Civil War & Reconstruction Review. Modern War is characterized by....? A.) High causality rates...


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Civil War & Reconstruction Review

Modern War is characterized by....?

A.) High causality rates

B.) Submarine warfare

C.) Muskets

D.) Military academy graduates

Which city did Sherman burn and cut off from resources in the


A.) Savannah

B.) Richmond

C.) Charleston

D.) Atlanta

The strategy used by Sherman on his march to Atlanta in which all items of value were destroyed.

A.) Slash and Burn

B.) Scorched Earth

C.) Seek and Destroy

D.) War of Attrition

Which of the following was NOT a strength or resource of the North

during the Civil War?

A.) Factories

B.) Population

C.) Military Leaders

D.) Railroads

What was the Anaconda Plan?

A.) Strategy to cut the South off from resources

B.) Plan to attack the Confederate capital

C.) Lee's strategy for winning the war

D.) Culminated with the burning of Atlanta and surrender of Savannah

The Battle of Antietam...

A.) Resulted in the loss of 50,000 troops

B.) Saw the first use of the Gatling gun

C.) Was the single bloodiest day of the war

D.) Led survivors to resort to eating farm animals

One example of modern warfare can be seen in the “rifling” of

bullets which led to...

A.) Iron being used to protect battle ships

B.) An increase in shooting accuracy

C.) Decrease in gangrene among soldiers

D.) A quicker end to the war

According to the Compromise of 1850, this principle would

determine the issue of slavery in each state.

A.) Democracy

B.) Emancipation

C.) Abolition

D.) Popular Sovereignty

In response to the Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act was

enacted—what did it detail?

A.) All slaves south of 36'30 line would be freed

B.) All escaped slaves would be returned

C.) Abolishment of slavery

D.) Slaves in pro-slavery states would be moved to anti-slave states

What was the result of the Supreme Court case Scott v


A.) Guaranteed the freedom of all slaves per the Constitution

B.) Said that slaves were equal to white land holding men

C.) Said that slaves were mere property and therefore could not sue for their freedom

D.) Gave black men the right to vote

What made the election of 1860 significant?

A.) Lincoln won without a single electoral vote in the South

B.) Lincoln guaranteed the end of slavery with his inaugural speech

C.) The South gave Lincoln full support in the election

D.) Jefferson Davis was elected as the president of the Confederacy

What impact did Lincoln's suspension of the Writ of Habeas

Corpus have on citizens?

A.) Slave-holding states were refused the right to vote

B.) Slaves revolted

C.) Citizens could be jailed without being charged for a specific crime

D.) The rights guaranteed by the Constitution were amplified

What was the significance of the 13th Amendment?

A.) Gave women voting rights

B.) Freed slaves in rebelling states

C.) Repealed prohibition

D.) Abolished slavery

All of the following were new weapons used in the Civil War


A.) Poison Gas

B.) The Colt Revolver

C.) Rapid Fire Machine Gun

D.) Ironclad Ship

Why did President Lincoln feel is was necessary to suspend Habeas


A.) To protect Washington, D.C.

B.) To torture captured Southern generals

C.) To arrest plantation owners

D.) To deter the immigration of Irishmen

Which government relief organization provided food,

clothing, healthcare, and education to black and white refugees?

A.) Carpetbaggers Welfare Group

B.) Bureau of Southern Affairs

C.) Social Security Administration

D.) Freedmen's Bureau

According to Lincoln, which of the following was considered property,

and therefore contraband?

A.) Slaves

B.) Women

C.) Prisoners of war

D.) Disease

Which amendment resulted in voting rights for black men?

A.) 13th

B.) 14th

C.) 15th

D.) 16th

Which of the following was an advantage the South had over the


A.) Larger army

B.) More railroads and greater population

C.) Greater number of factories

D.) More experienced generals

The Election of 1876 and the subsequent Compromise of 1877

each resulted in

A.) The removal of slaves from the South

B.) Andrew Johnson's pardoning of 13,500 people

C.) The end of Reconstruction

D.) The beginning of Reconstruction

It is neither a reflection on the fidelity, nor a disparagement of the ability of our friends and fellow-laborers, to assert what "common sense affirms and only

folly denies," that the man who has suffered the wrong is the man to demand redress... and that he who has endured the cruel pangs of Slavery is the man to

advocate Liberty. It is evident we must be our own representatives and advocates, not exclusively, but peculiarly—not distinct from, but in connection

with our white friends. In the grand struggle for liberty and equality now waging, it is meet, right and essential that there should arise in our ranks authors and

editors, as well as orators, for it is in these capacities that the most permanent good can be rendered to our cause. --From The North Star, 1847

How is the concept of "sectionalism" conveyed in this excerpt?

A.) The writing conveys support for Northern abolitionists

B.) The writing conveys support for southern "State's Rights" factions

C.) The writing conveys positive opinions about the Fugitive Slave Act

D.) The writing conveys negative opinions about the Dred Scott decision

The Dred Scott decision

A.) supported emancipation of slaves

B.) encouraged slaveholder's resistance to abolitionist activists

C.) reduced the tension between the north and the south

D.) supported the Missouri Compromise

Most white men in the antebellum South could BEST be described as

A.) plantation owners.

B.) seafaring traders

C.) nonslaveholding family farmers

D.) merchants and shopkeepers

Which of these was NOT a goal of the Ku Klux Klan in the south

during Reconstruction?

A.) restoring the institution of slavery and the plantation system

B.) controlling the activities and rights of the freedmen

C.) restoring southern Democrats to political power

D.) preventing freedmen from voting

This cartoon references the crisis that resulted from

A.) Underground Railroad

B.) Dred Scott Case

C.) Kansas-Nebraska Act

D.) Missouri Compromise
