CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


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  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture




    Week 5 Lecture

    Copyright 2012, John McCash. This work may be copied, modified, displayed anddistributed under conditions set forth in the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to CreativeCommons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Quiz 1 Review

    1. Four types of NTFS TimeStamp

    2. Attribute holding standard NTFStimestamps

    3. Long/short filename MFT records

    4. File Slack

    5. Registry Key Structure

    6. Spoliation

    7. NTFS MFT

    8. NTFS Folder Information Attributes

    9. Chain of Custody 2

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Quiz 1 Review (#1 88%)

    1. Four types of NTFS TimeStamp (in orderas they appear in MFT attributes) MACB Born/Created

    Modified: Last written time of the files dataattribute

    Changed: Last written time of the Files MFTentry (ownership or permission changedoesnt change the Changed time)


    Key Info: Remember the names

    Remember the difference between Modified &Changed

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Quiz 1 Review (#2 60%)

    2. Which NTFS Attribute stores thetimestamps that are used by mostWindows APIs?

    Standard Information Attribute

    Other places NTFS timestamps arestored

    Filename Attributes (Long and 8.3)

    INDEX_ROOT & INDEX_ALLOCATIONAttributes for parent folder

    Include copies of Filename Attributes

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Quiz 1 Review (#3 23%)

    3 File Timestamp locations in MFT entry

    Most important takeaway from my firstforensics class, as well as my favorite

    interview questionBurn the next slide into your brains

    (except for the actual namespace

    identifiers)Please dont get this question wrong on

    the final

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Quiz 1 Review

    3 File Timestamp locations in MFT entry One set of four in the Std Info Attribute

    One set in each of the Filename attributes

    Files that have names fitting within thelegacy 8.3 (8 character name, 3 characterextension) specification have only oneFilename attribute (Namespace 3 Win32/DOS)

    Files with longer name or ext have a long(Namespace 1 - Win32) Filename attribute,plus an additional 8.3 (Namespace 2 - DOS)Filename attribute is automaticallygenerated

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    File Slack: (#4 30%)I think I see where I went wrong here

    Can anybody explain to me the difference between aCluster and a Sector?

    Both are minimum supported allocation unit sizes Sector is for the physical device (as seen by the OS)

    Cluster is for the filesystem

    Its possible for both to be the same size

    Clusters are typically several times (exact multiple)the size of a sector

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Quiz 1 Review

    4. What is File Slack? (definition shouldspecifically include RAM Slack) Use anexample on the back if you need to clarify.

    The answer, Any remaining sectors in the lastcluster of a file following the RAM Slack.does not include RAM Slack.

    Answer should have been something like:

    All unused space in the last cluster of the file,including the RAM Slack, which is unused space in

    the last occupied sector

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Quiz 1 Review

    4. File Slack

    Space after the end of the file data in the lastcluster allocated to the file

    Space between the logical and physical end of file

    Term is sometimes used inconsistently WRT theinclusion of RAM slack

    RAM Slack

    Space between the end of file data in the last

    occupied sector, and the end of that sector If file uses the last sector in the cluster, this is the

    same as file slack

    Called RAM slack because old versions of Win95populated it with random data from memory

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    4. File Slack Diagram



    3 Clusters Allocated

    Occupied Sector

    File Slack Sector RAM Slack


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    Quiz 1 Review ($5 20%)

    5. Registry Structures

    Maybe people didnt realize what Iwas asking here. Its really abouthow to recognize Registry Keys andValues from context, and what you

    can extract from them

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    Quiz 1 Review

    5. Registry Structures

    Key nk signature, Contains aWindows FILETIME timestamp

    Value vk signature, no timestamp,but may appear shortly after its parent

    nk structure

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    Quiz 1 Review (#6 57%)

    6. Spoliation - The destruction or significant alteration ofevidence, or the failure to preserve property foranothers use as evidence in pending or reasonablyforeseeable litigation

    A party claiming Spoliation must demonstrate: The party having control of the evidence had an

    obligation to preserve it at the time it was destroyed

    The evidence was destroyed with a culpable state ofmind

    The destroyed evidence was relevant to the partysclaim or defense such that reasonable trier of factcould find that it would support that claim or defense

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    Quiz 1 Review (#7,8 87%,13%)

    7/8 NTFS

    Terminology & important attributes

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Quiz 1 Review

    7/8 NTFS/MFT Everything in NTFS is a File MFT Structure (every file has an MFT entry) File Attributes, particularly:

    Standard Information Attribute (contains primary

    file timestamps) Filename Attribute (there may be two of these, and

    each contains redundant set of timestamps) Data Attribute (for resident files [very small], data is

    contained in the MFT entry itself) Data attributes after the first are referred to as Alternate

