Cleanse - Elissa Goodman...with dinner, but while you’re cleansing, it’s a major no-no. Even one...


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(Soup Cleanse) 1


(Soup Cleanse) 2

Soup Cleanse

This cleanse was created because I LOVE soup! That’s not the only reason, I started my career creating cleanses and I’ve found that soup makes for an amazing cleanse experience.

Soup is nourishing for the body and the soul. Soup provides you with the essential nutrients you need (fat, fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals) while being gentle on your system and satisfying to the palate.

The most important ingredient in all of my cleanses is love. Set your intention to prepare you foods for a body you love and embrace the process!


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What to Expect This program will not include any of the following inflammatory foods: processed foods, gluten, refined sugar, dairy, soy, alcohol and animal protein* (see note about animal protein below). Don’t panic! You will still enjoy and even love what you’re eating, because I’m going to introduce you to a lot of delicious nutrient-dense real food. Also, as your body heals and you become less chemically and emotionally addicted to these toxic foods, the cravings will dissolve.

You don’t have to eat everything. Use this program to start practicing awareness about quality versus quantity in what you are eating. My advice would be to eat until you are 80% full.

If you feel full, do not feel pressured to finish any of the items. Your body is very likely adjusting to this new clean eating regime and is welcoming a break from the excess.

1. SnacksIf you feel hungry, first make sure you are drinking enough water. Dehydration loves to show itself in the form of hunger. If you are still hungry, there are optional snack options included in each recipe booklet. Pick one to add in the afternoons when you are feeling hungry.

If your hunger still persists, you can have the following snack options: • 1⁄4 cup hummus with raw veggies. Buy organic hummus made with olive oil or make at home, my recipe is here: • Small handful of nuts (almond, cashew, walnut, pecan, hazelnut) – all good options!). 1/4 cup of nuts is a normal serving size and no more than 20 nuts/day • 1/4 of seeds is a normal serving (pumpkin seed, hemp seed, sunflower seed, pistachio – all good options). No more than 1/2 cup of seeds/day • Small handful of nuts (almond, cashew, walnut, pecan and hazelnut – all good options). No more than 20 nuts/day • 1 sliced green apple with 2 T. raw, organic almond butter • 1⁄2 avocado with sea salt and red pepper flakes or tomato slices • Cucumber slices with 2 T. organic cashew cheese • Chia Lemonade made with 2 tsp. chia seeds, juice of half a lemon, 12 ounces of water. Allow to sit for 2-3 minutes, stir well and enjoy! • Kombucha – Health Aide or Synergy brands • Ultima Replenisher an advanced balanced electrolyte blend, mixed into water

2. Portion Size Recipes are for multiple servings so please be aware of that. If you make the whole batch of soup, to share with family or have leftovers for tomorrow, make sure you are conscious of the portions. The soup serving size should be between 14-16 ounces, or 2 cups of soup, per meal. You can always use the leftover soup for another day (feel free to sub out soups) or freeze and enjoy later. Stuffing yourself full of healthy food won’t make you healthy!

If you are underweight or have a nutritional deficiency, please do not skip any meals. Overall, use good judgment. Pay attention to what your body (not your cravings!) needs.

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What to Expect 3.CoffeeThis is a big one. Ideally, you won’t have any coffee during this program (or ever!). But I’m a coffee lover and I know how tough it is to give it up completely.

I switched to green tea in the morning and that is my absolute preference for you. You’d be amazed at how you won’t miss the coffee caffeine when you have just one cup of organic green tea.

“I don’t recommend going “cold turkey” off of coffee. If you must have coffee, you can have no more than one cup of organic coffee each morning and of course no cream or sugar. Sweeten with stevia if needed. If you have coffee, it must come from a reputable source and be organic. By the way, Starbucks shouldn’t be your source for the coffee you do drink. Their coffee is not organic and contains toxins!

Just remember, coffee is extremely dehydrating so if you do have coffee, up your water intake.

4. AlcoholSorry - you need to take a hiatus from the booze. I love having a drink every once in a while or a glass of wine with dinner, but while you’re cleansing, it’s a major no-no. Even one drink can ruin your cleanse results instantly.

5. WaterMake sure to have at least a 16 oz. glass of room temperature water (preferably with lemon) when you wake up, before anything else.

Also, an 8 oz. glass of water before heading to bed will lower your cortisol (your stress hormone) for improved sleep.

How much water you drink could be the difference between feeling fantastic and feeling miserable during this program. When you’re cleansing, you are stirring up toxins in your body and water is the toxins’ pathway out. You should be drinking at minimum half your body weight each day, preferably with fresh squeezed lemon. So, if you are 150 lbs, that’s 75 ounces of water daily.

6. Animal ProteinFor this one week of cleansing, I’d prefer for you to give your body a break from all animal protein. However, if you’re feeling lethargic or out of sorts by giving up animal protein, a minimal amount of organic, hormone & antibiotic free animal protein or organic, free-range eggs will not greatly disrupt your week. Stick to 4-6 ounce portion sizes at a time or add in one egg as needed, either to start your day, supplement your meals, or have as a snack.

7. OrganicMy rule of thumb is to always buy organic. Organic products always have fewer pesticides and toxins, and are way less likely to be GMO. I understand that’s not always a possibility, so I’ve marked on the grocery list items you should always buy organic. With the other items, if they are too expensive or not available organic, don’t sweat it.

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What to Expect To find out which produce you MUST buy organic and which produce you have flexibility on, take a look at EWG’S Clean Fifteen/Dirty Dozen List.

