CLEP French


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  • 7/28/2019 CLEP French


    CLEP French

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    6. En ________ avec le gendarme, nous avons remarqu son grand chien de garde.

    (A) parler(B) regarder(C) parlant(D) regardant

    7. Les murs taient peints

    (A) bleus.(B) en bleu.(C) bleues.(D) en bleues.

    8. Par ces jours nuageux, on ne voit gure le soleil ni

    (A) les toiles.(B) la soire.(C) le ciel bleu.(D) le nuage.

    9. Le vol durait cinq heures et nous avons eu le temps de voir deux

    (A) cassettes.(B) films.(C) photos.(D) livres.

    10. Il faut exprimer des ides ________ une manire cohrente.

    (A) dans(B) en(C) avec(D) d

    11. Nous dsirons que vous ________ laise.

    (A) tes

    (B) soyez(C) soyons(D) tre

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    CLEP French

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    12. Mon frre mesure un mtre quatre-vingt-dix; il est beaucoup plus ________ que moi.

    (A) large(B) gros(C) grand(D) loin

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    CLEP French

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    Directions: In each of the following paragraphs, there are blanks indicating that words orphrases have been omitted. First, read through the entire paragraph. Then, for each blank,choose the completion that is most appropriate, given the context of the entire paragraph.

    Gisle est ____13____ lUniversit de Grenoble, en France. Elle a quatre cours ce semestre. Toulundis, elle a un cours danglais dix heures et demie. Le lendemain [ed. note: jour suivant is noFrench] jour suivant, qui est ____14____, elle suit un cours de littrature franaise ____15____ qheures et demie. Gisle naime pas beaucoup les mathmatiques ni la gomtrie. Alors, elle a dcid____16____ ces deux cours ce semestre. Les mercredis, Gisle a un cours dhistoire dix heures mquart. ____17____ elle a un cours de dessin dix-neuf heures quarante-cinq. Gisle aime beaucouarts et les langues. Elle veut devenir professeur darts ou ____18____ dans un collge.

    13. The best choice for space 13 is

    (A) enseignante(B) tudiante(C) infirmire(D) vendeuse

    14. The best choice for space 14 is

    (A) lundi(B) mardi(C) mercredi(D) jeudi

    15. The best choice for space 15 is

    (A) tt le matin(B) le matin(C) midi(D) dans laprs-midi

    16. The best choice for space 16 is

    (A) suivre(B) apprendre(C) ne pas suivre(D) ne pas aller

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    CLEP French

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    17. The best choice for space 17 is

    (A) midi(B) Pendant laprs-midi(C) Le soir(D) Le matin

    18. The best choice for space 18 is

    (A) de franais(B) de mathmatiques(C) dhistoire(D) de gographie

    Dix minutes aprs leur premire rencontre, Colette et Michel ____19____ limpression quils se

    connaissaient depuis ____20____; quils taients grands amis. Colette tait en dernire anne de coMichel tait en premire anne duniversit.

    Ils se sont rencontrs une ____21____ dansante, qui tait sponsorise par leur universit Lyon. une heure en la dvisageant de lautre ct de la grande ____22____, Michel a trouv le courage dColette ____23___. Ils dansaient ensemble toute la nuit et la semaine suivante Michel a invit Codner. Aprs ce rendez-vous, ils taient ____24____; on les voyait partout ensemble sur le campus

    19. The best choice for space 19 is

    (A) avaient(B) taient(C) avait(D) tait

    20. The best choice for space 20 is

    (A) hier(B) toujours(C) ce temps-l(D) une heure

    21. The best choice for space 21 is

    (A) journe(B) entre(C) partie(D) soire

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    CLEP French

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    22. The best choice for space 22 is

    (A) soire(B) salle(C) toit(D) terrain

    23. The best choice for space 23 is

    (A) danser(B) la danse(C) dner(D) aller

    24. The best choice for space 24 is

    (A) insupportables(B) sensibles(C) minables(D) insparables

    Un avion propuls lnergie solaire est entr ____25____ lhistoire en juillet comme il volait, pil____26____ de la Suisse pendant vingt-six heures. Ctait la premire fois quun avion solaire____27____ pendant toute la nuit. Aprs avoir pass vingt-six heures sur lavion une place, le piquil se sentait toujours ____28____. Aprs le coucher du soleil, lavion volait piles, quil avaitemmagasines ____29____ la journe. Les ____30____ solaires se trouvent sur les ailes de lavion

