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The BridgeJuly 2016

CTL Office HoursMonday: Office closed

Tuesday through Friday: 9:00 A.M.–1:00 P.M.These are the regularly scheduled hours for Peggy

Letourneau.Dss. Andrea available beyond these hours—just call!

For Pastoral needs during this time of transition, please contact Pr. Michael Rothaar at 630-865-5246

Christ the Lord Lutheran Church

A Reconciling in Christ Congregation 847-741-8141

FAX: 847-741-8165Email: ctloffice@ctlelgin.orgWebsite:

August Bridge deadline – July 15, 2016Send items to Karin K at or leave in mailbox

on the top of the mail slots outside the church office.


We are centered in Christ and reach out to care.

We proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior. We equip and teach for spiritual growth.

We worship passionately.We minister to the physical and spiritual needs of others.

We discern and use the gifts of the Holy Spirit.We invite and involve others with a welcoming heart.

ContentsJuly 2016..............................................................................................................................................1*COME ONE COME ALL*.....................................................................................................................4*WORSHIP NEWS*..............................................................................................................................6Sunday Morning Schedule...................................................................................................................6Scripture Lessons for July....................................................................................................................6*FROM OUR LEADERSHIP*..................................................................................................................7Pastor Michael Rothaar......................................................................................................................7 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America...........................................................................................9From Our Deaconess.........................................................................................................................10*GET INVOLVED*...............................................................................................................................13Facebook Reminder...........................................................................................................................13Communion Class..............................................................................................................................14Analyzing and Understanding Systemic Racism Workshop..............................................................14Summer of Service Opportunites.......................................................................................................15Friday, July 8, 2016 –.........................................................................................................................15By-Stander CPR & AED Training........................................................................................................16Community Clothes Outreach...........................................................................................................16Foster Care Opportunities at LSSI......................................................................................................16Celebrate 150 Years of LSSI!..............................................................................................................17Protecting Our Children.....................................................................................................................17Bound and Ungagged.......................................................................................................................17May Financial Report........................................................................................................................18The Stewardship of Worship.............................................................................................................18Vineyard Breakfast............................................................................................................................19Prayerful Humor................................................................................................................................19Scrip Fundraising...............................................................................................................................19*LEARNING*......................................................................................................................................20Adult Study Groups............................................................................................................................20Morning Bible Study..........................................................................................................................20Adult Forum – NO MEETINGS in JULY...............................................................................................20*PRAYER REQUESTS*........................................................................................................................21*SPECIAL DATES TO REMEMBER*.....................................................................................................22*THANK YOU*...................................................................................................................................23*CHRIST THE LORD LUTHERAN CHURCH*........................................................................................24


*COME ONE COME ALL*Save the DatesFor future events, be sure the church office and Bridge editor and Dss. Andrea receive date and time information so calendars and space needs are all correct! Please click on blue hyperlinks for more information.(Full Calendar)

07/1/2016 Community Group - ITN 9:00 AM07/2/2016 Bound & Ungagged (Book Club) 8:00 AM07/3/2016 Christian Education/Adult - NO MTG 11:00 AM07/4/2016 Social Ministry NO MTG 11:30 AM07/8/2016 Youth Lock-in 7:00 PM07/9/2016 E-Team 8:45 AM

07/10/2016 Christian Education/Adult - NO MTG 11:00 AM07/15/2016 702 Evening Group NO MTG 7:02 PM07/17/2016 Christian Education/Adult - NO MTG 11:00 AM07/17/2016 Summer of Service - Lunch, Service

Project11:00 AM

07/19/2016 Quilts of Valor 10:00 AM07/20/2016 Summer of Service - Feed My

Starving Children12:00 PM

07/20/2016 All Are Welcome 6:00 PM07/21/2016 Council 7:00 PM07/21/2016 Habitat for Humanity - Partnership

Mtg.7:00 PM

07/21/2016 Vineyard Breakfast 6:30 AM07/24/2016 Christian Education/Adult - NO MTG 11:00 AM07/24/2016 Community Clothes Outreach Drive 11:00 AM07/28/2016 Sewing Guild - NO MTG 7:00 PM07/30/2016 FRVI - Summer Issues Assembly 3:00 PM07/31/2016 Christian Education/Adult - NO MTG 11:00 AM07/31/2016 Youth Mission Trip ??

