CLR-15 (FWD) July Edition Newsletter


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Commanding officer To the Families and Friends of CLR-15 (FWD),

We are one month closer to returning home and it is exciting to think about it, but we are clearly focused on the mission at hand. The Marines and Sail-

ors are committed to FINISHING STRONG and we are well on our way. Just like during a road race, as you round the corner and you see the finish line, we are

picking up the pace. It is inspiring to see such commitment, dedication, and determination.

An astute observer once said long ago, “We look to the heavens and see a bright star shining above. We cannot become that star, but each one of us

knows we can use its heavenly light to help direct us on our journey.” The Marine and Sailors of CLR-15 (FWD) are that great shining star – their example of-

fers direction, insight, and wisdom into how to conduct ourselves and how to lead. In everything they do, they shine brightly and serve as a valuable guide

for us all. As I have expressed to you before, it is an absolute privilege and honor to SERVE WITH such special men and women.

General Norman Schwarzkoph once said, “I admire men of character, and I judge character not by how men deal with their superiors, but mostly how

they deal with their subordinates, and that, to me, is where you find out what the character of a man is.” I strive to live up to this standard and the leadership

philosophy of CLR-15 (FWD) is etched with this principle firmly

in place. The incredible team of the Mighty 15 deserves nothing

less than this and please rest assured your loved ones are doing

exceptionally well. The days are long, the temperatures are ris-

ing, the challenges are present, but nothing can stop or slow

down this incredibly talented group of Marines and Sailors.

Whether it is repairing a critical vehicle, transporting im-

portant material, supplying vital equipment, providing escort

security, or saving lives, CLR-15 (FWD) has paved the way for

the 1st Marine Logistics Group Forward in support of Operation

Enduring Freedom. The Marines and Sailors have unequivocally

improved the READINESS of I MEF (FWD), brilliantly RE-

SPONDED to unit demands, RELIABLY performed all missions,

undeniably demonstrated RESILIENCE, and firmly established

indispensable RELATIONSHIPS to enhance the ability of units

participating in Counterinsurgency Operations.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers, we are

all blessed to have you in our lives and your encouragement is

so important to our success. “If you don’t know where you are

going, any road will get you there.” Rest assured, we know

where we are going and we are on a path to your arms and mis-

sion accomplishment.

Semper Fi,

K. J. Stewart


Sergeant major Families and Friends of CLR-15(FWD),

I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July weekend, but it was business as usual for our Marines and Sailors in Afghanistan over

the holiday weekend. The days are going by fast for us and I can’t believe we are a month closer to coming home. We are now past

the halfway mark of our deployment and are excited about returning home to our families and friends, but there is still a lot of work

to do before we come home.

The weather has been very hot and there have been a lot of dust storms over the last couple of weeks. We are hearing that July is

the hottest month in country and we should get some relief in August when the temperatures will stay around 100 degrees. No mat-

ter what the situation or working conditions the Marines and Sailors are still working very hard and continue to impress me on a

daily basis.

The Marines and Sailors are accomplishing every

mission they are given in an outstanding manner.

They have done great things in the last three months

and continue to impress all the other units in country.

All of the senior enlisted of the units that we support

have nothing but great things to say about the ser-

vice we provide them on a daily basis.

Our morale is still very high and we appreciate all

of the support that you have given us during this de-

ployment. We will stay focused on the mission and

keep in our thoughts and prayers every day. Please

stay safe and we look forward to seeing all of you

very soon.

Semper Fi,

SgtMaj J.S. Miller

CO’s Corner:

To the Family & Friends,

I am pleased to be writing the July newsletter as we have

passed the half way point. I am even more pleased to say the

Marines and Sailors of H&S Company have not slowed down for

a moment. I can say with confidence H&S Company is the core

behind the strongest Regiment in the Helmand Province. Each

section has made its mark on this country and I am excited to

think about what we will accomplish in the remaining three


The work the Marines and Sailors of H&S accomplished after

the SMU fire was truly remarkable, nevertheless the Company is

hungry for more. Our communications Marines have made

more progress wiring new buildings and lots in three months

than could have been expected over an entire deployment. In

the month of June our Combat Operations Center orchestrated

25 Combat Logistics Patrols, 3 Partnered Operations, 18 Recov-

ery Missions, and 5 Escorted missions. Our logistics Marines

planned 132 flights moving personnel and supplies throughout

the battle space.