    25. The best choice for space 25 is

    (A) dans(B) en(C) par(D)

    26. The best choice for space 26 is

    (A) sous(B) au-dessous(C) au-dessus(D) sur

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    CLEP French

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    31. The best choice for space 31 is

    (A) aime(B) trouve(C) regarde(D) coute

    32. The best choice for space 32 is

    (A) de(B) du(C) de la(D)

    33. The best choice for space 33 is

    (A) retire(B) retraite(C) retirant(D) rentre

    34. The best choice for space 34 is

    (A) travaille(B) trajet(C) va

    (D) voyage35. The best choice for space 35 is

    (A) connaissance(B) amiti(C) amis(D) connaissant

    36. The best choice for space 36 is

    (A) courant(B) allant(C) parlant(D) jouant

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    Jai pass lt dernier dans la rsidence secondaire de mes parents en Bretagne. Il y avait eu____37____depuis que jy tais, presque vingt ans. Jai redcouvert cette belle rgion et ses fromao jai got les meilleurs ____38____, et apprci la cuisine bretonne. La gastronomie l-bas est rpute et jai profit des ____39____ presque chaque soir. Aprs le dner au village, tout le mondau pied chez nous et nous nous asseyions sur la porche et regardions les ____40____ brillantes au

    37. The best choice for space 37 is

    (A) long(B) court(C) longtemps(D) un peu de temps

    38. The best choice for space 38 is

    (A) fromages(B) viandes(C) pains(D) ptisseries

    39. The best choice for space 39 is

    (A) restaurants(B) librairies(C) magasins(D) laiteries

    40. The best choice for space 40 is

    (A) oiseaux(B) toiles(C) arbres(D) soleils

    Comme Phillipe travaille un week-end sur deux, il ne peut pas faire ____41____ sport quil voudrToutefois, il sentrane 3 ou 4 fois par semaine dans un club, ce qui fait en moyenne 7 heures dactphysique par ____42____. De plus, le samedi ou le dimanche, il participe assez souvent ____43__matchs de football. Pour la plupart, il fait du sport pour se maintenir ____44____ et pour se dtend

    Quant aux sports tlviss, il nen trouve pas beaucoup le temps. ____45____, quand de grandsvnements, comme par exemple les Jeux Olympiques, sont diffuss, il est la premire allumer soposte.

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    CLEP French

    10Copyright 2010

    Peterson'sCLEP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board,

    which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this product.

    41. The best choice for space 41 is

    (A) tant que(B) autant de(C) aussitt que(D) beaucoup de

    42. The best choice for space 42 is

    (A) mois(B) semaine(C) an(D) jour

    43. The best choice for space 43 is

    (A) dans les(B) dans(C) aux(D) les

    44. The best choice for space 44 is

    (A) en forme(B) form(C) la formation(D) sa taille

    45. The best choice for space 45 is

    (A) Avant(B) Malheureusement(C) Tristement(D) Pourtant

    Directions: Read the following selections. Each selection is followed by one or more

    questions or incomplete statements. For each question, select the answer or completionthat is best according to the selection.

    Questions 4649 are based on the following selection.

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    CLEP French

    11Copyright 2010

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    Le premier janvier 2002, les Franais ont dit adieu au franc franais. Les euros ont t mis en circuet, partir du 17 fvrier, les francs ntaient plus accepts dans les commerces.

    Beaucoup de Franais croyaient ce moment que ctait, en effet, un lment important de lidentila souverainet. Le but, selon les hommes et femmes politiques et les financiers, tait la constructio

    devise commune en Europe, servant dtape pour accrotre la prise de conscience europenne. La dqui a un aspect trs concret, trs quotidien, aidera les Europens se sentir plus europens. a ne vdire quils ne se sentent pas franais, allemands, italiens, anglais, etc. On peut garder un attachemepays et puis en mme temps avoir un attachement et une sensibilit europenne.

