Clasificación de revistas de investigación en arquitectura...


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Clasificación de revistas de investigación en arquitectura y urbanismo. Lista orientativa

El universo contemplado de revistas es el siguiente: • JCR: Construction and Building, Urban studies • SJR: Architecture; Building Construction; Urban Studies • MIAR: urbanismo y construcción • ERIH: Arts • AHCI: Architecture • Avery, Riba, Iconda y EAAEA este grupo de revistas se les ha aplicado la clasificación de acuerdo con los criterios especificados en el texto (corregido) de La Ponencia: “Evaluación de la actividad de investigación en arquitectura y urbanismo (ETSAB/UPC)” presentado a la red INVEA el 9/07/2012.Se califica el conjunto de revistas en seis grandes grupos que por orden decreciente etiquetamos: A+, A, B+, B, C y D (para mas detalles ver el texto de la ponencia). No se incluyen el resto de subgrupos de JCR y SJR debido a la gran cantidad de revistas involucradas y a su menor utilidad porcentual.

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

A + U Architecture and UrbanismB+ 0389-9160 Q4 B 7,977

AA filesC 0261-6823 INT2 C 4,477

Acer (Varese)D 1828-4434

ACI Materials JournalA+ 0889-325X Q2 Q1

ACI Structural JournalA+ 0889-3241 Q2 Q1

Acta Acustica united with AcusticaA 1861-9959 Q4 Q2 A

Advanced Engineering InformaticsA+ 1474-0346 Q1 Q1

Advanced steel constructionA 1816-112X Q4 Q3

Advances in building energy researchA 1751-2549 Q3

Advances in cement researchA+ 0951-7197 Q2 Q1

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Advances in structural engineeringA 1369-4332 Q4 Q2

AestimumD 1592-6117

AI & SocietyB+ 0951-5666 Q4

Al-Qanṭara (Madrid)A+ 0211-3589 Q1 INT1

American journal of archaeologyA 0002-9114 Q2 INT1 A

Anales de historia del arteC 0214-6452 INT2 C

Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas

C 0185-1276 INT2 C

Ananke (Firenze)D 1129-8219

Annales de la recherche urbaine (Paris)

D 0180-930X 6,477

Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa. Classe di lettere e filosofia

C 0392-095X INT2 C

Annali di architettura A 1124-7169 Q2 INT1 4,977

Annals of regional science A+ 0570-1864 Q2 Q3 B

Annals of Science A 0003-3790 Q3 Q2 A

Annals of the Association of American Geographers

A+ 0004-5608 Q1 Q1 A

Annual of the British School at Athens

A+ 0068-2454 Q1 A

Antipode (Oxford)A+ 0066-4812 Q1 Q1 A

Antiquaries journalB 0003-5815 INT2 C

Anuario del Departamento de Historia y Teoría del Arte

C 1130-5517 NAT B

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Applied acoustics A+ 0003-682X Q3 Q1

Applied geography (Sevenoaks)A+ 0143-6228 Q1 Q1 A

APT bulletin (1986)B 0848-8525 6,477

Apuntes 1657-9763 Pendiente MIAR

Archaeological journal (London)D 0066-5983 6,477

Archaeologie der SchweizC 0255-9005 INT2 C

Archäologischer AnzeigerB+ 0003-8105 INT1 B

Archeologia dell'architetturaD 1126-6236

Archeologia medievaleB+ 0390-0592 Q4 INT1 B

Architect (Washington D.C.)B+ 1935-7001

ArchitecturaB+ 0044-863X INT1 A 9,977

Architectural designA+ 0003-8504 Q1 INT2 A 9,977

Architectural digest (Los Angeles, Calif.)

B+ 0003-8520 9,977

Architectural engineering and design management

A 1745-2007 Q2

Architectural heritageC 1350-7524 NAT 6,477

Architectural historyB+ 0066-622X Q4 INT1 A 9,977

Architectural recordB+ 0003-858X NAT A 9,977

Architectural review (London)B+ 0003-861X 9,977

Architectural science reviewA 0003-8628 Q3

Architectural theory review A 1326-4826 Q3 INT2 4,704

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Architecture + Design (Bombay)B 0970-2369

Architecture, city and environmentB 1886-4805 7,278

Architektur AktuellC 0570-6602

Architektúra a urbanizmusB+ 0044-8680 Q4

Archivio di studi urbani e regionaliC 0004-0177

Archivo español de arte B+ 0004-0428 Q4 INT1 A

Area (Buenos Aires)D 0328-1337 3,801

Arkitektur DK B 0004-2013

ARQ (Santiago)B+ 0716-0852 Q4 7,977

arq. Architectural research quarterlyB+ 1359-1355 INT2 B 7,73

Arqueología de la arquitecturaC 1695-2731 C 4

Arqueología y territorio medievalC 1134-3184 C 3,755

ArquineC 1605-5616

Arquitectura (Madrid, 1959)C 0004-2706 C 4,477

ArquiteturarevistaA 1808-5741 Q3

Arquitexto 2078-4929 Pendiente MIAR

Arris (Atlanta, Ga.)C 1048-5945

Ars (Bratislava)C 0044-9008 INT2

Ars TranssilvaniaeD 1220-2789 NAT

Art bulletin (New York, N.Y.)A 0004-3079 Q2 INT1 A

Art CriticismA 0195-4148 Q3 INT1 B 7,977

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Art history A 0141-6790 Q2 INT1 A