Needless to say the Company is doing extraordinary things.

We all look forward to seeing our friends and family soon.

Please enjoy the rest of the summer.

Semper Fidelis!

1st Lt Matthew Russell

Page 6 Headquarters & service company

Sgt Vail came to H&S Company from 1st MLG FWD to help run our armory. He stepped on deck with a full head of steam and quickly stood up one

of the finest armories in Afghanistan. During his time with H&S Company he earned the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal for his out-

standing work. Sgt Vail left Afghanistan in June for medical reasons unrelated to work. As we lose an integral component of our force, we believe

his work ethic, and the way he trained his subordinates, will ensure the continued success of the CLR-15 (FWD) armory. Cincinnati Ohio will soon

get their outstanding Marine back, as he will be taking over his father’s business as a brick mason. Although, his wife Adiee, daughter Aubrey,

and son Aiden, welcome him home, the S-4 will miss him greatly. We are glad you will be there for the birth of your newest son Sgt Vail. We want

to thank you for what you did out here. You’re a great leader, a great friend, and a phenomenal person. You will succeed where ever life takes


Above: Sergeant Paul Vail

Headquarters & service company

1stSgt’s 2 CENTS:

We can see the light!

Your Marines and

Sailors are committed

to finish as strong as they started.

God Bless,

1stSgt McEvoy


“We’re having a Boy!”

Cpl Ronal Riosmoran

and his wife America,

expecting parents.

Birthday SHOUT OUTs!

LCpl Korrey Ostler (July 7)

LCpl William Tanner (July 8)

MSgt Veronica Munoz (July 12)

HM2 Donnie Robertson (July 12)

LCpl Sarah Kalkstein (July 13)

Cpl Francis Hayden (July 15)

Sgt Emmanuel Boyd (July 16)

1stLt Graciani’s wife,

Marilyn Graciani (July 30)

Above: We had the privilege to receive shirts from UFC’s

premiere cutman, Jacob “Stitch” Duran. As a token of ap-

preciation, we sent him a photo which he posted on his

website. Check it out:

Page 7

Below: The ribbon cutting ceremony for the CLR-15

(FWD) gazebo (aka CO’s Think Tank) with Com-

manding Officer LtCol K. J. Stewart and S-4 lead, Cpl


maintenance company

MOTOR TRANSPORT MAINTENANCE We have come a long way since arriving in country over 3 months ago - yes it

has been 3 months already and we are at the half way point of our deployment.

When we reflect on the last three months and all that we have accomplished, there

have so many accomplishments it is hard to remember all of them. During the

month of June we rotated 1/3 of each of our sections, mechanics in the IMA lot be-

tween the MRAP, MRAP-ATV and legacy equipment, in order to ensure that all me-

chanics are trained on all of the Motor Transport equipment used in support of I MEF

operational forces. Also, since half of our brothers and sisters are Reservists, this

will improve their technical proficiency in their MOS and in the Marine Forces Re-


During the last month we’ve had several mechanics who were interviewed

and a public affairs article published about our ability to rebuild/repair I MEF’s

MRAPs. Also, SSgt Cooke (MTM Recovery Chief) conducted a live interview for NBC

San Diego. He was chosen due to the outstanding recovery support that his team

provides to I MEF operational forces. The links below will take you to the website.

The Marines at GS MT are in high demand since the platoons in GS MT con-

duct frequent Combat Logistics Patrols. The mechanics at GS MT have risen to the

occasion and assisted in over 20 convoys, providing pre-operational and post op-

erational checks on all vehicles allowing the operators to shift their focus on the

safety of the loads, the equipment they are hauling, and enabling them to get much

needed rest to return to base in a safely. To date the Marines have completed 320

different repairs to the over 250 vehicles that are moving supplies and equipment

down the road.

The first place equipment goes when it arrives in country is the IIP lot. Once

there, the IIP maintenance team works to identify defects quickly. Once all defects

have been identified, repairs are conducted to the equipment to ensure it is opera-

tional and combat ready. From there, all motor transport assets are sent to the Joint

Projects Office lot to get additional equipment installed. From there, vehicles requir-

ing gunner turrets are sent to IMA where the modifications are applied. From April

20th to May 9th, the IIP Maintenance team has conducted 163 limited technical inspec-

tions (LTIs) and has performed repairs on 120 pieces of equipment. Good job IIP!

