Clifford Pettiford Jr.. Text Book Definition: Service learning is a method of teaching that combines...


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Clifford Pettiford Jr.

Service Learning Project

• Text Book Definition: Service learning is a method of teaching that combines formal instruction with a related service in the community. Advocates claim that learning is enhanced through direct application in appropriate social contexts of principles and practices taught through formal instruction concurrent with guided reflection of the student's experiences.

• Service Learning teaches you life lessons on how grateful people are for the little things other people do for them.

What is Service Learning?

• Working on this project from the Fall and Spring semester was fun.

• Being able to have an affect on other peoples lives and helping out in the community was great

• I participated in: Meet the Blazers, VSU Blood Drive, VSU Football Golf Tournament, and The South Georgia Classic.

The Project

• Kids from all over the community come out and run drills with the team and coaches by position

• Shown in the picture is the wide receiver drill where the kids get to catch and run the ball

Meet the Blazers

• Fundraising tournament for the football team

• We measured closest to pin on Par 3 holes Throughout the tournament

VSU Football Golf Tournament

• Getting ready to break down some scoreboards at the tournament.

• Giving back to the people that give to us

South Georgia Classic

• Breaking down the scoreboards.

SGC continued…

Packing all the equipment up so it can go back to Jacksonville, FL.

•The Service Learning project taught me a lot on how people appreciate the little things you do for them.

•I admit I had fun helping out doing community service.

•I learned you should appreciate what you have because some people aren’t doing so good as you.

What I have Learned From the Service Project

The End