Art journalB+ 0004-3249 Q4 INT1 A

Artibus AsiaeB+ 0004-3648 Q4 INT1 A

Artibus et historiaeB+ 0391-9064 Q4 INT1 A

Artificial intelligence for engineering design, analysis and manufacturing

A+ 0890-0604 Q2 Q2

ArtigramaC 0213-1498 NAT C

Artnodes (Barcelona)A+ 1695-5951 Q1 INT1 C

ASHRAE JournalA 0001-2491 Q3 Q3

AU. Arquitectura y urbanismoC 0258-591X 6,477

Australian plannerC 0729-3682 4,477

Automation in construction A+ 0926-5805 Q1 Q1

Baltic journal of road and bridge engineering

A+ 1822-427X Q1 Q1

Bauingenieur (Berlin)A 0005-6650 Q4

BauphysikA 0171-5445 Q4

BautechnikA 0932-8351 Q4

Berkeley Planning JournalB 1047-5192 7,931

Beton- und StahlbetonbauA 0005-9900 Q3 Q2

BFT internationalB+ 1865-6528 Q4

Bifurcaciones (Santiago) 0718-1132 Pendiente MIAR

Bildwelten des WissensC 1611-2512 INT2

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Bitacora urbano territorialB+ 2027-145X Q4 8,500

Boletín académico ( Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura da Coruña)

2173-6723 Pendiente MIAR

Boletín de arqueología medievalD 0213-6090 NAT

Bollettino d'arte - Ministero per i Beni culturali e ambientali

A 0394-4573 Q3 INT1

British art journalC 1467-2006 INT2

British journal of aesthetics A 0007-0904 Q2 INT1 A

Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs

A+ 1528-7084 Q1

Brussels studiesC 2031-0293

Building and environment A+ 0360-1323 Q1 Q1 9,977

Building engineerB+ 0969-8213 Q4

Building research and information A+ 0961-3218 Q1 Q1

Building services engineering research & technology

A 0143-6244 Q3 Q2

Buildings & LandscapesC 1934-6832

Built environment (London. 1978)A 0263-7960 Q2 9,977

Bulletin monumentalB+ 0007-473X Q4 INT1 A

Bulletin of Geography. Socio-Economic Series

A 1732-4254 Q3

Burlington magazineA 0007-6287 Q3 INT1 A

Byzantinische ZeitschriftB+ 0007-7704 Q4 INT1 B

Cadernos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo

1413-2095 Pendiente MIAR

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Cadernos de Pós Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo

C 1676-6679 3,541

Cadernos Metrópole 1517-2422 Pendiente MIAR

Cahiers de la recherche architecturale et urbaine

B 1296-4077

Canadian journal of urban researchB+ 1188-3774 Q4 9,801

Candide (Bielefeld)B 1869-6465

Carolina planningD 0164-0070 4,477

Casabella (1965)C 0008-7181 INT2 C 4,477

Castellum (Milano)D 0392-3355

Castillos de EspañaD 0008-7505 4,477

Cement & concrete composites A+ 0958-9465 Q1 Q1

Cement and concrete research A+ 0008-8846 Q1 Q1

Centropa (New York, N.Y.)C 1532-5563 NAT 4,041

Church building (Liverpool)D 0268-912X

Church monumentsB 0268-7518 INT2 1,477

CIBSE journalD 1759-846X

Cidades - Comunidades e Territorios 1645-0639 Pendiente MIAR

Cîteaux Commentarii CisterciensesD 0009-7497 NAT

Cities A+ 0264-2751 Q2 Q1 A

Città e storiaD 1828-6364

City & CommunityA+ 1535-6841 Q2 Q1 B

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

City & societyA 0893-0465 Q2 B

City (London. 1995)A+ 1360-4813 Q1 7,801

City journal (New York, N.Y.)D 1060-8540 4,342

City, culture and society A 1877-9166 Q3

Ciudad y territorio, estudios territoriales

C 1133-4762 C 4,279

CiudadesD 0187-8611 3,862

Ciudades (Valladolid)D 1133-6579 C 3,779

Civil engineering and environmental systems

A 1028-6608 Q3 Q2

Classicist (New York, N.Y.)C 1076-2922

CoDesignC 1571-0882

Comparative urban and community research

D 0892-5569 4,38

Computer Aided DesignA+ 0010-4485 Q2 Q1

Computer graphics forumA+ 0167-7055 Q1 Q1

Computer-aided civil and infrastructure engineering

A+ 1093-9687 Q1 Q1

Computers & graphics A+ 0097-8493 Q2 Q2

Computers & structures A+ 0045-7949 Q1 Q1

Computers and concrete A+ 1598-818X Q2 Q1

Computers and educationA+ 0360-1315 Q1 Q1 A

Computers and the history of artB+ 1048-6798 INT1

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Computers, environment and urban systems

