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Wednesday 1st July 2015 at 1 pm Meeting Rooms 1 and 2, Blackburn Central Library

Town Hall Street, Blackburn BB2 1AG


Item No: Agenda Item Member Responsible


PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 1. Chairman’s Welcome

Mr Joe Slater

2. Apologies for Absence and Confirmation of Quoracy

Mr Joe Slater

3. Declarations of Interest relating to items on the agenda

Mr Joe Slater

4. Questions from Members of the Public Mr Joe Slater

5. 360o Survey

Mr Iain Fletcher Presentation


6.1 Minutes of the Meeting Held on 6th May 2015 Extract from Part 2 of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th May 2015

Mr Joe Slater Attached Attached

7. 7.1

Matters Arising Action Matrix Part 1

Mr Joe Slater Attached

8. Clinical Chief Officer’s Report Dr Chris Clayton


9. 9.1

Chief Finance Officer’s Report Consultancy Spend Controls

Mr Roger Parr Attached Attached

10. Organisational Development Plan Update

Mr Iain Fletcher Attached

11. Workforce Race Equality Standards

Mr Iain Fletcher Attached

STRATEGY 12. Communication and Engagement Strategy 2015-17

Mr Iain Fletcher Attached

FOR INFORMATION 13. Any Other Business


14. Date and Time of Next Meeting: Wednesday 2nd September 2015 in Meeting Rooms 1 and 2, Blackburn Central Library, Town Hall Street, Blackburn BB2 1AG

Mr Joe Slater

EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC – ‘That representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest’ (Section1(2)Public Bodies(Admission to Meetings)Act 1960)

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A/15 Minutes of Part 2 of the meeting held on 6th May 2015

Mr Joe Slater Attached

B/15 B/15.1

Matters Arising Action Matrix Part 2

Mr Joe Slater Attached


Reportable Events

Dr Malcolm Ridgway Attached

D/15 Lay Members’ Terms of Office

Mr Roger Parr To Be Tabled

E/15 Any Other Business

Mr Joe Slater

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Item 6

CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP (CCG) Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting held on

Wednesday 6th May 2015 in Rooms 1 and 2, Blackburn Central Library,

Town Hall Street, Blackburn BB2 1AG

PRESENT: Mr Joe Slater Chairman (Chair) Dr Chris Clayton Clinical Chief Officer Mr Roger Parr Chief Finance Officer Mr Paul Hinnigan Lay Member - Governance Dr Penny Morris Executive Member Dr Adam Black Executive Member Mrs Anne Asher Lay Member - Nurse Representative Dr Nigel Horsfield Lay Member - Secondary Care Doctor (Retired) Dr Zaki Patel Executive Member Dr Malcolm Ridgway Clinical Director for Quality and Effectiveness Dr John Randall Executive Member Mr Dominic Harrison Director of Public Health, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Alex Walker Interim Director (Item 16 only) Mr Iain Fletcher Head of Corporate Business Mrs Pauline Milligan Corporate Support Officer (minutes) Min No: 15.044 Chairman’s Welcome

The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming all attendees and members of the public. He introduced himself and gave a short briefing with regard to the content of the agenda, meeting protocol and housekeeping. The Chair introduced and welcomed Dr John Randall, General Practitioner (GP) Executive Member who had been appointed to the CCG’s Governing Body (GB) following an election process resulting from the natural end of Dr Pervez Muzaffar’s Term of Office. The Chair paid tribute to Dr Muzaffar and stated that his not being re-elected was no reflection on the way he had performed his duties, as he had made a significant contribution to the work of the CCG and, in particular, Blackburn with Darwen’s (BwD’s) Health and Well-being Board (H&WBB). On behalf of the GB, the Chair thanked Dr Muzaffar for all his work for the CCG. The Chair informed members that this meeting would depart from its usual practice of accepting comments and questions from members of the public or press, which had not been submitted in advance, as the period leading up to a General Election, known as purdah, prevented NHS bodies from making comments or statements which may be seen as advantageous to particular political parties.

15.045 Apologies for Absence and Confirmation of Quoracy Apologies for absence had been received in respect of Mrs Debbie Nixon, Chief Operating Officer. The meeting was confirmed as quorate.

Subject to approval at the next meeting

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15.046 Declarations of Interest Relating to Items on the Agenda The GP Executive Members present declared a generic conflict of interest in relation to Item 14 – Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund. The Chair reminded those present that if, during the course of discussion, a conflict of interest became apparent, it should be declared at that point.

15.047 Questions from Members of the Public No questions from members of the public had been received.

15.048 Personal Health Budgets Mr Iain Fletcher gave a presentation on Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) which provided members with information related to the planning and roll out of the system and learning so far. Mr Fletcher referred to national guidance, issued almost two years ago, which outlined what would be expected of the NHS regarding PHBs. From 1st April 2014, PHBs had been made available to those patients who were already receiving Continuing Healthcare (CHC). It was noted that it can take some time for a patient’s PHB to be worked up but this was to ensure that a care plan was developed which met the patient’s individual needs. From October 2014, patients had been given the ‘right to receive’ a PHB but this was still restricted to those patients already receiving CHC. He highlighted figures across Lancashire, where there had been success in providing PHBs for 38 patients during the last 6 months, 9 of which were patients within BwD. He referred to the future and how PHBs could empower patients to take control of their own care and treatment and provided some examples of comments from patients who had already received a PHB. He outlined the make-up of a Care Plan, the different options for how the budget could be managed and the essential requirements for a PHB. He drew members’ attention to an independent evaluation of a large controlled trial in 2009-2012 and evidence which had demonstrated improved outcomes as a result of the trial. Mr Fletcher outlined the risks and challenges to the roll out of PHBs and the 10 lessons on personalisation learned from social care. The development of a local offer and the roll out of the system was defined. Mr Fletcher added that, in Lancashire, there was a User Forum which involved families already in receipt of a PHB who were sharing their experiences to aid the development of the local offer. Mr Fletcher concluded that the local offer provided an opportunity to work closely with social care colleagues but further debate was required, along with a wider discussion to explore the possibility of developing a Lancashire wide system. He suggested that this was something that could be considered by the Lancashire CCG Network. ACTION: Mr Fletcher agreed to circulate the link below to members which directed to the NHS England website and provided patients’ stories about managing their PHBs. Question and answers followed. The Chair thanked Mr Fletcher for the informative presentation and agreed that a report should be presented to a future meeting of the GB; prior to, or following, discussion at the Lancashire CCG Network and H&WBB, and suggested that, if members had any additional questions, they

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should direct them to Mr Fletcher. RESOLVED: That the GB noted the content of the presentation.



Minutes of the Meeting held on 4th March 2015 The minutes of the meeting were reviewed and accepted as an accurate record. RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 4th March 2015 were approved as a correct record. Extract of Part 2 of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 4th March 2015 The extract of Part 2 of the minutes of the meeting was reviewed and accepted as an accurate record. RESOLVED: That the Extract of Part 2 of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 4th March 2015 was approved as a correct record.

15.050 Matters Arising/Action Matrix The Action Matrix was reviewed. Minute 15.030 – Clinical Chief Officer’s Report Dr Ridgway referred to a question that had been asked by a member of the public at the last meeting following the presentation of the Clinical Chief Officer’s Report. This involved Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust’s (LCFT’s) restraint figures, published in the Lancashire Telegraph, which Dr Ridgway had referred to as “inaccurate”. Dr Ridgway clarified that he should have referred to the figures as ‘unreliable’. He had attended a meeting with LCFT where the information in the media had been discussed and he noted that an exercise had taken place between the Telegraph and LCFT to check the data for accuracy. However, Dr Ridgway added that some of the data remained unreliable, in that the particular national data was from different providers recorded over different timeframes. He hoped this clarification of the true status of the data was satisfactory to all concerned. Minute 15.033 – Quality and Performance Exception Report Dr Ridgway clarified the reason for the omission of information related to stroke services from the Quality and Performance Exception Report to the last meeting. He informed members that this had been due to a change in the way the indicator was reported. In future the data would be reported under the Advancing Quality target using a different system and this had caused a delay in presenting the figures. The Quality Team had acknowledged that information regarding the reason for the delay should have been included within the report at the time. Minute 15.033 – Quality and Performance Exception Report Dr Chris Clayton referred to the action related to patients being assured that the staff that were treating them had been vaccinated against influenza and his agreement to discuss this issue as part of system resilience planning, and stated that he would refer to this when providing his report under agenda item 8. Minute 15.038 – Primary Care Co-commissioning Update The Chair referred to the GB’s agreement at the last meeting to take forward the co-commissioning of Primary Care; subject to a satisfactory conclusion to negotiations regarding the exact tasks which would be undertaken by the CCG and those which would be undertaken by NHS England. He informed the meeting that a Memorandum of Agreement had now been drawn up between CCGs and NHS England which set out the responsibilities of CCGs and those which would remain with NHS England.

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Clinical Chief Officer’s Report Dr Chris Clayton presented his report and highlighted key items of national and local interest. Items of note related to:

• Flu Plan: Winter 2015-216 – Dr Clayton referred to minute 15.003 and the action from the last meeting for the CCG, in its role as commissioner, to consider how it can work with its providers to increase the uptake of staff being vaccinated against flu as part of resilience planning. Dr Clayton informed the meeting that he intended to request that the Quality, Performance and Effectiveness Committee (QPEC) consider the matter and that he would also take this forward as part of annual resilience planning.

ACTION: Dr Malcolm Ridgway to oversee a discussion regarding how the CCG can work with its providers to increase the uptake of staff being vaccinated against flu as part of resilience planning at the QPEC. Dr Clayton to take this forward as part of annual resilience planning and report back to a future meeting.

• Improving Mental Health Services for Young People – Dr Clayton confirmed that Dr Tom

Phillips would pick this up as part of the CCG’s role as the lead commissioner for Mental Health Services across Lancashire.

• NHS England Business Plan 2015/16 – Dr Clayton confirmed that this would be mapped

against the CCG’s operational plan.

• Innovation and Transformation in Pennine Lancashire – the event in February brought together system leaders and outputs were being considered. The CCG had an important role to play within Pennine Lancashire.

• East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust (ELHT) – new Medical Director appointed, Dr Damien Riley.

• Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) – relocated service opened at Barbara Castle Way Health Centre in Blackburn on 1st April.

• CCG Chair Election – process to recruit a new Lay Chair would begin after the General Election.

• CCG GP Executive Election – Dr Clayton welcomed the new member of the GB, Dr John Randall, following a successful election. Dr Clayton thanked Dr Pervez Muzaffar for all the hard work he had done for the CCG.

• Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund – the CCG’s bid was successful (see also agenda item 14).

• Integrated Care Workforce Demonstrator Site – BwD Borough Council’s successful bid.

• Lancashire Police Innovation Fund – successful bid for funding for Early Action and Public Service Lancashire development.

• Lancashire Patient Record Exchange – Lancashire Patient Record Exchange (LPRES) Team’s successful bid for funding from the Integrated Digital Technology Fund 2.

There were no questions. RESOLVED: That the GB noted the content of the report.

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Chief Finance Officer’s Report Mr Roger Parr presented the report, which provided details of the CCG’s overall position at year-end, 31st March 2015, the CCG’s second year as a statutory NHS organisation. The figures in the report remained provisional as the draft accounts and financial statements were currently being audited by Grant Thornton. The draft accounts were submitted in line with national deadlines on 23rd April 2015. Mr Parr reported that the CCG had achieved an overall provisional surplus of £2,311k. This was a favourable variance of £4k against the planned surplus of £2,307k. The CCG had achieved both of its financial duties again this year:

• expenditure not to exceed resources • running costs to be maintained within the amount specified

The year-end position included a number of assumptions which had yet to be finalised but these were not material and would not have an impact on the position. They were mainly associated with prescribing costs and the figures included were based on actual expenditure to January; with a prudent forecast for February and March Mr Parr referred to the Key Performance Indicators:

• The Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) target was fully achieved in 2014/15 both in year and recurrently.

• Better Payment Practice Code – the CCG concluded the year above its target of 95%. The value of NHS invoices was 100% paid, but the number of invoices paid of 98% was associated with ‘roundings’. This meant there were a small number of invoices of small value which were ‘rounded’ to achieve 100%.

The CCG spent its full capital allocation for GP Information Technology. The draft accounts and annual report were submitted and reviewed by the Audit Committee (AC) on 27th April 2015 and were scrutinised by the Chair of the AC, Mr Paul Hinnigan, prior to review. The CCG had received the Head of Internal Audit opinion which provided ‘significant assurance’ for the CCG’s internal systems and controls. The AC would meet again on 27th May to receive the final accounts and External Audit opinion. At this meeting, it was expected that the AC would recommend the accounts for final approval by the GB, which would hold an Extraordinary Meeting after the AC. The CCG would then submit its final annual report and accounts to NHS England on 29th May. Questions and answers followed. Mr Hinnigan commended Mr Parr and the Finance Team for producing and submitting the accounts within the national deadline and added that, from a financial viewpoint, the CCG had had an excellent year. The Chair echoed Mr Hinnigan’s comments and congratulated the Finance Team for their efforts. RESOLVED: That the GB noted the content of the report, the overall financial position of the CCG at the end of the financial year 2014/15 and the progress and process for producing the final annual report and accounts.