    46. De quoi reportagesagit-il, ce reportage?

    (A) le dbut de leuro(B) la commerce en Europe(C) la fin de lge dor(D) la cration de lEurope

    47. Quest ce qui sest pass le 17 fvrier?

    (A) Les euros ont t mis en circulation.(B) La France na fait plus partie de lEurope.(C) Les Allemands ont refus daccepter leuro.(D) Les commerces nont plus accept le franc.

    48. Quant la devise commune et leuro, les Franais croyaient que

    (A) la devise tait un lment important de leur identit.(B) leuro tait suprieur au franc franais.(C) les Anglais naccepteraient pas leuro.(D) le changement leuro ntait pas important.

    49. Selon le texte, un des buts de la cration dune devise commune europenne tait

    (A) plus de contrle des prix des importations.(B) moins dattachements des peuples leurs pays.(C) moins de chmage.(D) une sensibilit europenne plus forte.

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    CLEP French

    12Copyright 2010

    Peterson'sCLEP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board,

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    Pourquoi crirait-on Comunisud en rponse cette annonce?

    (A) pour embaucher un comptable(B) pour y poser sa candidature(C) pour faire un voyage Lyon(D) pour entrer dans une cole dart dramatique

    Questions 51-57 are based on the following selection.

    Excerpted from Le Grand Meaulnes , Alain Fournier

    Je navais gure t, jusqualors, courir dans les rues avec les gamins du bourg. Je me vois encore, u jour o je mennuyait, poursuivant les coliers alertes dans les ruelles qui entouraient la maison, ensautillant misrablement sur une jambe. Je me suis casse la cheville. On ne me laissait gure sortir.

    Larrive dAugustin Meaulnes, qui a concid avec ma gurison, a t le commencement dune vienouvelle. Avant sa venue, lorsque le cours tait fini, quatre heures, une longue soire de solitudecommenait pour moi. Je montait lentement lscalier la deuxime tage, boitait mon chambre, eme suis tomb sur le lit pour regarder fixement le plafond jusqu lheure de dner.

    Ds quil a commenc dtre pensionnaire chez nous, cest--dire ds les premiers jours de dcembrlcole cessa dtre dserte le soir, aprs quatre heures. Malgr le froid, il y avait toujours, aprs lecours, dans la classe, une vingtaine de grands lves, tant de la campagne que du bourg, serrs autoMeaulnes.

    Ctaient de longues discussions, des disputes interminables, au milieu desquelles je me glissais aveinquitude et plaisir. Meaulnes ne disait rien; mais ctait pour lui qu chaque instant lun des plusbavards savanait au milieu du groupe, et, prenant tmoin tour tour chacun de ses compagnons,lapprouvaient bruyamment, racontait quelque longue histoire de maraude, que tous les autres suivale bec ouvert, en riant silencieusement.

    51. Pourquoi est-ce que le narrateur boitait?

    (A) Il voulait de la compassion des autres coliers.(B) Il est tombe et sest casse la cheville.(C) Il ne voulait pas que quelquun lentende.(D) Il portait une bote tres lourde.

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    CLEP French

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    Peterson'sCLEP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board,

    which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this product.

    52. Avant larrive dAuguste Meaulnes, comment taient les soirs pour le narrateur?

    (A) vivifiants(B) passionants(C) ennuyants(D) brillants

    53. Quand Auguste Meaulnes est venu

    (A) le narrateur tait en train de se gurir.(B) le narrateur ne pouvait pas se dplacer.(C) il ne pouvait pas parler.(D) les enfants ne laimaient pas.

    54. Avant que Meaulnes ne soit venu

    (A) les grands lves jouaient au football aprs lcole.(B) lcole tait vide aprs les cours.(C) le narrateur allait souvent au cinma.(D) personne naimait le narrateur.

    55. Aprs larrive de Meaulnes, des grands lves

    (A) chantaient dans la salle de classe.(B) jouaient cache-cache.(C) racontaient des histoires Meaulnes.(D) se sont fuis de lcole ds que possible.