A+ 0198-9715 Q1 Q2 A

Concrete InternationalD 0162-4075

Conditions (Oslo)D 1891-2672

Conference proceedings (IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Industry Technical Conference)

B+ 2155-9139 Q4

Conference transactions - British Archaeological Association

C 0144-0179

Conservation and management of archaeological sites

B 1350-5033 INT2 C

Construction & building materialsA+ 0950-0618 Q1 Q1

Construction historyA 0267-7768 Q2 INT1 C 7,931

Construction innovation (London)B 1471-4175

Construction management & economics

A 0144-6193 Q2

Context : Built, Living and NaturalB 0973-502X

Contexts (Berkeley, Calif.)C 1536-5042 NAT C

Controspazio (Bari)C 0010-809X INT2 1,477

Cornell journal of architectureD 0731-5384

Costruzioni MetallicheD 0010-9673

CritC 0277-6863

Critical inquiryA+ 0093-1896 Q1 Q1 INT1 A

CriticatD 1961-5981

CroquisC 0212-5633 INT2 C 3

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

CTBUH journalC 1946-1194

Cuadernos de arte de la Universidad de Granada

B 0210-962X INT2 B

Cuadernos de investigación urbanística

C 1886-6654 2,5

Cuadernos de proyectos arquitectónicos

2171-956X Pendiente MIAR

DATUTOPD 0359-7105

DearquitecturaC 2011-3188 5,699

Denkmalpflege & KulturgeschichteD 1436-168X

Denkmalpflege (München)A 0947-031X Q3 INT2 4,977

Design and CultureC 1754-7075

Design issuesA+ 0747-9360 Q1 INT1 A

Design journal (Aldershot)A+ 1460-6925 Q1 INT1 4,676

Design philosophy papersC 1448-7136 INT2

Design Principles and PracticesC 1833-1874

Design research quarterlyC 1752-8445

Design studies A+ 0142-694X Q2 Q1 INT1 A 9,977

Detail (München)B 0011-9571

Detail (München. English ed.)C 1614-4600

Detail. Green (Deutsche Ausg.)C 1868-3835

Digital creativity (Exeter)A 1462-6268 Q2 INT1 B

Disegnare. Idee immaginiB+ 1123-9247

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Disegno di architetturaD 1121-8770