15.053 Contract Performance Report Mr Roger Parr presented the Contract Performance Report, which provided the GB an update on the activity performance of the major commissioned services of the CCG as at Month 11,

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February 2015. Mr Parr added that the report presented a similar picture to the last report presented to the GB and drew members’ attention to key information:

• LCFT – Mental Health Services (page 2): o Admissions were down year and year, along with occupied bed days. which had

been expected. The CCG was on track but this would be confirmed at the year-end position.

• Referrals to Secondary Care (page 3) o Referrals to East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust (ELHT) had continued to rise. Mr

Parr added that, if the trend continued, this would create a financial pressure at the beginning of the new financial year.

o Speciality level referrals – the report contained more information this month regarding respiratory medicine (page 4). A significant increase had occurred in month 11, which was being investigated.

• Acute Contract Performance – ELHT (page 5) Mr Parr reported increased activity against plan in all points of delivery, apart from non-elective activity which had experienced an increase in case mix during the year.

• ELHT Waiting Lists (page 7) – Mr Parr reported a decrease in February. There were 10 patients waiting over 36 weeks but there were 0 patients waiting over 52 weeks.

• Ambulance Contract (page 7) – Mr Parr reported that the in-month position was poorer than the cumulative position which indicated that the position had deteriorated in the BwD locality. Previously it had been reported that the performance of the North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) had been significantly under pressure during the year.

Mr Parr reported that the other contracts presented a similar picture to previous months. Questions and answers followed. ACTION: Following an enquiry from Mr Paul Hinnigan about the level of detail related to medical specialities within the section highlighting elective over performance (page 5), Mr Parr agreed to look into the possibility of highlighting one particular speciality (depending on performance) in each report. RESOLVED: That the GB noted the content of the report and the supporting appendices.

15.054 Quality and Performance Exception Report Dr Malcolm Ridgway presented the Quality and Performance Exception Report for February 2015 (month 11). Dr Ridgway drew members’ attention to key information:

• LCFT Mental Health Services: o Care Programme Approach 7 day follow up (page 2) – year to end the target had

been reached, apart from the Blackpool area. It was suspected that this was due to Blackpool’s mobile population. Dr Ridgway added that the numbers involved were very small.

o Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) (page 2) – the target was measured in two ways:

The number of patients which would be expected to be referred with a mild mental health condition (the 15% prevalence target measured over one year). The CCG has a cumulative position of 14.13% and was on track to meet the year-end target.

The recovery rates target (notional 50% target) remained below the threshold in all CCG areas, with the Trust reaching 35.9% in February 2015, which is an improvement from the position in January 2015.

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Performance in BwD CCG has been steadily improving over the last 4 months and stood at 32.7%. It was anticipated that the 50% recovery rate target would be the main priority in 2015/16.

o Memory Assessment Service (page 2) – All of the Lancashire CCG areas; with the exception of Blackpool and Fylde and Wyre, met the February 2015 target for 70% of patients to be seen within 4 weeks, with an overall Trust total of 75.84%. BwD CCG was the best performing area, with 86.49% of patients seen within 4 weeks; a significant improvement on 50% in January 2015. There were concerns, however, if the target achievement could be sustained due to the high number of referrals. Dr Ridgway added that this would be closely monitored. The local dementia target of 67% had been achieved.

• ELHT: o 18 Week Referral to Treatment Times (RTT) (page 3) –the Trust did not achieve

the target in February with performance at 89.6% against the 90% target with the lowest areas being Oral Surgery 82.8% and Trauma and Orthopaedics (85.2%). Accident and Emergency (A&E) 4 Hour (page 3) – the performance target for A&E 4 Hour in February was 94.75%, against a target of 95%. The overall target at year-end was not achieved. Dr Ridgway highlighted that regional and national performance against this standard was failed; however, ELHT in comparison, performed better than most large acute trusts and a lot of work, including the successful bid for the Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund (PMCF), would improve the position in the future.

o Clostridium Difficile (page 3) – the year to date position was a total of 29 cases, against an annual threshold of 24. The annual threshold for 2015/16 had been increased to 44, which could indicate that nationally it was expected that the number of cases may increase.

o Ambulance Handover – Hospital Arrival Screen Data Entry Compliance (page 3) – Dr Ridgway reported that several improvements had been made to improve the position.

o Stroke (page 4) – Dr Ridgway reported that there were plans to improve the target, which included a dedicated integrated ward. The plans would be closely monitored by the QPEC.

• NWAS (page 4) – Dr Ridgway reported that generally BwD performed well against the Red 1 and Red 2 emergency call indicators but the target had been failed in February. The CCG was measured as part of the North West area target, which had also been failed.

• NHS Constitution – Cancer Waits 31 Days (page 7) – there had recently been three breaches of the target but the year to date position was achieving the target.

• NHS Constitution – Cancer Waits 62 Days (page 7) – the target had not been achieved in February. There were some issues with various cancer targets but a detailed recovery plan was in place to ensure that the target was achieved, which was being closely monitored by the QPEC. Dr Ridgway added that this would also include a project to explore capacity and demand.

Questions and answers followed. ACTION: Following a query from Mr Paul Hinnigan regarding the protocol for rapid non-verbal handover of ‘major’ patients stated as being currently with the Medical Director of NWAS for sign off, Dr Ridgway agreed to seek an update of the position for the next meeting. RESOLVED: That the GB noted the contents of the report.

15.055 Risk Management Strategy Mr Roger Parr presented the CCG’s Risk Management Strategy for review and formal ratification by the GB.

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The strategy had been reviewed and approved by the QPEC. The CCG’s Constitution Scheme of Reservation and Delegation reserved decision making responsibility for risk management arrangements to the GB. Mr Parr suggested that, in future, the GB may wish the QPEC to review and ratify the strategy and policy rather than the GB. Mr Parr added that if the GB agreed with the suggestion the CCG could review its Constitution. Questions and answers followed. RESOLVED: That the GB:

i. reviewed the Risk Management Strategy and Policy ii. ratified the Risk Management Strategy and Policy

iii. agreed that the Risk Management Strategy and Policy would be reviewed and ratified by the QPEC going forward; subject to any changes being reported to the GB.

15.056 Life Expectancy

Mr Dominic Harrison provided a verbal update. Mr Harrison reminded members of a discussion at a previous GB meeting, which followed some national media coverage. The GB had raised the issue of the mortality of those over age 85 in BwD, which was falling backwards and, as a result of work which had been undertaken in BwD, there had been a national review by Public Health England (PHE). The review concluded that, comparing two time periods in 2008 – 2013, life expectancy for people over age 65 was either static or falling backwards in Local Authority areas at 11% for males and 19% for females. The review had not been able to identify a reason for this, as life expectancy of every 5 year age group had been growing for the past 20 years. Mr Harrison said these were exceptional circumstances and a national group had been formed, led by the Professor John Newton, Chief Knowledge Officer, PHE, to identify what the causes could be. Mr Harrison confirmed he would report back to the GB on the findings in the autumn. Questions and answers followed. RESOLVED: That the GB noted the content of the update and looked forward to receiving the outcome of the group’s findings towards the end of the year.

15.057 Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund The GP Executive Members present declared a generic conflict of interest in this item but took part in the subsequent discussions and decision. Dr Ridgway reminded the GB of the PMCF bid, which was submitted last year. The proposed project was ‘Improving Access to Primary Care in BwD’. This project would be delivered in partnership with BwD CCG and Local Primary Care (LPC) in collaboration with ELHT and East Lancashire Medical Services (ELMS). The project has four main work streams:

• A 24/7 Primary Care Access Centre hub which will integrate 8-8 primary care (challenge fund application) with urgent care and current Out of Hours (OOH) services. The hub will be based on the Royal Blackburn Hospital site.

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• Extended access through locality spokes. • Increased productivity in general practice through a telephone triage and advice system

(e.g. Doctor First) across practices • Training Community Pharmacists to manage more minor illnesses appropriately.

An implementation group has been established involving all key provider partners. Mr Parr continued that a Terms of Reference for the implementation group was included within the report and invited comments on the content. Mr Parr drew members’ attention to the membership of the group, which consisted of LPC and CCG staff as members of the group with all stakeholders ‘in attendance’. This captured the partnership arrangements of developing the bid but also maintained the commissioning direction and vision of the LPC when the bid was put forward. An experienced Project Manager has been appointed. Four key work streams had been identified by the implementation group, with nominated leads (page 3). Mr Parr reported that the Commissioning Business Group (CBG), a subcommittee of the GB, would receive monthly reports to provide internal assurance. The group would also report on a wider footprint to the Pennine Lancashire Transformation Board and the Pennine Lancashire Chief Executives Group. Mr Parr drew members’ attention to the role of the CCG in the implementation of the project. The bid had secured £3.1m into the health economy to improve access to Primary Care Services. However, the funding was non-recurrent and made up of two elements; a non-recurrent element and a recurrent element. In the future a business case would be presented to the GB for approval to agree to support the recurrent element of the project. Mr Parr stressed the importance of the GB and CCG being involved in the implementation of the project. Questions and answers followed. ACTION: Following a suggestion from the Chair that patient representation could be included in the membership of the PMCF Implementation Programme Group, Mr Parr agreed to suggest that this was raised at the next meeting. RESOLVED: That the GB:

i. received and considered the contents of this paper ii. agreed that governance arrangements for the PMCF would be conducted through

the CBG.

15.058 Reporting of Governing Body Subcommittees and Groups Mr Iain Fletcher presented the report which sought the GB’s approval to review the existing arrangements for receiving details of subcommittee and groups’ meetings. Mr Fletcher reminded members that over the last two years the GB had received a subcommittee report which contained summarised versions of the minutes of the committees and working groups which report to the GB:

• QPEC • CBG • AC • Remuneration and Terms of Service Committee • Information Governance Steering Group • Primary Care Co-Commissioning Committee (from May 2015 onwards)

The reports had also included the full minutes of the following two external meetings:

• Blackburn with Darwen H&WBB

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• Lancashire CCG Network A recent Internal Audit of management arrangements had recommended that the GB should review the full minutes of the QPEC and there had recently been a suggestion that full sets of AC minutes should also be made available. As a result of the audit recommendation, and a recent Freedom of Information request, which had requested that subcommittee minutes were made available, Mr Fletcher enquired if the GB wished to continue with the current reporting arrangements; but which included a full set of AC and QPEC minutes, or move to receive full sets of ratified minutes of each subcommittee and group. Mr Fletcher suggested that the minutes could either be presented to the meetings or uploaded to the CCG’s website and, therefore, made available to all, including members of the public. Questions and answers followed. A discussion focused on the importance of remaining transparent whilst ensuring that no patient identifiable information was published, The role of the committee chairs and lead officers was considered to be paramount in ensuring that patient sensitive information was not included when the minutes were checked. Mr Parr suggested that in order to maintain the GB’s review of its subcommittees and groups an Annual Report could be produced by each committee and presented to the GB on a quarterly rotational basis. This was agreed. ACTION: Mr Iain Fletcher to oversee the presentation of an Annual Report from the subcommittees and groups on a rotational basis every quarter. ACTION: Mr Iain Fletcher to provide Dr Chris Clayton with assurance of the process of checking the minutes for patient sensitive information, in line with the Data Protection Act, outside the meeting. RESOLVED: That the GB:

i. noted the contents of the report ii. note the audit recommendation that full QPEC minutes are presented

iii. received and approved the publication of all sub-committee minutes on the CCG’s publication scheme following ratification

iv. noted that, if the above publication is approved, the remaining ratified minutes of the subcommittees and groups not appended to this report will be published on the CCG’s website as soon as possible following the meeting.

15.059 Resilience Outcomes in 2014/15 and Planning for 2015/16

Mr Alex Walker presented the report in the absence of Mrs Debbie Nixon, which provided an update to the GB on the delivery of operational resilience in 2014/15 and how this had informed the development of the Resilience Plan for Pennine Lancashire in 2015/16. Mr Walker reminded members that a paper had been presented to a previous meeting of the GB, which had set out national guidance for 2014/15. The guidance outlined key actions to be undertaken by CCGs. • Establishment of a System Resilience Group (SRG) with representatives from across the

health and social care system to undertaken regular planning for service delivery. The Pennine Lancashire Chief Executive Officers Group fulfilled this function.

• The completion of System Resilience Planning Summary Templates for Elective and non-elective care for NHS England to set out the use of non-recurrent resources for resilience.

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• An agreed System Resilience Plan. Mr Walker stated that there had been significant pressure on the Urgent Care system nationally during the winter period and subsequent learning had indicated that system resilience should be considered a whole year round national performance issue, not just a ‘winter’ performance issue. Mr Walker referred to the section related to funding (section 4.1, page 3) and highlighted the funding available for 2015/16 in comparison to 2014/15; which was significantly reduced. Mr Walker added that resilience areas have had to be maintained up until April this year, something which had not occurred last year and it was expected that system resilience would have be maintained all year round in future. He reported that partners were currently engaged in the process of evaluating all the work undertaken last year and were planning for 2015/16. Mr Walker drew members’ attention to the section on governance (section 4.2, page 3) which was currently being reviewed. The proposed revised governance structure (appendix 1, page 7) was being discussed across partner agencies and would provide system oversight going forward. Mr Walker outlined system performance from last year and, although the Trust failed the A&E 4 Hour target of 95% at 94.54%, no major incidents were declared in Pennine Lancashire and there were no 12 hour performance breaches; whereas there were significant numbers nationally. There had been significant system pressure over the December/January period which had been reflected nationally. However, there had been a significant reduction in Delayed Transfers of Care (section 4.3.2, page 4) over a 4 month period in BwD, which was currently being sustained and all of the 18 week RTT target times (section 4.3.3, page 5) were met against the 3 parameters in BwD and Pennine Lancashire. Mr Walker outlined future plans and drew members’ attention to the 8 high impact areas which were being considered by SRGs for system delivery in 2015/16. The Operational Plan for BwD was being reviewed to ensure the areas were reflected in the plan and, in addition, there were local plans in place to ensure the CCG was overseeing the changes to the local health system within the next 12 months. Questions and answers followed. RESOLVED: That the GB noted the content of the report.