    56. Pendant que les grands lves racontaient des histories

    (A) Meaulnes bavardait beaucoup.(B) le narrateur parlait le plus.(C) le narrateur tait dans sa chambre.(D) Meaulnes ne disait rien.

    57. Les histoires que les lves racontaient

    (A) taient trs srieuses.

    (B) taient courtes.(C) taient amusantes.(D) taient ennuyantes.

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    CLEP French

    14Copyright 2010

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    Questions 5859 are based on the following selection.

    Daprs une annonce faite en juillet, un demi-milliard de personnes utilisent des sites Web de rencoa veut dire quune personne sur quatorze maintient un compte sur un service de rseautage socialligne. Deux grands pays dont les gens nutilisent pas ces sites en grand nombre sont lInde et le Br

    nombre des gens qui utilisent leurs portables pour accder ces sites augmente continuellement.58. De quoi sagit-il, ce reportage?

    (A) des manifestations en Inde et au Brsil(B) de lusage des services de rencontres en ligne(C) des souscriptions aux journaux lctroniques(D) de la croissance dmographique en Inde et au Brsil

    59. Le reportage nous informe que, de plus en plus, des gens se servent des ________ pour accder services de rseautage social.

    (A) ordinateurs(B) tlphones(C) radios(D) radars


    Cette annonce vous intresserait si vous dsirez acheter

    (A) des vtements.(B) des lgumes.(C) des skis.(D) un four.

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    CLEP French

    15Copyright 2010

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    Questions 6162 are based on the following selection.

    Aprs des dbats intensifs lUnion Internationale dAstronomie, ils ont rtrograd Pluto de sa pocomme plante. Pluto est maintenant classifi comme plante naine. Le groupe compos de 2,astronomes sest runi avec le but de rduire ou augmenter le nombre de corps clestes dans le sys

    solaire. La dfinition du terme plante tait le premier point dans lordre du jour. On pensait quelUnion garderait Pluto dans la classe plante, et quils ajouteraient deux corps supplmentaires,Charon. Enfin, la suite du vote, le rsultat tait que les trois corps, Pluto, Xena et Charon, ne sonconsiders comme plantes.

    61. LUnion Internationale dAstronomie sest runie pour

    (A) ajouter deux plantes au systme solaire.(B) se dcider sur la classification des corps clestes.(C) entendre les rsultats dune expdition sur la plante Pluto.(D) planifier une expdition aux plantes Xena et Charon.

    62. Enfin, lUnion sest decide que

    (A) Pluto est toujours une plante.(B) Xena and Charon sont des plantes.(C) seulement Charon est une plante.(D) Pluto, Xena et Charon ne sont pas des plantes.

    Questions 6364 are based on the following selection.

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    CLEP French

    16Copyright 2010

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    which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this product.

    63. Pour une famille compose dune mre, un pre et deux adolescents, une journe la piscine coplus cher le

    (A) lundi.(B) vendredi.(C) samedi.(D) dimanche.

    64. La piscine nest pas du tout ouverte

    (A) en printemps.(B) en t.(C) en hiver.(D) en automne.

    Questions 6570 are based on the following selection.

    Le parc Mistral du lac Corbnne se rouvre aujourdhui aprs une fermeture de six mois. Le parc a ferm cause des glissements du terrain qui ont dtruit une partie de la rue de Colombe, qui fait la sentre au parc. On a d enlever tous les rochers et pierres, dit Hugo Dubois, reprsentant du serviparc. Puis il nous fallait construire un pont et reconstruire presquun kilomtre de route.

    Le parc se trouve vingt-cinq kilomtres louest de Lyon que lon atteint par le A6 jusqu la rue Colombe. La rue de Colombe est un chemin de terre qui borde le lac des Sapins. Ce lac a un littoralpresque dix kilomtres. Cest le lac le plus grand du comt, le plus connu par les clubs de pche quipchent de la carpe.

    Le lac a deux rampes de lancement pour des bateaux, un restaurant, un snack, et un bureau de locatipour les bateaux, les skis nautiques et les planches voile. Il y a des sentiers de randonnes autour dun champ de football et deux cours de volley. En t il y a des surveillants de baignade.