DISPA+ 0251-3625 Q1 7,977

DOCOMOMO journalC 1380-3204 INT2 1,362

Documentos de arquitectura nacional y americana

D 0326-8640 3,977

Domus (Milano)B 0012-5377 INT2 C 4,477

Dutch crossingA 0309-6564 Q3 NAT

EAR. Edinburgh architecture researchB 0140-5039

Early popular visual cultureA 1746-0654 Q3 NAT

Economic development quarterlyA 0891-2424 Q3 Q2

Education and urban society A 0013-1245 Q4 Q3

Educational technology & societyA+ 1176-3647 Q2 Q1 NAT A

EGA. Revista de expresión gráfica arquitectónica

B+ 1133-6137 C 7,779

Ekistics (Athens)C 0013-2942 6,477

En BlancoD 1888-5616 3,108

Energy and buildings A+ 0378-7788 Q1 Q2

Engineering journal (New York)A 0013-8029 Q3

Engineering optimizationA+ 0305-215X Q2 Q1

Engineering structures A+ 0141-0296 Q1 Q1

Engineering, construction and architectural management

A 0969-9988 Q2

English Heritage historical reviewC 1752-0169

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

English heritage research transactions

C 1461-8613

Environment & planning AA+ 0308-518X Q1 Q1 A 9,977

Environment & planning B, Planning & design

A 0265-8135 Q3 Q2 A 9,977

Environment and behavior A+ 0013-9165 Q2 Q3 A

Environment and planning. C, Government & policy

A+ 0263-774X Q1 Q1 A

Environment and planning. D, Society & space

A+ 0263-7758 Q1 Q1 INT2 A 9,962

Environment and urbanization A+ 0956-2478 Q1 Q1 A

Ergonomics in designB+ 1064-8046 Q4

Espaces et sociétésC 0014-0481 6,477

Estetika (Praha)B 0014-1291 INT2 B

Estudios del hábitatC 0328-929X 3,676

Estudios demográficos y urbanosC 0186-7210 B 9,915

Études photographiquesB+ 1270-9050 Q4 INT1

Eure (Santiago) A 0250-7161 Q4 Q2 9,977

European journal of housing policy A 1461-6718 Q2 9,541

European journal of spatial development

A 1650-9544 Q3

European journal of transport and infrastructure research

A+ 1567-7133 Q4 Q1

European planning studiesA 0965-4313 Q3 Q2 B 9,779

European Spatial Research and PolicyB 1231-1952

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

European urban and regional studiesA+ 0969-7764 Q1 Q1 A 9,755

Exacta 1678-5428 Pendiente MIAR

Fabrications (Kensington, N.S.W.)B 1033-1867 INT2 4,362

Faces (Genève)D 0258-6800

FacilitiesA 0263-2772 Q3

Follies journalD 1474-7669

Footprint (Delft)B 1875-1490

FortB 0261-586X INT2

Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China

A 1673-7407 Q2

Fundberichte aus ÖsterreichD 0429-8926 4,477

Furniture historyD 0016-3058

Future anteriorB 1549-9715


Garden historyC 0307-1243

Gartenkunst (Worms)C 0935-0519 INT2

Gender, place and culture A+ 0966-369X Q2 Q1 INT1 A

Georgian Group journalC 0963-1070 NAT 1,477

GeoriskA 1749-9518 Q2

GéotechniqueA+ 0016-8505 Q1 Q1

Gesta (Fort Tryon Park, N.Y.)A 0016-920X Q2 INT1 A

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Gestao & Tecnologia de Projectos 1981-1543 Pendiente MIAR

Giornale dell'ArchitetturaD 1721-5463

Glazed expressionsD 0261-0329

Global Built Environment ReviewC 1474-6824

Goya A 0017-2715 Q3 INT2 A

Grey room A 1526-3819 Q2 INT1 B 9,579

GUD. Genova Università DesignD 1720-075X

Gutenberg-JahrbuchC 0072-9094 INT2

Habitat international A+ 0197-3975 Q1 Q1 A 9,977

Harvard design magazineB+ 1093-4421 INT1 C 7,977

Histoire urbaine (Paris)B+ 1628-0482 Q4

Historic environmentC 0726-6715

History and technologyA 0734-1512 Q3 INT2 A

History of photography A 0308-7298 Q3 INT1 A

Home culturesA+ 1740-6315 Q1 INT2 B

Hortus artium medievaliumB+ 1330-7274 Q4 INT1

Housing and societyC 0888-2746 4,477

Housing finance internationalD 2078-6328

Housing policy debate A+ 1051-1482 Q4 Q1 A 9,842

Housing studies A+ 0267-3037 Q3 Q1 B 9,915

Housing, theory and society A 1403-6096 Q2 9,947

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Human ecology (New York, N.Y.)A+ 0046-8169 Q1 Q1 A

Hunch (Amsterdam)C 1567-9837 INT2

HVAC & R researchA+ 1078-9669 Q2 Q2

IATSS researchB+ 0386-1112 Q4

Iconographica (Tavarnuzze)B 1720-1764 INT2

IDEA journalC 1028-7264

IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence

A+ 0162-8828 Q1 Q1

IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics

A+ 1077-2626 Q1 Q1

Images re-vuesC 1778-3801 INT2

Indoor + built environmentA+ 1420-326X Q1 Q1

Indoor air A+ 0905-6947 Q1 Q1

Industrial archaeology reviewB+ 0309-0728 Q4 INT1 B

Informationen zur RaumentwicklungC 0303-2493 6,477

Informes de la construcción A 0020-0883 Q4 Q4

Ingeniería 1409-2441 Pendiente MIAR

InterCeramA 0020-5214 Q3

Interiors (Oxford)C 2041-9112

International development planning review

A 1474-6743 Q3 Q2 9,977

International journal for housing science and its applications

B+ 0146-6518 Q4

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International journal for restoration of buildings and monuments (1995)

D 0947-4498

International journal for the history of engineering & technology

C 1758-1206

International journal of architectural computing

B 1478-0771

International journal of architectural heritage

A+ 1558-3058 Q4 Q1

International journal of art & design education

A+ 1476-8062 Q4 Q1 INT2 A

International journal of construction education and research

B+ 1550-3984 Q4

International journal of construction project management

B+ 1944-1436 Q4

International journal of designA 1991-3761 Q3

International journal of design & nature and ecodynamics

A 1755-7437 Q3

International journal of design sciences & technology

B+ 1630-7267 Q4

International journal of engineering education

A 0949-149X Q3 Q2 A

International journal of environmentally conscious design & manufacturing

D 1095-807X

International journal of geographical information science

A+ 1365-8816 Q1 Q1 A

International journal of heritage studies

A+ 1352-7258 Q2 Q3 INT1 A

International journal of historical archaeology

A 1092-7697 Q2 INT1 B

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

International journal of life cycle assessment

A+ 0948-3349 Q2 Q1

International journal of low carbon technologies

A+ 1748-1317 Q1

International journal of project management

A+ 0263-7863 Q2 Q1

International Journal of Smart HomeB 1975-4094

International journal of space structures

A+ 0956-0599 Q1

International journal of steel structures

A 1598-2351 Q3

International journal of structural stability and dynamics

A+ 0219-4554 Q3 Q1

International journal of sustainable building technology and urban development

C 2093-761X

International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning

A 1743-7601 Q3

International journal of technology and design education

A 0957-7572 Q3 Q3 INT2 B

International journal of urban and regional research

A+ 0309-1317 Q1 Q1 A 9,977

International journal of ventilationA 1473-3315 Q4 Q2

International planning studies A 1356-3475 Q2 9,704

International regional science reviewA 0160-0176 Q3 Q3 A

International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition

B+ 0891-0138 Q4

International SAMPE Technical Conference

B+ 0892-2624 Q4

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Interventions/adaptive reuseD 2154-8498