08/1/2016 Social Ministry 11:30 AM08/2/2016 Youth Mission Trip ??08/3/2016 Youth Mission Trip ??08/6/2016 Bound & Ungagged (Book Club) 8:00 AM08/7/2016 Christian Education/Adult - 11:00 AM

08/13/2016 E-Team 8:45 AM08/14/2016 Christian Education/Adult - 11:00 AM08/16/2016 Quilts of Valor 10:00 AM


08/17/2016 All Are Welcome 6:00 PM08/17/2016 Stewardship Mtg. 6:20 PM08/18/2016 Council 7:00 PM08/18/2016 Vineyard Breakfast 6:30 AM08/19/2016 702 Evening Group - NO MTG 7:02 PM08/20/2016 Summer of Service - Service Project 9:30 AM08/21/2016 Christian Education/Adult - 11:00 AM08/21/2016 Protect Our Children Training 11:00 AM08/27/2016 Communion Class 9:30 AM08/28/2016 Christian Education/Adult - 11:00 AM

09/1/2016 Sewing Guild 7:00 PM09/3/2016 Bound & Ungagged (Book Club) 8:00 AM09/4/2016 Christian Education/Adult - 11:00 AM09/5/2016 Social Ministry 11:30 AM

09/10/2016 E-Team 8:45 AM09/10/2016 Craft Show Committee Mtg 1:00 PM09/11/2016 Christian Education/Adult - 11:00 AM09/11/2016 Christian Education/Preschool -

Grade 511:00 AM

09/11/2016 God’s work. Our hands. 11:00 AM09/12/2016 Randall Trail Assn Mtg 7:00 PM09/15/2016 Council 7:00 PM09/15/2016 Vineyard Breakfast 6:30 AM09/16/2016 702 Evening Group 7:02 PM09/18/2016 Christian Education/Adult - 11:00 AM09/18/2016 Christian Education/Grades 6 to 12 - 11:00 AM09/18/2016 Christian Education/Preschool -

Grade 511:00 AM

09/18/2016 Picnic 11:00 AM09/20/2016 Quilts of Valor 10:00 AM09/21/2016 All Are Welcome 6:00 PM09/25/2016 Christian Education/Adult - 11:00 AM09/25/2016 Christian Education/Grades 6 to 12 - 11:00 AM09/25/2016 Christian Education/Preschool -

Grade 511:00 AM

09/29/2016 Sewing Guild 7:00 PM


*WORSHIP NEWS*Sunday Morning Schedule 9:30 a.m. Worship11:00 a.m. Education Hour

Scripture Lessons for July Sunday, July 3 – Seventh Sunday after Pentecost Isaiah 66:10-14 Psalm 66:1-9 (4) Galatians 6:[1-6] 7-16 Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 Color: Green

Sunday July 10 – Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Deuteronomy 30:9-14 Psalm 25:1-10 (4) Colossians 1:1-14 Luke 10:25-37 Color: Green

Sunday July 17 – Ninth Sunday after Pentecost Genesis 18:1-10a Psalm 15 (1) Colossians 1:15-28 Luke 10:38-42 Color: Green

Sunday July 24 – Tenth Sunday after Pentecost Genesis 18:20-32 Psalm 138 (8) Colossians 2:6-15 [16-19] Luke 11:1-13 Color: Green

Sunday July 31 – Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12-14; 2:18-23 Psalm 49:1-12 (3) Colossians 3:1-11 Luke 12:13-21 Color: Green


*FROM OUR LEADERSHIP*Pastor Michael Rothaar

July begins with the Independence Day weekend. Once again we may want to reflect on the uniqueness of the American experience: “We hold these truths to be self-evident,” our founders agreed, “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

Thanks to the multi-Tony-winning Broadway musical Hamilton, written by and starring Lin-Manuel Miranda as the Founding Father whose face is on the $10 bill (for now), American history is now in vogue. I hope (someday) to get a ticket! As one critic said, “It’s a marvel of a musical, mixing genres from Broadway anthem to hip-hop, staging cabinet debates between Jefferson and Hamilton as rap battles, drawing parallels between rhetoric then and now, between contemporary political issues and those that faced the Founders. It’s also highly literate, loaded with references to the Founding documents, the age of Enlightenment, Shakespeare, contemporary rap—and of course, the Bible.”