    Le prix dentre est quinze euros la voiture et vingt euros le bateau. Le parc est ouvert ds laube juvingt-deux heures du dbut mai jusqu fin septembre.

    65. Pourquoi est-ce que le parc a t ferm?

    (A) cause dun orage de grle(B) cause dune grve des ouvriers

    (C) cause des mandats municipaux(D) cause des rochers et pierres tombants

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    CLEP French

    17Copyright 2010

    Peterson'sCLEP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board,

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    66. Quest-ce quil fallait construire pour rouvrir le parc?

    (A) un pont(B) un aqueduc(C) une porte(D) une tour

    67. Daprs le texte, la rue de Colombe est ct d/e

    (A) une montagne.(B) la mer.(C) un lac.(D) une grande ville.

    68. Le lac des Sapins est le plus connu pour

    (A) ses vagues pour faire du surf.(B) ses immenses plages.(C) son eau chaude.(D) sa pche la carpe.

    69. Pour faire de longues promenades au fret il y a dans le parc

    (A) deux rampes de lancement.(B) des sentiers de randonnes.(C) des surveillants de baignade.(D) des glissements du terrain.

    70. Le prix dentre du parc pour une famille en voiture est

    (A) vingt euros.(B) quinze euros.(C) vingt-deux euros.(D) dix euros.

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    Cette annonce vous intresserait si vous dsirez acheter

    (A) des poivrons.(B) du porc.(C) des livres.(D) des chaussures.

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    CLEP French

    ANSWER KEY - Page 19

    1. The correct answer is D. The person speaking likes going to the pool in the summer to go swimminYou wouldn't go the pool to go skiing, as in choice A, mountain climbing, as in choice B, or horsebriding, as in choice C. These choices don't fit the context of the sentence.2. The correct answer is B. For hors d'oeuvres, the person cut slices of sausage. Choice A, which meaparts, choice C, which means rooms, and choice D, which means tastes, don't fit the context of the s

    3. The correct answer is D. The correct past participle of the verb must have a feminine plural endingbecause couleurs is feminine and plural, so choice D is correct.

    4. The correct answer is C. The preposition jusqu' ce que must be followed by the subjunctive tensechoice C is the only answer that is in the subjunctive form.

    5. The correct answer is D. This sentence reads "Don't touch the wall, the paint is still wet." Choice A

    which means yellow, choice B, which means black, and choice C, which means bad smelling, don'tcontext of the sentence.

    6. The correct answer is C. This sentence reads "While speaking to the police officer, they noticed hisguard dog." Choice A isn't the correct verb form. Choice B isn't the correct verb or verb form, and cisn't the correct verb.

    7. The correct answer is B. The preposition en bleu is the correct preposition to use to indicate the wawere painted blue. The preposition en is needed with the color. Choices A, C, and D are incorrect bthere is no need to change the form of the word bleu.

    8. The correct answer is C. This sentence reads "On these cloudy days, one can hardly see the sun or

    blue sky." Choice A, which means the stars, is incorrect because you can't see stars during the day. Cthe party, doesn't fit the context of the sentence. Choice D, which means the cloud, is incorrect becacan see the clouds on a cloudy day.

    9. The correct answer is B. This sentence reads "The flight lasted five hours, so we had the time to sefilms." Choice A means cassettes, and since you listen to cassettes, it doesn't fit the context of the seChoice C means photos and is incorrect. Choice D is also incorrect, because you read books.

    10. The correct answer is D. In a manner is expressed as d'une manire, so choice D is the only choicfits the construction of the sentence.

    11. The correct answer is B. The subjunctive case is necessary in this sentence with the verb construc

    dsirer que, and choice B is the only correct subjunctive form of the verb.12. The correct answer is C. This sentence indicates "The speaker's brother is much taller than the speSince the sentence before it refers to measurement, choice A, which means wide, choice B, which mand choice D, which means fat, don't fit the context of the sentence.

    13. The correct answer is B. Gisle is taking classes, not teaching them. Choice A indicates that Gisl

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    CLEP French

    ANSWER KEY - Page 20

    teacher, choice C indicates she is a nurse, and choice D indicates she is a salesperson, which don't ficontext of this sentence.