There is one instance where this organic rule isn’t so lax. The produce you juice should always be organic. This stuff is going right to your cells, so don’t you want it to be toxin-free?

8. Overnight SoakingI highly recommend you soak any beans, legumes, nuts or grains overnight. This makes a world of a difference when it comes to digesting and benefitting from these items. All of these items contain “antinutrients” which negatively affect their nutritional value. When you soak them, it works against these antinutrients to boost the nutritional value of these foods and breaks down the acids that make them difficult to digest.

You can soak them in room temperature water for 4-12 hours. Just beware, this cuts their cooking time almost in half. The cooking times reflected in the recipes are for non- soaked items. In a pinch, put them in 2 inches of water and boil for 2 minutes.

9. Canned/Plastic GoodsIf you are buying any canned goods, please make sure they are in BPA-free cans. I prefer to buy the cardboard containers of items such as beans and diced tomatoes so I don’t have to worry about the chemicals in the cans or plastic containers.

Most plastic is super toxic. Again, anything you buy in a plastic container must be BPA-free. Most plastic water bottles are lined with carcinogens. The only bottled water I will buy is Mountain Spring water. It’s in glass bottles and is considered a “living spring water.”

Buy a glass or steel reusable bottle and carry it with you to avoid having to drink bottled water. Did you know Dasani water comes from the Detroit River? Yuck!

Remember, a cleansed life isn’t just about the food. It’s about your overall mental well-being too!

10. SleepAll of the elements of this program are important but getting a good night of sleep each night is beyond crucial. Without sleep your body cannot rest and heal. Aim to get at least 8 hours of solid sleep each night and try to get to bed by 10 PM. The body resets itself between the hours of 10pm and 2am. I know that’s a lot to ask, but making sleep a priority will make your cleansing experience a million times more pleasant.

11. ExerciseThis program should not inhibit you from doing any of the exercise that you currently do. In fact, I think you’ll feel more energized than ever! If you’re not doing any exercise, it is very important to get moving. Even just walking 30 minutes a day is amazing. My favorite exercises are walking, hiking and yoga. If you find you need more sustenance please review the approved snacks.

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What to Expect 12. Mindful MeditationA way to really take this cleanse to the next level is to spend a few minutes daily being in touch with how important you are. You’ve taken the steps to get healthy, now take a step to relax and calm your mind too. An easy way to incorporate a mindful meditation routine throughout your cleanse week (and beyond!) is with You can download the application onto your phone or computer. I recommend 10 minutes each morning to start the day with a clear, committed, and focused mind.

13. Give Yourself Some Love When we fall in love everything around us becomes more beautiful and appealing. Falling in love with your self is no exception. It enables you to look at things, people and life from another perspective, better perspective. But the most important thing is that all these changes are about your perception only. Thus you can choose whether you love yourself and this world or not.

Self-love can make you a better person. It improves your physical, psychological and emotional state. Give it a try and you’ll see that you attract more good people and circumstances into your life.

To help you fall in love during your cleanse week, I recommend starting each day with positive self affirmations, some of my favorites are:

• I deserve to be treated with love and respect. I choose to do and say kind things for and about myself and for and about others.• If I am healthy, I am so very blessed.• I love ___ about the way I look (Start every morning with a list of 3 things you love about yourself!) • I am perfect and complete just the way that I am. 14. The ExperienceIt’s important for you to really experience the week. Choose a five day period in which you will be able to fully commit. Give yourself the opportunity to dive in and really be focused on every aspect.

I want you to enjoy the process of preparing the food. It may sound cheesy, but put some love in it! Schedule time to cook and to eat. These items should not be hurried, stressful times. Do not eat on the go. If you are eating at work, sit down and eat your food. Don’t check your email, don’t check Facebook, instagram, twitter, etc. Do not make nourishing your body a rushed experience.

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DailySchedule & Recipes

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Cleanse Schedule & Recipes DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5

#1 Detox Tonic #1 Detox Tonic #1 Detox Tonic #1Detox Tonic #1 Detox Tonic

#2 Super Seed Bars or Crunchy Nut Bars

#2 Super Seed Bars or Crunchy Nut Bars

#2 Super Seed Bars or Crunchy Nut Bars

#2 Super Seed Bars or Crunchy Nut Bars

#2 Super Seed Bars or Crunchy Nut Bars

#3 Carrot Ginger Soup

*Garnish with toasted pumpkin seeds, roasted

chickpeas, or hemp seeds for additional protein.

#3 Broccoli & Arugula Soup

*Garnish with toasted pumpkin seeds, roasted

chickpeas, or hemp seeds for additional protein.

#3 Parsley and Pea Soup

*Garnish with toasted pumpkin seeds, roasted

chickpeas, or hemp seeds for additional protein.

#3 Cauliflower Leek & Parsnip

*garnish with toasted pumpkin seeds or roasted chickpeas additional protein

#3 Asparagus with Lemon Zest

*Garnish with toasted pumpkin seeds, roasted

chickpeas, or hemp seeds for additional protein.