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Headquarters Platoon

Another month has gone by and the Marines of Headquarters

(HQs) Platoon continue to impress. It’s amazing the ingenuity and

work ethic of Marines as they are continually tested mentally and

physically away from home. The long hours and harsh climate have

taken their toll on everyone, but parts are still getting ordered,

shipped, and received, paperwork is still getting filed and the re-

porting is still getting accomplished. All of this while moving into

our new homes, the Maintenance Company and Maintenance Man-

agement Office buildings.

The compliments are also pouring in. CLR-15 (FWD) is defi-

nitely being touted as the tip of the logistical spear. The Marines

here are changing the pace of operations and leading the Marine

Logistics Group (MLG) in accomplishing the mission. The support

that the Marines in HQs Plt are giving directly impacts Maintenance

Company’s support to the MEF. I am proud of the efforts and deter-

mination of each and every one of the Marines in HQs Platoon for

persevering during these challenging times. Know that the support

they receive from their friends and family does not go unnoticed. It

puts a hop in their step for every mail call when the letters, post-

cards and packages are received.

A special congratulations to Cpl Clark on his meritorious pro-

motion to Corporal this month and SSgt Hunter for his selection to

Gunnery Sergeant.

supply company Page 12


We are definitely on the downward slope of the deployment. I know all of you are as eager to get us home as we are to get there. I con-

tinue to be impressed with the level of dedication your Marines and Sailors have displayed through hot days and long hours. The new lot is

improving everyday and while we knew we are the premier logistics organization in the Marine Corps we’re starting to look like it. This

month has been one of visits from high ranking government officials and General Officers. Just to make things interesting we were also

visited by the Field Supply and Maintenance Analysis Office. They inspected the General Account, Fiscal, Customer Service, System Op-

erations and the Initial Issue Point. We fared pretty well overall, a testament to the hard work of the Company. We are looking forward to

rejoining all of you and the time is flying by. We’ll be back in no time!


Maj Doug Burke


We have passed the half way point of this deployment and are well on our way to seeing a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. Much of the

company is starting to think about their departure from Afghanistan. For some, it started the day we arrived, while others awaited the arri-

val of the extreme heat or until our days remaining in theater dropped below 90. I often hear Marines and Sailors discussing their leave

plans for the return. I have heard it all; from luxurious cruises, visits to isolated places, trips to Las Vegas and the ever so popular Disney

Land. Each person has something different which they are looking forward to and I enjoy listening to their plans.

The new Supply Management Unit compound is coming along nicely. A few of the buildings which we will soon occupy are almost com-

plete, while others are still in various stages of construction. Some will transition over to the new facilities in the following weeks and be

able to say goodbye to the tents which they have been working from. It will be a welcomed change for many.

Not sure if you heard yet, but a cold front bombarded this week dropping temperatures below 110. I am sure a few are looking forward to

the new facilities just so they have a place to step inside and warm up from the cold. I can only hope that the heat is going to break and we

see a trend of cooling begin. While the company has been actively engaged and not letting the heat interfere with their performance, we

have taken steps to reduce the amount of personnel exposed to the heat by establishing night time schedules. We still have day time com-

mitments but are trying to remain creative and accomplish a majority of our work in the cooler hours of the day.

I would like to thank those of you who increased the frequency of your communications or sent a few more packages to the warriors of Sup-

ply Company this month. This additional communication was well received and well deserved. I ask that we keep this ongoing throughout

this month too. The company continues to do a bang up job and mail call remains the highlight of the day.

1stSgt Ray Stephens

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MISCO Family and friends,

We are a little more than half way done with the deployment and we are hoping the

next half will go by quicker so we can get back home to you all. This month has been

a busy one. We’ve had a few adjustments to work schedules but we are pushing

through it all and doing what we do. Cpl Sanders, Christiane attended the Corporals

Course from 27 June to 17 July and Cpl Silva, Ivan attended the Grey Belt MCMAP

Course from 28 June to 16 July. Both have successfully been able to handle these

courses and a college course simultaneously in addition to working their normal

shifts. Both Marines are doing an outstanding job troubleshooting issues our custom-

ers send in and providing all the reports to support the using units with ability to track

their equipment in the maintenance cycle more effectively. They have made it an in-

teresting deployment with their sense of humor and their funny antics. There is never

a dull day. Thank you for all the love and support you have shown us thus far. God


GySgt Cruz, Ramonita



The warfighting Marine counts on six essential elements: intelli-

gence, command and control, fire, maneuver, force protection,

and logistics, all of which are important and all equal.