The cultural impact of this show is going to be far-reaching, especially through the empowerment and inspiration of a new generation of Americans, including those whose ancestral continent of origin wasn’t Europe. It’s so admirable that Miranda and all the producers are doing community outreach – especially making the show available to disadvantaged students.

There’s much to discourage us in these times, from the demeaning tone of our political battles to the struggle to fund social services and education in Illinois to the violence that is unremitting, from the streets of Chicago to the supposedly care-free life of Orlando.

As Christians, we engage in conversation about both the hopeful promise of our country and the demonic challenges that confront us. I read a good blog by Karl Vaters (Pivot: innovative leadership from a small church perspective) on the Leadership Journal site. He called it “5 Dumb Things Christians Must Stop Saying When Evil Strikes.” Let me borrow his main points.


In the face of evil (like Orlando) – not tragedy, not disaster, but evil – we may be inclined to make sense of it in our own minds. But we’re better off not saying;

1. “This is an opportunity for the church…”Evil acts are not opportunities. They’re just evil. Can God redeem them? Of course. That’s the central principle of the gospel. Yet we must never be opportunistic. “This is not the time to look for an angle. It’s time for prayer, grief, compassion and love without agenda.”

2. “This is God’s wrath for…”We live in a sinful, broken world. We’re the ones who broke it and we break it a little more every day. Evil acts like terrorism are prime evidence of that brokenness and of our inherent sinfulness. God does not send perpetrators of evil, no matter what they tell themselves.

3. “Did you hear…?”Rumors and conspiracy theories always abound. Partial and distorted information is often used for self-serving purposes. “Followers of Jesus must always speak with grace and truth. Not innuendo and rumor. Resist the urge to pass along any news that hasn’t been proven by reliable sources.”

4. “I don’t agree with their lifestyle, (or politics, or religion, or…) but…”When people are in pain, why even mention our differences? In the face of massive loss due to horrifying evil, we need to concentrate on our common humanity.

5. “Everything happens for a reason”No. It just doesn’t. Evil has no reason. It is anti-reason and anti-love.

Once again – we hold certain truths to be self-evident. And our nation celebrates the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as “unalienable". They are part of our very nature as human beings, and being gifts of God, can neither be granted nor taken away by any human being.

May your summer be peaceful and joyous. Be safe. You are precious to God.

Pastor Michael Rothaar


Evangelical Lutheran Church in America God’s work. Our hands.

June 13, 2016

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

“So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them.” Genesis 1:27

We are killing ourselves. We believe that all people are created in God’s image. All of humanity bears a family resemblance. Those murdered in Orlando were not abstract “others,” they are us. But somehow, in the mind of a deeply disturbed gunman, the LGBTQ community was severed from our common humanity. This separation led to the death of 49 and the wounding of 54 of us.

We live in an increasingly divided and polarized society. Too often we sort ourselves into like-minded groups and sort others out. It is a short distance from division to demonization.Yesterday, we witnessed the tragic consequences of this.

There is another way. In Christ God has reconciled the world to God’s self. Jesus lived among us sharing our humanity. Jesus died for us to restore our humanity. God invites us into this reconciling work. This must be our witness as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The perpetrator of this hate crime did not come out of nowhere. He was shaped by our culture of division, which itself has been misshapen by the manipulation of our fears. That is not who we are. St. Paul wrote, “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new. All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us. So we are ambassadors for Christ.” (II Corinthians 5:17-20)


Our work begins now. We need to examine ourselves, individually and as a church, to acknowledge the ways we have divided and have been divided. We must stand with people who have been “othered”. We must speak peace and reconciliation into the cacophony of hatred and division. We must live the truth that all people are created in God’s image.