    Data Streams Index_Root_Attribute (directories/folders, resident) Index_Allocation Attribute (directories/folders,

    nonresident) B-Tree Contains complete File_Name Attributes,

    including redundant timestamps

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Quiz 1 Review (#9 80%)

    9. Evidence tracking &documentation process: Chain ofCustody

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Muicache Correction:Key moved in Win7



    Win7 UserClass.Dat Hive HKU\*\Software\Classes\Local


    Another location to check to see if anexecutable has been run

    Doesnt list run time17

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    New Material for This Week Thumbnails Email Forensics

    Intro to Incident Response

    Malicious Code Incident Handling

    Link/Shortcut Files

    Windows 7 Jump Lists


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    Mechanism for creating and storingthumbnail images of pictures & firstpages of documents for use infolder previews

    Pre-Vista: Thumbs.db

    Vista+: Thumbcache

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    Pre-Vista: Thumbs.db

    Populated in any folder which has been at onetime set to show thumbnails of includedimages & documents

    Hidden file, not viewed by most users and notcleaned out when files are removed from thefolder

    Uses OLE compound document format (similar

    to Office 2K3 and previous) to store: thumbnail picture of original image or first page of


    last modification time

    original filename

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Thumbs.db Analysis

    Binary format is a mess. Sector based,devised in the days of floppy disks.

    Free Tool: Mitec Windows File Analyzer Another one: Vinetto (open source

    python script also does Vistathumbcache)

    Format is also parsed directly byEnCase and FTK

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Vista+: Thumbcache

    Single, centrally stored file for each user Thumbcache_32.db (small) Thumbcache_96.db (medium) Thumbcache_256.db (large) Thumbcache_1024.db (extra large) Thumbcache_idx.db Thumbcache_sr.db

    Located in\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer

    All created when a folder is switched to thumbnail

    mode or views pictures in a slideshow Even stores thumbnails for pictures/docs/media on

    removable media, network shares, or encryptedcontainers

    Numbered files store actual images, linking to files isdone by idx file.

    Purpose of sr file not yet determined

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Email Forensics

    In Transit: Simple Mail TransportProtocol (SMTP)

    At Rest (various storage formats)

    PST/OST (Outlook)

    DBX (Outlook Express)

    EML/FOL (Windows Mail)

    MSF/no ext (Thunderbird) MBX/TOC (Eudora)


    Calendar & Contact data

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Telnet SMTP Spoofing Example

    [srchost]# telnet localhost 25Trying Connected to 220 ESMTP Sendmail helo250 OKmail from:

    250 Sender okrcpt to: target@dsthost.com250 Recipient okdata354This is a spoofed message.

    250 RAA Message accepted for deliveryquit221 closing connectionConnection closed by foreign host

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Example Email Headers

    Return-Path: X-Original-To: gsg+@postbox.cs.toronto.eduDelivered-To: gsg+@postbox.cs.toronto.eduReceived: from (sandiego.cs [])

    by (Postfix) with SMTP id 299162A575for ; Mon, 20 Nov 2006 14:14:56 -0500

    (EST)Received: from ([]) by with SMTP id ; Mon,20 Nov 2006 14:14:48 -0500

    Received: from ([], by with SMTP id; Mon, 20 Nov 2006 13:54:16 -0500

    Received: from chass ([]) by vM. 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with SMTPid for ; Mon, 20 Nov 2006 13:54:13 -0500

    Message-ID: From: "kathy Gruspier" To: "G. Scott Graham"

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Useful Headers

    Received One added by each SMTP server in the

    forwarding chain

    Message-ID Added by originating SMTP server Unique_identifier@originating_server

    X-Originating-IP Optional, added by originating MTA Should match earliest Received header

    X-Mailer Optional Added by creating email client

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    SMTP only allows text

    Enter Multimedia Internet Mail

    Extensions (MIME) Message Segmentation

    Base64 encoded attachments in theirown segments

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    OST Local cache file Sometimes gets corrupted and is deleted, so you may find

    old ones As its typically very large, its not as likely to be

    overwritten soon as most other files Can be converted to a PST file by some tools (at the cost

    of losing unallocated space inside it) Search directly using MS Compressible Encryption


    PST Personal Mail Archive Similar format to OST Stored by default in

    \Local Settings\ApplicationData\Microsoft\Outlook (XP & Prior)

    \AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook (Vista+)

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Outlook Express

    Shipped with Windows Prior to Vista Files *.DBX & folder.DBX stored in

    \Local Settings\ApplicationData\Identities\\Microsoft\Outloo

    k Express Last compaction data indicated by

    cleanup.log file in the same folder Deleted messages not actually removed

    until compaction Deleted DBX files will likely appear in

    unallocated space, as they are copiedbefore compacting

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Current Windows Mail

    Installed in Vista+

    Files *.EML & *.FOL stored in\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windo

    ws Mail Deleted mail (individual EML files) moved

    to Deleted Items under this folder. Notcleared by default.