15.060 Highways England Launch Members received a briefing which provided information regarding the launch of Highways England. There were no questions. RESOLVED: That the Governing Body noted the content of the briefing.


Any Other Business No further business was discussed.

15.062 Date and Time of Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on 1st July 2015 at 1 pm, Meeting Rooms 1 & 2 Blackburn Central Library, Town Hall St, Blackburn, BB2 1AG. The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and the meeting closed.

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EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC – ‘That representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest’ (Section1(2)Public Bodies(Admission to Meetings)Act 1960).

Signed ………………………………………………. Chairman …………………………………… Date


Item 6.1

Extract from Part 2 of the Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting held on Wednesday 4th March 2015 at 3 pm

in the Rooms 1 and 2, Blackburn Central Library, Town Hall Street, Blackburn BB2 1AG

PRESENT: Mr Joe Slater Chairman (Chair) Dr Chris Clayton Clinical Chief Officer Mr Roger Parr Chief Finance Officer Mr Paul Hinnigan Lay Member - Governance Dr Penny Morris Executive Member Dr Adam Black Executive Member Mrs Anne Asher Lay Member - Nurse Representative Dr Nigel Horsfield Lay Member - Secondary Care Doctor (Retired) Dr Zaki Patel Executive Member Dr Malcolm Ridgway Clinical Director for Quality and Effectiveness Dr John Randall Executive Member Mr Dominic Harrison Director of Public Health, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Iain Fletcher Head of Corporate Business Mrs Pauline Milligan Corporate Support Officer (minutes)

A/15 Minutes of Part 2 of the Meeting held on 4th March 2015

The Minutes of Part 2 of the Meeting held on 4th March 2015 were considered and accepted as an accurate record. RESOLVED: That the Minutes of Part 2 of the Meeting held on 4th March 2015 were approved as an accurate record.

B/15 B/15.1

Matters Arising/ Action Matrix The following items were noted: Minute F/15 – January – Any Other Business – Vitamin D Research Refer to Minute D/15 March – Clinical Chief Officer Update. Minute D/15 – March – Clinical Chief Officer Update Dr Chris Clayton confirmed that Dr Stephen Gunn had agreed to provide a research emphasis to his Primary Care Clinical Lead role and this would also include research into Vitamin D (see Minute F/15 – January – Any Other Business – Vitamin D Research). Dr Malcolm Ridgway had agreed to add Executive sponsorship for research to his portfolio.

C/15 Reportable Events Dr Malcolm Ridgway presented the Reportable Events paper and highlighted key


elements of the report for the attention of the Governing Body. Questions and answers followed. ACTION: Following suggestions from Mr Paul Hinnigan and Mr Roger Parr, Dr Ridgway agreed to:

i. consider the inclusion of a supporting sentence along with the Strategic Executive Information System (StEIS) number make each case more easy to identify in reports.

ii. remove the reference to the meetings of the Blackburn with Darwen (BwD) Safeguarding Adult and Children’s Board as the minutes were already reviewed by the Safeguarding Assurance Group.

RESOLVED: That the Governing Body noted the content of the report.

D/15 NHS Constitution Dr Ridgway referred to the distributed CCG summary report from the NHS Constitution, which compared the performance of the CCGs across Lancashire and enquired if members would find the summary of use when considering the Quality and Performance Exception Report. The report had initially been presented under Part 2 of the meeting due to the fact that the information it contained did not relate to BwD alone. Questions and answers followed. Following discussion, it was agreed that the report should be added to the Quality and Performance Exception Report discussed under Part 1 of the meeting. ACTION: Dr Ridgway agreed to include the NHS Constitution CCG Summary with the Quality and Performance Exception Report discussed under Part 1 of the meeting.


Action Origin

Board Ref Action Owner Due Date Status

15.051 Clinical Chief Officer’s Report Dr Malcolm Ridgway to oversee a discussion regarding how the CCG can work with its providers to increase the uptake of staff being vaccinated against flu as part of resilience planning at the Quality, Performance and Effectiveness Committee (QPEC). Dr Chris Clayton to take this forward as part of annual resilience planning and report back to a future meeting.




15.053 Contract Performance Report Following an enquiry from Mr Paul Hinnigan about the level of detail related to medical specialities within the section highlighting elective over performance (page 5), Mr Roger Parr agreed to look into the possibility of highlighting one particular speciality (depending on performance) in each report.




15.054 Quality and Performance Exception Report Following a query from Mr Paul Hinnigan regarding the protocol for rapid non-verbal handover of major patients stated as being currently with the Medical Director of NWAS for sign off, Dr Malcolm Ridgway agreed to seek an update of the position for the next meeting.




15.057 Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund Following a suggestion from the Chair that patient representation could be included in the membership of the PMCF Implementation Programme Group, Mr Parr agreed to suggest that this was raised at the next meeting.




15.058 Reporting of Governing Body Subcommittees and Groups Mr Iain Fletcher to oversee the presentation of an Annual Report from the subcommittees and groups on a rotational basis every quarter.




15.058 Reporting of Governing Body Subcommittees and Groups Mr Iain Fletcher to provide Dr Chris Clayton with assurance of the process of checking the minutes for patient sensitive information, in line with the Data Protection Act, outside the meeting.




Report of the Clinical Chief Officer – 1st July 2015 Page 1 of 8


Date of Meeting

1ST JULY 2015 Agenda Item No.


Title of Report


Governing Body Responsible Officer


Lead Clinician


Lead Manager


Summary/Purpose of Report

This report provides an update on national and local issues of interest to Governing Body members not covered elsewhere on the agenda, and provides an indication of where the Clinical Chief Officer’s efforts have been directed since the last meeting.

Governing Body Action

The Governing Body is requested to receive this report and to note the items as detailed.

Please indicate the Committee(s)/Group(s) where the paper has been discussed/developed None

Please note the following section must be completed in full Patient and Public Engagement Completed

N/A (if yes, complete outcome)

Equality Analysis Completed

N/A (if yes, complete outcome)

Financial Implication(s) N/A

Risk(s) Identified N/A

CCG Strategic Objectives supported by this paper 1. To extend the life of our citizens and their quality of life adding life to years as well as

years to life.

2. To ensure there will be no gaps, no duplication – with integrated services and partnership working; including better relationships with voluntary, community and faith sector organisations.

3. To engage and encourage patients and the public to participate in everything we do and the importance of self-care and family wellbeing.


4. To improve services and tackle inequality, evidence best practice to inform decisions and root out poor practice.

5. To offer effective service interventions which will provide a better experience for patients with privacy and dignity.

CCG High Impact Changes supported by this paper 1. Delivering high quality Primary Care at scale and improving access. 2. Self-Care and Early Intervention. 3. Enhanced and Integrated Primary Care and Better Care Fund. 4. Access to Re-ablement and Intermediate Care. 5. Improved hospital discharge and reduced length of stay. 6. Community based ambulatory care for specific conditions. 7. Access to high quality Urgent and Emergency Care. 8. Scheduled Care. 9. Quality.

Report of the Clinical Chief Officer – 1st July 2015 Page 2 of 8



1st JULY 2015


1) Introduction

This report provides an update on national and local issues of interest to Governing Body (GB) members not covered elsewhere on the agenda, and also provides an indication of where the Clinical Chief Officer’s (CCO) efforts have been directed since the last meeting.

2) Department of Health

2.1 Appointments

As members will be aware, following the General Election on the 7th May, the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP continues in his role as Secretary of State for Health. Other Ministers in the department are as follows:

• The Rt Hon Alistair Burt MP, Minister of State for Community and Social Care • Ben Gummer MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Care Quality • Jane Ellison MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Public Health • George Freeman MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Life Sciences • Lord Prior of Brampton, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for NHS Productivity

Managers in the department are as follows:

• Will Cavendish, Director General of Innovation, Growth and Technology • Dr Felicity Harvey CBE, Director General, Public Health • Charlie Massey, Director General, Strategy and External Relations • Jon Rouse, Director General Social Care, Local Government and Care Partnerships • Tamara Finkelstein, Chief Operating Officer and Director General for Group Operations • Professor Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer

2.2 Financial Controls

The Secretary of State has announced a package of measures that will help to cut costs whilst improving frontline care. Tacking staff agencies is part of the package which will help the NHS bring down agency staff bills which cost the NHS £3.3 billion last year. Other controls include limiting the use of expensive management consultants. A series of new rules will:

• set a maximum hourly rate for agency doctors and nurses • ban the use of agencies that are not on approved frameworks • put a cap on total agency staff spending for each NHS trust in financial difficulty

Report of the Clinical Chief Officer – 1st July 2015 Page 3 of 8

• require approval for any consultancy contracts over £50,000

The agency staff cap will firstly apply to nursing staff but will be extended to other clinical, medical and management and administrative staff. Capped rates will be reduced from the initial set level over time. Further information on the CCG’s consultancy spend controls is provided under Item 9.1.

2.3 New Deal for General Practice

In a speech on the 19th June, the Secretary of State announced a ‘new deal for General Practitioners (GPs)’ where he outlined plans to invest in new GPs and surgeries, in return for seven day appointments for patients. Part of his announcement included a new piece of work to develop a programme of support for failing practices, details of which are still to be worked through. (Item 5 provides information about the publication of “A blueprint for building the new deal for General Practice in England” which has been produced by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP)).

3) NHS England

The Chief Executive of NHS England, Simon Stevens, has called for health care leaders to redesign the care of patients across the NHS, so that it is sustainable for the future and better able to meet the needs of patients.

Speaking to delegates at the NHS Confederation Annual Conference in Liverpool, Mr Stevens set out three priorities:

• putting the NHS on a financially sustainable footing • redesigning care • prevention

During his speech, and referring to specific measures, Mr Stevens issued a call for parts of the country to step forward to be urgent care vanguards, testing new approaches to delivering urgent care that aim to improve the coordination of services and reduce pressure on Accident and Emergency Departments. He announced the three parts of the country that have been selected to form the new Success Regimes in England as:

• North Cumbria • Essex and North • East and West Devon

The aim is to improve care and sustainability of services for patients. The three areas are facing some of the most significant challenges in England. They will begin work to make improvements this summer and further areas may enter at a later point. Mr Stevens set out the five ‘fast track’ sites that will receive extra support to transform services for people with learning disability and/or autism and challenging behaviour, or a mental health condition. The sites are:

• Greater Manchester and Lancashire

Report of the Clinical Chief Officer – 1st July 2015 Page 4 of 8

• Cumbria and the North East • Arden, Herefordshire and Worcestershire • Nottinghamshire • Hertfordshire

The transformation will be about improving lives by closing inpatient beds and strengthening services in the community. The five areas will receive extra technical support from NHS England to draw up transformation plans over the summer, and will be able to access a £10 million transformation fund to kick-start implementation from autumn 2015. Mr Stevens also shared details of a joint proposal from the Arm’s Length Bodies for an engagement programme to get out and speak to leaders across the NHS in England about how they are going to make practical changes in their areas and tackle any challenges in order to ensure they continue to drive through the Five Year Forward View, published in October 2014.

4) Public Health England

The Child Health Profiles 2015, published on 17th June, present data across 32 key health indicators of child health and well-being. The data will help local organisations work in partnership to improve health in their local area. Local Government and health services can use the profiles to:

• understand the health needs of their community • help improve the health and well-being of children and young people • reduce health inequalities

Public Health England (PHE) has also published a condensed version of the profiles for CCGs which uses some of the same key indicators. PHE’s National Child and Maternal (ChiMat) Health Intelligence Network’s website also provides interactive maps and charts for users to create customised views of the data, and links to further supporting and relevant products. Further information via: Blackburn with Darwen’s (BwD’s) Public Health Team will use the profile information to inform children and young people’s health and well-being planning.


The RCGP has published a blueprint which sets out a comprehensive plan for the future of General Practice. The document, “A blueprint for building the new deal for General Practice in England” was shared with the Government immediately following the outcome of the General Election and had been discussed with the Secretary of State for Health and the Chief Executive of NHS England. The Blueprint sets out five overarching actions which the RCGP suggests should be taken by the new Government to strengthen General Practice for the future. The actions set out are:

• Invest 11% of the NHS budget in General Practice

Report of the Clinical Chief Officer – 1st July 2015 Page 5 of 8

• Grow the GP workforce by 8,000 • Give GPs time to focus on patient care • Allow GPs time to innovate • Improve GP premises

Further information via:

6) Healthier Lancashire

The Healthier Lancashire team has cascaded details related to the Alignment of the Plans Phase of Healthier Lancashire. The leaders of Health and Social Care across Lancashire have agreed to fund and drive a diagnostic piece of work never done before across Lancashire. A shortlisting and selection panel and process for the procurement for the selection of the strategic partner has been agreed. An expert selection panel has been formed, on a voluntary and nomination basis, consisting of health and social care leaders from across Lancashire. The members of the panel are:

• Gary Hall, Chief Executive, Chorley Borough Council • Tim Bennett, Director of Finance and Performance, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals Foundation

NHS Trust • Mark Youlton, Director of Finance, East Lancashire CCG • Kevin McGee, Chief Executive, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust (ELHT) • Gary Raphael, Chief Finance Officer, Blackpool CCG • Paul Kingan, Chief Finance Officer, West Lancashire CCG • Dr Arif Rajpura, Director of Public Health, Blackpool Council • Mike Wedgeworth, Chair, Third Sector Lancashire • Beverley Thomas, Head of Procurement, Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support

Unit (M&LCSU) • Samantha Nicol, Healthier Lancashire Director • Dr Andy Curran, Healthier Lancashire Associate Director (Clinical Lead) • Dr Mike Ions (Panel Chair), CCG Lead for Healthier Lancashire and Chief Clinical Officer for

East Lancashire CCG • Ian Tomlinson, Healthier Lancashire Associate Programme Director

The tender process involves bidding against a detailed specification designed by all the health and social care stakeholder organisations of Lancashire. The selection process for the strategic partner will be through an open procurement process run by the M&LCSU. The necessary legal and governance frameworks must be evidenced before competence for delivery is checked. The panel will meet and consider all bidder applications received and shortlist ready for the interviews, scheduled for 18th June.