As Ammunition Technicians in Afghanistan, our job falls under

logistics. It all starts in our Records Section where all the ammu-

nition is documented by and electronic data-base. Maintaining

records falls on the back of a section NCO and a troop. This

small team of number crunchers and desk jockeys supply the

documentation that those responsible for storing the ammuni-

tion need to in order to fill a support request. Once Records has

processed the ammunition orders, whether they are for emer-

gency (in the fight) usage, or for training purposes, it moves

along to the Storage section. Ammunition Storage Marines in

Afghanistan are those who have proven knowledge of the am-

munition, its storing capacities, weights and factory counts back

home. Storage Marines, our heavy lifters, the bottom line of the

2311 field, locates, inspects, counts, recounts, and moves the

ammunition into the distribution point. This is where the Ammu-

nition Issue Marines steps in. Issuing or distributing consists of

preparing all requests for shipment to the frontline warfighter,

whether by standing guard while it is loaded onto trucks or se-

curing and netting it onto helicopters r placing it inside a KC-

130 for delivery.

This process continues day in and day out whether it’s two hun-

dred pallets of artillery rounds, or ten pin flares, the process,

the work, and the integrity and importance of mission accom-

plishment stays the same. Insuring this, our NCO's, Staff NCO's

and Officer meticulously watch and look after the jobs at hand,

improving and helping when appropriate, fixing mistakes when

found, and encouraging the hard work that they see. Support-

ing the overseeing of this FASP’s (Field Ammunition Supply

Point) daily routines also falls on the shoulders of our IAC

(Inventory Accuracy Control) and QC (Quality Control) Ma-

rines, untying any knots that result in our daily wiring.

Page 14 supply company

AMMO continued…

The 2311 MOS is alive and well during these summer months in Afghani-

stan. Physical training taking an even larger role than it does in the rear,

each Marine waiting on their turn, should it arise, to go into the fight. Our

days start at around 0530 with some mornings starting with unit runs and

some mornings just a long drive to FASP to start work. We arrive at the

FASP gear up or down depending on what the day calls for, report to our

section and start hustling. It’s around 100 degrees everyday here so the

hustle quickly works at the body. Hydration is key to mission accomplish-

ment here at the ASP. Hundreds of bottles of water are consumed every

day. Chow time rolls in on us around 1130, probably everyone’s favorite

part of the day. Every section, plus the NCO's, Staff NCO's and Officer

convene in the building that our Maintenance Section Marines con-

structed for us, gathered around a very large table and bench area that

has a great ability to bring us together to enjoy a respite, chow, ammuni-

tion classes, story sharing, and occasionally some card games. Some of

our Marines use this time to hit the gym for a second dosage of physical

training, saving only the last few minutes for a quick bite of chow before

its back to the daily grind. We have here in Afghanistan two crews, one

for day operation and one for night operations. It has created a great

chance at getting twice as much accomplished, giving the troops and

NCOs’ a bigger role in small unit leadership, which has always and will

always play a part in the forming of a solid Marine Corps.

We have now passed the half way point. Our work place looks completely

different than when we arrived. New buildings for IAC and QC, Mainte-

nance and a new chow and troop downtime area, have made everything

better and more useful than when we arrived. We have decided as a

company that if we don’t leave our mark here in Afghanistan both with our

work proficiency and our actual structures then we will have wasted our

time. Everyone here has really hit their stride and as much as we feel we

are running on auto-pilot sometimes, we are progressively getting

stronger and smarter with each day passing.

We all look forward to going home to the states whether it’s in 3

months or next year, we just don’t want to leave till we feel accomplished,

and as any salty Marine can tell you, there’s always more work to be

done. Rah.

LCpl Nik J. Gay

supply company Page 15

SYSTEM OPERATIONS In System Operations we provide support by processing all the units data and then providing them reports to help make supply decisions. We analyze all

the negative trends throughout the supply chain and assist units with any problems they may have.

We have a few “First Timers”, Marines on their first deployment. However, they have adapted and adjusted well and continue to do GREAT things! Our OIC

and Marines of SysOps would like to give their special shout outs and the first thing they would like to do upon return to stateside.