Anytime Daily 2-4 oz. Scoop

Fermented Cabbage

Anytime Daily 2-4 oz. Scoop

Fermented Cabbage

Anytime Daily 2-4 oz. Scoop

Fermented Cabbage

Anytime Daily 2-4 oz. Scoop

Fermented Cabbage

Anytime Daily 2-4 oz. Scoop

Fermented Cabbage

#4 Vegan Mineral Broth

#4 Vegan Mineral Broth

#4 Vegan Mineral Broth

#4 Vegan Mineral Broth

#4 Vegan Mineral Broth

#5 Caribbean Black Bean

#5 Tomato & Wild Rice

#5 Quinoa Lentil Chili

#5 Kale & White Bean

#5 Creamy Curried Lentil

#6 Healing Turmeric Latte or Inner Peace Tonic

#6 Healing Turmeric Latte or Inner Peace Tonic

#6 Healing Turmeric Latte or Inner Peace Tonic

#6 Healing Turmeric Latte or Inner Peace Tonic

#6 Healing Turmeric Latte or Inner Peace Tonic

The chart above outlines your eating schedule for each day of the five day cleanse. Start your #1 option within 30 minutes of rising and each item approx. 2-3 hours apart, have the mineral broth anytime during the day. While suggested lunch and dinner soups are listed, you may choose to change the order and that is okay! Choose what lunch and dinner soups works for you, being sure to add hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, or roasted chickpeas for additional plant based protein. You can prepare soups in batches and stretch the program out to 10 days if desired. Remember, this program needs to suit your needs, make modifications as needed or reach out to with questions.

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3Healing Movement or Tonix Coconut Water Kefir

3George’s Always Active Aloe Vera

3 Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar3 Fresh Lemon (4-5)*3 Ginger Root (1 Large Root)*3 Cayenne 3 Filtered Water

Serves 1Ingredients:4 ounces Healing Movement Coconut Kefir4 ounces George’s Always Active Aloe Vera2 T Braggs’s Apple Cider Vinegar1 fresh-juiced lemon2 inches fresh juiced ginger rootpinch cayennefiltered water

Note: ½ tsp. powdered ginger can be used in place of fresh ginger. or if you like you can leave this ingredient out.

Directions:Add all ingredients into jar, finish with filtered water, and shake well. Best serve chilled.

#1 (Start the day) Detox Tonic for Soup Cleanse

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3 Gluten Free Rolled Oats3 Brown Rice Crisp Cereal 3 Hemp Seeds*3 Sunflower Seeds*3 Unsweetened Shredded Coconut*3 Chia Seeds*3 Cinnamon

3 Sea Salt

3 Coconut Secret Coconut Nectar*

3 Almond Butter*

3 Vanilla Extract

3 Goji Berry

Makes approximately 12 bars

Ingredients:1 ½ cups gluten free rolled oats1 ¼ cups brown rice crisp cereal¼ cup hemp seeds¼ cup sunflower seeds¼ cup unsweetened shredded coconut 2 T chia seeds½ tsp. ground cinnamon

¼ tsp. fine grain sea salt½ cup plus 1 T. Coconut Secret Coconut Nectar (¼ cup organic almond butter2 tsp. vanilla extract or vanilla powder¼ cup goji berries, pumpkin seeds, or nondairy chocolate chips

Directions:Line a 9-inch square cake pan with two pieces of parchment paper (one going each direction)

In a large mixing bowl combine the oats, rice cereal, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, shredded coconut, sesame seeds, chia seeds, cinnamon, 1 teaspoon vanilla and mix well.

In a small saucepan, stir together the coconut nectar and peanut butter (or almond butter) until well combined. Cook over medium to high heat until the mixture softens and bubbles slightly, then remove the pan from the heat and stir in 1 tsp. vanilla.

Pour the peanut butter mixture over the oat mixture, using a spatula to scrape every last bit out of the pan. Stir well large metal spoon, until all of the oats and cereal are coated in the wet mix-ture (the resulting mixture will be thick and slightly hard to stir). If you use the chocolate chips, allow to cool slightly before folding in the chips, if you use goji berries, you can add now.

#2 (Option 1) Super Seed Bars


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Transfer the mix to the pan prepared with wax paper. Spreading it into an even layer, lightly wet your hands and press down on the mixture to even it out. Use a roller to compact the mixture firmly and evenly. This helps the bars hold together better. Press down the edges with your fingers to even out the mixture.

Place the pan in the freezer, uncovered, and chill for 10 minutes, or until firm. Lift the oat square out of the pan, using the parchment paper as handles, and place it on a cutting board. Using sharp knife, slice the square into 6 rows, and then slice in half to make 12 bars total. Wrap bars individually for best storage.

Keep in airtight container in fridge for up to 2 weeks or you can store extra in freezer for up to a month.


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#2 (Option 2) Crunchy Nut and Fruit Bars Ingredients:5 Medjool dates, de-pitted, soaked and peeled3/4 cup organic almond butterpinch salt2-3 T. water ½ cup organic almonds½ cup organic cashews½ cup organic hazelnuts½ cup organic pistachios¼ cup sunflower seeds¼ cup organic shredded coconut large handful dried organic cherries

Directions:Soak dates in warm water for about 5 minutes, until softened. Remove pits and loose skin. Add dates, almond butter, salt, and 2 T water to food processor. Blend until smooth, add additional T of water if needed. Mixture should be firm, but smooth.

Add the rest of the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl and work in the almond butter/date mixture. With clean hands, work the mixture together and nuts, fruit, and coconut are fully blended into the nut butter mix.

Line a pan (bread pan works great for bars) with parchment paper and firmly pack mixture into the pan. For a crunchier bar, you may place in the oven on 325 degrees for 20-25 minutes. For a raw nut bar, simply place in the fridge and allow to set for a minimum of an hour.

Keep refrigerated and enjoy within a week!