Inventio (San Juan, P.R.) 1550-1027 Pendiente MIAR

Invisible cultureB 1097-3710 INT2

ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology

B+ 0972-0405 Q4

Journal of advanced concrete technology

A+ 1346-8014 Q3 Q1

Journal of aesthetics and art criticism

A+ 0021-8529 Q1 INT1 A

Journal of architectural and planning research

A 0738-0895 Q4 Q3 INT1 A 9,977

Journal of architectural conservationB+ 1355-6207 Q4 INT1 B 7,73

Journal of architectural education (1984)

A 1046-4883 Q3 9,977

Journal of architectural engineering A+ 1076-0431 Q1

Journal of architecture (London)A 1360-2365 Q2 INT1 B 7,704

Journal of art & design educationA+ 0260-9991 Q1

Journal of arts management, law, and society

A+ 1063-2921 Q1 INT2

Journal of Asian architecture and building engineering

A 1346-7581 Q4 Q2

Journal of building appraisalA+ 1742-8262 Q1

Journal of building physics A+ 1744-2583 Q2 Q1

Journal of children & povertyA 1079-6126 Q2

Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture


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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Journal of comparative social welfareA 1748-6831 Q2

Journal of computing in civil engineering

A+ 0887-3801 Q1 Q2

Journal of construction engineering and management

A+ 0733-9364 Q2 Q2

Journal of constructional steel research

A+ 0143-974X Q1 Q1

Journal of contemporary ethnography

A 0891-2416 Q3 Q2 INT2 B

Journal of cultural heritage A+ 1296-2074 Q3 Q1 INT1 A

Journal of design and technology education

C 1360-1431

Journal of design history A+ 0952-4649 Q1 INT1 A

Journal of design researchC 1569-1551

Journal of engineering designA+ 0954-4828 Q2

Journal of engineering education (Washington, D.C.)

A+ 1069-4730 Q1 Q2

Journal of environmental management

A+ 0301-4797 Q1 Q1

Journal of environmental planning and management

A 0964-0568 Q3 Q2 A

Journal of fire sciencesA+ 0734-9041 Q2 Q1

Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering

A+ 1090-0241 Q2 Q1

Journal of Glass StudiesA+ 0075-4250 Q1 INT2 A

Journal of green building A 1552-6100 Q3

Journal of housing and the built environment

A 1566-4910 Q3 Q2 9,915

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Journal of housing economics A 1051-1377 Q3 Q3 A 9,822

Journal of housing researchC 1052-7001 6,342

Journal of information technology in construction

A 1874-4753 Q2

Journal of integrated design & process science

A 1092-0617 Q3

Journal of interior designC 1071-7641

Journal of landscape architecture (München)

B 2164-604X

Journal of management in engineering

A+ 0742-597X Q2 Q2

Journal of material culture A+ 1359-1835 Q1 Q1 INT1 B

Journal of materials in civil engineering

A+ 0899-1561 Q2 Q1

Journal of medieval and early modern studies

A 1082-9636 Q3 INT2

Journal of modern craft B+ 1749-6772

Journal of performance of constructed facilities

A 0887-3828 Q3 Q2

Journal of planning and environment law

A 0307-4870 Q3

Journal of planning education and research

A+ 0739-456X Q1 Q1 B 7,977

Journal of planning history A 1538-5132 Q3 9,5

Journal of planning literature A+ 0885-4122 Q2 Q1 A 9,915

Journal of property managementD 0022-3905

Journal of property researchA 0959-9916 Q3 7,947

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Journal of real estate finance and economics

A+ 0895-5638 Q2 Q1

Journal of regional science A+ 0022-4146 Q1 Q1 B 9,977

Journal of research in architecture and planning

B 1728-7715 INT2 1,041

Journal of rural and community development


Journal of rural studies A+ 0743-0167 Q1 Q1 A

Journal of Southeast Asian Architecture

B 0218-9593 INT2

Journal of Structural Engineering (Madras)

A 0970-0137 Q2

Journal of structural engineering (New York, N.Y.)