    14. The correct answer is B. She takes French literature the day after Monday, which is Tuesday.

    15. The correct answer is D. She takes French literature at 3:30 in the afternoon.

    16. The correct answer is C. She doesn't like math or geometry, so she has decided not to take those cthis semester. Choice A indicates that she has decided to take these classes, which isn't correct. Choindicates that she has decided to learn these classes, which is not proper sentence construction. Choindicates she has decided not to go (to) these classes, which is also not proper sentence construction

    17. The correct answer is C. Her drawing class is at 7:45 in the evening.

    18. The correct answer is A. Gisle likes arts and language, so the only correct response is she wants become a French teacher. Choice B, which means math, is incorrect because the passage states that doesn't like math. Choice C, history, and choice D, geography, don't fit the context of the passage.

    19. The correct answer is A. This sentence takes the imperfect plural form of the verb avoir. Choices D are forms of the verb tre, and are incorrect in this sentence. Choice C is the incorrect form of theverb avoir.

    20. The correct answer is B. This sentence reads "They felt like they always knew each other." Choicmeans yesterday, which is incorrect. Choices C and D both indicate that they felt they knew each otshort time, but are incorrect in context of the sentence.

    21. The correct answer is D. This sentence indicates that they were at a dance party. Choice A means which doesn't fit the context of the sentence. Choice B means entrance and C means part, and both incorrect.

    22. The correct answer is B. Michel was staring at Colette from the other side of the big room. Choicwhich means party, choice C, which means roof, and choice D, which means field or ground, don't context of the passage.

    23. The correct answer is A. Choice B refers to the of the art of dance and would not fit logically in thsentence. Choice C, which means dinner, and choice D, which means to go, are incorrect.

    24. The correct answer is D. They were inseparable; people saw them everywhere together. Choice A

    incorrect because it means they were hard to stand, which is the opposite of inseparable. Choice B msensitive and choice C means pathetic, and both are incorrect in the context of this sentence.

    25. The correct answer is A. The expression is entrer dans l'histoire.

    26. The correct answer is C. The plane flew over Switzerland. A plane can't fly under Switzerland, sochoices A and B are incorrect. A plane also can't fly on Switzerland, so choice D is incorrect.

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    ANSWER KEY - Page 21

    27. The correct answer is C. The plane flew all night. Choice A, go, doesn't fit the context of the sentA plane doesn't run or drive, so choices B and D are incorrect.28. The correct answer is C. The pilot says he felt like he was still floating. Choice A, rubbing or scrudoesn't fit the context of the sentence. Choice B, which means running, and choice D, means rollingincorrect.

    29. The correct answer is A. The plane stored solar energy in its batteries during the day. This is the ocorrect preposition to use here.

    30. The correct answer is D. The plane's solar panels are located on the wings. Choice A, flags, choicclouds, and choice C, hammers, would not be located on a plane's wings and don't fit the context ofsentence.

    31. The correct answer is B. Juliette finds their apartment to be very pretty. Choice A uses the verb likchoice C uses the verb look, and choice D uses the verb dream, and they don't fit the context of the

    32. The correct answer is B. The construction is en face de, and since parc is masculine, the correctpreposition is du. Choice A doesn't include the article, choice B is incorrect because it's a feminineconstruction, and choice D uses the incorrect preposition.

    33. The correct answer is B. Franoise will be retiring soon. Choice B, which means retirement, is co

    34. The correct answer is D. Marc travels a lot for his work. Choice A means he works a lot for his wwhich is repetitive. Choice B is the word for trip and choice C is the present tense of go, and neither

    fits the context of the sentence.35. The correct answer is A. She is saying she's getting to know Marc's friends. Choice B means frienbut the construction is incorrect. Choice C means friends, but is grammatically incorrect. Choice D,the present participle of connatre, is also grammatically incorrect.

    36. The correct answer is C. Juliette is learning a lot of French by speaking with her new friends. Chomeans, which means running, choice B, which means going, and choice C, which means playing, dcontext of the sentence.