This morning your churchwide staff came together to mourn and to pray. We prayed for those killed in Orlando and remembered the Charleston Nine killed only a year ago. We prayed for the family of the shooter, for our LGBTQ brothers and sisters and for our Muslim brothers and sisters who now face the threat of retaliation. And we prayed that the Prince of Peace will bring us to the day when we stop killing ourselves.

Your sister in Christ,

Elizabeth A. EatonPresiding BishopEvangelical Lutheran Church in America

8765 West Higgins Road Chicago, IL 60631-4101 800/638-3522

From Our Deaconess Last week, I got a new Bible

in the mail. It is the Inspire Bible NLT: The Bible for Creative Journaling. I love it! There are pictures and line drawings to color, lots of room to journal (with lines!) The font is relatively large for a Bible

and it so nice to use! Not that I needed a new Bible, but every so often a new resource for Spiritual growth comes along that will inspire me and help me continue in my walk as a follower of Christ. I share this resource with you because maybe you to need a new Bible. On the other


hand, if you need any other resource for your walk (devotional book, website, spiritual blog, etc.) let me know and I would be happy to recommend some of my favorite resources!

Serving Christ with You,

Deaconess AndreaReport on the Twenty-ninth Annual AssemblyMetropolitan Chicago Synod, ELCA(Download report as PDF)

The Metropolitan Chicago Synod met in assembly June 10 to 11, 2016, at the Tinley Park Convention Center, Tinley Park, Illinois. This year’s theme was Transformed and Transforming from Romans 12:2.

After devotions and the Order for the Opening of an Assembly, the parliamentarian was appointed, the agenda approved, and committees appointed. There were no elections at this year’s assembly. Synod officers, vice president, secretary, and treasurer, gave reports updating the assembly on items that had occurred in the past year.

The assembly heard feature presentations from our Full Communion Partners:

Bishop Sally Dyck, Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church

Bishop Jeffrey Lee, Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, andThe Rev. Jorge L. Morales, Conference Minister, Illinois

Conference, United Church of Christ.After lunch and conference meetings, the balance of the

afternoon included two sessions of hearings and workshops. Including a session on Saturday, two resolutions and one memorial were debated and passed:

RES. 02-16 Reactivating Lutheran Advocacy IllinoisRES. 03-16 To Support ELCA World HungerMEM. 04-16 African Descent Lutheran Lives MatterA Celebration of the Holy Eucharist to which all were

invited concluded the day’s events. The offering of $2,871 will be given to ELCA World Hunger.

Throughout the plenary sessions, participants heard eight mission moments, coordinated by the synod’s Mission Interpreter


Network, telling the story of congregations and partner ministries making a difference in their local communities, nationally, and around the world.

After devotions on Saturday morning, Bishop Miller gave his report where he explored what it means to be an open congregation and the importance of justice in responding to the world.

The 2016 budget and updates to the synod's Strategy for Ministry with Latino Communities were adopted as presented.

The day ended with a closing prayer and the Order for the Closing of an Assembly.



I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. – Helen Keller

Fox River Valley InitiativeSummer Issues AssemblySaturday, July 30th, 20163:00 pm – 4:30 pm (SHARP)Bethlehem Lutheran Church - Sanctuary 1145 N 5th Ave, St. CharlesJoin leaders from our many member organizations and community allies as we work to garner support and commitments from elected officials on our current issues:

Gun Safety – Do Not Stand Idly By Campaign Mental Health – Diverting those with mental illness from

criminal justice system Expansion of Housing – affordable and permanent

supportive housing Access to Resources for Special Education – creating a

research team on this issue Access to Resources for Homeless Citizens – Making

public spaces accessible for allWhen we combine our people power in mass, we can create the changes we all seek.

Facebook Reminder We have a Facebook page AND a group. You can see them by going to (page)

and (group), or by doing a search on “Christ the Lord Lutheran Church.” You can “Like” the page and/or join the group. Joining the group needs to get approved by the Facebook administrators from CTL. We would like to “hear” from you. If you want to post content, photos, and/or videos to the page and/or group, please do so. After the CTL administrators approve them they will show up on Facebook. Please be aware that the page and group are


“public,” that is, anyone on the Internet can see what is posted. Thank you for your participation!