3 Medjool Dates 3 Almond Butter*3 Almond*3 Hazelnut*3 Pistachio*3 Cashew*3 Sunflower Seeds*3 Shredded Coconut *3 Dried Cherries*3 Sea Salt

Makes approximately 12 bars

Ingredients:5 Medjool dates, de-pitted, soaked and peeled3/4 cup organic almond butterpinch salt2-3 T. water ½ cup organic almonds

½ cup organic cashews½ cup organic hazelnuts½ cup organic pistachios¼ cup sunflower seeds¼ cup organic shredded coconut large handful dried organic cherries

Directions:Soak dates in warm water for about 5 minutes, until softened. Remove pits and loose skin. Add dates, almond butter, salt, and 2 T water to food processor. Blend until smooth, add additional T of water if needed. Mixture should be firm, but smooth.

Add the rest of the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl and work in the almond butter/date mixture. With clean hands, work the mixture together and nuts, fruit, and coconut are fully blended into the nut butter mix.

Line a pan (bread pan works great for bars) with parchment paper and firmly pack mixture into the pan. For a crunchier bar, you may place in the oven on 325 degrees for 20-25 minutes. For a raw nut bar, simply place in the fridge and allow to set for a minimum of an hour.

Keep refrigerated and enjoy within a week!

#2 (Option 2) Crunchy Nut and Fruit Bars

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Ingredients:2 T. organic olive oil1 onion, chopped2 cloves garlic, crushed1 tsp. ground thyme2 tsp. ground coriander

6 very large organic carrots (or about 8 medium carrots), peeled and chopped– about 3 cups.½ cup fresh organic parsley, choppedSalt and pepper to taste4 cups organic vegetable stockBunch of fresh cilantro, chopped

Directions:Heat the oil in a large pot over medium high heat, then add the onion, garlic, and thyme, and coriander and sauté until soft.

Add the carrots, parsley, and salt and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes.

Pour in the vegetable stock, bring to a boil, then cover the pot and simmer for about 45 minutes, until the carrots are tender.

Remove from the heat and allow to cool then puree till smooth. If the consistency is too thick add more vegetable stock and puree.

Adjust seasonings to taste and heat through before serving. Sprinkle with cilantro and serve.

#3 Lunch Soup (Option 1) Carrot & Coriander Soup


3 Olive Oil*3 Small White Onion3 Garlic Cloves3 Fresh Thyme3 Ground Coriander3 Carrots*3 Parsley*3 Organic Vegetable Stock*3 Optional: Cilantro*

Serves 4-6

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3 Olive Oil*3 Garlic Cloves3 Broccoli*3 Yellow Onion 3 Pepper3 Arugula3 Lemon 3 Sea Salt 3 Pepper

Serves 2

Ingredients:1 T olive oil1 clove garlic, thinly sliced½ yellow onion, roughly diced1 head broccoli, cut into small florets (about 2/3 pound)

2½ cups water¼ tsp. each coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper¾ cup arugula (watercress would be good, too)½ lemon

Directions:Heat the olive oil in a medium nonstick saucepan over medium heat.

Add the garlic and onion and sauté for just a minute or until fragrant. Add the broccoli and cook for four minutes or until bright green. Add the water, salt and pepper, bring to a boil, lower the heat and cover.

Cook for eight minutes or until the broccoli is just tender.

Pour the soup into a blender and puree with the arugula until quite smooth. Be very careful when blending hot liquids; start slowly and work in batches if necessary (you don’t want the steam to blow the lid off).

Serve the soup with a bit of fresh lemon.

#3 Lunch Soup (Option 2) Broccoli and Arugula Soup

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3 Olive Oil*3 Cauliflower3 Leek*3 Parsnip 3 Garlic cloves3 Onion 3 Vegetable Stock*3 Sea Salt 3 Pepper

Serves 2

Ingredients:2 T organic olive oil1 head cauliflower 2 leeks, trimmed, washed, white parts sliced thinly2 medium parsnips, peeled and cut up roughly1 small onion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced1-liter organic vegetable stock 1 T sea salt, plus additional to tasteCracked black pepper

Directions:Heat olive oil over medium high heat in a soup pot. Once heated, add onion, garlic, leek, and salt. Sauté for five minutes, stirring frequently to prevent garlic from burning.

When onions and leeks have softened, add cauliflower and parsnip. Sauté another 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add vegetable stock, bring to a boil, and then reduce to a simmer. Simmer until vegetables are fork tender. Add pepper and any additional salt.

Carefully pour into a vitamix or blender and blend until smooth.

#3 Lunch Soup (Option 3) Cauliflower, Leek and Parsnip Soup

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3 Coconut Oil*3 Garlic Cloves3 Onion

3Shelled Green Peas (Frozen is Fine)

3 Flat Leaf Parsley*3 Lemon*3 Vegetable Broth*3 Olive Oil* 3 Sea Salt3 Black Pepper

Serves 4

Ingredients:1 T coconut oil2 medium onions4 cloves garlicsea salt to taste1 lb. shelled green peas (frozen is fine)

2 cups parsley, leaves only3-4 cups organic vegetable broth1 lemon1 T extra virgin olive oil

Directions:Roughly chop onions and mince garlic.

In a large stockpot, heat coconut oil. When melted, add onions and a couple pinches of salt, stir to coat and cook for 5-10 minutes until onions have browned. Add garlic, stir to coat, cook three minutes.

Add 3 cups veggie broth, add peas, bring to a simmer and turn off the heat. Add parsley and fold in until it wilts. Transfer to a blender and blend on high until smooth. Add extra broth if desired.