We truly miss our families and friends, as we are in your prayers you are also in ours. We continue to stay strong and look forward to the day we are re-


God Bless and Semper Fi!

Sgt Catalina M. Perez

gsmt company Page 17


It’s been a GREAT month thus far. We had the pleasure of promoting a number

of Marines from Lance Corporal to Corporal and from Corporal to Sergeant.

Lance Corporals Diaz, Barbera, Depina, May, Reid, Infantino, May and Santiago

were all promoted to Corporal, and will be wearing the Non-Commissioned Offi-

cer Blood Stripe on their Dress Blue trousers with pride this fall. Corporals

Eggleston, Henderson, Oldaker and Preston were all promoted to the rank of

Sergeant…frequently referred to as the BEST rank in the Marine Corps. Then

Lance Corporal, now Corporal, Depina was also selected as the Company’s Road

Warrior of the Month for the month of June in addition to being promoted to his

current rank. A hearty congratulation to these well deserving Marines!


Capt Charlie Hines

Above Right: LCpl Curran and his wife, Alexandra, meet the Com-

mandant and Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps who presented

him with a Purple Heart for injuries sustained from an IED on a

Combat Logistics Patrol.

gsmt company Page 18

COMPANY FIRST SERGEANT Hello Family and Friends!

It’s the middle of summer here and our Marines have been operating

full throttle in the month of July! The operational tempo has been

strong and time is going by quickly. We are now over the halfway

point and preliminary planning has already begun for the Marines

who are coming out to replace us. Our Marines are learning leaps

and bounds about their jobs and about themselves. They’re staying

motivated and working together as a team. Our Marines continue to

accomplish their missions despite the consistent, harassing sand

storms and heat that now often exceeds 110 degrees. With that being

said, their desire to serve their Country and Corps is unbending.

Rest assured you can be proud of each and everyone one of them. As

always, we sincerely appreciate the many kind emails, letters and

packages we regularly receive.

Semper Fidelis,

1stSgt Miller

security company Page 20


Hello Again to all our families:

We have now passed the half way point, and Glory and Honor be to

God for protecting us thus far and as I have previously mentioned, it

is my prayer that he will do the same for the remainder of the de-

ployment. Your Marines and Sailors are getting excited about com-

ing home, as they should because you all have shown your support

for them since leaving the parade deck. This reason alone makes

the company’s overall morale high. I sincerely thank you for your

consistency in supporting by mail, phone calls and taking care of

the home front. You have made this deployment a fun and exciting


I want to say to all, as we start coming on the down-hill side of this

adventure, remain extremely flexible as it pertains to solid dates for

return. Your Marines and Sailors may tell you a day they are return-

ing but just as sure as I am writing this portion of the news letter, “It

Will Change.” Not as a result of anything that we can prevent, so

please do not purchase tickets or lock your-selves into any non-

refundable purchases. Additionally, please keep your own safety

and security in mind; you do not want to put this type of information

on face book, my space or anything of that nature. Again, thanks for

all you do back home and we will see you soon.

As I conclude, I again want to reiterate how blessed we have been

thus far and I know it’s because of praying families. So please keep

on praying and do not stop until you are hugging your Marine or



We want to say congratulations to the below listed Marines.

Cpl Flores, Ramiro: Certificate of Commendation for Marine of

the Quarter

LCpl Allender, Jared: Good Conduct Medal

Sgt Boniface, Rodney: Good Conduct Medal

Sgt Munn Darren: Good Conduct Medal

May God Bless You All in my Prayers

GySgt, Alvin T. Dupree Jr

Security Company First Sergeant


This Month’s contribution to the Regimental news letter is written by LCpl

Caitlin Campbell of Washington State . LCpl Campbell is an avid reader and

a prolific short story writer. She is a driver in first platoon security company

and has amassed over 3420 miles while conducting 52 missions across south-

ern Helmand Province, Afghanistan. She is a hard worker who is very reli-

able. She is always at her appointed place of duty at the appointed time.

LCpl Campbell represents the epitome of our Corps values of honor, courage

and commitment. She works as hard if not harder than her peers. She con-

ducts all missions courageously and with due diligence. LCpl Campbell is

also a representative sample of the Marines of Security Company and Combat

Logistics Regiment-15 (Forward), who willingly operate in harm’s way day-in

and day-out across the desert sands of Helmand Province and the Helmand

River valley. LCpl Campbell has submitted a package to join the Marine Se-

curity Guard program where she will continue to represent the Marine Corps

in foreign countries alongside the State Department. We hope she gets ac-

cepted in the program. Enjoy her contribution.