    Users can manuallly delete, or can set anoption to periodically clear deleted itemsfolder.

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    Files (no extension) & *.MSF storedin \ApplicationData\Thunderbird\Profiles\.default\Mail\ Compaction is only done manually

    by default

    After compaction, email fragmentsare typically still present inunallocated space

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    Files *.MBX & *.TOC stored in\ApplicationData\Qualcomm\Eudora

    Settings stored in eudora.ini Attachments are stored in a

    separate Attach subfolder

    Message deletion results in markingmessages deleted, but notoverwriting unless compacted

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Other Email Clients

    Many use the same file extensions

    Examine installed applications for

    other email clients Look in associated Program Folders

    or similar folder under user profile.

    Use keyword searches to find email

    Look for exported email

    .TXT, .HTM, .EML, .MSG, etc.

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Appointments & Contacts

    Calendar data .ICS, .SDB (SQLite), .PST

    Address Books .WAB (binary), .VCF (text), .PAB

    (binary), .MAB, .NNT (text)

    Tasks .SDB (SQLite), .PST

    SQLite data can be examined directlyusing the SQLite Database Browser

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Incident Response: What not to do

    1. Panic

    2. Reimage the affected systems

    3. Downplay everything you can

    4. Paper over the holes

    5. Fire somebody

    6. Blame consultants for everything

    else7. Lather, Rinse, Repeat

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Incident Response

    The six phases of the standard IRmodel

    1. Preparation (most important)

    2. Identification

    3. Containment

    4. Eradication

    5. Recovery6. Follow-Up (also most important)

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    If you havent prepared

    Its going to cost you1. Remain calm. Panic begets panic.2. Document events thoroughly so that new

    participants can be brought up to speed

    quickly, and for future reference3. Notify the right people. If you cant figure

    out who the right people are, start up thechain of command, and branch outthrough whatever security group youre

    aware of.4. Restrict knowledge of the incident to

    those who need to know. This includesthe management chain, security, andanyone involved with responding to the


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    If you havent prepared

    5. Dont use communications infrastructurethat may be compromised.


    Contain the problem. Remove systemsfrom the network quickly unlessnecessary to identify furthercompromise

    7. Forensically image affected systems asquickly as practical for later analysis

    8. Clean up affected systems. If able to

    identify initial deficiencies, correct them

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    If you havent prepared

    9. Restore systems from backup(after ensuring the backups areclean). Monitor systems closely fora few weeks to ensure theyre notcompromised again

    10. Learn from this experience, and

    implement a formal set of IncidentResponse practices

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture



    Proactive Incident Prevention & ResponseFacilitation Techniques includesdeployment of detection infrastructure

    Create a formal written incident responseplan

    Select IR team members and organize theteam

    Develop an emergency communications plan Provide easy reporting facilities for events

    that may trigger incident response

    Train IR team members

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    Establish guidelines for cooperationfrom other groups that may be requiredto contribute

    Ensure smooth two-way communicationwith IT administrators

    Develop interfaces to Law Enforcement

    and other CIRTs

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    Assign one person responsibility for theincident central point of contact fortracking & coordination

    Determine whether reported activity isactually an incident

    Maintain careful chain of custody ifthere is expectation that lawenforcement may be involved

    Coordinate with ISP and/or Networkinggroup

    Notify appropriate officials

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    Deploy on-site team to survey thesituation

    Keep a low profile Avoid, where possible, running potentially

    compromised code Forensically image affected systems Determine the risk of continuing

    operations while responding

    Keep system owners informed, but dontdiscuss blame Change passwords

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    Determine cause and symptoms

    Improve defenses harden systems& networks

    Vulnerability analysis

    Remove the original cause of theintrusion

    Locate the most recent cleanbackups for affected systems

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    Restore the systems

    Validate the systems

    Fully inform system owners & allowthem to decide when to returnsystems to service

    Monitor the systems for recurrence

    or simila activity

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    Develop a follow-up report

    Reporting is a priority as soon as incident isclosed

    Report should be compiled by the peoplewho were actually involved on-site

    All affected parties should review reportdraft

    Reach consensus or document disagreement

    Conduct a lessons-learned meeting toidentify changes which may mitigate similarincidents in the future

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    Create executive summary formanagement: cost, impact,recommended changes to follow

    Send recommended changes tomanagement: prioritized, costs,proposed schedule, & impact of

    implementing or ignoring Implement approved changes

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Malicious Code Incidents

    AV Software 80% effective for non-targeted

    Encourage users to report anomalous behavior

    Monitor for abnormal outgoing traffic (Iveheard good things about Extrusion Detection:Security Monitoring for Internal Intrusions byRichard Bejtlich sadly, not on the librarysite)

    Use a standardized OS image & install process,and do not allow users Admin rights