Zest lemon and add to soup. Juice lemon and add to soup with olive oil, blend. Season to taste.

Pour back into the pot and heat through. Serve.

#3 Lunch Soup (Option 4) Parsley and Pea Soup Adapted from My New Roots

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3 Coconut Oil*3 Onion3 Garlic Cloves3 Asparagus*3 Vegetable Stock*3 Sea Salt 3 Lemon*3 Chives (Optional)

Serves 4-6

Ingredients:2 T organic, unrefined coconut oil 1 medium white onion, diced2 garlic cloves, pressed2 bunches of asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1 inch pieces

4 cups organic vegetable or chicken stock2 tsp. sea salt (or to taste)cracked black pepper (to taste)1 whole lemon, zestchives (for garnish)

Directions:In a medium/large soup pan, heat coconut oil over medium high heat. Add the onion and sauté’ until tender, about 7 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for two minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent garlic from burning.

Add the asparagus to the pot and season with salt and pepper. Sauté for 5 minutes, then add the remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil, stir well, and reduce to simmer. Cover the pot and allow to simmer for 10 minutes.

Puree the soup with an immersion blender or in a blender until smooth (being careful to vent as to not get burned).

Return to pan, serve warm and garnish with generous amount of lemon zest or chopped chives.

#3 Lunch Soup (Option 5) Asparagus Soup with Lemon Zest

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3 Vegetable Stock*3 Sea Salt 3 Tomatoes*3 Jalapenos*3 Black Beans*3 Cilantro*3 Coconut Butter* (Optional) 3 Vegetable Broth* 3 Cilantro*

Serves 4-6

Ingredients:1 T organic coconut oil 1 medium onion, finely diced4 organic Roma tomatoes, chopped2 jalapenos, finely diced 1 tsp. sea salt

4 cups cooked black beans, rinsed and drained 4-5 cups organic vegetable stock ½ bunch organic cilantro1 ½ T organic coconut butter (could use oil if needed)

Directions:Heat 1 T coconut oil over medium heat in a soup pot. Add onion, tomato, and salt. and jalapeno and sauté until softened, approx. 4-5 minutes. Stir well. Add black beans, vegetable stock, and cilantro. Simmer on low for 15 minutes.

Carefully scoop half of the soup (be sure to scoop approx.. ½ of the bean, cilantro, and veggies) into a blender. Add 1 ½ T of coconut butter and blend until smooth. Pour this mixture back in to the soup pot (soup will have a half creamy, partly chunky texture).

Season with additional salt if needed.

#4 Dinner Soup (Option 1) Caribbean Black Bean Soup

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3 Olive Oil*3 Onion 3 Garlic Clove3 Fresh Thyme 3 Oregano3 Tomatoes* (or Canned is Fine)3 Flat Leaf Parsley* 3 Vegetable Broth*3 Wild Rice* 3 Mushrooms (Optional)3 Zucchini*3 Sea Salt3 Pepper

Serves 4

Ingredients:2 T. olive oil ½ onion chopped 1 T garlic, minced2 T. fresh thyme2 T fresh oregano, minced½ T sea salt

Dash white pepper2 T. chopped parsley 3 cups tomato, chopped1 cup wild rice, sprouted1 cup mushrooms (optional) 4 cups vegetable broth 1 zucchini, chopped

Directions:Heat olive oil in a soup pot over medium high heat. When oil is hot add onion, garlic, thyme, and oregano as well as salt and pepper. Sauté until onions are translucent.

Add tomatoes and parsley and stir well.

Add wild rice and mushrooms, 4 cups of vegetable broth, cover and simmer on low approx 15-20 minutes.

Add chopped zucchini and simmer additional 5 minutes.

#4 Dinner Soup (Option 2) Tomato Wild Rice Soup

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Ingredients:2 T olive oil3 cloves garlic, minced1 small white or yellow onion, chopped1 carrot diced1 celery stalk diced1 green bell peppers1 15 ounce container organic chopped tomatoes

1 tsp. cumin3-4 tsp.chili powder1/8 tsp. cinnamon3 cups organic vegetable broth, plus more if needed1 cup red or green lentils, rinsed1/2 cup red quinoa, rinsed1 cup kidney beans, rinsed and drained could use any combo of beans)


3 Olive Oil*3 Onion3 Garlic3 Carrot*3 Celery*3 Green Bell Pepper*3 Chopped Tomatoes*3 Cumin 3 Chili3 Cinnamon3 Vegetable Broth*3 Red Quinoa* 3 Red or Green Lentils*3 Kidney Beans* 3 Sea Salt3 Black Pepper

Serves 4-6

Directions:Heat olive oil in large pot over medium-high heat. Add onion, bell pepper, carrot, and celery and cook for 3-5 minutes or until onion is translucent. Add in garlic and sauté an additional minute or two, stirring frequently so garlic doesn’t burn. Add in tomatoes, cumin, chili and salt and pepper; bring to a boil, then lower heat and simmer for 6-8 minutes or until tomatoes begin to break down. Add broth, quinoa, and lentils; bring back to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer for 30-40 minutes or until lentils are tender and quinoa has expanded. Stir in beans and cilantro. You can add a bit more broth if you feel you do not have enough, either way chili will continue to thicken. Taste and adjust seasonings if needed. Simmer a few minutes more.