Capt Carper

security company Page 21

The Story So Far

By LCpl Caitlin R. Campbell

This was difficult to write, but I see that as a good thing. It means the deployment has gone smoothly so far, and most likely will continue to run with-

out hiccups until the end. Just to clarify the tone, there is nowhere else I would rather be at this moment. This has been one of the best experiences of my life

and I know my mind will still find itself here long after our last tire tracks are covered by sand and wind.

Time and the pace of our operations have blurred the memory of our landing in country, but about three months ago we arrived in Afghanistan full of

apprehension tempered by our confidence to have a successful deployment. Yes, we had been trained, but how much can you tell someone about a deploy-

ment, and how much has to be left to the individual to experience?

A few weeks after our long-awaited arrival, the missions began. Initially we had two platoons, three squads each, and we were conducting Combat

Logistics Patrols (CLPs). These consisted mainly of resupply missions to other bases nearby. Bases with airstrips of their own and I still can’t figure out the

logic behind those logistics.

Whatever the case, new and exciting things just kept on coming. A fourth squad was created, originally to provide security for Explosive Ordnance

Disposal. Eventually this squad became Immediate Reaction Team. Second platoon took on the responsibilities of Quick Reaction Force and my own squad

began running missions to Marjah. I was elated; there were rivers and trees and people! Looking at something other than endless wasteland and swirling

moon dust was a welcome change. We were tasked with escorting much needed supplies of water to the Marines operating in Marjah but, by the third mis-

sion it was unwanted water.

The company has had its share of passive-aggressive enemy engagement, and that we haven’t lost anyone is indisputably a relief. That said, the

CLPs are all very routine. Drive there, drive back, maybe see a camel or seventy. A note on camels, these are creatures without fear. These I’m-going-to-

stand-in-front-of-a-multi-ton-vehicle-and-not-move creatures, they’re either more solid than they look or we have suicidal camels. Can’t really blame them, I

wouldn’t want to live here either. Oh wait…

Life goes on, to put it simply. There’s always something to miss, somewhere else to be, someone to play cards with where ever you find yourself in the

world. Here in Afghanistan is not that much different from being home, save that we are so far removed from luxury and free will. The job you do be-

comes your freedom, it’s the best thing you have to hold on to. The individual job gets done, mission accomplishment just happens. Trucks get stuck,

pulled out and we continue. Trucks get hit, towed, and we continue. Loads fall off, fluids leak, tires go flat, mine rollers break, mine rollers break again

(it bears repeating), communication breaks down, still the mission goes on. You always get up and march, so when it comes time for mindless busy

work that is always done wrong the first time all you can do is laugh and know it could be worse.

It’s not just the events outside the wire that deserve attention, much of what happens on base warrants some recognition. Let’s explore the mo-

tor pool. What was once an empty lot is now full of portable plastic buildings, Conex Boxes (train cars, basically), trucks, and a pull-up bar that was

once made of a tent-pole. This obviously was not ideal, as tent poles by their very nature are flexible. It’s amazing what can happen with the bare

bones of civilization’s materials when you add in several dozen Marines. Still, this whole lot in all of its practical military splendor is temporary. I can’t

wait to see what new wonderland we’ll be working in next. The suspense is making me tense, good thing we have a pull-up bar.

This facetiousness does lead me into a conclusion. Without a sense of humor, you really can’t survive in this line of work. Humor gets you out of

your head, gets you up on your feet in the morning only able to laugh that zero four will always be a stupid time to be awake no matter what time zone

you’re in. Twenty-four hour posts will never really be desirable, nor will taking ten hours to go eighty miles. Still, sanity is kept through being able to

laugh after all is said and done. Of all the gunners and drivers, vehicle commanders, and dismounts, Security Company’s real greatest strength is get-

ting through the day in good humor.