Communion Class We will be having a communion instruction class this

summer.Saturday, August 27at CTL9:30 a.m. - NoonThis is for all children who haven't received instruction or

for any child who would like a refresher!Let me know if you have questions, or if you would like

your child to participate! Contact: Dss. Andrea

Analyzing and Understanding Systemic Racism WorkshopAn Analyzing and Understanding Systemic Racism workshop will take place Thursday, Saturday, July 28-30, 2016, at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 1100 E. 55th St., Chicago, IL 60615. An in-depth look at race and racism in the United States, this workshop is designed to reveal how systemic racism creates barriers to true multicultural diversity and racial justice, and will:

explore the historical development of systemic racism and its continuing effects in our society

examine the ongoing realities of racism including the identity-shaping power racism has on People of Color and White people

explore racism’s individual, institutional and cultural manifestations

consider the link between racism and other forms of oppression

This is a 2 ½ day workshop–participants must commit to attending all three sessions: Day 1: 6:00 - 9:00 p.m., Day 2: 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Day 3: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.



ELCA members: Early Registration (by July 1) — $75; After July 1 — $105

Non-ELCA: Early Registration (by July 1) — $360; After July 1 — $450

Registration includes workshop materials, snacks on Day 1, continental breakfast and lunch on Day 2 and Day 3. Register online at

Online registration ends July 23, 2016.The workshop is sponsored by the Metropolitan Chicago Synod Antiracism Team ( ), and is presented by Chicago Regional Organizing for AntiRacism.

Summer of Service Opportunites Sunday, July 17 11:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. Lunch, Service project, Advocacy and Me…what can I do? ALL AGES!!!Wednesday, July 20

Feed My Starving ChildrenJoin the CTL group on Wednesday, July 20th, from noon to 2:00PM to pack meals for children offered

through the Feed My Starving Children organization.Sign up by going to the website: .If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Dss. Andrea. Thank you!

Youth Mission Trip – all youth grades 6 and above July 31- August 3Saturday, August 20 9:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. - at C.T.L. - Service project - ALL GOD’S CREATURES service to animals in our community ALL AGES!!!

Friday, July 8, 2016 – Saturday, July 9, 20167:00 P.M. – 9:00 A.M.Friends welcome!GAMES-BONFIRE-MOVIE


By-Stander CPR & AED Training Come to this fun and energetic class to learn the 3 simple

steps for *Bystander (hands only) CPR and AED use. It is so simple, you will be excited to teach family and friends . Light meal provided. Registration is required.Hospital / Medical Center: Advocate Sherman HospitalClass Location: Advocate Sherman Hospital Address:Advocate Sherman Hospital1425 N Randall RdElgin, IL 60123Cost: $0.00Please call 1.800.3.ADVOCATE to register.July 16, 20169-12 noonPLEASE LET DEACONESS ANDREA KNOW IF YOU ARE ATTENDING!!

Community Clothes Outreach We are helping our neighbors at Calvary Lutheran Church. They are having a community clothes outreach event and have asked for our help. Please bring children's or adult clothing to CTL by Sun., July 24. The event is Sat., July 30 from 9AM - Noon.

Foster Care Opportunities at LSSI May is Foster Care Awareness Month, but as one of the largest provider of Foster Care services in Illinois, LSSI helps kids and families 365 days a year! LSSI places children in foster care, including children with special needs, and recruits and trains foster parents. We have offices in the following cities serving the surrounding communities: Chicago, Rockford, Aurora, Rock Island, Peoria, Champaign, and Marion. For more information about foster care, including becoming a foster parent, please call (888) 322-5774 or visit


Celebrate 150 Years of LSSI! On October 31, 2016, Lutheran Social Services of Illinois

(LSSI) turns 150! The organization is planning celebrations and commemorations to honor a century and a half of “bringing healing, justice, and wholeness to people and communities.” LSSI would like to hear from people who have been impacted by its services over the years who would share their stories. Please contact Barb Hailey, Director of Communications, and Advancement, at or (847) 635-4686.