A+ 0733-9445 Q2 Q1

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation

A+ 0197-1360 Q1 B

Journal of the American Planning Association

A+ 0194-4363 Q1 Q1 A 9,977

Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists

A Q3

Journal of the history of collectionsA 0954-6650 Q2 INT1 B

Journal of the history of ideasA 0022-5037 Q2 A

Journal of the Institute of Conservation

A+ 1945-5224 Q1 INT2 C

Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures

A+ 0304-3622 Q1

Journal of the Society for the Study of Achitecture in Canada

D 1486-0872

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians

A 0037-9808 Q3 INT1 A 9,977

Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes

A 0075-4390 Q3 INT1 B

Journal of transport geography A+ 0966-6923 Q1 Q1 A

Journal of urban affairs A+ 0735-2166 Q3 Q1 B 9,977

Journal of urban and environmental engineering

A 1982-3932 Q3

Journal of urban design A+ 1357-4809 Q1 INT1 B 9,704

Journal of urban economics A+ 0094-1190 Q1 Q1 A 9,977

Journal of urban historyA+ 0096-1442 Q4 Q1 INT1 A

Journal of urban planning and development

A+ 0733-9488 Q2 Q2 9,977

Journal of urban technology A 1063-0732 Q4 Q2

Journal of UrbanismC

Journal of Victorian cultureA 1355-5502 Q3 INT2

Journal of visual culture A 1470-4129 Q4 Q3 INT1 B

Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics

A+ 0167-6105 Q2 Q1

Konsthistorisk tidskrifA 0023-3609 Q3 INT1 A

Kritische BerichteB+ 0340-7403 Q4 INT1

Kunstchronik (Nürnberg)C 0023-5474 INT2 C

Kunstforum InternationalC 0177-3674 INT2

LA, journal of landscape architectureD 0975-0177

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Land economicsA+ 0023-7639 Q2 Q1 B 9,977

Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives

A 0251-1878 Q3

Land use policy A+ 0264-8377 Q1 Q1 A 7,947

Landscape and urban planning A+ 0169-2046 Q1 Q1 A

Landscape architectureB+ 0023-8031 Q4 9,977

Landscape historyB+ 0143-3768 Q4 INT1

Landscape journalB+ 0277-2426 Q4 9,977

Landscape research A+ 0142-6397 Q3 Q1 7,977

LandscapesA 1492-9600 Q3 INT1

Leonardo (Oxford)A+ 0024-094X Q1 NAT A

Letters in spatial and resource sciences

A 1864-4031 Q2

LeukosA 1550-2716 Q4 Q3

Lighting research and technology (2001)

A+ 1477-0938 Q1 Q3

Livraisons d’histoire de l’architectureD 1627-4970 NAT 1,041

Local environment A 1354-9839 Q2 9,704

Locvs amoenvsD 1135-9722 NAT C 4,204

Log (New York, N.Y. 2003)C 1547-4690

London journalA 0305-8034 Q4 Q4 INT2

Lotus internationalB+ 1124-9064 NAT A 9,977

M&L. Monumenten en Landschappen

D 0770-4984

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Magazine of concrete researchA 0024-9831 Q3 Q2

Man & environmentC 0258-0446

Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft

C 0342-121X INT2

Marine structuresA+ 0951-8339 Q1 Q1

Master drawings B+ 0025-5025 Q4 INT1 A

Materiales de construcción (Madrid)A 0465-2746 Q3 Q2

Materiali e struttureD 1121-2373

Materials and structures A+ 1359-5997 Q1 Q1

MediävistikC 0934-7453 INT2

Medieval archaeologyA 0076-6097 Q2 INT2 A


Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome

D 0065-6801

METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture

B+ 0258-5316 Q4

Micro and nanosystemsA+ 1876-4029 Q1

Mind, culture and activityA 1074-9039 Q3 Q2 B

Modernism magazineD 1547-3775

Monumentos (Lisboa)D 0872-8747 NAT

Mundo agrario (La Plata)B+ 1515-5994 Q4

Münster (München)C 0027-299X INT2

Naturschutz und LandschaftsplanungB+ 0940-6808 Q4 7,977

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

New geographiesD 2152-047X

Nexus network journal A 1522-4600 Q4 Q3

Nineteenth-century art worldwideB 1543-1002 INT2

Nineteenth-century studies (Charleston, S.C.)

A 0893-7931 Q3 INT1 B

Nordic journal of architectureB 2244-968X INT2 1,398

Notes and queriesA 0029-3970 Q3 INT2 A

Oase (Delft)B 0169-6238

OctoberB+ 0162-2870 Q4 INT1

Oculus (New York, N.Y.)C 0885-5927

On the w@terfront (Barcelona)D 1139-7365 C 4,146

OPD RestauroC 1120-2513 INT2 D 1,415

Open construction & building technology journal

A 1874-8368 Q3

Open house international A 0168-2601 Q4 Q3

Oxford art journal A 0142-6540 Q2 INT1 A

Oz (Manhattan, Kan.)D 0888-7802

Pamphlet architectureD

Papers in regional science A+ 1056-8190 Q1 Q1 A

Papers of the British School at RomeA 0068-2462 Q3 INT1 C

PCI JournalA 0887-9672 Q3

Pegasus (Exeter)C 0308-2431 INT2

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

PerspectaC 0079-0958 6,477

PH. Boletín del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico

D 1136-1867 C 3,801

Place branding and public diplomacy A 1751-8040 Q3

Plan (Stockholm)D 0032-0560 4,477

Planning (American Planning Association)