7) BwD CCG


Due to pre-election guidance that the CCG has had to adhere to, we were unfortunately unable to communicate progress about and GPs have not been able to carry out any formal work on the programme. I am pleased to report that work has continued with the national programme team and with the four pathfinder areas (ourselves – (BwD), Somerset, Hampshire,

Report of the Clinical Chief Officer – 1st July 2015 Page 6 of 8

and Leeds) on the review of patient information, and GP Practice support including a GP Practice Toolkit. We have also used this time to ensure that we have robust plans for communication and engagement within BwD. The NHS has for some time routinely collected information about the care and treatment provided in hospitals across the country. Similar information is collected from GP Practices which is used for reasons such as planning services. However, vital health information about the care provided in GP Practices is not collected. is about confidentially collecting this vital information, removing personal details (name, address and telephone number and other personal information) – known as anonymising the data – and connecting the anonymised data with the hospital and other service information to help us see how well the NHS is working and what we could be doing better. The NHS is absolutely committed to keeping information safe and will take every appropriate step to protect confidentiality. There are strict controls around access to the information so that it is only used for the benefit of health services. As a CCG we are a pathfinder for the programme, which means that we volunteered to help test, evaluate, influence and shape the programme. This means that we are working closely with NHS England and the Health and Social Care Information Centre to make sure that this process serves the best interests of patients, GP Practices and us as a CCG. Formal accountability for proceeding with the Programme sits with Tim Kelsey the Senior Responsible Officer. Dame Fiona Caldicott, National Data Guardian, will express her view of the safeguards and arrangements in place to the Secretary of State and this will be taken into account by Mr Kelsey and the Programme Board. Extraction is likely to take place between September and November depending on how fair processing and preparation work has proceeded. GP systems are currently undertaking the work required for extraction to take place.

7.2 Applications for Constitutional Change

The CCG has been informed by NHS England of a change in the approach to the constitutional change application process. Previously CCGs had a window of opportunity in June and November to make applications to change their Constitutions. However, it has been decided that applications for constitutional change can be made at whatever point during the year fits CCGs’ business needs.

7.3 Patient Engagement

The quarterly meetings of the BwD Patient Participation Group Representatives (PPGRs), linked to the GP Practices in BwD, took place earlier this month. There was a presentation on progress being made in the implementation and changes to our care services under the initiative financed by the Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund. The proposals were well received by the PPGRs and they look forward to seeing the improvements to access to GPs later this year. In addition, the Communication and Engagement Strategy, which appears elsewhere on the agenda, was circulated so that the PPGRs know what the CCG plans to do to engage with them and the public over the course of the next two years.

Report of the Clinical Chief Officer – 1st July 2015 Page 7 of 8

7.3.1 Patient Representatives on Governing Body Subcommittees

The CCG also asked for any PPGRs who wished to volunteer to become a Lay Member of the Quality, Performance and Effectiveness Committee and/or Primary Care Co-commissioning Committee in line with the CCG’s commitment to put patients at the heart of everything it does.

7.4 M&LCSU

It has been confirmed that Debbie Bywater has been appointed to the post of Chief Information Officer (CIO) for M&LCSU and will officially take up her post on 20th August. The CIO appointment signals the CSU’s commitment to strengthen technology and transform the way it provides information and intelligence. The CIO role is key to ensuring effective Information Technology (IT) infrastructures, business systems and business intelligence to support and enable service delivery of its full range of services. The role will drive an integrated approach and an informed vision of how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) strategy could support transformational change. It will lead the Informatics and Intelligence workforce to innovate and develop as well as ensure effective operational delivery.

8) BwD Health and Well-being Board

The Peer Review commissioned by the Health and Well-being Board (H&WBB) took place in the spring and the outcome was considered at a meeting on 9th June. A number of issues were debated, including the involvement of providers in the work of the Board. It was considered that, if the Board is to play the role of system leader in the local Health and Social Care economy, then ELHT, which besides providing secondary care services is also a major employer in the Borough, should be involved at Board level. In future, therefore, it is expected that the Chair or Chief Executive of ELHT will attending H&WBB meetings. The issue will remain under review as development continues over both the Pennine Lancashire and whole of Lancashire areas.

9) Good News

9.1 NHS Employers – Equality and Diversity Partners Programme 2015/16

The CCG has been confirmed as one of NHS Employers Equality and Diversity Partners for 2015/16 and was successfully chosen from the 42 applications received. The CCG will be working with NHS Employers and its partners; and national stakeholders such as the Leadership Academy and NHS England to support system wide efforts to improve equality and diversity across the NHS.

The Chair and Head of Corporate Business attended the first of a series of meetings and workshops on 17th June which will enable the CCG to gain models of best practice and share such information across Lancashire with other CCGs. The workshops will be themed on specific issues related to equality and diversity, including best practice and the implementation of the Equality Delivery System 2 (EDS 2) grading system, as part of the CCG’s assurance process.

Report of the Clinical Chief Officer – 1st July 2015 Page 8 of 8

10) Meetings

Members may be interested to note the following meetings and events which have taken place during the course of the last two months.

27th April Joint Integrated Commissioning Executive Group Meeting 28th April Clinical Senate 30th April Lancashire CCG Network Meeting 30th April Early Action Multi-Agency Meeting 6th May CCG Governing Body Meeting 6th May Pennine Lancashire Transformation Board Meeting 7th May Pennine Lancashire Unscheduled Care Group Meeting 11th May Post-Election Chief Executive Officer Forum 13th May Commissioning Business Group Meeting 13th May Pennine Lancashire Chief Executives Steering Group 14th May Local Medical Consortium Meeting 20th May Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Leadership Group Meeting 21st May Lancashire Leadership Forum 21st May Annual Council Meeting and Installation of the Mayor 3rd June CCG Governing Body Development Session 3rd June CCG Governing Body Development and Discussion Meeting 4th June Pennine Lancashire Unscheduled Care Group Meeting 9th June Health and Well-being Board Policy Development Session 10th June Commissioning Business Group Meeting 11th June Clinical Chief Officers Network Event 22nd June Joint Integrated Commissioning Executive Group Meeting 22nd June NHS England Quarter 4 Assurance Meeting

11) Recommendation

The Governing Body is requested to receive this report and to note the items as detailed.

Dr. Chris Clayton Clinical Chief Officer 19th June 2015

Page 1 of 2


Date of Meeting

1st July 2015 Agenda Item No.


Title of Report

Chief Finance Officer’s Report

Governing Body Responsible Officer

Mr Roger Parr, Chief Finance Officer

Lead Clinician

Lead Manager

Mrs Linda Ring, Senior Finance Manager

Summary/Purpose of Report

The Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is reporting a cumulative year to date surplus of £364k which is in line with the 2015/16 plan. The current revenue position is on plan to deliver the year end surplus of £2,184k.

Governing Body Action It is recommended that the CCG Governing Body note the contents of this financial summary and the overall position of the CCG at the end of May 2015, noting the risks and detailed appendices supporting this narrative.

Please indicate the Committee(s)/Group(s) where the paper has been discussed/developed Not applicable Please note the following section must be completed in full Patient and Public Engagement Completed

Not applicable

(if yes, complete outcome)

Equality Analysis Completed

Not applicable

(if yes, complete outcome)

Financial Implication(s) N/A

Risk(s) Identified Yes

CCG Strategic Objectives supported by this paper 1. To extend the life of our citizens and their quality of life adding life to years as well as years to life. Y 2. To ensure there will be no gaps, no duplication – with integrated services and partnership working;

including better relationships with voluntary, community and faith sector organisations. Y

3. To engage and encourage patients and the public to participate in everything we do and the importance of self-care and family wellbeing.


4. To improve services and tackle inequality, evidence best practice to inform decisions and root out poor practice.


5. To offer effective service interventions which will provide a better experience for patients with privacy and dignity.


CCG High Impact Changes supported by this paper 1. Delivering high quality Primary Care at scale and improving access. Y 2. Self-Care and Early Intervention. Y 3. Enhanced and Integrated Primary Care and Better Care Fund. Y 4. Access to Re-ablement and Intermediate Care. Y 5. Improved hospital discharge and reduced length of stay. Y 6. Community based ambulatory care for specific conditions. Y 7. Access to high quality Urgent and Emergency Care. Y 8. Scheduled Care. Y 9. Quality. Y

Page 2 of 2

Executive Financial Summary Month 2 – Period Ending 31st May 2015 

     Year to Date      Full year 


  Budget  Actual  Variance  Budget  Actual  Variance   £000  £000  £000  £000  £000  £000 

Funds Available  38,568 38,568 0 237,516 237,516 0

Commissioning  28,551 28,737 (186) 169,187 169,187 0Primary Care  8,269 8,265 4 51,425 51,425 0Corporate  1,199 1,202 (3) 7,193 7,193 0Reserves  185 0 185 7,527 7,527 0Balance  364 364 0 2,184 2,184 0

Summary Financial Position ‐ The CCG is reporting a year to date surplus of £364k which is in line with the 2015/16 plan.  The current revenue position is  on plan to deliver the year end surplus of £2,184k.  

Commissioned Services • Healthcare  Commissioning  from  providers  is  reporting  a  YTD 

overspend of £186k with breakeven  forecast at year end.   The main contracts will be signed off by the end of June. 

• Primary  Care  Services  are  reporting  a  small  YTD  underspend  of  £4k and  forecast  breakeven  position.    Primary  Care  Co‐Commissioning budgets of £20,133k delegated from NHS England are reported for the first time and a breakeven position is reported.  No prescribing figures have  been  received  for  April  and  May  and  YTD  expenditure  is therefore based on estimates for this period. 

• Corporate  Services  are  reporting  a  small  YTD  overspend  of  £3k  and forecasting a year end breakeven position.    

RISKS • Acute activity  levels continue to be a key  factor  in 2015‐16.   Schemes 

are  in place to reduce elective and non‐elective activity with our main provider. 

• Continuing  health  care  and  complex  packages  continues  to  be  a  key risk.   The CCG  continues  to work with MLCSU  to  closely monitor  this area of expenditure. 

• Prescribing  expenditure  is  volatile  and  is  monitored  closely  by  the Medicines Management Team.   QIPP 

• 7% of  the QIPP  target has been  achieved  at month 2. This  is  slightly behind the plan to meet a full year target of £5m. The CCG anticipates that QIPP delivery will be in line with plan by the end of quarter 1.   Capital 

• The CCG  is anticipating IT capital expenditure of £148k and  is awaiting confirmation from NHS England regarding the allocation. 

Recommendation ‐ It is recommended that the CCG Governing Body note the contents of this financial summary and the overall position of the CCG at the end  of May 2015, noting the risks and detailed appendices supporting this narrative.