#4 Dinner Soup (Option 3) Quinoa and Lentil Chili

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3 Olive Oil*3 Onion*3 Carrot*3 Celery*3 Garlic3 Chopped Tomatoes*3 Vegetable Broth*3 Bay Leaf3 Dried Oregano3 Fresh Parsley3 Fresh Thyme3 Kale*3 Cannellini Beans* 3 Tomato Paste3 Sea Salt 3 Pepper

Serves 4-6

Ingredients:1 T extra virgin olive oil1 large carrot, chopped1 stick celery, choppedsea salt to taste2 large garlic cloves, minced1 14-ounce container chopped tomatoes, with juice6 cups liquid (water or organic veggie broth, I recommend using at least 1/2 broth)

1 T. tomato paste1 medium onion, chopped 1 tsp. oregano1 bay leafa couple sprigs parsley and thyme, chopped½ pound kale, stemmed and chopped1 can cannellini beans (or any white bean), drained and rinsedfreshly ground pepper

Directions:Heat olive oil over medium heat in a large, heavy soup pot and then add onion, carrot and celery and a pinch of salt. Cook, stirring often, until the vegetables are tender, about 8 minutes. Add the garlic and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds.

Stir in the tomatoes and juice from the can, add another pinch of salt and cook, stirring often for 5 to 10 minutes until the tomatoes have cooked down slightly.

Add the water, tomato paste, oregano, bay leaf, thyme, parsley and salt to taste. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer 10 minutes.

Add the kale and simmer another 10 minutes until the kale is tender and the soup is fragrant. Taste, adjust salt and pepper. Stir in the beans and heat through for 5 minutes.

#4 Dinner Soup (Option 2) The Kale and White Bean Soup

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3 Coconut Oil*3 Yellow Onion3 Celery*3 Carrots*3 Garlic3 Fresh Ginger3 Yellow Curry Powder (Mild)3 Bay Leaf3 Red Lentils*3 Vegetable Stock*3 So Delicious Coconut Milk*3 Sea Salt 3 Pepper

Serves 4

Ingredients:3 T organic coconut oil1 large yellow onion, chopped3 medium stalks organic celery, chopped2 large carrots, chopped2 large cloves garlic, chopped1 inch fresh ginger, grated2-½ T yellow curry powder1 T sea salt

½ tsp. cayenne powder1 bay leaf1 cup dried red lentils3 cups water (for soaking lentils)4 cups organic vegetable or chicken stock16 ounces organic full fat coconut milk Optional garnish: cilantro, diced green onion, pepitas, pumpkin seed oil

Directions:Soak the dried lentils over night in 3 cups of water, add a squeeze of lemon. This will help in digestion and absorption of the nutrients (you can use un-soaked or sprouted lentils if preferred).

Prepare the onion, celery, carrot, garlic, and ginger and set aside. Heat coconut oil in a large soup pan or stockpot over medium high heat. Once heated, add the chopped vegetables, garlic and ginger and stir continuously over medium heat for 8-10 minutes to prevent garlic from burning and to allow vegetables to soften.

Once vegetables are softened and onions are translucent, add the curry powder, cayenne, salt, and bay leaf. Stir well and sauté for another 2-3 minutes to blend the flavors. Add the strained lentils and vegetable or chicken stock (making sure lentils are covered by the stock, if needed add more).

Allow soup to simmer for 15-20 minutes on medium low. When lentils are softened, add the coconut milk and stir well. Very carefully add the cooked soup mixture into a high-powered blender or Vitamix. Blend well, until soup is pureed and creamy. Add back to pot and serve warm. You can garnish with cilantro, pepitas, or pumpkin seed oil.

#5 Dinner Soup (Option 5) Creamy Curried Lentil Soup

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3 Filtered Water3 Onion3 Carrot*3 Celery*3 Beet*3 Shiitake Mushroom*3 Kale *3 Dandelion Greens*3 Fennel*3 Cabbage3 Cilantro*3 Parsley*3 Kombu or Kelp*3 Ginger*3 Turmeric*3 Garlic Cloves3 Apple Cider Vinegar3 Nettles (Optional)3 Sea Salt (Optional)

Makes approximately 1 week of broth for 1 person

Ingredients:4 quarts filtered water 1 large onion, chopped2 large carrots, sliced3 stalks celery1 beet, diced5 shiitake mushrooms1-cup kale, sliced1 cup dandelion greens½ fennel bulb, diced½ cup cabbage (varietal of your choice)½ bunch cilantro½ bunch parsley

1 sheet Kombu5-½ inch slices fresh ginger5 ½ inch slices fresh organic turmeric3 whole cloves garlic2 T apple cider vinegar (I use Bragg’s)Nettles (optional)Sea salt, to taste

Directions:Rinse vegetables well. Fill a large stock or soup pot with rinsed vegetables and all ingredients. Add water. Set to low temperature and bring to a simmer for minimum of 2 hours (and up to 4 hours), until the broth tastes of the fullness of the vegetables. Add sea salt to taste as needed.

Strain the broth through a large sieve into a heat resistant glass container. Cool in refrigerator until ready to serve.

Store in fridge for 5-7 days or freeze in airtight container for 3 months.

Serving Suggestion:Add 10 ounces broth to blender, add 1 T coconut oil, ghee or grass-fed butter (non-vegan options). Add additional turmeric and small pinch of cayenne powder. Blend until creamy and enjoy warm.

AnytimeVegan Super Mineral Broth (optional)

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3 Raw Pumpkin Seeds*3 Herbamore3 Bragg’s Coconut Aminos3 Olive Oil*

Ingredients:Raw Pumpkin Seeds Herbamare or fine grain sea salt

2 T. coconut aminos Extra virgin olive oil

Directions:Add the pumpkin seeds to a medium sized pot of water along with 1 tsp. of salt. Bring it to a boil and reduce the heat to simmer for about 10 minutes over low-medium heat. This method helps make the seeds easier to digest and produces a crispy outer shell during roasting.