B+ 0001-2610 Q4 9,977

Planning perspectives A 0266-5433 Q3 INT2 B

Planning practice + researchA 0269-7459 Q2 9,915

Planning theory A+ 1473-0952 Q1 Q1 7,5

Planning theory and practice A 1464-9357 Q2 9,579

Policing & societyA 1043-9463 Q3 Q2

Political geographyA+ 0962-6298 Q1 A

Portafolio 1317-2085 Pendiente MIAR

PositionsA 1876-6390 Q2

Post-Medieval archaeologyA 0079-4236 Q3 INT2 A

Practice periodical on structural design and construction

A+ 1084-0680 Q1

Praxis (New York, N.Y.)C 1526-2065

Preservation education and researchD

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Bridge engineering

C 1478-4637

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Civil engineering

A 0965-089X Q4 Q3

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Construction materials

A 1747-650X Q3

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Engineering sustainability

A 1478-4629 Q3 Q3

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Geotechnical engineering

A 1353-2618 Q4 Q3

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Ground improvement

A 1755-0750 Q3

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Maritime engineering

A+ 1741-7597 Q2 Q3

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Municipal engineer

A 0965-0903 Q4 Q4

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Structures and buildings

A+ 0965-0911 Q2 Q2

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Transport

A 0965-092X Q4 Q4

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Urban design and planning

A 1755-0793 Q2

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Waste and Resource management

A 1747-6526 Q3

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Water management

A 1741-7589 Q3 Q3

Progress in human geographyA+ 0309-1325 Q1 Q1 A

Progress in planning A+ 0305-9006 Q1 Q1 9,977

Prostor (Zagreb)B+ 1330-0652 Q4

Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanismeC 1886-1989 NAT 1,877

RA. Revista de arquitecturaB+ 1138-5596 7,676

Rassegna di architettura e urbanisticaD 0392-8608

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Raumforschung und RaumordnungB+ 0034-0111 Q4 9,977

RE. Revista de edificaciónD 0213-8948 4,398

Reader's Designist MagazineD

Real estate economicsA+ 1080-8620 Q2 Q2 B

Regional science and urban economics

A+ 0166-0462 Q2 Q2 B 9,977

Regional studies A+ 0034-3404 Q2 Q3 A 9,977

Renaissance quarterlyB+ 0034-4338 Q4 INT1 A

Renaissance studiesB+ 0269-1213 Q4 INT1 B

Renewable energy A+ 0960-1481 Q2 Q1

RepresentationsA+ 0734-6018 Q1 Q3 INT1 B

Res (Cambridge, Mass.)A 0277-1322 Q2 INT1 B

Research in engineering designA+ 0934-9839 Q1 Q1

Research in urban policyB 1479-3520 7,947

Restauración & rehabilitaciónD 1134-4571 C 1,655

Review of regional studiesA 0048-749X Q3 B 9,977

Review of Scottish CultureC 0267-6834 NAT

Revista 180B+ 0718-2309 Q4

Revista arquitectura (Guayaquil) 1390-3284 Pendiente MIAR

Revista brasileira de gestão e desenvolvimento regional

B+ 1809-239X Q4

Revista de arquitectura (Santiago)D 0716-8772

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Revista de História da Arte e Arqueologia

D 1413-0874 NAT

Revista de la construcciónA 0717-7925 Q4 Q4

Revista de obras públicasC 0034-8619 Q4 C 4,977

Revista geográfica venezolanaB+ 1012-1617 9,977

Revista INVIB+ 0718-1299 Q4

Revista proyecto, progreso, arquitectura

C 2171-6897 3,477

Revue du Nord (Lille. 1910)C 0035-2624 A

Revue Francaise de Photogrammetrie et de Teledetection

A 1768-9791 Q3

Revue roumaine d'histoire de l'art. Série beaux-arts

B 0556-8080 INT2

Road and transport researchA 1037-5783 Q3

Road materials and pavement designA 1468-0629 Q3 Q3

Rural historyA+ 0956-7933 Q2 Q3 A

Scape (Basel)D 1661-7371

Scienze RegionaliC 1720-3929

Scottish archaeological journalD 1471-5767 NAT

Screen (Oxford)A+ 0036-9543 Q1 INT1 B

Securitas VialisB+ 1989-1679 Q4

Senses and societyA 1745-8927 Q2 INT2

Sixteenth century journalB+ 0361-0160 Q4 INT2 B

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Sociedade e territorioC 0873-6308

Sociologia urbana e ruraleC 0392-4939

Sociologija i prostorA 1846-5226 Q3

Soil and foundationA 0038-0806 Q2

Solar energyA+ 0038-092X Q2 Q1

Source (New York, N.Y.)B+ 0737-4453 Q4 INT2 A

South Asian studies (Society for South Asian Studies)

