COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Piaget. Cognitive Development Transitions in patterns of thinking, reasoning,...



Background Exceptional – by 16 had 21 published scientific articles; biology – mollusks Worked w/ Binet – IQ –psychology Greater interest in wrong answers and ideas about how children

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Cognitive Development

Transitions in patterns of thinking, reasoning, remembering and problem solving – processing

Operation = internal or mental transformations

Perception and processing of information and experiences - learning


Exceptional – by 16 had 21 published scientific articles; biology – mollusks

Worked w/ Binet – IQ –psychology

Greater interest in wrong answers and ideas about how children

ProcessGradual changes over time Biological maturationProcess is universal – content variesSchemasSocial experience – interaction

w/people and environment Complementary processes

Assimilation Accommodation


Internal representation of the world

Framework on which knowledge is based

Simple schemas move to the more complex – experience and maturation Mom = source of comfort, can find her

among others

Equilibrium and Disequilibrium

Child needs stable internal world

If new experiences don’t match existing world then disequilibrium exists

The child accommodates to restore balance– alters perceptions of how things work -- accommodation

Processes Assimilation – layer

on existing experiences – fits into schema

Accommodation – create new cognitive structures – alters schema

Sensori Motor B-18M

Object permanence Primary circular reaction Secondary circular reactionTertiary circular reaction

Pre Operational 2-7CAN DO symbolic thoughtLimitations in thinking - keyEgocentrism --Animism Centration No conservation – mass volumeNo reversibility Artificialism

Concrete Operational 7-P

Mastered the limitations of pre-op thinking

Gradual process

Formal Operational P-D

Abstract thinking Use of logic Systematic thinkingEvaluation of consequences


Stages not tied to individual underestimation of children’s thinking Many (30%) don’t reach level of formal

operation Western culture

Kohlberg: Basic idea

Ability to reason morally tied to level of cognitive ability

Reasoning not actions/choices

Interest in WHY Heinz’ Dilemma

Justice and principles orientation

Gilligan: Basic idea

Females reason different from males Care and responsibility orientation Relationships and other directedness

Level I: Pre conventional

Stage 1 – punishment and obedience orientation – right/wrong based on fear of punishment

Stage 2 – naïve reward (naïve instrumental hedonism) orientation – seek rewards

Level II: Conventional

Stage 3 – “good boy, good girl” morality orientation – seek approval from significant others

Stage 4 – authority (“law and order” orientation – conformity to rules, often rigid – society’s approval

Level III: Post Conventional

Stage 5 – social contract orientation –not dependent on the approval of other – rather a mutual agreement about rights – more flexible – can change the contract

Stage 6 – morality of individual principles (universal ethical principles-moral conduct based on human rights that transcend law and government – willingness to take consequences if break


Level I: selfish – what do I want/need

Level II: sacrifice – responsibility to others before own needs

Level III: balance –greatest good for both self and others

Evaluation and Critique

High correlation between reasoning and behavior

People show mixture of reasoning and behaviors – adjacent stages

Males and females both employ “principles and justice” and “care and responsibility”

Western culture