Drain the seeds in a colander and dry with a paper towel. Add oil, seasoning, and coconut aminos to a medium bowl and combine. Add pumpkin seeds, and toss very well making sure they were coated.

Roast seeds at 325 degrees for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and stir. Roast for another 8 minutes. Once cooled, they should be super crispy and easy to bite through.

SnacksToasted Pumpkin Seeds

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3 Garbanzo Beans*3 Olive Oil Or Coconut Oil* 3 Spices (Your Choice)3 Sea Salt

Ingredients:2 cups garbanzo beans, cooked (drained & rinsed)2 T. olive oil or coconut oil

pinch sea salt1 T. spice blend (I suggest chili powder, cumin, curry, turmeric, or paprika)

Directions:Preheat oven to 400F. Drain container of garbanzo beans (or home cooked garbanzo beans) in a strainer and rinse with water for a few seconds to clean off the beans. Shake and tap the strainer to rid of excess water. Lay paper towel on a baking sheet, and spread the beans over. Use another paper towel to gently press and absorb the water on the beans. Roll the beans around with the paper towel to also remove the thin skin from any of the beans. Discard the skins and the paper towels.

Drizzle the olive oil over the beans and use your hands to toss around and coat. Then generously add seasoning of your choice and pinch of salt, toss one more time and lay beans flat on baking sheet.

Roast for 30-40 minutes until the beans are a deep golden brown and crunchy. Make sure that the beans do not burn – you will need to check often the last 5-10 minutes of cooking. Allow to cool and store in an airtight container on the counter.

SnacksRoasted Spiced Chickpeas (optional – you can always buy toasted seeds as well)

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3 Almond Milk*3 Coconut Milk*3 Fresh Turmeric Root*3 Fresh Ginger Root3 Cinnamon3 Stevia or Vanilla Stevia3 Astragulus Root Extract

Serves 1

Ingredients:8 ounces organic almond milk (I recommend the Whole Foods 365 Brand of Organic, Unsweetened Almond Milk 2 ounces organic coconut milk (I recommend the Organic So Delicious Culinary Coconut Milk brand)

2-3” (inches) fresh turmeric, juiced 1-2” (inches) fresh ginger, juiced 1 tsp. ground cinnamon4-5 drops 100% pure vanilla stevia20-30 drops astragalus root extract

Directions:In a small saucepan, combine milk, fresh-juiced turmeric ( or substitute turmeric paste), fresh-juiced ginger (or substitute ginger powder), and cinnamon over medium heat until heated through. Do not boil. Add astragalus root extract and vanilla stevia and blend with immersion blender to make frothy. Alternatively, carefully add warmed mixture to a blender and blend on medium speed for 30-45 seconds.

*To make the turmeric paste, mix 2 parts turmeric powder with 1 part boiling water. Combine and store in the fridge up to one week.

*Astragalus Root – antioxidant rich, relieves stress, support the immune system, protects against cell damage.

#6 Evening Drink Healing Turmeric Latte

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3 Dragon Herbs Gynostemma Tea3 Almond Milk Or Coconut Milk*3 Coconut Oil*3 Cacao Powder*3 Medjool Date3 Pearl Powder3 Reishi Powder*

CinnamonStevia* (Optional)

Serves 1

Ingredients:1 cup Dragon Herbs gynostemma tea, warm (8-10 ounces)¼ cup fresh almond milk or coconut milk (I recommend the Whole Foods 365 Brand of Organic, Unsweetened Almond Milk or Organic So Delicious Culinary Coconut Milk brand)1 T. extra virgin coconut oil

1 medjool date, pitted1/2 tsp. pearl powder (I recommend Dragon Herb’s Pearl Powder)2 tsp. reishi powder (I recommend Sun Potion Reishi Powder)1 tsp. cacao1/8 tsp. cinnamon2-3 drops stevia sweetener (optional)

Directions:Brew Gynostemma tea, and set aside to cool for 2 minutes. Next, add all ingredients to blender, and mix until warm and frothy. Pour and drink slowly. Enjoy the cup of inner peace.

*Reishi – immunity support, sleep-improving, mild tranquilizer for the central nervous system.

*Pearl Powder – mind-calming, peace-giving, unsurpassed natural beauty product (hair, skin, & nails).

#6 Evening Drink (Option 2)Elissa’s Inner Peace Tonic

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3 Cabbage (Any Color)*3 Sea Salt 3 High Quality Mineral Water 3 Canning Jar/Lid

Serves 1

Ingredients:3 cups of organic green or purple cabbage (or both), cored and sliced thin1 ¾ cups of filtered or mineral water at room temperature (just be sure to use high quality chlorine free water)

1 tsp. sea salt A quart jar canning jar/lid 1 tsp. cacao1/8 tsp. cinnamon2-3 drops stevia sweetener (optional)

Directions:Clean and cut thin strips of cabbage (can use food processor as well).

Add salt and massage into cabbage until water starts to release.

Add cabbage and salt mixture to a quart jar (mason jar or airtight canning jar) and press down with a spoon until airtight.

Add 1 3/4 cups of water (just enough to cover).

Cover the jar securely with the lid (leave a couple inches at the top - the liquid will foam over when ferment begins!!)

Let mixture stand at room temperature for minimum of 3 days, preferably 5-7 days (around 72 degrees F). MUST open daily to release pressure (be careful when opening!)