Protecting Our Children Christ the Lord Lutheran Church has a child protection

policy for all children and youth, both for members of the church and for guests who are part of any program sponsored by the church. The policy deals with volunteer and staff screening and how various incidents that might occur will be handled for nursery age children through youth up to age 18. This document can be found in the entryway and is well worth reading by any parent or guardian. On Sun., Aug. 21, after church, there will be a meeting to review this document. All volunteers and staff who work with children and youth, including adult nursery assistants, are strongly encouraged to attend. Parents are invited, also. Jeanne T and her “friends” will be presenting. The Child Protection Committee meets once a year in the spring. If you are interested in being part of this group or if you have any questions, please contact Barb B.

Bound and Ungagged On Sat., Jul. 2 we will be meeting at Carol H home to

watch the movie "The Martian" and then we will compare the two. We will have a continental breakfast on this date. If you plan on coming on Sat., Jul. 2 please let Carol know for planning purposes. If you have any questions or would like to suggest a book that you think the book club would enjoy reading, please contact Carol H. (top)


May Financial Report

Gifts Given Gifts ExpectedMay $15,314 $13,542 +$1,772Year-to-Date $78,221 $76,237 +$1,984

Expenses year-to-date $69,252 +$8,969

Praise and thanksgiving, God, we would offer for all things living, you have made good. ELW 689Praise God for what God is doing in our midst.Thank you for your faithful financial stewardship now and in the past. Also, thank you for continued faithfulness to our mission to center in Christ and reach out to care.

We are also reminded we do not have a full time pastor at this time and there is much needed and long overdue work to be done on our building in the near future.

The Stewardship of Worship Do you want to live longer? In a 20-year study by the

American Medical Association of 76,000 nurses, those who went to worship more than once a week were 33% less likely to die during those 20 years, compared to those who never attended. Those who attended once a week were 26% less likely to die, and those who attended less than once a week were 13% less likely.

The authors of the study, led by a researcher from Harvard’s school of public health, concluded: “Religion and spirituality may be an underappreciated resource that physicians could explore with their patients. For those who have religious beliefs, attendance at services could be encouraged as a form of meaningful social participation.” Religious attendance was stronger than that of any other form of participation in a social group.

The preceding is from “Health and Family” June 8, Chicago Tribune.

Little did we know when Moses brought down the Ten Commandments of which the third is, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” it could mean longer and more full life. See you at worship!

Arlyn T, Stewardship Chair


Vineyard Breakfast CTL is providing breakfast for the needy at the Vineyard

Church in downtown Elgin on the third Thursday of each month. Breakfasts start at 7:00 a.m. We are providing sandwiches, fruit, etc. Anyone who would like to help by donating food, preparing, or serving, please contact Barb B.

Prayerful Humor Johnny had been misbehaving and was sent to his room.

After a while, he emerged and informed his mother that he had thought it over and then said a prayer.

"Fine,” said the pleased mother. "If you ask God to help you not misbehave, He will help you."

"Oh, I didn't ask Him to help me not misbehave," said Johnny. "I asked Him to help you put up with me."

Scrip Fundraising Simply return an order form with your check to the church

on Sunday. You will receive a new order form each week. You may pick up your order the following Sunday at the church.

We encourage you to take advantage of the wonderful benefits offered by this on-going fundraiser. If you have questions, please talk to Mary N 847-828-0027 or Dorothy G 847-888-4484.


*LEARNING*Adult Study Groups B. & B.: Bible and Brew

Bible and Brew will still meet at 7:00 p.m. at the Village Squire, Dundee. We gather for an hour of fellowship and fun as we discuss our faith and how it affects our daily lives. The topics are wide-ranging and interesting! So, come grab a beverage

or order a meal (Tuesdays have half-price burgers!) and grow in faith with one another. Contacts are Henrietta N or Carol B (top)

Morning Bible Study Every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. The discussion centers on the upcoming Sunday’s liturgical readings. Leader: Pr. Rothaar

Adult Forum – NO MEETINGS in JULY



Please pray for those who are part of the life of CTL who struggle with illness and other concerns, especially: Toni B, Bob & Diane B, Jessica B, Patsy B, Teri C, Jan & Howard E, Barb L, Dick & Dena M, Karl N, Pat P, and Marcy W.

