Climate: It rains almost everyday (more than 200 cm a year) Very warm and humid (a lot of water...


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Climate: It rains almost everyday (more than 200 cm a year)

Very warm and humid (a lot of water vapor in the air)

Located near the equator

Consumers: Cat family (Tigers, panthers), insects, spiders, frogs, reptiles, monkeys, apes, snakes, colorful birds, and sloths.

Emergent Layer



Forest Floor

Producers: More kinds of plants grow in the tropical rainforest than other biomes- Trees, ferns, fruits, vines, and flowers.

Extra facts: *Half of all animals on Earth are found here* Find many medicines in the TRF

•Used to cover 14% of land on Earth, now only cover 6%

* About 100-200 square miles of rainforest are cut each day

Climate: Very dry, little precipitation, hot days, cool nights

*Found on every continent except Europe

*Less than 25 cm of rain per year

Producers: (Very few)

Sahara=palm trees

*Arizona= saguaro (cacti) and yucca

Succulent Plants: Plants that can store water

Consumers: Both=Snakes, lizards, rodents, scorpions

Arizona=tortoises , jackrabbits, owls, donkeys, kangaroo rats, insects, gray fox

*Sahara= Camels, goats, fennec fox

Animals that are active at night and sleep during the day

Organisms active during the day and sleep at night.

Sahara Desert – Sand, palm trees, camels

Arizona Desert =Cacti, tortoises, birds, mountains

Extra facts: Very few large animals live in the desert because food and water are hard to find.

Different types of Deserts. Sahara vs. Arizona desert


Climate: warm summers, cold winters, moist spring, four seasons.

Precipitation varies

Deciduous Forest

Consumers:Bears, deer, foxes, raccoons, possums, squirrels, insects, wolves, and birds.

Producers: Wildflowers, ferns, mosses, most tress are deciduous (oak, hickory, and maple trees)

Deciduous Trees Trees that drop their leaves and grow new ones each year. The leaves change color.

Extra Facts:

*Many of the animals hibernate or migrate (birds and butterflies)

Climate: cold, some rain *Large amounts of snow fall*Winter is 6 months of the year

ConsumersDeer, ducks, geese, moose,

mountain goats, bears, bighorn sheep, lynxes, rabbits, squirrels, porcupine,

Coniferous Trees-*Produce their seeds in cones and needle shaped

leaves *Always stay green* Needles help to keep water in


(Have seeds)


(Have pollen)

ProducersConifers, mosses, lichens, wildflowers MOST OF THE TREES ARE CONIFERS*Coniferous= Evergreen

Extra FactsConiferous trees stay green all year* Many of the organisms eat the trees or seeds * Because there are so many herbivores, the

forest can also support many large carnivores

Climate: moderate to very warm most of the year, short winters, & humid summers. Average amount of precipitation.


ConsumersPrairie: Antelope,

badgers, prairie dogs, moles, ground squirrels, hares, gophers

Savanna: Zebras, giraffes, elephants, lions hyenas, rhinos, hippos, hyenas

ProducersGrasses, very few trees

Extra FactsExtra facts: also called savannas, prairies,

and steppes Prairie Dog Video

*Very cold, little rain, lots of snow *Winter is 10 months of the year

Reindeer, arctic foxes, wolves, snowy owls, hawks, eagles, falcons, lemmings, voles, marmots, mosquitoes, and flies.

Grow during two summer months Mosses, grasses, shrubs, lichens

NO TREES because the soil is frozen = permafrost.

Animals here have very thick fur

Question 1What is another name for a coniferous tree?

A. Maple TreeB. Deciduous TreeC. Evergreen TreeD. Temperate Tree

Question 2It is winter 6 months of the

year here:

A.Boreal ForestB.Deciduous ForestC.Tundra

Question 3This Biome has all four seasons

A. TundraB. Tropical RainforestC. Deciduous ForestD. Boreal Forest

Question 4

These trees have pinecones:

A. ConiferousB. MapleC. Deciduous

Question 5Another name for a Boreal Forest is:

A. Deciduous ForestB. Coniferous ForestC. Temperate Forest

Question 6- ReviewWhich biome is located near the equator?

A. SavannaB. Deciduous ForestC. Boreal ForestD. Tropical Rainforest

Question 7- ReviewDeserts have less than how many inches of rain per year?

A. 5B. 10C. 15D. 20

Question 8-ReviewThere are deserts on every continent except:

A. AsiaB. AustraliaC. South AmericaD. Europe

Question 9- ReviewThese animals are awake during the day

A. NocturnalB. Diurnal
