moderate income based on the data above. ☐ As a business owner, I do not qualify as low-to-moderate income.

Exhibit B-1, page 2 of 3

COVID-19 Related Impacts COVID-19 Related Impacts (Continued)

Has your business realized a significant financial hardship related to COVID-19?

☐ Yes ☐ No

Please describe the impacts COVID-19 has had on your business below.

If your business received funding support from the MEDC’s Match On Main – COVID-19 Response Program, how would you use the funds?

Previous MEDC Grants or Loans

Have you received financial support from any of the following Michigan Economic programs?

Michigan Small Business Relief Program: The Michigan Small Business Relief Program created by the MSF includes grants and loans administered in conjunction with the regional economic development organizations (EDOs). More information here:

☐ Yes

☐ No

☐ Unsure

Exhibit B-1, page 3 of 3

here: Match on Main Program: Match on Main is a grant program for small businesses located in Select or Master Level Michigan Main Street Communities. More information here:

☐ Yes

☐ No

☐ Unsure Local Questions & Considerations

In order to help identify which businesses receive funding locally, INSERT municipality/DDA/Main Street Organization name here would also like small business applicants to answer the following questions. QUESTION 1: INSERT TEXT HERE QUESTION 2: INSERT TEXT HERE QUESTION 3: INSERT TEXT HERE

INSERT Local Contact Name, Email, Phone Number

Exhibit C, page 1 of 4



The Grantee is required to provide the following reporting data to the Grant Manager within sixty days (60) of Grantee’s issuance of its last Sub-Grant, and in any event, the Reporting Spreadsheet shall be submitted to the Grant Manager no later than December 31, 2020. This Reporting Spreadsheet is being delivered pursuant the Match on Main COVID-19 Relief Program Grant Agreement dated as of June 30, 2020, (the “Agreement”) by and between the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (the “MEDC”), and the City of Zeeland, (the “Grantee”), CASE-303325. Capitalized terms in this Reporting Spreadsheet not otherwise defined in this Reporting Spreadsheet shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement. The undersigned, in the name and on behalf of the Grantee (and not in an individual capacity), hereby certifies, represents and warrants that as of the date of signing this Reporting Spreadsheet:

Grantee Organization Information

Grantee Name: Date Submitted: First and Last Name: Title: Email: Phone: Total Number of Businesses within Commercial district that Organization Represents (estimate, ok):

Total Number of Businesses Supported through MOM-COVID19 Response Program: What other small business programs have been rolled-out locally to support downtown businesses? (OPTIONAL)

Businesses Assisted through Match on Main – COVID-19 Response Program

Please complete the following chart for each Eligible Business that received Sub-Grant funding. Name of the Eligible Business and Address

Total Sub-Grant funds distributed to the Eligible Business

Date of Disbursement of the Sub-Grant funds to the Eligible Business

What did the Eligible Business report as jobs retained?

What did the Eligible Business report that it used the Sub-Grant dollars for?

What is the estimated recovery of the Eligible Business to pre-Executive Order 2020-9 operations (hours, staffing, revenue, etc.)?

What other support (financial or technical assistance) did the Eligible Business report as being utilized? (OPTIONAL)

Exhibit C, page 2 of 4


□ Payroll Expenses □ Rent / Mortgage □ Utility Expenses □ Other expenses (please list): _________________________ ________________________ _______________________

□ Operating at normal operations (100%) □ 75% □ 50% □ 25% □ Temporarily Closed □ Permanently Closed

Technical assistance

□ SBDC □ SCORE □ Local experts □ Other ____________

Financial assistance

□ PPP □ EIDL □ Local funds □ Additional bank/private financing

□ Other ____________


□ Payroll Expenses □ Rent / Mortgage □ Utility Expenses □ Other expenses (please list): _________________________ ________________________ _______________________

□ Operating at normal operations (100%) □ 75% □ 50% □ 25% □ Temporarily Closed □ Permanently Closed

Technical assistance

□ SBDC □ SCORE □ Local experts □ Other ____________

Financial assistance

□ PPP □ EIDL □ Local funds □ Additional bank/private financing

□ Other ____________

3 □ Payroll Expenses □ Rent / Mortgage

□ Operating at normal

Technical assistance

Exhibit C, page 3 of 4

□ Utility Expenses □ Other expenses (please list): _________________________ ________________________ _______________________

operations (100%) □ 75% □ 50% □ 25% □ Temporarily Closed □ Permanently Closed

□ SBDC □ SCORE □ Local experts □ Other ____________

Financial assistance

□ PPP □ EIDL □ Local funds □ Additional bank/private financing

□ Other ____________


□ Payroll Expenses □ Rent / Mortgage □ Utility Expenses □ Other expenses (please list): _________________________ ________________________ ______________________

□ Operating at normal operations (100%) □ 75% □ 50% □ 25% □ Temporarily Closed □ Permanently Closed

Technical assistance

□ SBDC □ SCORE □ Local experts □ Other ____________

Financial assistance

□ PPP □ EIDL □ Local funds □ Additional bank/private financing

□ Other ____________


□ Payroll Expenses □ Rent / Mortgage □ Utility Expenses □ Other expenses (please list):

□ Operating at normal operations (100%)

Technical assistance


Exhibit C, page 4 of 4

_________________________ ________________________ _______________________

□ 75% □ 50% □ 25% □ Temporarily Closed □ Permanently Closed

□ Local experts □ Other ____________

Financial assistance

□ PPP □ EIDL □ Local funds □ Additional bank/private financing

□ Other ____________

Please add additional lines as needed to capture each Eligible Business.