Please pray for those in care facilities or at home, especially: At Home: Ursula H

Please pray for those in military service, especially:Brandt J, Matt K, and John Y

Please pray for our family and friends, especially:Kim A niece of Mary TPam E friend of T’sDorothy E mother of Carol HTaryn and Charlene grandniece and sister of Arlyn T.Lee Ann K daughter of Andy & Bob LKaty neighbor of Teri CMar K sister-in-law of Dena MGrace K aunt of Carol HMarjorie K sister-in-law of Frank & Corrine AChris L friend of Diane BRichard M brother-in-law of the Steve & Sue TSalma granddaughter of Jacki BSamantha friend of Dale & Mary NDon V father of Holly VJudy W friend of Diane B

Please pray for those who mourn:Charlette N mother of Carri Ann


*SPECIAL DATES TO REMEMBER*If you have a July event and it does not appear on the lists, please let us know so we can update our records.

July Birthdays2 - Robert F6 - Becky D8 - Jeremy R9 - Zachary M10 - Cassandra B10 - Brian S11 - Stephen B15 - Karen C15 - Angela T16 - Lilah S17 - Diane B20 - Jacki B

21 - Brook C24 - Lizzie D24 - Jennifer S25 - Alexandra B25 - Linda B26 - Sandra M26 - Dominic S27 - Landon V27 - Jeneane Z28 - Julie G29 - Dean S30 - Dana P

July Baptismal Anniversaries 1 - Tim E 8 - Robert F19 - Dominic S20 - Nicolette T

22 - John D23 - Jessica B26 - Michael C26 - Jeffrey M

July Wedding Anniversaries 1 - Arlyn & Jeanne T 6 - Susan & Stephen T10 - Lois & Gary S21 - Ann & Tom K23 - Laura & Mike E25 - Thomas & Debbie McG26 - Deborah & Doug J27 - Dana & Kevin P28 - Corrine & Frank A28 - Warren & Barbara B28 - Jeffrey & Katie M


*THANK YOU*Holy Holes – Henrietta N, Earl & Luann L, John M, Barb LawrenceAltar Flowers – Craig & Dale B, Henrietta N, Jacki B, Jim & Patty H, Henrietta N

A thankyou from Food for Greater Elgin: Fire Station #7 - 3270 Longcommon Parkway, Elgin – 2 garden beds (6’ x 16’ each) Potatoes have been planted

thanks to Norm, John Hess, and Chris W! We need volunteers throughout the season to water,

weed, and harvest. Thank you Chris, not only for coordinating our garden, but

also for helping with other community gardens in Elgin!


*CHRIST THE LORD LUTHERAN CHURCH*STAFFPr. Michael R – Interim Pastor ctlpastor@ctlelgin.orgDss. Andrea D – Director of Ministries ctldirmin@ctlelgin.orgJason P – Director of Music ctlmusic@ctlelgin.orgJim H – Director of Handbell Choir jim.harrer@ctlelgin.orgPeggy L– Office Administration ctloffice@ctlelgin.orgSandy M – Nursery

CONGREGATION COUNCILHenrietta N 2014-2017 PresidentEric L 2016-2019 Vice PresidentAnn O 2015-2018 Secretary & ArchivistJacki B 2014-2017 Corresponding SecretaryKarin K 2012*-2018Dale N 2012*-2018Jeanne T 2016-2019

CTL FINANCIAL TEAMBeth U TreasurerCarol C Financial Secretary

CTL Council minutes are now available on the entryway white board!


Christ the Lord Lutheran Church12N462 Tina Trail + Elgin, IL 60124-4876 + Phone: 847-741-8141

Office Hours Mondays: Office closed

Tuesday through Friday: 9:00 a.m.-1:00
