Climate On Earth. Come let’s now explore The Tundra Region


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Climate On Earth

Come let’s now explore The Tundra Region.

Tundra region



The Tundra is located in the Northern Frigid Zone

Frigid zone


The word "tundra" usually refers only to the areas where the subsoil is permanently frozen. The tundra region stretches beyond the Arctic Circle (66½°N) in the Northern Hemisphere.


The region is under snow or ice throughout the year because -:

It receives inclined rays of the sun at both the poles. The heat is spread over a large area.

This is a region of low temperature. Temperatures are below freezing point (below-40 C). Long severe winters ⁰lasting for eight to ten months in a year .

Summers are short and cool, lasting only for two to three months .Summer temperature varies between 2°C to 10° C. Rainfall is scanty and is less than

25 cm annually. Winds are very strong.


Flora and Fauna Due to lack of warm summers

and soil being permanently frozen, there is

is absence of trees in this region. The only plants that grow here are

mosses, lichens, grasses and bushes. During the short summer

the land is bright with flowers.


LichensGrasses and bushes



Wild Flowers in Summer Season

Warm-blooded animals such as

reindeer, polar bear, musk ox , huskies,

walrus, seals etc. are found. Many animals escape the harsh winter

by migrating. Animals adapt to the environment.

They have thick furry coats and a layer of

fat under the skin to keep themselves warm.

Flora and Fauna


Polar bear

Rein deer

Musk oxHuskies

Reindeer The reindeer is the most important animal of the Tundra. The people use reindeer for meat, milk ,skin for clothing and

tents. Its bones are used to make tools. It is well adapted to the severe winter conditions. Its thick hair

makes an excellent protection against the cold. Its long ,flat hoofs are suitable for walking across the snow.


People The tundra region is sparsely populated since

the climate is difficult. Their way of life is well adapted to the

environment. Tribes found in the tundra are the

Inuits, the Saami, the Samoyeds and the Yakuts. Inuits- The Inuits live in small groups and

follow a nomadic life . They make a living by hunting

and fishing. In winter they hunt fishes, seals and walruses. In summer they hunt the reindeer. They live in igloos. The traditional means of transport are kayaks and

the sledge.