The undersigned has the authority to sign this Certificate on behalf of the Grantee as of ________________ (Date). CITY OF ZEELAND ____________________________ Kevin Plockmeyer Assistant City Manager, Finance Director






THIS GRANT AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”), effective as of MONTH XX, 20XX (the “Effective Date”), is between the [INSERT NAME OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION] (the “Grantor”), whose address is ____________________, _______, Michigan _______, and [INSERT NAME OF SMALL BUSINESS RECEVING GRANT FROM GRANTOR], a [INSERT TYPE OF ENTITY], (the “Grantee”), whose address and is ___________________, Michigan __________. As used in this Agreement, the Grantor and the Grantee are, individually, a “Party” and, collectively, the “Parties”.


A. The MEDC Match on Main Covid-19 Response Program (“MoM Covid-19 Program”) is to provide MEDC funding to certain community development organizations across the State to deliver and administer grants to certain place-based small businesses which have been affected as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.

B. The MEDC approved a MoM Covid-19 Program grant award to the Grantee (“MEDC Grant Funds”) to be disbursed to eligible businesses under the MoM Covid-19 Program. A copy of the Grant Agreement between the MEDC and Grantor is attached as Exhibit A (“Underlying MoM Covid-19 Program MEDC/Grantor Grant”).

C. Grantee has applied to Grantor to receive a grant award from Grantor from the MEDC

Grant Funds, and Grantor has approved a grant award in the amount of $________________ (“Sub-Grant Funds”). The Parties agree:

1. Grant. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and in reliance upon the Grantee affirmations set forth below, the Grantor agrees to make, and the Grantee agrees to accept, the Sub-Grant Funds. Provided however, it is understood Grantor is subject to all the terms and conditions of the Underlying MoM Covid-19 MEDC/Grantor Grant, and thus, Grantor will provide the Sub-Grant Funds to Grantee as soon as institutionally possible for Grantor after Grantor has received the MEDC Grant Funds.

2. Grantee Affirmations:

a. Grantee affirms all of its representations in the application for assistance and request for Sub-Grant Funds submitted to Grantor on or about _____________ (“Application”).

b. Grantee affirms that the Sub-Grant Funds shall be used by the Grantee only for Eligible Expenses as defined in the Underlying MoM Covid-19 Program MEDC/Grantor Grant.

c. Grantee affirms that it will timely provide to Grantor the information relative to the Grantee as outlined in Exhibit C of the Underlying MoM COVID-19 Program MEDC/Grantor Grant, and other reasonably pertinent information requested by the Grantor.




3. Repayment/Remedies. Grantee is subject to repayment to the Grantor of an amount equal to

the Sub-Grant Funds received by Grantee in the event Grantee has made material misrepresentations to the Grantor in its Application, or the Grantee fails to otherwise comply with the requirements of this Agreement. Grantor further retains all rights and remedies allowed in law or equity, including seeking payment of its reasonable costs and expenses incurred enforcing its rights and remedies.

4. Assignment. Grantee may not assign any of its rights or obligations this Agreement to any person or entity. Grantor may assign any of its rights and remedies hereunder to the MEDC upon the request of the MEDC.

5. Counterparts/Facsimile/Pdf signatures. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts and delivered by fax or in .pdf form or other electronic format, and in any such circumstances, shall be considered one document and an original for all purposes.

The undersigned have the authority to sign this on behalf of their respective Party effective on the Effective Date. GRANTOR: ____________________________ By: _________________________ Its: _________________________ GRANTEE: ____________________________ By: _________________________ Its: _________________________





See attached

21 South Elm Street • Zeeland, Michigan 49464 • (616) 772-6400 • FAX (616) 772-5352



TO: Mayor Klynstra and City Councilmembers FROM: Scott Nienhuis, Public Works Operations Superintendent SUBJECT: Lawrence Street Court Resurfacing and Huizenga Park Basketball Court Restriping DATE: June 29, 2020 CC: July 6th City Council Agenda

BACKGROUND: In 2019 we considered resurfacing Lawrence Park tennis Courts. Over the last year they have regressed quite a bit so in May we went out for bids on this project along with adding one new basketball hoop and restriping of Huizenga Park basketball courts. We went with these bid specs to three different vendors. Two vendor bids were as follows: Racquet Sports of Comstock Park $30,122.00 Great Lakes Recreation of Holland $28,097.00 One vendor, Sinclair Recreation decided not to bid this project. As a side note, we are evaluating, with the assistance of the Parks/Cemetery Commission, if the Lawrence Park tennis courts should be converted to pickleball courts given the popularity of the new Huizenga Park pickleball courts. This change would have minimal impact on the bid if the decision is to convert the courts to pickleball – basically restriping and lower nets. There is $30,0000 in the 2019-2020 CIP designated for this project. We will make a budget adjustment to the FY 20/21 budget to bring the FY 19/20 funds into the new fiscal year at a future date. Should City Council accept the bid, work would start in late August to be concluded by end of September 2020. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that City Council accepts the bid from Great Lakes Recreation of Holland for $28,097.

Scott Neinhuis Scott Nienhuis, Public Works Operations Superintendent Timothy R. Klunder, City Manager