    37. The correct answer is C. It had been a long time since he went to his parents' house. While choicemeans long, it's incorrect because its meaning doesn't reference time. Choice B, which means short,

    incorrect because its meaning doesn't reference time. Choice D means a short time, but doesn't fit thof the sentence because of the phrase, almost twenty years.

    38. The correct answer is A. He visited cheese dairies, where he tasted the best cheeses. Choice B, whmeans meats, choice C, which means breads, and choice D, which means pastries, don't fit the contesentence. You would most likely find cheese at a cheese dairy, not meat, bread, or pastries.

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    39. The correct answer is A. He says their gastronomy is renowned and he took advantage of the restaalmost every night. Because gastronomy means good eating, choice A, restaurants, would fit the cothe sentence. Choice B, bookstores, choice C, stores, and choice D, milk dairies, don't fit the contexsentence.

    40. The correct answer is B. They sat on the porch and looked at the bright stars in the sky. Choice Bis the best choice for the sentence because you wouldn't be looking at bright birds, as in choice A, btrees, as in choice C, or bright suns, as in choice D.

    41. The correct answer is B. Phillipe can't play as much sports as he'd like. Choice A, which means asas, and choice C, which means as soon as, don't fit the context of the sentence. Choice D, which meis grammatically incorrect.

    42. The correct answer is B. Phillipe exercises an average of 7 hours per week. According to the pass

    doesn't exercise an average of 7 hours per month (choice A), per year (choice B), or per day (choice43. The correct answer is C. The correct expression is participer aux, not participer dans les, as in choor participer dans as in choice B. Choice D, participer les, is incorrect because it's not the correct fshould be compressed into participer aux.

    44. The correct answer is A. The expression se maintenir en forme means to keep in shape. All the otchoices are incorrect constructions and don't fit the context of the sentence.

    45. The correct answer is D. The passage states "Phillipe doesn't have time to watch TV," and choice however, is the correct conjunctive adverb to use as a transition into the next sentence: "However, wOlympics is on..." Choice A, which means before, is a preposition and doesn't fit the context of this

    Choice B, which means unfortunately, is an adverb and choice C, which means sadly, is an adjectivthey don't fit the context of this sentence.

    46. The correct answer is A. This passage is about the use of the euro in Europe. Choice B states thepassage is about business in Europe, which is incorrect. Choice C states it's about the end of the Gowhich is incorrect. Choice D states it's about the formation of Europe, which is also incorrect.

    47. The correct answer is D. On February 17, businesses no longer accepted the French franc. Choiceindicates that euros were put into circulation, but that happened on January 1. Choice B indicates thwas no longer part of Europe, which is incorrect. Choice C indicates that the Germans refused to aceuro, but this isn't stated in the passage.

    48. The correct answer is A. With regard to currency and the euro, the French felt that their currency part of their identity. Choice B states the French thought the euro was superior to the franc, but this stated in the passage. Choice C states the French thought the English wouldn't accept the Euro, but isn't stated in the passage. Choice D states the French thought the change to the euro was unimportais incorrect.

    49. The correct answer is D. One of the aims of the common euro currency is a stronger sense of feel

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    European. Choice A indicates it's more control over the price of imports, but this isn't stated in the pChoice B states it's because people will be less attached to their own countries, but this is denied in passage. Choice C states a goal was to lower unemployment, but this isn't stated in the text.50. The correct answer is B. This is an ad for a job with an accountant that states you would write to tcompany to apply for the job. Choice A is incorrect because it states you would respond to this ad ifwanted to hire an accountant. Choice C states you would respond to this ad if you wanted to take a Lyon, which is incorrect. Choice D states you would respond to this ad if you wanted to attend a pearts school, which is also incorrect.

    51. The correct answer is B. The narrator was limping because he fell and broke his ankle. Choice Aindicates he wanted sympathy from the other children, but this isn't stated in the passage. Choice C he didn't want anyone to hear him, but this is incorrect. Choice D states he was carrying a very heavthis isn't stated in the passage.

    52. The correct answer is C. The narrator's evenings were slow and dull. He would spend them starinceiling until dinnertime. Choice A, B, and D mean exciting, passionate, and brilliant, and don't fit thof the sentence.