    Develop contacts in the malware analysiscommunity

    Commercial sandboxes can aid with analysis

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Link/Shortcut Files (.LNK)

    Whenever a file (local or remote) isopened using Explorer, a shortcutfile is created:

    \Recent (XP)

    \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent (Vista/7)

    \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Office\Recent (Vista/7)

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Shortcut file contents

    Begins with magic value 4C 00 00 00 (L NULL NULL NULL)

    Four byte file length at offset 34h (easy to carve)

    Timestamps from original file when shortcut last accessed

    Size from original file when shortcut last accessed

    Volume Info: Name, Type (HD, Removable, Remote, CD),Serial#

    Network Share Name, if any

    Long & short filename

    Original File Path

    FileLocation (ObjectID [contains MAC address]+VolumeID) Two different ones if file has been moved between 2 NTFS


    Other misc data see whitepapers

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Shortcut Analysis

    MiTeC Windows File Analyzer from Windows ForensicAnalysis DVD Toolkit 2E by HarlanCarvey by Jake Cunningham

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Windows 7 Jump Lists

    Replaced the old Quick Launch toolbar fromXP

    Allows user to pin a program to the taskbarfor similar functionality

    Actual implementation substantially morecomplicated, similar to & used like the old MyRecent Documents shortcuts.

    Recent Items in the Win7 start menu goes to a

    folder that contains both shortcuts and Jump Lists

    Applications can define custom right-clickoptions for their Jump Lists

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Windows 7 Jump Lists

    Another way to note opening orcreation of files

    Records file access for specific

    applications Lists can contain up to several

    hundred items, though only a feware shown

    Another way to identify previousexistence of deleted or wiped files

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Windows 7 Jump Lists

    Two Types

    Automated Created by the application only


    Custom Created by tracking users habits, similarto the Userassist start menu


    If an application is registered as a handler fora file type (not necessarily the default handlerfor that type), then items of that type canappear in its jump list.

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Windows 7 Jump Lists

    Jump Lists are linked to unique AppIDs.For common applications, these areassigned by the developer. For others

    they are generated based on the processname.

    Different command arguments for thesame application can result in a different


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    Custom Destinations

    File name is .customDestinations-ms

    Create time is first execution of application

    Modification time is last time application

    opened a file File contains an embedded .LNK file which can

    be carved out (LNK header is\x4c\x00\x00\x00\x01\x14\x02, file size is 4bytes at offset 34h), and analyzed

    Other contained information is custom perapplication

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Automatic Destinations

    File name is.automaticDestinations-ms

    Create time is first execution of

    application Modification time is last time application

    opened a file

    Contained data is stored usingStructured Storage Format, and can beparsed using MiTeCs StructuredStorage Viewer

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Windows 7 Jump Lists

    Frequently, applications will haveboth Automatic and Custom jumplists

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    Viewing Automatic Destinations inStructured Storage Viewer

    Streams stored numerically fromearliest (usually 1) to the most recent

    To recover the link, simply right-click

    on the stream and save as a .LNK file Examine extracted link files using the

    MiTeC Windows File Analyzer

    Expect there to be overlapping datafrom the registry, link files, and jumplists. If theres none, you should usuallythink about why.

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Windows 7 Jump Lists

    Brief demo of examining anAutomatic jump list usingStructured Storage Viewer

    Brief demo of examining exported.LNK file with MiTeC Windows FileAnalyzer

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Prefetch/Superfetch Files (.pf)

    Used to increase performance bypreloading code pages for commonlyused applications

    Referred to as superfetch in Vista/Win7 Found in %Windir%\Prefetch

    Prefetch not cleaned out when exe isremoved

    Up to 128 of them can exist at a time

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Data in .pf file

    File Signature (beginning of file) XP \x11\x00\x00\x00\x53\x43\x43\x41 (.SCCA)

    Vista/7 \x17\x00\x00\x00\x53\x43\x43\x41 (.SCCA)

    Contains paths of all files & folders accessed by

    the program in the first 10 seconds Create time indicates when executable was first


    Mod date & internal FILETIME indicate last time

    Run Count Volume path & serial # for all files referenced

    Prefetch\Layout.ini contains path information

    File Size: 4-byte quantity at offset 0x000c

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Prefetch Analysis

    Prefetch Parser (for both XP &Vista) by Mark McKinnon of RedWolf Computer Forensics, fromWindows Forensic Analysis DVDToolkit 2E by Harlan Carvey

    EnCase EnScript by Yogesh Khatriof 43llc

  • 7/28/2019 CNS 320 Week5 Lecture


    Reading for next week

    Chapter 7 (Timeline Analysis) in theCarvey book Next weeks lecture will cover

    Timelining Keyword Searching & Result Analysis

    Using Autopsy (SIFT Kit)

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