NHS Blackburn with Darwen CCG Appendix A

Summary Governing Body Report ‐ May 2015

Budget to Date£000

Expenditure to Date £000

Variance to Date£000

Annual Budget £000

Annual Forecast£000

Annual Forecast Variance£000

Revenue Resource Limit

Confirmed (38,568) (38,568) 0 (237,516) (237,516) 0

Anticipated 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Revenue Resource Limit (38,568) (38,568) 0 (237,516) (237,516) 0


Commissioning (Page 2) 36,820 37,002 (182) 220,612 220,612 0

Corporate (Page 4) 618 621 (3) 3,638 3,638 0

Reserves (Page 4) 185 0 185 7,527 7,527 0

Healthcare Sub Total 37,623 37,623 0 231,777 231,777 0

Running Costs (Page 4) 581 581 0 3,555 3,555 0

Total Expenditure 38,204 38,204 0 235,332 235,332 0

Surplus/(Deficit) 364 364 0 2,184 2,184 0

Better Payment Practice Code YTD Value (%) YTD Volume (%) FOT Value (%) FOT Volume (%) Target (%)

NHS 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 95.0

Non NHS 100.0 99.6 100.0 99.6 95.0

Page 1

NHS Blackburn with Darwen CCG

Healthcare Commissioning Report ‐ May 2015

Budget to Date      £000

Expenditure to Date £000

Variance to Date£000

Annual Budget £000

Annual Forecast£000

Acute Services

NHS contracts (includes Ambulance Services) 18,589 18,624 (35) 111,534 111,534

Non NHS Providers 810 862 (52) 4,862 4,862

NHS Contract Exclusions / Cost per Case 103 103 0 618 618

Non Contract Activity 123 123 0 736 736

Other 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total Acute Contracts 19,625 19,712 (87) 117,750 117,750

Mental Health Services 

NHS contracts  2,545 2,545 0 14,891 14,891

Non NHS Providers 98 99 (1) 588 588

NHS Contract Exclusions / Cost per Case 18 15 3 107 107

Non Contract Activity 6 6 0 33 33

Other (37) (37) 0 (221) (221)

Sub Total Mental Health Services 2,630 2,628 2 15,398 15,398

Community Health Services

NHS contracts  2,370 2,370 0 14,218 14,218

Non NHS Providers 225 239 (14) 1,218 1,218

NHS Contract Exclusions / Cost per Case 26 80 (54) 153 153

Non Contract Activity 0 0 0 0 0

Hospices 174 175 (1) 1,045 1,045

Other 1 10 (9) 5 5

Sub Total Community Services 2,796 2,874 (78) 16,639 16,639

Total Healthcare Contracts 25,051 25,214 (163) 149,787 149,787

Continuing Care Services

Continuing Care 1,084 1,084 0 6,506 6,506

Free Nursing Care 101 94 7 608 608

Sub Total Continuing Care Services 1,185 1,178 7 7,114 7,114

Primary Care services

Prescribing 4,553 4,553 0 27,321 27,321

Enhanced Services 83 83 0 496 496

Primary Care Co‐Commissioning 3,055 3,055 0 20,133 20,133

Out of Hours 324 324 0 1,942 1,942

Commissioning 105 105 0 630 630

Other  150 145 5 903 903

Sub‐total Primary Care services 8,270 8,265 5 51,425 51,425

Other Programme Services

Other Non Acute 1,365 1,396 (31) 6,589 6,589

Complex Cases & Individual Funding Requests949 949 0 5,697 5,697

Sub Total Other Programme Services 2,314 2,345 (31) 12,286 12,286

Surplus/(Deficit) 36,820 37,002 (182) 220,612 220,612

Page 2

Appendix B

Annual Forecast Variance£000



































Page 3

NHS Blackburn with Darwen CCG Appendix C

Main Healthcare Contracts ‐ May 2015

Budget to Date£000

Expenditure to Date £000

Variance to Date£000

Annual Budget £000

Annual Forecast£000

Annual Forecast Variance£000

Acute Contracts

Main Provider

East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust 16,066 16,066 0 96,398 96,398 0

Other Lancashire Providers

Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS FT 773 773 0 4,638 4,638 0

Blackpool Fylde & Wyre Hospitals NHS FT 80 80 0 481 481 0

University Hospitals Morecambe Bay NHS FT 13 13 0 81 81 0

North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust (Block) 1,116 1,151 (35) 6,697 6,697 0

Sub Total Other Lancashire Providers 1,982 2,017 (35) 11,897 11,897 0

Greater Manchester Providers

University Hospital South Manchester NHS FT 67 67 0 404 404 0

Salford Royal NHS FT 60 60 0 362 362 0

Royal Bolton Hospitals NHS FT 43 43 0 259 259 0

Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS FT 88 88 0 526 526 0

Central Manchester University Hospital NHS FT 218 218 0 1,306 1,306 0

Pennine Acute NHS Trust 30 30 0 180 180 0

Sub Total Greater Manchester Providers 506 506 0 3,037 3,037 0

Merseyside providers

Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen NHS Trust 34 34 0 203 203 0

Sub Total Merseyside Providers 34 34 0 203 203 0

Independent Sector Contracts

BMI Healthcare (Beardwood, Beaumont, Gisburne) 641 691 (50) 3,846 3,846 0

Ramsay 53 53 0 316 316 0

Sub Total 694 744 (50) 4,162 4,162 0

Total Acute Contracts 19,282 19,367 (85) 115,697 115,697 0

Mental Health Contracts

Lancashire Care NHS FT (Block) 2,445 2,445 0 14,668 14,668 0

Calderstones Partnership NHS FT (Block) 95 95 0 189 189 0

Greater Manchester West NHS FT 5 5 0 32 32 0

Total Mental Health Contracts 2,545 2,545 0 14,889 14,889 0

Community Health Contracts

Lancashire Care NHS FT (Block) 2,370 2,370 0 14,218 14,218 0

Total Community Health Contracts 2,370 2,370 0 14,218 14,218 0

Surplus/(Deficit) 24,197 24,282 (85) 144,804 144,804 0

Page 4

NHS Blackburn with Darwen CCG Appendix D

Non Healthcare Commissioning Report ‐ May 2015

Budget to Date£000

Expenditure to Date £000

Variance to Date£000

Annual Budget £000

Annual Forecast£000

Annual Forecast Variance£000

Other Corporate Costs (Non‐Running Costs)

CSU re‐charge 87 77 10 519 519 0

NHS Property Services re‐charge 376 376 0 2,258 2,258 0

Other 155 168 (13) 861 861 0

Sub Total Corporate Costs 618 621 (3) 3,638 3,638 0

Plan requirements & reserves

Reserves 185 0 185 7,527 7,527 0

Sub Total Reserves  185 0 185 7,527 7,527 0

Running Costs

CCG Pay 248 254 (6) 1,449 1,449 0

CSU re‐charge 225 225 0 1,350 1,350 0

NHS Property Services re‐charge 28 28 0 169 169 0

Other 80 74 6 587 587 0

Running Costs Reserve 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total Running Costs 581 581 0 3,555 3,555 0

Surplus/(Deficit) 1,384 1,202 182 14,720 14,720 0

Page 5

NHS Blackburn with Darwen CCG Appendix E

Statement of Financial Position ‐ May 2015

Statement of Financial PositionMay           £000

Non Current AssetsProperty, Plant, Equipment 0

Total Non Current Assets 0

Current AssetsTrade and Other Receivables 2,667Financial Assets 0Current Assets 0Cash and Bank (23)

Total Current Assets 2,644

Total Assets 2,644

Current LiabilitiesTrade and Other Payables (9,770)Other Liabilities 0Provisions 0Borrowings 0

Total Current Liabilities (9,770)

Total Assets less Current Liabilities (7,126)

Non Current LiabilitiesTrade and Other Payables 0Provisions (42)Borrowings 0Other Liabilities 0

Total Non Current Liabilities (42)

Total Assets Employed (7,168)

Financed ByGeneral Fund (7,168)Revaluation Reserve 0Donated Asset Reserve 0Government Grant Reserve 0Other Reserves 0

Total Equity (7,168)

Page 6

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Date of Meeting

1 July 2015 Agenda Item No.


Title of Report

Consultancy Spend Controls

Governing Body Responsible Officer

Mr Roger Parr, Chief Finance Officer

Lead Clinician

Lead Manager

Mrs Linda Ring, Senior Finance Officer

Summary/Purpose of Report

This paper is a briefing note to Governing Body members regarding a letter received from Mr David Williams, Director General, Finance, Commercial and NHS. The letter outlines some specific measures which the Department of Health are taking to focus collective bargaining power of the NHS, as well as a number of initiatives designed to reduce cost pressures on litigation, procurement and increase the supply of nursing staff.

Governing Body Action The Governing Body is asked to note the contents of this briefing paper.

Please indicate the Committee(s)/Group(s) where the paper has been discussed/developed N/A Please note the following section must be completed in full Patient and Public Engagement Completed

Not applicable

(if yes, complete outcome)

Equality Analysis Completed

Not applicable

(if yes, complete outcome)

Financial Implication(s) None

Risk(s) Identified None

CCG Strategic Objectives supported by this paper 1. To extend the life of our citizens and their quality of life adding life to years as well as years to life. 2. To ensure there will be no gaps, no duplication – with integrated services and partnership working;

including better relationships with voluntary, community and faith sector organisations.

3. To engage and encourage patients and the public to participate in everything we do and the importance of self-care and family wellbeing.

4. To improve services and tackle inequality, evidence best practice to inform decisions and root out poor practice.

5. To offer effective service interventions which will provide a better experience for patients with privacy and dignity.

CCG High Impact Changes supported by this paper 1. Delivering high quality Primary Care at scale and improving access. 2. Self-Care and Early Intervention. 3. Enhanced and Integrated Primary Care and Better Care Fund. 4. Access to Re-ablement and Intermediate Care. 5. Improved hospital discharge and reduced length of stay. 6. Community based ambulatory care for specific conditions. 7. Access to high quality Urgent and Emergency Care. 8. Scheduled Care. 9. Quality.

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1 JULY 2015


1. Introduction 1.1 This paper is a briefing note to Governing Body members regarding a letter received from Mr David

Williams, Director General, Finance, Commercial and NHS. The letter outlines some specific measures which the Department of Health are taking to focus collective bargaining power of the NHS as well as a number of initiatives designed to reduce cost pressures on litigation, procurement and increase the supply of nursing staff.

1.2 The letter detailed three main areas of expenditure over which expenditure controls are being

introduced: agency staff controls, management consultancy spend and very senior manager pay. Whilst the Agency staff controls and Very Senior Managers Pay is more specific to Provider Trusts, a specific note for CCGs has been received regarding the control of management consultancy spending.

2. Action required 2.1 With effect from 2nd June 2015, Clinical Commissioning Groups are being expected to submit, for

approval by the Department of Health, any proposed expenditure on consultancy costing more than £50,000. The submissions will then follow a process of approval by regional NHS England colleagues, namely the Director of Commissioning Operations, and the relevant Directors of Finance for cases below £250,000. For expenditure above £250,000, approval will be required from the Regional Directors and Regional Directors of Finance.

2.2 NHS England will be implementing an automated online process for the submission of the consultancy business requests which is expected to be in place by the end of July 2015. The controls will also apply to extensions of existing contracts where the total value of the contract (including the proposed extension) exceeds £50,000. CCGs are required to submit a business case for the extension prior to the contract extension being applied.

2.3 For the purposes of the control, ‘consultancy’ is defined as in the NHS Manual for Accounts and covers relevant expenditure in the areas of strategy eg finance, organisational and change management, IT, Marketing and Communications, HR, Training and Education, Programme and Project Management.

2.4 Certain areas are initially exempt from the controls and CCGs will not be required to submit a business case for approval for; contracts below £50,000 and expenditure with Commissioning Support Units commissioned as part of core contracted services. Internal and external audit and local counter fraud services are also excluded from the controls. The controls for CCGs currently do not apply to interim staffing expenditure within CCGs and the rates the NHS is charged for nursing agency staff at this stage but this may be reviewed at a later date.

3. Recommendation

The Governing Body is asked to note the contents of this briefing paper.

Mr Roger Parr Chief Finance Officer 22nd June 2015

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Date of Meeting

1 JULY 2015 Agenda Item No.


Title of Report


Governing Body Responsible Officer


Lead Clinician


Lead Manager

Summary/Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to update the Governing Body on the progress made to deliver the Organisational Development (OD) Plan. The document will continually change during 2015 – 2016 with the emerging new directions of the organisation and the new roles undertaken.

Governing Body Action The Governing Body is requested to :-

i. Note the content of the report and the development highlights to date.

ii. Approve the statements for further development in section 4.

Please indicate the Committee(s)/Group(s) where the paper has been discussed/developed Please note the following section must be completed in full Staff, Patient and Public Engagement Completed

Yes The Organisational Development (OD) plan has previously been reported to Governing Body meetings in public, staff have been engaged through development sessions where the OD plan and update have been presented.

Equality Analysis Completed

Yes The EIA was complete upon the inception of the plan in 2013/14 and the principles of the document are the same. Advice has been taken and it is believed a new pre-pear assessment is not required.

Financial Implication(s) There are financial implications attributed to individual training and organisation development but this is expected to be contained within the annual budget set.

Risk(s) Identified Wider development resources as the CCG undertakes additional roles such as Co-commissioning of primary care and specialised commissioning in the future.

CCG Strategic Objectives supported by this paper 1. To extend the life of our citizens and their quality of life adding life to years as well as years to life. 2. To ensure there will be no gaps, no duplication – with integrated services and partnership working;

including better relationships with voluntary, community and faith sector organisations. √

3. To engage and encourage patients and the public to participate in everything we do and the importance of self-care and family wellbeing.

4. To improve services and tackle inequality, evidence best practice to inform decisions and root out poor practice.

5. To offer effective service interventions which will provide a better experience for patients with privacy and dignity.

CCG High Impact Changes supported by this paper 1. Delivering high quality Primary Care at scale and improving access. 2. Self-Care and Early Intervention. 3. Enhanced and Integrated Primary Care and Better Care Fund. 4. Access to Re-ablement and Intermediate Care. 5. Improved hospital discharge and reduced length of stay. 6. Community based ambulatory care for specific conditions. 7. Access to high quality Urgent and Emergency Care. 8. Scheduled Care. 9. Quality.

Page 2 of 3



1 JULY 2015


1. Introduction

1.1 The purpose of this report is to update the Governing Body on the progress made to deliver the Organisational Development (OD) Plan. The document will continually change during 2015 – 2016 with the emerging new directions of the organisation and the new roles undertaken.    

2. Background

2.1 The OD plan describes how we wish to harness the rich talents within our workforce, clinical community, patients, service users and partners to realise our vision. It addresses the significant development required to deliver the transformational change outlined in our five-year Strategic Plan. In short, the overall aim of the OD plan is to enable us to become a top-performing CCG able to transform health and healthcare across Blackburn with Darwen.