D 0266-6030

Space (Korea)B+ 1228-2472

Space and culture A+ 1206-3312 Q2 Q2

Space structuresA+ 0266-3511 Q1

Stahlbau A 0038-9145 Q4

StandortB+ 0174-3635 Q4

Steel and Composite StructuresA 1229-9367 Q3 Q2

Storia dell'Arte (Firenze)B+ 0392-4513 INT1 A

Storia urbanaC 0391-2248 6,477

Structural control & health monitoring

A+ 1545-2255 Q1 Q1

Structural design of tall and special buildings

A+ 1541-7794 Q2 Q1

Structural durability & health monitoring

A 1930-2983 Q2

Structural engineer (London. 1988)A 1466-5123 Q2

Structural engineering international B+ 1016-8664 Q4

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Structural Engineering ReportA 0319-0110 Q3

Structural safety A+ 0167-4730 Q1 Q1

Structure and infrastructure engineering

A+ 1573-2479 Q2 Q1

Studia RudolphinaC 1213-5372 INT2

Studies in conservationA+ 0039-3630 Q4 Q1 A

Studies in Environmental Aesthetics and Semiotics

D 1736-2326

Studies in iconographyA 0148-1029 Q2 INT1 C

Studies in the history of gardens & designed landscapes

B+ 1460-1176 Q4

Technology and cultureA+ 0040-165X Q3 Q1 A

Territorio (Milano)C 1825-8689

Third text A+ 0952-8822 Q1 INT1 A

Thresholds (Cambridge)D 1091-711X

Town & country planningB 0040-9960 9,977

Town planning and architectureB+ 1392-1630 Q4

Town planning review A 0041-0020 Q2 9,977

Traditional dwellings and settlements review

B 1050-2092 INT2 4,362

Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society

A 0951-001X Q3 NAT A 9,977

Transsylvania NostraC 1842-5631

TrialogD 0724-6234

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Tunnelling and underground space technology

A+ 0886-7798 Q2 Q1

Umění (Praha)B+ 0049-5123 Q4 INT1

Universitas. Arquitetura e Comunicação Social

2175-7461 Pendiente MIAR

Urban (Madrid)C 1138-0810 C 3,676

Urban affairs review (Thousand Oaks, Calif.)

A+ 1078-0874 Q2 Q1 A 9,977

Urban design international (London)A 1357-5317 Q2 9,704

Urban ecosystems A+ 1083-8155 Q1

Urban education (Beverly Hills, Calif.)A 0042-0859 Q3 Q2 A 1,477

Urban forestry & urban greening A+ 1610-8167 Q2 Q2

Urban forum (Johannesburg)A 1015-3802 Q2 9,862

Urban geographyA+ 0272-3638 Q1 Q1 A 9,977

Urban history A+ 0963-9268 Q1 INT1 A

Urban IndiaD 0970-9045 4,477

Urban lawyerA 0042-0905 Q3 Q3

Urban morphologyA 1027-4278 Q3 7,676

Urban policy and research A 0811-1146 Q3 Q3

Urban Research & PracticeD 1753-5069

Urban ReviewA 0042-0972 Q2

Urban studies (Harlow)A+ 0042-0980 Q2 Q1 A 9,977

Urban Water JournalA+ 1573-062X Q3 Q1

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Urbani izzivC 0353-6483

Urbanisme (1992)D 1240-0874 6,477

Urbanistica (Torino)D 0042-1022

Vernacular architectureB+ 0305-5477 INT2 9,977

Viator (Berkeley)B+ 0083-5897 Q4 INT2 A

Visio (Québec)C 1026-8340 NAT

Visiteur (Paris)C 1265-7034

Visual anthropologyA 0894-9468 Q2 INT2 B

Visual anthropology reviewA 1058-7187 Q3 INT1

Visual culture in Britain C 1471-4787 NAT C

Visual resourcesA 0197-3762 Q2 INT2 B

Waffen- und KostümkundeA 0042-9945 Q2 INT2

Wallpaper (London)D 1364-4475

West 86thA 2153-5531 Q2 INT1

Western plannerD 0279-0602

Wind and StructuresA 1226-6116 Q3 Q3

Winterthur portfolioA 0084-0416 Q3 INT2 A

WIT Transactions on the Built Environment

A 1743-3509 Q2

Woman's art journalB 0270-7993 INT2 A

Word & image (London. 1985)B+ 0266-6286 Q4 INT1 B

World futuresB 0260-4027

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RevistaUPC ISSN Peer-Review JCR SJR AHCI ERIH CARHUS MIAR Avery RIBA Iconda EAAE sci-ssci Scopus Observaciones

Yorkshire archaeological journalC 0084-4276 NAT

Zeitschrift des Deutschen Vereins für Kunstwissenschaft (1963)

A 0044-2135 Q2 INT2

Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft

B 0044-2186 INT2

Zeitschrift fur KunstgeschichteA 0044-2992 Q2 INT1

ZKG InternationalA 0949-0205 Q4

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