Anytime Daily Fermented Cabbage (Recommended 2-4 oz. per day)


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Mixture needs to be kept below water and airtight. Once you open, press the cabbage layer down, as tight as possible, and make sure covered.

For extra safety add olive oil to the top layer to create an airtight layer that does not allow mold to grow (this can be easily removed when chilled)

After 5-7 days, fermented cabbage can be kept in the fridge , remain aware of pressure in the jar when opening.

You can drink the juice for extra probiotic benefit!


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SupplementsSUPPLEMENTS Probiotic Probiotics are crucial to cleansing. They are extremely effective in supporting gut health and your diges-tive system. Getting your gut back in check is the core of this program. They not only help with digestion but the good bacteria they provide is crucial for both weight loss and a strong immune system. The start of any healthy lifestyle begins with a good probiotic, it is one of the most important supplements you can take. Make sure that you are taking a probiotic with a minimum 50 billion active bacteria.

My Favorite Dr. Ohhira’s Professional Formula or RENEW Life Ultimate Flora Critical Care Take: 1 in the AM on an empty stomach and one before bed on an empty stomach.

*If you choose to buy a different probiotic, please make sure it is dairy free and has at least 50 billion active bacteria

Digestive Enzyme Digestive enzymes are critical when it comes to proper digestion of the food you eat and proper absorption of the nutrients you are taking in. Especially when you are eating a lot of raw food, it’s important to make sure your digestive system is functioning optimally. Taking digestive enzymes will make your cleansing expe-rience a lot easier on your body. They work to ignite the chemical reactions in our bodies that help stimulate the brain, provide cellular energy and enhance the cleansing experience. Digestive enzymes help support your digestive system, cleanse your digestive tract and break down all the food you are consuming.

My Favorite Enzymedica Digest Gold Take: 1-2 capsules on an empty stomach before meals, 3x per day.

Magnesium Magnesium is a crucial nutrient for cleansing as it helps your muscles and body relax and keeps your blood flowing freely. Most people are deficient in magnesium and then (especially when cleansing) have trouble relaxing and sleeping. Magnesium will help balance your calcium levels, relax your body and ensure you have a solid night of sleep.

My Favorite Standard Process Magnesium Lactate or Innate Response Magnesium. Take: 1-2 capsules before bed, or as directed.

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SupplementsVitamin B ComplexB vitamins are called the “happy” vitamins. They bring balance to the many systems running your body. A B complex will support energy conversion and production, healthy digestion, and promote a healthy nervous system.

My FavoriteInnate Response B Complex or Standard Process Cataplex B and Standard Process Cataplex G (two separate B supplements).

Traditional Medicinals Smooth Move TeaIf you experience any constipation during the cleanse week, this is a great tea to drink before bed. Follow instructions, drinking right before bedtime and steeping 10-15 minutes max.

FOOD SUPPLEMENTSOrganic Hemp Seeds (You can find these at Whole Foods & most health food markets) These can be added to soups or salads, or sprinkled on avocado and tomato during the cleanse week for extra protein and energy.

Ghee, Grass-fed Butter, or a jar of organic Coconut Oil You can add a tablespoon to your daily Mineral Elixir or Turmeric Latte for necessary healthy fats (remember healthy fat keeps you thin!)

Avocado High in healthy monounsaturated fats, fiber, vitamin B & K. You can add a couple slices to any soup you would like. You can also have a couple slices sprinkled with hemp seeds for a snack.

Herbal Tea (optional) Having an herbal tea will help you relax, aid your digestion, soothe your stomach, and help you sleep (I like Roobois, Tulsi, Chamomile, Mint, or Gynostemma)

My FavoriteOrganic India Tulsi Tea (also known as Holy Basil, an adaptogenic herb) possesses wonderful health benefits that support the body’s natural immune system while relieving the body’s negative reaction to stress. This powerful tea supports respiratory health, is a strong antioxidant, supports your immune system, balances your digestive system and helps maintain blood sugar levels. It’s also extremely calming and can help relieve stress. Enjoy anytime throughout the day!

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SupplementsChia Seeds Chia seeds are an amazing superfood full of Omega 3 fatty acids, fiber and are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. They are also an amazing source of protein. Add 1 T. to your water with a squeeze of lemon, allow to sit for 2 minutes, stir well and enjoy cold.

Aloe Vera Aloe Vera contains enzymes, minerals, anti-microbial and amino acids that aid digestion, reduce inflammation and help cleanse and soothe the body. For those who may have issues with digestion and bloating, this product is your best friend.

My Favorite George’s Aloe Vera Take: 4 ounces on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and before bed Note: This item is a must-have item for your morning drink, Elissa’s Detox Tonic.

Coconut Kefir This is whole food probiotic, rich in vitamins, minerals and natural electrolytes. It’s a fermented beverage that hydrates and gently cleanses the intestinal tract and liver. It will boost and enhance your cleansing experience by cleansing the gut and giving you a great extra boost of probiotics.

My Favorites Healing Movement Coconut Kefir (only found in CA) or Tonix Coconut Kefir Another option: Kevita Coconut Kefir Take: 2-4 ounces in the morning on an empty stomach Note: This item is a must-have item for your morning drink, Elissa’s Detox Tonic. Add this to your shopping list, you must buy in-store!

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Congratulations,you did amazing!

Do you want to take your detox to the next level, check out my 21 day cleanse “Cleanse Your Body, Cleanse Your Life” at

I would love for you to share your experience with me