2.2 The OD plan vision set out clear ambition for the future of the workforce, to guide and inspire

the whole organisation, to deliver continuous improvement in high quality and compassionate commissioned services to all in our community.

3. The OD plan development highlights

3.1 Significant progress to deliver our co-commissioning responsibilities are being made, which

has included the development of good governance arrangements though the committee structures. We have become nationally recognised as a system leader; already in 2015 we have been chosen to become the national pilot site for, and, by supporting the locally developed General Practitioner (GP) Federation, secure monies through the Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund to increase access to primary care at the front end of urgent care, increasing the need for the workforce to work in different ways.

3.2 Feedback from the CCG’s 3600 survey from the CCG membership and other stakeholders is that they have confidence in the CCG’s leadership and are supportive of our plans.

 3.3 Feedback from NHS England is that the CCG is well run, with robust leadership and

governance arrangements in place.  

3.4 Good clinical engagement through a range of activities – from the full attendance at Senate meetings of Members, to the well-attended monthly locality meetings. In addition, analysis has shown that the weekly e-bulletin ‘Practice News’ is consistently well received.

 3.5 An award of a £5,000 grant from the Leadership Academy to support the development of the

Governing Body in the area of strategic influencing and individual development, in line with the OD plan.

 3.6 The further development of the CCG’s programme of appraisal and personal development

plans, which includes: robust monitoring, linking objectives and individual plans to all

Page 3 of 3

commissioning projects, corporate objectives and supporting staff to better manage their workloads.

3.7 Completion of a review of the Terms of Reference of the Governing Body and its Committees, as well as the CCG’s Constitution. NHS England’s opinion confirmed that our Constitution meets statutory public engagement and consultation requirements.

3.8 Clear plans which continue to deliver the quality, innovation, productivity and prevention (QIPP)

challenge within financial resources, in line with national requirements (including excellent outcomes) and local Joint Health and Well-being Strategies.

 3.9 The continuation of Governing Body and staff development sessions providing for continual,

individual and organisational, development and improvement opportunities.  4. The evolving plan

4.1 The OD plan will continue to evolve as the organisation develops to deliver:-

• An inspirational vision for the future with a focus on quality. • Clearly aligned goals and objectives at every level and feedback on performance. • Good people management and employee engagement. • Continuous learning and quality improvement. • Team working, cooperation and integration across services and organisations. • Engagement, participation and involvement. • Autonomy and accountability to staff. • Staff ‘voices’ to be heard and acted on. • A mechanism for staff to be proactive and innovative. • Action to address systems problems. • An effective and fair process to deal with behaviours and performance both positive and

negative with compassion.

5. Conclusion 5.1 The definition underpinning our approach to OD is: “The practice of planned intervention to

bring about significant improvements in organisational effectiveness”. In order to deliver the level of transformation reflected in our vision, 5 Year Plan and goals we will need to develop leaders, our wider workforce including member practices and an organisational culture that supports high performance. Our structure, systems and management practices will also need to be aligned to deliver results. The plan takes into account this range of inter-related factors and identifies goals that will enable us to improve CCG performance in order to meet the needs of our population.

6. Recommendation

6.1 The Governing Body is requested to :-  

i. Note the content of the report and the development highlights to date. ii. Approve the statements for further development in section 4.

Mr Iain Fletcher Head of Corporate Business 19th June 2015

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Date of Meeting

1 July 2015

Agenda Item No.


Title of Report

Workforce Race Equality Standards Report

Governing Body Responsible Officer

Mrs Debbie Nixon, Chief Operating Officer

Lead Clinician


Lead Manager

Mrs Claire Moir, Governance, Performance and Risk Manager

Summary/Purpose of Report

This report provides NHS Blackburn with Darwen Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG) Governing Body with an overview of the requirements placed upon the CCG following the introduction of the Workforce Race Equality Standards (WRES) in April 2015

Governing Body Action Members are requested to:- i. Note the contents of the report

ii. Confirm the Governing Body’s commitment to promoting improvements within the WRES

iii. Identify relevant leads to support the required actions Please indicate the Committee(s)/Group(s) where the paper has been discussed/developed Operational and Delivery Group Quality Performance and Effectiveness Committee Executive Team Please note the following section must be completed in full Patient and Public Engagement Completed

Yes This may be required as a result of the introduction of the WRES

Equality Analysis Completed


Financial Implication(s)

Risk(s) Identified n/a at this stage

CCG Strategic Objectives supported by this paper 1. To extend the life of our citizens and their quality of life adding life to years as well as

years to life. X

2. To ensure there will be no gaps, no duplication – with integrated services and partnership working; including better relationships with voluntary, community and faith sector organisations.

3. To engage and encourage patients and the public to participate in everything we do and the importance of self-care and family wellbeing.

4. To improve services and tackle inequality, evidence best practice to inform decisions and root out poor practice.


5. To offer effective service interventions which will provide a better experience for patients with privacy and dignity.


CCG High Impact Changes supported by this paper 1. Delivering high quality Primary Care at scale and improving access. 2. Self-Care and Early Intervention. 3. Enhanced and Integrated Primary Care and Better Care Fund. 4. Access to Re-ablement and Intermediate Care. 5. Improved hospital discharge and reduced length of stay. 6. Community based ambulatory care for specific conditions. 7. Access to high quality Urgent and Emergency Care. 8. Scheduled Care. 9. Quality. X

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1 JULY 2015


1. Introduction

1.1 This report provides NHS Blackburn with Darwen Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG)

Governing Body with a précis of the technical guidance issued by NHS England, of the implications and actions required following the introduction of the Workforce Race Equality Standard, which became effective from 1st April 2015.

1.2 The CCG is required to publish workforce data relating to the indicators within the standard on its website by 1st July 2015 (Appendix 1). In addition, the CCG Governing Body must make a formal declaration of its commitment to a workplace that is “free from discrimination and where all staff are able to thrive and flourish based on their diverse talent”.

2. Background – Introduction of a Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES)

2.1 The WRES, introduced by NHS England, aims to tackle race discrimination across the NHS and enable the talents of Black and Ethnic Minority (BME) staff to be valued and developed.

2.2 The indicators are based on research evidence, staff survey results and analysis which shows that despite the introduction of initiatives to develop wider representation of BME staff within management and board level positions, there is a view that there is still under-representation, less likelihood of access to development programmes and more likelihood of bullying, harassment and abuse.

3. Brief Overview of the Indicators within the Standard

3.1 There are nine indicators within the standard; four are specifically related to workforce data, four are aligned data from the NHS Staff Survey and one relates to the composition of the organisations board/governing body. The data relating to BwD CCG is attached at Appendix 1. Appendix 1.1 outlines the narrative in the template which cannot be viewed unless the drop down boxes are expanded.

3.2 The indicators have been selected to help organisations understand the difference, and improve the experience between White and BME staff and, take any necessary action if required on the causes of ethnic disparities which may emerge as a result of analysis of the indicators.

4. Responsibilities of the CCG

4.1 As a commissioning organisation the CCG will be expected to demonstrate and provide evidence of the following:

• we have sought assurance from our providers that they are implementing the NHS WRES

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(which has been included in the 2015/16 standard NHS contract). • we have implemented the EDS2 system and can demonstrate that we are meeting the

Public Sector Equality Duty and improving outcomes for local people with protected characteristics (and that our providers are doing the same)

• we have collated and published relevant workforce data in respect of our own staff

5. Responsibilities of the Governing Body

5.1 The Governing Body is required to confirm its commitment to a workplace that is “free from discrimination and where all staff are able to thrive and flourish based on their diverse talent” (WRES Technical Guidance, 2015). The guidance suggests the CCG may wish to consider identifying a lead/champion to promote improvements relating to the standard.

6. Next Steps

6.1 The CCG must publish the information contained within Appendix 1 on the website by 1st July 2015.

6.2 Key milestones for meeting the standard are attached at Appendix 2 for discussion and agreement of leads against each element of the standard.

6.3 The Governing Body should also consider nominating a lead/champion to promote improvements against the indicators within the standard. As the CCG does not currently commission the NHS Staff Survey, consideration should be given to how this information will be captured to enable future reporting.

7. Conclusion

7.1 This report has provided the Governing Body with an overview of the implications arising from the introduction of the WRES on 1st April 2015 and the actions/next steps required.

8. Recommendations

8.1 Members are requested to:-

i. Note the contents of the report ii. Confirm the Governing Body’s commitment to promoting improvements within the

WRES indicators iii. Identify relevant leads to support the required actions

Mrs Claire Moir Governance, Performance and Risk Manager 23rd June 2015

Date of report: month/year

Template for completion

Name of provider organisation

Name and title of Board lead for the Workforce Race Equality Standard

Name and contact details of lead manager compiling this report

Names of commissioners this report has been sent to

Name and contact details of co-ordinating commissioner this report has been sent to

Unique URL link on which this report will be found (to be added after submission)

This report has been signed off by on behalf of the Board on (insert name and date)

Publications Gateway Reference Number: 03496

Workforce Race Equality StandardREPORTING TEMPLATE

Sticky Note
Please input details of Blackburn with Darwen CCG board Lead for WRES
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Item 11 Appendix 1

Report on the WRES indicators

1. Background narrative

2. Total numbers of staff

a. Any issues of completeness of data

a. Employed within this organisation at the date of the report

b. Any matters relating to reliability of comparisons with previous years

b. Proportion of BME staff employed within this organisation at the date of the report

Report on the WRES indicators, continued

4. Workforce dataa. What period does the organisation’s workforce data refer to?

3. Self reportinga. The proportion of total staff who have self–reported their ethnicity

b. Have any steps been taken in the last reporting period to improve the level of self-reporting by ethnicity

c. Are any steps planned during the current reporting period to improve the level of self reporting by ethnicity

Report on the WRES indicators, continued

5. Workforce Race Equality IndicatorsFor ease of analysis, as a guide we suggest a maximum of 150 words per indicator.

Indicator Data for reporting year

Data for previous year

Narrative – the implications of the data and any additional background explanatory narrative

Action taken and planned including e.g. does the indicator link to EDS2 evidence and/or a corporate Equality Objective

For each of these four workforce indicators, the Standard compares the metrics for White and BME staff.

1 Percentage of BME staff in Bands 8-9, VSM (including executive Board members and senior medical staff) compared with the percentage of BME staff in the overall workforce

2 Relative likelihood of BME staff being appointed from shortlisting compared to that of White staff being appointed from shortlisting across all posts.

3 Relative likelihood of BME staff entering the formal disciplinary process, compared to that of White staff entering the formal disciplinary process, as measured by entry into a formal disciplinary investigation* *Note: this indicator will be based on data from a two year rolling average of the current year and the previous year.

4 Relative likelihood of BME staff accessing non-mandatory training and CPD as compared to White staff

Report on the WRES indicators, continued

Indicator Data for reporting year

Data for previous year

Narrative – the implications of the data and any additional background explanatory narrative

Action taken and planned including e.g. does the indicator link to EDS2 evidence and/or a corporate Equality Objective

For each of these four staff survey indicators, the Standard compares the metrics for each survey question response for White and BME staff.

5 KF 18. Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from patients, relatives or the public in last 12 months





6 KF 19. Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from staff in last 12 months





7 KF 27. Percentage believing that trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion





8 Q23. In the last 12 months have you personally experienced discrimination at work from any of the following? b) Manager/team leader or other colleagues





Does the Board meet the requirement on Board membership in 9?

9 Boards are expected to be broadly representative of the population they serve

Note 1. All provider organisations to whom the NHS Standard Contract applies are required to conduct staff surveys though those surveys for organisations that are not NHS Trusts may not follow the format of the NHS Staff Survey

Note 2. Please refer to the Technical Guidance for clarification on the precise means of each indicator.

Report on the WRES indicators, continued

7. If the organisation has a more detailed Plan agreed by its Board for addressing these and related issues you are asked to attach it or provide a link to it. Such a plan would normally elaborate on the steps summarised in section 5 above setting out the next steps with milestones for expected progress against the metrics. It may also identify the links with other work streams agreed at Board level such as EDS2.

6. Are there any other factors or data which should be taken into consideration in assessing progress? Please bear in mind any such information, action taken and planned may be subject to scrutiny by the Co-ordinating Commissioner or by regulators when inspecting against the “well led domain.”

Produced by NHS England, May 2015

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Item 11

Appendix 1.1

Full Narrative Within the Workforce Race Equality Standard Reporting Template for Completion (by expanding the drop down menus contained within the template where full information cannot be seen)

Name of provider organisation

Commissioning Organisation - NHS Blackburn with Darwen Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Name of contact details of lead manager compiling this report

Claire Moir - Governance, Performance, and Risk Manager ( Amena Patel - Equality and Inclusion Business Partner (

3. Self reporting

c. Are any steps planned during the current reporting period to improve the level of self-reporting by ethnicity?

CCG will continue to gather consistent staff data. In addition, a data cleanse of current information in order to encourage staff to self-report their demographic profiles on to the ESR system.

5. Workforce Race Equality Indicators

For ease of analysis, as a guide we suggest a maximum of 150 words per indicator

Page 2 of 4  

Indicator Narrative – the implications of the data and any additional background explanatory narrative

Action taken and planned including e.g. does the indicator link to EDS2 evidence and/or a corporate Equality Objective

For each of these four workforce indicators, the Standard compares the metrics for White and BME staff

1. Percentage of BME staff in Bands 8-9, VSM (including executive Board members and senior medical staff) compared with the percentage of BME staff in the overall workforce

Non- ESR Board members are not included due to the lack of any other ethnicity data.