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Page 24 Charlie surgical company


A famous philosopher once said, “Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” For Charlie Surgical Company this deployment

hasn’t always been smooth, however its members have risen to, and overcome the challenges they have been faced with. All

members are credited with overcoming these obstacles, however it is the quality of leadership that makes this ship sail. Com-

manding Officer; Commander Christine Mankowski, Executive Officer LT; Jason Custodia, and Senior Enlisted Leader; HMC

Barry Floyd, are those who can be credited with running the Charlie Surgical ship. With members of the company dispersed

throughout five different Camps and FOBs across the Helmand Province area of operation, these leaders rely heavily on the

Senior Officers, Chiefs, and 1st Classes in which they have delegated the authority to run operations at each of the respective

locations. Senior Enlisted Leader, Chief Barry Floyd, when asked to elaborate on this matter, said: “Being on the Marine side,

flexibility is crucial because circumstances can change at a moment’s notice. As the leaders we have to rely greatly on our Sen-

ior Officers, Chiefs, and HM1 Dudding down

at Marjeh, to relay vital information by phone

and E-mail. We have to stay flexible because

sometimes connectivity (internet) is lost, and

there are certain Regiment deadlines we

have to meet. As far as our members go, they

have done everything the Commander has

asked of them, and they have remained flexi-

ble, just like they have been since day one in

January when we first came together as a

group.” With the midway point of the de-

ployment nearing, one thing is certain; Char-

lie Surgical Company has certainly fulfilled

their mission of saving the lives of Marines in

Afghanistan. To conclude; the seas haven’t

always been smooth for Charlie Surgical

Company during this deployment; however

those same seas have created skillful Sailors

and Marines.

Charlie surgical company Page 25


Some days here in Afghanistan we ponder of the notion that perhaps we are serving our country on a different planet. The fact that life

doesn’t stop back in the States is difficult to grasp at times; knowing that our kids are saying their first words, the Los Angeles Lakers are

winning NBA titles, and the latest and greatest technological gadget is hitting the shelves at Best Buy. The fact that we aren’t home to wit-

ness these splendorous events can be very trying at times. The monotony of a day here is as inevitable as death itself, and the only way

to maintain positive morale in this Biblical-aged forgotten country is to bind to each other’s emotions and provide support for one an-

other in times of trial and tribulation. For LT Jeff Borut, Trauma Surgeon of Charlie Surgical Co., he and his wife Jenny had their first

child, daughter Taylor Rose Borut (8 lbs. 11 oz.), on May 7th. Although he was not able to be in the physical presence of this extraordi-

nary event, members of Charlie Surgical Company emotionally gathered around him and had a “It’s A Girl” Cigar Celebration under

the illuminating stars at Camp Dwyer. It is a reassuring thought to know that regardless of how many nautical miles we are away from

our family and friends, knowing that we are all under the same stars is a relieving feeling for all.





Medical School and Hospital Corps School

trained us how to use tools such as stetho-

scopes and scalpels, not nail guns and Miter

Saws. Given the task of drafting and con-

structing a Level II medical facility at FOB

EDI, the ADVON “Construction Party” of

Charlie Surgical Co., consisting of 22 mem-

bers with a range in professional scope of

Corpsman to Emergency Trauma Surgeon, all

sacrificed sweat and calories (some sacri-

ficed blood) to create a Taj Mahalesque medi-

cal facility. Their hard work and dedication to

their mission proved to be prosperous as they

were fully operationally capable after just 13

days of dawn to dusk rigorous labor.

A special thanks to Master Gunnery Sergeant

Johns and his crew for providing us with the

essential tools and foundational expertise

necessary to build our facility. On another

note, Charlie Surgical Company Senior Offi-

cer In Charge Captain Michael

Schlegel, gained the title of being Charlie

Surgical Company’s “Master Carpenter” for

his excellent woodworking projects.

Charlie surgical company Page 26

Greetings from the Chaplain

Have you ever heard the saying, “What goes around, comes around?” This is the in-a-nutshell teaching of karma, a

concept that is familiar to Buddhists, Hindus, and others in many world religions. Karma is an ancient Indian word,

but many Americans have heard of it and believe in it to some degree, although in a casual sense, as in invoking

the idea of karma against somebody who has done something “bad,” like the above saying. But what does karma

actually mean?

Karma literally means “action.” Specifically, it refers to three kinds of action: physical, mental, and verbal. That is,

our actions, our thoughts, and our speech all can create karma. These actions can be good, bad, or neutral. Every

action brings about a corresponding re-action, just as in the laws of physics. In the Buddhist religion, karma is a

moral teaching: we believe bad actions lead to suffering and good actions lead to happiness. We also believe that

this retribution or reward may happen either in our own lifetime, or in another lifetime (the doctrine of rebirth, or

reincarnation), so although we believe all actions have its effect, its “ripening,” this may not necessarily happen in

our own lifetime. Also, any good or bad action that happens to us in this lifetime may have had its origin either in

past actions in this lifetime or in a past life. We do not know when karma will “ripen,’ or occur. Therefore the doc-

trine of karma is to teach us to always strive to live a moral life, and to understand and know how to maintain when

tragedy strikes.