    53. The correct answer is A. Auguste Meaulnes arrived when the narrator's ankle was healing. Choiceindicates the narrator couldn't move around, but that isn't stated in the text. Choice B indicates Meaucouldn't speak, but that is incorrect. Choice D says the children didn't like him, but this is incorrect bthe excerpt states the children followed him around.

    54. The correct answer is B. Before Meaulnes arrived, the school emptied out very quickly once classwere over. Choice A states the older students played soccer, but this isn't stated in the excerpt. Choi

    states the narrator often went to the movies, but this also isn't stated in the excerpt. Choice D states like the narrator, but there's nothing in the excerpt to support this.

    55. The correct answer is C. After classes were over, 20 or so students would hang around and tell stoMeaulnes. Choice A indicates they sang, but this isn't stated in the excerpt. Choice B states they plaand-seek, but this is incorrect. Choice D states they left school as soon as possible, but this is incorrbecause the excerpt states they stayed to tell stories.

    56. The correct answer is D. While the older students told stories after class, Meaulnes didn't say anytChoice A is incorrect because it states that Meaulnes spoke a lot. Choice B states the narrator spokebut this isn't stated in the excerpt. Choice C states the narrator was in his room, but is incorrect becaexcerpt states he snuck into the group to listen.

    57. The correct answer is C. The stories told by the students were amusing. We know this because theexcerpt indicates the students were laughing. Choice A is incorrect because it states the stories wereserious. Choice B states the stories were short, but is incorrect because the excerpt describes the storlong. Choice D indicates the stories were boring, but is incorrect because the excerpt states everyonapproved of the stories and laughed at the stories.

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    58. The correct answer is B. The report is about the rise in the use of social networking Web sites. Chis incorrect because it states it's about demonstrations in India and Brazil. Choice C states it's aboutsubscriptions to online magazines and is incorrect. Choice D is incorrect because it states it's about pgrowth in India and Brazil.

    59. The correct answer is B. The report states more and more people are using cell phones to access snetworking sites. It doesn't state they're using computers, as in choice A, radios, as in choice C, or rchoice D.

    60. The correct answer is A. This is an advertisement for a ladies' clothing store. Choice B, vegetablechoice C, skis, and choice D, an oven, are incorrect.

    61. The correct answer is B. The International Astronomical Union met to decide if a few celestial bocould be considered planets. Choice A indicates they met to add two planets to the solar system, but

    incorrect. Choice C indicates they met to hear the results of an expedition to Pluto, but this is not stapassage. Choice D states they met to plan an expedition to Xena and Charon, but this is incorrect.

    62. The correct answer is D. The Union decided that Pluto, Xena, and Charon aren't planets.

    63. The correct answer is D. It's most expensive for a family to go to the pool on Sunday.

    64. The correct answer is C. The pool is not open in winter. It's open all summer. It's also open part ospring and part of the fall because it opens in April and closes in October

    65. The correct answer is D. The park was closed because of a mudslide that caused boulders and rocfall onto the road and into the park. Choice A states it was closed because of a hailstorm, which isn'

    the text. Choice B is incorrect because it states the park was closed because of a workers' strike. Chstates it was closed because of a public mandate, which isn't stated in the text.

    66. The correct answer is A. M. Dubois said they had to build a bridge before they could reopen the pChoice B, which means aqueduct, choice C, which means gate, and choice D, which means tower, aincorrect.

    67. The correct answer is C. According to the passage, the rue de Colombe borders a lake. It doesn't ba mountain, as in choice A, the sea, as in choice B, or a big city, as in choice D.

    68. The correct answer is D. The passage states that the lake is known for carp fishing, not surfing, aschoice A, beaches, as in choice B, or warm water, as in choice C.

    69. The correct answer is B. There are hiking paths for taking long walks in the forest. Choice A, boaramps, choice C, lifeguards, and choice D, landslides, are incorrect.

    70. The correct answer is B. The passage states the price is 15 euros per car.

    71. The correct answer is A. This is an advertisement for a local farm where you can pick your own

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