Going forward HR to obtain details of CCG board members without an ESR record in order to update this information.

2. Relative likelihood of BME staff being appointed from shortlisting compared to that of White staff being appointed from shortlisting across all posts.

The number of BME staff being appointed from shortlisting in 2014 is 1 against a figure of 10 which is the number of BME staff that were shortlisted for this reporting year.

The CCG will endeavour to learn best practice from other organisations regarding the promotion, encouragement and offerings of support for BME applicants within the scope of application and interview techniques.

3. Relative likelihood of BME staff entering the formal disciplinary process, compared to that of White staff entering the formal disciplinary process, as measured by entry into a formal disciplinary investigation* *Note: this indicator will be based on data from a two year rolling average of the current year and the previous year.

Not calculable - as the number of BME staff entering a formal disciplinary process is 0 against a figure of the number of white staff entering a formal disciplinary process which is also 0.

As best practice the CCG will consider and endeavour to learn and listen to BME staff about their experiences. CCG will continue to monitor this figure.

4. Relative likelihood of BME staff accessing non-mandatory training and CPD as compared to White staff

Not calculable as the number of BME staff or White staff accessing non-mandatory training is unknown.

CCG will endeavour to ensure there is a system to collect and analyse such data

5. KF 18. Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from patients, relatives or the public in last 12 months

Not applicable - Blackburn with Darwen CCG do not use the national staff survey.

The CCG endeavours to develop staff survey and questions to reflect indicator 5 going forward and so that there is measureable data for 2016 reporting year. Once implemented the indicator will link to EDS2 goal 3. Default for staff to self-declare their demographic profiles to enable reporting of differential satisfaction levels.

Page 3 of 4  

Indicator Narrative – the implications of the data and any additional background explanatory narrative

Action taken and planned including e.g. does the indicator link to EDS2 evidence and/or a corporate Equality Objective

For each of these four workforce indicators, the Standard compares the metrics for White and BME staff

6. KF 19. Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from staff in last 12 months

Not applicable - Blackburn with Darwen CCG do not use the national staff survey.

The CCG endeavours to develop staff survey and questions to reflect indicator 6 going forward and so that there is measureable data for 2016 reporting year. Once implemented the indicator will link to EDS2 goal 3. Default for staff to self-declare their demographic profiles to enable reporting of differential satisfaction levels.

7. KF 27. Percentage believing that trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion

Not applicable - Blackburn with Darwen CCG do not use the national staff survey.

The CCG endeavours to develop staff survey and questions to reflect indicator 7 going forward and so that there is measureable data for 2016 reporting year. Once implemented the indicator will link to EDS2 goal 3. Default for staff to self-declare their demographic profiles to enable reporting of differential satisfaction levels.

8. Q23. In the last 12 months have you personally experienced discrimination at work from any of the following? b) Manager/team leader or other colleagues

Not applicable - Blackburn with Darwen CCG do not use the national staff survey.

The CCG endeavours to develop staff survey and questions to reflect indicator 8 going forward and so that there is measureable data for 2016 reporting year. Once implemented the indicator will link to EDS2 goal 3. Default for staff to self-declare their demographic profiles to enable reporting of differential satisfaction levels.

Does the Board meet the requirement on Board membership in 9?

9. Boards are expected to be broadly representative of the population they serve

Not applicable To gather all board member’s data through monitoring self-declarations for 1st April 2016 WRES submission. CCG to consider programme of positive action re any Board recruitment.

Page 4 of 4  

6. Are there any other factors or data which should be taken into consideration in assessing progress? Please bear in mind any such information, action taken and planned may be subject to scrutiny by the Co-ordinating Commissioner or by regulators when inspecting against the “well led domain.”

Capturing Data - Blackburn with Darwen CCG has identified factors relating to capturing self-reporting data where improvements could be made in encouraging and promoting self-declaration amongst staff - this will form part of the action plan for Workforce Race Equality Standard progress going forward.

Staff Survey - As Blackburn with Darwen CCG does not buy into the national staff survey. Other methods to record data for indicators 5 - 8 (plus scrutiny) will need to be identified. Close links should be evident between Equality and Inclusion, the latest Human Resource strategy as well as the Organisational strategy.


em 11

Key Milestones 2



x 2

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Date of Meeting

1st July 2015 Agenda Item No.


Title of Report

Communication and Engagement Strategy 2015 – 2017

Responsible Officer Mr Iain Fletcher, Head of Corporate Business

Lead Clinician

Dr Chris Clayton, Clinical Chief Officer

Lead Manager

Mrs Helen Sanderson Walker, Locality Lead, Communication and Engagement

Summary/Purpose of Report

This report is a final draft of the Communication and Engagement Strategy for 2015-2017. We in Blackburn with Darwen Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) recognise that first class communication and engagement is fundamental in our drive to deliver excellent health care services. The strategy covers all external communications, stakeholder and public engagement including health campaigns, consultations and social media work along with internal communications, clinical and partnership engagement. Attached is the action plan detailing the communications and engagement requirements and activity to be undertaken. The strategy is informed by the CCG’s Annual Operational Plan.

Governing Body Action The Governing Body is asked to:

i. Note the contents of the strategy ii. Feedback any comments or suggestions in relation to

communications and engagement activity plans. iii. Approve this draft whilst recognising it’s a working document.

Please indicate the Committee(s)/Group(s) where the paper has been discussed/developed Operations Group, Executive Team, Governing Body and commissioners have fed into the process. Please note the following section must be completed in full Patient and Public Engagement Completed

The draft has been presented at meetings of representatives of Patient Participation Groups.

Equality Analysis Completed

No The activities in the plan will be assessed.

Financial Implication(s) Clearly for particular activities within the workplan there may well be financial implications. These will be scoped and costed as we move forward. However a key assumption is that each workstream or project will incorporate a budget for communication and engagement if any additional work is required beyond the Service Level Agreement for the communication and engagement support service. The CCG also holds a budget of £25K which represents a contingency fund for additional communication and engagement support or input.

Risk(s) Identified There is a risk that if we do not consult and engage properly our actions may be open to legal challenges and indeed may not meet the needs of the public.

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CCG Strategic Objectives supported by this paper 1. To extend the life of our citizens and their quality of life adding life to years as well as years to life. Y 2. To ensure there will be no gaps, no duplication – with integrated services and partnership working;

including better relationships with voluntary, community and faith sector organisations. Y

3. To engage and encourage patients and the public to participate in everything we do and the importance of self-care and family wellbeing.


4. To improve services and tackle inequality, evidence best practice to inform decisions and root out poor practice.


5. To offer effective service interventions which will provide a better experience for patients with privacy and dignity.


CCG High Impact Changes supported by this paper 1. Delivering high quality Primary Care at scale and improving access. Y 2. Self-Care and Early Intervention. Y 3. Enhanced and Integrated Primary Care and Better Care Fund. Y 4. Access to Re-ablement and Intermediate Care. Y 5. Improved hospital discharge and reduced length of stay. Y 6. Community based ambulatory care for specific conditions. Y 7. Access to high quality Urgent and Emergency Care. Y 8. Scheduled Care. Y 9. Quality. Y

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Blackburn with Darwen Clinical Commissioning Group

Communications and Engagement Strategy


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1. Introduction

NHS Blackburn with Darwen Clinical Commissioning Group (BWDCCG) is committed to developing effective and sustainable relationships with our patients, carers, the public, partners in health, social care and the voluntary and community sector to improve the lives of our local population. We face significant challenges in this area of Lancashire and are totally committed to tackling the problems, promoting health and well-being to increase good health, prevent avoidable illness and ensure effective treatment and support when required. ‘Involving local patients, members of the public, carers and patient representative groups is important to the CCG so that we can be assured of commissioning the best possible services that meet the needs of local patients and that represent the best possible value for money’. The CCG’s annual operating plan for 2015/16 supports the delivery of the NHS Five Year Forward View (5YFV) which includes: • Better prevention • Empowering patients • Engaging diverse communities • Developing new models of care Our strategy and approach to public engagement is designed to get the most effective involvement of our citizens. We aim to have a continuing dialogue based on productive and enduring relationships and partnerships which ensure patients and the public have a strong and clear voice which is heard and which influences our work. Effective communications and meaningful engagement are imperative to understanding health needs in Blackburn with Darwen and this can only be achieved through consistent patient and public communications. Sometimes the views will be those of an individual but on other occasions will be provided by both statutory and voluntary organisations and community groups. This will result in the CCG commissioning services that meet local needs and values. We would like to obtain opinions from all sections of the community throughout all our work plans. From the identification of issues which prevent people from experiencing the best possible health and well-being through to the development, implementation and review of plans which are intended to resolve such issues. We are conscious of the importance to every one of the time they have available to spend helping us achieve our objectives of improving health and well-being. We therefore intend to use opportunities presented by our membership of the Health and Well-being board and similar bodies to engage with people.

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2. Purpose

Blackburn with Darwen CCG recognises that first class communication and engagement is fundamental in our ability to deliver excellent health care services.

This particular strategy therefore focuses on what we will do as a CCG, taking as accepted our involvement in collective activity by our partners in the health and social care system in Blackburn with Darwen and beyond. The CCG recognises that to have effective engagement members and staff will need to take shared ownership of the strategy and use it both to guide and align their individual activity and also to collaborate with colleagues to ensure our engagement is cohesive and comprehensive. The strategy will therefore support our relationships with stakeholders, partners and members of the public to ensure they are involved in the decision making processes. The strategy will include all external communications, stakeholder and public engagement including health campaigns, consultations and social media along with internal communications, clinical and partnership engagement. The strategy includes the action plan regarding the communications and engagement requirements and activity to be undertaken. The strategy is informed by the CCG Annual Operational Plan.

3. Objectives

• To build trust and fully inform stakeholders and members of the public of CCG activity.

• To ensure that patients and the members of the public have a loud and clear voice with which to influence the work of the CCG about decisions on service commissioned and decommissioned, effectively co-design for quality improvement initiatives.

• To raise awareness and understanding of the responsibilities of the CCG

• To involve members of the public in the identification of issues such as self-care which should lead to improved health and well being

• To establish a consistent means of gathering the views opinions and stories of patients and the public

• To manage the reputation of the CCG

4. Key messages The vision of the CCG which will be supported in all communications and engagement activities for 2015/16, in line with the operational plan, is to secure better outcomes for patients.

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Our vision will be achieved through providing a local health economy which:

• Promotes better prevention through self-care

• Empowers patients to be able to make the right decisions around their health needs

• Ensures patients are able to access health care in their communities

• Develops new models of care centred around the individual

• The CCG will listen and engage with our local population to ensure our plans and vision is aligned with their needs

• The CCG will work in partnership with stakeholders and third sector organisations and will build community and strengthen engagement

5. Key stakeholders

Key Stakeholder


Clinical Commissioning Group Executive Internal CCG Board Members Internal

Membership Practices and staff Internal Staff representatives BMA Internal LMC Internal Local Dental Committee Internal Local Pharmaceutical Committee Internal Other Clinical Commissioning Groups Commissioners Potential future members of the commissioning groups Commissioners BwD Council CEO Commissioners MP’s and Councillors Local Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee Local Authority East Lancashire Hospitals Trust Provider Other Acute Trusts Provider Lancashire Care Foundation Trust Provider North West Ambulance Service Provider Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit Partnership Health and Wellbeing Board Partnership Healthwatch Partnership Voluntary faith and community sector Partnership All council departments Partnership All Schools Partnership Children’s Centres Partnership Community Centres Partnership

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Libraries Partnership Advocacy services Partnership Fire and rescue service Partnership Blackburn College Partnership Police Partnership Media – print, broadcast, trade and online Partnership

6. Communication channels Communications channels are the means that the CCG will utilise to communicate the vision and key messages. The choice of Channel of communication always depends on audience we are trying to reach. Face to face – still the richest channel of communication and the Communications team will ensure that core briefs and scripts are available for the relevant messages. This may be conducted by the key spokespeople of the CCG or through engagement or utilising our partners and stakeholders. We should not underestimate the power of meetings and ensuring that these are not wasted at one of the key elements of CCG life which present an opportunity for dialogue. Media – full media relations plans will be prepared for both proactive and reactive communication of messages. Electronic – electronic communications channels encompasses email, internet and social media platforms. Written – when messages don’t require interaction then written communication is a useful tool that will be utilised. It takes the form of letters, posters, leaflets and newsletters. It still gives recipients of the message a chance to engage with calls to action included in the written materials.

7. Partnership working

A key proposal in our Communications and Engagement plans is to utilise partnerships we have established as a CCG. Strong partnerships already exist with key stakeholders such as Blackburn with Darwen Council and our health partners. We have relations of varying strengths with the private sector providers of services and the third sector that is voluntary community and faith organisations in the area but in 2015/16 it will be our ambition of partnership working to boost these relationships to share information, gain from engagement and help strengthen the health economy of Blackburn and Darwen. The third sector has an increasing role in helping us to contact the hardest to reach groups within our community. They also provide an important alternative option to main stream communication channels.