Karma is also mentioned in the Bible! Galatians 6:7 states, “You will always harvest what you plant.” Thus, the uni-

versality of karma has been recognized by many religious beliefs, although the word itself may be a little different.

Karma also has roots in the Golden Rule: do to others as you would have them do to you. This teaching is observed

by virtually all beliefs, even secular beliefs.

Whether or not you choose to believe karma is, of course, up to you. But whatever religion or spiritual belief you

may subscribe to or not, it is the truth that there are inevitable results of the actions we commit, positive and nega-

tive. We may also never know the ultimate results of our actions. Being able to recognize this most basic fact of life

can help guide us in decisions for what is beneficial for ourselves and others, and to avoid the opposite.

Namaste! (Peace!)

Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals LCDR Delpidio; Bravo

LTJG Burrell; Bravo

LTJG Martinez; Bravo

HM1 Alvarenga; Bravo

HM1 Blaine; Bravo

SSgt Coleman; Charlie

HM1 Foy; Charlie

HM1 Highley; Bravo

HM1 Hradil; Bravo

HM1 Russell; Charlie

Sgt Albright; Maintenance

HM2 Liammayty; Bravo

HM2 Thomas; Bravo

HM2 Salinas; Bravo

Sgt Vail; H&S

HM2 Yocum; Bravo

Cpl Floreslemus; Maintenance

Cpl Guidetti; H&S

Cpl Nicholson; Bravo

HM3 Peterson; Bravo

LCpl Martindale; Supply

LCpl Medlin; Maintenance

LCpl Perez, Joaquin; Supply

LCpl Zuchelli; Supply

Certificates of Commendation MGySgt Johns; H&S

Cpl Haering; H&S

HM2 Magee; Bravo

HM3 Harrington; Bravo

HM3 Lake; Bravo

HM3 Rask; Bravo

Cpl Adams; Maintenance

LCpl Flores; Security

LCpl Loftin; Maintenance

HN Peters; Bravo

LCpl Plyler; Maintenance

LCpl Wallace; Maintenance

Meritorious Masts Cpl Desaboia; Supply

Cpl Hustedt; Maintenance

LCpl Depina; GSMT

LCpl Johnson, Thomas; Supply

LCpl Kirchner; GSMT

LCpl Lungmus; Maintenance

LCpl Villarreal, Ryan; Supply

awARDS Page 28


Brandon Diggins

Robert Eggleston

Thomas Grayson

Carrisa Henderson

Jason Hollingshead

Stephen Jensen

Brian Oldaker

Ester Pena

Matthew Preston

Josue Salais


Mark Barbera

Norman Bowser

Brian Cooper

Armando Cruz

Steven Depina

Rafael Diaz

Christopher Foxhill

Jonathan Hanshoe

Shaun Hooks

Jameson Infantino

Thomas Lang

David Leach

Caleb Luikens

Cory May

Kevin Ohri

Daniel Reed

Magdalena Rodriguez

Christian Santiago

Patrick Tinney

Gilbert Yates

Lance Corporal

Trevor Felton

Brian Jones

Joshmary Quilesreyes

Arturo Villarreal

Master Sergeant

Jaime Lopez

Gunnery Sergeant

Ramonita Cruz

July promotions

New Additions to the CLR-15 (FWD) Family

Maintenance Company


SSgt Joe and Laura Henderson


Cpl Evaristo and Michele Avila


Cpl Nathanael and Kelly Gilbert


Cpl Joshua and Brandi Heilmann


Cpl Christopher and Shannon Smith

GSMT Company


Cpl Brian and Alyssa Butler


Cpl Andrew and Ana Figueroa


LCpl Gordon and Joycelyn Seawood

Charlie Surgical Company


HM3 Matthew and Christine Brown


CLR-15 (FWD) is creating a cruise book to capture all of our memories and

accomplishments from the 10.1 rotation. Below is the link that will direct

you to the order form, credit cards only.

The cruise book will be 65 pages, all in color, and hard bound.