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8. Communications principles

In order to be successful the communication strategy and its implementation will be guided by the following principles:

Clear and concise - communication will be clear and concise, using plain English

Accessible - to be understood by the target audience, easily obtainable and available in other languages, formats or symbols

Honest - avoiding misleading information or false promises, we will be open and honest in all communications

Involved - messages will developed with public/patient involvement

Correct - information conveyed and shared will be factually correct, checked and appropriately sourced

Consistent - messages will be consistent and aligned to local, regional and national guidance as required

Measurable - the plan includes evaluation mechanisms to assess success and inform ongoing action plans

9. Engagement principles The CCG will continue to follow the principles and standards of good engagement set out in both the LSP and the H&WB Board strategies. Therefore:

• Fairness, equality, confidentiality and inclusion will underpin all aspects of our community engagement

• Engagement activities will have clear and agreed purpose, and we will use appropriate methods and standards to achieve these purposes, ensuring they are relevant to the audience and easily accessible for everyone

• There is an acceptance that some communities find it difficult to engage. The CCG will ensure that all communities are able to respond and feedback

• We will be clear about the scope of the engagement activity and what can be changed and what can’t. When changes can’t be made, we will explain why

• We recognise that the CCG needs to be proactive in its approach and wherever possible will attend existing meetings and go to where people are rather than expect people to come to the CCG

• We will ensure that the engagement feeds into commissioning decisions so that people can see results of the engagement activity

• We will identify and overcome any barriers to involvement and support people to engage with us

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• Accurate, timely information is crucial for effective engagement and wherever possible enough time will be allowed for early information gathering, engagement and if necessary consultation on specific issues

• Establish a reporting system to ensure that the CCG learns from the community engagement activity and is able to monitor and evaluate success to influence improvements.

• We will meet the requirements of relevant legislation and comply with legal and ethical standards and learn from best practice in the field of engagement.

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Theme Objectives Action Timing Lead Status Communication and Engagement Strategy (this)

To produce an updated communication and engagement strategy that links to and supports the CCG Operational Plan

Draft to be presented to the Governing Body Once approved the strategy will be implemented

Governing Body 1/7 Helen Sanderson-Walker

Drafted - awaiting approval at Governing Body 1/7

Engagement and Communication Plan (this)

To produce an updated communication and engagement plan that will be updated regularly

Draft to be presented to the Governing Body Once approved the strategy will be implemented

Governing Body 1/7 Helen Sanderson-Walker

Drafted - awaiting approval

Media Advice To provide ongoing media advice to all GB members and staff of the CCG

To provide media training in readiness for future media queries.

From April 2013- and ongoing –based on monthly reviews of need

Helen Sanderson-Walker

Ongoing – monthly review

Media Training To provide media training to relevant GP members and CCG staff

To provide media training in readiness for future media queries.

From April 2013- and ongoing –based on monthly reviews of need and risk analysis of potential need

Helen Sanderson-Walker

Ongoing – monthly review

Action plan for engagement

To produce and keep updated, an engagement plan that supports the CCG Operational Plan

Draft of ongoing plan to be presented at each subsequent Governing Body, as well as Executive and Operational Groups on a monthly basis

Following approval of the strategy – 1/7 the plan will be presented at each subsequent Governing Body and monthly to Execs and senior managers

Helen Sanderson-Walker/Jeanette Pearson

Ongoing – monthly review

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CCG Annual Report

To support the production and dissemination of the CCG Annual Report on the CCG website

Technical support for production of Annual Report, including copywriting and production

To be uploaded on the CCG website by the 6th June 2015

Helen Sanderson-Walker Jeanette Pearson Digital and design team support

Complete Support the communication and engagement arising from the CCGs role as a pathfinder

Communication readiness and deployment (media, FOI, website) Engagement with GP practices, and wider engagement with stakeholders, public, and patients

Purdah: April – 9th May 2015 Engagement: from 9th May to present time (anticipated to continue through to September 30th 2015) Communication from 9th May to present time and ongoing.

Helen Sanderson-Walker Jeanette Pearson Katie Yates David Rogers


Better Care Fund Support the communication and engagement arising from the CCG and Council implementation of the Better Care Fund

GP communication Media promotion Website promotion Stakeholder briefings on the following elements of the BCF, working in partnership with BwD Council: Building capacity within the voluntary sector April 2015

Co-ordination of dementia services November 2015

Integrated offer for carers April 2015

Overall, from 1st April 2015 through to March 2016 (monthly review with Council communication partners)

From April 2015- ongoing

From November 2015

Helen Sanderson-Walker Jeanette Pearson

Ongoing, but subject to progress checks and communication reviews on a monthly basis

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Integrated Locality Teams, December 2015 onwards

Integrated Intermediate Care and Discharge to assess Aug 2015

Intensive Home Support (IHSS) engagement events with ELMS x 2 April 2015

Intensive Home Support May 2015

Co-ordination hub/directory of services May 2015

Disabled Facilities Grant (capital)April 2015

Contingency including Pay for Performance

April 2015 - ongoing

December 2015 onwards and ongoing

From August 2015 and ongoing

April 2015 -

May 2015

December 2015

April 2015

To be confirmed and agreed with partners

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Children and Young People (C&YP)

To understand the experiences of children and young people with asthma in Shadsworth, Blackburn

Conduct a “Living well with asthma” – paediatric asthma survey and report

Survey through May/June with report to CCG in July

Jeanette Pearson

Ongoing – due to be completed before the end of July

Children and Young People (C&YP)

To promote the new SEND reforms and support the Pan-Lancs review of services for emotional wellbeing and mental health

Produce and implement a full engagement and communications plan and toolkit

Initiate communication materials in August for implementation from August to December 2015

Helen Sanderson-Walker

Planned to begin in August 2015 to carry forward til December 2015

Scheduled Care Support enhanced scheduled care services in partnership with ELHT and ELCCG with communication and engagement: Opthalmology Dermatology MSK

Patient/public engagement to support the service redesign including climate testing, branding of services, and communication toolkit and materials.

Patient engagement from September 2014 to January 2015 Report of findings by end of January 2015 Implementation of scheduled care communication plan and materials from February 2015 onwards

Jeanette Pearson Jeanette Pearson Sally Davies, with support from communication leads and commissioning and provider leads

Complete Complete Ongoing with weekly review meetings

Co-commissioning of Primary Care Services

To support the CCG in the development and implementation of

Communication and engagement toolkit to support co-commissioning

Toolkit produced by September 2015 following agreed work plan

Helen Sanderson-Walker Jeanette Pearson

Planned for implementation of toolkit by 30 September 2015

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co-commissioning This includes core script for reactive media and stakeholder queries

Early April 2015

Unscheduled Care Think! Campaign

To raise awareness about NHS services, and to encourage patients and the public to think about which service is most appropriate for patients. The emphasis is on promoting appropriate use of urgent care and A&E.

Marketing and PR materials issued from November 2014 ongoing through the winter period, and into the Easter 2015 period. Evaluation of marketing campaign testing memorization of messages, recall and perception of patients

From November 2014 – to April 2015 May – June 2015 with evaluation report available 7th July 2015 New campaign plan drafted by 30th July for consideration by Urgent Care Group. New campaign testing Campaign launch (indicative timetable)

Helen Sanderson-Walker Colette Booth David Rogers Peter Snowdon (CSU Marketing Team) Adam Pearson Jeanette Pearson All comms leads

Ongoing as agreed w/c 7th July 2015 30th July 2015 30th August 2015 30th October 2015

Routine communication and engagement: Social Media

To maintain presence of the CCG with social media followers/public and stakeholders, and to respond to salient issues.

Daily tweets Daily Facebook posts Weekly updates of the Website

Daily and as required Daily and as required Weekly and as required.

Helen Sanderson-Walker Jeanette Pearson Shelley Prophet

Ongoing – daily and weekly

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Routine communication and engagement: Communication and engagement reports

To provide CCG with weekly updates about media, communication and engagement activities – presented to execs and operational group members weekly.

Weekly updates of activity undertaken, and planned activity

Weekly Helen Sanderson-Walker

Ongoing – weekly

Prime Ministers Challenge Fund and locality team 7 day working

To support this initiative with communication and engagement support, including climate testing, stakeholder mapping and key messaging.

Engagement about patient pathways Practice engagement Communication support to promote initiative Change management staff communications Ongoing communication and engagement to generate publicity

From 1st June 2015 through to April 2016

Helen Sanderson-Walker Jeanette Pearson Shelley Prophet

In progress, with weekly reviews and anticipated closure of communication by April 2016

Personal Health Budgets

Personal Health Budgets – awareness raising to public in partnership with council

Communications support regarding messaging and reinforcement of messages to patients, particularly via GP practice communication

From 1st August 2015 Helen Sanderson-Walker Jeanette Pearson

Planned, with work in progress to support messaging from 1st August 2015 onwards

Operational Resilience – future development of urgent and

Communication support and messaging

Communications support regarding messaging and reinforcement of messages to patients,

From 30th July Helen Sanderson-Walker Jeanette Pearson

30th July through to March 2015

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emergency care Prevention and reducing health inequalities – Public Health

(alcohol, obesity and smoking)

Support for Public Health messaging in support of national agenda

Already scheduled to leverage partnership comms & engagement -

• Stoptober

• Dry January

• Legal Highs

• Parents Alcohol Children’s Emotional wellbeing

Preparatory work July/August/Sep: October Jan 2016 Summer 2015 Summer/Winter August – onwards

Helen Sanderson-Walker

Planned: Preparatory work July/August/Sep: October Jan 2016 Summer 2015 Summer/Winter August – onwards

Quality and Safeguarding

Quality and safeguarding cases of concern are reported in a sensitive manner, to ensure that patients and the CCG feel safeguarded and supported

To respond to urgent situations as required

To link in with the Communications sub-group of the BwD safeguarding Boards and ensure

To undertake engagement with staff / patient groups as required to support audit activity

Ensure reportable events paper which is presented to GB is managed sensitively both internally and externally

By their nature, these cases and instances will be reactive and require responses – therefore this support is ongoing and supported on an “as and when basis” – from April 2013 through to the current time

Helen Sanderson-Walker

Planned and reactive activity – ongoing

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that the CCG is positively reflected in pro-active media campaigns / release

To provide Comms and media training / support to the CCG as required when dealing with high profile cases which have significant media interest.

To support and advise on any submissions / applications for good service awards e.g. HSJ

Mental Health

(Lead commissioner communication and engagement)

To support the CCG as the lead commissioner for mental health commissioning and to help manage issues, as well as promote good practice and excellence in

By its nature, much of this support is in response to initiatives and innovations that the CCG is spearheading as a commissioner – including the work around the Crisis Concordat, dementia service developments, IAPT, and Community

This support is ongoing and links to the mental health commissioning workstream workplan.

Helen Sanderson-Walker David Rogers Jeanette Pearson

This has been ongoing support from April 2013 and continues as such.

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commissioning and mental health service provision

Health service redesign.

Long term conditions

Supporting the Cancer Local Improvement Scheme (LIS) through communication and event management support

Four planned events for GPs, practice nurses, practice and for managers/administrators

14 May 2015 (complete) AQUA training June 2015 (complete) 10 September 2015 5 November 2015

Helen Sanderson-Walker Jeanette Pearson

Complete Complete Planned Planned

Delivery of Equality Delivery System 2 (EDS)

Supporting the EDS grading process

EDS Grading in line with the equality delivery system 2 (EDS)

w/c 15th June 2015 Jeanette Pearson Complete

Patient experience and engagement

Patient stories to the Governing Body

A schedule of patient stories and experience to be presented to the Gov Body meetings

Patient story presented January 2015

Ongoing, patient story being drafted for July Gov Body and onwards

Jeanette Pearson Complete Planned

GP practice Patient Participation Group (PPG) meetings

Chair of the CCG (Joe Slater) attend PPG meetings

Chair of the CCG (Joe Slater) attend PPG meetings with support from communication and engagement where required

Future dates to be confirmed for June/September/Dec/March

Joe Slater Jeanette Pearson

Complete to date, Planned

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Friends and Family Test (FFT) intelligence

Soft Intelligence Report

Analysis and routine report providing soft intelligence arising from the FFT

Quarterly soft intelligence report to be produced following feedback from engagement events, FFT, Acute services, community services, patient opinion

Jeanette Pearson Complete to date, Planned for subsequent quarters

GP web solutions implementation

Transition to new CCG website, intranet and GP practice websites

Implementation of new system for GP /CCG and public facing communication using websites and intranet platform

Pilot Site (Limefield Surgery) complete by June 30th Roll out to other practices complete by July 30th CCG Website complete by June 30th Intranet complete by June 30th

David Rogers project managing GP web solutions Dr Hereward Brown Hannah Sellars

Pilot site complete 7 GP websites complete to date In progress and on target In progress and on target

Big Health and Social Care Day

Event for people with learning difficulties.

Working in partnership with the council and Motivate to produce a fun pact day which will result in obtaining information from service users regarding their experiences of using NHS services and social care

Event to be held on 18th September 2015, with project initiation from May 2015

Jeanette Pearson Planned

BwD: “a great place to work”

Promotional support of BwD as a great place to live and work.

Partnership long term exercise with the key aim of attracting key professionals to live and work in BwD.

Stage 1 scoping – Summer 2015 from June 2015

Implementation phase from September 2015 onwards

Helen Sanderson-Walker

In progress

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Messaging Branding Engagement and communications plans required and to be implemented

Pan Lancashire projects that the CCG is involved in: Stroke Review TCES Mental Health Rehabilitation

Engagement with patients being planned Procurement communication and engagement support Currently at the scoping stage, with communication and engagement at the planning

These projects are being managed under the auspices of the collaborative commissioning board, with support from the M&L CSU transformation team, and communication and engagement support.

Dates of communication and engagement to be confirmed

Jeremy Scholey

Planned In progress
